No…not me. Don’t be silly.
It’s Sarah Palin.
She has, apparently, quit halfway through her “One Nation” bus tour:
Though Palin and her staff never announced a timeline for the remaining legs of her trip, aides had drafted preliminary itineraries that would have taken her through the Midwest and Southeast at some point this month. But those travel blueprints are now in limbo, RCP has learned, as Palin and her family have reverted to the friendly confines of summertime Alaska, where the skies are currently alight for over 19 hours a day and the Bristol Bay salmon fishing season is nearing its peak.
The early stages of her tour resulted in two huge stories. First, her upstaging Mitt Romney—rude showmanship even by a Republican standard of nastiness. And second, her babbling, twisted rendition of Paul Revere’s midnight ride.
Ouch! She did more damage than good to herself during the early part of the tour because, you know, the “lamestream” media is so mean her and out to get her. And once again Sarah response is a triumph of narcissism over political sensibility. She takes her ball and goes home.
“I quit!”