In his new book, “State of Denial,” Bob Woodward describes a White House in disarray, and a deteriorating war in Iraq that is going much worse than the Bush Administration portrays it. But there was also this tidbit I found interesting:
The book also reported that then-CIA Director George Tenet and his counterterrorism chief, Cofer Black, grew so concerned about a possible al-Qaida attack in summer 2001 that they abruptly decided to drive straight to the White House to get high-level attention.
Tenet called Rice, then the national-security adviser, from his car to ask to see her in hopes that the surprise appearance would make an impression.
But the meeting on July 10, 2001, left Tenet and Black frustrated and feeling brushed off, Woodward reported. Rice, they believed, did not feel the same sense of urgency about the threat and was content to wait for a policy review.
Never before as an administration been so wrong on so many things with such devastating consequences. This is what comes from governing on belief rather than knowledge.