Today’s entry in the Miloscia is the worst category: Seriously, what the fuck? “We want to make sure Washington State has adequate voting rights” “Are you a Christian? Lady in a hijab, are you a Christian?” I mean.
Are Catholics Christian? The better question might be, “Are Christians Christian?”
Bernie Sandersspews:
North Korea, with the help of China, may have stolen $81 million from Bangladesh’s deposits at the Federal Reserve Bank of NY. If this is true, it doesn’t say much about cyber security at the Fed. Also, it’s pretty low of North Korea to steal from an impoverished country such as Bangladesh. How low can they go?
Tired of Fake Newsspews:
is dreadfully old news, “fake” news?
Also, what links to China?
This year old hack* may be related to the Sony hack. But what sources do you allege links either of those to the PRC?
*”Hack” only in the sense that the perpetrators breached network security. But they did so with credentials supplied by Bangladesh Central Bank employees. So, probably doesn’t say Jack Shit about cyber security at the Fed.
Bernie Sandersspews:
Heard about it on a news broadcast then googled. There are allegations out there, but the future will reveal what really happened. It could be complete BS or the absolute Truth. We’ll see…
Tired of Fake Newsspews:
Heard what exactly? That the PRC was implicated? Where?
There’s virtually nothing of any sort of credibility. This is popping up now because of a huge fire recently at the Bangladesh Central Bank that is rumored to have been set to cover the involvement of Bank employees and which might lead back to the Philippines and North Korea. Still nothing about the PRC.
When the hillbillies get going pulling shit like this the best thing the Dems can do is quietly move out of the way and give the world an unobstructed view.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Once again, the fractious Republican coalition seems unsuited for government, as House Speaker Paul Ryan remarked himself on Friday.”
Last week Devin Nunes bragged about hooking up for a super secret meeting at the White House with an “undisclosed source” to view “dozens” of “Top Secret” reports, vague details of which he later shared with the media.
Today Melissa McCarthy Sean Spicer says he isn’t concerned about “leaks” coming from the White House. “We only have a problem with them if they are true”.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Hillbilly Jesus has fled DC and golfed almost every weekend since inauguration. But now Team Derp have grown embarrassed about how it looks. So they’ve taken to imprisoning the press pool for a few hours while the Comrade-Pissident plays so they can’t photograph or report on it. Staff and visitors to Trump National did not get the memo.
ICE detains 26 offenders reporting for community service in Fort Worth
But now Team Derp have grown embarrassed about how it looks.
Being Democrat means no capacity for embarrassment.
President Obama, on vacation in Palm City, Fla., went golfing with Tiger Woods without telling his media retinue about the goings-on. The situation prompted a rebuke from the White House Correspondents’ Association (WHCA), whose president, Ed Henry, said this, in part: “[A] broad cross section of our members from print, radio, online and TV have today expressed extreme frustration to me about having absolutely no access to the President of the United States this entire weekend.”
If not for #CrookedHillary you would have avoided Trump.
Hey, Elijah, got a set of front pages from last November 9?
You’re really slipping. This is the kind of hanging curve Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit usually serves up.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
19, 21,
why Врач немой ебать, if we didn’t have your frequent reassurances we might conclude you’ve taken to defending your #treason.
Face it. You voted for him. And with each tweet you die a little inside.
Coming up with new material after that initial splash is a struggle. I mean, Boston never again came close to what they achieved with their first album.
Now I see what I am is holding me down
I’ll turn it around
There’s your anthem, HA libbies. At minimum, it could be #CrookedHillary’s 2020 campaign song.
But now Team Derp have grown embarrassed about how it looks.
More likely DRUMPH was ducking questions on TRUMPCARE.
That is why he was elected you know. His expertise. Something about stealing the deal. Or was that copping a feel? No matter. Such a great man. Trust him.
Frank Rizzospews:
I thought the 2nd album was decent.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
21, … you would have avoided Trump
I guess when he promised that people would get “sick of all the winning” I just assumed the people he meant were his supporters.
My bad.
@ 25
It was decent.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
David Frum ✔ @davidfrum
Idea 1: inherit wealth and power
Idea 2: marry into it
Hillary & Chelsea Clinton and Melinda Gates work to shatter glass ceilings
@18 “Being Democrat means no capacity for embarrassment.”
Coming from a Republican that’s hilarious.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 “This is the kind of hanging curve Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit usually serves up.”
Yeah? If you like my pitching so much, how come you’re watching the game from the dugout?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@32 “you guys are fucking boring”
Then why do you keep coming back?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Where the hell is Doctor Dumbfuck’s daily market analysis? How the hell am I supposed to navigate this treacherous volatility without his predictions? Oh, never mind, I’ll manage.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“I alone can fix it” by delegating all my job functions to my son-in-law.
The right wing is meme-ing that Rachel Maddow’s ratings tanked after the tax thingy. Even though she had the most viewers that week. In fact RMS had won the previous week in 25-54 demographic too.
The tax return show represented not just the #1 cable news show that night but the #3 show of any night or time slot in primetime for the week. The righties will tell you that the huge drop off is fatal for RMS which will never recover.
But wait, there’s more. For all prime time time slots.
Last week RMS crushed all comers in the 25-54 demo on Monday and only O’Reiley had a bigger total audience.
On Tuesday RMS was #1 in 25-54 and was #3 overall in viewership
On Wedneday RMS was #1 in 25-54 and #4 overall
Thursday RMS slipped to #3 25-54 and #4 overall and narrowly lost her timeslot to Carlson who she beat all three of the previous days
Then Friday RMS was the #1 cable news show overall and in the coveted 25-54.
Maddow had the most viewers 25-54 for the third consecutive week.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Coming from a Republican avowed Trump fanboy that’s hilarious.
Russia is our enemy. This is WWIII, waged in cyber-space, and this administration stinks of Russians.
18 U.S. Code § 2381 – Treason
“Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”
Hang a few, throw the rest in prison.
Mark Adamsspews:
The better yet question is whether you can tell from the way one is dressed what religion a person is. While someone dressed like a Hasidic Jew is probably Jewish I don’t know unless I ask or I see him or her at the Wailing wall, or going into the local Synagogue. Or someone dressed as a Nun going in the local Cathedral. Even then I’m making an assumption, and prejudice or bias is leading me by the nose. Religion is something that requires the person to state what their religion is, as their dress may be deceptive.
There are Christians and Jews in Saudi Arabia (not many), but when they are out in public they are wearing a Hijab, and other garments required by the Religious police of that nation. Even women of our armed forces are required to wear this get up while in the Kingdom.
The author of crank is confusing real political power with privilege. The man is sitting in the Washington State Senate. He has real power (not a whole lot) as does any other member of the Senate. He can ignore whole groups of students as many are not even voters in his District. The youth tend not to vote. (Maybe making election day a holiday or even moving it to the weekend would free up students to go and vote. Are the students pushing for that? (Don’t think so.) So the older demographic gets out and vote and Mark the Senator has to keep those people happy. Lookin gat his district it’s probably good politics to push Christian and Catholicism, and there are probably few Muslims.
So yep you going to have a political clash here. He’s in a safe seat, and puts the spin on this to play well in Auburn so he will remain in the seat. Or are you all thinking the man may run for Governor? US Senator? Is that what the story here is really about, trying to get some political hits against an up and comer Republican that is an astute politician? Rather than realize he’s the guy in the seat and you need to persuade him to vote your way on some bills. Get him to meet you in the middle. And don’t be too surprised when some things young people are pushing for die in Committee that he happens to be on? That is what you get when you confuse real political power with white privilege.
SC will be tough. And the Ducks will have their hands full with NC. But it should make for some great basketball.
Mark Adamsspews:
@45 Umm has Congress passed a Declaration of War against Russia? Is it a classified declaration? The statute you are mentioning only operates if we are actually at war against another nation. If we are not at war with them it’s a lot trickier to get a conviction let alone find a US Prosecutor in the US Justice department willing to bring charges.
After all Jane Fonda and others should have been prosecuted after a visit to North Vietnam. And a prosecutor would have gotten a conviction, odd they never charged her. Must been other political things involved otherwise Jane would have seen the inside of a US Federal prison. Wonder if any of those reasons would apply today in this case? Or is it all politics making the smoke in the first place.
Or are we going to go after all the foreign politicians and dignitaries that tried to influence the past election?
Not like Cheney had anything to do with getting us into Iraq. That has worked out well? Why are you giving anything the warmonger is saying any weight?
The Russians are doing what all world powers do, and all try to influence elections, as does the United States. We are the worlds best and most likely to stick our noses into some other nations elections. Putin is laughing at the whole thing quietly thinking payback is a bitch!! He’s going to point at all the protests in all those cities and call that American interference particularly with Russian elections coming up.
Mark Adamsspews:
@2 Maybe they are taking a page from John Dillenger’s quotes. You know the one when he was asked why he robs from banks and he answered: “Because that is where the money is.”
I had to listen to a few Boston songs to familiarize myself with who they were. They were okay, I suppose. I was a little tired of that kind of rock at the time.
Miloscia’s been cranky and bitter ever since we pesky and impertinent voters capped his career at State Senator from Suburbs Far Below Bellevue. His most recent tactless outbreak may reflect his annoyance at being in the presence of citizens whose careers have not peaked.
His toothless version of a voters-rights bill reflects perfectly his GOP brethren’s views of white minority rule in places like Yakima. White minority rulers from Jim Crow through apartheid are, as always, happy with white minority rule.
Mark Adamsspews:
@28 I’ve always wondered about the shattering of glass ceilings. Isn’t that rather dangerous as there are going to be glass shards everywhere. Sure to cause more damage than a paper cup depending on the ceiling height. And why would you want to shatter the ceiling of the crystal palace?
And to truly shatter the glass ceiling doesn’t that require one to be from a small town someplace like Iowa, with a future of slopping pigs and proving that you can make it anywhere, especially a place like New York, and getting that corner office. Of course in this new internet age perhaps it’s a corner server as you prepare to roar down the slopes of Mt Baker on your board! Cow a bunga!
Mark Adamsspews:
@51 Ahh so you all are conniving to keep him in the State House. He appears to be a career politician so that is probably ok with him, We will see if he still has aspirations, he must be a good politician to get you all to give him so much ink. Could be the only way you get him out of the State Senate is the one in the other Washington, or a higher state office. So who is your alternative in his district?
I guess when he promised that people would get “sick of all the winning” I just assumed the people he meant were his supporters.
Judging from his slurry output here today, Dumbfuck drinks heavily to fight his growing realization that he himself was the target of his taunt, “It’s going to be a long four years.”
Dumbfuck is busy filling his portfolio with Enron stock. After all, that financial genius who spent last Summer’s campaign flying around on the Enron corporate jet is has now become President of the United States, over and above the objections of a majority of voters in Washington state and across the U.S.A. That must mean he was right!
(Wait, what? I thought we were talking about no-talent heirs to fortune and name!! Dumbfuck can’t tell the difference between one and the next, I guess.)
Mark Adamsspews:
@42 It does annoy me when something like this political act is described as criminal charges when it no such animal. It’s a civil complaint and/or a civil suit that a group of citizens are bringing against the justice department. That is likely to go nowhere as they most likely will be found to not have standing, and that the proper venue for this type of complaint would be the US Senate and the US Senate must make the complaint to the justice department for this to go anywhere. This is just petty party politics, and this complaint ultimately will go nowhere.
Incidentally what does this have to do with local or state politics here in Washington? Doesn’t look like any of the citizens who made this complaint are from here. If they are I’d to tell em what the fuck are you thinking and doing? Hope you are being paid something for this charade.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
shitstain steve posted: Cheney: Russian election interference could be ‘act of war’
Aw, it appears the all-Republican-all-the-time Congress has not become the unstoppable all-crushing juggernaut against liberals which Dumbfuck foolishly thought believed it would be:
“I got the opinion that there are some members of the Freedom Caucus — they’d vote no against the Ten Commandments if it came up for a vote.”
Heck, they’d vote to crucify any hippie-sounding communist who preached they should abandon their grasping for material wealth, and instead build up treasure in heaven via good works and humble deeds.
Or, at the very least, vote to have him bitch-slapped by their all-highest, St. Ayn of Rand.
Some angry comments from the internet
Donald Trump is someone who made millions of dollars by not paying the people the pre-agreed amount. Is this a surprise to anyone?
There he goes again. Repealing stuff that will make it easier for him to stiff those he hires in the future. Jack shit for the Working Class Americans who voted for him.
Donald Trump and his gang made their fortunes on wage theft and bank fraud. They’re going to “Make America Great Again” by putting all those filthy freeloading little kids in factories, pushing cripples down staircases and doing whatever it takes to dispose of all the surplus labor that’s just sitting around and not making them any money.
All these assholes have to do to get elected is talk about God and how much they love America. Everything else, the outright thefts, the embezzlements, the wholesale destruction and murders they commit are secondary to that. All of that can all be ignored as long as the individual is a God Fearing White Christian American.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“While Mr. Sessions acknowledged on Monday that what he was discussing was essentially a continuation of the Obama-era policy…”
Damn! It just never lets up for those poor aggreived white trash hillbillies. The looming authority of a powerful black man in their daily lives must be a great comfort to them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Another emboldened knuckledragger crawls out of the woodwork.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Probably not a deep thinker here. He probably just thinks that Trump’s election gives people like him some sort of license to act out their racism and bigotry, while completely forgetting that criminal statutes are still in effect and local law enforcement isn’t run from the White House.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@63 ” Jack shit for the Working Class Americans who voted for him.”
You aren’t feeling sorry for them, are you? They got exactly what they voted for. Any complaints from them should fall on deaf ears.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@55 Yeah, and the squatter in the White House is now going to drag us into a recession and correction. I hope, for his sake, Doctor Dumbfuck is ready for that. You know, portfolio insurance.
@56 So now you’re a legal expert and perjury is a civil matter?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@62 Keeping the story on the front pages by tweeting out a string of denials doesn’t seem like a real good political strategy to me. But, then, you have to remember that Drumpf is a rank political amateur with less experience at this game than your local sewer district commissioners.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Did Florida prison guards murder an inmate by scalding him to death in a shower that was modified to inflict torture on prisoners?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The authorities are looking the other way, and once it is journalists who are asking questions, uncovering information that officials tried to hide, and protecting citizens by holding accountable those who exercise the powers of government.
Instead, Democrats watched as a roiling, well-organized “resistance” bombarded Republicans with calls and filled their town hall meetings with skeptics. The Indivisible coalition, founded after the 2016 election by former congressional aides who knew how to lobby their old bosses, was the newest and flashiest. But it was joined by MoveOn, which reported 40,000 calls to congressional offices from its members; by Planned Parenthood, directly under the AHCA’s gun; by the Democratic National Committee, fresh off a divisive leadership race; and by the AARP, which branded the bill as an “age tax” before Democrats had come up with a counterattack.
And look who’s empowered!
“Organizers had a first victory today,” said Rep. Primila Jayapal, D-Wash., at a small CPC rally after the bill’s delay Thursday. “Across the country, they pummeled Republicans for this horrible bill.”
Dumbfuck haz a sad.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
It’s a well understood hillbilly FACT that sworn oaths are only solemn when testifying about blowjobs between consenting adults.
Are Catholics Christian? The better question might be, “Are Christians Christian?”
North Korea, with the help of China, may have stolen $81 million from Bangladesh’s deposits at the Federal Reserve Bank of NY. If this is true, it doesn’t say much about cyber security at the Fed. Also, it’s pretty low of North Korea to steal from an impoverished country such as Bangladesh. How low can they go?
is dreadfully old news, “fake” news?
Also, what links to China?
This year old hack* may be related to the Sony hack. But what sources do you allege links either of those to the PRC?
*”Hack” only in the sense that the perpetrators breached network security. But they did so with credentials supplied by Bangladesh Central Bank employees. So, probably doesn’t say Jack Shit about cyber security at the Fed.
Heard about it on a news broadcast then googled. There are allegations out there, but the future will reveal what really happened. It could be complete BS or the absolute Truth. We’ll see…
Heard what exactly? That the PRC was implicated? Where?
There’s virtually nothing of any sort of credibility. This is popping up now because of a huge fire recently at the Bangladesh Central Bank that is rumored to have been set to cover the involvement of Bank employees and which might lead back to the Philippines and North Korea. Still nothing about the PRC.
Maybe you “heard” about it on Danger and Play?
They are communists, what do you expect?
When the hillbillies get going pulling shit like this the best thing the Dems can do is quietly move out of the way and give the world an unobstructed view.
“Once again, the fractious Republican coalition seems unsuited for government, as House Speaker Paul Ryan remarked himself on Friday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is news? Democrats have known for 100 years that Republicans don’t know how to govern.
@1 They sure don’t act like it. If the resurrection was for real, and Jesus is watching them, he must squirm at the things they do in his name.
@2 If NK was behind the heist, you could argue that’s a case of poor stealing from rich, because Bangladesh is richer than NK.
Bout them Zags tho….
Apparently Leahy’s gonna be a ‘No’ on a Gorsuch filibuster attempt.
That might be my second fave Leahy story.
This will always be the first:
Cheney not the least bit concerned about how it might be recounted, either:
Last week Devin Nunes bragged about hooking up for a super secret meeting at the White House with an “undisclosed source” to view “dozens” of “Top Secret” reports, vague details of which he later shared with the media.
Melissa McCarthySean Spicer says he isn’t concerned about “leaks” coming from the White House. “We only have a problem with them if they are true”.Hillbilly Jesus has fled DC and golfed almost every weekend since inauguration. But now Team Derp have grown embarrassed about how it looks. So they’ve taken to imprisoning the press pool for a few hours while the Comrade-Pissident plays so they can’t photograph or report on it.
Staff and visitors to Trump National did not get the memo.
ICE detains 26 offenders reporting for community service in Fort Worth
Not quite as original as a Meet The Yankees Breakfast.
But apparently effective.
@ 16
But now Team Derp have grown embarrassed about how it looks.
Being Democrat means no capacity for embarrassment.
President Obama, on vacation in Palm City, Fla., went golfing with Tiger Woods without telling his media retinue about the goings-on. The situation prompted a rebuke from the White House Correspondents’ Association (WHCA), whose president, Ed Henry, said this, in part: “[A] broad cross section of our members from print, radio, online and TV have today expressed extreme frustration to me about having absolutely no access to the President of the United States this entire weekend.”
Although with a press who treated The One in so fawning a manner
(“You’re killing us.”)
can you really blame him for treating them with disrespect?
@ 15, 16
You have slipped. Quite a lot. This is some weak-ass shit. Hell, YLB has the mental capacity to have come up with @ 16.
Just think hillbillies:
If not for the
PedophileHastert Rule you might have avoided this.@ 20
Just think, libbies:
If not for #CrookedHillary you would have avoided Trump.
Hey, Elijah, got a set of front pages from last November 9?
You’re really slipping. This is the kind of hanging curve Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit usually serves up.
19, 21,
why Врач немой ебать, if we didn’t have your frequent reassurances we might conclude you’ve taken to defending your #treason.
Face it. You voted for him. And with each tweet you die a little inside.
Coming up with new material after that initial splash is a struggle. I mean, Boston never again came close to what they achieved with their first album.
Now I see what I am is holding me down
I’ll turn it around
There’s your anthem, HA libbies. At minimum, it could be #CrookedHillary’s 2020 campaign song.
But now Team Derp have grown embarrassed about how it looks.
More likely DRUMPH was ducking questions on TRUMPCARE.
That is why he was elected you know. His expertise. Something about stealing the deal. Or was that copping a feel? No matter. Such a great man. Trust him.
I thought the 2nd album was decent.
… you would have avoided Trump
I guess when he promised that people would get “sick of all the winning” I just assumed the people he meant were his supporters.
My bad.
@ 25
It was decent.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
David Frum ✔ @davidfrum
Idea 1: inherit wealth and power
Idea 2: marry into it
Hillary & Chelsea Clinton and Melinda Gates work to shatter glass ceilings
I assume this is not original. But it’s the first time I’ve heard it.
“I got the opinion that there are some members of the Freedom Caucus — they’d vote no against the Ten Commandments if it came up for a vote.”
Can you spot the hidden pickle?
How ’bout now?
Врач немой ебать sure can!
Perhaps Врач немой ебать is in the market for a new tatoo?
Must be tit for tat day…… guys are fucking boring.
@ 32
Even @ 17 was boring?
C’mon. Barkin was very hot in that one.
At some point, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan will have to recognize that the political costs of not having a credible investigation will outweigh the political costs of allowing one to unfold—whatever it might uncover.
Especially when the Comrade-Pissident and his slavering minions continue to blame Congressional Hillbillies for Trump’s repeated failures to discharge the performance of his manly duties as Father-Daddy-Glorious-Leader.
@18 “Being Democrat means no capacity for embarrassment.”
Coming from a Republican that’s hilarious.
@21 “This is the kind of hanging curve Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit usually serves up.”
Yeah? If you like my pitching so much, how come you’re watching the game from the dugout?
@32 “you guys are fucking boring”
Then why do you keep coming back?
Where the hell is Doctor Dumbfuck’s daily market analysis? How the hell am I supposed to navigate this treacherous volatility without his predictions? Oh, never mind, I’ll manage.
“I alone can fix it” by delegating all my job functions to my son-in-law.
Mildly Interesting.
The right wing is meme-ing that Rachel Maddow’s ratings tanked after the tax thingy. Even though she had the most viewers that week. In fact RMS had won the previous week in 25-54 demographic too.
The tax return show represented not just the #1 cable news show that night but the #3 show of any night or time slot in primetime for the week. The righties will tell you that the huge drop off is fatal for RMS which will never recover.
But wait, there’s more. For all prime time time slots.
Last week RMS crushed all comers in the 25-54 demo on Monday and only O’Reiley had a bigger total audience.
On Tuesday RMS was #1 in 25-54 and was #3 overall in viewership
On Wedneday RMS was #1 in 25-54 and #4 overall
Thursday RMS slipped to #3 25-54 and #4 overall and narrowly lost her timeslot to Carlson who she beat all three of the previous days
Then Friday RMS was the #1 cable news show overall and in the coveted 25-54.
Maddow had the most viewers 25-54 for the third consecutive week.
Coming from a
Republicanavowed Trump fanboy that’s hilarious.ftfy ;-D
“The criminal conduct described in this complaint relates to testimony and false statements about communications between Sessions and the Russian ambassador that were made by Sessions to the Senate Judiciary Committee.”
Somebody is having goose for dinner.
“Thppppt! Who cares about viewers aged 25 to 54?”
– said by absolutely nobody, plus Loofa Bill and your Crazy Uncle Conservative
Lolz @ the sheeple that watch Maddow and O’reilly.
File this one under “Duh!”
Cheney: Russian election interference could be ‘act of war’;ocid=iehp
Russia is our enemy. This is WWIII, waged in cyber-space, and this administration stinks of Russians.
18 U.S. Code § 2381 – Treason
“Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”
Hang a few, throw the rest in prison.
The better yet question is whether you can tell from the way one is dressed what religion a person is. While someone dressed like a Hasidic Jew is probably Jewish I don’t know unless I ask or I see him or her at the Wailing wall, or going into the local Synagogue. Or someone dressed as a Nun going in the local Cathedral. Even then I’m making an assumption, and prejudice or bias is leading me by the nose. Religion is something that requires the person to state what their religion is, as their dress may be deceptive.
There are Christians and Jews in Saudi Arabia (not many), but when they are out in public they are wearing a Hijab, and other garments required by the Religious police of that nation. Even women of our armed forces are required to wear this get up while in the Kingdom.
The author of crank is confusing real political power with privilege. The man is sitting in the Washington State Senate. He has real power (not a whole lot) as does any other member of the Senate. He can ignore whole groups of students as many are not even voters in his District. The youth tend not to vote. (Maybe making election day a holiday or even moving it to the weekend would free up students to go and vote. Are the students pushing for that? (Don’t think so.) So the older demographic gets out and vote and Mark the Senator has to keep those people happy. Lookin gat his district it’s probably good politics to push Christian and Catholicism, and there are probably few Muslims.
So yep you going to have a political clash here. He’s in a safe seat, and puts the spin on this to play well in Auburn so he will remain in the seat. Or are you all thinking the man may run for Governor? US Senator? Is that what the story here is really about, trying to get some political hits against an up and comer Republican that is an astute politician? Rather than realize he’s the guy in the seat and you need to persuade him to vote your way on some bills. Get him to meet you in the middle. And don’t be too surprised when some things young people are pushing for die in Committee that he happens to be on? That is what you get when you confuse real political power with white privilege.
SC will be tough. And the Ducks will have their hands full with NC. But it should make for some great basketball.
@45 Umm has Congress passed a Declaration of War against Russia? Is it a classified declaration? The statute you are mentioning only operates if we are actually at war against another nation. If we are not at war with them it’s a lot trickier to get a conviction let alone find a US Prosecutor in the US Justice department willing to bring charges.
After all Jane Fonda and others should have been prosecuted after a visit to North Vietnam. And a prosecutor would have gotten a conviction, odd they never charged her. Must been other political things involved otherwise Jane would have seen the inside of a US Federal prison. Wonder if any of those reasons would apply today in this case? Or is it all politics making the smoke in the first place.
Or are we going to go after all the foreign politicians and dignitaries that tried to influence the past election?
Not like Cheney had anything to do with getting us into Iraq. That has worked out well? Why are you giving anything the warmonger is saying any weight?
The Russians are doing what all world powers do, and all try to influence elections, as does the United States. We are the worlds best and most likely to stick our noses into some other nations elections. Putin is laughing at the whole thing quietly thinking payback is a bitch!! He’s going to point at all the protests in all those cities and call that American interference particularly with Russian elections coming up.
@2 Maybe they are taking a page from John Dillenger’s quotes. You know the one when he was asked why he robs from banks and he answered: “Because that is where the money is.”
I had to listen to a few Boston songs to familiarize myself with who they were. They were okay, I suppose. I was a little tired of that kind of rock at the time.
Miloscia’s been cranky and bitter ever since we pesky and impertinent voters capped his career at State Senator from Suburbs Far Below Bellevue. His most recent tactless outbreak may reflect his annoyance at being in the presence of citizens whose careers have not peaked.
His toothless version of a voters-rights bill reflects perfectly his GOP brethren’s views of white minority rule in places like Yakima. White minority rulers from Jim Crow through apartheid are, as always, happy with white minority rule.
@28 I’ve always wondered about the shattering of glass ceilings. Isn’t that rather dangerous as there are going to be glass shards everywhere. Sure to cause more damage than a paper cup depending on the ceiling height. And why would you want to shatter the ceiling of the crystal palace?
And to truly shatter the glass ceiling doesn’t that require one to be from a small town someplace like Iowa, with a future of slopping pigs and proving that you can make it anywhere, especially a place like New York, and getting that corner office. Of course in this new internet age perhaps it’s a corner server as you prepare to roar down the slopes of Mt Baker on your board! Cow a bunga!
@51 Ahh so you all are conniving to keep him in the State House. He appears to be a career politician so that is probably ok with him, We will see if he still has aspirations, he must be a good politician to get you all to give him so much ink. Could be the only way you get him out of the State Senate is the one in the other Washington, or a higher state office. So who is your alternative in his district?
I guess when he promised that people would get “sick of all the winning” I just assumed the people he meant were his supporters.
Judging from his slurry output here today, Dumbfuck drinks heavily to fight his growing realization that he himself was the target of his taunt, “It’s going to be a long four years.”
Dumbfuck is busy filling his portfolio with Enron stock. After all, that financial genius who spent last Summer’s campaign flying around on the Enron corporate jet is has now become President of the United States, over and above the objections of a majority of voters in Washington state and across the U.S.A. That must mean he was right!
(Wait, what? I thought we were talking about no-talent heirs to fortune and name!! Dumbfuck can’t tell the difference between one and the next, I guess.)
@42 It does annoy me when something like this political act is described as criminal charges when it no such animal. It’s a civil complaint and/or a civil suit that a group of citizens are bringing against the justice department. That is likely to go nowhere as they most likely will be found to not have standing, and that the proper venue for this type of complaint would be the US Senate and the US Senate must make the complaint to the justice department for this to go anywhere. This is just petty party politics, and this complaint ultimately will go nowhere.
Incidentally what does this have to do with local or state politics here in Washington? Doesn’t look like any of the citizens who made this complaint are from here. If they are I’d to tell em what the fuck are you thinking and doing? Hope you are being paid something for this charade.
shitstain steve posted: Cheney: Russian election interference could be ‘act of war’
So Dick Cheney is now your hero shitstain?
A product of a libtard private school school system…
@50 Very Green.
AG Sessions on Sanctuary cities…
Aw, it appears the all-Republican-all-the-time Congress has not become the unstoppable all-crushing juggernaut against liberals which Dumbfuck foolishly
thoughtbelieved it would be:“I got the opinion that there are some members of the Freedom Caucus — they’d vote no against the Ten Commandments if it came up for a vote.”
Heck, they’d vote to crucify any hippie-sounding communist who preached they should abandon their grasping for material wealth, and instead build up treasure in heaven via good works and humble deeds.
Or, at the very least, vote to have him bitch-slapped by their all-highest, St. Ayn of Rand.
This motherfucker is going to get us all killed. The absolute, sheer chutzpah of Donald Fucking Trumppp is almost entirely unprecedented in this country.
What republicans do
In the name of corporate profits, Trump Repeals Regulation Protecting Workers From Wage Theft
Some angry comments from the internet
Donald Trump is someone who made millions of dollars by not paying the people the pre-agreed amount. Is this a surprise to anyone?
There he goes again. Repealing stuff that will make it easier for him to stiff those he hires in the future. Jack shit for the Working Class Americans who voted for him.
@ 63
What do you expect? The GOP is the thieves party. That is the entirety of their program; to legalize theft.
Donald Trump and his gang made their fortunes on wage theft and bank fraud. They’re going to “Make America Great Again” by putting all those filthy freeloading little kids in factories, pushing cripples down staircases and doing whatever it takes to dispose of all the surplus labor that’s just sitting around and not making them any money.
All these assholes have to do to get elected is talk about God and how much they love America. Everything else, the outright thefts, the embezzlements, the wholesale destruction and murders they commit are secondary to that. All of that can all be ignored as long as the individual is a God Fearing White Christian American.
“While Mr. Sessions acknowledged on Monday that what he was discussing was essentially a continuation of the Obama-era policy…”
Damn! It just never lets up for those poor aggreived white trash hillbillies. The looming authority of a powerful black man in their daily lives must be a great comfort to them.
Another emboldened knuckledragger crawls out of the woodwork.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Probably not a deep thinker here. He probably just thinks that Trump’s election gives people like him some sort of license to act out their racism and bigotry, while completely forgetting that criminal statutes are still in effect and local law enforcement isn’t run from the White House.
@63 ” Jack shit for the Working Class Americans who voted for him.”
You aren’t feeling sorry for them, are you? They got exactly what they voted for. Any complaints from them should fall on deaf ears.
@55 Yeah, and the squatter in the White House is now going to drag us into a recession and correction. I hope, for his sake, Doctor Dumbfuck is ready for that. You know, portfolio insurance.
@56 So now you’re a legal expert and perjury is a civil matter?
@62 Keeping the story on the front pages by tweeting out a string of denials doesn’t seem like a real good political strategy to me. But, then, you have to remember that Drumpf is a rank political amateur with less experience at this game than your local sewer district commissioners.
Did Florida prison guards murder an inmate by scalding him to death in a shower that was modified to inflict torture on prisoners?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The authorities are looking the other way, and once it is journalists who are asking questions, uncovering information that officials tried to hide, and protecting citizens by holding accountable those who exercise the powers of government.
The coverup is in full force
Like the teabaggers, only without the overflowing Depends, showers of spittle, or marching orders from Republican lobbyists:
Instead, Democrats watched as a roiling, well-organized “resistance” bombarded Republicans with calls and filled their town hall meetings with skeptics. The Indivisible coalition, founded after the 2016 election by former congressional aides who knew how to lobby their old bosses, was the newest and flashiest. But it was joined by MoveOn, which reported 40,000 calls to congressional offices from its members; by Planned Parenthood, directly under the AHCA’s gun; by the Democratic National Committee, fresh off a divisive leadership race; and by the AARP, which branded the bill as an “age tax” before Democrats had come up with a counterattack.
And look who’s empowered!
“Organizers had a first victory today,” said Rep. Primila Jayapal, D-Wash., at a small CPC rally after the bill’s delay Thursday. “Across the country, they pummeled Republicans for this horrible bill.”
Dumbfuck haz a sad.
It’s a well understood hillbilly FACT that sworn oaths are only solemn when testifying about blowjobs between consenting adults.