Adam ruins everything: How big meat made bacon a meme.
Stephen: Monks of the quivering palm.
New Yorker: Lifeboat.
Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses.
Robert Reich: The big economic switcheroo:
WaPo: “I’m in trouble”—Virginia farmer hurting from shutdown:
Buzz Feed: How spicy food affects your body.
Now This World: Elections to watch in 2019.
Daily Show: Switzerland’s responsible gun nuts (Pt. 2).
Vox: How humans disrupted a cycle essential to all life.
The Dotard Трамп and Other Bricks in the Wall:
- Jimmy Fallon: Трамп’s primetime border wall speech
- Chris Hayes: Steve King, The Dotard Трамп, and why this is not about the wall
- Stephen: Трамп just wants to be on primetime TV
- WaPo: Why is Трамп waiting to declare a national emergency for what he calls a “crisis?”
- Trevor: The government shutdown and Трамп’s escalating wall gambit
- Ari Melber: Трамп Tower charge rocks Трамп Jr.
- Jimmy Kimmel puts federal employees to work during government shutdown
- Jimmy Kimmel puts another federal employee to work during government shutdown
- Stephen: The Трамп shutdown is bad for anyone who eats food
- Lawrence O’Donnell and Ezra Klein: The Dotard shutdown
- Former Republican Steve Schmide: Where are the Pesos?
- Late Show: Border Walls—the medieval solution:
- Mark Fiore: An address from the oval office
- Stephen is back…the government is not
- Jimmy Fallon: Трамп refuses to end government shutdown
- Ari Melber: Michael Cohen’s lawyer on how Cohen will expose Трамп to Congress
- Lawrence O’Donnell: The Dotard’s “big lie” collapsed today
- Chris Hayes: Mitch McConnell blocks vote to End Shutdown
- Jimmy Kimmel: The Dotard does NOT have temper tantrums
- Stephen: Трамп will “definitely” declare a national emergency, “probably”
- Ari Melber: Why Трамп’s wall “emergency” is a fraud
- Trevor: Paul Manafort’s PDF faux pas
- WaPo: The many ways Трамп said Mexico would pay for the wall
- Late Show: Yogi Bear in “Government shutdown”
- Jomes Corden: This monologue about Трамп is soooooo great
- Stephen: The clearest evidence of collusion yet
- Jimmy Kimmel: This former President supports Трамп’s wall
- WaPo: Fact Checking the Dotards Oval Office address
- Jimmy Fallon: Трамп visits Texas border amid government shutdown
- Seth Meyers: Трамп’s wall has changed a lot
- Stephen: Трамп—It’s my right “to do national emergency”
- Trevor: Трамп’s oval office address—sniffing and scaring the shit out of people
- Ari Melber: Трамп’s “Art Of The Deal” Co-author—It’s been fraud all along
- Rachel Maddow: Трамп A.G. pick advocated pardons by George H.W. Bush and bashed Mueller probe
- Daily Show: Shutdown day 20—Трамп heads to the border
- Jimmy Kimmel: Jimmy has not been entirely truthful
- Late Show: Cue cards from Трамп’s oval office address
- WaPo: Furloughed employees rally against shutdown
- Stephen: How Turkey smooth-talked Трамп out of Syria
- Chris Hayes: FBI opened an inquiry into whether Трамп was working for Russia!
- Jimmy Kimmel’s plan to end Трамп’s government shutdown
- Ari Melber: Why Mueller does not have final say on “Mueller report”.
- Seth Meyers: The Dotard goes to the border amid shutdown:
- Stephen: A border wall for a butterfinger
- James Corden response to Трамп’s wall address
- Jimmy Fallon: Трамп’s immigration speech recap
- Stephen with Sen. Kamala Harris: This won’t end with a wall
- Trevor: Here’s what will happen if Трамп declares a state of emergency
- The Late Show: Bird Box Part 2—The Трамп address
- Jimmy Kimmel on Трамп’s Presidential address
- Stephen explains the shutdown with beer
- Ari Melber: Meet the federal prosecutor who scares Трамп more than Mueller
- Daily Show: Bordersnatch—One wall, infinite possibilitie
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Republican describes The Dotard Трамп’s handling of the shutdown as total chaos
- Seth Meyers and Chris Hayes: Трамп doesn’t understand the government shutdown’s consequences
- Ali Velshi: FBI Opened Probe Into Whether Трамп Secretly Worked For Russia
- James Corden: Why does everyone keep saying Mexico will pay for the wall??
- Stephen: Трамп claims he “can relate” to unpaid workers
- Jimmy Kimmel: The Трамп shutdown is affecting the Coast Guard
Vox: How salmonella-tainted food gets in your fridge.
Jim Jefferies: A far-reaching conspiracy theory about chickens.
Jimmy Dore chats with Sen. Mitt Romney:
Wired: Why it’s almost impossible to ride a bike 60 kilometers in one hour.
Wendover: The new economy of the warming arctic.
WaPo: Why am I nonessential?.
Trevor: Malala Yousafzai—Helping refugee girls with “We Are Displaced” and Malala Fund
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Now the Shutdown seems to be impacting health and safety. The Coast Guard has important missions to do, and they deserve to be paid. Wonder if the men and women assigned to PATROLFORCESSOUTHWESTASIA are getting paid?
Another Republican pederast with a phony axe to grind.
Well, he was grinding something, but it twern’t no axe.
Check out the shirt.
Ahhhhh, Oklahoma!
I guess we wait till voters start to publicly die in red districts before republican senators will stand up to trump.
@ #3
The GOP and the Conservative Christians want people to die. It’s God’s will. The Evilangleicals are about culling the weak and infirm, by force if necessary.
Anything they believe would cost them money is wrong to them. They want everything for free.
It was inevitable that it would come to this. Which is why every voter must be made to see that they simply must not ever vote for a Republican ever again.
With zero exceptions, as directed by the Republican Senate Majority Leader, and merely for the sake of “partisan unity”, every single Republican member of the Senate is cowering in fear behind locked doors until, and unless they have the permission of a bloated, flatulent, delusional finger rapist to do their job.
To protect a criminal fraud they’ve broken the Congress, and thus the government itself. All the people, institutions, and communities who depend on it have been abandoned for the sake of “sticking together”. And all this was predictable. It was never really going to work out any other way, once they made that fateful choice to “get behind Satan”. And they knew it.
Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Cory Gardner, Thom Tillis, Martha McSally, Joni Ernst, Dan Sullivan, Cindy Hyde-Smith, David Perdue, John Cornyn, all made this political calculation for money. With ample assistance from the “Rhonna formerly known as Romney”, Trump is systematically locking down the donors and the party PACs. They have handed him the keys to the kingdom. And now he has them… by the pussy.
There is simply no such thing as an “independent, conscientious Republican” anymore. They are all Trump’s money slaves.
@ 5
There is simply no such thing as an “independent, conscientious Republican” anymore.
Curious to see your list of “independent, conscientious Democrats”, QoS McHillbilly.
Would you like to see a list of Democrat US senators who have previously voted for a border barrier?
…a new Morning Consult/Politico survey shows a lion’s share of voters agree with him that the United States is facing a crisis over illegal immigration.
According to the poll, conducted Jan. 4-6 among 1,989 registered voters, a 42 percent plurality think there is an illegal immigration crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border, which Trump has argued as he’s tried to leverage a partial government shutdown to secure congressional funding for his proposed southern border wall. Another 37 percent of voters said there’s a problem but not a crisis, and 12 percent said there’s neither a problem nor a crisis.
I wonder when the last time was that Hillary Clinton’s popularity bested 42%.
Pretty sure Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are accessories to drug trafficking.
Pretty sure Tucker Carlson is a Russian agent.
@7: Here you go:
Looks like 1996 was the last time it was below 42%.
A lion’s share of the survey, 49%, think that illegal immigration is not a crisis to 42% that do, with 9% that think it’s NOT a issue at all. That would make it 58% to 42%.
Democrats support cost effective border security, not an ineffective boondoggle vanity wall.
@ 9
Exclude the last 44 months and you are correct, Newt.
Your link is from May, 2015.
Newt, if you read something you KNOW does not seem right, read it again, with more care. You just pulled a YLB.
@11 Here is your quote “I wonder when the last time was that Hillary Clinton’s popularity bested 42%.”
You were not specific as to range of years.
@12 godwin never is, when it suits his propaganda.
@ 10
Deaths due to drunk driving are not a crisis.
Ergo rather than increasing enforcement against it we should instead look to the causes of drunkenness and spend resources addressing them.
Like spending money on climate change so that those who despair over it do not turn to the evils of alcohol.
@ 12
First Rule of Holes.
You beclown yourself.
@14. You are shown to be wrong, so you try to change the subject. I’ll help you…. Hillary’s pizza sex gate. Something Goldie tweeted. I ran out of gas. I… I had a flat tire. I didn’t have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn’t come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out of town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake. A terrible flood. Locus. It wasn’t my fault. I swear to god!
That would be practically all of them, Teh Dumbfuck.
But WALL!!! not so much. You certainly can’t articulate a practical way to accomplish YOUR President’s demands for 2000 miles of 35 foot high wall extending from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean through mostly remote, innaccesible private land. Nor can you explain what purpose it would serve if it could ever even be finished. Which is unlikely.
But the very last thing you can do is explain why more than 90% of the funds appropriated for BARRIER!! remain unspent under YOUR President.
You and Yertle can have BARRIER!!! today if that is really what you want. But you only get it wrapped up with comprehensive immigration reform legislation and tied with a lovely ribbon of TIK MER JERBS primaries in 2020.
Your racist idiot base. Your problem.
Also not @ 10 a crisis: Gun violence.
Poll: One Third of Americans See Gun Violence as Crisis
@13 Yeah that is the case, just see @15. Dumbfuck slipped up, got his ass handed to him and he immediately goes misogynistic.
The first rule of ‘holes is really to just ignore the asshole.
What I really can’t figure out is what his infatuation with Hillary is? Mommy issues?
@ 12
I wondered when the LAST time Hillary’s popularity was above 42%.
The LAST time. Not some time that came up when you googled, Newtbeclown.
Here’s something more recent and therefore more relevant:
Hillary Clinton’s Favorable Rating Still Low
The last time she was above 42% was sometime in the summer of last year.
Unless you have a more recent poll showing her back up above 42%, it’s been several months since she briefly had mediocre popularity.
Dredging up something from more than two decades ago when the answer could be had with a minimal attention to detail was moronic, Newtbeclown.
Also moronic: Asking Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit for investment advice.
@ 17
Trump has demanded $5.7B, not 2,000 miles of barrier.
$5.7B reopens the government. Gets a small portion of the wall completed.
Then the trash cans at the national parks can be emptied. Crisis, that.
I wonder if Tulsi Gabbard would have told Hillary during a primary debate that the American people were sick and tired of hearing about her damned emails.
Hope not.
Liberal armed forces veteran Samoan-American Hindu, with spine, for president.
I’m just wondering how long before she breaks my heart. I know it’s a when, not if question.
Shorter 14 with the sarcasm switch off:
Deaths due to drunk driving are a crisis so…
we should build WALL!!! around all the cars, or something like that…
Meybee. Who the fuck really knows what these incompetent fucksticks want. They don’t even know what they want.
They just want a fight. Because fighting is easier and safer for Republicans.
“Black Republicans often make an unspoken bargain with their party: Don’t talk about race/racism, and when and if you do, make it about Democrats and liberals. Mention Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan, and something about Democrats taking African-American voters for granted. But never, ever, call out the GOP. There is another part of that bargain: If, in fact, there are ever any questions about why there are so few black Republican elected officials, be ready to be part of that small list as a sign of progress.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m not sure where Puffybutt fits into this picture, but here on HA it’s long been suspected that he’s exactly where his Republican pals most want him: Pushing up daisies.
“a 42 percent plurality think there is an illegal immigration crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border”
7% of Americans believe chocolate milk comes from brown cows.
“Chocolate milk definitely doesn’t come from brown cows — but some adults think otherwise”
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, blissfully unaware @ 24 of the bargain that black Democrats have always had to make with their party.
I mean, why else lay this hanging curve right over the plate?
Why? Because YOU say so?
They’ve already offered you idiots more than that for “BARRIER!!” and you turned it down several times. You’ve even agreed to it and made a firm committment, only to change your mind at the last minute and threaten a veto. The only reasonable conclusion that can be drawn when a negotiation counterparty keeps moving their goal line is that they don’t want an agreement.
Your mistake was building a Presidential primary in 2016 that was designed around immigration. Now you are stuck with it. What best serves your Presidential candidate promises to upend your Senate majority. Do we really need to tell you who enjoys the upper hand in that conflict?
They were warned. Still they persisted.
@6 Democrats have supported sensible fencing and barriers, and still do — it’s included in the bill they just passed that McConnell refuses to take up and Trump says he’ll veto — but they have never supported Trump’s white elephant wall. See, e.g. …
… which rates this claim “Mostly False.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Once again, Doctor Dumbfuck blindly falls for GOP propaganda without any investigation, research, or critical thinking like dumbfucks do. Which is why we call him a dumbfuck. We call him a dumbfuck because he is one.
@7 “a 42 percent plurality think there is an illegal immigration crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border”
Reminds me of when three-fourths of the American public, and nearly all Republicans, were convinced Saddam was behind the 9/11 attacks. And I’ll bet you were one of ’em.
@11 I will concede that it’s possible to manipulate public opinion, and get millions of people to believe bullshit, with skillful lying and propaganda, as Hitler and Goebbels demonstrated decades ago.
It’s easier to accomplish when you’re able to amass gullible, suggestible, low-intelligence people all in one place, as Hitler did at his rallies, and Trump now does at his rallies.
But you don’t necessarily have to assemble them in mobs to pull it off. Sometimes it’s possible to pick off individuals, e.g. as at Doctor Dumbfuck’s computer workstation.
I’m guessing that number is WALLL!!’s high water mark, now in decline. But I would also predict that, as with WEETCH HUNT!! there is a solid floor of Teh Stooopid support below which the number will not fall. It may even be enough to turn out 63 million again.
Democrats must turn out even more.
@14 “Like spending money on climate change so that those who despair over it do not turn to the evils of alcohol.”
Billions for anti-ICBM defense, but not one dime to keep from frying like an egg on a hot sidewalk!
Does it really matter whether you cook fast or slow?
The people who spend our tax dollars (read: GOP) think it does. They’re okay with a slow, agonizing, burning death; it’s the idea of being vaporized instantly and painlessly that appalls them.
@15 “First Rule of Holes.”
Bleated by a classic example of someone who doesn’t practice what he preaches. Some folks call this “bloviating,” others use less polite terms.
@6 “Curious to see your list of “independent, conscientious Democrats”,
Jeez – I thought you were that person Boob. Aren’t you the one that is supposed to be “Independent” here, or try to come across as?
I mean you didn’t vote for The Hump. You tend to try to stay away from criticizing the fuck. And you tell everyone here that they are far left liberals. You afraid to call your self a Right Wing radical? Be proud of it. About time you get out of the closet and let everyone know.
Good to see that everyone here is starting to see that The Hump, as bad as fucking disaster and a fraud as he is, isn’t really the root of the problem…’s fucking Repukes! Just like I’ve been saying.
Hopefully the moderate individual starts to wise up and draw the same conclusion.
“Deaths due to drunk driving are not a crisis.
Ergo rather than increasing enforcement against it we should instead look to the causes of drunkenness and spend resources addressing them.”
Deaths due to Illegal Immigrants are not a crisis. Drug trafficking by illegal border crossings isn’t either. Ergo Boob is a dick. Ergo rather than build a $20B wall, maybe have The Hump stop hiring them.
Murder is more of an American problem. You want to fix murder then fix Americans. Republicans don’t care about whether anything is a crisis….so long as the Bible says it is, it is.
Boob your statement or you implying that things need to be a crisis to be dealt with is just stupid….what’s the crisis of letting two members of the same sex getting married? Are the masses trying marry a horse like what was said (except for you)? What is the crisis of having to bake them a cake? Discrimination and Bigotry in this Country is more of a crisis…..but Boob don’t want to deal with that.
Boob your horse even knows that you are the dumbest fucker here (and sloppy fucker).
“The people who spend our tax dollars (read: GOP) think it does. They’re okay with a slow, agonizing, burning death; it’s the idea of being vaporized instantly and painlessly that appalls them.”
Only partly true – the GOP leadership think that they are immune to all of it, that they are special, and they could give two shits about their grandchildren or yours. They are fanning themselves with dollar bills, and so long as they can do so they really don’t give two fucks about Boob. But why should they – they got him to believe that they do.
“Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, blissfully unaware @ 24 of the bargain that black Democrats have always had to make with their party”
Tell us, Doctor Dumbfuck, just what bargain does your party of white supremacists have to offer blacks?
I’d ask the loon, but he got lynched.
This must be some god awful week you’re having. I can understand how you’d rather talk about Hillary and Roger. What Putin stooge wouldn’t?
“FBI’s Blockbuster Probe of Trump’s Loyalty Revealed”
“Meanwhile, thanks to a paperwork goof there’s little doubt Manafort sent campaign polling data to a Ukrainian pal who might be a Russian spy”
What a dumbfuck. ‘A Plurality of 42%….POST IT!
Same poll:
44% of voters support building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, while 47% oppose the idea. (#maga everyone wants my beautiful wall -Donald)
37% of voters said the country was headed in the right direction — the lowest figure since March. (#maga I’ve never had such support as since I shut down the government -Donald)
47% blame Emperor Pornhub for the government shutdown while 33% blame Democrats.
“Ergo rather than build a $20B wall, maybe have The Hump stop hiring them.”
I should think the least the orange moron could do while harping about his stupid fucking wall is to stop giving his illegal immigrant employees fake green cards and social security numbers.
But we should be talking about Hillary.
“This must be some god awful week you’re having.”
The low point would have been when he learned the whole “kill RBG prayer circle” thing fell through.
Trump’s ambassador to Qatar isn’t going to be a career diplomat as originally planned. Instead, he’s nominating a 1-term GOP congressman with no diplomatic experience who’s actively under fraud investigation.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Incompetence is a hallmark of this administration.
@19 “The first rule of ‘holes is really to just ignore the asshole.”
It’s more fun to kick him around, especially when he makes it so easy.
@20 “Also moronic: Asking Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit for investment advice.”
Investment advice should always be tailored to individual situations. In your case, that means putting your money into bottled water, survival crackers, gold bars and coins, and ammunition.
Yesterday at the gym, off the discount rack (50% off), I bought some leisure apparel – Long stretchy compression pants (not spandex – heavier material than spandex). They looked comfortable and 50% off.
I thought size medium would be too big, so I bought size small. I have little feet and size small shorts and shirts, so I figure small would be good. When I got home I tried them on. Unfortunately they were too too small, it was very hard to get into them. So today I went back to get a size medium. When I got home after my workout, and after showering, I figured I would try on the new ones. I didn’t return the size small pants – they cost very little so I figure I’d keep them for a second pair or just donate them to the Goodwill or some local place. Also, I had removed the tag and didn’t think that they would take them back. The old ones were close by the bed so I thought that I better look inside the pants to see if the size was shown so that I don’t have to mix them up keep trying to put the small ones on. So I look on the inside waist line area of the pants and it says “Woman’s Small”. WHAT!? I thought – no wonder they didn’t fit. On the rack they were mixed in with all Men’s items – I think they put them there by mistake. I then look at the new ones and it says “Women’s Large”. WHAT!? The tag said medium. Fuck!
I decide to try them on anyways….boy are they comfortable and keep you warm. I went out with them, wearing them underneath a pair of sweatpants. So, I guess I am a Woman’s large. Good thing they weren’t mediums.
I think if Fox News caught wind of this they would do an investigative expose headlined ” Gender Neutral Sales Racks – Liberals Gone Mad”.
@21 In other words, Democrats should pay $5.7 billion ransom with taxpayer money to reopen the government. I have my own thoughts about how to deal with hostage takers, but I leave those situations to the police.
@22 “I’m just wondering how long before she breaks my heart. I know it’s a when, not if question.”
When she refuses to be a passive victim of your party’s formerly veiled, and now blatant, racism.
@25 That’s 7% of the 42%. Who are the other 35%? I know Boob is one of ’em, but I’m wondering about the rest.
Trump wants a 30-foot (60-foot?) wall because the existing fencing doesn’t keep out all the illegals. I wonder what he’ll demand when his wall doesn’t keep them all out, either?
@26 “Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, blissfully unaware @ 24 of the bargain that black Democrats have always had to make with their party.”
It must be better than the deal they get from your party, as 90% of them prefer our party to yours.
Like I said @43, easy.
(duplicate post deleted by poster)
@45 Don’t feel bad. Republicans don’t read labels either. Look what they got at the 2016 garage sale. All you have to worry about is two pairs of sweatpants that don’t fit. Their misfit problems are much bigger than yours.
@52 – the size large are perfect – very comfortable and kept me very warm walking around today.
The misfits are fucked.
“The comments drew backlash from conservative pundits including Ben Shapiro and outlets like The National Review. Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) called King’s comments ‘abhorrent and racist’ and Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) called the comments ‘offensive.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s interesting who isn’t condemning King’s racist remarks. Where are Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh on this?
“That’s 7% of the 42%. Who are the other 35%? I know Boob is one of ’em, but I’m wondering about the rest.”
Glad you asked.
“1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth, Survey Says”
“While 77% of residents nationally correctly cite Great Britain as the country from which the United States declared its independence, nearly one in four, 23%, either mention another country, 8%, or are unsure, 15%.”
“A scattering of people mention France, Mexico, and Germany among the longer list of countries. At least one person surveyed mentioned Afghanistan, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Denmark, Italy, Japan, Panama, or Russia.”
“38% say God created man in present form”
How about The Hump….did he say anything? What a disgrace. But I’m sure Boob is loving it. Puffy must be proud. Wasn’t Puffy a big fan of Steve King?
WA state senate Democrat behaving badly.
State Sen. Kevin Ranker announces resignation amid harassment investigation
Ranker was under investigation by a Senate-hired lawyer for allegations of sexual harassment made by a former aide, Ann Larson, in the 2010 legislative session.
But when President Putin Stooge behaves badly, all you hear from dumbfuck is crickets chirping:
“There are no detailed records of five personal meetings President Donald Trump has had with Russian President Vladimir Putin, The Washington Post reported Saturday, citing US officials [because] Trump has gone to what the Post described as ‘extraordinary lengths’ to keep the specifics of his conversations with his Russian counterpart under wraps.
Current and former US officials told the paper that Trump’s efforts include confiscating the notes from his interpreter and not allowing them to discuss the details of the meetings with other officials in his administration. The Post notes that this behavior by Trump is not usual per past presidential standards.”
But when President Putin Stooge behaves badly, all you hear from dumbfuck is crickets chirping …
“There are no detailed records of five personal meetings President Donald Trump has had with Russian President Vladimir Putin, The Washington Post reported Saturday, citing US officials [because] Trump has gone to what the Post described as ‘extraordinary lengths’ to keep the specifics of his conversations with his Russian counterpart under wraps. Current and former US officials told the paper that Trump’s efforts include confiscating the notes from his interpreter and not allowing them to discuss the details of the meetings with other officials in his administration. The Post notes that this behavior by Trump is not usual per past presidential standards.”
… because he’s a dumbfuck.
@57. Isn’t that cute, godwin’s trying to play Gotcha while ignoring the cornucopia of republican examples. The difference is Democrats resign, republicans are celebrated. All that shows is republicans are hypocrites.
@60 He’s a rightwing propagandist and Putin Party hack.
I just read that Tim Tebow married Miss Universe 2017.
Although that’s not nearly as good as fellating Obama for eight straight years, is it, YLB?
Orcas Island.
That one ought to be an easy pickup for the trailerbilly party. Yup.
Just pray on it.
“Isn’t that cute, godwin’s trying to play Gotcha while ignoring the cornucopia of republican examples.”
There are so many examples, but this guy was something else.
“State lawmaker resigns amid sex scandal”
“A republican state legislator resigned his seat today amid revelations he had sex with a man he met at an erotic video store while in Spokane…”
After picking him up at an adult video store, Rep. Curtis then stiffed, heh, the male prostitute at the motel for services rendered and then was arrested while driving away from the motel still wearing a dress.
The newlywed Mrs. Tebow should pay close attention.
I’ve got a feeling she’ll be finding a giant cocktail dress waaay in the back of the guest room closet one day.
Let’s hope they can be civil about it for the kids’ sake.
LOL! Can’t say I’m a fan but congrats are in order just the same.
Tebow doesn’t appear to be bald and limp. Enjoy fella. Life is short.
This is so interesting.. Now that boob is in trophy wife envy towards tebow, does this mean boob is on the path to fellating tebow for prez?
What happened to Martinez? Trolls are too weird.
@62. godwin, going back to the default homophobic gay slurs. Get mental help.
America’s Sunday Religion Teachings
Thou Shall Kill unless Thou not American. Thou Shall Rape unless Thou not American.
Where is the American Hump calling out American Murderers and Rapists?
@62 you can ask Tebow the same thing about Jehebus. After all Jehebus was a man and never married (wink wink).
@66 is Bob bald? Completely bald or more like Bozo the Clown bald?
Maybe I shouldn’t divulge this – but I am a Scruff user.
And maybe I shouldn’t divulge this out of respect of the other Scruff user. But last evening I got a Woof. A Woof from someone n Canada, about 350 miles away. So I started having a friendly conversation with him about Pickleball. I never heard of Pickleball, and according to him it was started in Washington State, contrary to some legends that it was named after the founder’s pet dog Pickles.
So anyways, this guy sends me some pictures (no nudes – not a fan of nudes from just anyone. Nudes are ok if requested – wink, wink). One picture is a selfie of him….and in the background behind him is Hillary Clinton taking a selfie of herself and some of her fans….almost straight out of a newspaper photo.
So I said to him – “I just noticed Hillary”….and I sent him a few photos of myself and my encounters with some celebrities here in NYC…my most recent of Maria Nunez (spelling?). He had to ask who she was.
He then sends me about 10 more pictures of himself and other 2016 Presidential contenders, both Dem and Republican. Rubio, Trump, Kasich, Clinton, Sanders, etc. I asked if he was a political strategist or reporter, but he didn’t answer me. But I didn’t ask him if he was Right or Left leaning.
But anyways, a really nice picture of him was one of him posing with Rubio. So I complemented him on that picture, and I said that I never thought Rubio was as good looking as everyone spoke of him.
He responded by saying that he squeezed Rubio’s butt as he walked away from him after the pose and as he did Rubio pulled him back and held out his hand to shake it.
I asked – did you really squeeze his butt, and he conceded that he didn’t really squeeze squeeze it, but he did lower his arm down from the pose and let his hand brush up against his ass very noticeably.
Ha! Is Rubio gay?
Rubio would pass legislation to punish gays into the stone age, but he wouldn’t go out of his way to alienate a potential vote. Priorities.
He rocks a George Costanza.
Since “retiring” he’s added a little ponytail.
“Ha! Is Rubio gay?”
Maybe! He did sling some powder at a few gay clubs back in the day.
Something really special about a plurality, eh Dumbfuck?
New CNN poll
55% (majority) blame Trump for shutdown; only 32% blame Ds.
Only 39% support wall; 56% (majority) oppose.
Trump approval: 37-57 (majority)
Ted Cruz’s Preposterous Assertion
“There is a broad disconnect between Washington and the rest of the country over interest in the Russia investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller, Texas GOP Sen. Ted Cruz said Sunday.
“‘There is an incredible divide between Washington and the rest of the country when it comes to Bob Mueller and the Russia investigation,’ Cruz said on NBC’s ‘Meet the Press.’
“‘The mainstream media, Washington, is obsessed with it. And when you get outside the Beltway, I don’t find anybody concerned with this at all.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Bullshit. Obviously, it’s Ted Cruz who’s out of touch with the country. What he says is true if he only goes to Trump rallies and only listens to his Republican constituents. Every Democratic voter in the country cares about this. So the only way he can say that is by pretending that the 59% of voters who voted for Democrats in last fall’s Senate elections and the 56% of voters who voted for Democrats in last fall’s House elections don’t exist. Bottom line: Ted Cruz is full of shit.
Some republicans too but not all that many. Some republicans have left the party over drumpf – not that they’ve turned progressive or anything close to that.
All in all it’s obscene the approval rating for drumpf among republicans.
Yep by its own admission. Heh. Bozo the klown bald most definitely.
Nick Hanauer is a pretty earnest sort:
“In an economy dependent on complex trust networks to facilitate the cooperative tasks from which prosperity emerges, and when prosperity itself is understood—not as money but as solutions to human problems—true capitalists understand that every economic act is an explicitly moral choice—and they act accordingly.”
His points about randian assholes are well taken. And oh yeah we’ve had many of those in these threads over the years.
Oh and “true capitalists” – that’s rich.. We’ve got a freak who “understands [vulture] capitalism” fresh out of carpetbagging Utah to protect whiteness in the US Senate.
Hanauer could go on to point out what the klownservatics are in fact klownserving – whiteness, white privilege and white supremacy.
Other writers like former republican Chris Ladd do a good job of that.
Speaking of Chris Ladd:
Link to the original piece. The part about the hustler Kolfage is too f’ing unreal.
Chris Ladd, always a good read.
Sorry to say Kolfage’s scam fell apart in the Shitdown.
GoFuckMe is refunding the donor money as you read this.
It’d be a damn shame if Mr. and Mrs. Kolfage “pre-spent” any of that money… on anything other than a retainer agreement.
Translation:When I am back in Texas partying with the wealthy conservative donors who fund my campaigns we are reluctant to be reminded of how badly we fucked up. Somehow we always end up talking about Clinton emails instead.”
Another crack in the wall.
That makes at least 4 GOP senators who know how to read polls.
@81 We already know Trump’s campaign is just another profit center for his businesses that works roughly like this (using imaginary numbers for illustration purposes):
1. Raise $1 million from gullible suckers.
2. Hire Trump-owned companies to provide vendor services.
3. Pay Trump-owned companies $1 million for $500,000 of vendor services.
4. Trump makes $500,000 by buying overpriced campaign services paid for by others from himself.
5. Rinse, lather, and repeat as many times as he can get away with it to multiply profits.
What’s most laughable is his followers actually believed Trump is a “billionaire” who would finance his own campaign, be independent, and drain the swamp of corruption. Ha! They didn’t understand that Trump is a grifter who pays for nothing and would sell their mothers for profit. And they still couldn’t figure it out even after their mothers disappeared.
It turns out John Bolton is the warmonger we’ve always believed he is.
Andrew Yang, well-off entrepreneur and almost impossible longshot for President:
“And so my army of entrepreneurs, doing incredible work, starting companies that might employ 20, 30, 40 people, was not going to be a difference-maker in the context where that community was going to lose 20, 30, 40,000 retail jobs, call-center jobs, transportation jobs, etc. And I was horrified. I was flying back and forth being like, “What the hell are we doing? We are blasting communities to dust and then pretending like we’re not and pretending like it’s their fault, and pretending that somehow it’s unreasonable to be upset about your way of life getting destroyed.”
Not to say that he doesn’t have an interesting story to tell. His ideas should be considered, studied and debated.
Evangelical extremists object to protecting gays from lynching.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If this is the best religious leaders can do, then there should be no religion.
@88 is that bald motherfucker, third from the right, Bob?
Godwin loves polls.
Who is to blame for shutdown:
ABC/WaPo 1/8-1/11: 53% say Trump & Rs, 29% Ds
CNN 1/10-1/11: 55% say Trump & Rs, 32% Ds
CBS/YouGov 1/9-1/11: 47% say Trump, 3% Rs, 30% Ds
Reuters/Ipsos 1/1-1/7: 51% say Trump, 7% Rs, 32% Ds
Politico/MC 1/4-1/6: 47% say Trump, 5% Rs, 33% Ds
@90 Given that 35% of Americans will support Trump to hell and back, that ABC/WaPo poll suggests that a sixth of Trumps hardcore support has already bled off.
Let’s hope, for his sake, that Boob doesn’t crack his head on the canopy on his way up and out and that his parachute opens on the way down.
Are the Ballard Locks affected by the Shutdown? Just wondering, there was a marina fire in Southeast Seattle, and the freshwater units of the SPD harbor patrol, and SFD Fireboat 1 responded. If they had needed the Leschi’s big pumping capacity, They would have had to come from Station 5, by Colman Dock.
This Monday, on my commute in, MSNBC was talking about the shutdown and it’s impact. On Fox and Friends, they were covering last tuesday’s news about Ed Buck and trying for a black walkaway from democrats angle. No mention of the trump and the republican shut down. Not a peep. It didn’t seem to be on Fox and Freind’s radar. Weird.
About the locks, I’m thinking it’s funded. There is no mention of it being shutdown now, like there was in 2013.
Trump invokes one of the worst Native American massacres to mock Elizabeth Warren
> I’m sure his base laps it up
People are saying we will be seeing a endless stuff related to Warren and her family heritage. The right thinks it can be used to create a wedge in the Democrat voter base. They don’t care about themselves being insanely racist in the process, it doesn’t hurt their side. Elizabeth Warren has only ever stated that she was told by family that a member of their distant family was a Native American. The DNA test confirmed her claim.
Only Russian / republican propaganda tries to endlessly imply that she used this for her advantage and cheat to be in front of “deserving” white men I guess
CNBC headline this morning:
“Trump says ‘I never worked for Russia,’ calls claim ‘a whole big fat hoax’ after report of FBI probe”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Well, if he denies it, it must be true.
@95 More evidence that Trump is a psychopathic white supremacist who wants non-whites dead and would take Hitler’s extermination path if he had the absolute power he craves.
In that one quote he just blew up his best defense*.
The premise of the DERP STATE! CONSPIRACY!!!! defense is that the FBI investigation was started when Lisa Page flashed her durty hippie kooz at Peter Strzok and Hillary bought a “Dodgy Dossier”, etc. That lurid fallacy is required in order to reach the delusional conspiracy conclusion that the whole SCO investigation is “politically tainted” and therefore should be shredded before anyone can see it.
But if the whole thing is a counter espionage investigation into Russian election interference all along (it is, of course, duh) and worse, if President PeePee acknowledges that by denying that he was involved in the underlying espionage, (he was, of course, duh) that buries the DERP STATE! CONSPIRACY defense before it is even born.
*Political defense. Legally his defense against the criminal charges he ought to face for operating as a Russian spy are that he’s President (thanks again, Republicans).