ONN: The Onion Week in Review.
Jonathan Mann: Fuck Yes, I’m A Social Justice Warrior:
Presidential Fashion:
- Young Turks: Tan suited Presidents.
- Sharpton: Tan Suit.
John Green: Understanding agriculture in the developing world.
Mark Fiore: Pentagon hymn, The Shores of Tripoli.
Ferguson Issues:
- Jon: FAUX News’ response to Ferguson (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Stephen: Ferguson (via TalkingPointsMemo).
- Young Turk: Sexy video chatter’s audio Of Michael Brown shooting authenticated
- Moving moments from Michael Brown’s funeral.
- Ed: Right wingers claim that Michael Brown beat up policeman.
- Hillary Clinton breaks her silence.
- Sam Seder: FAUX News idiot claims Eric Holder runs DOJ like the Black Panthers.
- Puppet Nation: Police on my back.
- Everything Must Go!!!
Ann Telnaes: An ice bucket challenge for the media.
Ed and Pap: Could Mitt possibly save the GOP?
Mental Floss: 25 famous people who were once interns.
Sam Seder: Obama’s ambitious new global climate push.
Turtle Soup:
- Thom and Pap: BUSTED! Mitch McConnell’s Koch problem….
- Young Turks: Secret audio proves Senator is billionaires’ bitch
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Sen. Mitch McConnell’s offers crippling GRIDLOCK to the Koch Brothers
Psychosupermom: Put the blame on me, Bob.
White House: West Wing Week.
Young Turks: Chris Christie is against voting unless you’re a Republican.
Gov. Oops:
- Jon on Rick.
- Pap: Rick Perry is in big trouble.
- Jimmy Dore calls Rick Perry:
- Rick Perry: Courage
- Oops: Rick Perry forgets to feed and pay National Guard patrolling border.
- Sharpton: Oops, He did it again…Perry forgets the charges against him.
Sam Seder: State senator pleads guilty to bribery—for switching his vote from Michele Bachmann to Ron Paul.
Alex Wagner and Chris Cillizza: The role of Obamacare in the North Carolina’s Senate race.
Sharpton: Female voters Just Say No to Republican candidates.
Former Home of the Whopper:
- Chris Hayes and Robert Reisch: Burger King set to move headquaters out of the U.S.A
- Thom: The latest corporate Benedict Arnold.
Puppet Nation: Shrub returns Barry’s call.
Chris Hayes: Republicans threaten ANOTHER government shutdown
ONN: GOP maintains solid hold on youth that already look like old men.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
FF Protests Labor Day By Staging ‘Work-In’
The self-described “Freedom Foundation” hates workers so much it’s protesting Labor Day by staging a “work-in” on Monday. Seriously. Really.
This perfectly illustrates their mentality:
“’I can’t think of a problem in society that can’t be traced in some way back to the abuses of organized labor, so it would be hypocritical of us to take a day off on its behalf,’ said Freedom Foundation CEO Tom McCabe, in announcing the ‘work-in.’”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now you know what the execrable Tom McCabe’s next agenda item is: Repeal Labor Day. Or maybe rename it “CEO Day,” which means only CEOs get the day off.
Why The Texas National Guard Went To A Food Bank For Help
“According to The Wire, it costs about $12 million per month to keep the 1,000 troops at the border ‘sustained,’ and Perry’s refused to use Texas money to pay them, instead calling on the federal government to do so.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m curious why it costs $12 million a month to “sustain” 1,000 troops. That’s $12,000 a month per Guardsman. I’m sure that’s not their salary. Where’s the rest of it going? Is this another scheme to skim taxpayer money and divert it into the coffers of the Texas GOP?
2)I am not surprised. Governor Perry called them up, not the President, so it should be state money being used. Soldiers should not have to go to the food bank. By the way, doesn’t the Guard have access to MRE’s?
Cop Fired For Vicious Remarks About Protesters
A Glendale, Missouri, cop involved in policing the Ferguson protests has been fired for posting on Facebook that the protesters “should be put down like a rabid dog.” Glendale is about 15 miles from Ferguson.
This isn’t the same cop who pushed a CNN reporter and made remarks about the Supreme Court, Muslims, and President Obama. That cop remains suspended from duty pending investigation. Hopefully he’ll be fired, too.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: There is no place in our police forces for people who think protesters against police brutality are “rabid dogs” who should be “put down” for exercising their constitutional right of expression. Such people, when dressed in police riot gear and armed with guns, are a clear and present danger to our communities.
Citizens have constitutional rights to assembly, free speech, and free press. There is no constitutional right to be a cop. It’s a service job that citizens have a right to expect will be performed professionally and competently. Having a chip against the citizens police officers have a duty to serve and protect is a disqualifer for police employment. So is an itchy trigger finger.
Meanwhile, another cop who pointed an assault rifle at protesters and threatened to kill them, who has been identified as Lt. Ray Albers, has resigned from the St. Ann, Missouri, police department.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Albers isn’t the only St. Ann cop with a bad attitude toward citizens. The chief needs to go, too. He defended Albers, claiming Albers “saw a gun in the crowd,” and asserted that while he was “disturbed” by Albers’ language, Albers should only have been suspended without pay, and blamed “citizen journalists” for his departure from the police force. “A whole bunch of what you’d call citizen journalists, who were sitting with cameras recording, waiting for something stupid to happen, which they got. They won on this one,” Jimenez told a newspaper.
What’s happening in St. Louis is the cops there murdered one black too many, and now we’re seeing Jim Crow — a system that puts white mayors and city councils, white police chiefs, and white police officers, in power over black communities — dying. Deeply embedded racism is at the core of what happened in Ferguson’s streets when Michael Brown was shot, police arrested journalists and threatened to kill protesters, and, finally, state and federal officials stepped in to remove power from local authorities. Michael Brown is the Emmett Till of the reborn civil rights movement. It won’t be stopped. America has had enough of police violence and racism. An uprising has begun.
Another video of ugly police racism comes from St. Paul, Minnesota, where a man waiting in an apparently public area to pick up his kids from a daycare is profiled by a private security guard, then attacked, beaten, tased, handcuffed, arrested, and taken to jail by white cops, for being black.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Here’s how the police department defended their officers’ actions: “At one point, the officers believed he might either run or fight with them. It was then that officers took steps to take him into custody.” In other words, if a cop subjectively believes you MIGHT run away or fight them, they can use physical force — presumably including deadly force — to subdue you. Sounds a lot like the Republicans in the 1950s who wanted to launch a preemptive nuclear attack against Russia before they could do it to us. Let’s hope this victim of police racism and brutality gets a big settlement, both for his sake, and to teach the dumb racist cops a lesson.
@ 7 RR
Attorney Dale Preiser issued a statement saying that the “use of drive stun to gain compliance is permitted under federal and Georgia law.”
@1-@8 The American Taliban hard at work in creating a Nazi state. No Freedom, no fun. Live by my rules while I live by other rules set-up just for me. The GOP = American Taliban.
Seems like the Taliban (or religious radicals) have a problem with a woman being unfaithful, but they see no problem killing her for being so. What about the man? Shouldn’t his penis be cut off?
Sounds like the American Taliban and Marriage Equality and a person being Gay.
I grew up across the street from that guy…Ray Albers…about 2-3 miles to the east, in Bellefountaine Neighbors.
HuffPo got his age wrong – he was a classmate of my older brother – so he’s about 54-55.
He FB friended me a few years back…I declined (we were never friends before)…he seemed pretty uninteresting, as he was when we were kids. He was bland and not so smart then…certainly not an obvious white supremacist or even especially into guns or violence at that point, but I only knew him when we were kids. I recall a lot of American flag and eagle imagery on his FB page – which is now down, big surprise.
Back when we were growing up, Ferguson, and Florissant and Bellefountaine Neighbors were very very white, and working class, and I remember my folks and other adults being very aware of ‘the blacks’ and where they lived. St. Louis was, and is, a very segregated, very race conscious, racist place.
I’ve been having arguments with other old friends on FB, the ones who’ve engaged have all been white, and all very concerned about the due process rights of the cop/shooter, and some have posted ridiculous things like the Dana Loesch (dingbat Teahaddist) interview with the cop’s girlfriend’s friend. It’s really rather pathetic and sad.
I hope you’re right RR – that this is the start of an uprising. Not just the unfinished business of Civil Rights, but of ordinary working people, and people who want to work, banding together and refusing to be exploited and discarded anymore. An uprising against the acceptance of throw-away people and throw-away communities. An uprising against the elites ONCE AGAIN using police power to put down the aspirations of ordinary people. It’s 30+ years of Reaganomics making greed and exploitation and rapacious wealth a national pastime, but it’s many more years of regular folks being turned against each other on the basis of the skin color or religion or gender or orientation.
Greedheads don’t care who they kill. It’s time they think twice.
“Never before has a jury heard a criminal case in which a corporate chief faced federal criminal charges for knowingly shipping out food containing salmonella … the trial … is sure to make a lasting impact on how criminal statutes are applied to food safety ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If someone killed my mother (RIP, sniffle) with tainted food, I’d be sorely tempted to hunt the bastard down and do unto him but for, you know, that rule of law thing. Mother killers don’t deserve to live.
I saw my first Ben Carson President 2014 sticker in the wild this morning. It’s never going to happen, he has too much Melanin to get through the republican primaries where the reactionary old-guard southern strategy hold-outs still show up in force, but please that would be fun.
The problem with statements like this is while it gets you a guaranteed contract for another 18 appearances on Hannity, even most republicans who aren’t knuckle draggers hear it and say, “That MoFo’s crazy!”
That’s two different times he implied the President is Hitler. One Ad and Dr. Ben carries only 3-4 states in the general. There are too many racists in the South to even beat back that amount of stupidity coming out of his mouth. One ad of those quotes and he’s done.
I want to see Obama take action on immigration sooner rather than later, and if it does lead to the Republicans shutting down the government, that’s too damn bad. For them. I’m sick of the shuffling around DACA and the reform legislation, and I would hope the Democrats would (this time) have learned to use a shutdown as a cudgel against the Repugs in November. Combine that with a few more Repug attempted actions against women’s health, perhaps, and at least hang onto the Senate if not add a few House seats.
@13 Never heard of Carson until now. From Wikipedia:
“Carson’s views on evolution and creationism have also generated controversy. … Carson stated: ‘I don’t believe in evolution …. I simply don’t have enough faith to believe that something as complex as our ability to rationalize, think, and plan, and have a moral sense of what’s right and wrong, just appeared. … By believing we are the product of random acts, we eliminate morality and the basis of ethical behavior. … People who believe in survival of the fittest might have more difficulty deriving where their ethics come from.'” (From Wikipedia)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s hard for me to understand how someone can be a neurosurgeon and evolution denier at the same time. Somehow he manages it. Regarding the last sentence of the quote above, I think that’s an apt description of many Republicans, especially those in business, so if he truly believes that, then I also have trouble understanding how he manages to be a Republican because there’s no doubt about which of the two major parties is more ethically challenged.
Of course, I myself have thought long and hard about the question Carson raises about where morality and ethics would come from in the absence of religion. I’m inclined to think this goes far to explain why various religions have played such a large, persistent, and almost universal role in societies. Where DO you get a moral compass from, if you don’t believe in a higher power that demands adherence to a certain specified code of behavior? The answer seems to be you stupid humans don’t have one under any circumstances. You’ve often used your religions as vehicles to magnify, rather than diminish, your worst tendencies. See, e.g., burning apostates and heretics at the stake, not to mention all the religious wars. Now, I’m not saying we rabbits have a moral code. But we don’t need one, because unlike you stupid humans, we don’t have nuclear weapons, so our survival doesn’t depend on getting along or being nice to one another. The most we rabbits do to each other is bite and kick; you hardly ever hear of a rabbit being killed by another rabbit. We have a survival code that revolves around not being caught and eaten by other critters. We’ve been around for millions of years and that’s all we’ve needed over that time. We don’t sell tainted peanut butter that kills people. Only you stupid humans pull shit like that, so your species has an unique need for moral and ethical restraints on your behavior. Not that you’re ever going to have such. We rabbits haven’t seen it yet and don’t believe we ever will, so we just try to stay the fuck out of your way and hope we’re still here after you get done fucking over each other. When your species is gone from this planet we’re going to take over your niche and run this place properly: Free lettuce for everyone and no more fucking dogs or cars! Eagles and falcons are gonna go, too, but we’ll let elephants and pandas stay. Pandas are cute, and harmless too. Can’t say the same for you stupid humans. Where we rabbits are concerned, you stupid humans can’t be gone too soon, especially you religious freaks who believe there’s a God who looks like you (where did you get that idea? If there’s a divine power, it has long ears and a cottontail, mark my words!) and is willing to give you a pass on all the shit you pull as long as you kiss His Divine Ass.. We’re as eager for the Rapture as you are!
NYC Police Chokehold Deaths Ruled Homicides
A medical examiner has ruled that two recent deaths from chokeholds applied by New York City police officers were homicides.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: When New Yawk cops strangle you to death, they call it a “protective body wrap” maneuver. Protective for whom? Not you … well, anyway, that’s going to be another $5 million of taxpayer money paid out to the relatives of the victims (assuming the cases settle for about $2.5 million each, which appears to be the going rate for police murders these days), and of course nothing will happen to the cops.
More On Ferguson Cop Firings
A total of 3 cops from Ferguson and surrounding communities have now left their jobs as a result of the fallout from the Michael Brown slaying and the protests it triggered.
One of the bureaucratic casualties is Lt. Ray Albers, who was employed by the St. Ann Police Department, who resigned Thursday after the city’s police commissioners recommended he be fired for pointing an assault rifle at peaceful demonstrators in Ferguson and threatening to shoot them.
Talking to CNN about Albers’ resignation, St. Ann police chief Aaron Jimenez spouted these weasel words: “He’s one of my best friends but we have to do what’s best for the city. It doesn’t mean he’s a bad guy, but he made a mistake after 20 years of solving crimes.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary; Gimme a fucking break! Yes it does mean he’s a bad guy. A cop who aims a machinegun at law-abiding citizens and threatens their lives for being where they have a right to be and doing what they have a right to do is a BAD cop. A real bad cop. He’s also loco. But, oh, I do get it — those people are black, so their lives aren’t worth anything. Well guess what, that’s the whole fucking problem in a nutshell, and kicking Albers off the police force is one small but necessary step toward solving the problem.
News media are reporting tonight that authorities are investigating “a possible threat against President Obama.” The Secret Service declined to specify the nature of the threat.
John Anthony Walker, the head of the infamous”Family of Spies” has dmied in Federal Prison at the age of 77. He sold the Soviets a lot of info on Naval Communications secrets that compromised National Security. There are rumors that his treachery led to the capture of the USS Pueblo, but the late captain denied that.
Hey Roger NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit,
St Paul Minnesota helped put Al Franken[stein] – DUMMOCRETIN into the Senate in 2008. So your BULLSHITTIUM on St Paul Police acting like Republicans is fabricated BULLSHITTIUM. They are hidden racist DUMMOCRETINS!
Once again proving to all NoBalls is all ASShole!
More BULLSHITTIUM this time from the empty tea bag with the puffed butt gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeman
The NAZI state is being created by Obummer you fool. Obummer ignores the constitution that Obummer swore to protect for the last 5.5 years so police say what the hell we can do it too!
Sux to be gleeeeeeeeeeeeeman… Wait a minute maybe it doesn’t?
As always Da Perfessa delivers comedy while the real news either passes Da Perfessa by or is just outright ignored… Well the WaPo isn’t ignoring it… http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....story.html
At least GW Bush wasn’t this bad! Obummer calls a presser to tell the world… “We have no strategy…” Well didin’t Obummer in January call ISIS the JVs? Maybe Obummer was thinking they were Special Olympians but couldn’t go there a second time.
Puddy’s friends from the UK email Puddy… when is America going to lead the free world again…? PuddyResponse… when Obummer leaves January 20, 2017 at 11:59:59AM.
Meanwhile on Twitter Oliver Darcy nails it… https://twitter.com/oliverdarcy Obummer at a recent DNC liars conference…
No wonder DUMMOCRETINS have no clue about the evilness of ISIS or ISIL or whatever. Obummer still has no clue! 250 people frog marched to the desert and executed last week. ISIS shuts up their enemies just like the American Talibangelists ruPRICK and racist OWS deadtoad want to do on HA DUMMOCRETINS. It’s so sad when the empty tea bag with it’s puffed butt stays so misinformed. Was that mass murder covered on any of the favrit left wrong sites? Puddy doubts it. Puddy was airborne so Puddy didn’t check the standard left wrong sites offered by HA DUMMOCRETINS!
So why is Obummer so disengaged with world realities? Gotta keep playing that Saul Alinsky playbook. They’ll come around cuz good old Saul said so. After 5.5 years Puddy doesn’t think Obummer is too bright. We’ve seen the records of Perry, Kerry Bush, and Gore! Didn’t Gore prove how average he was in grad school? This has to be why the Obummer college record is locked up tight. http://www.americanthinker.com.....rtest.html
Obummer called that presser to discuss the beheading of the American James Foley, didn’t invite the parents, didn’t offer any personal condolences and 30 minutes later is out golfing again! Yes DUMMOCRETINS you own the mess your votes produced!
Ugh. At least it was only 3 posts.
The performance art that is the puddibigot has really run its course. I don’t think he’s trying much anymore.
There was a time when you could imagine that there was a sentient, if wildly stupid and callous, being behind the writing. No more….descent into form without any discernible substance.
GOP = Grand Ole Problems = American Taliban.
Hey let’s blame this one on the Democrats because they voted for Al Fraken in 2008 and Obama, and Obama wore that Tan suit the other day. That’s got to be the reason!
klownservative fool @21-23
Guess you’re not going to get your bullshit from the Torygraph anymore:
Heh. Klownservative brits have a long memory about actions of the founders of “the country that can do no wrong”..
crazed monomaniacal idiot@27,
Remember it was schmucksmegma@24, who was telling everyone on HA DUMMOCRETINS he read (prolly on Daily Kooks or The Puke Masters) Hamas had nuthin to do with the killing of the three Israeli teenagers who started this mess. Well when the Hamas leader went public and claimed they did kidnap and kill the three teenagers where was schmucksmegma after everyone learned the truth?
M I A !
So there is no credibility with anything schmucksmegma writes! Never has and never will be in the future!
So crazed monomaniacal idiot@27, the UK erag posts the names of the Palestinian children killed as human shields by Hamas. Aren’t you glad? You seem to be cheering in that post. Well you are one of HA DUMMOCRETINS biggest Hamas cheerleaders in Seattle.
Carry on moron crazed monomaniacal idiot@27! Nuthin has changed with you all these years. Still stooooooooooopid and sucking the guvmint teat as always!
Meanwhile in California the home state of crazed monomaniacal idiot@27, we learn this http://bearingarms.com/hr-5344.....body-armor
So to not allow the common man to have Level III and above body armor is your next attack DUMMOCRETINS? So stop criminals you stop Puddy’s family from buying the same to protect themselves from crazed DUMMOCRETINS like crazed monomaniacal idiot@27?
DUMMOCRETINS are the scum of the earth. Pond scum. American Talibangelists Will shut up the political competition in a heartbeat. Will try to shut your church ASAP. Never trust a DUMMOCRETIN when they open their mouth or type messages on a keyboard.
It was once said a Microsoft server is C2 compliant when it’s not connected to the Internet. A DUMMOCRETIN fits the same billing when they are in a forest with no connection to civilization!
Sux to be y’all!
Meanwhile in more real news ignored by Da Perfessa, a real news poll and again it proves Obummer really doesn’t have a strategy! http://www.people-press.org/20.....-problems/
Yeah unless you were at that recent DNC liars convocation where Obummer tried to say it’s okay nuthin new for the last 20-25 years. Well Real Americans are waking up to the do nuthin preznit more worried about his “legacy” than doing anything else. Saul Alinksy lives deep in the neanderthal cranial recesses of Barack Obummer!
Nice mess you HA DUMMOCRETINS voted in!
Meanwhile, this is happening and was missed as news by Da Perfessa. http://www.theblaze.com/storie.....niversary/ We see what happened two years ago when four Americans were capped due to Obummer sadministration ignorance taking their eye off the ball. Puddy wonders what will happen this year?
Dayum… this is too funny and so true! Cameron takes the lead in the world while Obummer is Obummer! No wonder Puddy received those WTF emails! Now Puddy understands after being airborne those 13+ hours last weekend! Butt will Cameron take care of the swill coming from the imams now? http://www.foxnews.com/opinion.....ack-obama/
Four years ago, Rob Ford promised as Mayor of Toronto, he would replace the Toronto Streetcars with buses and subway expansion, instead of the surface LRT plan of his predecessor. Results were mixed, he did cancel Transit City, only to be partially overridden by Metrolinx(the Greater Toronto Transportation Authority) and his own allies on the Toronto City Council, and the private funding he expected for Subway expansion, didn’t materialize. The plan to replace the existing 10 surface streetcar routes with buses, well that was complicated, replacements had been ordered, and cancellation costs would have eliminated the funding to buy the buses, which more would have been needed to make up for lost capacity. The first of the Bombardier Flexity Outlooks went into service today on Route 510 Spadina, and the phase in continues over the next five years.
Metrolinx is building a couple LRT lines in Toronto, including one underground. They will be a first in Toronto, built to Standard Gauge, and not the unique Toronto Streetcar Gauge, allowing them to use Bombardier’s new stock design for the North American Market, the Flexity Freedom. Mayor Ford is still campaigning against them, although said plan could not be accomplished until the new cars are due for retirement. In Ontario, surface LRT is making a comeback, with lines being built or proposed in Missassagua, Hamilton, Ottawa, and Kitchener-Waterloo.
@24 Yeah, there appears to be a lot of cut-and-paste and fill-in-blanks in his drools now.
I see above, same old, same old….
Be AFRRRAAAIIIDDDD!!! Get gunz, get armor!!! MOOOOSUUMS are coming for your wives and daughters!!
Glenn Beck and Fox say so!!
I’m tellin’ ya….$1Trillion public works project to build utility-scale wind and distributed solar, and a smart grid…buys us an incredibly valuable capital investment that will crank out wealth…puts people to work….cheap $$$ right now…cuts legs out from under oil producing countries. Makes them have culture and education and to leave the 13th century. No more ISIS, no more House of Saud, no more al-Qaeda.
AND….I have NO DOUBT, none at all, that if our social infrastructure was in tatters, if we were beset by war with lots and lots of weapons floating around…our Fundamentalists like the puddibigot would be every bit as violent and bloodthirsty as ISIS, if not more so.
One person not looking forward to today’s new beginning at the Toronto Transit Commission, is the Blacksmith. To repair the old streetcars, built to techniques no longer used, some replacement parts had to be done in house at a special forge. It will be years before all the Canadian Light Rail Vehicles and Articulated Light Rail Vehicles(the names of the two models currently used) are gone, so he is not out of a job yet.
The old cars were built by the Urban Transportation Development Corporation, a crown corporation of the province of Ontario, set up for the purpose of building new rail transit vehicles for the Toronto area in an era when no builders were left in North America. It was eventually privatized, and the buyer, a snowmobile maker branching out into other areas, Bombardier.
Wow schmucksmegma@34,
a $1,000,000,000,000 works project? Calling Puddy a fundy? In rare but idiotic form eh? Puddy notices your Hamas didn’t do it entry came back to smell to high heaven eh? Like everything you post, full of vile insipid hatred as Puddy called it years ago. Same broken record. No facts to refute just another ad hominem attack. Links with facts schmucksmegma, something always missing from your commentary! Polls schmucksmegma. DUMMOCRETINS realizing Obummer is a loser! DUMMOCRETINS with a brain. That doesn’t include you schmucksmegma! Die hard DUMMOCRETINS continue to ignore facts, disassociate themselves from reality. Even the WaPo has noticed that schmucksmegma!
So your $1,000,000,000,000 works project:
1) DUMMOCRETINS have too many vested stakes in their own worthless pet projects to spawn something like that.
2) DUMMOCRETINS would put so many attachments and riders on that bill everyone’s head would spin.
3) DUMMOCRETINS would then mess up the bill after it began with additional legislation to ensure
– environmental impact studies looking at spotted owl, squirrels, salmon runs, etc.
– unions got their cut
– minority set asides would mysteriously fall out (think the WADOT tunnel project right now)
– special DUMMCRETINS approved companies must be used
– Robert Byrd would resurrect from the grave for W. VA set asides.
So how does Puddy address this above? History schmucksmegma!
Fundy schmucksmegma? Puddy wants peace like most Americans? Did you catch the most schmucksmegma? Probably not, you are so stooooooooooopid!
– It’s your kind who continually jockstrap goosestep frogmarch to the anti-Israeli causes without regard to their own actions is why your kind suck!
– For years Puddy has displayed the anti-Israel rhetoric from your kind and from the middle east and your kind ignore it because your kind suck!
– You were the one who bold faced claimed Puddy was wrong with that horseshit from Daily Kooks claiming Hamas had nuthin to do with the three Israeli teenagers wiped off the face of the earth for being Israeli because your kind suck!
– Yet your kind scream and shout ignorance when innocent Palestinian children are used as human shields by Hamas as Puddy placed different videos on this blog demonstrating this because your kind suck!
– When the UNRWA found missiles on their property not once, not twice, but three times and they handed them back each time to Hamas led police instead to Israel or other neutral parties your kind cheered it because your kind suck!
– When Hamas lobs over 1600 missiles into Israel civilian cities and the Iron Dome works your kind get really upset that Israeli citizenry are not dying in proportionate numbers because your kind suck!
– So when Israeli warplanes attacked the Hamas police chief home because of missiles being stored there and the police chief lost family members because them being human shields what did your kind do? Suck again!
– When it’s fully reported Hamas fires missiles at Israel citizens from schools and other civilian areas and Israel attacks them and children die, your kind attacks Israel and gives a pass to Hamas because your kind suck!
– When Israeli soldiers are attacked by Hamas built terror tunnels costing at least $2,000,000 per tunnel using concrete Israel allows Palestinians to be made for houses turned into terror tunnels your kind cheer because your kind suck.
– When an innocent Lt. in the Israeli army is kidnapped and killed by Hamas operatives your kind cheered it because your kind suck!
– When your kind said it’s unfair Israel developed the Iron Dome over Israeli cities and the Palestinians don’t it’s because your kind suck!
– When Puddy places videos demonstrating these tunnels run from Palestinian homes and mosques and schools and your side ignores it, well we see your kind suck!
– Then we see crazed monomaniacal cretin@27 make another of his insidious Hamas cheer leading claims; again we notice your kind suck!
– What is your kind? The American Talibangelists who want to shut up people like Puddy because all those links prove your kind suck!
Did you read what other congressional DUMMOCRETINS said about the “we have no plan” gaffe by Obummer? Oh their comments are not in the latest left wrong rags you love to read? Maybe just maybe you should expand your horizons.
So how do we become energy independent? Using only DUMMOCRETIN companies? Obummer approved energy companies?
Sux to be a libtard DUMMOCRETIN like schmucksmegma!
One more thing schmucksmegma,
Your kind ignore those 1600+ Hamas missiles sent into Israeli civilian cities being categorized as war crimes because your kind suck!
Yes it really sucks to be your kind of IDIOT DUMMOCRETIN!
@36, 36 – Someone please get a mop. Thx.
Oh Roger NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit,
Unlike you who has to add useless smelly commentary to a link that should stand alone (maybe that’s why you love left wrong DUMMOCRETIN erags) Puddy’s links stand alone with FACTS demonstrating how bad DUMMOCRETIN thinking is these days!
Sux to be you!
“jockstrap goosestep frogmarch”
Did you hear that playing your Pat Boone LPs backwards?
Wow, @36, 37….indeed, RR, we need a hazmat crew.
I know the puddibigot is a character, a performance art piece, but clearly, the human behind it is very VERY easy to get wound up, sputtering, frothing in his hatred and imbecility. Very easy.
Yeah, it’s kind of like that sixth Smashmouth album. The first one was pretty crappy but enough to sustain some sales. The second was fit only for a couple movie soundrack cuts no one bought the third and for Chirst’s sake, why a fourth? No one cares. The Fifth, you know everyone is laughing at you? Six? You just can’t find anything better to do with your time, right?
@39 Yawn.
Israel can do no wrong.
Except the kill probably 3x as many Palestinians, destroy all their buildings, and then to add insult to injury take 1000 acres of “their” land.
Not bad!
Be scared Puffy. While you are screaming “Obama is nuts, Obama is nuts, Obama is nuts”, the KKK is stepping up in the world. How can anyone resist candy! I bet Republicans love candy.
What’s wrong with that? You’ve quoted that right wing Brit paper dozens of times.
What is untrue about the Irgun hanging two brits and booby trapping the bodies back in ’47. It’s a fact isn’t it?
Another GOP Anti-Abortion Law Blocked
A federal judge has blocked a Louisiana law requiring abortion doctors to have hospital admitting privileges.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Several federal judges have blocked similar laws in other states. These laws aren’t about protecting patients. They’re about closing abortion clinics and making abortions impossible to get. Republican legislators, of course, keep passing unconstitutional laws in hopes of getting SCOTUS to revisit Roe v. Wade and reverse it. Rendering abortions impractical in their states is a fringe benefit.
Yeah…the puddibigot got a hard on for Israel….like all the Fundie crazies, need the Jews to head back there for the Armageddon to happen, or some such craziness from their “BOOK”.
They also love the unrelenting massacre visited upon MOOSLUMS…they hate them some MOOSLUMS, and anybody who kills them is their friend.
Puddibigot seemed to want to pick a fight over Palestine, above…maybe SJ will ride in to his rescue.
I think the best way to understand what’s happening over there, is that Zionism/Israel is essentially a European colonial enterprise. They are perpetrating ethnic cleansing. The “Peace Movement” and it’s failures cannot be understood without realizing that the ‘original sin’ was expelling indigenous Palestinians, particularly the 700,000 expelled in 1948. While the movement for a Jewish homeland is understandable and laudable, the process of ‘Israel’ is colonial and racist, and massive numbers of people have been exploited and terrorized and displaced in the movement for ‘Israel’. Tremendous racism exists there, and the Palestinian people are in bondage.
Israel has become, not surprisingly, a theocracy, one with nuclear weapons. It is incredible dangerous. We are watching ethnic cleansing, it is wrong, but it has a heroic narrative and tremendous institutional backing in this country.
And puddibigot loves it.
Of course, Florida’s “stand your ground” law doesn’t apply to BLACKS.
Interesting that Toronto Mayor Ford was not at the streetcar rollout today. He is a critic, but usually opponents to projects like this want to be at the ribbon cutting, for the photo op. Although since he is running again on his opposition to streetcars, and the election is in a couple months, probably would have been bad for what is left of his image.
Correction to my post at 50. Turns out Mayor Ford has softened his stance, even sang the streetcar praise, and will work to make them better. He does oppose all door boarding, which would accomplish the goal of making them better. Claims that the cost of enforcement would be too high. They only need front door boarding now because the old ones don’t have on board ticket machines.
Wow schmucksmegma forgets historical facts…
1) All everyone did was give Israel it’s homeland back from before Christ’s time. Oh wait you don’t acknowledge Christ.
2) Israel accepts anyone who can prove they are Jewish or converted. So?
3) Unlike the American Taliban leftists on this blog, Israel doesn’t go around trying to shut up their enemies. Their enemies bring destruction from the air upon themselves.
4) Israel only attacks when attacked. You always forget this schmucksmegma. Well you are a smelly schmuck!
5) Hamas committed over 1600 war crimes. Where is schmuchsmegma? MIA again!
6) schmucksmegma’s understanding leaves much to be desired!
Sheesh, still stooooooooooopid as ever!
Whatamoron schmuchsmegma is… The Palestinians are in bondage to their leaders. Puddy posted the $Billions Arab nations along with Europe and America sent to The Palestinian Cause over the many decades. Puddy denoted the $$$ through links.
How do you think Mrs Arafat lives so large in Paris with their daughter schmucksmegma? Stolen money!
How much do you think those tunnels Hamas built from homes and schools cost schmucksmegma? Hundreds of $Millions!
Yet all we view on HA DUMMOCRETINS is regurgitated swill from left wrong erag sites by schmucksmegma!
Again you ignore the facts so your argument as a leg to stand on! Sux to a smegma covered schmuck!
Is there some type of epidemic with parents (probably mostly straight parents, if not all) leaving their children in cars while do all sorts of fun things and not so fun things?
What is it with these people being irresponsible people?
The can do no wrong crowd.
@52 “All everyone did was give Israel it’s homeland back”
As I recall, Zionist terrorists took it without anyone’s permission. Also, last I checked, adverse possession applies after 7 years; when was that extended to 2,000 years?
Of course, putz hasn’t a fucking clue about what he babbles; if WorldNutsDaily told him to worship marshmallows he would.
@54 Can’t afford babysitters.
I was just thinking again about Mittster’s “47 percent” remark. Funny how people like him bankrupt companies, offshore jobs, smash unions, cut pay, and oppose raising the minimum wage — then gripe because half the country is on the dole.
Listening to England’s PM speak about terrorism and extremism. I bet if you took what he said to one focal group and then took same speech with another focal group made up of same political affiliation, but told the Obama said it, that you would get praise for when England PM said it as opposed to when Obama said it.
You know the GOP is just fucked up bias asshole talibani.
Question for conservatives:
When is it ever NOT okay to shoot dead, an unarmed black man?
Are there any conditions under which it is acceptable for people to be upset that a white man shot dead an unarmed young black man who had no criminal record?
Are there any conditions under which a white man shooting dead an unarmed young black man who had no criminal record is itself not okay?
I think the answer would be a fascinating view into their mind set.
” …[A] flood of recent cases … accuse employers of violating minimum wage and overtime laws, erasing work hours and wrongfully taking employees’ tips. Worker advocates call these practices ‘wage theft,’ insisting it has become far too prevalent.
“Some federal and state officials … assert that more companies are violating wage laws than ever before, pointing to the record number of enforcement actions they have pursued. They complain that more employers … are flouting wage laws.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Apparently even a low wage is too much for some employers to pay, so they steal from their starving workers. What kind of swine steals a $2.15-an-hour waitress’s tips? Mere lawsuits are too good for these vermin; they deserve prison cells.
Reading that Fox News post about Cameron, it didn’t offer ANY proposals besides ” including tough new measures against British-born, self-styled “jihadists,””. No mention of British troops on the ground.
I would love it conservatives would define their end state, what they think should happen to the Islamic State and then the real world steps they would take, in order to attain that.
Apparently wage theft is now an embedded part of rightwing ideology:
“New York’s attorney general, Eric T. Schneiderman, has recovered $17 million in wage claims over the past three years. ‘I’m amazed at how petty and abusive some of these practices are,’ he said. ‘Cutting corners is increasingly seen as a sign of libertarianism rather than the theft that it really is.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: In other words, they rationalize their dishonesty by telling themselves they’re throwing off the chains of oppressive government regulation. It’s all in the name of FREEDOMZ!!!
You’ve read “The Jungle”, right?
Same old, same old. Those with power/money usually got it by stealing it (when they didn’t inherit it), and the theft is usually of someone weaker than them.
Capitalism is built on this. It’s an evolution of the same feudal hierarchy, made more efficient, that has existed…forever.
I think the imperative is to find new ways to organize institutions and to choose leaders that do not empower sociopaths. Somehow that was advantageous, or at least a feature of the process that got us to this place, however flawed that path was. It seems that it desperately needs to be remedied, however, in the near term, if we’re going to even survive as a species.
The Jungle was a horrible scary terrible book!
Interesting column on Railway Labor, specifically the fight over the future of the second man in the cab of the locomotive. The Sheet Metal, Airline, and Rail Transportation Workers, which represents conductors, is leading the charge for two man crews. The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen are joining them, but for SMART there is no guarantee that the second person will be a conductor. Which would benefit BLET. One of the reasons that the offer the General Committee representing the conductors on BNSF Northern Lines has, very lucrative. BLET and SMART are usually in open warfare, against each other.
Amtrak already has agreements that allow only one engineer in the cab, on shifts of less than six hours. For example, first shift change for engineers on the Empire Builder heading east, is Wenatchee.
Forgot to post the link.
“Be careful of what you wish for Seattle”.. /sarcasm
LMAO!! Look at my gravatar moron.. Is Issa an American Talibangelist. Sure looks like it.. He’s pictured cutting off the mic of a black man talking!
And did BillO do your crowd any favors by telling the left to “just shut up”?
Damn you’re a blind fool!
The BillO “shut up” montage:
Or we also can’t forget this:
In France, the city of Besancon opened this weekend, what they call a low-cost tramway. The city and it’s metro area, have a population of less than 300,000 people.
@64 Funny how they call it “stealing” when a communist takes land from someone and gives it to someone else, but call it “business” when a capitalist takes someone’s labor without paying for it.
Why Palestinians Keep Shooting Rockets Into Israel
“Israel came under fire Monday for claiming close to 1,000 acres of land in the Palestinian West Bank.
“Israel announced Sunday that the land in and around the Wadi Fukin valley, would become ‘state land,’ clearing the way for the development of a new Israeli settlement. …
“‘The seizure of such a large swathe of land … is illegal … and runs totally counter to the pursuit of a two-state solution,’ United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in a statement Monday.
“UK Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond issued a similar statement, criticizing the move. ‘This is a particularly ill-judged decision …. It will do serious damage to Israel’s standing in the international community,’ he said. ‘Our position on settlements is … they are illegal under international law, present an obstacle to peace and take us further away from a two state solution at a time when negotiations to achieve this objective urgently need to be resumed.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: EVERYONE is criticizing this land grab by Israel — the UN secretary, the UK Foreign Secretary, etc. Now watch puddypissypants defend it.
Funny how they call it “stealing” when a communist takes land from someone and gives it to someone else …
Perry Backpedals From ‘Drunk Democrat’ Tweet
Rick “Hoof-In-Mouth” Perry is in damage control mode today after getting his carcass singed for tweeting that Travis County prosecuting attorney Rosemary Lehmberg “is the most drunk Democrat in Texas.”*
Perry has been indicted for trying to bribe Lehmberg to resign her elective position.
Lehmberg oversees a state ethics unit housed in her office that is investigating allegations that a Perry crony laundered up to $11 million of state taxpayers’ money through a state cancer research institute to divert it to the Texas GOP. If she had resigned, Perry would have appointed her successor — and that probably would have been the end of the investigation.
Instead, because Lehmberg stood her ground, Perry is now facing felony bribery and abuse of power charges.
* Maybe so, but she’s still better for the citizens than any Republican in Texas. She may not be able to stand upright, but at least she isn’t as crooked as a railroad track.
Yes, exactly.
the puddibigot loves when the right-wing Israeli government does things like that…both because he and his Fundi fellows believe they need Jews in Jerusalem for some crazy-ass prophesy, and because the Zionists are killing and abusing MOOSLUUMS.
The land theft you point out, RR, is especially egregious, in timing, in sheer size and in location – all meant as a provocation and a further degradation of Palestinians in the big picture of their ongoing ethnic cleansing.
I’ve been reading a lot of Pappe, Chomsky, Khalidi, Said, Blumenthal, Finkelstein…..and I’m coming to the point where I think the big lie, the original sin, was the Nakbah – the 1948 expulsion of 700,000 Arabs from Jewish zones (which was just a continuation of previous, smaller-scale policies). You read Ben-Gurion’s writing about “stealing a country” or Moshe Sharett saying they’re “conquering a country from people inhabiting it” and you see that from the beginning, in the words of Israel’s founding fathers, a central, essential fact of Israel is also one we’re never allowed to talk about, and it’s the very thing that is in the way of a peaceful future – the appropriation of land and the expulsion of the rightful owners.
I was just told by a very smart friend, who is a Jew, that Arafat walked away from a good deal in the 90s….however, what scuttled this was not Arafat walking away, butt Israel’s refusal to engage on the topic of the rights of the displaced and dispossessed. Arafat walked away when US/Israel refused to address the central issue.
This is emblematic of the discourse we’re fed….the mythology about the Zionist ‘victims’, and the ‘bloodthirsty’ Arabs and Palestinian who won’t let them live in peace.
Recent statements by Netanyahu (notably in Hebrew for domestic consumption), and the Likud platform, lay out very clearly that the present right-wing government in Israel has
absolutely no intention to allow an independent Palestinain state in the West Bank. This week’s land grab is further proof (if you needed any) of the truthfulness in their position. It’s a rather symmetrical refusal to acknowledge the rights of the other side, much like Hamas’ refusal to recognize Israel that we hear so much about and is given as justification for the murder of Gaza civilians.
Hamas, of course, recently signed on with the PA in a subordinate position – de facto acceptance of the PA’s recognition of Israel – this in part led to the killing frenzy of the Israelis toward Gaza – musy keep the image of bloodthirsty (not to mention democratically elected) Hamas front and center.
So much duplicity, so many lies, such mythology and manipulation.
I would ask the Israel supporters….it the notion of Israel just and defensible when it seems to require frequent and recurrent mass killings of innocents to maintain its cohesion and integrity?
See this:
This is what happens when prosecutors and cops shake down ordinary citizens for money to pay their own salaries:
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Drug laws are extremely dangerous for ordinary citizens. They’re also dangerous for communities from a standpoint of encouraging corruption. No-knock laws have resulted in innocent people being shot in their own homes by cops busting in without warning. Forfeiture laws allow police to confiscate cars and even houses on mere probable cause, which is a much lower standard of proof than even “more likely than not.” It’s not hard to see how these laws can be abused when cash-strapped municipalities depend on forfeitures to pay the salaries of police and prosecutors — the very people making decisions to seize citizens’ property. There has been massive abuse of these laws all across the country leaving many innocent victims in their wake. All of this is an outgrowth of the failed “war on drugs.” Even the very name creates a mentality among police and prosecutors of waging war against the citizenry. Enough!
Indeed. And not unrelated to the financing schemes of hamlets like Ferguson, MO – which rely on arrests for petty crimes, and the subsequent court costs and penalties of a system rigged against the citizenry, to pay their bills.
@80 I have a somewhat more detailed comment about forfeiture law abuses on “The Ave” blog, where I have article posting privileges. http://handbill.us/?p=33433
Meanwhile look at this climate change data… http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sci.....E-now.html Didn’t AlGorebasm predict by 2014 no more arctic ice Sure he did
Yet the climate change propagandists want you to believe something else…http://wattsupwiththat.com/201.....10-months/
Another of schmuckosmegma’s religion of peace friends going nutzo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=7Fcl8VdFbWM Don’t you know him schmuckosmegma? He thinks just like you then goes further! He even praised the 9/11 attackers.
Oh look… a green frenzied DUMMOCRETIN acting as a crazed green frenzied DUMMOCRETIN! http://www.cnbc.com/id/101957304 Claiming the beach for himself.
DUMMOCRETINS are the scum on the pond and of the earth!
Apparently Dead Schultz is trainable. Just watch it’s show vs. to listening it’s podcaist http://newsbusters.org/blogs/j.....sness-isis! Yep PMSNBC the TV show for DUMMOCRETINS by DUMMOCRETINS
Hey schmuckosmegma, looks like your friends are guarding the US ambassador’s residence in Tripoli. http://bigstory.ap.org/article.....ound-libya
@82, 83 – Why are you reminding us again that you’re against peace and the planet? We already know that.
5 posts in 18 minutes….puddibigot’s morning dump….
Not one word really worth wasting any time responding to….like I said the other day, the twitching sociopath behind the character has descended into self parody.
When FACTS are posted NOBalls IDIOT Wabbit and schmuckosmegma have no corresponding links to respond so go ad hominem…. Well done Saul Alinsky fans!
@89 I figured you’d be back. Actually, being a rabbit with acute senses, I usually can smell you before I see you.
Here’s the deal schmuckosmegma,
Under Obummer the world is watching North Saharan Africa fall apart. Can you say KAAAAABLAAAAAAAAMOOOOO! We watched how Obummer coddled the Muslim Brotherhood because they were duly elected brutal thugs. They were Obummer’s duly elected thugs. What did Obummer pronounce when it was determined the Muslim BRotherhood was slaughtering Coptic Christians in Egypt? Hey they were elected, leave them alone. We viewed your “Moooslim” Brotherhood cheerleading commentary when it was reported your buds raped CBS News reporter Lara Logan.
Then we watched how your friends in Ansar al-Sharif attacked and killed four Americans two years ago in Benghazi. And how long did it take Obummer to bring one person to justice over these killings? 16 months when every news agency tracked in down in less than three? Oh no more “Mooooslim” attacks from Puddy over fact after fact from link after link. We watched how you minimized and downplayed those American four deaths with your insipid Benghazi!!!1!!!1!!! entries everyday on HA DUMMOCRETINS. Now we see the Dawn of Libya, people who think very similar to schmuckosmegma taking over the Libyan based US Embassy.
Butt, if you discuss this latest fact in Benghazi with the ones previously written above… schmuckosmegma goes nutzo. Witness post #88. Again a blog entry of no real significance.
Remember it was schmuckosmegma who attacked Puddy with the left wrong Daily Kooks factless evidence the three teenaged Israelis were not kidnapped and killed by Hamas. In fact schmuckosmegma went ballistic and bellicose in schmuckosmegma’s retort against Puddy. Well when you live on left wrong sites you reap the consequences. So, much to schmuckosmegma’s chagrin, HAMAS went public and they indeed kidnapped, tortured and killed the three Israeli teenagers. The Hamas leader gleefully and happily explained what Hamas did and why. This precipitated the Israeli Gaza response. And we can go back and read all the HA DUMMOCRETIN responses to those factless statements by schmuckosmegma! So what happened to schmuckosmegma after the Hamas pronouncement?
M I A! Typical when you live and die from Daily Kooks and other factles sites!
Anything discussed that makes Obummer look as feckless as he does regarding Obummer’s foreign policy and his political legacy is off limits and worthy of schmuckosmegma’s and NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit’s ad hominem attack. Comes every time Puddy places more facts on Obummer’s intransigence and foreign policy malfeasance. schmuckosmegma knows if Real Americans wake up to the politically inconvenient facts that Obummer’s whitey house can’t make up it’s mind and create a public strategy to deal with the likes of ISIS (more animals who think like schmuckosmegma),schmuckosmegma must personally attack Puddy over these facts.
Well here’s another inconvenient ISIS fact schmuckosmegma. Direct from Meet the Depressed. Depressed over their choice of Obummer as their leader! http://youtu.be/YENGfHUKwKo The Spanky Quote from Richard Engel…
The military is apoplectic over the politicos in da whitey house? And NBC News is finally reporting what a disaster schmuckosmegma’s choice of preznit is.
Puddy was first to break on HA DUMMOCRETINS that the military warned Obummer early last year that ISIS was a threat. Later we learned Iraq asked for air strikes in Aug 2013. Yet Obummer and Jay Carneybarker lied to America claiming this caught them unaware in 2014 and ISIS was a jv squad of thugs. Oopsie… Now we notice they are animals just like schmuckosmegma is on this blog. Now everyone can see how NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit places so much BULLSHITTIUM on HA DUMMOCRETINS… NoBalls IDIOT copies his favrit whitey house occupant delivery style.
So when Puddy delivers these facts schmuckosmegma goes ad hominem along with NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit, when all they have to do is present refutable real facts from real sites, not left wrong swill from the idiots always offered on this blog by HA DUMMOCRETINS. Butt they can’t engage Puddy with facts so go ad hominem. Saul Alinsky lives deep in these two!
Remember it was Obummer who chose to engage in that Libyan war of choice with Obummer’s expressed aim of toppling the Khaddafi regime in Libya. Obummer came out and bragged that this was what Obummer was going to do. News conference after news conference. Butt as always, we noticed Obummer had no end game and had absolutely no plans to secure the nation after the Khaddafi was overthrown and killed. Libya breaks down in to clan factions. So schmuckosmegma to the rescue again. Attack Puddy when Puddy delivers fact after fact with link after link.
So what do we have now? We witnessed our embassy overrun by the Dawn of Libya. This was reported by the AP. The Administration’s Press agency. Oh no…, they are turning on Obummer to? Probably in this instance. Embassies are supposed to be off limits to the friends of schmuckosmegma! We watch schmuckosmegma’s cheerleading in post #88. Butt due to poor Obummer’s whitey house planning and leadership, Libya is a another overrun and failed country under Obummer’s failed foreign policy.
Sux to be schmuckosmegma! Wait for it… schmuckosmegma will personally attack Puddy again!
@91 Ben-GAH-zi! Ben-GAH-zi! Ben-GAH-zi!
Hillary’s our next president, sucker! Suck on it.
No, no, no….it’s…
ad hominem***SQUACK***ad hominem***SQUAWK**!!!!!!!
(wait-up guys…I got this)
So the jack-off assed goat fucker is at is some more…wassa matter with the nihilist idiot uncle tom puddypussypissypants…got nothing to say? That little diatribe of the nihilist idiot uncle tom puddypussypissypants got nothing but warmed over santorum.
The nihilist idiot uncle tom puddypussypissypantsry again should try again, but maybe not get so much spittle on the keys this time so the nihilist idiot uncle tom puddypussypissypants fingers don’t slip.