As of 4PM today, 166 donors have contributed to either Darcy Burner or Peter Goldmark (or both) via my Act Blue page since I first started promoting it in March. That’s 139 contributions for Darcy and 93 contributions for Peter, for a total of $10,376.38 raised.
I thank you all for your tremendous generosity. But it’s not enough.
Both Darcy and Peter are in competitive races where dollars can translate into votes, and as we head into the homestretch it’s up to all of us to do whatever we can to help the Democrats retake control of the House and bring some accountability back to the other Washington. For some of you, that means working on the campaigns. For others, that means opening your wallets.
So here’s the challenge. The final quarterly reporting period before the November election ends Saturday at midnight, and I’m looking for at least 34 new donors between now and then to bring us at or over the 200 donor mark. I’m not asking for a lot of money — only $5.00 per candidate if that’s all you can afford. Remember, the number of individual contributions is seen as a measure of grassroots support, and will definitely influence where the big money flows during the final few weeks of the campaign.
So if you haven’t given yet, please give now. And if you’ve already given, then pat yourself on the back… and give some more.
I’ve given, and if I can remember to do it, so can you! Because I am, as ever and will always remain:
I have raised / given almost $800 to Peter Goldmark, and $400 to Darcy, and I am broke. It is this important. Without taking back congress our future is in danger.
We just lost the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 8th article of the constitution today. That is what a Republican Majority gets us. Habeous Corpus = Dead. Our democracy is over….
There is a solution if you don’t like the “no” habeas corpus for jihad terrorists. It’s really simple and easy –
Don’t take any prisoners, shoot them all on sight!
re 3: If you put a jihadist and any other Muslim next to each other they look the same. Can’t you see where your train of thought is leading you, SMEGMAC?
re 3: If you put a jihadist and any other Muslim next to each other they look the same. Can’t you see where your train of thought is leading you, SMEGMAC?
Commentby headless lucy— 9/28/06@ 5:19 pm
Yes they will rat out all their friends to save their own ass.
I apologize for posting that entire Seattle Times article about smarmy Maria Cantwell and her finances. My cut-and-paste skills sucked.
Here is the link you all requested:
I’m sure this article will help Maria a great deal.
No Lucy, it’s not leading there. You seem to be under the impression that these jihadist were snatched out of their mosques or McDonald’s and thrown in jail.
They were captured on a battlefield shooting weapons at American soldiers………..
The soldiers have a choice, take prisoners and get intelligence or return fire and shoot to kill!
Today is the 1244th day since the declaration of “Mission Accomplished” in Iraq.
How do the righties justify that lie?
The ladies who hide under their mothers dress or behind her dress and call themselves a man here is something you might want to read. We are fighting the enemy all over the world and invading any country that harbors or supports them justifies an invasion of their own country. This country is fighting an asymmetric warfare and the rules are different today after 911. You allow you hatred and anger of President Bush dictate how this nation military should fight this conflict and embolden Al-Qaeda to expand this war into other countries. Your fears to be out or chastise by your own countrymen is why you post with outrageous names and not the name your parents gave you at birth. Now that is a cowards way of making your point known and no way of making you accountable for what you say. At least Goldy and a few others do not live behind this FEAR of being ousted.
The argument is put forward that this form of organization allows Al-Qaeda (and analogous groups) to carry out their form of asymmetric warfare (as they see it) more safely, as it prevents an aggrieved nation from launching an overt military attack upon another nation harboring Al-Qaeda members, since a nation can argue that Al-Qaeda might be within its borders but is an independent organization which the government does not support, whether or not the government sympathizes with their cause.
The counter-argument to this states that Al-Qaeda members and other international resistant groups do not exist in “disembodied space” or in international territory (i.e., the open seas, as pirates were claimed to do), but within the borders of a sovereign state, which is responsible for the capture or expulsion of members of such groups, and failure of a state to do this is tantamount to laying themselves open for aggrieved nations to attack them. Under this argument, the state of Pakistan, which refuses to allow US troops inside its territory, can be seen as a practical case in point.
However, there is some debate as to whether this qualifies as asymmetric warfare, as Al-Qaeda and other such organizations which are not sovereign nations, are not legal combatants under the laws of war. They can therefore be more accurately seen as an international non-governmental paramilitary force, not subject to a command structure as a regular military force is, and (being united as an organization purely as a result of their religious beliefs) not affiliated with any specific nation’s interests or doctrine. They could, however, be seen as an entity separate from issues of government and sovereignty, against which a nation could legitimately wage a war.
Engaging the enemy, I am all for. You, I, and the rest of the world would support our going after Al Qaeda, and the people that attacked us. The problem you won’t accept is the fact that these people were not in Iraq. No matter how much spin O’Riley, Rush, and Hannity blow up your ass attacking Iraq (for political, and financial gain) is hurting our efforts to fight terrorism. All facts support this. All studies. All trends. Period. End of story. Get with the program.
Killing, or causing the deaths of 100,000 INNOCENT MUSLIMS is what you call “engaging” the enemy. No wonder they are joining Al Qaeda by the Camel Train. Think about it.
Comment by Facts Support My Positions— 9/27/06@ 9:28 am
The point is:
A) We’re NOT “engaging the enemy.” We’re in Iraq, and our enemy is in Pakistan. Would you like a map?
B) The “enemy” you’re thinking of used to be called “Iraqis” and they want us the fuck out of their country. I wonder why?
Comment by Daddy Love— 9/27/06@ 9:24 am
don’t know who “your men” are or what you’ve been doing with them, but all official counts show that so-called “foreign fighters” make up 10% or fewer of those in conflict in Iraq, and recent reports have that figure dropping.
“Daddy you embolden them by the way you place blame on who is losing the war.”
Fuck you. And fuck you again. Bush invaded and occupied one of the most important Muslim nations on earth FOR NO REASON, and I’M the one making Muslims mad? GOD you’re stupid.
Comment by Daddy Love— 9/27/06@ 2:38 pm
BAGHDAD, Iraq – The new leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq purportedly said Thursday in an audio message posted online that more than 4,000 foreign militants have been killed in Iraq since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003 — the first apparent acknowledgment from the insurgents about their losses.
The message also called for experts in the fields of “chemistry, physics, electronics, media and all other sciences — especially nuclear scientists and explosives experts” to join the terror group’s holy war against the West.
“We are in dire need of you,” said the man, who identified himself as Abu Hamza al-Muhajir — also known as Abu Ayyub al-Masri — the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq. “The field of jihad (holy war) can satisfy your scientific ambitions, and the large American bases (in Iraq) are good places to test your unconventional weapons, whether biological or dirty, as they call them.”
The news media appears to be supporting enemies of this Nation in order to sell script like the Associated Press. They have been keeping this dirty little secret for many months and that is why other media personnel are receiving little support from the military.
“The Pentagon said Monday it has detained a news photographer in Iraq for five months without charges because of “indications” he had strong ties with known insurgents.
Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman refused to disclose the evidence against Associated Press photographer Bilal Hussein, an Iraqi citizen.
“All indications that I have received about Hussein’s detainment indicates that he has strong ties with known insurgents and that he was doing things, involved in activities that were well outside the scope of what you would expect a journalist to be doing in that country,” Whitman said.
The US-led military command in Iraq believes there is “sufficient evidence in place that justifies his continued detention,” he said.
The Associated Press said its review of Hussein’s work found nothing to indicate inappropriate contact with insurgents, and demanded that he either be charged or released.
Whitman said Hussein’s case has been reviewed by the coalition’s detention review authority, the Multi-National Forces-Iraq magistrate and the Iraq-US Combined Review and Release Board.
Each determined separately that Hussein was a security threat and recommended his continued detention, he said.
Sound Off…What do you think?”
Actuily they most of them were turned in for money . there is even an arab tv reporter in gitmo for christ sakes
Today is the 1244th day since the declaration of “Mission Accomplished” in Iraq.
How do the righties justify that lie?
Commentby My Left Foot— 9/28/06@ 6:01 pm
I will neither justify that declaration, nor will I call it a lie.
I think the original mission was pretty much accomplished at the time — very quickly and smaller cost than expected. Since then, there has been a different mission, which has proven to be very expensive and has cost the lives of thousands of our soldiers.
You are a retired career military officer. What is your analysis? What have we been doing for the last 1,244 days? What should we have been doing? What should we do now?
nice copy/paste skills KKKlake
I can tell you copied since the words were spelled correctly and the grammar was correct as well. (except for the first paragraph of your post at #9. That’s the KKKlake we know and despise)
More reading material for the GIRLIE BOYS.
The press is back in the quite room for being bad.
“Pajamas Media recently reported that there are only 9 embedded reporters in Iraq. Many are blaming this on the media, and while I can never be called an apologist for mainstream media, I can say with certainty that the United States military is censoring.
It remains unclear if this is a general policy, though there are recent inquiries to the office of the Secretary of Defense. I await response. Or, perhaps, the censorship is merely the policy of LTC Barry Johnson who is responsible for operations involving embeds. Barry Johnson is said to be the most quoted man in Iraq . I’ve learned to trust nothing he says. I do know for a fact that Johnson has been untruthful with the media. If Johnson calls me on this, I’ll take the time to prove it.
While sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, sisters, brothers and friends, fight and die in Iraq and Afghanistan, the military apparently is preventing journalists from telling the story. They attempt to deflect accusations of censorship by allowing in just enough reporters to appear transparent.
I’ll post updates on the website as the situation unfolds.
Walter Gayá is a freelance photographer based out of Washington State. He resides with his wife and two children in the city of Tacoma, where they operate a bakery. His interest in photography has been a long one, however this rooted interest became more apparent while completing a combat tour in Mosul, Iraq.”
can tell you copied since the words were spelled correctly and the grammar was correct as well. (except for the first paragraph of your post at #9. That’s the KKKlake we know and despise)
Commentby tedious troll— 9/28/06@ 6:31 pm
I love you also and what a funny name your mommie gave you.
RSVP for Amerikafirst:
We still meeting tomorrow?
If you put a jihadist and any other Muslim next to each other they look the same. Can’t you see where your train of thought is leading you, SMEGMAC?
Commentby headless lucy […Time to thin the moooooooooooslim herd. One country at a time, starting with Iran. Payback for 1979. One Trident will teach the Moooooooooooslims not to fuck with the USA.]
does anyone know how are seniters voted on this tererisum bill?
or the torcher bill
hey Doctor JCH Kennedy pull that log out of your butt and get a clue
Listen to B.J. or Hitlery, or watch Keith Olberman or Begala or any other of the Clintoon syncophants, and you continue to see WHY nothing was done about Islamic terrorism during the Clinton administration. They STILL claim the biggest danger to America is “right-wing extremists”, low taxes, capitalism, and the Religious Right. All the leftist group have catchy names like Soros’ “Take Back America,” like American ideals were built on welfare state socialism, and Christianity is highjacking the country.
Historical revisionism at its highest.
gawd your a lowsume beast
why the rabbit or anyone else would want to meet you is beyond me
MEXICO CITY – Mexico warned Thursday that the U.S. proposal to build miles of border fence, which is working its way through the Senate, will damage relations between the two countries.
The Foreign Relations Department said it was “deeply worried” about the proposal, adding it will “increase tension in border communities.”
“These measures will harm the bilateral relationship. They are against the spirit of co-operation that is needed to guarantee security on the common border,” the department said in a statement. […….I can’t wait to hear they bitch when we “return” 20 million illegals back to Meixco!!]
why the rabbit or anyone else would want to meet you is beyond me
Commentby The Socialist [………Finish your 3rd grade howework, dumb ass!! You are the “poster boy” for the failure of the public school system in the USA.]
I rest my case
Doctor JCH Kennedy why don’t you go back to beating your wife and kids and leave us alone
The individual votes can be seen here.
Cantwell and Murray voted against the bill.
thanks Darry
Can someone please tell me what Cantwell has done to lower prescription drug prices other than make a campaign ad saying that she is working on it?
They also voted against voting on the bill to bring back the income sales tax deduction – again!
What is the Christian Taliban up to now?
There is an ABC video clip of a Jesus Camp brainwashing youngsters.
The Christian Taliban leader is shown bringing out a life-size cut-out of George W. Bush Jr and asking the children to worship him.
I realize you are busy, however; if you get a chance to watch this entire video clip, you will see how frightening this young indoctrination is.
I remember as a child how much fun camp was with, crafts, singing, hiking, learning to make rope bridges,etc. Notice the children in this camp do not look happy or like they are having any fun. The children appear to be browbeaten with guilt trips and no fun.
GoodMorningAmerica:Faith or Brainwashing at ‘Jesus Camp’?
Commentby GOPLIES GEORGEBUSHISTHEDEVIL— 9/28/06@ 10:17 am
Whaaaaa. You liberals are thin skinned. Millions of Christian have to put up with sending their kids to public school and listen to liberal drivel each day. A video come out (probably staged by some lefties) and the liberals have a flippin fit. Liberals are pussies.
” No Lucy, it’s not leading there. You seem to be under the impression that these jihadist were snatched out of their mosques or McDonald’s and thrown in jail.
They were captured on a battlefield shooting weapons at American soldiers………..
The soldiers have a choice, take prisoners and get intelligence or return fire and shoot to kill!
No actually a bunch of them were turned in for the bounty. Fact. Completely innocent. The ever so famous hooded crippled Iraqi with the electrical wires on the box was a cab driver, and never an insurgent.
It is you bloodthirsty cowards that are causing these people to want to fly planes into our buildings.
Why don’t you go torture your wife, and leave innocent muslims out of it freak.
Rather than dealing with the real problem the republican way is to just kill a whole bunch of innocent people to make it look like you are doing someting to the retarded sheep that vote for you.
The rest of the world calls it murder.
US Supreme Court to Revisit Landmark Abortion Case Next Week
The original Doe, Sandra Cano, will testify that Doe v. Bolton was based on fraud
By Peter J. Smith
WASHINGTON, September 28, 2006 – The Supreme Court plans to hear a suit to reverse the landmark abortion US case, Doe v. Bolton, from the case’s original plaintiff, who claims the facts of the original case were fraudulent and she was misrepresented by attorneys.
The Court plans to consider the case on October 6, which with its companion case Roe v. Wade remains the chief obstacle to national and state laws restricting or prohibiting abortion. Both Doe and Roe were decided by the Court the same day, thereby overturning the nation’s abortion laws. However, it is the “health exception” established in Doe that permitted unfettered abortion from conception until the moment of birth.
According to Insight Magazine, the original Doe, Sandra Cano, plans to argue not only that Court justices have “frozen abortion law based on obsolete 1973 assumptions and prevented the normal regulation of the practice of medicine,” but also that the facts in Doe used to overturn US abortion law were founded upon lies orchestrated by an American Civil Liberties Union lawyer, Ms. Margie Pitts Hames. Ms. Cano says she was manipulated by the ACLU attorney, when she was a pregnant 22-year-old victim of an abusive husband with her three children in foster care.
“What I received was something I never requested—the legal right to abort my child,” Ms. Cano said in an affidavit in 2000.
According to her affidavit filed with the U.S. District Court in New Jersey, Ms. Cano said she approached a legal aid office in Atlanta to file for divorce and custody of her children, where she was taken advantage of by an “aggressive self-serving attorney, Margie Pitts Hames, the legal-aid attorney.”
According to Ms. Cano – who only examined her court records years after the Supreme Court decision – she is “99 percent certain” that she never signed an affidavit saying she did not want or could not care for another baby, and believes Ms. Pitts Hames either forged her signature or slipped the affidavit among the divorce papers she signed. “I never told Margie that I wanted an abortion. The facts stated in the affidavit in Doe v. Bolton are not true.”
Ms. Cano claims that the court records showing she had applied for abortion, was denied the abortion and then sued the state of Georgia were all based on falsehoods, not the reality. In fact, Ms. Cano says she fled to Oklahoma until her mother and her attorney agreed to no longer pressure her to undergo an abortion.
“The basic thing is that Doe v. Bolton was fraud,” she said about the case abortion advocates ironically trumpet as protecting a “woman’s right to choose”.
“None of this was my decision. None of this was me. I don’t understand why no one took it upon themselves in such an important case, a case that allowed a law to be passed to take innocent human lives, to speak to the plaintiff in the case. Why they didn’t speak to me?”
The case has moved to the Supreme Court, since the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in January 2006 that only the Supreme Court had the authority to reverse its own decisions in Doe v. Bolton or Roe v. Wade.
Abortion Showdown Coming to US Senate as Soon as Friday
By Gudrun Schultz
WASHINGTON, D.C., September 28, 2006 – The US Senate will vote on a groundbreaking parental notification bill as early as Friday September 29, in a surprise move to quickly decide the fate of the measure currently sidelined by Democratic opposition.
Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist filed a “cloture petition” on the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act Wednesday September 27–if the bill receives 60 or more of the 100 Senate votes, it will move directly to President Bush, who has indicated he will sign it into law.
The bill would require all abortionists to ensure a minor girl’s parents were notified before performing an abortion, regardless of what state the girl was from. It would also make it illegal to transport a minor girl across state lines in order to obtain an abortion, if the girls’ parents have a right to be notified under their home state law.
The measure was approved by the Senate in July with 65 senators voting in favor, including 14 Democrats. The bill was immediately blocked by the Senate Democratic leadership, however, through procedural obstruction.
Recent polls have shown the public overwhelming supports parental notification laws, by more than 80 percent. In a survey conducted in 2005 by the polling company WomanTrend, 82 percent of those questioned said they disagreed that a person should be able to take a minor girl across state lines to obtain an abortion without her parents’ knowledge.
The US National Right to Life Committee issued an urgent plea to all US constituents who support the measure, asking that calls be made to senators to encourage them to vote in favour of the bill. NRLC warned that the current legal situation allows young girls to be pressured into out-of-state abortions by older boyfriends or abortion providers, saying many abortion clinics purchase advertisements in neighboring states with parental notification laws, “enticing girls to cross state laws to avoid parental involvement.”
“When the Senate gave initial approval to S. 403 in July, 65 senators voted in favor of it, so this vote is winnable!” NRLC stated. “ALL senators should be called and urged to support sending S. 403 to President Bush!”
Why Klake good to see you are back. After I lit your butt hairs on fire last night, I thought you would go post at some conservative blog that won’t even let us truth tellers comments stay up.
What I think is so cool is how our military is 1,000,000 times as strong as some of these people that feel they are defending their homes, and we call them cowards because they hide behind anything they can. Women, children, mosques, hospitals etc. They are cowards, but what are we with enough firepower to level most continents in 5 minutes?
Does it make you feel like a man using precision guided missles on people that are defending their houses from invaders with rocks?
Since you love the idea of slaughering 100,000 plus people that were not threatening us so our president can gain a little political capitol from bloodthirsty inhuman Americans, what is the difference if they want to come here and do a little killing of their own?
We slaughtered their families, but they can’t slaugher ours because we are “on the side of god” or something?
No actually a bunch of them were turned in for the bounty. Fact. Completely innocent. The ever so famous hooded crippled Iraqi with the electrical wires on the box was a cab driver, and never an insurgent.
It is you bloodthirsty cowards that are causing these people to want to fly planes into our buildings.
Why don’t you go torture your wife, and leave innocent muslims out of it freak.
Rather than dealing with the real problem the republican way is to just kill a whole bunch of innocent people to make it look like you are doing someting to the retarded sheep that vote for you.
The rest of the world calls it murder.
Commentby Facts Support My Positions [……………………………………………………………….So I guess nuking Iran and taking the oil is out of the question?]
Does it make you feel like a man using precision guided missles on people that are defending their houses from invaders with rocks?
Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 9/28/06@ 8:38 pm
You forgot about the missile launchers hidden underneath the baby’s crib. They use the rocks to finish the job on their own chilren so the can parade in front of the cameras.
If you put a jihadist and any other Muslim next to each other they look the same. Can’t you see where your train of thought is leading you, SMEGMAC?
Commentby headless lucy […Time to thin the moooooooooooslim herd. One country at a time, starting with Iran. Payback for 1979. One Trident will teach the Moooooooooooslims not to fuck with the USA.]
so dave and darcy are dead even… that doesn’t portend too well for the little girl that wants to be.
she’s been home here in the district (well, when she’s not money grabbing in seattle, chicago or san francisco) where presumably all she has to do is get up every morning and go out to campaign.
dave, on the other hand, has been back in dc working, while his staff here campaigns for him.
with the time advantage darcy has had (and she’s had enough to practically MEET every single voter of the 8th in person) over dave, her numbers should be soaring… and yet she’s dead “even” in polls that are acknowledged as unbalanced toward democrats.
you’d have to be pie-eyed optimistic to call that good news for the the little girl that wants to be.
I bet you righties had a full size hard on watching shock and awe. All the janitors, and security guards were sent to allah! And they were all soooooo guilty of ???????? They had to die because Bush had an old political score to settle with Saddam, and needed to score some points with the GOP maggots that live off rotting flesh.
You freaks all know that Al Queda was demoralized, and spurned by the muslim world after 9-11. Almost all the muslim nations were willing to help us go after them. Al Queda was practically dead untile we unloaded on Iraq, and started killing muslims by the score. God what a break we gave Bin Laden.
Facts. Deal with them…..
All the spin in the world can’t change the facts.
All the lies in the world won’t be able to get us out of this mess Bush, and his criminal friends got us into. Remember Powell said Bush would own it.
It will take real leaders to move our country forward, and deal with these threats. All we have now is retarded lying traitors who would sell their mothers for a few votes.
Does it make you feel like a man using precision guided missles on people that are defending their houses from invaders with rocks?
Commentby Facts Support My Positions […..Much better than 18 year old Marines. BTW, That would be precision guided nuclear Tridents, to be more precise. And then, we take the low sulfur oil. That would teach the mother fucking ragheads to fuck with America.]
Iran first………then if any Mooooooooooslims bitch, they can have a taste. One day………One Trident……..The Mooooooslim terror problem is solved.
” you’d have to be pie-eyed optimistic to call that good news for the the little girl that wants to be. ”
Yep ‘ol Darcy is working it here, and Dave is making sure his votes make the rest of the world want to join Al Queda.
Oh by the way, ask ol Dave how the 9-11 commission reccommendations are coming along….
What was the grade he, and his committee got? FFFFCFFFFCFFDFFFF
If you think Republican traitors are making us safer you need to go check in somewhere.
Ohio Class D4 Tridents [SSBN] Oh, how the Moooooooslims fear just one!!!!!!!
I understand the new SEAWOLF class of SSNs are quite impressive, with a shit load of nuclear tipped cruise Tomahawks that self correct in flight [sub sonic, high, low, medium, J Band]. Very impressive, and can communicate with KeyHole sats [up and down links]. Hey ragheads………Care to fuck with Americans?????
What is that Osama? Another tin of caviar? Oh 5 tins of caviar, and some crackers. Do you want the Swiss, Dutch, French, or Russian crackers tonite Osama? By the way, your bed has been turned down, and the new satin sheets are ready. How is that new video coming by the way Osama? Ready for the election next month? I hear it is reeeeel scary!
Dead or alive?
Aw shucks Bush has sum brush ta kleer.
You freaks all know that Al Queda was demoralized, and spurned by the muslim world after 9-11. Almost all the muslim nations were willing to help us go after them. Al Queda was practically dead untile we unloaded on Iraq, and started killing muslims by the score. God what a break we gave Bin Laden.
Facts. Deal with them…..
Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 9/28/06@ 8:52 pm
Really, what was Iran (80 million) muslims and Syria (20 million) and Iraq (25 million) position? You may want to look up the definition of fact before you answer.
“Everyone sit down! The Mooooslim terrorists have assured me that if we all chant “BUSH NO GOOD! BUSH NO GOOD!”, they will land the plane safely at JFK!” [Facts Support My Positions—]
“If we attack the mainland of Japan, it will only make them mad and want to kill Americans!” [Facts Support My Positions]
For the second time in two years, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Thursday vetoed a bill that would have allowed illegal immigrants to get driver’s licenses. The governor said the state should wait for federal regulations designed to combat terrorism.
This is the eighth time that Democrat Gil ‘One Bill’ Cedillo has gotten this gem to the Governor’s desk. [……………………….This is sooooooooooooo racist!!! How can 15 million illegal Mexicans vote Democrat without a California driver’s license? How can they get to the welfare and food stamp office? How can they drive to LA General to have their free babies delivered?? Oh, THE SHAME!!!!!!!!]
re 9: The rules of this warfare are the same as the ones we used against the British –except now they are being used against us! Ho Chi Minh was a great admirer of George Washington. He was also educated in the US.
“Asymetric Warfare”?
You’re a nut-boy!!!!
I listened to Darcy Burner this evening at a townhall meeting in Sammamish. Very informative! She’ll make a great Congresswoman!
Aren’t you just about out of straw men JCH? If my neighbors dog peed on my lawn does it give me the right to go kill his family, and burn down his house?
Dealing with the terrorist threat will take real leaders with real ideas.
Unfortunately Bush, Cheney, and Rummy never had a good idea their whole life.
Just count the coffins. Measure the hatred. Check the national debt. Measure the ice at the north pole.
Best of all check the IQ of the average Bush supporter these days. Below the retardation level.
No one with a brain believes Bush / Republicans any more. What is your problem?
It’s just like old times. Bill Clinton delivers an impassioned speech, and within 24 hours the Web is bristling with documentation, establishing that nearly every sentence was a lie.
Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy— 9/28/06@ 10:01 am
One example of many:
One of Clinton’s bigger whoppers was this declaration about the fight against bin Laden: “I got closer to killing him than anybody has gotten since. And if I were still president, we’d have 20,000 more troops [in Afghanistan] trying to kill him.”
The man who was in the Soviet Union demonstrating against the American military during Vietnam, who as president left our Armed Forces short on so many fronts, now is — in his own 20/20 hindsight — The Defense President. Now he criticizes the Bush administration for not doing enough, proclaims himself the champion of effective military action, and implies none too subtly that the fight against terrorism would go better if we had a Clinton in the White House instead of a Bush.
This isn’t mere spin. It’s full-scale invention.
Before anyone starts taking our most recent ex-president too seriously, let’s review the bidding. Clinton wasn’t the president who ordered the Armed Forces to go after bin Laden without reservation, to get him “dead or alive.” He wasn’t the one who sent thousands of troops after Al Qaeda and nations that harbor and support terrorists
Instead, President Clinton responded to attacks on our troops in Somalia by withdrawing, and responded to attacks by Al Qaeda on our embassies in Tanzania and Kenya by bombing the aspirin factory of an innocent pharmaceutical firm in Sudan. He reacted to Al Qaeda’s bombing of the USS Cole by lobbing a few cruise missiles at empty tents in the desert. He turned down Sudanese offers to cooperate in tracking down and capturing bin Laden.
The bipartisan 9/11 commission concluded that — far from doing more than anyone to kill the brutal murderer who now is the international face of terrorism — President Clinton had flatly refused to allow the military or CIA to kill Usama bin Laden. Clinton’s instructions were that bin Laden should be taken, if at all, alive not dead. CIA officials reported that this instruction cut the chance of success in half.
MWS @ 49
Hypocrisy is a trait common to every human I have ever met. We aspire to live by our principles, but, alas, we fall short. Only the close-minded among us would see hypocrisy on one side of the ideological fence and not the other. The common trait of Republicans to see no fault among themselves precludes them from noticing the logs lodged up their own assholes. Commentby proud leftist— 9/28/06@ 5:50 pm
How big of a log. You mean like the lefties calling Fox News unfair and unbalanced while defending See BS and Dan Rather? Is it as big as that MWS? Please explain.
You mean like how lefties complain about voter fraud but will not allow IDing at the polls. You mean that big MWS?
Oh wait. You mean like how the left complains about the Christian churches getting involved in politics but turn a blind eye to the public school,PBS and public unions. You mean that big? Please explain MWS.
You’re a nut-boy!!!!
I listened to Darcy Burner this evening at a town hall meeting in Sammamish. Very informative! She’ll make a great Congresswoman!
Comment by headless Lucy— 9/28/06@ 9:20 pm
Lucy your father wanted a daughter instead of a son so he gave you a girlie name? You also got your history lessons from Berkley that is why you only quote certain parts of history and disregard the other painful times in history. So Lucy when is the sex change going to take place? Now are you going to have that operation done here in the United States or Thailand? When do you start your hormone treatments, before the operation or after the surgery is completed? You are a real brave LADY to have such major change in your life. Your wife now, how is she dealing with this good news? Do both of you still plan to stay married or will the state make you get a divorce? Lots of luck, oh who is paying for all the expenses to make this happen?
The doc provides us with another example of his subtle and incisive mind:
Iran first………then if any Mooooooooooslims bitch, they can have a taste. One day………One Trident……..The Mooooooslim terror problem is solved.
Doc, I keep telling you that you need a life. You, at your own peril, ignore this good and well-intentioned advice. You are beyond redemption. I don’t think I can help you anymore. You need a different therapist. BTW, you’re still a hoodad, dude. But not in a good way.
It’s just like old times. Bill Clinton delivers an impassioned speech, and within 24 hours the Web is bristling with documentation, establishing that nearly every sentence was a lie.
Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy— 9/28/06@ 10:01 am
Another example of many:
Bill Clinton tried to wag Chris Wallace’s face off on Fox News Sunday. What a tongue lashing Chris received and he wasn’t even on his knees. Just because Chris asked the question that everyone in America is asking: Why didn’t you go after Osama bin Laden? Clinton blew it off like it was another right-wing conspiracy, that conservatives like smirky-mouth Chris were trying to blame Clinton for not going arresting Osama.
Well, Clinton explained in his usual pathological lying way that he couldn’t. He didn’t have anything to hold Osama bin Laden for.
What?????? Let’s see…
Clinton: “The CIA and the FBI refused to certify that bin Laden was responsible while I was there. They refused to certify. So that meant I would’ve had to send a few hundred Special Forces in helicopters and refuel at night.”
Go ahead – you can tilt your head.
Just as Judge Napolitano (my favorite judicial analyst and judge) said, “the President of the United States runs the CIA and the FBI. They don’t need to certify anything.”
Doesn’t Clinton remember the Washington, D.C. state department $5,000,000 bounty on Osama bin Laden’s head that the United States placed on him in 1998 after he and 72 others were indicted by a Manhatten federal jury for conspiracy to kill Americans around the world, i.e. KhobarTowers , the US Embassy bombings , first WTC attack , and U.S.S. Cole attack ? That indictment gave Clinton the authority and the mandate to arrest the terrorist leader.
Thanks for reminding me of a time when we had a real president Americafirst. I am really tired of this lying sack of human waste we have now. Every single day another one of his crimes, lies, and mistakes is uncovered. My god man wake up.
Clinton’s belly button fuzz had far more class, and brains than Chimpy the Decider.
The 2,500 right wing media outlets that used to spew GOP talking points / lies about Clinton on a daily basis are still around. They couldn’t stand a president who was actually trying to make America better, instead of the top 1% even richer. That helping “all Americans” crap just doesn’t wash in GOP world.
I am donating money I don’t have at this point to Goldmark, and Darcy. Imagine if we kick Reichert, and McMorris to the weeds where their rubber stamp asses belong.
Would be a great day for America.
Nice to know Reichert voted for torture and against the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 8th article of the constitution today.
We are judged by the world by how we treat detainees. And you wonder why Chavez got a standing ovation at the U.N.
Goldy and Gang what is your Socialist Democrats offering to fix this problem today swimming lessons for illegals?
In a post 9/11 world, border security is a matter of national security. Securing our borders is not an insurmountable problem … but it has been a problem that too many have been willing to ignore for too long.
While our borders are still inexcusably porous, we’ve made a great deal of progress in the last two years. With the passage of Defense and Homeland Security appropriations bills, we will have added 3,736 new Border Patrol agents … 9,150 new detention beds … and 1,373 detention personnel. We’ve more than quadrupled spending on border and immigration enforcement … increasing funding from $4 billion prior to 9/11 to over $16 billion today. We’ve seen apprehensions at the border increase by 45%. We’ve ended catch-and-release.
And, just moments ago, the Senate invoked cloture on the Secure Fence Act of 2006 by a vote of 71-28. Tomorrow the Senate will pass this legislation and send it to the President’s desk for his signature.
By requiring the construction of at least 700 miles of two-layered reinforced fencing along our southwest border and by mandating the use of cameras, ground sensors, UAVs and other forms of hi-tech surveillance, this legislation will help us gain control over every inch of our borders. The Homeland Security appropriations bill authorizes $1.8 billion in funding … so construction will proceed as quickly as possible. As the fence is erected, more funding in future budgets will be required, but I’m confident that the 71 Senators who proved themselves serious about border security today will support continued funding.
And the 27 Democrat Senators who opposed this crucial measure? Their votes serve as a reminder of the stakes of the elections this November. Democrats like Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Maria Cantwell, Robert Menendez and Harry Reid have again proven they don’t understand what it takes to secure the homeland. They simply cannot be trusted to support real action to secure our borders and they cannot be trusted to lead.
Bill Frist, M.D.
Post Office Box 158552
Nashville, TN 37215
Office: (615) 386-0045
Mr. Frist. Wouldn’t it just be easier to start arresting and fining the people that hire illegals?
Why Democrats Should Not Be Elected
1) No one wants a party in control of our national defense whose members block critical protective equipment at the Port of Olympia.
“What began May 22 as a quiet vigil to oppose the brigade’s 300 Stryker vehicles as they rolled through town escalated this week to a near riot with law enforcement officers deploying pepper spray on demonstrators they say were damaging the port’s security fencing.
Dozens have been arrested for investigation of charges ranging from pedestrian interference to malicious mischief. Most were immediately released after being booked into jail.”
Port officials say demonstrators did more than $5,000 damage to port property during the protest.”
2) Who would want people whose members are traitors and cowards such as Democrat Lt Watada, to run national security?
Democrats hail his treasonous action:
3) Since 911, there have been no attacks on US soil. This is a longer sustained period without attacks on our ships or soil than ever under the disastrous years of Bill Clinton. Clearly the Bush strategy is working. No amount of liberal spin can deny that. They of course like to change the subject to London and Madrid. But last time I checked, the President of the United States doesn’t run those countries.
4) Democrats are eager to pronounce our troops guilty of atrocities at such places as haditha without so much as a trial. Yet they sue the government through their ACLU allies to get terrorists who have murdered our troops a jury trial. Why do democrats grant terrorist, the like of which have mutilated the two troops in Iraq and slit CIA agent Johnny Span’s throat, a jury trial yet no such presumption of innocence for our troops?
5) Democrats always SAY they supported the Afghanistan invasion. But that isn’t really true. Three short days after the planes struck the twin towers, while they still smoldered with the smell of burnt stinking flesh, Democrat Barbara Lee voted against the Afghanistan effort:
H J RES 64 YEA-AND-NAY 14-Sep-2001 11:17 PM
QUESTION: On Passage
BILL TITLE: To authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against those responsible for the recent attacks launched against the United States.
The final vote results can be found here:
And as you can see, the only dissenter is Democrat Barbara Lee.
Here vote was hailed as “courageous” by other liberals.
6) If it were up to Democrats, there wouldn’t even be a Dept of Homeland Security. They tried to block its creation because they wanted to turn it into a make-work project for their union buddies. Instead of the thinking about the victims lost on 911 and protecting the nation, Democrats first thought was to rewards their union buddies.
7) One of the deficiencies identified by the 911 commission was in fact created by one of the commissioners herself a Democrat. Democrat Jamie Gorelick served as Assistant Attorney General under Bill Clinton. In her famous memo, she created a wall of separation between law enforcement and intelligence agencies. That wall hindered out effort to detect the 911 plot., Mohammad Atta was arrested prior to 911 but his computer could not be examined because of the wall that Gorelick created disallowing the information gathered by law enforcement to be handed over to our intelligence agencies. Given liberal rhetoric, if they had the chance, they would once again reestablish this wall and hinder any future efforts to foil terrorist plots.
8) The military under BIll Clinton was the sacrificial lamb for Clinton’s economic numbers. The result was that the day after 911, when the US needed several AWACS planes to fly patrol over the skies of America, it had to go begging for NATO pilots and planes. How ironic that the greatest power on earth didn’t even have enough of the very planes created in America due to the drastic cuts of the Clinton years. If given power again, Democrats would again cut our military to the bone. Such as strategy is only prudent if the nation intends to surrender its sovereignty to our enemies. Perhaps that is the Democrat plan.
9) Democrats opposed the Patriot Act and it was only under intense pressure from their constituents that they allowed its passage. They continue to vilify the Patriot Act, yet successes such as the discovery of the plot by Iyman Faris and his plot to attack the Brooklyn Bridge. If elected to a majority, Democrats will roll back the Patriot Act and terrorists will succeed in their plots against Americans.
10) Democrats’ liberal media allies revealed our intelligence gathering technique of tapping overseas calls by Al Qaeda to their operatives in the US. Who in their right mind would want people in charge of national security who publicly reveal our intelligence gathering strategies to terrorists? Only liberals could be that dumb. Or do they really hate America that much?
11) Liberals make the false claim that their freedom of speech is being curtailed. Yet if one looks around, one can see that Goldstein still freely posts vitriol in his blog, Goldstein still spews vitriol over the airwaves and no government agency has curtailed his free speech and that of his loony sycophants. However there is an effort to restrict freedom of speech but it isn’t Republicans that are perpetrating it.
Democrat New Jersey Assemblywoman Joan Quigley and Linda Stender have introduced legislation to ban the sale of Ann Coutler’s “Godless” in New Jersey.
Do we really want such a party holding the reigns of power during such a critical period as the War on Terror? What are the free speech implications should such a party in favor of censorship ever gain the reigns of national government?
12) Democrats do not truly even believe we are in a war. Many rationalize that 911 was either a just response to a supposed US shortcoming or that 911 was a plot by Republicans to gain favor and retain power (aka “Inside Job”). Do we really want people who cannot even recognize the essential truths of 911 to have the power to shut down the war on terror and leave the nation defenseless?
13) If elected, Democrats would pull the troops out of Iraq and immediately cut and run. Iraq would become another haven for Al Qaeda where they can roam without any worry of apprehension. Surely we would suffer another 911 style attack from terorrists trained in a terrorist controlled Iraq. We learned on 911 that strategy was a failure and did not ensure our safety from hijackers bent on killing Americans.
I am retired Army and I am female. Sorry to disillusion you, but I don’t have a wife and have never had a wife.
Shooting and killing someone who is shooting at you isn’t murder, it’s combat!
There arn’t innocent cab drivers at GITMO. They are full blown terrorist captured on battlefields in Afganistan. Those they felt weren’t that much of a threat have all been released. Several that have been released went back to Afganistan and picked up guns and got recaptured. FACT
hey head lice thats easy let god sort them out better still that would be a great job for alah
oh and alah can start with the 4 thousand we alraedy killed.thats 4 k that will never see america.getit.
Does it make you feel like a man using precision guided missles on people that are defending their houses from invaders with rocks? Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 9/28/06@ 8:38 pm
You forgot about the missile launchers hidden underneath the baby’s crib. They use the rocks to finish the job on their own chilren so the can parade in front of the cameras. Commentby RUFUS Fitzgerald Kennedy— 9/28/06@ 8:49 pm
Factless one also forgot the Australian journalist who published the picture of Hezbollah having AA guns in a “quiet” Lebanese neighborhood where the bad guys wore civilian clothes. It’s okay, he’s a mental midget among men!
re 58: Very convincing! You should run for office!
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