Yup, I gave some bucks to the Edwards campaign to get that ad on in DC.
Let give George the Bill Murray part in “Groundhog Day”.
Harry Tuttle aka Voter Advocatespews:
Let’s give…
I know a way to stop the war, make the AWOL coward in the White House go do the fighting. Send his worthless relatives too. If this war is so important let’s see some Bushies in the mix. Or are they afraid?
Why does horsesass ALWAYS post Edwards articles? Is there an official endorsement that i missed?
interesting that he has to use ads…would be a lot more impressive if he were actually elected and doing something with his life these last 4 years
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
Capon@4&5 Mr. Edwards has been doing quite a lot these past 4 years. . .among other things immersing himself in union organizing. If you were not an emasculated wingnut troll you would know these things. . . .
I’m a Democrat i just don’t like how disingenuine Mr. Edwards is. I feel like he would say anything. Why isn’t this the Edwards that ran in 2004? – His time is over and he is too much of panderer.
I would take Obama or Clinton or even Richardson. I just don’t like that 90% of this blog is catering to Edwards.
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
Capon@7 A democrat? Certainly not very knowledgeable.
When you run as the Vice-Presidential candidate, you are not your own man.
Check out his public statements in the primaries, and contrast those with his modified stances subsequent to the Democratic Convention. I think you will find 2003 is closer to 2007 than 2004.
Mark The Redneck KENNEDYspews:
The Breck Girl says he gonna eliminate poverty. I’m still waiting to hear how.
Just a wild ass guess here… but I’m guessing his methods and mine are quite different.
My methods take character, intelligence, and decades of hard work. Somehow, I doubt The Breck Girl thinks that way.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
@7: “I’m a Democrat……” HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA…LIAR, LIAR, LIAR, LIAR, HA, HA,….
That’s a good one. You have any more whoppers to lay on us?
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
Idiot@9You want to address “Character”?
Pay your debts.
This Edwards is clearer and more bold and certainly trys to redefine himself.The only thing he offers is policy instead of leadership and change which is what this country so desperately needs. Edwards voted for the war and I refuse to take sorry for an answer instead of an ability to show judgement.
How can I ever trust Edwards when he hasn’t shown leadership? At least Clinton sticks to her pro-war guns and Obama opposed it from the start.
Clinton has experience
Obama is bold
Edwards has what?–a plan?
Mostly I just want Goldy to endorse Edwards and get it over with so I don’t have to expect him to have to encourage a democratic debate.
Little early to play favorites.
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
Cappon@12&13 You are seriously showing some intellectual deficits here.
If you want a “Daddy” just keep sucking on that Neocon pipe.
@13 you contradict your own point.
WTF? At this distance from the primaries you want Goldy to commit himself? What planet are you on.
I think based on the posts i see on Edwards compared to Obama or Clinton he is showing bias. I would rather it be in the open.
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
Mark Twain observed: that’s what constitutes a horserace. DOO-DAH!
Richard Popespews:
It certainly would be a legitimate exercise of the political power of Congress. They don’t have enough votes to make the war illegal. But there probably aren’t enough votes to unconditionally provide more funds for the war either.
Either way, the ad doesn’t necessarily translate into Edwards being the best Democratic nominee or potential President.
Richard Popespews:
And Edwards isn’t as clever as he could be. He should change the ad into a pure “issue ad” — one that doesn’t advocate Edwards be elected President, or even mention that he is running for President. Probably his name, picture and a clever “I approve this message” voice over would be permissible, so long as nothing is said about the Presidential race. Then Edwards could get millions of soft-money funding from 527 groups, including unlimited contributions and corporate/union money. Especially if the soonest primary or caucus is many months away.
jsa on commercial drivespews:
Maybe it’s because I don’t check in as often as I’d like, but I think you’re new here.
Do you remember the West Wing episode where Lyman phones up a blogger and starts laying an ass chewing on her beginning with the words “This is on background” (code for “you can’t quote this”) as he’s speaking he’s tapped on the shoulder and told “Josh, she’s not a journalist”
This is a blog. Goldy writes whatever the hell he likes. Is there bias on this blog? Oh goodness yes! Does Goldy have to give Hillary, Obama, and Richardson equal time? Nope.
Any time I hear the word “bias” my code sensor goes up, and I smell a conservative. It’s a favorite word. I have heard way-out lefties complain of a corpratist spin on the media, but the word “bias” seldom comes up except in irony.
Thank God for Pacifica news. The only fair and balanced news source in the United States. That’s what I always say.
JSA covered it pretty well, but just to add a bit of background for you.
While Goldy pretty much runs the show here, Will is an admitted and unabashed Edwards fan, and produces a number of the posts. No problem with that, he’s been pretty open about his preference.
Goldy has posted about Edwards, Obama and Clinton. I don’t think he’s a big Richardson fan, but since Governor Richardson seems to have little chance of getting the nomination, that’s not a really big deal. Certainly in this state, our illustrious potentate party chair would never let Mr. Richardson get any of the delegates, regardless of what the rest of us might want anyway.
So, if you’re looking for a source that will give you some good information and a raucous argument, you’re in the right place. While I tend to check anything I read here before believing it, this group (even a couple of the righties) has come up with some really interesting stuff.
If you’re looking for a news source that even makes an attempt to be “unbiased”, you’re in the wrong place. This is a left wing blog, and fiercely proud of it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 ” …would be a lot more impressive if he were actually elected and doing something with his life these last 4 years.”
So would Bush.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 It doesn’t take character, intelligence, or decades of hard work to pay your GAMBLING DEBT, welsher! It takes only $100. Apparently you haven’t got it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 Funny how it takes only a majority in Congress to start a war, but it takes a supermajority to end it. Why isn’t it the other way around?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Caperon isn’t the first wingnut to pose as a Democrat. So old; so lame; so tired. All these trolls are one-trick ponies.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Well, I wouldn’t admit being a Republican either, if I were them.
Roger, give the guy(?) a break. Lots of former Republicans are now Democrats. Most of the honest ones are either independent or Democrats by now, although I still know a few that are hanging on, hoping to reclaim their party from the neo-cons. (While I wish them luck, I doubt that they have much of a chance. I still see the Republicans going the way of the Whigs.)
That gives us a bunch of Democrats that are still not entirely sure about this “liberal” title, and haven’t quite figured out that the “media bias” they kept hearing about was mostly just neo-con propaganda.
Of course, this probably isn’t the best blog for them to start with. Talk about jumping into the deep end. (Yes, it does get pretty deep around here from time to time.) If he’s really a Republican in disguise, he’ll either out himself or perhaps learn something.
“Don’t kill him! If you kill him, he won’t learn nothin’!” – Jim Carrey (as the “Riddler”).
Yeah Pope-A-Dope, what Senator Edwards wants to do is take advice from a 14-time looooooser like you who can’t get elected dog catcher. The Edwards staff is just on pins and needles hoping you’ll share all your expertise as a cowardly Publican hypocrite with them.
Hey Publicans – looks like you’re facing an identity crisis…
I have endorsed Edwards, and have noted this in nearly every post about Edwards or other presidential candidates. Goldy, however, has not endorsed him and is not committed to any candidate.
Jack Burtonspews:
Tell John “I have nice hair and want to be President” Edwards to keep sending it. Over and over. Send send send.
Works for Schools that will send a Levy to the voters over and over and over until passed.
**BTW: Wasn’t the LOTTO supposed to help fund schools? How much of that goes into the general fund?**
Exercise the Golden Rule: “Those who have the gold make the rules.”
Democratic leaders should let it be known that any Senator or Representative who votes against the next bill (including veto overrides) that contains a date certain for withdrawal immediately loses any consideration for earmarks or any additional money for their particular fiefdom. Period.
Yup, I gave some bucks to the Edwards campaign to get that ad on in DC.
Let give George the Bill Murray part in “Groundhog Day”.
Let’s give…
I know a way to stop the war, make the AWOL coward in the White House go do the fighting. Send his worthless relatives too. If this war is so important let’s see some Bushies in the mix. Or are they afraid?
Why does horsesass ALWAYS post Edwards articles? Is there an official endorsement that i missed?
interesting that he has to use ads…would be a lot more impressive if he were actually elected and doing something with his life these last 4 years
Capon@4&5 Mr. Edwards has been doing quite a lot these past 4 years. . .among other things immersing himself in union organizing. If you were not an emasculated wingnut troll you would know these things. . . .
I’m a Democrat i just don’t like how disingenuine Mr. Edwards is. I feel like he would say anything. Why isn’t this the Edwards that ran in 2004? – His time is over and he is too much of panderer.
I would take Obama or Clinton or even Richardson. I just don’t like that 90% of this blog is catering to Edwards.
Capon@7 A democrat? Certainly not very knowledgeable.
When you run as the Vice-Presidential candidate, you are not your own man.
Check out his public statements in the primaries, and contrast those with his modified stances subsequent to the Democratic Convention. I think you will find 2003 is closer to 2007 than 2004.
The Breck Girl says he gonna eliminate poverty. I’m still waiting to hear how.
Just a wild ass guess here… but I’m guessing his methods and mine are quite different.
My methods take character, intelligence, and decades of hard work. Somehow, I doubt The Breck Girl thinks that way.
@7: “I’m a Democrat……” HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA…LIAR, LIAR, LIAR, LIAR, HA, HA,….
That’s a good one. You have any more whoppers to lay on us?
Idiot@9 You want to address “Character”?
Pay your debts.
This Edwards is clearer and more bold and certainly trys to redefine himself.The only thing he offers is policy instead of leadership and change which is what this country so desperately needs. Edwards voted for the war and I refuse to take sorry for an answer instead of an ability to show judgement.
How can I ever trust Edwards when he hasn’t shown leadership? At least Clinton sticks to her pro-war guns and Obama opposed it from the start.
Clinton has experience
Obama is bold
Edwards has what?–a plan?
Mostly I just want Goldy to endorse Edwards and get it over with so I don’t have to expect him to have to encourage a democratic debate.
Little early to play favorites.
Cappon@12&13 You are seriously showing some intellectual deficits here.
If you want a “Daddy” just keep sucking on that Neocon pipe.
@13 you contradict your own point.
WTF? At this distance from the primaries you want Goldy to commit himself? What planet are you on.
I think based on the posts i see on Edwards compared to Obama or Clinton he is showing bias. I would rather it be in the open.
Mark Twain observed: that’s what constitutes a horserace.
It certainly would be a legitimate exercise of the political power of Congress. They don’t have enough votes to make the war illegal. But there probably aren’t enough votes to unconditionally provide more funds for the war either.
Either way, the ad doesn’t necessarily translate into Edwards being the best Democratic nominee or potential President.
And Edwards isn’t as clever as he could be. He should change the ad into a pure “issue ad” — one that doesn’t advocate Edwards be elected President, or even mention that he is running for President. Probably his name, picture and a clever “I approve this message” voice over would be permissible, so long as nothing is said about the Presidential race. Then Edwards could get millions of soft-money funding from 527 groups, including unlimited contributions and corporate/union money. Especially if the soonest primary or caucus is many months away.
Maybe it’s because I don’t check in as often as I’d like, but I think you’re new here.
Do you remember the West Wing episode where Lyman phones up a blogger and starts laying an ass chewing on her beginning with the words “This is on background” (code for “you can’t quote this”) as he’s speaking he’s tapped on the shoulder and told “Josh, she’s not a journalist”
This is a blog. Goldy writes whatever the hell he likes. Is there bias on this blog? Oh goodness yes! Does Goldy have to give Hillary, Obama, and Richardson equal time? Nope.
Any time I hear the word “bias” my code sensor goes up, and I smell a conservative. It’s a favorite word. I have heard way-out lefties complain of a corpratist spin on the media, but the word “bias” seldom comes up except in irony.
Thank God for Pacifica news. The only fair and balanced news source in the United States. That’s what I always say.
re 7: You spell like a Republican.
JSA covered it pretty well, but just to add a bit of background for you.
While Goldy pretty much runs the show here, Will is an admitted and unabashed Edwards fan, and produces a number of the posts. No problem with that, he’s been pretty open about his preference.
Goldy has posted about Edwards, Obama and Clinton. I don’t think he’s a big Richardson fan, but since Governor Richardson seems to have little chance of getting the nomination, that’s not a really big deal. Certainly in this state, our
illustrious potentateparty chair would never let Mr. Richardson get any of the delegates, regardless of what the rest of us might want anyway.So, if you’re looking for a source that will give you some good information and a raucous argument, you’re in the right place. While I tend to check anything I read here before believing it, this group (even a couple of the righties) has come up with some really interesting stuff.
If you’re looking for a news source that even makes an attempt to be “unbiased”, you’re in the wrong place. This is a left wing blog, and fiercely proud of it.
@5 ” …would be a lot more impressive if he were actually elected and doing something with his life these last 4 years.”
So would Bush.
@9 It doesn’t take character, intelligence, or decades of hard work to pay your GAMBLING DEBT, welsher! It takes only $100. Apparently you haven’t got it.
@17 Funny how it takes only a majority in Congress to start a war, but it takes a supermajority to end it. Why isn’t it the other way around?
Caperon isn’t the first wingnut to pose as a Democrat. So old; so lame; so tired. All these trolls are one-trick ponies.
Well, I wouldn’t admit being a Republican either, if I were them.
Roger, give the guy(?) a break. Lots of former Republicans are now Democrats. Most of the honest ones are either independent or Democrats by now, although I still know a few that are hanging on, hoping to reclaim their party from the neo-cons. (While I wish them luck, I doubt that they have much of a chance. I still see the Republicans going the way of the Whigs.)
That gives us a bunch of Democrats that are still not entirely sure about this “liberal” title, and haven’t quite figured out that the “media bias” they kept hearing about was mostly just neo-con propaganda.
Of course, this probably isn’t the best blog for them to start with. Talk about jumping into the deep end. (Yes, it does get pretty deep around here from time to time.) If he’s really a Republican in disguise, he’ll either out himself or perhaps learn something.
“Don’t kill him! If you kill him, he won’t learn nothin’!” – Jim Carrey (as the “Riddler”).
Yeah Pope-A-Dope, what Senator Edwards wants to do is take advice from a 14-time looooooser like you who can’t get elected dog catcher. The Edwards staff is just on pins and needles hoping you’ll share all your expertise as a cowardly Publican hypocrite with them.
Hey Publicans – looks like you’re facing an identity crisis…
Stupid @ 29
Good article.
Stupid @ 28
I have been insulted far worse by Republicans, than your childish insults.
Caperon @ everywhere:
I have endorsed Edwards, and have noted this in nearly every post about Edwards or other presidential candidates. Goldy, however, has not endorsed him and is not committed to any candidate.
Tell John “I have nice hair and want to be President” Edwards to keep sending it. Over and over. Send send send.
Works for Schools that will send a Levy to the voters over and over and over until passed.
**BTW: Wasn’t the LOTTO supposed to help fund schools? How much of that goes into the general fund?**
Exercise the Golden Rule: “Those who have the gold make the rules.”
Democratic leaders should let it be known that any Senator or Representative who votes against the next bill (including veto overrides) that contains a date certain for withdrawal immediately loses any consideration for earmarks or any additional money for their particular fiefdom. Period.