Highlights of the Loretta Lynch’s confirmation hearing.
Thom: The real deficit that the GOP doesn’t talk about.
Mental Floss: 17 crazy hair myths.
White House: Precision medicine:
Maddow with a nice Fox story.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
David Pakman: Obama has reduced Bushes’ $1.4 trillion deficit by 75%.
$889 Million:
- Young Turks: Koch plan to spend almost a billion to buy the 2016 elections.
- Jon: Your next President…Johnny actual Cash.
- Ann Telnaes: The Koch Brothers and $889 million free speech dollars.
- Larry Wilmore: Dark Money
- David Pakman: Koch Brother’s intend to buy the 2016 elections.
- Young Turks: Candidates drop to their knees to please the Koch brothers
- Sam Seder: The Koch brother’s puppet for 2016
Thom: The Right’s home schooling conspiracy.
David Pakman: ObamaCare will cost 20% less than was originally projected:
Mark Fiore: King Abdullah, Royal pain.
Mental Floss: 24 cheese name origins.
Thom: More Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
On the Road to 2016:
- Maddow does Letterman to laugh at 2016 candidates.
- Young Turks: Sarah Palin teleprompts herself into a reality war with FAUX News
- Young Turks: More fur flies in the Sarah Palin, Bill-O-The-Clown war.
- David Pakman: Sarah Palin lashes out a FAUX News.
- Maddow: What if Hillary doesn’t run?
- Jon on Sarah et al.
- James Rustad: Jesus loves me this I know; ’cause Rick Perry tells me so.
- Pap and Thom: Will Perry do some time in the Pokey?
- Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: Who can win what in the primary?
- Chris Christie falls out of a chair.
- David Pakman: Mike Huckabee says something idiotic about school prayer and school violence
- Sam Seder: Mike Huckabee’s “Trashy NY Women” comment
- Alex Wagner: Mitt’s a no-go
- Young Turks: The Mittster gives his fans a sad
- Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: Why Mitt Romney dropped out.
Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses of the week.
Richard Muller: I was wrong on climate change.
David Pakman: DUI State Senator claims he can drive drunk and be privileged from arrest.
New Territory in the Republican War on Women™:
- Michael Brooks: Louie Goober, “Republican ‘Females’ Send the Wrong Message!”.
- Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: Republicans try to hide their disgusting women’s health politics
Thom: GOP turns Medicaid expansion over to banksters.
David Pakman: Thanks to Republicans, Obama’s approval keeps increasing.
White House: West Wing Week.
Super What???
Maddow: Five U.S.Pipelines Rupture in January.
Thom: Even more Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Matt Binder: Politifact finds FAUX News lies more than ever:
Grandpa McCain to protesters: “Get outta here you low life scum”.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
From The Paper Of Record:
Correction: January 30, 2015
An earlier version of this article misstated when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel accepted Speaker John A. Boehner’s invitation to address Congress. He accepted after the administration had been informed of the invitation, not before.
This was posted pretty late yesterday, otherwise I’m sure it would have made the Extravaganza list.
Wholly unrelated @ 1, but things are looking
upbetter for Netanyahu:The Jerusalem Post reports that its latest poll shows Bibi’s party, the Likud, is leading the race for the first time in weeks. Other polls agree, and show the Likud leading its rival, the Zionist Union, which is a combination of the Labor and Hatnua parties.
The outgoing secretary also said the United States could find it necessary to send noncombat troops to the front lines in Iraq to help Iraqi troops in their fight against ISIS.
No word yet on whether our guys will be outfitted with those snazzy blue helmets.
@2 you going to blow him if he wins, sounds like it.
I suppose card check at HA is just around the corner.
Overwork is a problem that Elk plans on addressing in his union drive. “I can’t work the kind of hours I did when I was 24,” says Elk, who is 28. Putting in too many work hours, he says, is a problem of journalism as an industry and not exclusive to Politico.
Don’t expect sympathy from ILWU any time soon, bub.
@ 4
If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
Seriously, ‘bagger, get off your knees once in awhile.
It begins.
…his one regret about his relationship with Bush is that he agreed to participate with him in the bullying of a student in the dormitory. Their target was a short classmate whom they taunted, and then sewed his pajama bottoms so that they were impossible to put on. The act was particularly embarrassing, said Tibbetts, who said he felt remorse for joining in with “kids being cruel.”
Billy Dale could not be reached for comment.
Sloppy Travis Bickle,
“This was posted pretty late yesterday, otherwise I’m sure it would have made the Extravaganza list.”
Not likely. The NY Times doesn’t usually include a VIDEO (or even AUDIO) of their corrections.
While this isn’t the most idiotic thing you have ever said, we expect MUCH better from you.
Does it bother conservatives that the kochs are spending a billion dollars to buy elections?
If they argue liberals have their money patrons, why are they not arguing all money should be banned?
Evangelical churches are renting support staved public schools on weekends and using rhe access to passively evangelize. What will happen when Muslim or scientology or. Buddhist churches want to do the same?
I’m gleefully awaiting Republikkkan’s destruction of the ACA. Americans like to complain but they don’t like to vote. They really deserve what they get
@8 “We expect MUCH better from you.”
We do? That’s news to me. As far as I know, the bar for this troll has always been something a cockroach could step over without breaking a sweat.
Seattle made daily kos
@9 Good chance it’ll backfire on them.
@13 That story also was the lede on CBS News’ website last night.
@11. Are you being sarcastic? I don’t see the republicans doing anything the ACA. It’s their base,
@15 It sure feeds the meme that to a fraction of police, any black man is a threat
Watching rich couples fight is almost as much fun as watching Republicans eating each other. http://www.cnbc.com/id/102384854
@16 No, I’m serious. Otherwise, I don’t quite get what you’re saying. How many votes and millions of dollars have they wasted trying to destroy it? A lot! Now they pin their hopes on their fascist friends on SCOTUS.
@18. He is o.k. with a mill a month if it’s spent on the kids, but not on the ex wife?
@ 9
Does it bother conservatives that the kochs are spending a billion dollars to buy elections?
Not as much as the way Democrats go about raising campaign money bothers us.
PA Treasurer Rob McCord will plead guilty to federal charges related to campaigning
HARRISBURG — Apologizing to his employees and family, state Treasurer Rob McCord gave up his elected post Friday and plans to plead guilty to threatening potential contributors with the loss of state business if they didn’t donate to his gubernatorial campaign.
“I stepped over the line by trying to take advantage of the fact two potential contributors hoped to continue to do business with the commonwealth,” McCord said in an emailed video statement to media. “And by developing talking points to remind them that I could make things difficult for them, I essentially said that the potential contributors should not risk making an enemy of the state treasurer.
“Clearly, that was wrong,” McCord continued. “I was wrong. It was a mistake.”
It was criminal.
(Biggest winner: Pat Toomey.)
I got my acronyms wrong. I was confusing ACA with AFA.
So you are upset by 0.1% of the money spent in the election.
@22 didn’t you know that evangelical conservatives love the Jews. I think I see a pattern here, I think anyone that moves to the right religiously they start looking more like Nazis.
@ 23
If you were addressing your comment to me, I’m not upset by any of it.
Obama had, what, roughly triple the money to spend in 2008 that McCain had. He decided not to adhere to spending limits that would have given him FEC funds, in order to maximize his financial advantage during the general.
Koch & Co spent $400M in 2012 and it wasn’t enough.
Labor unions spent $300M in 2014 – not a presidential election year – and it wasn’t enough.
So Koch is first out of the gate having their plans publicized. BFD. You think when/if Clinton & Co. make it official that their side won’t have a billion dollars, or more, to work with, just for the presidential election, and almost all of it for the general?
Try to imagine, if you will, the union expenditures in the 2016 general election if the GOP nominee turns out to be Scott Walker. They’ll go all in to avoid Walker being able to appoint to the NLRB. Look how much unions lost when Walker won in WI. Unions could credibly claim that a Walker presidency would be an existential threat to them, and they’d empty their coffers and borrow beyond that (to the extent possible) in order to thwart his election.
Go ahead and decry the influence of money in politics. You’re probably mostly correct. But when you do it with a one-sided, hypocritical approach, you discredit your argument.
@ 24
Yes, because we all recall so clearly how much the Nazis loved the Jews.
@21 so you are fine if two rich conservative guys buy the government so long as they dont break the rules.
@ 27
Do the world a favor, Better. Let your husband be the one to teach your child reading comprehension skills.
@28 Ha! That’s so funny! Made any more “jokes” recently mocking the appearance of African American girls recently?
How about we get the money out of politics so the best ideas and the best people run, not the ones with the richest patrons, unless you WANT an oligarchy?
Oh, and let me add one more thing. Mary Cheney worries that drag is black face for women. Hey, Mary, your father is the world’s worst war criminal and the creator of the American Inquisition. You shouldn’t lecture anybody else about anything ever.
You argue that
Unions = Koch brothers.
I find that to be an attempt to make a false equivalency argument.
@26 it’s not a question of whether the nazis loved the Jews and whether you want to emulate the nazis.
AFA well connected to conservatives and they have people that don’t speak to highly of the Jewish religion or another religion except Christianity. What do you want from me. I don’t know why the are a bunch of fuckwads and want to rule like nazis.
Except they really didn’t fire him, they are still are paying him to do radio show do he can spew more conservative thought process, loving news.
“This is America, dammit, and not no Latin America. If’n ya wanna speak that filthy Latin, go back to Mexico”
You fuckin TeaNazis take the fucking cake, ya’know? Un-fucking educated, low intelligence, low personal cogitation of their immediate surroundings, absolutely no goddamn self-awareness whatsoever, jingoistic, racist, illiterate, pathologically incapable of abstract thought, and hell bent on making everyone else exactly as stupid as you try so hard to be just so you can point at them and claim victory.
I’m seriously wondering how the hell you assholes get your shoelaces tied in the morning without breaking your fingers. It’s bad enough you put such incredible levels of personal emotional energy into breaking peoples balls in such a bizarre, fucked-up effort to make yourself feel superior, while people with a functioning cerebral cortex are just laughing and shaking our heads.
Not to mention a feeling a bit alarmed at your predilection for hoarding firearms, ammunition and licking the turds of the Iraq War off the ground.
Every Day I thank daahh LAWRRRD JAYSUS For writing the second Amendment for the United States Of America!
With the pipeline accidents this month, perhaps safety of the existing pipelines should take priority, but Congress has so much invested in Keystone. The railroads and petroleum industry want a delay in New standards, because they can’t build new, safer ones fast enough.
Awwww another thread of libtard heads exploding over the Koch Brothers… Why do libtards get upset over the Koch Brothers? They made their money the old fashion way. They earned it! They employ tens of thousands of people. Now on the other hand you have DUMMOCRETIN hero George Soros! And how did Soros earn his billions? The standard DUMMOCRETIN way, screwing over someone else. England, France, Hungary; it didn’t matter Soros. The end always justifies the means to a DUMMOCRETIN! Go back and reread that 60 Minutes transcript from Dec 20, 1998. Very eye opening about George Soros; Judenrat – https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Holocaust/judenrat.html
The Koch Brothers are just beginning to catch up to George Soros’ libtard DUMMOCRETIN spending!
All those 3rd and 4th tier toilet moonbats on the Friday Night Comix and once again they said absolutely nothing worthwhile for another week. For instance, Boko Haram Thom Fartmann had his sorry ASS handed to himself this past week. Yet, just like clockwork this 4th tier toilet is right up there again! Just ask the yellowishleakingbuttspigot for a PuddyLink replay from the crazed databaze! Iran wants a nuclear weapon, ISIS beheads more people, China implements Internet sabotage, Cuba demands reparations, Russia foments violence against another country and this is the delivered comedy!
Sarah Palin and Bill O’Reilly publicly disagree. Big deal. Libtard heads explode!
It’s so funny watching how libtards circle the wagons and kill their own when a libtard disagrees with the one! Dr Leslie Gelb hasn’t seen the seas calm or the hope and change take effect. Dr. Gelb tells Obummer to fire his foreign policy morons and y’all attack Dr. Gelb. At least Palin and O’Reilly discuss things in the open. Libtards do it in cigar smoke laden back rooms and then shoot their own whenever possible.
You know HA DUMMOCRETINS, if your message was worthwhile last September and October 2014, maybe, just maybe, your peeps would have come out and voted. This is why Romney chose to leave the 2016 race. His message caused 4+ million conservatives to stay home in 2012 and more of the same would probably happen in 2016. Romney’s honorable to see this would have happened again. Would a DUMMOCRETIN act that way.? NOPE! It’s all about the power. DUMMOCRETIN MUST be in control. No other way about it. And when DUMMOCRETINS are out of power, you use the libtard MSM to tear down America! Collateral damage be damned! Plain and simple!
Another Responsible Gun Owner (TM)
“A 3-year-old boy shot his father and pregnant mother over the weekend inside a hotel room in Albuquerque, New Mexico.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Kid’s probably gonna grow up to be a cop.
Mike Huckabee compares homosexuality to drinking and swearing.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Huckabee has a right to live as he pleases, and believe any damn thing he wants to, but he doesn’t have a right to be president or govern over the rest of us. We have to make sure he doesn’t.
Puddy is somewhat accurate, democrats didn’t do well at the polls when they didn’t stand for anything more than not being conservative.
Factchecker? Fox News? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Three link limit……
here is proof that ALL conservative Republicans love the Jews.
RNC is a joke.
notice the twist on words, “expecting Chrisitians to accept same-sex marriage, is like asking someone who is Jewish to start serving. But what he is really wanting is that you to believe that expecting Christians is like Jews not allowing anyone to serve bacon-wrapped shrimp in all delis.
Why compare to the Jews. Why not compare to the Polish, and saying that this is like expecting a Polish Restaurant to serve Lasagna? Maybe because the Jews were persecuted? Along wit 100’s of thousand of Gay people, that Fuckabee could care less about.
So all you heterosexuals out there, stop listening to Beyoncé, stop your fucking swearing, your hoarish slut ladies should keep their fucking legs closed.
The religious right even hating the Jews.
Meanwhile scumbag NYC cops. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/.....?ocid=iehp
Puddy has no idea what their politics are butt living in Las Vegas, now that’s a DUMMOCRETIN bastion!
The buttbusting buttbigot’s @44 head explodes!
@46 nope. My head is intact. The only thing exploding is your ass, and your shit is flying all over the place.
Does anyone have time to fact check puddy assertions that the kochs need to spend a billion JUST to have an even playing field to unions and Soros?
You know because only God can tell people that he can make them disappear.
@48 time? How about the desire to lose your sanity?
Why would i want koch brother puppets to be in power? They want to annul my marriage, they want gut health care, they want to take my kid, they want to force women to give birth to unwanted babies that republicans don’t want to support, they want to stop workers from unionizing, they want to get rid of the minimum wage, get rid of net neutrality, and privatize social security. So yes i want dems to stay in power.
DAYUM worser @48,
How many times has Travis Bickle and Puddy posted the Soros and Union spending values and posted the links and you missed it? Do you actually pay attention to anything WHATSOEVER or are you as stooooooooooopid at home as you are on this blog?
Why not ask the yellowishleakingbuttspigot for a crazed databaze replay? Go ahead and grow some marbuls!
Hey buttbusting buttbigot,
Already proven, you are INSANE! Thanks for Playing!
Meanwhile in real news and not the comix above… http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02......html?_r=0
People will remember this as the burn will start for a lot of DUMMOCRETINS whom didn’t pay attention to the ObummerCare issues, thinking it didn’t affect them. Now the tax effect comes home to roost!
@54 I bet GWB and his administration was secretly scared that people started to not like the wars. The difference people have healthcare and others aren’t having to die for it.
Game tied with seconds before the half. Excellent! Not a big Katy Perry fan..
bullshitting asshole
troll @ 45
Nevada doesn’t have an income tax. BIG TIME draw for klownservatives.
Nice try.
Can’t wait for Super Bowl to be over, to many positive loving and inspiring commercials. Better when there is less of that and we can go back to being full of hate and negativity and partisanship, fucking on the brink of killing each other.
Sadness in Seatown tonight. Should have been ours. Oh well. There’s more to life than Superbowl glory..
Great Game! A nail biter down to the end.
buttwiper yellowishleakingbuttspigot @ 56,
Mayor Carolyn G. Goodman Democrat leads Las Vegas. She followed her husband as mayor! The scummy NYC Cops retired there.
NUFF Said Sucka! What an I D I O T!
LMAO@60 Predictable to the end.
No state income tax in NV.. That’s like heroin or the richest nose candy to a klownservative.
Nice try fool!
CHART: Koch Spends More Than Double Top Ten Unions Combined
The Wall Street Journal’s Kimberley Strassel either has no understanding of campaign finance, or is willfully misleading her readers. In either case, her column today about the Koch brothers’ political spending — which parrots a meme that has bounced around conservative blogs and websites like a bad chain e-mail — gets the facts about Koch spending versus union spending completely wrong.
New Conservative Meme That Unions Outspend Koch Brothers On Elections Is Patently False
“But that wasn’t Strassel’s most egregious argument. By focusing on direct contributions to the parties and the candidates, she did what conservatives defending the Koch brothers almost always do. She severely downplayed the primary way the Kochs influence politics—through unregulated, indirect financing of conservative political organizations. According to research by Robert Maguire, a researcher who pieced together the Koch money trail from disparate Internal Revenue Service and Federal Election Commission reports, conservative nonprofit organizations that received large grants from Koch-backed intermediaries spent $170 million during the 2012 election cycle. Unions spent just $24 million. ”
So, puddy, this is why I don’t trust your links. I don’t trust you to tell the truth. You don’t have a good track record.
Dangit! That’s a sucky ending to a football game… No more NFL for me right now. No post-game sadness, madness, analysis, hoopla, whatsoever.. Don’t know what will make me get back on the bandwagon at this point..
There’s always the Mariners.. New power in the lineup. Go Mariners!
ylb out..
Charts: How Much Have the Kochs Spent on the 2012 Election?
UPDATE: What about George Soros, you ask? The liberal financier and 12th-richest American has spent $2.6 million during this election cycle; Even if he made that undisclosed gift, unless Soros is matching the Kochs in under-the-radar spending, they’re in an entirely different league of megadonors.
If you leave the reservation of Fox News, the facts show that the Koch’s are bigger by a couple of factors.
Why are conservatives willing to ignore that 2 guys are buying the republican party?
@60 so two cops retire in Las Vegas and you proclaim them Democrats because the mayor is democrat. That is some powerful thinking.
Boy you would be the worst juror in the world.
Who said 2012 useless one?
Since 1998,
Unions 600+ Million
George Soros 400+ Million
Who claimed Fox News? Reservation out!
Go find your own dayum links. Puddy told you where to go. Man you libtards are real morons!
buttbusting buttbigot,
Go back and reread the post 45. Oh wait, reading isn’t fundamental to you!
@ Teabagger @ 66
Actually, he’d make a prime candidate for a jury pool. He’d just vote for the lawyer who has the most expensive wristwatch and the nicest teeth.
At any rate, 40% of Glendale Arizona city debt payments go to paying off sports venues, the city must absorb all costs associated with Policing the events, and now the City is at the point where their total debt is almost 5% of the city’s tax base.
So, what’s the TeaBaggerist answer to those problems?
Oh, yeah. A permanent sales tax of 10% on all purchases, including foodstuffs.
Way to go.
yeh keep telling me how Owebamma has reduced the debt. 18.1 trillion
@ 70
Since when is it the responsibility of the executive branch to set the budget and allocate funding?
Thats the sole responsibility of the Congress.
@70 reducing the debt and the deficit are two different things. This is is stuff no repukelican would know about because they’ve never done either. I understand why you are too stupid to understand. Maybe Puffy the big sow could explain it to you or send you three links on it, but you’ll have to check the facts on his links because they’ll all be wrong.
Poor Meghan she can’t take a joke. She doesn’t care how bigoted Fuckabee is, but ohhhh he’s a sexists. Who would have thought, he has such great charachter.
Meghan’s got her panties all in a bunch. Stop your swearing you bitch. And keep them fucking pussy legs crossed.
Talk about sexism.
Big Fat Ballon!