Please join us this evening for a pint peppered with political prognostication at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
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With 210 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, four in Oregon, and three more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting near you.
The Conservative talk show host was calling any republican that didn’t agree with him, a “French Republican” and was calling the Affordable Care Act “BonerCare”.
Own it republicans. You wanted them. Now dance to their tune. Dance!
Some fuel for spittlepuddles’ fantasies. These are the fetal-alcohol syndrome lunatics the GOP grovels to?
Jesus, just kill yourselves already.
Here, Spittlepuddles, Another one for ya.
You ‘wingers are such paranoiac schitzo-effective imbeciles, you confuse yourselves with your own twisted logic. If you’re going to keep lying about stupid shit, at least try to make an attempt to make your lies plausible, and keep track of them so you don’t keep tripping over your own bullshit.
The Conservatives in this country have really become a serious constitutional threat.
In the Bavaria State Election, it was interesting, the Social Democrats actually made some headway, in a conservative state. Then again, it was not much, but they get an extra seat or two out of it. Here, a 2% increase over last time, does not translate to a seat gain.
@3 the guy talking wouldn’t know one of the Ten Commandments if his life depended on it. Like how about thou shall not committ adultery.
@5, RETHUGs look at the Ten Commandment as a to-do list, once they edit the “shall not”s to “may”s. (Kind of like what they did with the 2nd amendment.) That is where GOATBOY finds it is OK to covet his neighbor’s goat. Says so right here:
And there you have it. RETHUG principles in a nut shell.
Of course GOATBOY thinks GOATs are DONKEYs.
Before the puddybigot starts polluting this thread, a few thoughts….
When I first arrived some years ago, I took him at face value and tried to engage. More seasoned posters laughed and chided and told me not to try – they were correct of course.
I’m not sure what his game really is, the person posting at ‘puddy’ – it’s certainly not earnest engagement and argument. He’s really a provocateur and performance-artist and nothing more.
I think he is motivated by bona fide right-wing fear and hatred, and is a Bibul-thumping loon. He’s let down the mask once or twice, and he really seems to believe that the Earth is 6000-and-some-odd years old, that Noah saved two of every terrestrial animal from extinction, that evolution is a hoax and ‘God’ created everything in 6 literal days. He also seems to cling to the notion that his ‘god’ is returning someday (soon) in “Clouds of Glory” as he puts it, to smite puddy’s enemies. I think it’s this Bible-y stuff that lies closest to whom he really is…and the judgemental stuff that immediately flows from it – the gay-hate, the Catholic-hate, the MOOSLUM-hate, the woman-hate.
I think his right-wing Republicanism flows from the Christianism and the culture-war hysteria, and is therefore somewhat secondary. I think he sees the Republicans and their Establishment as an ally due to the Bible-y stuff, and he accepts their propaganda hook-line-and-sinker – we see that with the Climate Change-denialism, with the unremitting but superficial political attacks, with the unanalyzed re-spewing of the multitude of talk radio hacks and grifters.
His MO of course is the relentless posting and reposting of the talking point du jour, usually manifestly false and deliberately inflammatory bullshit from the likes of Breitbart or Malkin or Loesch or some deceitful and loathsome other troll. However, with the slime of a slug he avoids ever really engaging or responding to any reasoned and informed argument – it’s not why he’s here.
Like I said the other day, the puddybigot’s performance here is a window into the twisted mind, the fear and loathing of a frightened, sneering, and developmentally stunted hater. In some ways I suspect that he wants what many here have – an enlightened view of the world, a sense of justice, a commitment to rational thought and an aspiration to a society that is peaceful and prosperous and egalitarian – he can’t keep away, yet cannot throw off the shackles of hate and ignorance. It’s really rather pathetic.
Is Puffy going to cry now? Is he going to stomp his feet and shake his head uncontrollably like the rest of the batshit crazy unpatriotic Putin loving conservatives?
Wondering what cave our “The deficit….GREEEEEEECE….Market’s in the tank” troll has been in lately.
Just a few weeks ago the end was here as the Dow was down a bit under worries of war in Syria. I guess delaying the attack did something as a new all time high was set today and we’re an hour away from what could be an all time high at closing bell.
Yep, it’s a debacle all right.
Some time ago, a troll calling himself “Ten Years After,” who has since inexplicably disappeared
chided me for saying it’s easy to make 8% a year in the stock market.
(8% is an investing goal of many pension funds, and is an assumed return rate used to determine the solvency of such funds)
Well, it’s time for a reality check.
The market’s not closed yet, but so far I’m making 1.25% today and I’ve made about 24% since Jan. 1.
Of course, this doesn’t make me a genius. All I did was climb on the horse and ride it up the hill. It doesn’t take much brains to grasp that riding beats walking.
In this metaphor, “walking” is working at a job for wages, and the “horse” obviously is the stock market. There’s no money in working, folks! The people who fed you the myth “work hard and you’ll succeed” lied to you. Look around you, who are the rich? the guys with big houses and fancy rides? Bankers, real estate flippers, forex traders, that’s who. What they do isn’t work, it’s trading; they make money by owning, not by producing. They produce nothing. They’re merely skimmers in the mold of Mitt Romney & Co. They take from the 99% and give your money to their favorite charity — themselves.
Well, I climbed on that horse, too. All I can say is, riding beats walking. I made over $2,000 yesterday and I’m making over $4,000 today. That’s six thousand smackers in two days. Ain’t capitalism great? I’m sure glad I’m not a worker.
This system strikes me as unfair, and also prone to creating financial bubbles having a tendency to ravage the middle class; but, like the Flying Spaghetti Monster, it is what it is. Riding beats walking.
GOATBOY is wrong about Warren Buffett???!!!
What else could GOATBOY be wrong about???!!!
Well actually, GOATBOY is kind of like a stopped calendar.
He’s right maybe once a year. You just don’t know when.
The rest of the time GOATBOY is just FAR REICH!
If you put on the tin foil hat the voices won’t be so loud.
Then you might understand that Warren Buffett says reports he wants to scrap Obamacare are ‘outrageous’.
You think?
Puddy sees the goatmaster is leaving his daily droppings in this thread. Puddy only delivers what the links say. So Buffett refutes the comments. Not the first time reputable links got it wrong.
Tin foil hats?
Naaaaah that’s what DUMMOCRAPT loving Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis was dealing with!
Everything SCHMUCKO said in his post #7 can be a mirror of himself.
His terminology – tribal worldview – painfully childish tribal worldview in which conservatives suck and are the cause of all things bad, and liberals cause all things good.
Claimed he really wasn’t pushing forth much on Benghazi but brings it up weekly with his BENGHAZIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!!!! postings.
Claims he wants to have a discussion yet will jump directly into ad hominem attacks against anyone who doesn’t:
1) Jackboot goosestep march as a libtard
2) Ascribe to his tribal mentality
3) Belong on the libtard black reservation like all DUMMOCRAPTS think blacks should be
4) Thinks gay lifestyle is for everyone and if you believe otherwise you suck
5) Thinks if you believe in God and His Son Jesus you suck
6) Thinks if you believe in the Bible you suck
7) Thinks if you believe God created you suck
And SCHMUCKO wants to have a cogent constructive conversation with that personal hell bent conservatives suck attitude 24×7?
A I N ‘ T G O N N A H A P P E N !
Go sit on your pogo stick and wash some test tubes dude!
Something libtards won’t read in their left wrong puke sites…
Puddy just checked Media Morons, Daily Kooks, and Stink Progress… NOT THERE!
Puddy bets the old lady in the story voted DUMMOCRAPT!
Always fun when someone goes to the, “The librul Lamestream media won’t cover”…(hmmmm… The it off that bastion of conservatism Reddit)
Just out of curiosity, why would you expect Media Matters to cover it? Since they, in a partisan way to be sure, cover stories of inaccurate reporting exclusively, is there something in this story that is being reported inaccurately? No? It’s not their beat.
A similar situation would be asking why the Seattle Times Sports section beat writers didn’t cover the fire at the MedMix store on first hill.
Where did Puddy write that checkmate? Puddy wrote
Soooooooooooooo Stooooooooooooopid it’s disgusting!
Well they are a 503 C3 Not for Profit that’s why checkmate… Butt you may be right for a change… Media Morons are left wrong morons always looking for the minutia of conservative commentary, while missing the tractor-trailer load of DUMMOCRAPT left wrong commentary; much of it self created!
From the puddybigot…
From the MediaMatters website…
Just like the konserva-kook that he is, the puddybigot wants someone to do his work for him.
Pretty sure you’ve refered to HuffPo as a left wing site from time to time. Why don’t you ask YLB?
But I get it. You use solid logic. “I did not find the story on three specific left leaning web sites, therefore, liberals will be unaware of the story because it is on zero left leaning websites.”
Again, I know it’s an act, no one is as stupid as you make yourself appear to be.
“I didn’t say that, I DIDN’T! Show me where! I Didn’t! I didn’t use THE EXACT WORDS just words to imply those exact words. Kablammo, tooooo daaaaamnnnnnn fuuuuunnnnyyy I win, Yarrrrrgh!”
You’re Republican buddies want the bosses to be able to pay Joey Prusak a sub living wage, not have health insurance, not have any vacation pay, and to be able to fire him at will.
We on the other hand want the Joey Prusak’s of the world to make at least enough money to get by on, have at least a minimal catastrophic care plan, and for him to be secure in his job even if he’s a gay, transexual, muslim.
@17 Don’t expect Piddles to understand what’s in a newspaper. That’s asking too much.
@18 When you poop in HA threads, of course we expect you to deny it when you’re confronted about it.
Poor checkmate, such an idiot. You missed ylb quitting HA until Nov 2014. Life passes you by checkmate.
C H E C K M A T E!
Oh my SCHMUCKO appears and as jonnycumlately posts old news!
Who was discusing newspapers Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit?
Bats in the belfry again? Yes Your Honor. The DUMB Wabbit, he’s batshit kooky!
Close… Puddy does use solid logic, hot the horse manure you typed above! Puddy discussed the three favrit left wrong web (not left leaning) sites! But where did Puddy write the rest of that joke of a sentence above Once again checkmate has another EPIC FAYLE!
No, but you are as stupid as you post checkmate! You are just like SCHMUCKO, deflect, twist and incorrectly insinuate things never conceived! Butt that’s your sad life!
Apparently you missed what’s happening under Obummercare… Let’s review Michael because you drank Steve’s Stupid Solution recently… UNIONS are upset with ObummerCare… Obummer hisself gave bidnesses a 1 year pass on Obummercare. The IRS doesn’t want Obummercare. Congress rejected Obummercare! Sux to be you!
Now onto the other silly argument of Michael… Dairy Queen… Republican? Dairy Queen… Owned by Berkshire Hathaway… CEO/Chairman/Head Pubah Warren Buffett… Who just claimed he’s for ObummerCare. Also at one time BH (DQ) jockstrapped Planned Parenthood. Buffett stopped.
Sooooooooooooo Michael, sux to be you.
What GOATBOY meant to say:
The Piddles act again fails to realize when it’s being mocked.
12) Mr. Buffett’s companies have a presence in states with politicians opposed to the ACA. I think some of his company is HQ’d in Omaha, but BNSF’s HQ is still in Fort Worth.(Can’t move the Network Operations Center, easily)
An American company is operating passenger trains in Germany, despite laws making it a level playing field, it is not much market share for Hamburg Koln Express, Deutsche Bahn still has 99% of the long distance trains market share. It’s supposed to be separation of the tracks from the operator, SB gets around the EU Rail Liberalisation rules , by being a holding company.
HAMBURG Cologne Express (HKX) is Germany’s second largest long-distance passenger operator after German Rail (DB) and we became the first to take advantage of the liberalisation of the sector when we launched our first services 14 months ago. We set up HKX because we felt that the rail travel market in Europe will support competition. However, the market is being distorted by discrimination in key parts of the value chain, namely access to track and sales infrastructure.
Nearly two decades after liberalisation, DB still enjoys a 99% market share in the German long-distance passenger rail market. This clearly demonstrates that we need a level playing field for all rail companies in Europe and Germany.
HKX is convinced that a full separation of infrastructure management and rail operations would do much to amend the current situation. In every single case across Europe, vertical integration has been shown to hinder growth and efficiency. We need clear rules and fair regulation, so that investors can be confident that they can operate trains without fear of discrimination by incumbents or their governments.
The War Against Innocent Citizens
The “war on drugs” has turned some cops into terrorists.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If you read this story, it will be clear that the DEA agents lied under oath when the victims’ lawyer asked them which of them raided the victims’ house.
When you have masked gunmen smashing down doors, invading peoples’ homes, and beating up old ladies, the drug war has gone too far. If DEA can’t do any better than this, the agency should be disbanded and its agents should stand down.
That’s the best you can do checkmate when you are caught in your very stooooooooooooooopid mode?
You had no clue ylb decided to stop posting. That’s because most HA libtard participants skim or skip over other libtard commentary. How else could such utterly wrong entries be missed by other libtards.
Sux to be you checkmate! Still staying stoooooooooooooooooopid! Well it’s not an act for checkmate!
Seems the war on clean water has turned many law enforcement officers into terrorists too. Golly Roger, when Puddy discussed this activity in Chicken Alaska… HA libtards were mute…
Change we can believe in!
Former heavyweight boxing champion Ken Norton has died. Norton, if you remember, broke Muhammad Ali’s jaw in their first fight. Norton passed away in Las Vegas at the age of 70.
Ken Norton Jr. is the linebacker coach of the Seahawks.
Looks like it time to repost this…
She gets a pass from the libtard state! If the libtard state complained then their racist screeds would fall down like a house of cards.
Well America voted for a Community Organizer and we see how that has worked out on the world stage. Even the Swedish (known neutralists) wonder what’s going on with American foreign policy!
Wait for it… The standard HA libtard denigration of any black man who dares to disagree with the Obummers!
Ah, look. GOATBOY is playing the RACE CARD. How cute!
So sorry GOATBOY. We treat you with the respect you have earned. You don’t like it then go play with you goats. We don’t fucking care.
You post crap. You link to crap. Your crappy links don’t support the crap you post. You add nothing of value to any dialog.
And for this you think you deserve respect? Eat GOAT SHIT and die for all I care. And your race or lack of it has nothing to do with it.
What a dumASS.
Thanks for playing goatmaster ekim.
Truth scares humans who screw animals like goatmaster ekim… Then notice the loving progressive nature goatmaster ekim possesses in the next post.
Keep jackboot goosestepping down the road of libtardism! It is a mental disease! Keep linking to left wrong thought!
Sux to be goatmaster ekim!
No, it’s not. Really, it’s not.
There’s a tell. Using ‘transpicuous’ instead of ‘transparent’ is a gratuitous rhetorical maneuver to gain credibility among the rubenocenti.
I was going to unpack that…but no, just no.
Oh, really??
-“If it takes a bloodbath, let’s get it over with.” Ronald Reagan, April 7th, 1970 (Referring to American college students, civil rights activists and Vietnam War protesters.)
-“One problem that we’ve had, even in the best of times, is the people sleeping on the grates, the homeless who are homeless, you might say, by choice.” Reagan 1/31/84
-“Trees cause more pollution than automobiles do.” Reagan ’81
-“Unemployment insurance is a prepaid vacation plan for freeloaders.” Reagan Source:
-Launching his presidential bid, lauding “states’ rights’ dogwhistle in Philadelphia, Mississippi, practically on the graves of Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner.
-Cadillac-driving, steak-eating welfare queens, anyone?
Spare me the Saint Ronnie hagiography, I’m going to wretch.
What is really funny, in a nauseating kind of way, is actually reading that loon Mychal Massie’s website, to which you link.
Could you pack anymore dog-whistles for the stupid and the racist into one column? And I’m only scratching the surface. Puddybigot makes a big deal about the grifter/writier being black. I could care less what color he is, but I think for the Teahaddist knuckle-draggers reading it, it’s REALLY important – it makes it A-OK for them to hate the Obamas for their “Kenyan” roots (wink wink) when they’re agreeing with a black dude spitting the venom.
Mr. Massie is quite a piece of work…
Oh, yeah, feeding at the wingnut welfare trough.
Well, of course he is.
Scroll through his comments – they helpfully provide avatars of the commenters – they are 99.9% white people, mainly old – it’s hysterical – this is such an obvious grift directed at the angry, old, white core of the rump-Republican party – which puddybigot seems to represent so well.
I think puddybigot doesn’t realize it’s a con (in line with him totally missing the scorn and taunting above by Czechsaaz.)
Puddybigot, it’s really sad to go through life both dumb and hateful.
6th tier rightie blogger thinks the Obamas are Lenninists and pines for the glory days of St. Ron and the Virgin Nancy. In other words…a Wednesday in the Whack-o-sphere.
Why don’t you ask YLB how many times you’ve insisted he consult the database to find how many times you’ve insisted he check his database. (Is that mockery or contempt? you be the judge.)
From the party of ‘FREEDOMZ!‘ and ‘Limited Government ™’….
“Regulate sexual relationships”
Now, we can’t possibly limit unhinged yahoos from carrying machine guns to farmers markets because FREEDOM, but we must ‘regulate sexual relationships’.
What kind of twisted sick motherfuckers are these people?
Repressed, clamped-down, ashamed prudes – and the irrepressible oozes out in their macabre gun fantasies.
Didn’t Puddy call it in #41? SCHMUCKO shows up as if Puddy rang his doorbell.
Typical so typical!
Got it wrong again checkmate…
Puddy was asked to regurgitate ON DEMAND, Previous Puddy Prognostications. You can’t get anything right these days checkmate! Puddy suggested y’all visit HA’s juvenile unemployed ASSHole moronic arschloch’s crazed databaze. It’s all there. Every Puddy missive. If HA’s juvenile unemployed ASSHole moronic arschloch can regurgitate it on demand, why wouldn’t he do it for the insipid morons such as yourself. And checkmate, forgot ylb said see ya to HA last week. gleeeeeeeeeeeeeman didn’t. stoooooooooooopid. Now you are in cover yer ass mode. HAHAHAHA! ROTFLRHMBBAO!
Butt you see Puddy knows HA’s juvenile unemployed ASSHole moronic arschloch is still screen scraping for the crazed databaze. HA’s juvenile unemployed ASSHole moronic arschloch will reappear with the latest count.
So keep thinking you are delivering mockery. It’s soooooo telling.
Dayum, SCHMUCKO still hasn’t learned… Per leftist libtards minorities can’t be bigots. Butt in that neanderthal shaped cranial orifice, bats fly around in the belfry. Puddy don’t hate. SCHMUCKO misunderstands like always. You try to inculcate this upon anyone you hate! And boy oh boy do we see hatred from your fingers each day. Are you inhaling that Sulfuric Acid used to clean test tubes again?
Good opinion piece in the Washington Post, as reprinted in the Seattle Times:
The ‘kamikaze’ right and the real goal of the shutdown
Now where did Michael run off too with his moronic Dairy Queen is Republican screed?
Piddles is race baiting again. It would be equally delusional if the author was Korean. Or Chechnyan. Or Guatemalan.
Hmmm….complaining about criticizing someone is labeled racist…Im sure I’ve heard that somewhere.
6th tier blogger prostrate before the Messiah awaiting the glory of the return of the one true Reagan.
EJ Dionne, avowed leftist rhpee6033? Oh my!
Poor checkmate… trying that race bating meme again!
I don’t know GOATBOY’s skin color and don’t really care. I do know GOATBOY is a TROLL and that he speaks fondly about GOATS. And that it seems to be his main area of expertise.
GOATBOY has mentioned he is a SYSADMIN, but his work seems to be typing wget statements and posting MS documents to web sites. Doesn’t sound like any SYSADMIN I know.
OTOH GOATBOY could be one of those affirmative action type employees. You know the ones that can’t quite make it on their own merits or abilities. Now that makes sense when you consider the quality of GOATBOY’s posts here.
It really is pathetic, isn’t it?
Watching puddybigot’s self-loathing, and other-loathing – his fear and loathing, as it were – play out over and over every day on these threads is amusing and not a little disturbing.
It all seems to boil down to a need for some authority figure to tell you you’re OK and on the team – in the tribe – by whom and how much you hate.
It really is right-wingism in a nutshell, the mental illness emblematic.
verb \ˈmäk, ˈmȯk\
: to laugh at or make fun of (someone or something) especially by copying an action or a way of behaving or speaking
: to criticize and laugh at (someone or something) for being bad, worthless, or unimportant
This is what HA leftists are reduced to…
Referring back to the Michigan Attorney General…
These are the anti-democracy Michaigan Democrats that CheapshotBob and puddybigot love so much.
Can you imagine either one of them being in charge of regulating everyone’s sexual relationships? Can you imagine what decisions and regulations they’d come up with? Can you imagine how they’d come to these decisions?
Can you imagine, with either of them so empowered, what they’d do alone in the dark when they thought no one was watching?
Sorry for that image, but that is what these fiends are aspiring to…”Regulate sexual relationships”.
Sick motherfuckers.
@60 Speaking of CheapshotBob, what ever happened to Dr. Bob?
I haven’t seen his posts in a while. Did I miss them or what? Maybe he got busted for malpractice or something. Psycho or not, Dr. Bob at least wrote some good material at times.
We really, really need a decent new troll.
Maybe we can trade GOATBOY for one.
Obummercare will investigate your sexual relationships.
Of course we had to pass Obummercare to learn what was in it. No wonder the IRS don’t want it. No wonder the Unions don’t want it. No wonder Congress doesn’t want it. Nobody wants Obummer to learn about their sex life!
And what does SCHMUCKO deliver? Some obscure state thingy!
Moron @62, otherwise known as the puddybigot…
…is part of a comprehensive medical history, and is in fact obligatory, from a standard of care point of view, depending on the type of interaction (establishing care versus a problem-oriented visit), a fact long before the Affordable Care Act.
What is new is the sex-shame based fear-mongering that you and your fellow Teahaddists are engaged in.
Oh and the “regulation of sexual relationships” that you prudish Republicans are trying to force on an unwilling victim – us!
Merely the Attorney General of Michigan proposing to “regulate sexual relationships.”
You are transparent, puddybigot, or should I say transpicuous?
Of course our resident schmuck SCHMUCKO skips the relevant paragraph…
And this was skipped by HA’s resident schmuck SCHMUCKO
This will be a problem with HA leftists.
Well we see how dense SCHMUCKO is. Dense… like granite. Sux to be SCHMUCKO. Some obscure state thingy still stands.
How stupid are you?
Strike that question – we all know the answer.
You’re quoting a breathless piece in the NY Post rag – a non-reliable source that is screeching things that simply aren’t true – much like you.
A complete sexual history is part of a complete medical exam, as is a substance abuse history. It’s called the standard of care, and to ignore it is to invite liability. If you don’t bother to get that history, or are too prudish, or find it ‘icky’, and the patient has a problem you didn’t bother to find out about and act on – you can be liable for malpractice.
What is going on here is that what are called quality measures are being codified. It’s part of the protocolization of medical care, and is usually a good thing. The implementation of a checklist prior to operations in the OR, as pilots have done for a long time before take-off, and the invitation for anyone present – regardless of rank or status – to call a halt if they perceive something going wrong – is a major advancement in ensuring safe delivery of medical care. It’s similar the the Toyota method that has been applied particularly at Virginia Mason locally.
Another is the expanding requirements by Medicare to document things like asking about smoking and smoking cessation during office visits for anything. Or the requirement that all treating physicians in the hospital address the need for prophylactic anticoagulation to prevent dangerous blood clots – whether that’s your formal purview or not – it makes sure everyone has ‘skin in the game’ with regard to addressing issues that are easily missed but that can cause great morbidity and mortality.
Your screeching about the sexual history, or the substance abuse history, are just that, mindless, uninformed, hysterical braying. Just more OBAMACARE WILL KILL US ALL!!!! DEATH PANELS!1!!! BENGHAAAAZZZZIIII!!!!!
So the NY Post found a couple of physicians to go along with their misinformed hysterics, all aimed, as usual, at the low-information, easily frightened, prudishly oriented old white audience that is the Republican base – big fucking deal.
They. Are. Wrong.
Just your latest iteration of running away from what you cannot answer.
The REPUBLICAN ATTORNEY GENERAL of MICHIGAN -the home state of Republican anti-democratic chicanery, defended a gay-hate law because he is demanding the power, as he says, to “REGULATE SEXUAL RELATIONSHIPS”
He wants to allow emotionally stunted and intellectually bereft toads like yourself to control the sexual lives of citizens because FREEDOMZZZZ!!11!
It’s sick, it’s twisted, and it’s utterly emblematic of Teahaddism, and not the least bit startling coming from fucktards like yourself.
Oh, but it’s an “obscure state thingy” when you have no cogent or convincing reply, or at least a reply that won’t reveal you to be as sick and twisted at the Michigan AG.
Yeah Howard Dean identified them too!
Thanks again for claiming you didn’t have a “position”. NOT. We now know a person who didn’t sign the NDA is being harassed!
Again HA’s schmuck doesn’t get it. It’s not just the questions, it’s the lack of protections. Of course those questions are asked THE FIRST TIME you register. The concern is it’s asked over and over SCHMUCKO. You are referred to a cardiologist. That’s what he’s discussing.
Man you are just dumb for a ‘doctor’! Why would the NY ACLU be concerned SCHMUCKO. They think like you SCHMUCKO… libtardo!
That obscure state thingy thing still stands.
Wait for it… Another 200 word answer!
Hmmm…? Looks like that screed above by SCHMUCKO is falling down! And why are the unions against it again SCHMUCKO?
Can you imagine if this is true…
DUMMOCRAPT lover Aaron Alexis lived until 9:00 AM. If this is true someone’s head has to roll!
Stand down order… Hmmm…? Sounds familiar… Benghazi?
Aaron Alexis was hired as a contractor in July 2013. No new background check was run on him by the Pentagon. Why? Oh well his top secret clearance was still active so why didn’t anyone look to see if he went crazy (well he did jock strap DUMMOCRAPTS) during during this time?
Someone’s head has to roll!
It’s obvious from that post the the puddybigot is gaining an inkling that he’s being completely discredited. Again.
No. Not even close.
You’re braying complaint was…
and your NY Post screeched…
There’s nothing about being asked ‘over and over’ as the main complaint. It’s an appeal to the toxic Teahhadist fear of, and obsession with, things sexual. It’s taking an essential part of the medical history and and making it a prurient point of fascination and fear among the rubenocenti like yourself.
And when called on it in a comprehensive, informed fashion as I did above, you spin-spin-spin and try to change the subject – it’s your squid-ink trick, and we’ve all seen it.
Your a toxic combination of stupidity, fear, hatred and prudishness.
Go away. Oh, wait – you can’t. You just can’t leave here – your fascinated by free-thinking liberals. You’re tempted. You pretend to be shoving our noses in shit, but in fact you just can’t leave our company – the second highest poster on this blog for years.
What would your preacherman say?
In your fucking dreams, sinner.
Background checks were outsourced to a private contractor by the Bushies. As a cost cutting profit making RETHUG contractor, they cut corners. Who cares about occasional breakage? Certainly not you GOATBOY.
When some one searches for his vital thing, thus
he/she wants to be available that in detail, so that thing is maintained over here.
@75. Spam. Spam. Spam. Spam. spammity Spam! And yet, makes more sense than the gibberish that the person that pretends to be be Puddy posts.