The vanishing snows of Kilimanjaro.
Lawrence O’Donnell: Mitt Romney tries to rewrite Mitt Romney:
Congressman Asshat of Iowa:
- Thom takes on Rep. Steve King (R-IA).
- Matt Binder: “Mexican kids are drug mules!”, says asshat Rep. Steve King (R-IA)
- Sam Seder: Is it okay to laugh at asshats like Rep. Steve King?
Sharpton: Sarah Palin’s ‘maverick’ hypocrisy exposed.
Bill Maher with some new rules.
White House: West Wing Week.
This is the 40th time!
Bashir and Eugene Robinson: History shows when Republicans shut down government, they lose.
John Fugelsang: We’re in the golden age of slut-shaming.
Fast Foods Forward and FAUX Fumbles:
- John Oliver: Fast food workers and FAUX News pundits.
- Thom schools Hannity on hamburger costs.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: The case to increase the minimum wage.
- Thom: Can anyone survive on $7.25
Kimmel: This week in Unnecessary Censorship.
ONN: Onion Week in Review.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Melissa Harris-Perry: New law forces clinics to close in North Carolina.
Jimmy Dore does Bill O’Reilly.
Sharpton: How FAUX, O’Reilly, and fellow right wingers are failing miserably in the racism conversation.
Mental Floss: 79 common mispronunciations.
Katrina vanden Heuvel: Helen Thomas’s legacy:
FAUX’s Worst Interview Ever:
- Young Turks: Worst interview ever???
- Michael Brooks: Even FAUX News should be ashamed of this interview.
- Young Turks: FAUX News tries to defend the “worst interview ever”
- Reza Aslan on his now infamous FAUX News interview.
- Here come the Spoofs!
Liberal Viewer: Would NSA spying program prevent 9/11 attacks?.
Thom: How the G.O.P. causes child prostitution.
Sam Seder: DOJ sues Texas over voting laws.
Mark Fiore: Syria’s Royal Easel.
John Fugelsang plays six degrees of Edward Snowden:
Melissa Harris-Perry: Judge grants reprieve for WI health clinics.
Ruse Harstel on his racist homophobic cousin.
Red State Update: Podcast episode 37.
ONN: New Pew poll says nation just wants to be safe, happy, rich, comfortable, entertained at all times.
Young Turks: Rand Paul and Chris Chrstie duke it out!
Inappropriate Mayorial Material:
- Anthony Weiner refuses to quit.
- Young Turks: Weiner aide vs Weiner intern catfight
- Broadway goes Weiner:
- Chris Hayes: FAUX News smears Huma Abedin with baseless claims of terrorism ties.
- Matt Binder: FAUX News attacks Huma Abedin
- John Oliver: Anthony Weiner’s ‘Not Quitting’ ad.
- Stephen defends San Diego Mayor Bob Filner.
Melissa Harris-Perry: Do nothing Congress takes a recess.
Young Turks: The G.O.P. War on Women™ gets expensive.
John Fugelsang: Politicians fiddlin’ while North Carolina burns.
Thom: Conservatives are driving us to suicide.
Lawrence O’Donnell: The Republican disease of dysfunction in washington.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.