It’s Tuesday, and that means the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets for conversation and drinks.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Check out one of the other 222 chapters of Living Liberally, including nineteen in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find, or go out and start, a chapter near you.
My money is on Manafort first.
Flynn being military is far more likely to feel a misplaced sense of loyalty to those who have used him and take the fall quietly. But Manafort is nothing like that. Knowing this, however, it would be smart strategery for Justice to hold back on Manafort for a while and continue pressuring Flynn. Better put popcorn on the list.
SCOTUS today, by a 5-3 vote, blocked Texas from executing an intellectually disabled man who was convicted for a 1980 slaying during a robbery. A previous SCOTUS decision had barred states from executing intellectually disabled convicts; Texas tried to get around it by using an antiquated standard that it uses for no other purpose where intellectual disability is a consideration. The SCOTUS majority was having none of this contrived double standard. But Roberts, Alito, and Thomas voted to let Texas kill the guy anyway. That’s Republican justices for you.
@1 Word is Flynn’s singing to the FBI. His kind of bravery tends to crumble when FBI agents say things like “you’re looking at life without possibility of parole in Florence for treason.”
Yes, but nailing Flynn has far more punch. Imagine the crowd at the GOP convention chanting,
and then standing there dumb
foundedfucked as Flynn gets hauled off the stage in chains.On top of everything else, now this.
Maybe if Strong-Daddy-Leader Putin Puppet wore tight trousers Congressional hillbillies might be more attentive. Врач немой ебать certainly would be!
First day of early voting in GA-6 primary and Ossoff and Dems are putting up very positive numbers.
@ 4
Maybe they could frog-march him in handcuffs, like they did when they took Karl Rove out of the White House, eh, tensor?
Sweet irony.
“Maybe they could frog-march him in handcuffs”
Good idea, Doctor. And imagine the orange cheeto in an orange jumpsuit. Orange overload!
@7 And here’s Doctor Dumbfuck gloating that one of the grimiest sleazeballs in American politics isn’t in jail where he belongs, which tells you everything you need to know about Doctor Dumbfuck’s character and values. But we Dems do have, as a consolation prize, that great Fox Nooz video of a dumbfounded Rove refusing to believe that Two Term President Obama snatched Ohio away from him.
Wow, you guys are having a good time attacking Trump & Company. Just think of the fun you’re all going to have for the next four years!
“And here’s Doctor Dumbfuck gloating that one of the grimiest sleazeballs in American politics isn’t in jail where he belongs”
The doctor is once again on the wrong side of history. Only this time, he’s on the side of traitors. On the other hand, the loon could claim batshit insanity as his defense for treason. I’d vouch for him! He’s crazier than a fucking loon!
@ 10
The Trumppp isn’t going to last another four months.
Face it, the man is the most incompetent, unintelligent, uneducated, corrupt and outright sleaziest individual to hold the office. He exemplifies the definition of the word scum. If anyone deserved ass cancer, it’s Donald Trumppp. The entire Executive Branch, including the Vice-President, is utter, total slime.
@ 9
But we Dems do have, as a consolation prize, that great Fox Nooz video of a dumbfounded Rove refusing to believe that Two Term President Obama snatched Ohio away from him.
We Republicans do have, as part of the spoils of victory, that great LiveLeak video of the former First Family prematurely dancing in celebration on Election Night:
We on the right also have this great video compilation:
Of course, for those HA zealots who read the tea leaves with sufficient care
nothing that happened on November 8th was a surprise.
Oh. And #CrookedHillary will never, ever have the White House for herself.
Able to void your bladder without a catheter yet, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit?
You also have control of both Houses of Congress! How’s that working out for you? Repeal of the ACA should be a slam-dunk, eh?
@ 13
It’s been a good year so far.
Do you think #CrookedHillary would say the same, tensor?
That’s why it’s been a good year.
Twelve beautiful 6′ western red cedars in the ground today, pulled from the fertile Skagit Valley this morning and nestled gently in Whidbey topsoil.
Good day, too.
15 carrying on a romantic conversation with 13.
Who knows? Maybe this time it’ll finally work out for Врач немой ебать. If not I don’t suppose this divorce settlement will set him back like the others.
@10 So far Trump is boring as hell. Waiting for him to actually accomplish something (good, bad, or worse) is like watching grass grow on a golf course. At the rate he’s going it’ll take him four years just to take a piss.
@13 “Able to void your bladder without a catheter yet, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit?”
Yeah, but I have a fucking infection, and it still hurts to piss.
@14 At this point, I would observe that all I have to control is one bladder, while the Republicans have to figure out how to control two houses of Congress. I’m making progress; they’re not.
@15 “Do you think #CrookedHillary would say the same, tensor?”
Yeah, I think she would, because she doesn’t have to make decisions, hold press conferences, write a budget, try to keep Republicans from shutting down the government, etc. Those are Drumpf’s problems now. If I were her, I’d rather be her than him.
Yesterday shitstain steve offered this:
Cheney: Russian election interference could be ‘act of war’
Dick Cheney actually said… “In some quarters, that would be considered an act of war.”
Never trust anything from the fingers of HA’s shitstain!
Yesterday shitstain steve offered this:
Cheney: Russian election interference could be ‘act of war’
Dick Cheney actually said… “In some quarters, that would be considered an act of war.”
Never trust anything from the fingers of HA’s shitstain!
it’s much more about attacking the treasonous, racist, hillbilly perverts who voted for him. So that it will never be forgotten how their depravity, ignorance, and self-hatred put us all at great risk and gave enormous comfort and assistance to our national enemies. There should never be compromise again. Because it’s wrong to compromise with traitors.
DAYUM, Interesting stuff at the DNC…
Chairman Perez first mistake… “hearing from Democrats in Washington”. It was WA DC DUMMOCRETIN that gave the world #CrookedHillary!
See ya!
Left wrong Twitter at it again. Censoring!
Педофил having trouble searching for kiddie porn and the latest MRM news.
“15 carrying on a romantic conversation with 13”
@13, 15, Doctor Dumbfuck is celebrating treason.
I see we have double-post head explosions of hate by the loon @20, 21! Chrome mops the floor with the loon once again! Sweet!
In case you haven’t been keeping score, it’s now…
Chrome 2,047
Loon 0
So Baltimore’s $15 minimum wage bill was vetoed by the mayor.
An override by city council would require 12 of 15 votes. There are three in opposition to it, and a fourth, a former supporter of the bill, flipped to oppose the override after the veto.
The Pugh administration estimated the minimum wage bill would cost the city $116 million over four years, including the expense of paying city workers a higher minimum wage.
David Goldstein, reached for comment at his Twitter sidebar in a hammock facing west in some expensive Seattle high-rise commercial building leased for his use by a billionaire, replied:
Raise prices. Print: “We proudly support state & city minimum wage. Living wage reflected in bus fare and city sales taxes.”
Doctor Dumbfuck is really on a roll. Earlier he celebrated the success of Republican treason @13, 15. Now it’s a celebration @29 of the working poor staying poor. What’s next? Celebrating the deaths of his Medicaid patients because he purposely misreads their CT scans?
@ 31
Paying people money to do actual work is anathema to the Conservative ideal. Conservatives seem to believe that people should dig ditches and build airplanes for the pure honor of doing work, seeing as such folks are too stupid and lazy to have been born rich.
They’d much prefer to go back the system that the mining companies and the Pullman Car Company were using before the great depression.
“California prosecutors on Tuesday charged two anti-abortion activists who made undercover videos of themselves trying to buy fetal tissue from Planned Parenthood with 15 felonies, saying they invaded the privacy of medical providers by filming without consent.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: These characters were previously indicted by a Texas grand jury that was convened by Texas prosecutors to go after Planned Parenthood. The prosecutors, of course, refused to prosecute that indictment. But California ain’t Texas. These guys may be in real trouble now. But if they are, they can take comfort from the fact that California prisons aren’t Texas prisons; even Chuck Manson gets to have a teevee in his cell.
True to form, Republican voters are blaming everybody but Republicans for the failure of Drumpf’s health care bill.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Of course, Drumpfcare wasn’t a health bill at all; it merely canceled health coverage for 24 million people, slashed Medicaid, and gave all that money to the rich. Kind of like someone breaking into your house, emptying the contents of your fridge and cupboards into boxes, and carting them off to the local gated community.
This guy appears to have some serious personal issues.
So Baltimore’s $15 minimum wage bill was vetoed by the mayor.
So, Baltimore won’t be sharing in Seattle’s prosperity, then; too bad for them.
David Goldstein, reached for comment …
Yes, he gets paid to be right, while you swallow and regurgitate for free. Letting your raging jealousy show is the kind of tackiness we abhor in your Dear Great Maximum Orange Leader, so please have the good taste not to let it show here.
A Republican congressman from Texas who inherited millions of dollars from his father, a car dealer, wants to do away with the IRS because he had to pay inheritance taxes, which he calls “double taxation.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: First of all, inheritance taxes don’t even kick in until an estate is worth several million dollars, so this asshole can afford to pay some taxes.
Second, inheritance taxes aren’t double taxation, because most large estates consist primarily of unrealized and therefore untaxed capital gains which otherwise will never be taxed. Why should someone who gets millions of dollars he didn’t have to work for get to pay zero taxes while wage earners pay taxes on the fruits of their labors?
Third, he says the IRS should “only collect what is due.” But isn’t that simply enforcing the tax laws, and isn’t that what the IRS does now? Of course, what he’s really saying is the IRS made up his tax bill and he didn’t owe the taxes the IRS said he owed, which is the same thing as saying the tax laws aren’t real and don’t apply to him, because in his mind he deserves to be a privileged character.
Fourth, if we get rid of the IRS, the federal government will have no income, but that’s probably fine with him (and his fellow Republicans) because they think we should get rid of the entire government, except for the defense spending in their districts which they believe will magically continue to exist without government or taxes.
As I’ve repeatedly posted before on HA, I will support abolishing the inheritance tax on two conditions: One, that inheritances are taxed as ordinary income of the heirs; and two, that the basis step up is abolished. This means people who receive inheritances would be treated exactly the same as people who have to work for their money. Do we have a deal?
It’s been a good year so far.
I agree. The Affordable Care Act, like so very many Obama Administration policies, remains firmly in effect. The first attempted Republican assault upon Seattle’s prosperity was easily defeated by Washington State’s Attorney General, to the point where he’s almost a folk hero now; even Governor Inslee has higher approval ratings.
Yes, things are going well. Who’d have thought it would be so easy?
@ 37
Second, inheritance taxes aren’t double taxation, because most large estates consist primarily of unrealized and therefore untaxed capital gains which otherwise will never be taxed.
Which is why funding education by a capital gains tax is not a good idea.
Even California decided that cap gains revenues were too shaky for application to state needs that required a consistent monetary inflow.
Estate money donated to charity also avoids taxation, as long as we’re on that topic.
@ 32
Paying people money to do actual work is anathema to the Conservative ideal.
Having to perform actual work in exchange for pay is anathema to the Deathfrogg ideal.
It’s certainly better than might have been expected following the unprecedented perfidy and treason of WWCMs, the FBI, and the media. Credit where credit is due, things might be a whole lot worse at the national level if Trailer Trump American Hillbillies weren’t reliably incompetent. So far that’s worked out well and Barack Obama is largely still running things by hillbilly default/concession. But there remains enormous risk that the moonshine drunk, rope-belted idiots will break things that can’t be easily fixed in a few years.
@ 38
…was easily defeated by Washington State’s Attorney General, to the point where he’s almost a folk hero now…
Who’s on their knees now, tensor? Ya gonna borrow YLB’s kneepads?
Inslee isn’t Врач немой ебать‘s type at all.
He’s fascinated by BBC.
Some of the approval/disapproval polling in Teh Hillbilly Jesus’ early days may point to reversal of a consistent trend in political science called “winner bias”.
Typically when voters are asked to recall how they cast ballots in previous elections the overall responses produce a higher percentage for the winner than the actual election results. The discrepancy is posited to arise from poor recall combined with voter aspiration to be associated with winning.
Teh Hillbilly Jesus may demonstrate a reversal of this trend where voters asked to recall how they cast ballots will report overall responses lower than actual election results. In England that’s called “The Shy Tory Effect”. I propose that here in the U.S. we call this “The Shy Hillbilly Effect”.
Folk hero status:
The lawsuit against the Trump administration turned Ferguson into an overnight national sensation. He appeared on Anderson Cooper 360 and The Rachel Maddow Show. He did an interview with the German magazine Stern, the New York Times included him in a story called “How Attorneys General Became Democrats’ Bulwark Against Trump,” and, in light of his lawsuit, the Washington Post dubbed Washington State the “epicenter of resistance to Trump’s agenda.” Seattle residents have since held spontaneous thank-you-card-making parties for the attorney general’s office.
Who knew it would be this easy?
Yes, it’s been a good year so far, indeed.