Perhaps the biggest surprise at tonight’s Republican presidential debate is that only three of the ten candidates — Sam Brownback, Tom Tancredo and Mike Huckabee — don’t believe in evolution.
Evolution, schmevolution… I want to know if they believe in FEMA.
Will, Add condom use to your list and I’m with ya.
My Left Footspews:
Well, the thing is, they are Republicans. They were all lying about everything.
And they don’t like Hillary, the campaign is going to be negative. (shock and surprise)
My Left Footspews:
You know, if we could just get the Republicans to stop reproducing……..
Mr. Internetsspews:
Do they believe in “the atom” and “gravity” and sh** like that?
Roger Rabbitspews:
The reason they won’t acknowledge evolution is because they don’t want to admit their ancestors were chimps.
Roger Rabbitspews:
See, some branches of humanity evolved faster than others, and the Republican branch is still stuck at the chimp phase.
My Left Footspews:
George Bush is living proof of your theory.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The AP story says, “Romney … said the United States must support the government of Nouri al-Maliki in its efforts to combat terrorism. ‘I want to get our troops home as soon as we possibly can, but … we don’t want to get them out in such a precipitous way that we have to go back,’ he said, warning that too hasty a departure could lead to chaos in the region.”
After thinking about this for .00001, I (almost) instantly realized there are 3 things wrong with it.
First, Iraq has nothing to do with terrorism.
Second, given that standing between two groups who want to fight is the stupidest thing you can do, we probably ARE better off to leave while they fight it out and come back later if we have to. Kind of like selling a stock when it’s heading into the toilet, and buying it back after the company turns around — a principle that Romney, of all people, should understand.
Third, what does he mean by “chaos”? The situation is chaotic now. It couldn’t possibly get more chaotic. Our leaving would make it less chaotic, because instead of a three-way fight you’d have a two-fight fight, which is bound to be more orderly.
Romney is a fucking idiot.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean boldly said the debate ‘confirms that a Democrat will be elected in 2008.'”
Roger Rabbitspews:
One of the pleasant perks of working for Republicans is that no matter how incompetent you are, or how badly you fuck up, you get good performance reviews and bonuses anyway.
“Senior VA Officials Get Big Bonuses
“Associated Press Writer
“WASHINGTON May 3, 2007 (AP)
“Months after a politically embarrassing $1 billion shortfall that put veterans’ health care in peril, Veterans Affairs officials involved in the foul-up got hefty bonuses ranging up to $33,000.
“The list of bonuses to senior career officials at the Veterans Affairs Department in 2006, obtained by The Associated Press, documents a generous package of more than $3.8 million in payments by a financially strapped agency straining to help care for thousands of injured veterans returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan.
“Among those receiving payments were a deputy assistant secretary and several regional directors who crafted the VA’s flawed budget for 2005 based on misleading accounting. They received performance payments up to $33,000 each ….
“Also receiving a top bonus was the deputy undersecretary for benefits, who helps manage a disability claims system that has a backlog of cases and delays averaging 177 days in getting benefits to injured veterans.
“The bonuses were awarded even after government investigators had determined the VA repeatedly miscalculated if not deliberately misled taxpayers with questionable methods used to justify Bush administration cuts to health care amid a burgeoning Iraq war.
“Annual bonuses to senior VA officials now average more than $16,000, the most lucrative in government. The VA said the payments are necessary to retain hardworking career officials.”
I am still mulling Tommy’s statement that employers should be able to hire and fire based on their own moral standards with regard to homosexuality. What’s next? If you are Christian, you can fire the Jews working for you? If you are Pagan, you can fire the Christians? If you are White you can fire the Blacks? I mean really, lets just go back to the 1940’s Southern KKK run politics and principles.
Isn’t Rossi Catholic? Last year the Vatican issued a statement declaring creationism to be heresy.
16 Hey, if you’re into funny pictures of Georgie….
Actually, our current batch of elected and appointed federal officials make a pretty good case against evolution.
Devolution, on the other hand…
Dan Ratherspews:
Why are the repubs taking questions from a dem hack when the dems won’t go on Fox. Oh, wait dems are pussies. Nevermind.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Today’s Roger Rabbit stock tip: If you’re not already invested in oilfield services stocks, all of which are getting pricey, buy Superior Offshore International (DEEP).
A small cap that went public April 19 (but has been in business 20 years), and is up more than $4 in its first 2 weeks of trading, DEEP is still available for under 6 times trailing earnings. They provides diving services for things like oil platform and undersea pipeline repairs.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Roger Rabbit Disclaimer: Anyone reading a Roger Rabbit stock tip should conduct their own investigation and consult with a knowledgeable broker before purchasing any security. They should also buy the stock with their own money, so trolls and Republicans don’t need to read further.
HOUSTON (Reuters) – U.S. space pioneer Wally Schirra, who helped lead America into the space age as one of the original Mercury 7 astronauts, has died at the age of 84, NASA said on Thursday.
Schirra had a heart attack and died early on Thursday at a hospital near his home in Rancho Santa Fe, California, said Ruth Varonfakis, a friend and spokeswoman for the San Diego Air & Space Museum, where Schirra was on the board.
Nothing political in this. Just a prayer of thanks for his bravery, and asking that his loved ones be comforted.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The County Council’s dumbest brick, Reagan Dunn, wants the county to mail an explanation of how property taxes are spent to homeowners who don’t get statements because their mortgage companies pay the taxes from escrow. He calls it “Transparency in Taxation.”
Sharansky thinks that’s a great idea, and says so on his pathetic little blog.
Ummm … mailing hundreds of thousands of extra statements will cost MONEY. Dunn’s proposal will involve printing and postage expenses and staff time. Somebody’s taxes will have to be raised to pay for it. Which doesn’t make sense because the information is already available online.
I think that the County should send out a statement explaining how much taxpayer money it has spent fulfilling Stefan’s public records requests.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey kiddies!! It’s time for our “Buzzflash Hypocrite of the Week” feature!! This week’s featured hypocrite is none other than …
George W. Bush
“May 4, 2007
Welcome back to the BuzzFlash GOP Hypocrite of the Week.
Bush, who is now calling himself ‘the commander guy,’ has made it clear that he is opposed to timelines, and even benchmarks (even though the benchmarks his administration set up a long time ago were never met, but the media has forgotten that they even existed by now.)
But Nancy Pelosi reminded us that Bush was critical of Clinton for not setting up timelines: ‘Yet in 1999, on June 5, then-Governor Bush said about President Clinton, “I think it’s important for the president to lay out a timetable as to how long they will be involved and when they would be withdrawn.”‘
A timeline is required for Democratic presidents, but not for Republicans? Given that tens of thousands of Iraqis and Americans are dying for this hypocrisy, it merits more than passing notice.
There’s no placating a narcissistic sociopath like Bush. You just need to yank the matches out of his hand and take him away from the gasoline he has spilled all over the carpet. He doesn’t need a war-funding bill; he needs an intervention.
The Constitution provides for such a contingency. It’s called impeachment. This is not a typical titillating GOP hypocrisy. It’s a mortal sin.
Until next week, remember our motto: So many Republican hypocrites, so little time.”
On the legislative front, Bush is threatening to veto a House-passed hate-crimes bill. Have you ever noticed Republicans ALWAYS oppose hate-crime laws? Maybe that’s because 98% of hate crimes are committed by rightwingers.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Is A Gore Scenario Credible?
The fishwrapper ran this guest opinion today:
“Gore’s candidacy heats up
“By Trip Quillman
“Special to The Times
“In spite of the late great Molly Ivins’ admonition that only fools predict presidential elections, I cannot resist: Al Gore will run for the presidency in 2008, and he will win.
” … I believe the case for a Gore candidacy is compelling. To have been victorious in the 2000 election (both The New York Times and The Washington Post concluded, ultimately, that Gore won the Florida vote) and yet to have lost that office would have been at first devastating, then infuriating and, finally, maddening. For anyone to have won the presidency and then to be denied his prize would be motivating beyond measure.
“In his film ‘An Inconvenient Truth,’ Gore speaks movingly of ‘the moral imperative’ to deal with global warming. There is no more powerful place on Earth from which to address the planet’s woes than the Oval Office. He cannot help but feel some ‘moral imperative’ to seek the U.S. presidency again. …
“Gore reportedly wanted to run in 2004 but was discouraged to do so by the Democratic Party. Since 2004, he has grown into an extremely effective and potent figure, explaining the environmental catastrophe we are facing. … Gore is so well-known that he would not have to enter the race until very late, perhaps in the fall of 2007.
“He’d then be a fresh voice for voters tired of persistent campaigning by the frontrunners in both major political parties. Entering late, with pervasive name familiarity and a campaign message of uncommon urgency, Gore could … swing directly into the top tier of candidates.
“The former VP’s platform (‘first and foremost, we must save the Earth’) will make him the most-attractive of contenders: one who actually leads. …
“Americans are aware that Gore was an early and unflinching critic of George Bush’s Iraq adventure, and he could speak powerfully during the campaign about what more than half a trillion dollars spent on that conflict could have done to address global warming — a problem that the Pentagon reported three years ago was far more serious than terrorism.
“Already, ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ has won the Academy Award for Best Documentary. If, as many predict, he wins a Nobel Peace Prize, the compelling force that is Al Gore could become a political juggernaut.
“With a healthy showing in the primaries next spring, Gore could then spend six months until the Democratic convention talking up global warming …. Meanwhile, scientific evidence will continue to pile up in Gore’s favor. …
“After the divisiveness and dishonesty of today’s Bush presidency, Gore’s … exhortation to change and sacrifice a little for the greater good of protecting our planet’s future could be irresistible. He’d be saying, in effect, ‘The house is on fire, we must put it out,’ while his opponents would look as if they were debating whether to remodel the kitchen.
“The White House has been won before by men with far less foresight.”
Man is this the best you inbred morons on the right can do? And how will you justify voting Publican if Rompin Rudy (pro choice Rudy that is) gets the nod? All those attacks on Dems who support abortion rights will be attacks by a hypocrite. And then there’s Romney who was for abortion before he was against it. What a load of horse shit.
Dems by 12 points in 08 whoever our candidate is.
Holy Hell. What a bunch of deadbeats.
It speaks volumes that Guiliani manages to come off as the reasonable one in this gallery of toast. Torqumada and Judy the Dom, D.C. here we come! Do you think they’ll turn the Lincoln Room into a dungeon?
Audience says: “No he doesn’t. Senility and cut and pasting are all he can do now”
Two days ago I proved to Dense as Spent Uranium Donnageddon that Clinton said in a Saturday (interesting timing) radio speech, the troops would be sent to Kosovo with a time table of a year. So I see Nancy Pelosi reads Kos and Think Progress like Dense as Spent Uranium Donnageddon. He said a year. Well a year came and went and now 7 years later they are still there.
Did GWB give a timeline? Ummm…? NO!
I hope your wife sends you to a neuropathologist. Your mind is becoming a terrible thing!
Puddybud's Who Left the Reservationspews:
Hey Headlice Loocie: More of your “fairness doctrine in radio crap”.
Clueless: Another friends of Clueless web site – with money from George Soros who hated Jews in WWII and stole their property. Amazing how you can love a guy such as this!
I was busy yesterday so I didn’t get a chance to post more truths. HEre is what the libtard MSM LA Times said about early withdrawal, something Gloomy Gus Stupid is noted for:
“For almost three years, training the Iraqi army has been among the top priorities for the U.S. military. And for nearly that long, U.S. officials have considered it among their chief frustrations.
Now, with President Bush under steady pressure to begin pulling U.S. troops from Iraq, the administration once again is emphasizing the need to train Iraqi forces to take over the country’s security.
But despite some signs of progress, both Iraqis and their American advisors at this training range are blunt about how much work remains: If a U.S. pullout comes anytime soon, most say, the Iraqi army will collapse.
“Honestly put, I think Iraq would be challenged to remain a unified country,” said Marine Lt. Col. William Redman, the senior advisor at the range.”
Puddybud's Who Left the Reservationspews:
Voice OF Chalk Scratching: Looks like your friend found religion.
Did you see the ex-wife on Oprah? She’s good looking! Did you hear her describe the naked men posters on the walls in their house? Did you see she wants a court order saying he can’t sleep with their son in the same bed? Hmmm…? And he chose the Hershey Highway over her? What is wrong with him?
headless lucyspews:
re 38: Maybe if the Bushistas hadn’t disbanded the Iraqi army years ago, they would not be fighting an insurgent force that behaves like a trained army — which is what they are.
But without an insurgency in Iraq, what excuse would we have for enriching Bush and his cronies at the expense of the American taxpayer.
You are an idiot, PudWax.
Would you be offended if I called you a magic negro like Rush Limbaugh called Barack Obama?
Ah, I see it’s time for Puddybud’s morning venom spew. Had to dig pretty deep this morning, didn’t you Puddybud? Let’s see.
A gay former politician is entering the Episcopal Priesthood. (Good for him.)
The Generals in Iraq are still trying to train the Iraqi army to do something useful, but are respectfully telling their boss (that would be the President) that unless the political leaders get their acts together, the whole thing is going to continue to fall apart, and that training the current Iraqi army is something very much akin to hearding cats. (No news there, although I’m surprised that it’s Puddybud saying it.)
George Soros is not a practicing Jew, and his father changed the family name from Schwartz to Soros to keep from being killed by the Nazis. It’s also possible that Mr. Soros’ dad was not a nice person, but nobody really knows for certain. (Ooooh! Evil! And Puddybud, please work on those links.)
President Clinton gave a timetable for Kosovo, and there are still about a thousand troops still there acting as peacekeepers. Oh, the shame. (Somehow, I think most of the folks on this blog would be pretty happy with getting troop levels in Iraq down to even a couple thousand peacekeepers.)
And I note that you’re taking courtesy lessons from Mr. Redneck. Understandable, I suppose, as you do take more than a bit of abuse from a few of our regulars, but since you’ve announced your Christian faith to all the members here, you might want to work on that.
Imagine, if you would, your posts printed in the church newsletter. If that would bother you, then maybe you need to try a bit harder to be civil. No, it isn’t likely to be reciprocated, but that isn’t the point, is it?
No wonder puffybutt wants to change the subject from last night’s debate. If he were to face the truth of how badly his Publican party looks right now, he might end up killing himself. Of course, his fat ugly wife would probably like that.
jsa on commercial drivespews:
Pud @ 36:
I see why you get so shrill. Reading tripe like this will do that to you.
The only documented fact in that article is that some Democrats are interested in restoring the fairness clause in radio. The rest was a stream of bile that results from bad brain chemistry and lack of sex.
Remember two things: First, the airwaves are not property in the standard sense of the word. They are a resource that is chartered by the state under the Communications Act of 1934. While stations trade hands for millions of dollars, the license that provides that value is provided by the government for a pittance. Since there are many more people who would like licenses than there are actual licenses, I think it’s fair that those licenses which are issued are put to the best possible community interest. (And if you’re asking, no, I don’t think Air America’s shrill spew is the best possible community interest either).
Second, and much more importantly, satellite radio and streaming audio over the net are going to do a lot to open broadcast and make it open to anyone who wants to go over the air. I can stream audio at home. I can stream audio at work. I am stuck with radio in my car. I could get an XM receiver, but the content sucks right now, so I’ll save my money.
More importantly, restoring Fair Use would dramatically alter the value of the assets of some fairly wealthy people. Millionaires and billionaires generally have strong feelings about people taking money out of their pockets and have the means to stop it.
This is red meat for lefties like prayer in schools gives righties like you a big fat woody. The odds of it being turned into real legislation that will go to a floor vote and be signed into law is pretty close to zero.
I just scroll past anything written by that creep. I assumed that everyone else did too. Why encourage pests?
The most effective vermin control on blogs is to ignore flammatory vandals. If he had anything to say that was coherent….but, no, my bad, that was a silly thought.
On an entirely off-topic bit, the Lions Clubs will be holding our annual fundraiser for sight and hearing programs this weekend.
Yes, a bunch of us old coots will be out in front of the grocery stores, handing out little white canes and asking for your money. We can’t let the Girl Scouts have all the fun now, can we?
All of the money raised goes to support sight and hearing programs, as we Lions provide all the administrative support out of our own pockets. This money doesn’t go for funny hats or parties. It goes to help real people, both in our local communities and all around the world.
For those in the Gig Harbor area, yours truly will be out in front of the Fred Meyer store between noon and two PM. Bring money.
Right Stuffspews:
Note on the debate.
You liberal extremist missed that fact that none of the GOP candidates “retreated” from a debate moderated by liberal political operative, Chris Mathews.
Yet I do recall the “complete and utter retreat” by all the wuss Democrat candiates in the face of a Fox news debate……..
46, calling Chris Matthews a liberal is like calling Laura Bush a happy woman.
Fox isn’t news, it’s propaganda, and most other news outlets aren’t too far behind them in terms of how they pick and choose to deliver facts versus PR and propaganda. Were Tweety’s questions really that challenging?
Yes the old refrain – every single news outlet that doesn’t suck Publican dick like Faux News is “liberal.”
There’s no reason any Dem should ever appear on Faux News. It’s not a matter of retreat. It’s a matter of refusing to legitimize a bunch of hypocrites, cowards and traitors who want to destroy a free America.
Tell you what wrong stuff – it’s more likely that your cowardly buddies on the right don’t have the STONES to boycott MSNBC. Just shows that right wingers don’t have the courage of their convictions. Hell, they don’t have any CONVICTIONS except criminal ones for baby rape.
Puddybud's Who Left the Reservationspews:
JSA: Did you read the Supreme Court ruling in 1973 on the fairness doctrine? I posted it late last week. I guess you missed it.
Do some research JSA.
Puddybud's Who Left the Reservationspews:
John Barelli:
Interesting take on the LA Times. Guess that got you all riled up another libtard press member (CNN was first) saying early Iraq withdrawal would be disastrous. Oh you didn’t like my reference to Gloomy Gus Stupid? Why John. He claims to have his way with female family members. That doesn’t seem to TURN YOU OFF does it?
Amazing John – and you have the audacity to pick on me?
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!
Puddybud's Who Left the Reservationspews:
Seems to me Moonbat!s the libtard press was drinking the Donkocrap Koolaid big time last fall to ge them into office. Now you all control the purse strings so they decided to investigate Iraq. I noticed the change in Iraq reporting by some level headed reporters. Hmmm… Not so gloom and doom all of a sudden.
Right Stuffspews:
“Tell you what wrong stuff – it’s more likely that your cowardly buddies on the right don’t have the STONES to boycott MSNBC. Just shows that right wingers don’t have the courage of their convictions.”””
Very good… As a matter of fact, perfect.!!
by your logic they are too cowardly to retreat…..
which means they stand and fight…..
I guess only true heroes retreat….(are you french?)
you are an idiot.
Puddybud's Who Left the Reservationspews:
Shrill. Remember I am a cut and paster! I find things in the press that make my day and I post them.
What? Can’t stand the heat?
Right Stuffspews:
“46, calling Chris Matthews a liberal is like calling Laura Bush a happy woman.”
Now this is really funny.
His resume includes speech writer for Jimmy Carter.
Chief aid to Speaker “Tip” O’neil.
And head blowhard for the unashamed liberal show Hardball found on MSNBC.
If you think he is anything but liberal, you must be left of Stalin..
Roger Rabbitspews:
@54 Hey Right Stuff, are you a Stalin admirer? Most Republicans are. Nowadays, Republicanism is nothing more than warmed-over Stalinism.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Your Iraq Reconstruction Tax Dollars At Work
“Built-In Bombs Found in New Iraqi School
“BAGHDAD, Iraq (May 4) — American soldiers discovered a girls school being built north of Baghdad had become an explosives-rigged ‘death trap,’ the U.S. military said Thursday.
“The plot at the Huda Girls’ school in Tarmiya was a ‘sophisticated and premeditated attempt to inflict massive casualties on our most innocent victims,’ military spokesman Maj. Gen. William Caldwell said. …
“The plot was uncovered Saturday, when troopers in the Salaheddin province found detonating wire across the street from the school. They picked up the wire and followed its trail, which led to the school. Once inside, they found an explosive-filled propane tank buried beneath the floor. There were artillery shells built into the ceiling and floor, and another propane tank was found, the military said. The wire was concealed with mortar and concrete, and the propane tanks had been covered with brick and hidden underneath the floor, according to a military statement. …
“Iraqi contractors were responsible for building the school, which was intended to bring in hundreds of girls. … Authorities intend to question the Iraqis involved in the school’s construction.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Waytago wingnutz!!! How’s that nation-building going? Looks like your Iraqi subcontractors need more supervision.
Daddy Lovespews:
Yes, early Iraq withdrawal would leave Iraq in a state where any number of horrific things could occur, though we don’t really know how it will play out. This is true, incidentally, of any other withdrawal timing as well.
But because we’d drain our treasury dry, and watch thousands more of our young men killed and wounded if we stay, leaving and leaving damn soon is our best course. And we’re leaving, pard. Make no mistake about it.
Puddybud, I criticize your tone because you are one of two posters on this board that has made a point of his Christian faith.
The standards are different for us. You know that. If the tone of my posts got out of hand, I would expect you to correct me.
Rightequalsstupid makes no claim to being a Christian. Quite the contrary, in fact. Given the chance to have his posts published in either your or my church newsletter, my impression is that he’d be thrilled.
Would you be as happy to have your posts published in your church newsletter?
We can, and should debate topics involving politics. We will probably never see eye to eye, and will probably both continue to wonder how the other could possibly believe in our respective political sides.
Fine. Argue your points with determination and perserverance. You will be attacked by some here with reason, and by others with venom. Deal with it.
But you claimed the title of “Christian”, so you are now stuck with behaving like one, even (especially) when those around you do not.
So yes, I will “pick on you” for things that I will ignore from others. That’s not audacity. It’s my responsibility.
And we both know it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@52 Right Stuff reminds me of a trip I took through Chicago years ago. As I was hopping along a boulevard, I noticed two groups of young men lined up opposite each other in a vacant lot. Suddenly they rushed toward each other. They had sticks, chains, bottles, and bats. Needless to say, I hopped my furry ass outta there! Only a fucking idiot would stand between two groups who want to fight.*
* Remind you of anyone WE know? (wink-wink)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@52 (continued) So, the $64 question is, is there ANYONE in the Republican Party who is NOT a fucking idiot?
We should round up all the Republicans and send ’em to Chicago.*
* Just kidding! I’m trying to emulate Ann Coulter’s humor. Whatsamatter with you trollfucks, cantcha take a fucking joke?!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
JCH is a nazi
Roger Rabbitspews:
@58 John, surely you know by now those who advocate Christianity the loudest practice it the least?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@57 Let’s say you want to pick up the litter in a vacant lot, but there’s two gangs there, and they want to fight. Any sensible person would leave. It doesn’t necessarily mean you abandon the lot; you can always come back later to pick up the litter.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@50 Puddinghead says: “early Iraq withdrawal would be disastrous”
Roger Rabbit responds: Maybe you dipshits should have thought of that before you went in there.
Right Stuffspews:
Roger up early today?
laid off the sauce last night?…good for you.
We humans forgive your rants and extremist, liberal trash as the musings of a small brained rodent.
“Only a fucking idiot would stand between two groups who want to fight.*”
“* Remind you of anyone WE know? (wink-wink)”
Yeah, Police officers all the time……..
Of course you ran.
Puddybud's Who Left the Reservationspews:
I thought you were to flee sin? So you condone Gloomy Gus Stupid? Well I don’t and do it with utter VEHEMENCE. Sorry if you can’t comprehend that. He is utterly STUPID and you condone his attacks. Sure you came out once and said he went overboard, but you’ve been mysteriously quiet.
Again, you have the audacity to attack me? Buddy get off your high horse.
Regarding my points:
1) Point out the utter lunacy of left positions
2) Point out the hypocrisy of left frothings
3) Point out the hidden gems in the left MSM
4) Point out the fringe positions becoming left mainstream
50 Point out where your side is going. Shrill – YES!
Roger Rabbitspews:
The last 6 years proves everything liberals have always believed about wingnuts is true.
Puddybud's Who Left the Reservationspews:
Right Stuff: PelletHead is trying to be outbound when he knows the inbound is getting more difficult to process. He forgot to watch out for the yellow snow!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@65 Comparing police officers with Republican nation-builders is like comparing Willie Sutton with wannabes who rob Mafia social clubs.
Cops (most of ’em, anyway) are trained professionals; Bush’s appointed Republican Party hacks are incompetent amateurs.
1) Point out the utter lunacy of wingtard positions
2) Point out the hypocrisy of wingtard frothings
3) Point out the hidden gems in the MOON, SCAIFE, MURDOCH, ETC FUNDED PROPAGANDA.
4) Point out the fringe positions becoming wingtard mainstream (PUDDY REALLY LOVES THIS.)
5) Point out where your side is going. Shrill – YES! (NO EDIT NEEDED THERE).
1) Pointing out what you see as the utter lunacy of left positions
2) Pointing out what you see as the hypocrisy of left frothings
3) Pointing out what you see as the hidden gems in the left MSM
4) Pointing out what you see as the fringe positions becoming left mainstream
5) Pointing out what you see as where my side is going.
I’ll simply argue, or not, as the mood strikes me and as time is available.
Rightequalsstupid’s posts speak for themselves. I think they do the liberal cause considerable harm and no good whatsoever, but my continuing to say so will only encourage him. He’s looking for attention and outrage. I decline the opportunity to provide it. There is considerable difference between refusing to be baited and condoning someones words or actions.
So, once again, argue your points, with determination and vigor. No problem. But consider your tone. Ask yourself the same question that has caused me to delete any number of posts prior to hitting the “Submit” button.
“Would I be willing to post this in my church bulletin, under my name?“
headless lucyspews:
The Republican Ten seemed to be competing over:
1) Who would stay in Iraq the longest?
2) Who would cut taxes the deepest?
3) Who would be alright with firing gay Americans from their jobs?
4) Who would jump the highest if Roe v. Wade was reversed?
5) Who would build the biggest fence around America?
6) Who would put an end to stem cell research the fastest?
7) Who would reject evolution most passionately
Puddybud's Who Left the Reservationspews:
John: I have many times erased posts due to content, but never to relevance. I will gladly debate you.
Regarding MR Clueless: Nice use of my points. Too bad you can’t create cogent thought without reading the bile each morning.
Now let me see what Rush is saying…
headless lucyspews:
re 38: Maybe if the Bushistas hadn’t disbanded the Iraqi army years ago, they would not be fighting an insurgent force that behaves like a trained army — which is what they are.
But without an insurgency in Iraq, what excuse would we have for enriching Bush and his cronies at the expense of the American taxpayer.
You are an idiot, PudWax.
Would you be offended if I called you a magic negro like Rush Limbaugh called Barack Obama?
Puddybud's Who Left the Reservationspews:
Headlice, Sorry for not answering you earlier.
You can gladly call me the magic NEGRO. It must be capitalized otherwise you are not referring to me. My posts are magic because I find those pearls and nuggets on the Internet in the that reveal to other people how wacky you are!!!
Puddybud's Who Left the Reservationspews:
Notice #75 is a repeat. Nothing new to post headlice?
Nice use of my points.
Now let me see what Rush is saying…
Sorry to have to leave the fun at this point, but I’ve still got a bit of work to do, prior to my stint over at the local Fred Meyer.
People around Gig Harbor should come by today between noon and two PM to hand me large sums of money to help fund sight and hearing programs.
Any local right-wing types not wishing to let some left-wing commie pinko type get credit for raising more money than the several Republicans in my little group are welcome to give large sums of money at a number of other locations as well. Upon request, I’ll even find out where the Republicans are stationed for you.
HL @ 73
I’m a scientist, and I don’t “believe” in evolution either. However, I am convinced of the power of evolutionary theory to explain how species change and adapt over time. It isn’t a matter of faith – it’s a matter of reason.
headless lucyspews:
re 76: “…Nuggets”??????????
Leave it to PudWax to find “nuggets” in his search for coprophiliacal wisdom.
Nothing does the cause of freedom more harm than asswipe cowards like John Barelli pretending to be a Democrat. He and his ilk are absolute cowards who would give this country over in the name of civility instead of fighting to keep it free from traitors and inbred morons like Puffybutt.
I couldn’t give a good golly fuck about asswipe dicksuckers like Johnboy. He and his kind got us into the mess we’re in now. Thankfully, they have less influence now and we’ll deal with them once we rid the country of traitors like Puffybutt and his pretend President with impeachment and imprisonment.
PS: I think Johnboy is just another one of Puffybutt’s alternate names on HA. They’re probably one in the same person.
Puddybud's Who Left the Reservationspews:
Gloomy Gus Stupid:
Voice of Chalk Scratching hold no moral standards in outing a right thinking individual. It’s you ‘tards he give a free pass!
George W. Bush lost the WAR and GBS knows that conservatives politicians and their supporters are TROOP HATERS!!spews:
Pudd the magic Negro was born in Philly
And was teased by the other kids because he had no harmony
Little “turd blossom” loved that rascal Pudd,
And brought him stick and stones and taught him how to sling mud.
OH PUDD, the Magic Negro grew up in Philly
The City of Brotherly Love is a land without any racial harmony
Pudd, the Magic Negro grew up in Philly
The City of Brotherly Love is a land without any racial harmony
Together they would travel around and around the block
Pudd kept a lookout perched upon Turd Blossom’s Lily White c_ck
Old ladies and girls would run whenever those two came,
Because Pudd & Turd blossom farted out their name
OH PUDD, the Magic Negro grew up in Philly
The City of Brotherly Love is a land without any racial harmony
Pudd, the Magic Negro grew up in Philly
The City of Brotherly Love is a land without any racial harmony
Turd Blossom the liar lives forever but not so little boys
Painted wings and tiny cock rings make way for other sex toys
One gray night it happened, when Pudd knocked on the door
Turd Blossom and Jeff Gannon were sexually embraced on the floor
Pudd the Magic Negro then left Philly
With heavy heart and vengeance he set out to prove all Liberals are silly
Illogical as it sounded he didn’t understand the rejection
Which explain why he votes Republican in every election.
Puddybud's Who Left the Reservationspews:
Headlice: I see in Georgia they are about to do something this fall in public schools! And I love when you get pizzed off.
George W. Bush lost the WAR and GBS knows that conservatives politicians and their supporters are TROOP HATERS!!spews:
Thank you! Thank you very much. I’m here all week!!
George W. Bush lost the WAR and GBS knows that conservatives politicians and their supporters are TROOP HATERS!!spews:
Happy Sabbath, Puddybud.
Puddybud's Who Left the Reservationspews:
Not Bad GBS! I axually cracked a smile.
You are right. Philly is no land of racial harmony! Just look at what the Moonbat! mayor has done to my fair city!
I voted neocon after 1992 so get it right.
But to you Moonbat!s it’s Magic NEGRO!
Puddybud's Who Left the Reservationspews:
Not Yet GBS but thanks.
George W. Bush lost the WAR and GBS knows that conservatives politicians and their supporters are TROOP HATERS!!spews:
Cracked a smile. I don’t who you are; that was funny.
George W. Bush lost the WAR and GBS knows that conservatives politicians and their supporters are TROOP HATERS!!spews:
What, you waitin’ for sundown or you have another start time for the day of rest?
George W. Bush lost the WAR and GBS knows that conservatives politicians and their supporters are TROOP HATERS!!spews:
You laughed, right?
You know you did.
I bet you told PacMan to check it out.
I’m not bolding the Magic Negro line, nor am I going to cap all of NEGRO. Too much work for me.
(Weeks of ignoring the pathetic little reprobate, all flushed down the toilet. Sigh.)
My Left Footspews:
(applause…standing ovation)
Way to go GBS.
Puddybud's Who Left the Reservationspews:
I smiled GBS:
You made two incorrect references. But you were trying to be humorous!
It’s so easy to prove that wannabe Democrat and documented traitor John Boy is a hypocrite. Look at his attacks on me and watch “Christ’s love” in action.
Fuck you and your false god bitch!
And Johnboy, in honor of your cowardice, I’ve decided to give Puffybutt’s ugly wife a pass tonight and give yours a try instead. She says hi!
Puddybud said: “I voted neocon after 1992 so get it right.”
“But to you Moonbat!s it’s Magic NEGRO!”
Funny. Yeah. That is funny.
In a very sad kind of way.
Puddybud's Who Left the Reservationspews:
Magic on Internet URLs use. Let me know when you attain that status. Give me a topic and you will see contradictory donk statements.
Concerning morality and spiritualism. Their ia a school of though that believes morality to be leqarned behavior and a product of benifit vs. consequence. I think love is a ‘monkey wrench’ in any theory about origins of man (oops! and women, especially women). Damn I’d like to know whom to thank for women.
Goldy, your headline. Realty or Reality!
Yeah, I caught that too. Thought maybe John Barelli was finding more competition around these parts.
ratcity @1,
Well… both would probably have worked. But I fixed the typo. Thanks.
Evolution, schmevolution… I want to know if they believe in FEMA.
Will, Add condom use to your list and I’m with ya.
Well, the thing is, they are Republicans. They were all lying about everything.
And they don’t like Hillary, the campaign is going to be negative. (shock and surprise)
You know, if we could just get the Republicans to stop reproducing……..
Do they believe in “the atom” and “gravity” and sh** like that?
The reason they won’t acknowledge evolution is because they don’t want to admit their ancestors were chimps.
See, some branches of humanity evolved faster than others, and the Republican branch is still stuck at the chimp phase.
George Bush is living proof of your theory.
The AP story says, “Romney … said the United States must support the government of Nouri al-Maliki in its efforts to combat terrorism. ‘I want to get our troops home as soon as we possibly can, but … we don’t want to get them out in such a precipitous way that we have to go back,’ he said, warning that too hasty a departure could lead to chaos in the region.”
After thinking about this for .00001, I (almost) instantly realized there are 3 things wrong with it.
First, Iraq has nothing to do with terrorism.
Second, given that standing between two groups who want to fight is the stupidest thing you can do, we probably ARE better off to leave while they fight it out and come back later if we have to. Kind of like selling a stock when it’s heading into the toilet, and buying it back after the company turns around — a principle that Romney, of all people, should understand.
Third, what does he mean by “chaos”? The situation is chaotic now. It couldn’t possibly get more chaotic. Our leaving would make it less chaotic, because instead of a three-way fight you’d have a two-fight fight, which is bound to be more orderly.
Romney is a fucking idiot.
“Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean boldly said the debate ‘confirms that a Democrat will be elected in 2008.'”
One of the pleasant perks of working for Republicans is that no matter how incompetent you are, or how badly you fuck up, you get good performance reviews and bonuses anyway.
“Senior VA Officials Get Big Bonuses
“Associated Press Writer
“WASHINGTON May 3, 2007 (AP)
“Months after a politically embarrassing $1 billion shortfall that put veterans’ health care in peril, Veterans Affairs officials involved in the foul-up got hefty bonuses ranging up to $33,000.
“The list of bonuses to senior career officials at the Veterans Affairs Department in 2006, obtained by The Associated Press, documents a generous package of more than $3.8 million in payments by a financially strapped agency straining to help care for thousands of injured veterans returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan.
“Among those receiving payments were a deputy assistant secretary and several regional directors who crafted the VA’s flawed budget for 2005 based on misleading accounting. They received performance payments up to $33,000 each ….
“Also receiving a top bonus was the deputy undersecretary for benefits, who helps manage a disability claims system that has a backlog of cases and delays averaging 177 days in getting benefits to injured veterans.
“The bonuses were awarded even after government investigators had determined the VA repeatedly miscalculated if not deliberately misled taxpayers with questionable methods used to justify Bush administration cuts to health care amid a burgeoning Iraq war.
“Annual bonuses to senior VA officials now average more than $16,000, the most lucrative in government. The VA said the payments are necessary to retain hardworking career officials.”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete story and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Why the hell would anyone want to retain these guys?
So much for the liars who claimed to be the party of responsibility and accountability.
There was a debate tonight? Gee, did I miss anything?
@10 Here’s photographic proof that you’re absolutely right!
I am still mulling Tommy’s statement that employers should be able to hire and fire based on their own moral standards with regard to homosexuality. What’s next? If you are Christian, you can fire the Jews working for you? If you are Pagan, you can fire the Christians? If you are White you can fire the Blacks? I mean really, lets just go back to the 1940’s Southern KKK run politics and principles.
Isn’t Rossi Catholic? Last year the Vatican issued a statement declaring creationism to be heresy.
16 Hey, if you’re into funny pictures of Georgie….
Actually, our current batch of elected and appointed federal officials make a pretty good case against evolution.
Devolution, on the other hand…
Why are the repubs taking questions from a dem hack when the dems won’t go on Fox. Oh, wait dems are pussies. Nevermind.
Today’s Roger Rabbit stock tip: If you’re not already invested in oilfield services stocks, all of which are getting pricey, buy Superior Offshore International (DEEP).
A small cap that went public April 19 (but has been in business 20 years), and is up more than $4 in its first 2 weeks of trading, DEEP is still available for under 6 times trailing earnings. They provides diving services for things like oil platform and undersea pipeline repairs.
Roger Rabbit Disclaimer: Anyone reading a Roger Rabbit stock tip should conduct their own investigation and consult with a knowledgeable broker before purchasing any security. They should also buy the stock with their own money, so trolls and Republicans don’t need to read further.
Nothing political in this. Just a prayer of thanks for his bravery, and asking that his loved ones be comforted.
The County Council’s dumbest brick, Reagan Dunn, wants the county to mail an explanation of how property taxes are spent to homeowners who don’t get statements because their mortgage companies pay the taxes from escrow. He calls it “Transparency in Taxation.”
Sharansky thinks that’s a great idea, and says so on his pathetic little blog.
Ummm … mailing hundreds of thousands of extra statements will cost MONEY. Dunn’s proposal will involve printing and postage expenses and staff time. Somebody’s taxes will have to be raised to pay for it. Which doesn’t make sense because the information is already available online.
Instead of wasting taxpayers’ money, why don’t Dunn and Sharansky simply tell people to click here:
No wonder both those guys (Dunn and Sharansky) are losing market share.
Rabbit @26,
I think that the County should send out a statement explaining how much taxpayer money it has spent fulfilling Stefan’s public records requests.
Hey kiddies!! It’s time for our “Buzzflash Hypocrite of the Week” feature!! This week’s featured hypocrite is none other than …
George W. Bush
“May 4, 2007
Welcome back to the BuzzFlash GOP Hypocrite of the Week.
Bush, who is now calling himself ‘the commander guy,’ has made it clear that he is opposed to timelines, and even benchmarks (even though the benchmarks his administration set up a long time ago were never met, but the media has forgotten that they even existed by now.)
But Nancy Pelosi reminded us that Bush was critical of Clinton for not setting up timelines: ‘Yet in 1999, on June 5, then-Governor Bush said about President Clinton, “I think it’s important for the president to lay out a timetable as to how long they will be involved and when they would be withdrawn.”‘
A timeline is required for Democratic presidents, but not for Republicans? Given that tens of thousands of Iraqis and Americans are dying for this hypocrisy, it merits more than passing notice.
There’s no placating a narcissistic sociopath like Bush. You just need to yank the matches out of his hand and take him away from the gasoline he has spilled all over the carpet. He doesn’t need a war-funding bill; he needs an intervention.
The Constitution provides for such a contingency. It’s called impeachment. This is not a typical titillating GOP hypocrisy. It’s a mortal sin.
Until next week, remember our motto: So many Republican hypocrites, so little time.”
On the legislative front, Bush is threatening to veto a House-passed hate-crimes bill. Have you ever noticed Republicans ALWAYS oppose hate-crime laws? Maybe that’s because 98% of hate crimes are committed by rightwingers.
Is A Gore Scenario Credible?
The fishwrapper ran this guest opinion today:
“Gore’s candidacy heats up
“By Trip Quillman
“Special to The Times
“In spite of the late great Molly Ivins’ admonition that only fools predict presidential elections, I cannot resist: Al Gore will run for the presidency in 2008, and he will win.
” … I believe the case for a Gore candidacy is compelling. To have been victorious in the 2000 election (both The New York Times and The Washington Post concluded, ultimately, that Gore won the Florida vote) and yet to have lost that office would have been at first devastating, then infuriating and, finally, maddening. For anyone to have won the presidency and then to be denied his prize would be motivating beyond measure.
“In his film ‘An Inconvenient Truth,’ Gore speaks movingly of ‘the moral imperative’ to deal with global warming. There is no more powerful place on Earth from which to address the planet’s woes than the Oval Office. He cannot help but feel some ‘moral imperative’ to seek the U.S. presidency again. …
“Gore reportedly wanted to run in 2004 but was discouraged to do so by the Democratic Party. Since 2004, he has grown into an extremely effective and potent figure, explaining the environmental catastrophe we are facing. … Gore is so well-known that he would not have to enter the race until very late, perhaps in the fall of 2007.
“He’d then be a fresh voice for voters tired of persistent campaigning by the frontrunners in both major political parties. Entering late, with pervasive name familiarity and a campaign message of uncommon urgency, Gore could … swing directly into the top tier of candidates.
“The former VP’s platform (‘first and foremost, we must save the Earth’) will make him the most-attractive of contenders: one who actually leads. …
“Americans are aware that Gore was an early and unflinching critic of George Bush’s Iraq adventure, and he could speak powerfully during the campaign about what more than half a trillion dollars spent on that conflict could have done to address global warming — a problem that the Pentagon reported three years ago was far more serious than terrorism.
“Already, ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ has won the Academy Award for Best Documentary. If, as many predict, he wins a Nobel Peace Prize, the compelling force that is Al Gore could become a political juggernaut.
“With a healthy showing in the primaries next spring, Gore could then spend six months until the Democratic convention talking up global warming …. Meanwhile, scientific evidence will continue to pile up in Gore’s favor. …
“After the divisiveness and dishonesty of today’s Bush presidency, Gore’s … exhortation to change and sacrifice a little for the greater good of protecting our planet’s future could be irresistible. He’d be saying, in effect, ‘The house is on fire, we must put it out,’ while his opponents would look as if they were debating whether to remodel the kitchen.
“The White House has been won before by men with far less foresight.”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete article and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Interesting theory, but not a plausible scenario. My predictions:
1. Gore WILL win the Nobel Peace Prize.
2. Gore will NOT run for president in ’08.
I’ll Bet This Judge Is A Republican
Man is this the best you inbred morons on the right can do? And how will you justify voting Publican if Rompin Rudy (pro choice Rudy that is) gets the nod? All those attacks on Dems who support abortion rights will be attacks by a hypocrite. And then there’s Romney who was for abortion before he was against it. What a load of horse shit.
Dems by 12 points in 08 whoever our candidate is.
Holy Hell. What a bunch of deadbeats.
It speaks volumes that Guiliani manages to come off as the reasonable one in this gallery of toast. Torqumada and Judy the Dom, D.C. here we come! Do you think they’ll turn the Lincoln Room into a dungeon?
Macro-evolution or micro-evolution?
Goodness PelletHead@28: Do you read or think?
Audience says: “No he doesn’t. Senility and cut and pasting are all he can do now”
Two days ago I proved to Dense as Spent Uranium Donnageddon that Clinton said in a Saturday (interesting timing) radio speech, the troops would be sent to Kosovo with a time table of a year. So I see Nancy Pelosi reads Kos and Think Progress like Dense as Spent Uranium Donnageddon. He said a year. Well a year came and went and now 7 years later they are still there.
Did GWB give a timeline? Ummm…? NO!
I hope your wife sends you to a neuropathologist. Your mind is becoming a terrible thing!
Hey Headlice Loocie: More of your “fairness doctrine in radio crap”.
Clueless: Another friends of Clueless web site – with money from George Soros who hated Jews in WWII and stole their property. Amazing how you can love a guy such as this!
I was busy yesterday so I didn’t get a chance to post more truths. HEre is what the libtard MSM LA Times said about early withdrawal, something Gloomy Gus Stupid is noted for:;cset=true
“For almost three years, training the Iraqi army has been among the top priorities for the U.S. military. And for nearly that long, U.S. officials have considered it among their chief frustrations.
Now, with President Bush under steady pressure to begin pulling U.S. troops from Iraq, the administration once again is emphasizing the need to train Iraqi forces to take over the country’s security.
But despite some signs of progress, both Iraqis and their American advisors at this training range are blunt about how much work remains: If a U.S. pullout comes anytime soon, most say, the Iraqi army will collapse.
“Honestly put, I think Iraq would be challenged to remain a unified country,” said Marine Lt. Col. William Redman, the senior advisor at the range.”
Voice OF Chalk Scratching: Looks like your friend found religion.
Did you see the ex-wife on Oprah? She’s good looking! Did you hear her describe the naked men posters on the walls in their house? Did you see she wants a court order saying he can’t sleep with their son in the same bed? Hmmm…? And he chose the Hershey Highway over her? What is wrong with him?
re 38: Maybe if the Bushistas hadn’t disbanded the Iraqi army years ago, they would not be fighting an insurgent force that behaves like a trained army — which is what they are.
But without an insurgency in Iraq, what excuse would we have for enriching Bush and his cronies at the expense of the American taxpayer.
You are an idiot, PudWax.
Would you be offended if I called you a magic negro like Rush Limbaugh called Barack Obama?
Ah, I see it’s time for Puddybud’s morning venom spew. Had to dig pretty deep this morning, didn’t you Puddybud? Let’s see.
A gay former politician is entering the Episcopal Priesthood. (Good for him.)
The Generals in Iraq are still trying to train the Iraqi army to do something useful, but are respectfully telling their boss (that would be the President) that unless the political leaders get their acts together, the whole thing is going to continue to fall apart, and that training the current Iraqi army is something very much akin to hearding cats. (No news there, although I’m surprised that it’s Puddybud saying it.)
George Soros is not a practicing Jew, and his father changed the family name from Schwartz to Soros to keep from being killed by the Nazis. It’s also possible that Mr. Soros’ dad was not a nice person, but nobody really knows for certain. (Ooooh! Evil! And Puddybud, please work on those links.)
President Clinton gave a timetable for Kosovo, and there are still about a thousand troops still there acting as peacekeepers. Oh, the shame. (Somehow, I think most of the folks on this blog would be pretty happy with getting troop levels in Iraq down to even a couple thousand peacekeepers.)
And I note that you’re taking courtesy lessons from Mr. Redneck. Understandable, I suppose, as you do take more than a bit of abuse from a few of our regulars, but since you’ve announced your Christian faith to all the members here, you might want to work on that.
Imagine, if you would, your posts printed in the church newsletter. If that would bother you, then maybe you need to try a bit harder to be civil. No, it isn’t likely to be reciprocated, but that isn’t the point, is it?
No wonder puffybutt wants to change the subject from last night’s debate. If he were to face the truth of how badly his Publican party looks right now, he might end up killing himself. Of course, his fat ugly wife would probably like that.
Pud @ 36:
I see why you get so shrill. Reading tripe like this will do that to you.
The only documented fact in that article is that some Democrats are interested in restoring the fairness clause in radio. The rest was a stream of bile that results from bad brain chemistry and lack of sex.
Remember two things: First, the airwaves are not property in the standard sense of the word. They are a resource that is chartered by the state under the Communications Act of 1934. While stations trade hands for millions of dollars, the license that provides that value is provided by the government for a pittance. Since there are many more people who would like licenses than there are actual licenses, I think it’s fair that those licenses which are issued are put to the best possible community interest. (And if you’re asking, no, I don’t think Air America’s shrill spew is the best possible community interest either).
Second, and much more importantly, satellite radio and streaming audio over the net are going to do a lot to open broadcast and make it open to anyone who wants to go over the air. I can stream audio at home. I can stream audio at work. I am stuck with radio in my car. I could get an XM receiver, but the content sucks right now, so I’ll save my money.
More importantly, restoring Fair Use would dramatically alter the value of the assets of some fairly wealthy people. Millionaires and billionaires generally have strong feelings about people taking money out of their pockets and have the means to stop it.
This is red meat for lefties like prayer in schools gives righties like you a big fat woody. The odds of it being turned into real legislation that will go to a floor vote and be signed into law is pretty close to zero.
I just scroll past anything written by that creep. I assumed that everyone else did too. Why encourage pests?
The most effective vermin control on blogs is to ignore flammatory vandals. If he had anything to say that was coherent….but, no, my bad, that was a silly thought.
On an entirely off-topic bit, the Lions Clubs will be holding our annual fundraiser for sight and hearing programs this weekend.
Yes, a bunch of us old coots will be out in front of the grocery stores, handing out little white canes and asking for your money. We can’t let the Girl Scouts have all the fun now, can we?
All of the money raised goes to support sight and hearing programs, as we Lions provide all the administrative support out of our own pockets. This money doesn’t go for funny hats or parties. It goes to help real people, both in our local communities and all around the world. –
For those in the Gig Harbor area, yours truly will be out in front of the Fred Meyer store between noon and two PM. Bring money.
Note on the debate.
You liberal extremist missed that fact that none of the GOP candidates “retreated” from a debate moderated by liberal political operative, Chris Mathews.
Yet I do recall the “complete and utter retreat” by all the wuss Democrat candiates in the face of a Fox news debate……..
46, calling Chris Matthews a liberal is like calling Laura Bush a happy woman.
Fox isn’t news, it’s propaganda, and most other news outlets aren’t too far behind them in terms of how they pick and choose to deliver facts versus PR and propaganda. Were Tweety’s questions really that challenging?
Yes the old refrain – every single news outlet that doesn’t suck Publican dick like Faux News is “liberal.”
There’s no reason any Dem should ever appear on Faux News. It’s not a matter of retreat. It’s a matter of refusing to legitimize a bunch of hypocrites, cowards and traitors who want to destroy a free America.
Tell you what wrong stuff – it’s more likely that your cowardly buddies on the right don’t have the STONES to boycott MSNBC. Just shows that right wingers don’t have the courage of their convictions. Hell, they don’t have any CONVICTIONS except criminal ones for baby rape.
JSA: Did you read the Supreme Court ruling in 1973 on the fairness doctrine? I posted it late last week. I guess you missed it.
Do some research JSA.
John Barelli:
Interesting take on the LA Times. Guess that got you all riled up another libtard press member (CNN was first) saying early Iraq withdrawal would be disastrous. Oh you didn’t like my reference to Gloomy Gus Stupid? Why John. He claims to have his way with female family members. That doesn’t seem to TURN YOU OFF does it?
Amazing John – and you have the audacity to pick on me?
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!
Seems to me Moonbat!s the libtard press was drinking the Donkocrap Koolaid big time last fall to ge them into office. Now you all control the purse strings so they decided to investigate Iraq. I noticed the change in Iraq reporting by some level headed reporters. Hmmm… Not so gloom and doom all of a sudden.
“Tell you what wrong stuff – it’s more likely that your cowardly buddies on the right don’t have the STONES to boycott MSNBC. Just shows that right wingers don’t have the courage of their convictions.”””
Very good… As a matter of fact, perfect.!!
by your logic they are too cowardly to retreat…..
which means they stand and fight…..
I guess only true heroes retreat….(are you french?)
you are an idiot.
Shrill. Remember I am a cut and paster! I find things in the press that make my day and I post them.
What? Can’t stand the heat?
“46, calling Chris Matthews a liberal is like calling Laura Bush a happy woman.”
Now this is really funny.
His resume includes speech writer for Jimmy Carter.
Chief aid to Speaker “Tip” O’neil.
And head blowhard for the unashamed liberal show Hardball found on MSNBC.
If you think he is anything but liberal, you must be left of Stalin..
@54 Hey Right Stuff, are you a Stalin admirer? Most Republicans are. Nowadays, Republicanism is nothing more than warmed-over Stalinism.
Your Iraq Reconstruction Tax Dollars At Work
“Built-In Bombs Found in New Iraqi School
“BAGHDAD, Iraq (May 4) — American soldiers discovered a girls school being built north of Baghdad had become an explosives-rigged ‘death trap,’ the U.S. military said Thursday.
“The plot at the Huda Girls’ school in Tarmiya was a ‘sophisticated and premeditated attempt to inflict massive casualties on our most innocent victims,’ military spokesman Maj. Gen. William Caldwell said. …
“The plot was uncovered Saturday, when troopers in the Salaheddin province found detonating wire across the street from the school. They picked up the wire and followed its trail, which led to the school. Once inside, they found an explosive-filled propane tank buried beneath the floor. There were artillery shells built into the ceiling and floor, and another propane tank was found, the military said. The wire was concealed with mortar and concrete, and the propane tanks had been covered with brick and hidden underneath the floor, according to a military statement. …
“Iraqi contractors were responsible for building the school, which was intended to bring in hundreds of girls. … Authorities intend to question the Iraqis involved in the school’s construction.”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete story and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Waytago wingnutz!!! How’s that nation-building going? Looks like your Iraqi subcontractors need more supervision.
Yes, early Iraq withdrawal would leave Iraq in a state where any number of horrific things could occur, though we don’t really know how it will play out. This is true, incidentally, of any other withdrawal timing as well.
But because we’d drain our treasury dry, and watch thousands more of our young men killed and wounded if we stay, leaving and leaving damn soon is our best course. And we’re leaving, pard. Make no mistake about it.
Puddybud, I criticize your tone because you are one of two posters on this board that has made a point of his Christian faith.
The standards are different for us. You know that. If the tone of my posts got out of hand, I would expect you to correct me.
Rightequalsstupid makes no claim to being a Christian. Quite the contrary, in fact. Given the chance to have his posts published in either your or my church newsletter, my impression is that he’d be thrilled.
Would you be as happy to have your posts published in your church newsletter?
We can, and should debate topics involving politics. We will probably never see eye to eye, and will probably both continue to wonder how the other could possibly believe in our respective political sides.
Fine. Argue your points with determination and perserverance. You will be attacked by some here with reason, and by others with venom. Deal with it.
But you claimed the title of “Christian”, so you are now stuck with behaving like one, even (especially) when those around you do not.
So yes, I will “pick on you” for things that I will ignore from others. That’s not audacity. It’s my responsibility.
And we both know it.
@52 Right Stuff reminds me of a trip I took through Chicago years ago. As I was hopping along a boulevard, I noticed two groups of young men lined up opposite each other in a vacant lot. Suddenly they rushed toward each other. They had sticks, chains, bottles, and bats. Needless to say, I hopped my furry ass outta there! Only a fucking idiot would stand between two groups who want to fight.*
* Remind you of anyone WE know? (wink-wink)
@52 (continued) So, the $64 question is, is there ANYONE in the Republican Party who is NOT a fucking idiot?
We should round up all the Republicans and send ’em to Chicago.*
* Just kidding! I’m trying to emulate Ann Coulter’s humor. Whatsamatter with you trollfucks, cantcha take a fucking joke?!!
JCH is a nazi
@58 John, surely you know by now those who advocate Christianity the loudest practice it the least?
@57 Let’s say you want to pick up the litter in a vacant lot, but there’s two gangs there, and they want to fight. Any sensible person would leave. It doesn’t necessarily mean you abandon the lot; you can always come back later to pick up the litter.
@50 Puddinghead says: “early Iraq withdrawal would be disastrous”
Roger Rabbit responds: Maybe you dipshits should have thought of that before you went in there.
Roger up early today?
laid off the sauce last night?…good for you.
We humans forgive your rants and extremist, liberal trash as the musings of a small brained rodent.
“Only a fucking idiot would stand between two groups who want to fight.*”
“* Remind you of anyone WE know? (wink-wink)”
Yeah, Police officers all the time……..
Of course you ran.
I thought you were to flee sin? So you condone Gloomy Gus Stupid? Well I don’t and do it with utter VEHEMENCE. Sorry if you can’t comprehend that. He is utterly STUPID and you condone his attacks. Sure you came out once and said he went overboard, but you’ve been mysteriously quiet.
Again, you have the audacity to attack me? Buddy get off your high horse.
Regarding my points:
1) Point out the utter lunacy of left positions
2) Point out the hypocrisy of left frothings
3) Point out the hidden gems in the left MSM
4) Point out the fringe positions becoming left mainstream
50 Point out where your side is going. Shrill – YES!
The last 6 years proves everything liberals have always believed about wingnuts is true.
Right Stuff: PelletHead is trying to be outbound when he knows the inbound is getting more difficult to process. He forgot to watch out for the yellow snow!
@65 Comparing police officers with Republican nation-builders is like comparing Willie Sutton with wannabes who rob Mafia social clubs.
Cops (most of ’em, anyway) are trained professionals; Bush’s appointed Republican Party hacks are incompetent amateurs.
1) Point out the utter lunacy of wingtard positions
2) Point out the hypocrisy of wingtard frothings
3) Point out the hidden gems in the MOON, SCAIFE, MURDOCH, ETC FUNDED PROPAGANDA.
4) Point out the fringe positions becoming wingtard mainstream (PUDDY REALLY LOVES THIS.)
5) Point out where your side is going. Shrill – YES! (NO EDIT NEEDED THERE).
Once more, with feeling.
Puddybud, I don’t object to your:
1) Pointing out what you see as the utter lunacy of left positions
2) Pointing out what you see as the hypocrisy of left frothings
3) Pointing out what you see as the hidden gems in the left MSM
4) Pointing out what you see as the fringe positions becoming left mainstream
5) Pointing out what you see as where my side is going.
I’ll simply argue, or not, as the mood strikes me and as time is available.
Rightequalsstupid’s posts speak for themselves. I think they do the liberal cause considerable harm and no good whatsoever, but my continuing to say so will only encourage him. He’s looking for attention and outrage. I decline the opportunity to provide it. There is considerable difference between refusing to be baited and condoning someones words or actions.
So, once again, argue your points, with determination and vigor. No problem. But consider your tone. Ask yourself the same question that has caused me to delete any number of posts prior to hitting the “Submit” button.
“Would I be willing to post this in my church bulletin, under my name?“
The Republican Ten seemed to be competing over:
1) Who would stay in Iraq the longest?
2) Who would cut taxes the deepest?
3) Who would be alright with firing gay Americans from their jobs?
4) Who would jump the highest if Roe v. Wade was reversed?
5) Who would build the biggest fence around America?
6) Who would put an end to stem cell research the fastest?
7) Who would reject evolution most passionately
John: I have many times erased posts due to content, but never to relevance. I will gladly debate you.
Regarding MR Clueless: Nice use of my points. Too bad you can’t create cogent thought without reading the bile each morning.
Now let me see what Rush is saying…
re 38: Maybe if the Bushistas hadn’t disbanded the Iraqi army years ago, they would not be fighting an insurgent force that behaves like a trained army — which is what they are.
But without an insurgency in Iraq, what excuse would we have for enriching Bush and his cronies at the expense of the American taxpayer.
You are an idiot, PudWax.
Would you be offended if I called you a magic negro like Rush Limbaugh called Barack Obama?
Headlice, Sorry for not answering you earlier.
You can gladly call me the magic NEGRO. It must be capitalized otherwise you are not referring to me. My posts are magic because I find those pearls and nuggets on the Internet in the that reveal to other people how wacky you are!!!
Notice #75 is a repeat. Nothing new to post headlice?
Nice use of my points.
Now let me see what Rush is saying…
Sorry to have to leave the fun at this point, but I’ve still got a bit of work to do, prior to my stint over at the local Fred Meyer.
People around Gig Harbor should come by today between noon and two PM to hand me large sums of money to help fund sight and hearing programs.
Any local right-wing types not wishing to let some left-wing commie pinko type get credit for raising more money than the several Republicans in my little group are welcome to give large sums of money at a number of other locations as well. Upon request, I’ll even find out where the Republicans are stationed for you.
HL @ 73
I’m a scientist, and I don’t “believe” in evolution either. However, I am convinced of the power of evolutionary theory to explain how species change and adapt over time. It isn’t a matter of faith – it’s a matter of reason.
re 76: “…Nuggets”??????????
Leave it to PudWax to find “nuggets” in his search for coprophiliacal wisdom.
Nothing does the cause of freedom more harm than asswipe cowards like John Barelli pretending to be a Democrat. He and his ilk are absolute cowards who would give this country over in the name of civility instead of fighting to keep it free from traitors and inbred morons like Puffybutt.
I couldn’t give a good golly fuck about asswipe dicksuckers like Johnboy. He and his kind got us into the mess we’re in now. Thankfully, they have less influence now and we’ll deal with them once we rid the country of traitors like Puffybutt and his pretend President with impeachment and imprisonment.
PS: I think Johnboy is just another one of Puffybutt’s alternate names on HA. They’re probably one in the same person.
Gloomy Gus Stupid:
Voice of Chalk Scratching hold no moral standards in outing a right thinking individual. It’s you ‘tards he give a free pass!
Pudd the magic Negro was born in Philly
And was teased by the other kids because he had no harmony
Little “turd blossom” loved that rascal Pudd,
And brought him stick and stones and taught him how to sling mud.
OH PUDD, the Magic Negro grew up in Philly
The City of Brotherly Love is a land without any racial harmony
Pudd, the Magic Negro grew up in Philly
The City of Brotherly Love is a land without any racial harmony
Together they would travel around and around the block
Pudd kept a lookout perched upon Turd Blossom’s Lily White c_ck
Old ladies and girls would run whenever those two came,
Because Pudd & Turd blossom farted out their name
OH PUDD, the Magic Negro grew up in Philly
The City of Brotherly Love is a land without any racial harmony
Pudd, the Magic Negro grew up in Philly
The City of Brotherly Love is a land without any racial harmony
Turd Blossom the liar lives forever but not so little boys
Painted wings and tiny cock rings make way for other sex toys
One gray night it happened, when Pudd knocked on the door
Turd Blossom and Jeff Gannon were sexually embraced on the floor
Pudd the Magic Negro then left Philly
With heavy heart and vengeance he set out to prove all Liberals are silly
Illogical as it sounded he didn’t understand the rejection
Which explain why he votes Republican in every election.
Headlice: I see in Georgia they are about to do something this fall in public schools! And I love when you get pizzed off.
Thank you! Thank you very much. I’m here all week!!
Happy Sabbath, Puddybud.
Not Bad GBS! I axually cracked a smile.
You are right. Philly is no land of racial harmony! Just look at what the Moonbat! mayor has done to my fair city!
I voted neocon after 1992 so get it right.
But to you Moonbat!s it’s Magic NEGRO!
Not Yet GBS but thanks.
Cracked a smile. I don’t who you are; that was funny.
What, you waitin’ for sundown or you have another start time for the day of rest?
You laughed, right?
You know you did.
I bet you told PacMan to check it out.
I’m not bolding the Magic Negro line, nor am I going to cap all of NEGRO. Too much work for me.
But I like Magic Negro. It suits you.
Hi, Mr. Stupid. Yes, and I love you, too.
See you at the caucuses! ;-)
(Weeks of ignoring the pathetic little reprobate, all flushed down the toilet. Sigh.)
(applause…standing ovation)
Way to go GBS.
I smiled GBS:
You made two incorrect references. But you were trying to be humorous!
It’s so easy to prove that wannabe Democrat and documented traitor John Boy is a hypocrite. Look at his attacks on me and watch “Christ’s love” in action.
Fuck you and your false god bitch!
And Johnboy, in honor of your cowardice, I’ve decided to give Puffybutt’s ugly wife a pass tonight and give yours a try instead. She says hi!
Puddybud said: “I voted neocon after 1992 so get it right.”
“But to you Moonbat!s it’s Magic NEGRO!”
Funny. Yeah. That is funny.
In a very sad kind of way.
Magic on Internet URLs use. Let me know when you attain that status. Give me a topic and you will see contradictory donk statements.
Concerning morality and spiritualism. Their ia a school of though that believes morality to be leqarned behavior and a product of benifit vs. consequence. I think love is a ‘monkey wrench’ in any theory about origins of man (oops! and women, especially women). Damn I’d like to know whom to thank for women.