Please join us tonight for drinks, conversation, and, perhaps, dinner at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet every Tuesday evening at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. Our starting time is 8:00 pm, but feel free to stop by earlier than that for dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings this week. Tonight the Tri-Cities chapter also meets. On Wednesday, the Bellingham, Burien and Spokane chapters meet. And next Monday, the Yakima and South Bellevue chapters meet.
There are 186 chapters of Living Liberally, including sixteen in Washington state, four in Oregon and two in Idaho. Chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting somewhere near you.
Bibi doesn’t have to get American Jews to vote for him, but Republicans do. Puffy knows the American Jews business better than the Jews themselves.
Sarah Palin for President!
I have a cousing, by law not by blood, that loves Sarah Palin; he probably makes over $300,000 a year, owning his own Company in NYC.
Proof – just because you make a lot of money, doesn’t mean you are smart. Some of the richest people are the most stupid.
NBC Nightly News
BREAKING: Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl will be charged with desertion for abandoning his post in 2009, senior defense officials tell NBC News
7:25 AM – 27 Jan 2015
Is it too late to blame this on Hagel?
Is it too late to blame the Iraq war on Bob Gates? How about all the money that went missing in Iraq. How about turning a surplus budget into a defict budget?
Why do you play the blame game so discriminately? You are like a little child. You have no solutions, just bullshit.
Did you ever figure out which ape you were in the movie I linked to?
Memo to the puddyfuckwad and ‘Bob’ the sloppy solipsist @3…
Stand down, assholes.
@5 didn’t bush desert the army?
Aren’t these desertion charges much different from the rights claim of joing the other side and helping them out because he bacme a muslim?
So if the Army decides not to charge Bergdahl we can have tons of congressional hearings on who leaned on them to NOT charge because there were reports that they would charge.
“This abuse of power leads right to the White House. As commander-in-chief Barack Hussein Obama had no authority to command the Army not to charge Bergdahl.” Louie Gohmert, R-Shit-fer-brains, some future date
Is someone setting the stage for Congressional republicans to spend another tens of millions of dollars investigating if President Obama is, in fact, Commander-in-Chief?
@ 8
Even if he isn’t charged, the fiasco ends up making Obama, in his role as CiC, looking fairly bad.
If Bergdahl isn’t discharged honorably, particularly if he’s busted down in rank prior to discharge, and if he is forced to give up about $300k in back pay that would otherwise be due him for his time spent
with the enemyin captivity, then it turns out that Obama gave up five prisoners to get back a deserter. At least one US service member was killed during foot patrols trying to get Bergdahl back shortly after he walked off.How does any of this help Hillary?
That’s a stretch. How does any of it hurt Hillary? If in fact he is charged with desertion the act occurred about six months into her term as Sec. of State. Bergdahl’s release was secured over a year after her term as Sec. of State ended.
knuckle dragging low-I.Q.majority of always-vote-Republican-no-matter-what voters may see a connection but good luck with the not genetically stupid buying it.Didn’t Bob disappear for quite some time after the Romney loss that he predicted otherwise?
Shouldn’t he sit back and not make any new predictions?
Wouldn’t America be a deserter if it did leave an American deserter behind?
@9 “Even if he isn’t charged, the fiasco ends up making Obama, in his role as CiC, looking fairly bad.”
How’s that, Bob? Decisions like this are way below his pay grade. He supervises the Joint Chiefs, not army privates. What Bergdahl did, and what the Army does about it, is no reflection on Obama.
@10 To my preceding comment, we can add that the Secretary of State doesn’t supervise army privates deployed to outposts in Afghanistan, either.
If Bloviating Bob needs a scapegoat, maybe he should go after Bergdahl’s squad leader. But I’m inclined to feel that Bergdahl is responsible for what Bergdahl does.
As for redeploying Gitmo detainees to supervised release in exchange for Bergdahl, Obama had to get rid of them somehow because the place is being emptied, and he and his secretary of state deserve kudos for persuading other countries to take them off our hands.
New England DeflateGate
If Bloviating Bob needs a scapegoat, maybe he should go after Bergdahl’s squad leader. – IDIOT Wabbit!
What a bunch of ignorant BULLSHITTIUM from the senile IDIOT Wabbit! This was covered last year through many PuddyPosts when the Bergdahl issue came up. You are one mentally deficient senile IDIOT Wabbit.
6 US Heroes died looking for the moron. IED attacks became more direct and more accurate.
You military hating DUMMOCRETINS are SCUM! It’s people like Staff Sgt. Justin Gerleve whom protect your right to say stupid invective comments from left wrong poltroons. It used to be the IDIOT Wabbit’s comments were somewhat apercus. Now they are on the same level as HA’s DUMMOCRETIN gutter dwellers the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot, buttbusting buttbigot, and rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears!
The IDIOT Wabbit is as schismatic as ever! Sux to be the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Yeah, Yemen is no longer on that Club GITMO detainee acceptance list. That’s how AQAP rolls!
@17 “This was covered last year through many repetitive and monotonous PuddyPosts that sounded like a kid banging on a garbage can lid with a stick …”
@17 “6 US Heroes died looking for the moron. IED attacks became more direct and more accurate.”
Without assenting to the accuracy of these disputed assertions, I’m all for prosecutors bringing this up in his court-martial if real evidence (as opposed to Wingnut Hot Air) supports it.
@17 “You military hating DUMMOCRETINS are SCUM!”
My honorable voluntary service in the Vietnam War is way more than anything you did.
@18 Unraveling the multiple clusterfucks created by his predecessor isn’t easy and there will be some potholes along the way. Oh, and lest we forget, here’s Saint Ronnie posing with the Taliban leadership:
Bergdahl’s lawyer was given the official desertion charge sheet. Whitey house is still trying to suppress it.
What rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears forgets is NBC is the Obummer network of choice!
The official delayer in the whitey house is none other than Benghazi Notes creator Ben Rhodes; whom last October called Benjamin Netanyahu “chickenshit” as reported in The Atlantic. It’s going according to plan!
IDIOT Wabbit,
Obummer claimed Yemen was his VICTORY.
Sux to be the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
@23 Still want to lynch Bergdahl, eh? No thanks, I’ll wait for the court-martial verdict. The guy looks guilty to me, but that’s for a court to determine, and I’m not the court. Nor are you.
Bush deserted the Texas Air National Guard:
The moron…the puddyfuckwad…SOMEHOW missed that the article was from the Army Times (a famously left wing pubilcation????).
Does the puddyfuckwad EVERRRRRR pay attention?
Another entitled 1%-er asshole.
rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears is such a moron…
NBC announced Bergdahl is going to be court martialed for desertion. What channel did Obummer claim Obummer watched rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears? Which night time anchor did Obummer go to rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears?
Now why did the Army Times claim that? BEN RHODES you idiot!
Man are dumber than a pallet of cinder blocks!
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor… Cinder Blocks have more intelligence!
Rick Perry Loses In Court
CNBC reports “a Texas judge has refused to throw out a felony abuse-of-power case against former Gov. Rick Perry on constitutional grounds, ruling that the case against the possible 2016 presidential hopeful should continue. … Perry’s defense team had sought to have the proceedings dismissed. They say he was acting within his constitutional rights as governor when he threatened, then carried out, a veto of funding for public corruption prosecutors after the Democrat leading the unit refused to resign following a drunken-driving conviction.”
Gotta love it! A Republican judge holding a Republican politician’s feet to the fire for Republican corruption! I just wonder how long Texas voters will continue to put up with Republicans.
Lynch Bergdahl senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? Seems the Army already delivered the charge sheet to Bergdahl’s lawyer.
What part of the news report doesn’t the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit or rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears not comprehend?
All of it your honor!
Meanwhile an article on libtardness!
@29 “NBC announced Bergdahl is going to be court martialed for desertion.”
No, NBC reported a purported leak from unnamed “senior defense officials” and also reported that “Army General Mark Milley, the command authority in the Bergdahl case, has not publicly released his findings, and Pentagon Spokesman Read Admiral Kirby reiterated on Tuesday that ‘no decision has been made’ yet.” Learn how to read a news story, moron. There’s also this:
“While a court martial could lead to imprisonment, defense and military officials tell NBC News it is likely Bergdahl would be given consideration for the 5 years he spent in captivity and be permitted to leave the Army with a ‘less than honorable discharge.’ If accepted, Bergdahl would be denied as much as $300 thousand in back pay and bonuses, and reduced in rank to at least Private First Class, the rank he held when he disappeared from his outpost in Afghanistan.”
Once again, this is speculation, but to the extent it reflects Pentagon thinking, it appears the Army will be satisfied to (a) get rid of him, (b) avoid paying him back pay, and (c) spare taxpayers the expense of giving him veterans benefits. If that’s how it plays out, the wingnuts salivating for a firing squad are going to be sorely disappointed.
Yes Robert Kraft another 1%er loves his DUMMOCRETIN Obummer…
Shorter senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit…
Read DESERTION! The rest is negotiation. Still we gave up 5 Al Qaeda Generals for this deserter and the IDIOT Wabbit is A-OK with that! The mothers of the six soldiers who died looking for the deserter aren’t thrilled about that senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit.
Butt that doesn’t matter to the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit. Dead soldiers don’t matter to DUMMOCRETINS like the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit.
Hey puddy tell me about your military service again? I’d want to know how it tempers your perspective of military matters.
Soooooooooooooo Obummercare will cost $50,000 per person now?
Butt butt butt it wouldn’t add a dime to the deficit!
Puddy volunteered during the Vietnam years! Got the Navy Scholarship!
So what did worser do?
Wait for it… cricket chirping…
I always thought it insightful that if my memory is correct, tom clancy was so gung ho military yet never served and was an accountant or a insurance guy before a career in writing.
I am gay. Military didn’t want me in the 80s.
Still waiting for worser @37-39 to regale its military prowess!
Crickets chirping…
If you wanted to be in the military you could have gone in worser. Very flimsy excuse!
Really puddy, you took money from the government for your education?
Puddy was a DUMMOCRETIN back then! Became educated in DUMMOCRETIN racism and left the reservation!
@35 “Still we gave up 5 Al Qaeda Generals for this deserter and the IDIOT Wabbit is A-OK with that!”
I wouldn’t be okay with that, but it hasn’t been established that these guys were “Al Qaeda generals” or that Bergdahl is a “deserter”; there’s nothing here but Puddy Hot Air.
” … the six soldiers who died looking for the deserter …”
Repeating b.s. countless times doesn’t make it true.
Looks like the Army has categorically denied the rumors on which Puddy is hanging his hat today:
“‘The reporting from Fox News and NBC on Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl is patently false. To be clear there have been no actions or decisions on the Sgt. Bergdahl investigation,’ the Army said in a statement.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I wonder if Puddy Idiot buys stocks on tips and rumors, too? Nah, he probably doesn’t own any stocks.
@44 So now that you’re not a Democrat anymore, should we assume that you don’t accept government handouts anymore, and if you receive a check from the U.S. Treasury you return it?
Piddles really has a hard on for Bergdahl…
They were thinking Bowe was hiding out in an Iraqi ballot box.
So let’s follow similar logic. The Bolshevik revolution happened and so there’s an element to reversing that to the Viet Nam war so my cousin was killed by Karl Marx. The USS Regulus sank during a typhoon in Hong Kong harbor but because it was a fleet support ship for the 7th fleet at the time I blame Jane Fonda.
Are you you loser DUMMOCRETINS betting Bergdahl IS NOT going to be court martialed? There are no negotiations going on?
Is this another Merry Fitzmas moment?
You all BELIEVE there has been no charge sheet after all the lies from the sadministration?
Since my own gross salary was over $200K last year I expect a refund. So that’s another of the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit loooooonatic questions since your tax refund is from the US Treasury.
DAYUM you one dumb MOFO senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Bolshevik revolutions? More checkmate deflections.
Typical of checkmate… BULLSHITTIUM at its worst!
Puddy’s stock tips don’t come from senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbits!
That’s for DAYUM sure!
Oh Piddles,
Here’s the thing. If this would be such an embarrassment to the administration the Commander in Chief could order Bergdahl honorably discharged right now. Commander in Chief.
Yep, there’s a General considering charges and maybe charges are warranted but he, through an official spokesman has said there is no charging sheet at present. I suppose I could believe a Retired Lt. who has gone on the record in the media saying he KNOWS the President was in the situation room the entire time of the Benghazi attack. Yeah, I could choose to believe him but I’ll wait and see what ACTUALLY happens.
But the General considering charges has how many stars? How many people up the chain of command can order him to come to a decision on whether or not to move forward with charges, order him to less-than-honorably discharge or just drop it altogether. One of those with that authority being the guy in the White House.
You would have us believe that the decision has been made and the White House is merely delaying the release of the information. Why? Other than, “I hate the Commander in Chief,” why? If the information is really so damaging to the White House with an order from the Commander in Chief this could be not just delayed but done. “General, discharge Sgt. Bergdahl and classify your report. Case closed, Commander in Chief Barack Hussein Obama, no more elections to run.”
Once puddy got his, he is fine with pulling up the ladder.
Hee, Hee, Hee. I enjoy Ad Absurdum as a rhetorical device. You should be used to it by now.
Members of Bergdahl’s unit are claiming that any casualties that occurred after he “deserted” are the result of that act. That doesn’t make it so. Q.E.D.
Another thing you have to wonder. If it is so well known that he deserted his post, left a note to his unit, and then joined the Taliban and IED attacks became much more accurate and Six Heroes died because of his desertion, why was he promoted in absentia a FULL YEAR after he was captured? Why? No one knew he was a deserter a FULL YEAR after he left the note and walked away? Or they knew and so he was promoted anyway. Why was he promoted AGAIN a FULL TWO YEARS after he “deserted?” Why?
Puddy got his what worser@54?
Yes checkmate… Puddy agrees that you really are absurd.
You’ve been absurd since you first appeared all those years ago, Puddy doesn’t keep track of your first absurd post butt the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot does!
Post #55 proves checkmate didn’t watch this video link.
Also proves how much an IDIOT checkmate really is!
Dodge and weave…dodge and weave.
If Bergdahl left the note, the very LEAST that would have happened in real time is he wouldn’t have received his promotions on schedule. But he did. Got an answer for that? No one put the note in his file so when a pretty standard review for his promotion came up it wasn’t there. After six heroes died there was no red flag in his file so….promotion?
In Piddles’ world the Military is both the single most incompetent organization AND worthy of unquestioning admiration, respect and gratitude.
How does it feel to be schizophrenic?
You see checkmate,
The staff sergeant squad leader said the six men died.
The staff sergeant squad leader said Bergdahl deserted.
The other sergeant squad leader, Sgt. Evan Buetow, said Bergdahl was looking for English speaking Taliban to join. How did Buetow know? The other Afghans told them.
Mediaite is a libtard website checkmate.
You lose again checkmate and senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
If Bergdahl left the note, the very LEAST that would have happened in real time is he wouldn’t have received his promotions on schedule. But he did. Got an answer for that?
Already guessed you’d ask that checkmate… See post #59. COVERUP!
You lose again checkmate!
Meanwhile ObummerCare gonna cost $50K per person insured. That’s A-OK Obummer lied again, right DUMMOCRETINS?
So much no additional costs per Obummer!
How does it feel to be schizophrenic checkmate? Puddy doesn’t know how you feel about being schizophrenic. Is it a new condition? Puddy guesses your were that way before you came here to HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Please tell us about your condition checkmate!
Not discrediting the notion that Obamacare will cost the tax payer more than one penny when it was touted as not contributing to the deficit, but Puffy, if Obamacare coat every person &50,000 like you said, that would equate to 18 Trillion Dollars. Were you thinking that every person was one person, two people, three people, or ten people?
Even if that is over ten or twenty years that is 1.8T or 900B respectively.
The link Puffy provided is 14 page, and I’m not reading all 14 pages but nothing on page 1 talked about $50,000.
Puffy, What you talking about Willis?
Apparently checkmate forgot this PuddyLink from last June…
24 hour moronic moonbattic memory malady is strong in checkmate!
Oh per person insured. Over how long one day, one year, 10 years?
What if you only make $7.25 an hour?
I’m an insured person, I didn’t realize I’d be losing $50,000. Thanks for letting me know, I’ll have to redo my budget for 2015.
if Obamacare coat every person &50,000 like you said
Not what Puddy wrote above buttbusting buttbigot! Try again… You didn’t read the links either.
No wonder you are a LIV – low information voter!
How many insured? Say there are 50 million insured. At $50,000 then that’s 2.5 Trillion. Wow!!!!!!!
“Why this cover-up goes STRAIGHT TO THE WHITE HOUSE!”
Where have I heard this before. The cover-up is so deep that we have to promote him a year and two years after the fact. If he’s not on that list of thousands of names SOMEONE is going to come snooping around. And we would have gotten away with it too if it weren’t for those meddlesome kids.
@66 this is what you wrote @37.
Soooooooooooooo Obummercare will cost $50,000 per person now?
Someone is having trouble with math or just doesn’t know fuck-all about which they speak.
The cost the CBO released today is 20% less than previously anticipated (good news you would think.) Hell I’ll even throw in the estimated $60 billion in assumed increased medicare costs and the figure release today is still lower than anticipated.
The total cost is now $571B ($631B if you want to throw in medicare) so of course as you so clearly demonstrate the cost is in the Trillions. $2.5Trillion to be exact.
Well played. I guess we should all just pack up and admit that the ACA is failed and go home. You’ve nailed it! $631B = $2.5T.
@70 dude I’m with you, I’m being sarcastic. Trying to figure out the apes calculation of &50,000 per person. Doing the math, his claim is outrageous unless he can somehow explain it satisfactorily, but I highly doubt it
buttbusting buttbigot…
You really are a LIV… Proves you didn’t read the other link!
Government will spend $1.993 TRILLION over a decade and take in $643 BILLION in new taxes, penalties and fees related to Obamacare
The $1.35 trillion net cost will result in ‘between 24 million and 27 million’ fewer Americans being uninsured – a $50,000 price tag per person at best
Per insured by ObummerCare you two nuts! Seems someone is having trouble with math or just doesn’t know fuck-all about which they speak. Typical of checkmate. Absurd as always!
Sux to be checkmated and buttbusting buttbigot.
Deep Thought:
Which was the bigger GOP fk up?
1) Expecting the electorate in 2008 to accept the proposition that Sarah former half term governor of Alaska, a state with a population 50% smaller than King County, Palin was prepared to be a heartbeat away from the office of the President?
2) Expecting the electorate to vote for Mitt Rmoney in 2012, a candidate who had he won 99% of the GOP would be asking us to re-elect in 2016, but because he didn’t win in 2012 the GOP says he should not be considered in 2016?
I can’t wait for the GOP clowns of 2016!
Ben Rhodes is the head of the cover-up. Not refuted. If you paid attention to what the Admiral didn’t say… None of the the lawyer delivered charges was refuted either checkmate or senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Meanwhile the Bergdahl FACTS kicked the buttbusting buttbigoy, senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit, and checkmate ASSES, so now onto ObummerCare!
Another Obummer sadministration screw-up!
Of the following likely prospective 2016 GOP Presidential candidates
Jeb I’m smarter than George! Bush
Who the F is Ben Carson
Ruths Chris Cristie
Ted CRAZY Cruz
Carly I’ll do for the USA what I did for HP Fiorina
Mike scratch that beaver Huckabee
Bobby no-go-zones! Jindal
Sarah PalinRand Aqua Buddha, son of Crazy Uncle Liberty(!) Paul
Rick the third one I can’t. oops. Perry
Mitt unfortunate statement Romney
Rick 2012 runner-up & heir apparent with a
Google Problem Santorum
Scott good government Walker
the likely winner and GOP nominee in 2016 is Mitt Rmoney.
Hear me now. Listen to me later.
@72. Not sure what LIV means but thanks, love you too.
Ok some of the math is now correct. 24-27 million people @ $50,000 is about $1.35T.
Where did the 1.35T come from? Is that over ten years?
If 24-27 million people paid a $500/month in premiums that generates 162B x ten that is 1.62T.
Regardless of taxes and fees generated by ACA, I can’t believe that there is a cost of $5000 per year, or $50,000, to pay for the uninsured as a deficit.
In addition you are using a number 24-27 million people that you don’t even believe in and isn’t currently a reality.
This smells a little fishy to
Andy original point was to correct or for you to clarify what you meant by $50,000 per person, like you originally said
And me using 500/month of premium, weren’t you and all those that had a good plan that lost their plan are now having to pay a lot for insurance? Well I never heard of people paying 500/month for good insurance. That’s why healthcare law was passed because people couldn’t afford health insurance.
Ok puffy here is another sniff test. Let’s say the government is paying $10,000 dollars for a healthcare plan as an average for all 10 million that supposedly signed for healthcare last year. And $10,000 is what the company pays for my coverage as a single person. So it is essentially the full coverage, meaning they pick up the whole tab and the lucky dog pay no premium, you know because they are all free loaders. Well that equates to 100B (annual basis). And now we have to recover in taxes 100B, that’s it?
What are you complaint about? People getting free healthcare? Which they are all not. Or are you claiming that they are now stuck having to buy something they don’t want? Which they need or they become a burden to the rest of society or rid going bankrupt and now not free loaders. Or you complain about the taxes and fines and fees that are too overwhelming for the rich? Or it is a deficit problem. Which one is it? Is it all of them? Your $50,000 per person isn’t reality, because one 24-27 million people don’t exist.
“If you paid attention to what the Admiral didn’t say.” That’s the best laugh line you’ve had in years. And we all make mistakes, but who is the Admiral? How did the NAVY get involved? M of her Majesty’s Secret Service? Admiral Akbar? IT’S A TRAP?
“My theory about Rhodes, I mean he covered up Benghazi amirite?, is like jazz. Just as important as the notes played are the notes NOT played. If you listen to the not played notes you get to the full meaning of the ones played. So if you listen to what isn’t said and read what isn’t printed and imagine what is being thought about what isn’t said or printed then you can get to the real FACTS behind it. What you imagine…those are the facts.” Puddybud, the one and only because there can be only one troll this funny, or words to that effect.
You’ve got to wonder about the mental well being of those with such a blood-thirst for Bowe Bergdahl’s guilt. Because the current President made a prisoner swap at the end of a war, just like at the end of the other wars, the prisoners that President freed must be the single most dangerous men on the planet. No way this President would let them go unless he was SURE they would go back to trying to kill us all. That’s how much this President hates the United States.
And to be sure, the prisoner the President got back can’t possibly be any ordinary soldier or PTSD victim he MUST be the worst traitor since Kim Philby. Such is the depth of hate this President has for his country.
Sounds kind of unhinged when you take a feather duster to the surface of the rhetoric, no?
Not sure what LIV means
That’s because you don’t read threads carefully buttbusting buttbigot.
Christ, this thread.
I cannot fathom any legitimate, sane reason why people are so completely intent on flat-out lying about shit. Is it that important to live vicariously over somebody’s violent death? Is that why people are jerking off in the theaters while they’re watching “American Sniper” in 70mm and THX?
I mean, come the fuck on. YOU know you’re full of shit. YOU know damn well that you are coming in here to argue your “side” of it that seems to be so far removed from basic reality as to be that of a highly probable candidate for institutionalization. You know it’s completely false. You know that everyone else that comes in here know it’s false.
Yet, you continue. You post BreitBart links as though you actually believe that anyone in here would do anything but roll their eyes at them. You parrot, virtually word-for-word, the shit Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck say. Not to mention other well known lunatics like Alex Jones and Tony Perkins.
So whats the real point? You come in here for attention? You need to so vehemently rationalize your bloodlust and blind hatred of anything that doesn’t originate from your own little tribe?
I just cannot wrap my mind around that. It’s weird, man. It’s psychotic behavior. It is entirely too reminiscent of the same emotional construct that the known tyrants and butchers of recent history always seem to present to the world. What makes it scary weird is the fact that that there are so many people out there who jump on this bandwagon because they too, have serious cognitive disabilities and educational deficits. So when guys like me see that general consistency of belief system, it makes me worry about what is the base cause of which.
Are you assholes because you’re stupid, or are you stupid because you’re assholes?
Thus, five of the six dead in question:
Clayton Patrick Bowen
Morris L. Walker
Kurt R. Curtiss
2Lt. Darryn D. Andrews
SSgt. Michael C. Murphrey
Reality: These are the men who have been named as the people who were killed in action on a search for Bergdahl.
None of those men in actuality were killed on any search for Bergdahl. They all seem to be several months after he disappeared. Two of them weren’t even in the same fucking AO.
Aren’t you the liar.
Admiral Akbar?
This is why checkmate is checkmated by Puddy ALL THE TIME…
checkmate FACTS in short
1) Never reads the fine print
2) Relies on DUMMOCRETIN web sites
3) Runs with the first thing it reads
4) Never follows up when FACTS demonstrate otherwise
5) Deflects from the FACTS with BULLSHITTIUM to make itself look good
6) EPIC FAYLES 99.999% of the time
There is no blood thirst as checkmate claims. A real bunch of BULLSHITTIUM. Per the platoon, six American heroes lost their lives looking for the deserter. This doesn’t count to any HA DUMMOCRETIN here.
Apparently you’ve never been part of a team. The team is all of the parts. When one part decides to run to the enemy, there is NO LOVE LOST for that moron!
Again the buttbusting buttbigot doesn’t get it. You are naturally stooooooooopid! That is the truth!
Obummercare is for the “supposed uninsured” who can’t AFFORD insurance now. They don’t pay for their insurance buttbusting buttbigot! Obummer claimed 50 million peeps without insurance. ObummerCare gives it free to them. That’s the claim from Obummer. So using those premises that’s the calculation! They won’t be paying for insurance in the future, per Obummer’s dreams!
Wow, your “brain” in truly compromised!
Seems Howard Screech “Yeeeeargh” Dean got his ASS handed to him in twitterdom and military blogs over American Sniper and his stoooooooooooopidity…
“I have a lot of respect for the people who served this country, and I apologize.” – Howard DumbASS Dean Obummer got his ASS handed to him by Nancy Pelosi saying this was a stoooooooopid idea in SoTU! The whitey house now claims it’s a distraction! Apparently Congressional DUMMOCRETINS felt the heat from Real Americans!
At least Chris Matthews never hides his political DUMMOCRETIN biases on PMSNBC…
“Thank you, Gov. Dan Malloy. Congratulations. We rooted for your reelection and we’re glad that people chose you again, sir.”
Ahhh yes, Friday Night 4th Tier Toilet Dwelling Thom Boko Haram Hartmann brain exploded…
Yet Hartmann cheers when Obummer meets with Glozell
Also Fartman threw a hissy fit over Venezuela…
Butt it seems Fartmann forgot when Pelosi went to Syria during the Bush years and tried to negotiate with Assad!
The fourth link puts the entry into moderation so Puddy will allow you libtards to find it!
I’ve been away a while. Wow, Puddybud the dumb nugget is still posting here.
@91 The machine impersonating Puddy is a robot.
@49 “Are you you loser DUMMOCRETINS betting Bergdahl IS NOT going to be court martialed?”
No, we didn’t say that.
“There are no negotiations going on?”
We don’t know, nor do you.
@50 Whether you get a refund has nothing to do with how much you make. If you’re being over-withheld maybe you need a new CPA, unless you enjoy lending money to the government interest-free.
@52 That’s why you still have to work.
@59 The squad leaders are witnesses. You’re confusing them with the jury. P.S., juries aren’t required to find witnesses credible.
@60 Oh, so Bergdahl was promoted because of an administration coverup? It figures you’d say that.
@61 “Meanwhile ObummerCare gonna cost $50K per person insured.”
I think this will answer your question.
“The major components of Obamacare through the end of the decade are projected to be 20 percent cheaper than first estimated, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. … The coverage provisions of the Affordable Care Act … should cost the federal government about $76 billion in 2015 … an average of 12 million people will be enrolled in Obamacare in 2015 … ”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Dividing $76 billion by 12 million, I get a figure of $6,333.33 per nose. I hope whoever is paying Puddy 200k a year isn’t depending on him to do math.
What schizophrenia looks like:
Puddy @61 “Meanwhile ObummerCare gonna cost $50K per person insured.”
Teabagger @63 “if Obamacare coat every person &50,000 like you said”
Puddy @66: “Not what Puddy wrote above buttbusting buttbigot!”
@70 “Someone is having trouble with math or just doesn’t know fuck-all about which they speak.”
Both, plus you can add mental illness.
@72 You forgot to divide $50,000 by 10 years.
@74 So it’s not refuted even though the Army issued a press release saying Bergdahl hasn’t been charged, eh, mentally ill moron troll?
@78 “Where did the 1.35T come from? Is that over ten years?”
Yes. Puddy is outraged because health coverage for these folks is going to cost $5,000 a year.
@82 “You’ve got to wonder about the mental well being of those with such a blood-thirst for Bowe Bergdahl’s guilt.”
Yes, except in Puddy’s case, we don’t have to wonder.
@77 Agree. The eastern money establishment will pick the GOP nominee, and they’ll go with a R-money man they trust to look out for their interests.
@86 Fifty million people will get free insurance under Obamacare? Wow. I’ve never heard that before. I’ll bet Obama hasn’t heard it, either.
@90 The Logan Act is too subtle for your pea brain.
Still going with six died…
You can type it six times in four hours. Six guys can go on Fox News and claim it. Neither act makes it true.
Funny, you totally want to accept Fox News’ interview and coverage but an investigation by Reuters…media bias!
@86. Too funny. They are all getting it free. So why are those that had plans that had to change plans get upset if now it was free?
“an average of 12 million people will be enrolled in Obamacare in 2015 … ”
That’s not the value IDIOT Wabbit, and it’s not 2015 from the CBO figures. Next what happened to all those being covered as promised by Obummer?
Another deflection from FACTS!
Government will spend $1.993 TRILLION over a decade and take in $643 BILLION in new taxes, penalties and fees related to Obamacare
The $1.35 trillion net cost will result in ‘between 24 million and 27 million’ fewer Americans being uninsured – a $50,000 price tag per person at best
EPIC FAYLE in mathematics again by the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
And checkmate eats it up without actually checking!
“There are no negotiations going on?”
We don’t know, nor do you.
That’s what the Fox News Lt Colonel said point blank Monday and again last night and what NBC News hinted at. Even our local King 5 News said that last night! The Rear Admiral didn’t address that comment senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Parsing words just like a standard DUMMOCRETIN!
This is what a lying senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit lawyer will attempt
Puddy @61 “Meanwhile ObummerCare gonna cost $50K per person insured.”
Teabagger @63 “if Obamacare coat every person &50,000 like you said”
Puddy @66: “Not what Puddy wrote above buttbusting buttbigot!”
The buttbusting buttbigot didn’t capture PuddyPost #61 senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! In fact the buttbusting buttbigot didn’t capture anything correct. Glad the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit fell for the buttbusting buttbigot commentary. Stoooooooooopid is as stoooooooooooopid does!
Great try at Dark Side Mind Tricks. Puddy doesn’t fall for Dark Side Mind tricks like checkmate and buttbusting buttbigot!
Sux to be a senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Next moronic comment from the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit claims Puddy didn’t divide $50,000 by 10 years.
That’s not the point IDIOT Wabbit… Obummer claimed ObummerCare would be revenue neutral. Would not cost the taxpayer anything… Just like you could keep your doctor… Just like you could keep your health plan… Butt Dr Jonathan Gruber blew all that out of the water last fall! Exposed all the ObummerCare lies and now the CBO just nailed it BIG TIME!
Another stoooooooooooooopid deflection by the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! And the standard LIV DUMMOCRETINS like checkmate and the buttbusting buttbigot fell for it!
Sux to be LIVs following the pied piper senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
They are all getting it free. So why are those that had plans that had to change plans get upset if now it was free? – buttbusting buttbigot…
Again this moron is as dense as spent uranium pads they place on M1-A1 and M1-A2 Abrams tanks. ObummerCare was created to give free coverage to those who could not afford it. The original article is about those whom get it free and the full cost of ObummerCare. EPIC FAYLE attempt to derail that train!
Another deflection from HA’s buttbusting buttbigot! Proving the stoooooooooooopid comes naturally!
The six guys who were there are more credible than any speculation from DUMMOCRETINS you offer senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! They offered to take lie detector tests. And they all claim the six guys who died looking for the deserter are being ignored by Obummer’s sadministration, led by Ben Rhodes who wrote the Benghazi memo and called Netanyahu a “chickenshit”!
No wonder Dr Leslie Gelb Professor Emeritus from the CFR called for Obummer to fire freakazoids like Ben Rhodes!
Meanwhile, 2 Vanderbilt students got drunk; raped a girl; and now are convicted. Proverbs 20:1 – Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.
“Gov. Romney says we should replace (Obamacare)… But the problem is, he hasn’t described what exactly we’d replace it with, other than saying we’re going to leave it to the states. But the fact of the matter is that some of the prescriptions that he’s offered, like letting you buy insurance across state lines, there’s no indication that that somehow is going to help somebody who’s got a pre-existing condition be able to finally buy insurance. In fact, it’s estimated that by repealing Obamacare, you’re looking at 50 million people losing health insurance.”
Obummer words from the 2012 presidential debate senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Words from Obummer’s own mouth senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! ! Obummer IS NOT discussing those whom lost insurance in 2013 because Obummer promised no one would lose their coverage back in 2012 when Obummer claimed it!
Wait for it… Some useless DUMMOCRETIN will use the article to say Obummer didn’t say it. Obummer said it but they claim Obummer was wrong to say it. That’s not what the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit claimed below from the PuddyCapture of the stooooooooooopid statement from the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit @106!
BULLSHITTIUM from senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
@86 Fifty million people will get free insurance under Obamacare? Wow. I’ve never heard that before. I’ll bet Obama hasn’t heard it, either. – senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit commentary from @106!
It’s so sad to see someone who commanded the debate on HA DUMMOCRETINS in years gone by slip into being a senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! It used to be a challenge. Now it’s mop up time senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!!
Too bad your cheerleaders buttbusting buttbigot and checkmate are too stoooooooooooopid to see the decline!
@60 Oh, so Bergdahl was promoted because of an administration coverup? The platoon inferred that from their interview. They were told to claim Bergdahl was captured and he didn’t desert!
Remember senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit you wrote… The squad leaders are witnesses. Yes, senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit they witnessed all of Bergdahl’s gear and the note claiming he was leaving… You got something almost correct senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
It’s so sad to see someone who commanded the debate on HA DUMMOCRETINS in years gone by slip into being a senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! It used to be a challenge. Now it’s mop up time senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!!
Hey checkmate,
What happened Admiral Akbar again?
Mike Rogers and Admiral Akbar… Great cumbacks from a FACTUALLY FAULTY lost HA DUMMOCRETIN!
Here is one that should get Puffy really confused. That $50,000 price tag fro 24-27 million is over ten years.
So, really that price tag is for 240 million to 270 million people. Now what a bargain!
Roger, all I have to say is Wow! at @112. Ape eating too many bananas.
So, really that price tag is for 240 million to 270 million people. – moronic twit buttbusting buttbigot…
Poor bozo still can’t process facts, even after displaying Obummer’s own words. They already have their insurance UNLESS they can’t keep their policy as another Obummer LIE comes front and center…
You really are that stoooooooooooooooopid!
Keep falling for those Dark Side Mind Tricks buttbusting buttbigot!
It’s good to see the buttbusting buttbigot redisplay its heritage in its avatar! Its daddy was a silverback!