How does money influence U.S. elections?
Nightly Show: Planning a plantation wedding.
Obama debunks GOP “alternate reality” on economy.
The 2016 Clown Slugfest:
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at Trump, Rubio, Christie and the KKK.
- Maddow: Campaigns head to states damaged by Republican policies.
- Ann Telnaes: Super Drumpf Tuesday!
- Friday #hottakes
- Red State Update: Dear the South, Re: Drumpf.
- Why Donald Drumpf’s torture plan won’t work.
- Hey…not all KKK members support Donald Drumpf.
- Roy Zimmerman: “I Think About Donald Drumpf”:
- Stephen: Trump fails the easiest test.
- Michael Brooks: Drumpf responds to challenge over wall, Mexicans paying.
- Sam Seder: Chris Christie stands (weirdly) behind Trump.
- Young Turks: Mitt throws everything he has at Donald Drumpf.
- Trevor Noah: Donald Drumpf’s fascist week.
- Why do people like Donald Drumpf?
- Donald Drumpf talks about the size of his penis during the debate.
- Pelosi hammers House GOP on Drumpf KKK issue.
- Sam Seder: Trump forces Americans to think about his penis during debate.
- Can Donald Drumpf be stopped?
- Thom: The Trump University scam exposed.
- Young Turks: Biggest loser of the FAUX News debate.
- Matthew Flipowicz: Yosemite Sam endorses Donald Drumpf
- Trevor Noah: Who’s to blame for the Ku Klux Klan?
- Young Turks: What does Christie get out of endorsing Drumpf?
- Sam Seder: Mitt Romney’s statement–a dramatic interpretation.
- Susie Sampson: Donald Trumps his penis size.
- Farron Cousins: Corporate media doesn’t mind Trump’s KKK supporters
- Stephen: Here comes Mitt to save the day.
- Young Turks: Donald Drumpf assures America his penis is yuuuge
- Can the Republican Party stop Donald Drumpf?
- Mark Fiore: 20/20 foresight for Republicans.
- Trevor Noah “inside outs his thoughts about Donald Drumpf
- Trumped: Starring Matthew Broderick and Nathan Lane:
- Sam Seder: Drumpf’s dog whistle KKK strategy.
- Ann Telnaes: Republican heads spin over Donald Drumpf
- Liberal Viewer: Did Ted Cruz link Drumpf to a mobster from The Simpsons?
- Ted Cruz’s Take Back America ad
- Sam Seder: What was that on Ted Cruz’s lip?
- Truthsquading Ted Cruz on climate change (Pt II)
- Ted Cruz: Bad lip reading.
- Young Turks: Republicans program Marco-bot with Drumpf jokes.
- Marco Rubio: simulated politician.
- Maddow: History offers lesson to GOP on defying will of party voters.
Hillary Clinton’s Lena Dunham strategy.
Jon Connor and Keke Palmer: “Fresh Water for Flint”.
Mental Floss: 26 facts about the science of friendship.
White House: West Wing Week.
Seth Meyers: A close look at a Texas abortion case.
Thom and Farron Cousins: How can an entire party reject the reality of climate change?
Sam Seder: MI officials call for Gov. Rick Snyder to resign over Flint water disaster.
Super Tuesday!
- Stephen: Did Hillary Clinton have a terrorist cat on Super Tuesday?
- Seth Meyers moderates a Super Tuesday debate.
- Jimmy Dore: Super Tuesday jokes.
- Super Tuesday trail mix.
- Stephen: The morning after Super Tuesday.
- Trevor Noah: Hillary Clinton feels the bern.
- Seth Meyers: Trump dominates Super Tuesday
- The Super Tuesday hostage crisis?
Thom: The Good, the Bad & the Very, Very Coadunately Ugly!
Nightly Show: Keep it 100%–Black History Month edition.
David Pakman: Clanence Thomas speaks for first time in a decade.
Farron Cousins: Court agrees…Bill-O-The-Clown is a horrible person.
Does giving up privacy keep us safe from terrorism?
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.