I am planning the violent overthrow of the United States government. There, I said it.
Decide for yourself whether I’m serious or not, or whether I’m just trying to make some rhetorical point. But it no longer matters what you think or what I think, or what a grand jury or a prosecutor or a court of law might think. All that matters now is what the President of the United States thinks.
If President Bush believes that I am an enemy combatant — or merely chooses to label me as such — that is what I am. I can be held without charge. I can have my rights to habeas corpus suspended. I can be tortured.
That is the America we now live in… an America where a single man can determine who does or does not deserve the protections of our constitution. An America were some people are now presumed guilty until proven innocent.
Today, 65 US Senators disgracefully voted to give President Bush the power to abrogate the rule of law — the kind of powers normally reserved for dictators — and while Washingtonians should be proud that our two Senators, Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray, were not amongst them, we should also be ashamed to live in a nation that claims to champion liberty and freedom, yet so easily jettisons its values when they become inconvenient. Like the Japanese internment and the Alien and Sedition Acts, this will go down in American history as one of those black marks that future generations will shake their heads at in disbelief.
But if there is a lesson to be learned by the current generation, it is that we not only need more Democrats in Congress, we need better Democrats.
Okay, so let’s be clear:
(e)(1) No court, justice, or judge shall have jurisdiction to hear or consider an application for a writ of habeas corpus filed by or on behalf of an alien detained by the United States who has been determined by the United States to have been properly detained as an enemy combatant or is awaiting such determination.
So the President says I’m an alien enemy combatant, or is in the process of determining if I am an alien enemy combatant. I could easily challenge the “alien” determination in a court of law, that is… assuming the court would hear a writ of habeas corpus, but they won’t, because the President has already determined that I am being properly detained under SEC.7(e)(1).
Oh Goldstein, I don’t think you are plotting the overthrow of the United States Government. But in your blind pursuit of power for your party, you could very well bring about that result. You are a partisan first and patriot second, or is it third?
At any rate, I shortly expect you, the democrat who complains of censorship to ban me from your little blog here. The truths are just too painful for you to stand.
Your side will tell any lie, reveal any state secret, stoop to new lows to regain power. The nation is fighting for its life and you are only concerned about getting democrats elected.
A usueful idiot is just as dangerous to America as an active saboteur. That is why you are dangerous. It is also why I would fight to ensure everything you say can be broadcast from the highest rooftops. The only way to fight people such as yourself is to ensure they are heard by the widest possible audience. That is how extremists such as yourself are defeated.
Eat me.
Today Washingtonians, of which I have been for over 40 years, unlike some, should be ashamed that our two senators – Cantwell and Murray voted to give rights to terorrists. What rights did Nick Berg get as they sawed off his head? What rights did our troops get when the terorrist detonated the IED’s?
If not for the looney left that is more concerned with giving terrorists “rights”, whe might have stopped 911. Zacarias Mousaoi’s computer could not be searched because some liberals were too concerned with the terrorists “rights”.
And shame on liberals to even talk about being convicted without a trial. Hell, Democrat Murtha has done that very same thing to our troops fighting for our freedoms.
As for our melodramatic drama queen Goldstein, when I see the government blocking his broadcasts, stopping his blog or otherwise hauling him away for his crazy leftist rants, then I will take you seriously.
To date, the only people trying to use the government to block free speech is the Democrat party who threatened to revoke ABC’s broadcast license unless they pulled the movie “The Path to 911”.
“Eat me.”
Is that some little gay code word for a sex act? Sorry dude. I am not into that.
Goldstein, you KNOW the little stalinist in you wants to ban me. Go ahead. Let your inner dictator out. Show the world how Democrat really honor free speech.
“Like the Japanese internment and the Alien and Sedition Acts, this will go down in American history as one of those black marks that future generations will shake their heads at in disbelief.”
Hmm, which party interned the Japanese? Which one was it? Hmm start with a “D” ends in RAT.
The stalinist tactic is to erase the messages so no one can even know I posted. You are quite the clever Stalinist Goldstein, I am sure you have thougt of it.
I remember the The Stranger sold a baseball cap that sported the words:
Tongue in cheek, certanly, but now that Habeus Corpus can a withheld at the discretion of Herr President, such things are nolonger funny.
Eat me.
Cantwell and Murray voted to give rights to people accused of being terrorists. That you don’t care about the difference shows how un-American you are. It is people like you who are the traitors, because you betray our fundamental American values.
OK…Just kill every Moooooooooslim on the battle field. Better yet, send the Marines home, and “Trident” the mother fucking Iranian ragheads!!
I think your troll doesn’t seem to know thatyou are not the censoring type, Goldy (Much to the chagrin of lots of people who’d like to see an end to trolls pooping up the comment threads.)
pbj – anti-american, fascist traitor scum.
“Cantwell and Murray voted to give rights to people accused of being terrorists. That you don’t care about the difference shows how un-American you are. It is people like you who are the traitors, because you betray our fundamental American values.”
No. Cantwell and Murray voted to allow people we catch on the battlefield, such as those who slit CIA agent Johnny Span’s throat at Mazar El Sharif in Afghanistan, to be able to use our court system against us. When enemy combatants are captured on the battlefied with the blood of our people on their hands, or their heads in their hands, it is a pretty sure sign that they are indeed and enemy. But they still get a chance in a military tribunal to defend themselves. What the do not get, is a chan ce to get classified information revealed to their comrades still on the loose.
Cantwell and Murray voted to allow such people to go to a civilian court and insist on the “right” to reveal classified information in open court to be able to aid other terorrists in their plots. But then again, as the New York Times is fond af giving the enemy the latest updates on our intelligence gathering techiques, I wouldn’t expect you to see the difference. That makes you a useful idiot for the terorrists.
Can someone please tell me what Cantwell has done to lower prescription drug prices other than make a campaign ad saying that she is working on it?
“I think your troll doesn’t seem to know thatyou are not the censoring type, Goldy (Much to the chagrin of lots of people who’d like to see an end to trolls pooping up the comment threads.)”
You haven’t been here long have you Schola? He baned me once before. In fact, he used to censor the posts, “holding them” and only releasing the ones he liked.
And there was a time where uttering the word “socialist” would get your post banned. Goldstein, a self proclaimed software genius, lamely claimed that the open source software he run the blog with was filtering it out and there was nothing he could do with the source code to change it.
Now that he is accusing the rest of the world of doing what he has done in the past, he has to save face.
Take no Prisoners!
Then you don’t have to worry about their fucking rights!
goldy get a fucking job.in fact get two blow jobs and give one to darcy.
“…we need better Democrats.”
Well here is something we can agree upon.
No, it’s worse than that.
Bush’s (and the Republican Congress’s) America is one where George W. Bush can unilaterally and capriciously declare anyone guilty without the opportunity to prove otherwise, without being informed of the reason for the presumption (not that there has to actually be a reason), and without the opportunity to hire or even consult with a lawyer. And Dubya can whisk that person (any person, even a citizen of the United States) away to prison, have the person tortured, and throw away the key, without informing anyone of his victim’s whereabouts, the reason for his disappearance, or the (nonexistent) steps that might be taken to secure his release.
“Bush’s (and the Republican Congress’s) America is one where George W. Bush can unilaterally and capriciously declare anyone guilty without the opportunity to prove otherwise, without being informed of the reason for the presumption (not that there has to actually be a reason), and without the opportunity to hire or even consult with a lawyer. And Dubya can whisk that person (any person, even a citizen of the United States) away to prison, have the person tortured, and throw away the key, without informing anyone of his victim’s whereabouts, the reason for his disappearance, or the (nonexistent) steps that might be taken to secure his release.”
That is pure BS. Obviously you are still posting here, so it must not be THAT bad.
PBJ 1-5:
I find it interesting that you, a card carrying Republican wingnut, would make a charge directed at Goldy concerning, and I am paraphrasing here, Goldy’s unabashed desire and willingness to stop at nothing to bring his party back to power. How dare you?!
Your party has lied, cheated, and used heavy handed partisan politics, the likes of which this country has never seen before, in order to remain in power. Your party has used fear to maintain power. Your party has used illegal, criminal means to remain in power. Tom DeLay, Bill Frist, Duke Cunningham, Scooter Libbey and the list goes on.
How dare you accuse anyone, let alone Goldy, of the “blind pursuit of power”. The party of George Allen, Kathrine Harris and Arnold. These are not leaders, these people are power hungry mongrels who will stop at nothing to remain in power.
You chide him for not being a patriot. Listen, sport, I know a patriot when I see one. Goldy is a patriot. He speaks his mind, backs his words with his name and, I am certain, without fear. Dissent is patriotic. Where is your name, asshole? Where are your stones? Oh, I guess you are afraid of the leftyloons on this blog. There is that word again, fear. What you really fear is being found out and stopped. Too late, PBJ. We see and we have come for you.
In closing, I suggest you take a long, hard look at what is going on here in our country. There are very strong parallels with how Germany came under the contol of the Nazi party. Finding a singular group to focus hate and fear upon (Islamics). Suspending basic human and legal rights for that group. Very frightening stuff. I agree with Goldy, history will look at this with a very unkind eye.
So, PBJ, you can EAT ME too. You can also shove that sanctimonious attitude of yours right up your ass. And get ready for change. I have some lube if you need it, I am a compassionate type.
We are taking our damn country back! Get out of the way.
Oh yeah, it is just not my posting with out this:
Go fuck yourself!!
When pbj disguises himself as a democrat in order to troll, it’s a pretty good sign he’s a wingnut whackjob scumbag.
Thank you Goldy for outing and riding shotgun this unhinged whacked-out fanatic.
pjb wrote: “Your side will tell any lie, reveal any state secret, stoop to new lows to regain power.”
Ssssshhh! Don’t tell anyone, but the Iraq war has made the terrorism problem worse.
Of course pjb and his kind are as blind to that reality as they are in their support of Bush’s approach to Iraq and terrorism.
I have a question. Have you ever banned anyone or censored this blog?
I know that in the past I have had a post or two get “hung up”. I emailed you at the time and you answered about the filters and my post was up not too very long after that.
PBJ, honestly, I would think that if anyone would be banned JCH and I are, IMHO, the two most offensive poster at times. I have never had a post taken down or censored in any way, shape or form.
JCH, have you ever been censored here?
My My Left Foot, just couldn’t get one post by without references to sex acts, just like your hero traitor Bill Clinton.
Goldstein has demonstrated his unabashed shameless desire to regain power for his party despite any cost through muckracking and phony lawsuits and such. Party first, country second or is it third?
Democrats do not have to worry about people sending the brownshirts out for them because they ARE the brownshirts. Just ask Michael Steele. Democrats illegally stole his credit report (unlike lying liberals, I can back my statements up with sources the independent reader can verify):
FBI Investigates Democrats on Steele’s Credit Report
By John Wagner and Matthew Mosk
Washington Post Staff Writers
Wednesday, September 21, 2005; Page B05
Federal prosecutors are investigating whether two Democratic Party researchers in Washington illegally obtained the credit report of Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele as they conducted opposition research on the likely Republican Senate candidate.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Goldstein had my IP address being traced right now and will have the thugs out to smash my windows or trash my vehicles soon. You’d love to know who I am so you can come shoot me, just as Goldstein suggests you kooks shoot Pam Roach. Oh sure he can say he had nothing to do with it, if he merely “makes a suggestion”.
“Ssssshhh! Don’t tell anyone, but the Iraq war has made the terrorism problem worse.
Of course pjb and his kind are as blind to that reality as they are in their support of Bush’s approach to Iraq and terrorism. “
Shhhh. Got any proof of that? Or merely an “interpretation” by a disloyal Democrat who leaks classified information to try to regain power?
” have a question. Have you ever banned anyone or censored this blog?
I know that in the past I have had a post or two get “hung up”. I emailed you at the time and you answered about the filters and my post was up not too very long after that.
PBJ, honestly, I would think that if anyone would be banned JCH and I are, IMHO, the two most offensive poster at times. I have never had a post taken down or censored in any way, shape or form. “
Before he got his radio show he would hold posts all the time. In the past I had several posts just disappear because the censor didn’t approve.
For everyone that thinks that the Bill the senate passed the other day was a good idea:
Imagine that in 2006, the Senate and the House both have a Democratic majority. Now, imagine that in 2008 a Democrat is President. With those two criteria in mind, answer this question.
Do you still think that this bill is a good idea?
26…..Yes, months ago. Several times, but I think Goldy now has a “post count” and we are the icing on the cake. He is looking for advertising and we are his “pets”.
“Everyone sit down! The Mooooslim terrorists have assured me that if we all chant “BUSH NO GOOD! BUSH NO GOOD!”, they will land the plane safely at JFK!” [Facts Support My Positions—]
“If we attack the mainland of Japan, it will only make them mad and want to kill Americans!” [Facts Support My Positions]
Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy
Having your sanctimony shoved up your ass, I assure you, is not a sex act. It is far more humane than what your party has planned for anyone named “enemy combatant”.
Here are three wise quotes from Abraham Lincoln. They hold as true today as at anytime in our history.
“Allow the president to invade a neighboring nation, whenever he shall deem it necessary to repel an invasion, and you allow him to do so whenever he may choose to say he deems it necessary for such a purpose – and you allow him to make war at pleasure.”
“Our safety, our liberty, depends upon preserving the Constitution of the United States as our fathers made it inviolate. The people of the United States are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”
And finally, the one quote you should pay the most attention to. We can do it quietly with debate and voting, or, we can do it the American way with guns and guts.
“This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or exercise their revolutionary right to overthrow it.”
Your party is pushing us in this direction. We have 200 plus years of being free. We are not going to give it up now.
Perhaps if you were to pull your head out of your ass… ah nevermind, that is not going to happen.
Well, it took him longer than I thought, but the little socialist managed to block my posts.
Answer to 30, YES I do think it would be a good idea no matter WHO was president. That is what is called being a good American – you put the welfare of the nation above politcal ambitions. A famous Democrat, Zell Miller knows this. If a Democrat like FDR, Truman or JFK were president, I’d lay down my life for them. They would defend the nation. Today’s Democrat party bears zero resemblence to those freat presidents. That is why, after 40 years, I had to leave it. I voted for Clinton and even Gore. I was ashamed for having been loyal to that party.
Honestly, you liberals think the WOT is a partisan thing, but we are all Americans. They won’t spare sawing off your head because you told them you hate Bush. The only thing that would stop them is your conversion to Islam. Are you prepared to do that?
– Pee Bee Jay
PBJ that is a shamelessly gutless excuse. is your ego is so big that you believe someone would actually care where you live AND take the time to harass you? Youare as significant to the “cause” as fart in the wind.
Boy, and I mean BOY, you have lost your ever lovin’ mind.
WTF are you talking about? You have 90% of the posts on this thread. Now you are pretending to have been banned and we are supposed to believe you are now using a different computer, from a different location? (New flash pal, all computers using your ISP account, send out the same IP address, you dumb fucking moron. Of course, at 12:30AM you may have gone to Starbucks and parked outside to use their WIFI, right?!
Yes, your party is the party of thugs who stop at nothing to silence dissenters. Why can’t I post under my P — B —-J anymore? HUH?
The Democrats are the part of dirty tricks who:
A)Trade crack cocaine for fraudulent vote registrations.
B) Scheme to buy votes with “cash, cigarettes and liquor”
C) Steal opponents credit reports in order to dig up muck.
That you would make it your life’s work to find me to try to shoot me wouldn’t surprise me in the least.
“(New flash pal, all computers using your ISP account, send out the same IP address”
News flash, read about PROXIES and DHCP protocol.
pbj wrote: I wouldn’t be surprised if Goldstein had my IP address being traced right now and will have the thugs out to smash my windows or trash my vehicles soon. You’d love to know who I am so you can come shoot me, just as Goldstein suggests you kooks shoot Pam Roach. Oh sure he can say he had nothing to do with it, if he merely “makes a suggestion”.
First post at horses ass for me here…
I would just like to say a few things. Goldy, I commend your for you integrity for practicing what you preach and being brave enough to be so public about your creed.
Secondly, who is this pbj guy? Does he not have any friends? Has to validate his cowardly existence by posting this hateful blather? It wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if he gets paid to do this… easy enough to criticize another person’s career status/choice when employment comes easy for the ignorant and unscrupulous … selling your soul for material wealth and fleeting security seems to be the republican way these days! So, what I want to know about this guy is: why is he so scared? What makes him so afraid of the totally peaceful people i know who blog here. Seems like we are finding out who the real coward is here? Also, what makes him so afraid of ’em dern Democrats? Afraid that if they regain control of congress, he wont have enough oil to run his “vehicles”? are they both hummers or something?
Thirdly, I think it is very clear to everybody how important this next congressional election is going to be for the future of America and the world. What ever happens, though, I can only hope that it the best for all people… even our cowardly nameless friend pbj.
But then again, who can forget Craig Livingstone, the muckraker Hillary hired to illegally steal FBI files on Republicans? Talk about abuse of the office of President!
Liberals, can I quote CNN, or are they part of the “vast rightwing conspiracy”?
Well, let’s see what CNN says about this, shall we?
“Livingstone resigned June 26 after revelations surfaced that his office had improperly obtained over 700 FBI background files, many on Republicans, including former Bush officials Marlin Fitzwater, James Baker and Brent Scowcroft. Clinger’s oversight committee and Whitewater independent prosecutor Kenneth Starr are investigating the affair.”
It is a sad day in America when people are bullied into giving up an inch in the name of fighting terrorism. So far they are saying this does not apply to citizens, but what is to stop a Republican Congress and a Republican President from changing that? There needs to be oversight in Congress.
As for our electoral system, as long as we have a one strong party attacking all others system, this country will never move beyond the name-calling partisanship. I have always said we need Instant Runoff Voting and Proportional Representation to try to curb the heavy-handed partisanship that has nearly shaken my faith in the American System. I recently read a book called “10 Steps to Repair American Democracy”, and it was interesting. Our whole system is flawed, and many aspects of it have not been adapted for the 21st Century. We have an out of touch Congress where 435 Members of COngress representing nearly 700,000 people each, and less than 50 that are competitive.
(Sorry, I normally do not comment here, because of the off-topic ramblings by trolls, but just felt like posting my two-cents on this one. Sorry I went a little off topic on this one myself.)
Murtha and the FBI: The Director’s Cut
By David Holman
Published 9/29/2006 12:10:14 AM
American Spectator
For more than 26 years, Congressman John P. “Jack” Murtha (D-Penn.) has not been truthful about his involvement in Abscam, court records and the complete video of his meeting with the FBI show.
Get Brigette Gabriel’s book “Because They Hate” and find out just who the real enemy is. Get head out of sand and focus! This is for real.
Hell the Democrats didn’t need this bill, they just ignored terrorism in the last administration and hoped it would go away! It Didn’t!
A very very refreshing read, Thank You! Couldn’t have said it better!
seems the extremists like pbj and GS just don’t get it. I was living in Malaysia when Mahathir got a sedition act passed. The US (Clinton adminirtration) was all over them about human rights (as was the rest of the western world. The 1st thing Mahathir did was ‘cook’ up a phoney case against his own finance minister because (Anwar) because he was too popular. Prison, no rights, no constitution., This is not a proud day for this once great country.
El Diablo strikes agien !!!
No it is not and we are movie closer and closer to totalitareanisum.
It is a very sad sad day indead…
it looks like we have a nasty infection this morning
I’m so goddamn ashamed of my country right now I could scream. The trolls have taken over. Pretty soon we can expect to see Clockwork Orange style paramilitary gangs operating with impunity in our streets. Anyone think Bush won’t create the American equivalent of the Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, complete with truncheons and absolute power?
Democracy is dead. Who cares what you say now. They can invent inflammatory words for you now, with the magic of computers. So go ahead, say everything you’ve ever wanted to say but were afraid of being shamed by your peers.
I hate this President, and I hate the right-wing lunatics who give him power. I hope he chokes on a pretzel and dies while being fucked in the ass by Dick Cheney.
And I hope Dick dies of a massive coronary when he gets discovered, lying on top of our dead former President.
And Nancy Pelosi can be the one to send out the jackbooted thugs, or whatever the Democratic Party decides to do to enforce this insane law.
Sensis had a good point. PBJ is probably on the payroll. He might even be an NSA AI or a CIA Disinfo expert. These scumbags will use any power they have to disrupt honest debate.
That’s why so many of us wish you would ban idiots like that.
Anyone ellse listening to Stephiny Miller on 1090 am?
Freedom is on the march in Iraq. We should be proud that we spawned this shining example:
Eat me. Commentby Goldy— 9/28/06@ 11:17 pm Email headless lucy. He’ll help your cravings.
Before he got his radio show he would hold posts all the time. In the past I had several posts just disappear because the censor didn’t approve. Commentby pbj— 9/29/06@ 12:12 am
Puddy had a post removed two weeks ago. The IDIOT Oh So Clueless went nuts when PPuddy proved his post was removed. He supported Carl in it. So once again the leftist morons lie and think they can get a pass. We’re not taking it anymore!
It is a sad day in America when people are bullied into giving up an inch in the name of fighting terrorism. So far they are saying this does not apply to citizens, but what is to stop a Republican Congress and a Republican President from changing that? There needs to be oversight in Congress. Commentby EvergreenRailfan— 9/29/06@ 1:06 am
Please tell me sensis & ERF as Americans, WHAT CIVIL LIBERTIES DID YOU LOSE IN THIS BILL? THINK LONG AND HARD. Facts hurt the librul mind.
Wow, pbj, you are one desperate fella/filly. Digging up investigations and allegations decades-old settled speculation or peny-ante convictions from small local precincts to prove–what? The country KNOW that today’s national Republican Party is selling votes and influence for cash, that guilty pleas and convictions are already rolling in, that Jack Abramoff was a bagman sitting on the GOP slush fund of questionably obtained money to funnel though phony GOP front organizations (such as Norquist’s, or his own “charity”), and that today’s Republicans have FAILED this country in health care, in Iraq, In New Orleans, in foreign relations, in environmental policy, in enrgy policy, in fiscal policy! Our nation is deeper in debt, unable to respond to potential military crises, dirtier, sicker, and less safe becase of today’s Republican Party. And stripping American citizens of their Constitutional rights doesn’t make ANYTHING any better.
It’s a hard rain that’s gonna fall, my friend.
Dear Goldy
What a pathetic appeal for attention. The Japanese Internment and the Alien and Seditions Acts were done by Democrats. Maybe you should be a terrorist and move to Iraq.
No, I won’t eat you even if you have the most gorgeous pussy on earth.
seems the extremists like pbj and GS just don’t get it. I was living in Malaysia when Mahathir got a sedition act passed. The US (Clinton adminirtration) was all over them about human rights (as was the rest of the western world. The 1st thing Mahathir did was ‘cook’ up a phoney case against his own finance minister because (Anwar) because he was too popular. Prison, no rights, no constitution., This is not a proud day for this once great country. Commentby MtRainier— 9/29/06@ 4:57 am
Ever read the Malaysian Constitution? Didn’t think so. We have one to protect our citizens. This is a canard. Where in the Geneva Convention does it address people from NO COUNTRY? These enemy combatants have NO COUNTRY, you dimwitted feckless moron!
BTW I remember you attacking me almost three weeks ago. How are thos “cum-filled” condoms? Are you still sucking them dry?
No, I won’t eat you even if you have the most gorgeous pussy on earth. Commentby dykerider— 9/29/06@ 6:55 am
But Goldie is one of those femi-men.
MWS, you are such a moron. What we have lost is the abosolute trust that we can speak out without fear of GOVERNMENT RETRIBUTION. Now, it is possible to be arrested for being ANE ENEMY COMBATANT simply for speaking out. The government can come, take you away and not reveal why, try you, not show you the evidence against you, find you guilty and punish you. All without seeing the evidence. Just because THEY say so. Got it now, asshole. How much simpler can I make it for you, moron boy? Enjoy it, when the Dems retake both houses in 2008 and the Presidency, the act is going away. The Patriot Act will vanish too. Torture is wrong, goes against what America is supposed to be. However for you, MWS, torture will be fine. How long before we use it on thieves?
What cilil libertis did you lose in this bill? I’m trying to read through it, bt haven’t finished yet. According to Bruce Ackerman, a professor of law and political science at Yale and author of “Before the Next Attack: Preserving Civil Liberties in an Age of Terrorism:”
I’ll get back to you when I finish reading. But ask yourself: do you want President Clinton to have this power?
Perhaps if you were to pull your head out of your ass… ah never mind, that is not going to happen.
Comment by My Left Foot— 9/29/06@ 12:28 am
My lovely LEFT FEET you forgot that the Socialist Democrats did vote in Congress to engage in the Art of War with Terrorist right after 911. Buuuuuuuuuuuuut John Kerry did later retract his vote for the war and maybe he voted for it again. You get the picture the Democrats are too dumb to know when to go to War or not even if they are in power. Remember LBJ now he was the closest we ever had a King, but that was before your time.
Actually, kkklake, I remember LBJ quite well. I was child raised in a politically aware military family. Again, you speak out your ass. Might try wiping, this time you got a little something on you.
Hell the Democrats didn’t need this bill, they just ignored terrorism in the last administration and hoped it would go away! It Didn’t!
A very very refreshing read, Thank You! Couldn’t have said it better!
Commentby GS— 9/29/06@ 1:53 am
Ditto that statement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MWS, you are such a moron. What we have lost is the abosolute trust that we can speak out without fear of GOVERNMENT RETRIBUTION. Now, it is possible to be arrested for being ANE ENEMY COMBATANT simply for speaking out. The government can come, take you away and not reveal why, try you, not show you the evidence against you, find you guilty and punish you. All without seeing the evidence. Just because THEY say so. Got it now, asshole. How much simpler can I make it for you, moron boy? Enjoy it, when the Dems retake both houses in 2008 and the Presidency, the act is going away. The Patriot Act will vanish too. Torture is wrong, goes against what America is supposed to be. However for you, MWS, torture will be fine. How long before we use it on thieves? Commentby My Left Foot— 9/29/06@ 7:02 am
Oh really? YEs when “you all” take over America and erase the Patriot Act and we get attacked, and it’s proven the Gorelicks are the reason for the attack, your party will be like the Whigs.
Hey PJB. Wait till they start drilling holed in your kneecaps because you once gave a stranger directions (another suspected terrorists like yourself) and “took you away” for a few decades.
Having the Decider decide who is a terrorist, and what torture is? My god man, wake up.
There is no way anyone could do a worse job protecting us, and our constitution than the lying chimp, and the republican crime family.
If the whole world doesn’t hate us yet, they will.
This after the international goodwill to go after “real” terrorists after 9-11.
Bush has taken this momentum to do something “good” and used it to do something “illegal” like the invasion of Iraq.
I suggest everyone buy stocks in coffin making companies…..
Herr Fuhrer proclaimed yesterday we change the namer of our country to Amerika. Heil Bush. Heil Bush.
” Anyone ellse listening to Stephiny Miller on 1090 am? ”
Always. Every morning. I am one of those “informed” people that listen to 1090 all day, every day.
Win the water cooler discussions.
What amazes me is every day more facts are known that support every one of my positions. Being right all the time feels good! I don’t have to lie to make a point. I don’t have to attack people to defend myself. Links do just fine.
I just don’t believe some of the trolls here.
I bet they don’t even know we have (had) a constitution, and torturing people used to be illegal.
Goldy is in lock step with the Socialist Democrat Party and supporting this nations enemies in the time of War. Osama bin Laden thanks you for your support.
Yet the minority of Democrats who joined with Republicans in passing the bill again illustrated that the party is unable to speak with one voice on security issues. Senator Ben Nelson of Nebraska, a Democrat up for re-election who often breaks with his party, said he was willing to follow the lead of Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, who lent the final legislation his strong endorsement. Mr. McCain is a potential Republican presidential candidate.
“I think people respect Senator McCain on these issues,” Mr. Nelson said, “and I think he probably represents the views of a lot of people in Nebraska.”
Four other Democrats facing voters this year — Bill Nelson of Florida, Debbie Stabenow of Michigan, Thomas R. Carper of Delaware and Robert Menendez of New Jersey — voted for the bill. New Jersey’s other senator, Frank R. Lautenberg, a Democrat, also supported it. Nine others running for re-election opposed it.
Republicans were surprised by the level of Democratic opposition in both the House and Senate. Some Republicans were predicting a “jail break,” an outcome where lawmakers criticize a bill and support proposed changes but then support it at the end. They think Democrats will find it hard to justify their position.
“It is a kind of difficult vote to explain, at least where I come from,” said Senator John Cornyn, Republican of Texas.
WOS – That Gorelick “wall” stuff is bullshit. Slade Gorton himself said so in the Moonie Times.
I can’t point you to it if you want but you don’t want ‘cuz you like believing in lies like pbj.
Notice how there’s very little if any difference between the spam posts full of bullshit links and the rambling of right wing retards like Klake and PBJ?
do you want President Clinton to have this power?
73 – correction “can” instead of “can’t”
I better fill my coffee cup.
” Please tell me sensis & ERF as Americans, WHAT CIVIL LIBERTIES DID YOU LOSE IN THIS BILL? THINK LONG AND HARD. Facts hurt the librul mind. ”
We are setting the standards for the whole world. If we can torture “foreigners” then they can justify torturing Americans “caught” in their country. With all the hatred of America exploding worldwide, I can imagine governments catching American “spies” and treating them just like we treat detainees, in order to impress their people.
Pandora’s box a troll’s mind could never wrap around.
As far as U.S. citizen’s rights. Jose Padilla was a U.S. citizen. I don’t know if he was innocent, or guilty of any crime, because everything the government stated about his case turned out to be false.
Better hope you don’t say the wrong thing to the wrong person someday. You may get the Padilla treatment.
We used to be a nation of laws. We are now a dictatorship.
Our president is above the law. Haven’t you noticed?
WOS (Wingnut Obsessions Suck aka MWS) and pbj: advocates for the torture and “disappearing” of Americans.
Fascist traitor scum.
“A usefull idiot is just as dangerous to America as an active saboteur” pbj utters the first truths of his deluded life! Case in point: look at what the rightwings lunatic president (their useful idiot) has accomplished with his gutting of the US Constitution.
“People” is what the trolls hate the most. It is people our constitution protects, not just American citizens.
Remember what Powell said last week.
“If you just look at how we are perceived in the world and the kind of criticism we have taken over Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib and renditions,” Powell said in an interview, “whether we believe it or not, people are now starting to question whether we’re following our own high standards.”
I really doubt it will sink in. It seems some freaks think we do not need to appear to have higher moral standards than Syria, Egypt, Sudan, Chile, or other countries.
Just remember we were caught torturing INNOCENT PEOPLE, not combatants caught on the battlefield, as your GOP talking points memo states.
For me, I am with Powell.
They are not only questioning our “moral” anything, they are taking up arms against us. And JCH, we can’t nuke em….
Them, is us.
A recent poll shows most people polled worldwide view the United States as a greater threat than Iran.
I wonder why……
do you want President Clinton to have this power?
Commentby For the Clueless— 9/29/06@ 7:39 am
Clueless Bill was not as bad as you make him out to be, but Jimmy Carter was a real dumb ass about how to deal with thye Middle East. Clinton would be in the shades of gray but wouldn’t go over board like he did in Yugo.
Dear NSA:
Please “disappear” WOS and pbj. They are really bin Laden loving terrorists trying to destroy our country. The policies they advocate will turn the United States into something resembling a Islamist Middle East dictatorship.
Once these two nimrods are in your custody please use “alternative interrogation” methods on them. They like to run their mouths at full blast spewing right wing blather they read on Wing Nut Daily and NewsWhackos but this is just a ruse. I’m sure after applying a little of your “methods” on them, they’ll sing like birds the glories of hating our country.
George Bush
Do you “unnerstan” now ,Goldy?
78 KKKlake,
You fucking moron, the post was refering to HILARY in two years. Please, I know how hard it is for you, pull your head out of your ass and think.
Hillary. Sorry.
@33- out of context quotations really need to be rebutted. To take one small excerpt from Lincoln’s First Inaugural Speech, just before he sets out to crush the Southern Rebellion, and suggest that he was much of a supporter of the right of revolution, is quite absurd. This is the man who was to do more than any President until FDR to limit civil liberties.
So compare “This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or exercise their revolutionary right to overthrow it.” with its context:
“Physically speaking, we cannot separate. We can not remove our respective sections from each other, nor build an impassable wall between them. A husband and wife may be divorced, and go out of the presence, and beyond the reach of each other; but the different parts of our country cannot do this. They cannot but remain face to face; and intercourse, either amicable or hostile, must continue between them. Is it possible, then, to make that intercourse more advantageous or more satisfactory, after separation than before? Can aliens make treaties easier than friends can make laws? Can treaties be more faithfully enforced between aliens than laws can among friends? Suppose you go to war, you cannot fight always; and when, after much loss on both sides, and no gain on either, you cease fighting, the identical old questions, as to terms of intercourse, are again upon you.
“This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing Government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it. I cannot be ignorant of the fact that many worthy and patriotic citizens are desirous of having the national Constitution amended. While I make no recommendation of amendments, I fully recognize the rightful authority of the people over the whole subject to be exercised in either of the modes prescribed in the instrument itself; and I should, under existing circumstances, favor rather than oppose a fair opportunity being afforded the people to act upon it.
“I will venture to add that to me the Convention mode seems preferable, in that it allows amendments to originate with the people themselves, instead of only permitting them to take or reject propositions, originated by others, not especially chosen for the purpose, and which might not be precisely such as they would wish to either accept or refuse. I understand a proposed amendment to the Constitution, which amendment, however, I have not seen, has passed Congress, to the effect that the federal government shall never interfere with the domestic institutions of the States, including that of persons held to service. To avoid misconstruction of what I have said, I depart from my purpose not to speak of particular amendments, so far as to say that holding such a provision to now be implied constitutional law, I have no objection to its being made express and irrevocable.”
Or perhaps it is time to read the entire speech http://showcase.netins.net/web.....1inaug.htm
And when considering this gem, look to the passages in the First Inaugural defending the absolute constitutionality and inviolability of the fugitive slave laws…
“Our safety, our liberty, depends upon preserving the Constitution of the United States as our fathers made it inviolate. The people of the United States are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”
Looks like a strict constructionist approach to me, and how dare anybody mess with returning escaped slaves!
Finally- ““Allow the president to invade a neighboring nation, whenever he shall deem it necessary to repel an invasion, and you allow him to do so whenever he may choose to say he deems it necessary for such a purpose – and you allow him to make war at pleasure.”
Yes- Lincoln’s critique of Democratic President Polk’s war on Mexico. But where was there Congressional authorization for Lincoln’s actions as President? More than any President until FDR, Lincoln established the extensive war powers of the President. Seems his perspective from the White House was a bit different than his perspective from the House- or from Illinois.
In the future, you might want to post quotations that are consistent with the author’s actions later in life…
When we don’t respect the rights of citizens of other countries, then stuff like this happens. Keep passing things like the Military Commissions Act of 2006, and we’re going to find ourselves fighting the war on terror without any assistance from other countries.
Ignore the Trolls – people manipulated by fear are hard to reason with.
FDR: All we have to fear is fear itself
W: Booga Booga! Be very very afraid!
Osama: Thanks W, Mission Accomplished.
The word “torture” is flung around here pretty carelessly. Interrogation and torture are not synonyms, but you wouldn’t know it from the moonbats here.
If someone is plotting to kill Americans, or knows a lot of information on a terror plot taking place in the US, yes, I want to have them asked about that. I don’t want their fingernails pulled out. But I don’t want them given a four-course dinner and wine and hope that they tell us what they know.
Torture – permanent injury. No one is asking for this, no one has voted for this, the US military has not used it. Harrassing a prisoner is not torture. Putting panties on someone’s head or having a woman interrogate is not torture.
Words mean something.
Just what is the Republican Party of 2006? It certainly isn’t the party of Eisenhower, or Nixon, or even Ronald Reagan, or even George Bush Sr.! Its some strange creature we’ve never seen before, and to me it looks like outright facism.
George Bush and his cohorts give us laws divorced from justice, punishment without crime, arrest without charges, secret evidence without testimony, guilt without juries, and harsh sentences without verdicts.
This is the laying of a foundation for a “dirty war” inside the US, after the manner of the Argentines in the 80s.
The sanctimonious right wingers think that because they regard their hearts as being pure, the authorities will recognize that, and they will be safe. Ronald Reagan said it best, “government programs, once begun, take on a life of their own”, and this government program will be no different. Our sanctimonious fellow citizens assume it can’t happen to them, but they are
wrong. Injustice happens to the pure of heart all the time. And now there are no checks and balances, no responsible oversight, nobody to appeal to for equity and reason. There is nothing in place to prevent injustice from happening to the pure of heart, and the sanctimonious. And nothing to stop it once it does happen.
Prisoner without a name, cell without a number.
The word “torture” is flung around here pretty carelessly.
Janet, you just don’t get it. Didn’t you get the memo from the RNC?
to bad janet s’s words don’t mean anything. Oops, they mean she has no clue what is going on and just posts her controler’s words for cash and her next fix
Janet S,
Torture doesn’t not mean permanent injury you ninny.
The War Crimes Act of 1996 (18 U.S.C. § 2441) makes it a criminal offense for U.S. military personnel and U.S. nationals to commit war crimes as specified in the 1949 Geneva Conventions. War crimes under the act include grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions. It also includes violations of common Article 3 to the Geneva Conventions, which prohibits “violence to life and person, in particular murder of all kinds, mutilation, cruel treatment and torture; …outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment.
A federal anti-torture statute (18 U.S.C. § 2340A), enacted in 1994, provides for the prosecution of a U.S. national or anyone present in the United States who, while outside the U.S., commits or attempts to commit torture. Torture is defined as an “act committed by a person acting under the color of law specifically intended to inflict severe physical or mental pain or suffering (other than pain or suffering incidental to lawful sanctions) upon another person within his custody or physical control.” A person found guilty under the act can be incarcerated for up to 20 years or receive the death penalty if the torture results in the victim’s death.
So a fanatical muslim is caught in the streets of Baghdad trying to blow up citizens, and knows where the bomb making facility is.
But using a woman to question him “outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment”. Or depriving him of sleep or making him listen to rock music “inflict[s] severe physical or mental pain or suffering”.
So I guess you are right. We need to give the terrorists full rights, don’t question them, and for heavens sake don’t insult them by putting women in their presence. And if a gay man walks by, best we put him to death rather than subject the poor terrorist to putting up with such “humiliating and degrading treatment”.
The ACLU interpretation of these passages will leave us all the victims of terrorists. It will be offensive to the fanatics if we don’t submit and convert. That’s a world I’m not willing to allow happen, but the Democrats are doing everything they can to implement.
will leave us all the victims of terrorists.
Can I have “mushroom clouds” with that?
Clueless – I have no idea what that means, or why you think it is funny.
Janet s, dear one, what you are neglecting to underrtand is that in the eyes of Iraqis the US soldiers ARE the terrorists.
Janet S – lemme slow it down for you.
You (ACLU harping) and pbj (heads chopped off) and Limbaugh and thousands of other whackjobs are in the business of serving up FEAR.
Along with Condi “mushroom clouds” Rice and Darth Cheney..
It must be so comforting to march in lockstep with fear-mongers and war profiteers.
You obviously didn’t read the bill. It could never apply to an
American citizen.
Read it.
re 83— Blah, ad infinitum……………………………………………… …………………………………………………. …………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………… Brick wall. Can’t hear ya.
There is considerable dispute about the wording if it could apply to a US Citizen. All the President has to do is declare you an “UNLAWFUL ENEMY COMBATANT” and you lose your rights.
This is what happens when legislation is passed in haste right before an election – lousy law that will probably be thrown out by even the right leaing Supreme Court.
And BTW – how many Senators and Reps actually read the entire bill prior to Rubberstamping “Aye”? I bet few if any.
Actually, you need Democrats with a message. It’s time to get one! Otherwise, it’ll just be more of the same…
“Janet s, dear one, what you are neglecting to underrtand is that in the eyes of Iraqis the US soldiers ARE the terrorists.
Commentby AmericaWas1stB4GWB/dictator— 9/29/06@ 9:22 am”
Then why did the freely elected president of Iraq send a letter asking for US troops to stay in his country until for now? Why do 60% of Iraqi citizens want us to stay? Why do the moderate govts of the middle east want us to stay in Iraq?
Too bad your facts don’t match up with reality. But that is par for the course for Democrats.
Clueless – your comments are meaningless. But keep it up. It just makes your side look like ignorant ranters.
janet doodoohead: The latest poll of the Iraqis says exactly the opposite of what you say. Where do you get off publicly repeating bald face lies?
re101– Challenge me on this point and I will rub your nose in the truth, biiiiiiiiaaaach!
“Wow, pbj, you are one desperate fella/filly. Digging up investigations and allegations decades-old settled speculation or peny-ante convictions from small local precincts to prove–what? The country KNOW that today’s national Republican Party is selling votes and influence for cash, that guilty pleas and convictions are already rolling in, that Jack Abramoff was a bagman sitting on the GOP slush fund of questionably obtained money to funnel though phony GOP front organizations (such as Norquist’s, or his own “charity”), and that today’s Republicans have FAILED this country in health care, in Iraq, In New Orleans, in foreign relations, in environmental policy, in enrgy policy, in fiscal policy! Our nation is deeper in debt, unable to respond to potential military crises, dirtier, sicker, and less safe becase of today’s Republican Party. And stripping American citizens of their Constitutional rights doesn’t make ANYTHING any better.
It’s a hard rain that’s gonna fall, my friend. “
Four years ago we heard that the gestapos was going to lock up all dissenters. Yet in that time, Goldstein’s blog has exploded, he has even gotten his own radio show. You liberals are liars with a mental disorder.
What’s the frequency Kenneth?
“janet doodoohead: The latest poll of the Iraqis says exactly the opposite of what you say. Where do you get off publicly repeating bald face lies?”
You just make stuff up. Post the poll you liar.
“Too bad your facts don’t match up with reality. But that is par for the course for Democrats. ”
Janet S, You embarrass yourself with your willful ignorance.
Almost four in five Iraqis say the U.S. military force in Iraq provokes more violence than it prevents.
About 61 percent approved of the attacks — up from 47 percent in January. A solid majority of Shiite and Sunni Arabs approved of the attacks, according to the poll. The increase came mostly among Shiite Iraqis.
An overwhelmingly negative opinion of terror chief bin Laden and more than half, 57 percent, disapproving of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
(more at link)
While Goldy belittles our efforts to protect all of us from terrorism, the following goes on day after day.
9/20/2006 Clip No. 1280 Iranian TV Report on International Holocaust Cartoon Contest in Tehran
Following are excerpts from an Iranian TV report on an Iranian Holocaust cartoon contest. The report aired on the Iranian news channel (IRINN) on September 20, 2006.
Reporter: In response to the Danish cartoonist who published a cartoon which was insulting to the Prophet Muhammad, the international exhibition of Holocaust [cartoons] was held in the Palestine Museum of Contemporary Art.
Exhibition curator Mas’oud Shoja’i Tabatabai: Following the inconceivable things we saw in the Danish press – the affront to the Prophet of Islam through insulting cartoons… In response, we have organized a contest, and planned it to revolve around three main themes. We announced the contest’s regulations, so that cartoonists worldwide would respond to this [Danish] incident, and would present their opinions in a visual manner. Regarding these three issues… Our main issue is related to the boundaries of free speech in the West. We asked why so little attention is paid to the affront to divine religions, while we witness strange phenomena like the Holocaust. Anybody who has any doubt about this event, who denies it, or who offers a different interpretation of it is subject to heavy penalties.
This contest was held over the Internet, on the irancartoon.com website. By the deadline we set, 1,193 works of art had been submitted by artists from 61 countries. After being examined by five prominent cartoonists, 204 pieces were found to meet the contest’s criteria, and to be displayed at the exhibition. Turkey and Brazil have the highest number of participants, following Iran.
Reporter: “Holocaust” is a Greek term. In Persian literature, the word means “mass burning,” and its parallel in current Hebrew is Shoah.
After World War II, this term was introduced into the world’s political and historical culture by a number of Jewish personalities and centers. Their claims were based on the theory that six million Jews were suffocated in gas chambers in the POW camps in Nazi Germany, and were then burnt in crematoria and turned into ashes. The extensive propaganda and repetition of the issue by Jewish groups and organizations, in films, plays, TV series, and many post-war novels led to this unique use of the term. The Zionist organizations emphasize that no other people or ethnic group has the right to use this term to refer to any event.
Mas’oud Shoja’i Tabatabai: After the very serious and accurate analysis of Mr. Robert Faurisson, who worked for 14 years on this research, and presented a very accurate study on one of these camps – the Auschwitz camp in Poland… He said that if we were to do a very simple calculation, [we would find] that even if they had worked intensively, in three shifts, in the same place, in order to carry out those alleged crimes – I mean the things the [Jews] described in such an exaggerated manner, and which are, in fact, a lie… The Third Reich would have had to exist for 15 years in order for the Holocaust to have taken place, in Auschwitz alone.
Reporter: If an historian or author uses the term “Holocaust” to denote the notorious, cruel massacre of hundreds of thousands of defenseless people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki – people who were turned to ashes by America’s nuclear bombing in the final days of World War II – he is immediately condemned and denounced by the Zionist circles, and is accused of using the term “Holocaust,” which is the exclusive [property] of a certain ethnic group.
Even though the Zionists are conducting widespread propaganda in order to prove their belief that the Holocaust was real, today, free-thinking writers and researchers are beginning to whisper their denials of these claims around the world.
Visitor: In my opinion, this exhibition is very influential and enlightening. The variety of works of art displayed, and the highly influential and enlightening messages in this exhibition can be very useful and influential. They can enlighten us about the very unfortunate events, which are taking place in our world today.
Reporter: Very extensive efforts were made to keep the Holocaust alive as an historical fact. In addition to the production of books and films in many American and European countries, institutes and museums commemorating this issue were built.
Mas’oud Shoja’i Tabatabai: How come, thousands of kilometers away, the oppressed Palestinians are being attacked, and we are witnessing the massacre and displacement of millions of Palestinians?
Finally, we are concerned about contemporary holocausts – real holocausts that we are witnessing in countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon, and so on.
Reporter: The Jews claim that the Nazis killed over six million of them in World War II, and they turned this into an historical event called the Holocaust. But how many of today’s great scholars and authors know that the main planner of the Vietnam war, in which millions of innocent Vietnamese were killed, was an influential Jew in the American foreign policy decision-making center, called Walt Rostow?
96 Art
I read it.
This section, on the other hand, defines how an ordinary US citizen can become a detainee and thus lose their right to challenge their detention…
Section (ii) above is intended to absolve the Bush administraion from war crimes prosecution based on their earlier decisions, for example the one to send the innocent Canadian citizen to Syria to be tortured.
Not one single liberal has posted any words of the bill that supposedly restrict our rights. I want to see the EXACT portions of the bill that do this. And show a link to your source. You liberals are all supposed to be PhD’s and such. Is that how you would present a thesis? No sources, not footnotes, just accept what I say?
The only ones I see spreading fear are the liberal nutjobs. They claim the government is coming for them, yet they are still posting day after day for the last several years. No one has locked them up, turned off their blogs or stopped their radio boradcasts.
In fact, Democrats are the ones trying to use the government to stop free speech, just look at how they threatened ABC with loss of their license if they broadcast “Path to 9/11”
Liberals will shoot back about a Reagan documentary that had Republicans in an uproar, but there is a key difference. In the case of the Reagan film, the government did not threaten a broadcaster with loss of their license.
Democrats – all fear all the time.
Got an official government source for that Daddy? For all we know, that is something made up in Texas to spread fear. How about the real bill and not something you googled off a nutroots site?
June 16, 2004 “…55 percent of Iraqis say they would feel safer if Coalition forces departed right away…”
December 2005 “Over two-thirds of Iraqis want US troops out of Iraq…”
September 27, 2006 – About six in 10 Iraqis say they approve of attacks on U.S.-led forces, and slightly more than that want their government to ask U.S. troops to leave within a year, according to a poll in that country.
Aw, leftie lover, did I confuse you?
33 “Having your sanctimony shoved up your ass, I assure you, is not a sex act.”
Then again, we don’t really know just how kinky pbj is…
“Democrats – all fear all the time. ”
Democrats “We’ll keep the Republicans from wiping their asses with the Constuitution.”
96 etc…
Just wanted y’all to know that the “Art” who posted those ain’t me on some new kind of drugs.
EAST ST. LOUIS, Ill. — A federal jury Wednesday convicted the head of this city’s Democratic Party and four others of scheming to buy votes with cash, cigarettes and liquor last November to try to get key Democrats elected.
Jurors in the monthlong trial deliberated more than five hours before convicting local Democratic Party chairman Charles Powell Jr., 61, and Kelvin Ellis, 55, the city’s former director of regulatory affairs, of felony conspiracy to commit vote fraud. Also convicted were Democratic precinct committee members Sheila Thomas, 31, and Jesse Lewis, 56, and City Hall worker Yvette Johnson, 46.
Ellis, Thomas, Lewis and Johnson also were convicted of one count apiece of election fraud for allegedly paying at least one person to vote — or offering to do so. Powell was never charged with that count. […………”If I vote fo times, do I gets fo cases of Marlboros?” Leroy “MoFo” Jacksooooooooooon, East St. Louis, MO]
Going with your own source source:
Ҥ 948c. Persons subject to military commissions
‘‘Any alien unlawful enemy combatant is subject to
trial by military commission under this chapter. ”
That means NON-US Citizen.
“Democrats “We’ll keep the Republicans from wiping their asses with the Constuitution…”
By burning it.
Jim King,
The context then has nothing to do with today. The words ring true about todays circumstances. I am not going to debate Lincoln’s time with our present day. The fact remains that those three quotes are timeless and even more appropriate now in todays climate of extreme nationalism and hate for something we don’t truly understand. This administration is power mad and wholly corupt. You can deny it, but I know a pig when I see it. The lipstick does not help.
corrupt, again sorry. at 119 I hate that.
You got to get better propaganda. Unlike liberal, we do not take everything on your word:
“June 16, 2004 “…55 percent of Iraqis say they would feel safer if Coalition forces departed right away…”
Well, that poll was reported from 2004. Rather old and outdated.
“December 2005 “Over two-thirds of Iraqis want US troops out of Iraq…”
Link doesn’t work. Cannot be verified.
“September 27, 2006 – About six in 10 Iraqis say they approve of attacks on U.S.-led forces, and slightly more than that want their government to ask U.S. troops to leave within a year, according to a poll in that country”
Let us look at that sample shall we?
“The PIPA poll, which included an oversample of 150 Sunni Iraqis, has a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.”
150 is not a statistically significant sample in a nation of 25 million. Thanks for playing.
Dec 12,2005
“Interviewers found that 71% of those questioned said things were currently very or quite good in their personal lives, while 29% found their lives very or quite bad.
When asked whether their lives would improve in the coming year, 64% said things would be better and 12% said they expected things to be worse.
But they were more hopeful for the future – 69% expect Iraq to improve, while 11% say it will worsen.”
re 121: A recent poll of Chinese prisons found that 60% of inmates found the experience,”delightful.”
re 121: Still over 50%, Meathead. 60% + or – 3 percentage points is 57% or 63%. It doesn’t mean each percentage point has a value of 10%!!!!!!!!!!!
re: 122 A recent poll of leftist education workers found that 90% of their time is spent goofing off on blogs.
Okay, so let’s be clear:
So the President says I’m an alien enemy combatant, or is in the process of determining if I am an alien enemy combatant. I could easily challenge the “alien” determination in a court of law, that is… assuming the court would hear a writ of habeas corpus, but they won’t, because the President has already determined that I am being properly detained under SEC.7(e)(1).
You don’t think the President of the United States would be that duplicitous? How about the next president?
testing… testing the purported censorship lies of pbj
one of many of pbj’s alter egos said: “Well, it took him longer than I thought, but the little socialist managed to block my posts.”
HA HA HA HA! what a decietful piece of crap! I was just able to post under that name no problem!
hey pbj, you never did answer my question you little rat. what the hell do you do to pay the bills? You’re on the GOP payroll aren’t you? I don’t expect a direct, honest answer from your cowardly, lying, lame excuse for a human being.
pbj said: “re: 122 A recent poll of leftist education workers found that 90% of their time is spent goofing off on blogs”
I will admit that this is actually pretty funny… especially since i happen to know the “leftist education worker” you refer to…. To set the record strait, however, he actually probably only spends ~60% of his time blogging and posting. The rest of the time (well over 40 hours a week) is spent working very hard for the tax payers of washington… he is one of the best most ethical people I know.
Additionally, it is easy to not be guilty of “goofing off on blogs” when you are paid to do so by the Republican Fear Machine. coward
re 124: An even more recent poll found that people who attend Darcy Burner townhalls at the Beaver Lake Lodge in Sammamish are generally very well educated and prosperous beyond the wildest dreams of 3rd tier Republicans like yourself who drive 1980’s K-Cars festooned with right wing stickers and go around tearing down Darcy Burner signs at 5 in the morning.
The world would have been better off if the Blastocyte that eventually spawned you were used for something useful — like stem cell research.
Slanderer @34,
Do you really believe that after years of allowing people to post garbage in my comment threads, to threaten my life, and to call me a child molester… anybody would believe that I would bother to block your comments?
Get a life. And… eat me.
pbj wrote: Balkin.blogspot.com???? Got an official government source for that Daddy? For all we know, that is something made up in Texas to spread fear. How about the real bill and not something you googled off a nutroots site?
here a more official link: http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c109:S.3930:
There is no good reason not to try these people openly. This is an intimidation tactic. Will terrorists be intimidated?
150 is not a statistically significant sample in a nation of 25 million.
What does your comment have to do with the poll in question? The poll he posted had a sample size of 1,150. Thanks for playing, indeed.
@119- No, context is important, when you imply Lincoln would side with you. In the one quote you are misquoting him by taking the words out of their textual context, in the others you take them completely out of the context of the argument.
Bad, bad, bad.
But if “timelessness” is the criterion, I am glad that you have pointed out that Lincoln was a strict constructionist and that we should hang from the nearest tree any judge or congressman who has ever tampered with anything other than the original intent interpretation of that static document.
That is the “timeless” position you are taking, right? You bring the rope, we’ll start with David Souter…
“27 PBJ that is a shamelessly gutless excuse. is your ego is so big that you believe someone would actually care where you live AND take the time to harass you? You are as significant to the “cause” as fart in the wind. Boy, and I mean BOY, you have lost your ever lovin’ mind. Commentby My Left Foot—
On the surface this sounds about right BUT: sport a conservative bumper sticker on your car or a Republican campaign sign in your yard and see what happens.
Your comment threads are the most chaotic I have run into anywhere! It’s like a work of performance art that never ends.
The regular posters blaze away at eachother with each new topic with increasing disassociation from the topic of your original post, and they do this for almost every one of your posts. Where do they find the time? And then there are those whose comments don’t seem to have been intended to respond to the post but instead to fight a general pr battle within your space, as if creating congitive dissonance here will be mirrored in the outside world. wow.
@ 128: “……..hey pbj, you never did answer my question you little rat. what the hell do you do to pay the bills? You’re on the GOP payroll aren’t you? I don’t expect a direct, honest answer from your cowardly, lying, lame excuse for a human being.
Commentby sensis”
That would be a sweet gig…….goof at the computer all day and piss lefties off.
Actually, the second part is more like a bonus……..Heh heh
I guess you hear what you want to hear. The WAPO reports that 60% of Iraqis say they support attacks on US military, but they don’t report that 70% want gradual withdrawal or withdrawal within a year.
Iraqis want their own military in control. Newsflash – so does the Bush administration and the Republican party. That’s been the constant message.
It’s the Democrat party that wants us out NOW, regardless of the consequences. Or at least the far left wingnuts. The more reasonable voices agree – we need to withdraw as soon as safely possible, leaving a strong Iraqi police and a stable situation.
The WAPO reports that 60% of Iraqis say they support attacks on US military, but they don’t report that 70% want gradual withdrawal or withdrawal within a year.
Oh, jeebus. The very first paragraph reads:
About six in 10 Iraqis say they approve of attacks on U.S.-led forces, and slightly more than that want their government to ask U.S. troops to leave within a year, according to a poll in that country.
It was the context of the comment. The WAPO says that the Iraqis support attacks and want the US out. But that wasn’t how the poll was stated. The Iraqis want withdrawal, but recognize that to do so too quickly will leave them in danger. It is all a matter of how you interpret poll results, and make them fit your narrative.
The WAPO says that the Iraqis support attacks and want the US out. But that wasn’t how the poll was stated. The Iraqis want withdrawal, but recognize that to do so too quickly will leave them in danger. It is all a matter of how you interpret poll results, and make them fit your narrative.
The State Department, meanwhile, has also conducted its own poll, something it does periodically, spokesman Sean McCormack said. The State Department poll found that two-thirds of Iraqis in Baghdad favor an immediate withdrawal of U.S. forces, according to The Washington Post. McCormack declined to discuss details of the department’s Iraq poll.
“What I hear from government representatives and other anecdotal evidence that you hear from Iraqis that is collected by embassy personnel and military personnel is that Iraqis do appreciate our presence there,” he said. “They do understand the reasons for it, they do understand that we don’t want to or we don’t intend to be there indefinitely.”
Iraqi officials have said Iraq’s security was improving and expanding throughout the country, and most U.S. troops might be able to leave eventually.
US Constitution
Article III Section 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.
The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted.
A good example written in April 1996 The Federalist (Number 92) http://www.constitutionalguard...../fed92.htm
The legal profession’s tyrannical control over the Nation and the federal crime of Treason.
I would highly recommend reading the entire article. Because this was written a decade ago yet it appears to be happening today. The liberal establishment because they do not win at the ballot box. Can not win in the Legislature uses the Courts to attack our Constitution. Remember the President is charged with defending this nation. We as citizens do not have access to all the information that he does. So why do you think you know more then him. This information is secret. It is suppose to be so we can catch those who would do us all harm.
Yet the court system today says all terrorists should have the same rights as US Citizens. Have you not forgotten than some of the Detainees in Cuba were released yet they took arms against our military within a few months. Maybe we should just release them in the US. Let them do the attacks here. Is that what you want? It sure looks like that by the way you are acting and talking. Lets handicap the President and the Military. Lets give all citizens of the world US Citizenship. Lets give them the right to sue. Lets give them all Social Security. Watch the country be bankrupt and unable to defend itself in a few months. There are causes and effects of all actions. Look at the affects you may cause by your hate of President Bush.
Remember it is the life style of the Left that the terrorists hate. So who do you think they will kill first if they took control. LOok at how they treat woman. Look at the death sentences for Gays. Look at how they treat those who are not of their faith. You want us to be slaves to Moslems. Because if you are not a moslem you are a second class citizen. WHat is the one area of the world that still supports Slavery. It is the Moslems. So supporting them means what. You want to follow all their rules and regulations. Because if we do not take a stand but hide our heads in the sand you may not like what happens to the world. So who is really worse President Bush or Terrorists that want to force Moslem beliefs on everyone.
I love the weasly rhetoric. Which is it, Janet? The Democratic party as a whole, or the far left? Do count Tammy Duckworth as representative of the views of Democrats or not?
Amen brother. Count me in amongst the Horses ass army (or is that Eyman’s group?).
I noticed a couple of things from this
A.) Orbi apparently lacks all tongue or cheek to place tongue, and is taking all threats seriously and
B.) E Earling stating this:
One of the many things Goldy, and other liberals similarly aghast, has missed in this whole debate is that we’re talking about terrorist detainees who are not US citizens.
…is making our argument for us! I know you wing-nuts suddenly lack the patriotism needed to respect our founding fathers, but these men NEVER trusted a unitary executive & NEVER trusted an executive making the differentiation between terrorist/citizen. Our system was never based on trust.
The chief wisdom of these men (and yes they had many faults), was that they understood the true nature of power, and those who held it (hence: seperation of powers/checks and balances). They knew that once your rely on trust an omnipotent leader, your fucked
Why would a Republican-controlled congress pass an anti-terrorism bill that supposedly excludes US citizens from its purview? Oh, wait. Timmothy McVeigh was a Republican. Never mind.
Goldy, I come in here from time to time and I am amazed at what a stupid f*ck you are. I can’t say it any other way, your brain just doesn’t work very well.
Why are the libs always talking about healthcare? Are we really that sick as a nation?. Obesity, most cancers and aids, are caused by high risk activities. So put that Big Mac down, put out the cigarett, and remove your dick from your buddies ass, and live well. Oh right, libs are’nt about personal responsibility, they want the Gov to come in and fix it after they fucked it all up.
Libs vote democrat so that we can be taxed more, create more government entitlement, and relieve themselves of personal accountability.
I can’t think of one government entitlement that has worked for it’s intended participant.
If guys like george Soros have so much money, (and the holloywood libs) to throw at getting libs elected, would’nt that money be better spent getting involved directly with helping people? Why not take all that money and set up a fund for providing health care for those who refuse to take care of themselves.
Government is not the answer.
All of you who keep talking about Constitutional rights, need to read the Constitution.
Not some whacked-out judges interpretation of it, like abortion or gay marriage, but the actual Constitution.
You may come to understand the actual role of Government.
It is not supposed to be your mommy.
As for the Iraq War, thank God for it, so we don’nt have to listen to that gay marriage bullshit this election cycle.
I am also a brocoli-a-phob and have plenty of hate speech about it.
PEACE to all you nitwits.
Where was Goldy when Maria Cantwell TWICE voted for the Patriot Act? He was asking us to overlook this small error and support her anyway.
When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.
When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.
When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.
When they came for the Jews,
I did not speak out;
I was not a Jew.
When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.
When they came for the terrorists with the Patriot Act, Goldy was not to be found protesting.