Curiosity didn’t kill the Rover. But controversy erupts.
Tomorrow is election day. Having difficulties completing your ballot? Here is the Progressive Voter’s Guide from Fuse.
Actual Headline: “Northwest ties to Hiroshima remembered on A-bomb anniversary”. Ummm…are we supposed to celebrate or something????
Sour note: Sikh Temple shooter was “a ‘frustrated neo-Nazi’ who led a racist white supremacist band.”
The good news for Mitt is that he “probably earned more than $50 million, and possibly as much as $60 million from the Italian directory sale of Seat Pagine Gialle SpA…. The deal turned into one of the biggest windfalls of his tenure.” The bad news: Mitt can’t really go to Italy anymore.
More science for the nutbaggers to deny: The impact of ocean acidification on shellfish.
Saving Town Hall: Stanwood edition
Saving Town Hall: Darrington edition
Romney outraises Obama for third month in a row.
WA-10 Republican candidate Stan Flemming’s “atypical loan pushed the boundaries of federal law.”