Thom and Jimmy Dore: Media consolidation.
Stephen: True Blood horror show and Obamacare ruling from D.C. Circuit.
David Pakman: Oregon and Alaska to vote on pot legalization this fall.
Richard Fowler: How the Koch brothers brainwash students.
Bill Maher asks Neil DeGrasse Tyson why Republicans don’t really like him.
Pap and Karen Evans: The House Science Committee’s War on Science:
Young Turks: HBO show mocks Ted Cruz and Texas Republicans.
Gov. OOPS!
- Ann Telnaes: Rick Perry’s gunfight at the O.K. Corral.
- Sam Seder: Rick Perry sending 1,000 National Guardsmen to U.S. border to do nothing.
- Alex Wagner: Rick Perry militarizes a refugee situation.
- Ed: All hat and no cattle.
- Mark Fiore: Rick Perry’s “Operation Strong Candidate”.
- Thom: Is Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) guilty of child abuse?
- Pap and Howard NationsRick Perry’s border control blunder.
Supreme Court: No gurrlz allowed.
Obama: 24 years of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Matt Binder: The difference between Obama’s response to MH17 and Reagan’s handling of KAL007.
Jon: Murdoch’s offer and a Kickstarter to buy CNN.
Pap and David Hersh: Nullification and Republican Obstructionism.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and They Very, Very Ugly.
David Pakman: States the increased minimum wage gained more jobs:
Prof. Biden on infrastructure.
Mental Floss: 27 unbelievable local traditions.
Ed: Nutbagger Rep. Steve King (R-IA) is doubling down on being a BIRFER.
ObamaCare in Jeopardy?
- Young Turks: Judicial roller coaster ride on ObamaCare
- WAPO: ObamaCare subsidies explained in one minute.
- Alex Wagner: Two bombshell rulings
- David Pakman: Court decision a potential setback for ObamaCare
Stephen: Nate Silver in a galaxy far, far away….
White House: West Wing Week.
Honest Political Ads: National Security:
Young Turks: Nutcase felon Dinesh D’Souza throws tantrum, cries he’s ‘not a crybaby’.
Thom: Rise of the American Taliban.
Jon: Fareed Zakaria hits McCain for claiming Obama destroyed the world.
Mary Poppins quits (for a living wage).
- WaPo: Late Night Jokes, Putin edition.
- Psychosupermom: How do you solve a problem like Putin?
- Sam Seder: FAUX News’ “interesting” theory about Obama and Putin.
Thom and Pap: Why does Gov. Rick Scott (R-FL) support child abuse?
Ed with Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA-7): Oily Russia.
David Pakman: Ted Nugent gets a bit racist over his cancellation.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
The Alaska measure was supposed to be on the primary ballot, but a quirk in state law, and the legislature not finishing their session on time, put it on the November ballot.
Dinesh D’Souza is a screaming little turd in the great punchbowl of American Politics. He is irrelevant. He holds no office and has disgraced himself in the public eye. He’s the same sort of immigrant fanatic that Ayn Rand was. Never really growing up, never really being well educated. He considers himself more intelligent than the people of his adopted Nation and so he espouses opinions that do not normally engage people except within the context of their own fanaticism and lack of education. He’s a liar, and a fool. But he has an unlimited wealth and enormous propaganda system supporting him and reinforcing the message he promotes. He’s a mouthpiece for people that consider themselves the legitimate rulers of the world by right of birth.
I find it utterly fascinating that foreigners have really made so much progress into the American Realpolitik, so to speak and so-called “real” Americans eat it up. It wasn’t until the 1980s that foreigners could own television networks or newspapers, and those Companies could be permitted to grow to the point where they can control the whole local market area by merging and consolidating. Such is now nation wide, that “local” market is now the entire country. The old original Networks and Publishing companies have been reduced to a very small number of multinational Corporations who have no loyalty or allegiance to the American citizen or the Constitution that was designed to protect them from this sort of thing. They are outside of and above any loyalty to a nation or legal structure.
The primary owners of the largest hard-right propaganda corporation are Australian, British and Saudi. The militaristic interventionism foreign policy that Corporations promote is almost entirely structured around the attitude of so-called “realpolitik” that stems from the concepts of what happened in Germany and Russia when people like Henry Kissinger and Ayn Rand were a kids, along with obeisance and allegiance to people like the Dulles Brothers and the Bush crime family. That is, that no decision regarding foreign or domestic government policy can be based on empathy or compassion towards humans, but cold-hearted decision making based on acquisition and control of the available resources, including labor. “Human Rights” is something they consider quaint and useful for propaganda purposes, but really has no bearing on the decisions they make and is often in conflict with their efforts when being promoted by individuals or institutions that are outliers to their echo chamber, often when those outliers are merely the mouthpieces of competing organizations such as the coal and oil Corporations sponsoring propaganda around the emergent Nuclear Power industry back in the 1960s and 70s. They are in a position to control the entire message and any conversation surrounding it, pro or con.
Such information never seems to include the needs of the people and the nations the United States has conquered over the decades since WW2. Human needs do not even enter the equation except in the context of doing whatever it takes to keep them from rebelling against that authority structure. It isn’t Democratic, nor even legitimately considered Republican. It is authoritarian and extremely violent. The mass murder of whole populations is only an aspect of that decision-making process and can be considered necessary and therefore acceptable.
Everyone points their fingers at the Nazis and other Fascists as the bad examples, but those same methods and propaganda themes are regularly promoted by these Companies and parroted verbatim by the adherents of those ideas, and the end results are exactly similar.
It is all about the demands of the Corporations that seek that control those resources. The entire information system is rooted in supporting it. There is no military action that does not systematize that effort to control the local resources of those Nations or the people who live in them, including those of the United States. There is no information system that doesn’t promote the necessary ideology to permit that control. The honeybee/pollinator issue is just one example. they know what is killing them off, but the chemical is too widely used, and so profitable that nobody will even consider a ban on its use except the dissident factions, who are nakedly vilified by the Press as being radicals and outliers, and therefore dangerous. The company that manufactures this poison is far too large and wealthy to tell them no, and there isn’t a single Politician who has the wherewithal to even attempt it.
This is a common theme. Once a business becomes a certain size, absolutely nothing is forbidden, even in the black markets. The Bhopal disaster was a direct result of that. It was a chemical plant that manufactured DDT as well as several other chemicals, including the lead oxides that are used in pigments for paint and dyes for textiles, that were banned outright in the United States and most European countries. Chemicals that are still widely used in the third world. Incidentally, those same lead oxides are still used to this day as an ingredient in candy that is sold in Mexico and much of South America and central Asia. You can also buy pottery in Mexico and South America that would poison you if you used it for food or drink.
George H.W. Bush said it outright, “If the people of this country knew what the Bush family has done to this country over the years they would hang every single one of us.”
I think it goes pretty much without saying that this could be applied to any large Corporation or old robber-baron family. Nothing, absolutely nothing is forbidden. Everything is for sale, and everything has a market. They have the networks of transshipping and banking to cover their tracks no matter what the original product or service is being sold, like narcotics, slaves, child prostitutes, mercenaries and weaponry.
Somehow, the American Citizen has accepted the influences of foreign-born propagandists, rejected domestic scholarship on these subjects and sees it all as being acceptable within “free-market” capitalism; That mantra of permission to make money and hoard resources that support the Market. The Market is utterly sacred, and cannot be interfered with under any circumstances. To do so is Communism. Never mind that much of the economies of the old Soviet Union, North Korea, China and Vietnam are or were run under the Black Market.
So much for “that shining light on the hill”.
It’s all bullshit.
Dinesh D’Souza may go to jail this fall.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.
Meanwhile the useless@2 and the clueless@3 miss the real news…
So now the useless and clueless are more edumicated.
So clueless crazed cretin arschloch, where is Puddy now?
Meanwhile more truth is learned…
A very stunning admission.
Schitzo @ 4
You do understand that they’re at War and one fights a War anyway one can, especially if they’re outgunned. The Vietnamese whupped our asses good using tactics like that. You act like that is something new and unheard of, when it’s a tactic that goes back probably thousands of years.
@5 who gives a shit. Unfortunate that the plane didn’t crash.
@5 who gives a shit. Unfortunate that the plane didn’t crash.
A rubber padded room at Western State.
“where is Puddy now?”
“A rubber padded room at Western State.”
It was inevitable, but still sad to hear.
How Fox news really works.
Looks like Seattle will vote again on building a monorail. This initiative only funds a study — with a $5 car tab tax — and backers claim a West Seattle to downtown monorail would cost only $2.4 billion. That’s why they said about the last monorail proposal, too, until it ballooned to $11 billion and they had to compromise the project — give up some stations, and provide no commuter parking — to keep it down to that. A monorail is a warm fuzzy idea on paper, but the promoters of this latest effort are being dishonest with voters. And, once again, people who like the idea will vote for it — until they can’t evade the tax by registering their cars outside the city. (I thought the legislature closed that loophole the last time.) Everyone loves the monorail, but no one wants to pay for it. Same old, same old.
A rubber padded room clueless crazed cretin arschloch? They finally found you a home?
Do they allow you to apply for illegal alien children from your rubber padded room?
And everyone can view where your loyalties sit. $Billions have poured into the sliver of land and we see how well built those tunnels are. So now we know where the money went. Tunnel digging! Not infrastructure building.
Thanks for playing freakazoid fraggy!
New name for clueless crazed cretin arschloch – end of life freak arschloch!
New name for clueless crazed cretin arschloch – visa stamped arschloch!
Meanwhile we see the DC Circuit Court was right… ObummerCare architect caught twice about exchanges…
Breitbart always delivers lying libtard quotes!
13, I at first liked the monorail because I saw it complementing Sound Transit, but the high costs doomed it. I could have used the Green Line as I now work in the Ballard area. A light rail line could be better now, although it could be costlier now, as the best option for crossing the Canal is a tunnel. I observe the Ballard Bridge every day, and it opens frequently.
The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority today opened the first phase of the Silver Line, the extension of the DC Metro along the Dulles Corridor. Phase II from Tyson’ s Corner to Dulles International Airport opens in 2018.
LOL! The idiot troll appears to be enjoying his rubber padded room accomodations..
Scott Walker, Dinesh D’Souza, Nathan Deal — a pattern is emerging: Republicans view campaign finance laws with contempt and wantonly violate them.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans have no respect for citizens’ right to vote, either, so why would this surprise anyone?
Okay, it’s time for someone to educate the Portland, Oregon, police about the law of stolen property.
KATU-TV in Portland reports that a man named Rick White bought a brand new Plymouth Barracuda in 1970. It was stolen in 2001, and recently turned up at a Portland garage. The state still shows White as the legal owner. When White asked the police to seize it and return it to him, they refused, citing a three-year statute of limitations. Meanwhile, another guy named Lee Sitton paid the garage storage fees and took possession of the car. Sitton claims he bought the car years ago, has a bill of sale, and doesn’t believe the car was stolen.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The police are wrong here. The statute of limitations only bars arresting and prosecuting the car thief, and has no bearing on the question of who owns the car.
Rick White, not Lee Sitton, is the rightful owner because a thief can never acquire legal title to stolen property, and a rightful owner never loses legal title to property simply because it has been stolen.
So where does this leave Lee Sitton? He’s what’s called a good-faith purchaser, i.e. he bought the car not knowing it was stolen. The seller wasn’t necessarily the car thief; it’s possible the car was sold several times before Sitton bought it. Sitton’s problem is he bought the Brooklyn Bridge — he couldn’t acquire legal title to it, because it wasn’t his seller’s car to sell, nor anyone else in the chain of possession following its theft. The original theft victim always retains ownership of the stolen vehicle in this situation, unless (as commonly happens) he collected on his theft insurance, in which case he signed over the car’s title to the insurance company which now owns the car. What about the state title records? They are only a rebuttable presumption of ownership. In other words, even if Lee Sitton had gotten a state-issued title for the car, it would not belong to him, if White could prove (a) he was the rightful owner, (b) he did not assign the title to someone else, and (c) the car was stolen from him. In short, neither a thief nor innocent buyers who buy stolen property from a thief can ever acquire legal title to the stolen property — not under any statute of limitations, not by claiming innocent purchase, or any other means. But assuming the police continue refusing to retrieve the car from Lee Sitton, what Rick White may have to do now is sue Sitton, have the court determine ownership of the car, and get a judgment against Sitton ordering him to return the car to him. Then, armed with that judgment, White can call upon the county sheriff to seize the car (by force, if necessary) if Sitton refuses to hand it over at that point.
A CNN poll shows that if an election were held today, Romney would beat Obama, but Hillary would clobber Romney.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Romney says he won’t run again, so this poll may be academic, but it suggests that Obama’s sagging popularity won’t help the Republicans in 2016.
The GOP could win a slim Senate majority this fall, although given their propensity for blowing elections, that’s not a sure thing. They have the advantage, because Democrats have to defend twice as many Senate seats this year as Republicans, including some they won in “pink” or “purple” states in the 2008 wave. There’s no chance, though, of GOPers getting a filibuster-proof or veto-proof supermajority. That could set up two years of Republicans passing outrageous legislation that get shot down by presidential vetoes, with no serious business getting done.
2016 looks much tougher for Republicans. Regardless of who their presidential nominee is, the electoral college map will be nearly impossible for them. In 2012, with a candidate who positioned himself as a moderate, they won only one state that Obama carried in 2008, and that was the “gimme” red state of Indiana. It won’t get any easier in 2016, because demographic trends are against them in most parts of the country.
And short of a Republican tidal wave, any Senate majority they acquire this year almost certainly will be reversed in 2016, because in that election cycle they have to defend twice as many incumbents as the Democrats, including some marginal seats in places like Pennsylvania.
The only thing Republicans can really count on is the House advantage they acquired from abusive gerrymandering after the 2010 census, which in turn resulted from their ability to win control of state legislatures. They may also profit from public impatience with the slow economy recovery, even though Democrats did a tremendous job of avoiding another Great Depression, because most people are focused on the here and now and don’t understand how disastrous GOP economic policies would have been if implemented.
Did the end of life visa stamp clueless crazed cretin arschloch just fart again?
Smells bad too!
Doesn’t know about the test
Doesn’t know about wireless communication
Doesn’t know about end of life computer hardware
Doesn’t know about end of life computer software
Doesn’t know about visas stamps vs. extended stay visas
Doesn’t know about structured query language programming
Doesn’t know much about diddly!
Sad case of useless biomass!