Samantha Bee is going to need a bigger closet.
Three unreported attacks by Muslims on US soil.
The twisted history of Valentine’s day.
Fake news investigative journalism.
Mental Floss: Is there an explanation for déjà vu?
Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
The Narcissistic Swamp with Strong Sociopathic Tendencies:
- Stephen is a Bowling Green Massacre trufer
- David Pakman: Drumpf angry that SNL chose woman to play Sean Spicer
- Samantha Bee: Fluffer in Chief.
- Kimmel: New White House Communications Director
- Bill Maher with Al Franken:
- PsychoSuperMom: The ballad of Donald vs. Nordstrom
- Young Turks: How Drumpf deportations are breaking up families.
- David Pakman: Donald Drumpf is a threat to 1st Amendment & free speech
- Jonathan Mann: The courts have stopped your ban.
- Seth Meyers: A Closer Look at Drumpf abusing presidential power.
- Ari Melber: Kellyanne Conway may face a federal ethics inquiry
- Bill Maher: Is Drumpf tired of losing?
- Sam Seder: Drumpf’s call with Putin doesn’t go so well for the unprepared man-baby.
- Olbermann: Is this how Drumpf will deport millions?
- Jimmy Fallon interviews Education Secretary Betsy DeVos
- Kimmel: Drunk Sean Spicer’s big day
- Stephen: Drumpf says, “Voter fraud.” Stephen says “Bull.”
- Samantha Bee: Donald and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad sanctuary cities
- The White House shopping network!
- Donald Drumpf’s cry baby commercial.
- Late Show: Drumpf has the art world on edge
- Matt Yglesias: What Donald Drumpf doesn’t understand about trade
- Kimmel: Drunk Sean Spicer on Kellyanne Conway
- Maddow: Court hands President Donald Drumpf a loss and a lesson on EO ban
- Olbermann: Drumpf just made life worse for your pets.
- Stephen: Drumpf is literally keeping his staffers in the dark.
- Daily Show: Kellyanne Conway’s artful deceptions
- Sam Seder: Drumpf proves he can read by bizarrely & slowly reading ‘beautiful’ Muslim ban order to room of cops
- Kimmel: Drumpf TV
- Farron Cousins: Kellyanne Conway in hot water for impromptu “Drumpf brand infomercial”
- Sean Spicer becomes Melissa McCarthy during today’s White House briefing.
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at how Democrats are responding to Drumpf
- Jimmy Fallon: DeVos confirmed.
- Young Turks: Nordstrom stock UP since dropping Ivanka, Drumpf Tweet.
- Kimmel: Melania’s new line of greeting cards
- Stephen interviews Drumpf, post-game.
- John Oliver (with Stephen) doesn’t think he’ll get deported, but he’s being cautious
- Sean Spicer’s alternative alphabet
- Full Frontal: The original Drumpf haters:
- Jimmy Fallon: President Drumpf criticizes Nordstroms
- Olbermann: The travesties done in your name and mine
- Bill Maher: Make America learn again.
- Young Turks: Does Drumpf hate being President?
- Trevor: The Drumpf family’s White House hustle
- 1984 quotes that seem eerily relevant in 2017 and explain Drumpf’s rise.
- Kimmel: Does Drumpf know Putin?
- Stephen presents Drumpf with RobeForce One
- Seth Meyers: Sean Spicer criticizes Nordstrom
- David Pakman: 21 minutes into intel briefing, Drumpf Tweets about Ivanka & Nordstrom’s
- Kimmel: Drunk Donald Drumpf on why he got elected.
- Full Frontal: A moment with Ashley
- Roll Call: The Drumpf presidency at 3 weeks.
- Trevor: Is Steve Bannon the real President?
- Young Turks: “Pee-gate” dossier gaining credibility?
- Stephen: Betsy DeVos is donating more so our schools get less
- Seth Meyers: Check In—Drumpf federal hiring freeze.
Mental Floss: 24 scientific studies about food.
Full Frontal: We made a promise.
Sam Seder: Bernie Sanders Vs. Ted Cruz ObamaCare debate.
Bill Maher: New Rule, “Pity slicker”.
Farron Cousins: Angry voters are confronting terrifying GOP members oer potential ObamaCare repeal.
Roll Call: A chat with the first African American Senate Chaplain for Black History month.
Valentines and guns.
Sen. Warren is Turtlehandled!
- Trevor: Senator Elizabeth Warren reacts to being silenced.
- Sen. Warren and Sen. Turtle spar over Coretta Scott King letter
- Farron Cousins: New low for Republicans – silencing Elizabeth Warren for quoting Coretta Scott King
- David Pakman: Republicans ban Elizabeth Warren, it completely backfires
- Sam Seder: Elizabeth Warren silenced after reading Coretta Scott King’s 1986 letter about Jeff Sessions’ racism
- Roll Call: Hear Senate Democrats read Coretta Scott King’s letter opposing Sessions.
- Jonathan Mann: She Persisted
- Sam Seder: Asswipe Sean Spicer suggests Coretta Scott King would TOTALLY support Jeff Sessions now
Armchair Presidents: The big game.
Jonathan Mann: The ballad of Judge Robart:
Pussy hats explained.
America needs Mexico…here’s why.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
One thing about the Nordstrom’s, didn’t their first store get funded by a gold climate in the Klondike? As for the suggestion about tearing up Nordstrom credit cards, that probably used to happen all the time when they owned the Seahawks.
When The Don says that “the murder rate is the highest in 45 years”, what he’s really saying is: “I must put the country under a police state”.
It doesn’t matter if you fact-check him. That’s pointless. He isn’t telling the lie to evade truth or manipulate facts, he’s telling the lie to create an apparent need for a policy. Thus it is with every statement he makes. If he’s telling people that the greatest threat to the Nation is Islamic Terrorism while then sending his terrorism task force to Standing Rock Reservation, he has told a lie to create a need for a policy to deal with domestic dissidents.
The focus isn’t going to be on foreign enemies, real or manufactured for the purpose, he’s concentrating the response toward people who tell him no. People who might have a stake in resiting his domestic policies. People who might suffer harm from his ideology.
Trump’s lies are different in that they are direct refutations of reality, and their propagation and repetition is about enforcing his power rather than wriggling out of a political conundrum the way Nixon and Reagan had done. They are attacks on the very possibility of a reasoned discourse, the kind of naked bald-faced lying that authoritarians issue as a way to test loyalty and force their subjects into submission.
Trump doesn’t want to emulate Hitler, he wants to outdo Hitler.
Drumpf backs away from even more campaign rhetoric. The Drumpf administration looks more like an Obama third term every day.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Cheeto Jesus is finding out there are reasons for doing things a certain way, and not doing them certain other ways. At least CJ or maybe the people around him are showing signs of having something of a learning curve. As far as I can tell, the morons who voted for him are still morons.
Meanwhile, health insurers are learning to not do business with Republicans, because Republicans don’t pay their bills.
“‘Refusing to pay is a shabby way to treat insurers, which entered the [Obamacare] exchanges in reliance on the federal government’s promises,’ Bagley wrote. ‘Our president, however, has a track record of stiffing business partners. I wouldn’t be surprised if he signed a law doing just that.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You can’t really say the insurers were warned because they, like the rest of us, didn’t believe there were enough idiots in this country to elect a shabby liar and deadbeat like Trump to the Oval Office. Oh well.
@2 Well, at least he isn’t blaming everything on Jews. I wouldn’t want to be a Mexican or Muslim right now, though.
“CBS News has learned that the 35-page dossier compiled by a former British spy is gaining credibility among law enforcement.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s not hard to see where this might be going. At some point the Golden Shower Boy and his paid deniers may have nothing left but implausible denial. Given the GOP’s control of Congress, and the shared depravity of Republicans in general, this probably wouldn’t force him out of office, but he’d have to serve out his term as the most ridiculed head of state in living memory.
This is more explicit:
“For the first time, US investigators say they have corroborated some of the communications detailed in a 35-page dossier compiled by a former British intelligence agent, multiple current and former US law enforcement and intelligence officials tell CNN.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Don’t forget what Putin said: “It never happened! But Russian prostitutes are the best in the world!”
From link @ 7
None of the newly learned information relates to the salacious allegations in the dossier. Rather it relates to conversations between foreign nationals.
What Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit knows best about prostitutes is that they still want to be paid even if he can’t get it up.
@8 “even if he can’t get it up”
Well, old age, you know. In your case, brain function went first. Anyone capable of thinking would recognize that corroborating part of the report increases the odds that the rest of it is reliable, too.
Btw, I don’t patronize prostitutes, so I rely on you for information about current rates, billing practices, etc. Thanks for the tip, in case I might ever need it for some reason.
“A Michigan Republican Party official has resigned his position less than a week after he called for ‘another Kent State’ after protests at the University of California, Berkeley. … Dan Adamini … resigned as the secretary of the Marquette County Republican Party on Wednesday, after he faced widespread backlash over his comment.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This hothead apparently doesn’t realize his advocacy of violence puts him on a par with the violent protesters he says should be shot.
Which he could have learned by reading the entire article to which you had linked:
The corroboration, based on intercepted communications, has given US intelligence and law enforcement “greater confidence” in the credibility of some aspects of the dossier as they continue to actively investigate its contents …
Some of the [Russian] individuals involved in the intercepted communications were known to the US intelligence community as “heavily involved” in collecting information damaging to Hillary Clinton and helpful to Donald Trump, two of the officials tell CNN.
Helpful confirmation came from the White House:
Reached for comment this afternoon, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said, “We continue to be disgusted by CNN’s fake news reporting.”
It’s a good thing actively hiding from unpleasant facts continues to be the core competency demonstrated by our trolls here; they’re going to be doing one whole hell of a lot more of it now.
@ RR @ 10
How easy it is to whip up a lynch mob when one is already predisposed to do shit like yell “HE HAS A GUN!” at the Police when they see a black man shopping for toys at WallyWorld.
Honor among thieves? That’s how The Don got elected.
It wasn’t the fact that he was going to get rid of the welfare state, he was just going to kick all them dirty lazy negrows off of welfare.
Good ol’ Bob McCatskill. Always good for a laugh.
9/11 certainly was good for the GOP when it happened. GWB would never have been re-elected without it and certainly the GOP would never have made the gains they did in the 2002 election. Another big, dramatic attack, bigger and more terroristy than the original would certainly do them great favors. Maybe they’ll finally find a use for some of those tactical nukes we acquired from Lithuania and Bulgaria when the Soviet Union fell. Hell, Bill O’Reilly outright called for the nuclear destruction of San Francisco, live on national television. Right in front of everybody.
Peeekaboooo… We see you.
“It’s a good thing actively hiding from unpleasant facts continues to be the core competency demonstrated by our trolls here.”
The “golden shower” dossier gains credibility so our pro-Putin twitter-bot’s lame reaction is to make shit up and spew it. What a fucking fail.
“the GOP would never have made the gains they did in the 2002 election”
That’s what ginning up a war with Iraq was all about – a 2002 congressional campaign strategy. And those who opposed what was happening were called traitors. Soon there would be tens of thousands of American casualties just so Republicans could win an election in 2002 and so Bush could be a “war-president” and win in 2004. They all should have been tried for war-crimes.
Now we have real traitors in our midst, and Doctor Dumbfuck is one of them.
It is so easy to pull the wool over people’s eyes. How easy you ask?
Calling a country where the person who gets the most votes loses a democracy and they buy it, easy.
And those who opposed what was happening were called traitors.
Why so modest? The Cheney/W maladministration’s entire response to 9/11 was to use the avoidable deaths of thousands of Americans to (a) cover up the maladministration’s utter incompetence in preventing the avoidable deaths of thousands of Americans, and (b) using it as an excuse to impose their entire agenda on the world.
And their sycophants in the media (Andrew Sullivan, within a week of 9/11) starting yelling “dissent is treason!!!1!” from the get-go at anyone who dared question the openly cynical use of our shared tragedy for their selfish gain.
Some things just never change.
Islamic terrorism won’t end unless the West gets out of the Middle East and stays out. Only Muslims can change Islam.
@15 “Now we have real traitors in our midst, and Doctor Dumbfuck is one of them.”
Naw, he’s just a cheerleader. He’s too lazy to be a practicing traitor.
@18 Trump and Bannon make no pretense of changing Islam; they want to wipe it out. They hired DeVos to reeducate Muslim orphans.
There are over a billion Muslims worldwide. It’s highly unlikely that the US could kill them all. Staying out of Islamic countries is the only practical way to end Islamic terrorism. The West needs to quit the Middle East.
Life imitates art:
In a debriefing at CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, Quinn is asked by one official whether the U.S. should renew their program in Syria and he says they should, without elaborating.
When the official pushes Quinn to explain if their strategy is ‘working’, Quinn snaps and asks: ‘What strategy? Tell me what the strategy is and I’ll tell you if it’s working’.
The table of policy makers goes quiet…
@ 22
And now we have Milo Minderbinder running the show.
Everyone has a share, and everyone makes a profit.
Plan? There aint no plan…
I guess I’m not surprised that neo-nazi and white supremacist groups have adopted a strategy of recruiting police officers and infiltrating their members into police departments.
A bunch of people stopped traffic on I-5 up in the Bellingham area today. It had something to do with that pipeline business in North Dakota. It was a pretty stupid thing to do, considering the risk of death and injury. I think a lady was hurt in the resulting pile-up. Hopefully the protestors causing the accident will get prosecuted in criminal court and sued in a civil action.
FACTS… http://www.washingtonexaminer......le/2614582
Report: 72 convicted of terrorism from ‘Trump 7’ mostly Muslim countries
Hated by SPPSteve and other DUMMOCRETIN fools!
Imagine that… DUMMOCRETINS spreading fear among illegal alien families… http://www.washingtonexaminer......le/2614565
Sheriffs dismiss a major Democratic talking point on sanctuary cities
Imagine that!
The Washington State Ferries dockyard at Eagle Harbor is down a boat that had been taking up space. The Hiyu, retired after only 50 years as it had little spare caparity, has been sold. Looks like it will end up like the Skansonia.
The German Federal Assembly has elected a new president, which is largely ceremonial. The 12th President of the Federal Republic of Germany is former Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, a Social Democrat.
German special assembly elects Frank-Walter Steinmeier as president
In post #29 Puddy put forth the body cam video of a Baltimore police officer confronting a inner city 18 year old thug about the draw down on a cop and the cop wasted the inner city 18 year old thug. This inner city 18 year old thug had a long rap sheet. Apparently Da Perfessa didn’t like the video truth being displayed for all to view and deleted the post.
Search “baltimore police release body cam shows slowmotion” and find the link under You will view the perp turn to aim at the cop. The last thing the inner city 18 year old thug perp does.
Also visit for more insight into the libtard judge who let this fool go!.
Soooooooooooooo, Puddy asked the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DUMBFUCK wabbit what he thought of the body cam showing this thug meeting his fate and seeing Satan in the upcoming 3rd resurrection after a 1000 years when Jesus comes the third time.? Da Perfessa deleted the post because FACTS and TRUTH are not readily accepted on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
In post #29 Puddy put forth the body cam video of a Baltimore police officer confronting a inner city 18 year old thug about the draw down on a cop and the cop wasted the inner city 18 year old thug. This inner city 18 year old thug had a long rap sheet. Apparently Da Perfessa didn’t like the video truth being displayed for all to view and deleted the post.
Search “baltimore police release body cam shows slowmotion” and find the link under You will view the perp turn to aim at the cop. The last thing the inner city 18 year old thug perp does.
Soooooooooooooo, Puddy asked the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DUMBFUCK wabbit what he thought of the body cam showing this thug meeting his fate and seeing Satan in the upcoming 3rd resurrection after a 1000 years when Jesus comes the third time.? Da Perfessa deleted the post because FACTS and TRUTH are not readily accepted on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
@ 32&33 Schizo
So, you’re celebrating the violent demise of another young black kid at the hands of the Police, in a city that has been deliberately neglected by politicians of both parties since the end of WW2.
The Governor of the State is a Republican, a “former” property developer who still seems to be running his business from the Office, the Mayors have been Democrats but the Mayor’s office is largely symbolic for decades. It’s a city that has been allowed to deteriorate like so many other East Coast cities such as Philadelphia.
The population is 63% African-American and unemployment is around 8%, but a third of the city’s employment is in the low-wage unskilled service sector, which means generally minimum wage jobs that nobody can take seriously. The large manufacturing operations have all been shut down, so there is little if any employment in industries that would allow young people to move out of their parent’s homes and become independent of their neighborhood.
When a culture of ignorance and neglect is allowed to develop and persist amongst the lower income brackets and the Police become the de-facto government in the neighborhoods where those lower income workers tend to congregate, you’re going to generate a lot of psychos with no hope, no sense of self-worth, and no ambition.
You can blame the Democrats all you want, but when you allow the Mafia to run the show, the party doesn’t matter. They just don’t have the tax base to hire Cops with much education and they won’t do anything to improve their school system, no teacher worth a damn is going to want to work in a war zone.
I guess one could blame the whole problem on the fact that there are so many black folks in that city, and I could introduce you to people who would say that this fact makes the black folks the problem. Their answer would be to just get rid of all the black folks.
You okay with that notion?
Awesome! Righteous snuff! Way to go!
He should have continued to fire when the gimmedat scum started reaching for his gun on the pavement. Might have saved decent hard working taxpayers on the cost of lifesaving efforts.
More please!
The loon is back spewing double-posts of hate!
Exploding the fucktard Nazi @35’s head with a .451 magnum would be a “righteous snuff”.
The times they are a-changin’. A Republican tries to peddle “death panel” b.s. at a townhall, and the audience lets him have it.
@26 Yes, it’s much better if protesters obtain permits, stay on the sidewalk, and have police escorts so they don’t inconvenience anyone. That way, nothing will ever change. Wars won’t end, pipelines will pollute rivers, we’ll breathe dirty air, and the Good Ol’ Days ™ will last forever.
@29 Now I wonder what Puffy squawked to get deleted … ? You have to work at it to get ejected from a Friday Night Extravaganza thread.
@32 Question answered, I guess. Sorta.
@32 So I guess if an 18 yo black with a rap sheet in Baltimore pulls a gun on a cop and gets shot for his trouble, that justifies a cop shooting a 12 yo black kid playing with a toy gun in a public park in Cleveland, eh? All police shootings are the same, yes? There’s no such thing as a trigger-happy cop, a racist cop, or an unjustified police shooting, amirite? See one, you’ve seen ’em all, at least those who like sufficient brainpower to make what the rest of us call “critical distinctions.”
@137 not to mention that it would also save the government and the taxpaying Citizens of this Country a ton of money to get rid of his kind. All they do is eat tons of cow, and drink tons of sugar; they are all overweight fuckers who have high blood pressure, cholesterol and are diabetics.
Long Live Ireland – Real Home of the Free and the Brave.
And aside from the higher cancer rate, they look to be healthier people. Go Ireland!
that justifies a cop shooting a 12 yo black kid playing with a toy gun in a public park in Cleveland,
Where did Puddy claim that early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DUMBFUCK wabbit.
More of your worthless courtroom deflection train wreck tactics that don’t work on conservative minds!
Future posts from the hanging human tea bag licker.
Celebration vomit producing dead toad?
Celebrating that the stooooooooopid libtard judge let the guy go and he’s now dead?
Celebrating that a cop almost lost his life pursuing another inner city drug peddling thug?
Celebrating that inner city drug selling thug poisoning the minds of other teenagers?
You reeeeeally are one fucked up fool vomit producing dead toad!
You are SCUM!
There’s no such thing as a trigger-happy cop, a racist cop, or an unjustified police shooting, amirite?
Heh. Had a chuckle the other day when the babbling loon LIED about hate and contempt…
Good riddance.
@44 I don’t recall you ever shedding a tear for that kid.
@47 Oh, so you finally admit there are bad cops, and some of them are killers?
Looks like Drumpf and his minions intend to ride this horse until it drops.
“Senior White House policy adviser Stephen Miller doubled down on President Trump’s unsubstantiated claims of widespread voter fraud, including the president’s reported claim that thousands of voters were bused into New Hampshire to illegally cast ballots in the presidential election.”
Did the monomaniacal fool say something worthwhile in #48?
@52 pot … kettle …
LOL @ 52
kablammoo… head explosion.. truth and facts…
@44 I don’t recall you ever shedding a tear for that kid.
Then you better ask the fetid gaseous arschloch to refresh that putrid senile memory ya idiot!
That’s what happens when you lose your mind!
@55 How about you cut out the middleman and give us a link?
You are both early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DUMBFUCK wabbit in every one of your posts!
Puddy doesn’t use a middleman when Puddy reminds everyone of your foolishness! Why? Puddy remembers! Your shit is so vile no one can forget it except yourself!
Butt, you need one because you forget what you wrote 60 minutes prior! Senility, it’s what’s for wabbit stew!
EPIC FAYLE use of the crazed databaze!
You are SCUM!
@58 Funny, it doesn’t smell around here except when you’re here.
So when ya movin?
I like how they’ve gone to yelling about voter fraud after they *win* elections.
I guess this is how Republicans innovate.
Fixed nuthin gaseous arschloch except the gas from your ASS! Keep screaming fetid gaseous arschloch!
The loon is really bringing it. Peak Hate. Love the psycho-laughs. One or two are always a bad sign, but twelve in a row is taking it to a whole new level. I bet these threads see a shitload of loon head explosions this week.
@65 Not nearly as entertaining as the White House head explosions, though. I didn’t know Drumpf and his sycophants had it in them to be such comedians.
@ 66 RR
Wait until the markets start selling off US Treasury bonds.
Oh, whoops.
Meanwhile, the Schiz is actively celebrating the coming end of the world. His AntiChrist is here, and is going to trash the whole world for Jesus.
He Shall Not Be Questioned. The excuse of “border control” is exactly the same as that of the East Germans and the North Koreans. The fucking language is identical.
Oh, whattya going to do if we do start question you Fascists? Hmm? Start arresting people for sedition?
Guess what Schiz, you ain’t white enough for these people.
The vomit producing dead toad still keeps his FASCIST shtick! You progressives hate free speech! That’s FASCIST! And it’s brown shirt too!
Sux to be you vomit producing dead toad!