Mark Fiore: Congressional Turkeys.
Young Turks: People love ObamaCare, so long as they don’t know what it is called.
Puppet Nation: U.S. News:
White House: West Wing Week.
Richard Fowler: Sen. Elizabeth Warren takes her fight to Walmart.
Young Turks: Governor insists food stamps come with drug tests.
Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses of the week.
David Pakman: Republican Koch House passes bill muzzling EPA scientists.
Sam Seder: Solyndra turns out to be the opposite of a scandal.
Ferguson, Goddamn:
- Young Turks: Darren Wilson’s testimony is pure weird racist fantasy
- Eric Schwartz: How many shots.
- Liberal Viewer: Unfair Ferguson grand jury?
- Lawrence O’Donnell: FALSE Grand Jury instructions by Wilson prosecutors
- Young Turks: Darren Wilson shares his side of the story.
- Pap and Ed: Darren Wilson’s PR charm offensive
- Thom: Shouldn’t conflicting witnesses warranted a trial?
Thom: Is Walmart playing “Hunger Games” with its employees?
Farron Cousins: Net Neutrality battle rages on.
David Pakman: Director of ex-gay conversion clinic ends up marrying his same-sex partner.
Sam Seder: How Republicans ran from their right wing victory…
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Walking with hands in pockets while black.
Lucky he wasn’t shot.
Why must Obama make this Friday a “black” Friday? – conservative douche bag probably
Sarah Palin hates plenty of people, why isn’t ok to give a little hate back. It’s called Karma.
Hillbilly heroin is replaced by the real thing:
Is this why voter turnout was so low in the red states in 2014? Too many people may only concerned with getting their next fix. Politics as a means of improving their lot in life is totally meaningless to them.
Klownservatives has screwed this country so much, people have to get highly doped to deal with it.
One less armed and violent rightwing anti-government nut and anti-Mexican bigot to worry about.
“Although McQuilliams’ motive has not been determined, officials are looking into whether possible anti-government sentiments over recent developments in U.S. immigration issues played a role, according to the Washington Post.”
@1 This incident could have been handled better by the 911 dispatcher. It should have gone something like this:
Dispatcher: What is your emergency?
Caller: I’m calling to report a suspicious person.
Dispatcher: What is the person doing?
Caller: Walking down the street with his hands in his pockets.
Dispatcher: Why is that suspicious?
Caller: Well, uh, you know, he’s black. So he might have a weapon in his pocket and maybe is planning to rob someone.
Dispatcher: Did you see a weapon?
Caller: No.
Dispatcher: Did you see him rob anyone?
Caller: No.
Dispatcher: Then why do you think he might be a robber?
Caller: Because he’s black.
Dispatcher: Is it possible he’s just keeping his hands warm?
Caller: Uh, um, I didn’t think of that.
Dispatcher: Have a good day.
@ 5
You might not have read about the best part of the story:
…but the rampage ended when a hero cop shot McQuilliams with one hand while holding onto two horses with the other.
Seriously, HA libbies – Don’t Mess With Texas.
@7 Texas has nothing to do with it. That guy would have been shot by any cop in this country.
Wisconsin GOP Legislator Gets Jail For Sexual Assault
USA Today reports that Wisconsin State Rep. Bill Kramer, a former GOP majority leader in the state legislator, will serve 5 months in jail for fourth-degree sexual assault. Kramer was originally charged with a felony. According to Wikipedia, Kramer grabbed a GOP female staffer by her breasts and groin in a bar while at a Republican event in 2011.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans see nothing wrong with this kind of behavior. They feel entitled to it. Also, they consider women inferior, and see them as sex objects who exist for no purpose other than male gratification.
While looking at the reason we celebrate Christmas (61 Christmas Carols with Christ at the center), Puddy found Christmas Carols the empty tea bagger with the chafed puffy butt can sing…
Puddy never knew this existed! Puddy shocked and amazed!
Yet Roger NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit cheers this type of activity because Roger likes DUMMOCRETIN crooks better!
About 33 results (0.43 seconds)
Had an eventful day trip to Portland, the train had the railway equivalent of a flat tire, and crawled back to King Street Station from Tukwila, to remove the Cab Car with the flat spots on the wheel. Only about 90 minutes late. Coming back, had the new train.
One thing you can always depend on from klownservatives:
when gas prices spike, klownservatives point the finger at democrats.
See here and here..
So who should gas consumers praise for this?
Thank you President Obama!!! But wait for it!! The klownservatives will say Opec is “afraid” of the new krazed kraptastic klownservative kongress..
Those nutjobs are scary indeed.
Forget gas prices, notice how the Ebola scare ended the day after the election?
@11 I’ve never cheered that type of activity by anyone. All I’ve ever said is that given a choice between Republican crooks or Democratic crooks, I prefer our crook over your crooks. By the way, is this dude a buddy of yours?
@14 You don’t hear about Sgt. Bergdahl or Susan Rice anymore, either.
“Puddy never knew this existed!”
Well, we do tend to find that which we seek, don ‘t we? Hmm.
Brandi Kruse @BrandiKruse
Kids who came here to sing for tree lighting were unable to. Protester: “Who cares. Mike Brown doesn’t get a Christmas.” #Seattle #Ferguson
5:16 PM – 28 Nov 2014
Class acts, Seattle liberals. Scaring kids isn’t any more effective than beatifying a thug, but thanks for playing.
The typical Black Friday boom in gun sales doubles the number of background checks handled by the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), from one per second on an average day to two per second.
By Friday afternoon, that figure had reached three checks per second, CNN reported, putting 2014 on track to blow past the prior Black Friday record of 144,758 FBI-processed gun transactions in a single day.
Clearly a result of the stunning defeat suffered by the NRA at the hands of Washington state voters.
@19 Clearly, Democrats aren’t confiscating anyone’s guns, but that doesn’t stop Republicans from peddling that crazy narrative.
It’s been a busy week, he’s not in town, and yet Goldy is right there with all the important breaking news:
Goldy retweeted
The Other 98% @other98 · 23h 23 hours ago
BREAKING: Santa arrested with Walmart workers in Sacramento while the crowd cheers. RT for #WalmartStrikers
Funny, this didn’t make his Twitter feed:
According to police, a witness saw Acord reach under a vehicle while holding a road flare, and when they searched him, they found a loaded 9 mm handgun without a permit and a 7-inch knife. More weapons, including an assault rifle and a shotgun, as well as a box of fireworks, were found in his car after police secured a search warrant, The Seattle Times reported.
“I don’t know what his plans were, but it’s obviously of great concern that someone would come to an event in Seattle with those weapons readily available,” Seattle Police Chief Kathleen O’Toole said Wednesday, according to the newspaper.
Apparently not as great a concern as reporting what was found when Santa was strip-searched.
Can’t we all get along?
Steve back on the Stupid Solution. Go ahead and reread the first part of #10 then try again!
We got the senate so where is the final Army report on Bergdahl?
Ebola? Isn’t there DUMMOCRETIN state quarantines in place?
Hello, Liz, we get that you’re a partisan hag who’s switched on 24/7, that you earn your paycheck by whoring for the Republican Party, and sniping at the president is your job, but you really oughta leave his kids out of it …
@22 Empirical evidence accumulated over several thousand years of recorded history strongly suggests the answer to your question is “no.”
Yo Roger IDIOT Wabbit,
When you are DUMMOCRETIN scum in America, you are DUMMOCRETIN scum in Zimbabwe! You must remember this guy right?
So now CNN is asking questions about Shawn Parcells? Why not back in August?
The crude oil train disaster last year in Lax Megantic, Quebec, highlighted not only safety issues in the crude oil trains, but the practice of one-man trains in general. Some railroads do it badly, like the now defunct Montreal, Maine, and Atlantic, but a few do a good job of it, like the Indiana Rail Road. The IRR using one man trains and remote control locomotives only put local truckers out of work, increased it’s own workforce.
Japan’s conservative Liberal Democratic Party PM has dissolved the lower house and called a snap election. Probably the best time, the opposition Democratic Party of Japan is still in disarray following the last election.
The Lower House is elected via a Mixed Member Majoritarian system, with 300 members elected in single seat districts, and 180 elected via a separate ballot using proportional representation. This differs from the German Mixed Member Proportional system, in that the party vote only determines how many proportional representation seats a party is entitled to, not it’s total seat allocation.
DemocratDUMMOCRETIN Party of America is still in disarray following the last election.More of the empty tea bagger with the chafed puffy butt’s thought police in action…
Another nail in the progressive tolerance coffin!
Criticize the won in any joke and you are a racist…
Seems the WaPo is still trying for an indictment…
@32 condoning discrimination, bigotry, and hatred is not a something of tolerance. You have it mixed up, because you are an Ape.
I’m sure if I really cared, I could go find some passage of the Bible that promotes slavery or discrimination of blacks or whatever. And if you think if I were a public official and spewed that bigotry and hatred, and not get fired, then you are again mistaken.
This guy is a public official, I suppose you would find it acceptable to let their house burn down if on fire, because he felt that it went against his religious beliefs. I know you would be fine with that. It’s close to what I would call Nazi Germany. You ducking Ape. Have another Banana….. Does the fireman eat Watermelon…., maybe you guys can go have a watermelon summit together.
I know Puffy a life without hatred scares you. You perpetuate hatred. You are scum.
Karma dude.
“But when you have this secret grand jury proceeding where there is only one lawyer in the room and that lawyer’s the local prosecutor who has a symbiotic relationship with the local police department and a local police officer and has no relationship or no regard for this young person of color. And then you see the results all the time coming out where they are exonerated. They are cleared. It’s swept under the rug. And we’re told to just go on and get over it. Well, we can’t continue just to go ahead and get over it. Because these are our children that are being killed.” — Benjamin Crump, lawyer for Michael Brown family
@33 Yeah, I’ve noticed all the rightwing comedians have been cowed into total silence about this president.
@27 Relative of yours?
I don’t see the effectiveness of disrupting the tree lighting ceremony downtown. That just scares and angers people, not induce reflection on justice.
You know what is really going to cause change? Voting. If ever one of those protesters voted, and got 10 of their friends to vote, then there would be influence.
How about ever one of those protesters joining the democratic party and showing up to every party meeting and voting and running for every position. They want change, that will cause real change.
If the protestors want to cause true disruption, join the republican party and vote and run, for everything, endlessly.
“Steve back on the Stupid Solution. Go ahead and reread the first part of #10 then try again!”
@10 “While looking at the reason we celebrate Christmas”
So you’re saying that, while looking at the reason why you celebrate Christmas, you looked for and found a site about men wearing women’s underwear?? My, but the missus of the Puddy household must be very open-minded.
“Oh, Chuck Todd!” Obama exclaimed. “Let’s see what Chuck has to say here!”
“How is he writing a book already? asked his 16-year-old daughter, Malia.
This from the daughter of a guy who won a Nobel Peace Prize after fewer than nine months in office.
I see the dumb bitch that criticized Obama’s daughters for not being classy enough has apologized. The bitch should hold her head in shame. Another act of Conservatives being assholes, thinking they are better than others, being hypocritical, and plainly just making fools of themselves. Puffy take note – what you say only projects your ignorance. Yes in the name of Religious Freedom you are most ignorant. Karma bitch.
@40 I’m sure Mrs. Puffy has her head far up her fat ass too. If he is wearing women’s under ware, he is totally hiding it.
Hershey Highway king: You thought wrong again!
Sux to be you!
You are a moron as always Hershey Highway king! She apologized. That’s something DUMMOCRETINS fail to do all the time!
Stupid Solution Steve,
It was part of the search list of Christmas Carols. Puddy wasn’t “looking for it”, contrary to your “thoughts”. Puddy found 61 Christmas Carols with Jesus or Christ in it then those two “carols” discussing empty tea bagger actions!
DUMMOCRETIN progressives are scum!
Mel Reynolds is one of your IDIOT Wabbit. Distant Cousin?
@ 25, 42
That’s what you’ve got? An obscure press rep of an obscure congressman is mean to the Obama daughters?
What are you going to do with that? Fan that little bitty flame for 23 1/2 months? If you’re starting off by calling the woman a dumb bitch you’ve already lost your message – instead, you’ve further defined yourself as just some gay misogynist calling a woman by a vulgar name, ‘bagger.
The right has Number Three Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer on record saying Obama had a chance to help the economy and instead he ran with Obamacare. You’ve got a Facebook post by someone who might or might not be employed tomorrow, but who will be very likely forgotten the day afterward, except on MSNBC.
Which of those message is more likely to get air play in 2016?
Klownservatives love to jack themselves over “envy”:
Butt, butt, butt. when people point out that “the game is rigged”.. all klownservatives talk about is “envy”..
Klownservatives are the lowest of deceptive scum!!!
United Streetcar has gone dormant, partly due to the whims of partisan politics, but also the foreign builders seeing a threat to the investment that they have made in the US market.
One example for not winning enough orders is running on the streets of Portland itself. The Siemens S70 Light Rail Vehicle, comes in several sizes, from 79-95ft in length. Siemens adapted the 79ft long, UltraShort version for stop and go street traffic, and won orders in Atlanta and Salt Lake City. CAF won orders from Kansas City and Cincinnati, by adapting their European hot-seller, the Urbos, for North America. I have read up on the latter, it is a much better design, 100% low floor and modular. Expandable from 3-9 modules, depending on customer need. Inekon won repeat orders from Seattle and a new order from the private consortium building in Detroit. Brookville, with it’s Liberty model, won in Dallas because nobody would build only two cars.
LMAO!!!! The village idiot troll tried to prop up the silly and stupid Ted Cruz the other day with lowest turnout election since 1942..
Damn! When you’ve lost Mr. “blew over $100 million and didn’t break a sweat” you’ve really lost!!! And “too right wing”!!! HAHAHAHAHA!
You ever met a klownservative who ever believed anyone can be “too right wing”?? Their solution to every defeat is “go further to the right”!!
Tooo daaaamn fuuuunyy! Geez who knew Sheldon Adelson is a closet liberal?
Also, the SLC contract, any bidding done would have been due diligence only, as the fix may have been in. The UTA actually put Siemens in the position to win that order. Siemens won an order with the Utah Transit Authority when they adapted the S70 to meet a request from the UTA to build a light rail vehicle, low floor, but short enough to run in four car trains without having to modify the platforms at existing TRAX stations. The order was for 77 vehicles, with an option for 180 more. When Siemens adapted the design to win the Atlanta Streetcar contract, the UTA had a winner for the rolling stock for the Sugar House Streetcar, also called the S-line.
@ 52
Their solution to every defeat is “go further to the right”!!
Obama’s solution to his party’s defeat?
The president’s second message has unfolded over the past week. Obama has moved to the left…
The left wants Hillary to move left by encouraging competition from that side:
I have no idea how much Adelson spent. Doesn’t seem he ‘blew’ much this cycle. Tom Steyer, I read, spent $73,000,000. How did that turn out for him? And for those who took his money and mouthed his talking points?
Oh, YLB, one more thing. As far as ‘long shots’ are concerned, google “Obama longshot 2007”. If a furthest-left liberal longshot first term senator has a chance to become president, so might a furthest-right conservative longshot senator.
I hope not, but…
@49 awwwww Bob doesn’t like the use of the word Bitch. Isn’t that so sweet. I’m sure you’ve used the word plenty of times, stop being a hypocrite, you misogynist.
You stay silent on Puffy’s hate, so don’t try speaking up now. Stay silent, it is your best trait. Your silence to other ills is no less being ignorant than the person that speaks the ignorance.
@45 that’s what I said. I said she apologized. Do you find that Republicans always having to apologize makes up for there ignorance?
@44, the guy should consider himself lucky, he should have been fired.
OH WOW BOB!!! From your link:
OH WOW BOB! How “left” is “net neutrality”.. It’s only been the FCC’s policy since forever??? Oh my the internet has been so strangled by the policy.. Think of how fast the wife will shop with a “fast lane” Bob…
OH WOB BOB!! China committing to a “UNITED STATES LOAD” worth of carbon emissions reduction last I looked is such a radical commie policy.. Think what it will do!!! It might force Bob to do a Ronnie Raygun and “tear his solar panels down”!
The right wingers can’t handle these RADICAL lefty policies..
@49 you see Bob you like to just make political comments and what is going to play in 2016 or what isn’t going to play in 2016. You rather sweep everything else under the rug as insignificant. How about be a man and call out what the one, tiny little staffer did. Acknowledge it and say how wrong it was.
My vote may not be for the winner in 2016, but at least I will not vote for any losers of the Conservative Party. The Party that likes to say they play fair, and honest, and are classy, don’t cheat, more intelligent, etc…. but nothing could be further from the truth. Have fun voting for those losers. It will come back to bite you in the ass.
I used to tease the village idiot troll about that all the time.. Yes, at one time our village idiot ODS-addled moron said he was going to vote for Obama for “glass ceiling breaking” reasons all the while buying into that right wing bullshit about “voting present” and attending Wright’s church. I used to poke that fool about supporting “the most liberal senator”..
Turned out NOT to be true.. Hillary was to the left of Obama on domestic policy, to the right of Obama on foreign policy..
Obama did not support Ted Kennedy and John McSame on their immigration legislation which put Obama on Teddy’s shit list. Teddy could only support Obama’s presidential ambitions after being lobbied by Caroline Kennedy.
Naaaah.. Teddy and Hillary were a bit more liberal.. And compared to a Paul Wellstone or a Bernie Sanders?? Gimme a freakin’ break..
But in little Bobby’s bubble, Obama is “furthest left”.. What a freakin joke!
Not gonna happen.. The Dems will always court Wall Street if only to get some of their money if not parity with the Republicans. The most “far left” tax policy you’ll hear from the Dems is the “Buffet Rule”.. Oh wow hedge fund managers paying taxes at the same rate of the help.. How “far left” is that?
On foreign policy – the establishment built by Bush/Cheney is still formidable. Obama made a decision even before Jan 2009 to not challenge it. The worst thing to happen to that establishment was the sequester – aided, abetted and supported BLINDLY by the bagger Republicans.
I have my doubts Hillary will run anyway. She doesn’t have the chops that Barack and Bill had. Even if she does run all the Republicans have to say is that she will bring Bill and his people back to the White House (which is pretty much a lock) – not that bad of an idea after 8 years of Bush. Less of a good idea now in my view.
Ahhh yes the buttspigot is leaking very smelly BULLSHITTIUM from the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot is all over this thread.
Remember idiot moron, Obummer claimed Obummer’s policies were on the ballot November 4th, 2014. Can you say REJECTED? R E J E C T E D! The problem with HA’s absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot is it’s continual scream over the lowest voter turnout. Still living as it’s November 3rd, 2014. Another of your chronologically challenged actions leaking buttspigot. It’s your side leaking buttspigot that sat at home and played with themselves while Republicans came to the polls and voted DUMMOCRETINS out!
Regarding Puddy’s one support for Obummer before the 2008 erection was because Obummer was “transcendent”. Then Puddy studied hard the positions of Obummer. Chose not to vote for Obummer once you realized Obummer is really and empty suit. Once DUMMOCRETINS called Obummer the Messiah that turned Puddy off of Obummer. No right-wing actions there absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot! Words from DUMMOCRETINS! Puddy posted all the left wrong freakazoids whom called Obummer the Messiah! Go back and review the list from the crazed database leaking buttspigot.
So let’s see some PuddyFacts.
– Don’t cross that red line – Empty suit
– Wait until my reelection and then I will have flexibility – Empty Suit
– Can’t find a suitable SoD person yes person – Empty suit
– Leave Iraq and much of it falls to ISIS – Empty Suit
– ISIS is just JV – Empty Suit
– Iran nuclear talks failing, lift some sanctions – Empty suit
– Release Club GITMO prisoners, ISIS recruiters – Empty suit
– Give China until 2030 to think about climate change – Empty suit
The list is so long, yet HA’s absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot cheerleads the empty suit. If Puddy called Obummer a chimp, you’d here all those racism calls from the very clueless and dumbest of the HA DUMMOCRETINS. Well Obummer is a empty suited chimp!
So as Puddy always says very truthfully: It sux to be the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot!
Now watch everyone for the next idiotic insipid installment from the leaking buttspigot!
31)It’s only been a month since our last election. The election the DPJ lost was about 2 years ago. They are more of a centrist alternative to the center-right LDP. Problem for Japan, is the LDP has only been out of power twice, for a combined period of about 5 years, since first being elected in 1954.
Japan’s Mixed Member Majoritarian system did come out of the first period of defeat for the LDP. Unfortunately, they did not fix a problem of malapportionment of seats, which gives rural prefectures more weight than urban ones.
Once again the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot doesn’t read it’s own links…
Soooooooooooo it was a made up “claim” about Adelson’s Ted Cruz comments. Butt that won’t stop the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot from seeing itself in pixels!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! What a feckless tool.
Have y’all noticed almost all of the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot‘s posts have a reference to Puddy in them? Why is that? Because Puddy PWNS this moron! View all the PuddyPosts that reference multiple things not involving the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot!
It really sux to be the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot!
LMAO!!! Obama wasn’t running you stupid KKK Uncle.
Congress was, had a 9 percent approval and the worst voter turnout since 1942 said PEOPLE DIDN”T CARE!
They will care in 2016 asshole.. After the freak show that’s coming in January..
LMAO@the KKK Uncle…
No one here at HA did that. When challenged you couldn’t find it.
You’re a silly joke who harps on trivialities.. Damn you’re an idiot!
Awwww it’s a pretty sad day for you when I don’t attack your bullshit here..
Awww mustabeen sad @ 4, 13, 50, 58, 61 in this thread
The ones where I do reference your idiocy have a simple purpose
Your silliness, your stupidity, your credulousness, your bullshitting, your asshole behavior all of which have been pointed out not only by me but most of the moderators here..
You suck! Plain and simple.. Maybe I’ll do you a favor and not mention you anymore..
Being ignored will make you SO HAPPY!
Puddy called it in #62. Prescient as ever! Puddy PWNS this moron. Three posts of absolute nothingness.
Ahhh yes forced to revisit the crazed database!
Puddy put forth national DUMMOCRETINS. Y’all wanted to bring it here!
Still living on November 3, 2014. If Obummer wasn’t rejected why do Republicans own the Senate now and gained more seats in the House? Feckless and stooooooooooopid! Oh my Obummer lost big time!
Sux to be the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot and it’s PWNage by Puddy!
Yeah, the turnout in TexASS was 37 percent in 2010, 33 percent in 2014.. Some enthusiasm there for the bagger loon agenda.
This klownservative isn’t impressed..
This right winger is freaking scared for the future..
You remain an idiot. Bye!