As I’ve previously suggested, after filing a PDC complaint that cost his party $40,000 in fines, HA regular Richard Pope isn’t the most popular Republican at KCGOP headquarters these days. So it came as no surprise when Richard forwarded a piece of fan mail from former Republican candidate for King County Executive, David Irons.
Mr. Pope
Some people see an injured person or a problem and lend a hand to fix what is broken. These people can take pride in their accomplishments and are frequently thanked by strangers who witness their unselfish act of kindness.
Other people see a problem and throw gas on a smoldering ember thus damaging and/or destroying everything nearby. These people normally live cold and lonely lives.
In your effort to damage others I fear you have destroyed what little reputation you had remaining. It must be lonely sitting on that pedestal you built for yourself.
I personally forgive you for your actions and the manor in which you have so aggressively attack good people. As for your hate, I sorry to say that is likely to continue to consume you for now until eternity.
Thank You
David Irons
How, um… ironic.
Of course, Richard informed the KCRCC of their disclosure violations way back in August of 2006, and only reported them to the PDC three months later, after they continued uncorrected and unabated. And again, in November, he informed them of additional problems, and didn’t report these to the PDC until March, 2007.
To Irons, the fact that his own party was violating the law seems unimportant — Richard went public with a family secret, an apparently unforgivable offense.