Tonight on “The David Goldstein Show”, 7PM to 10PM on News/Talk 710-KIRO:
7PM: Should it be harder to raise taxes for schools, than for parks, roads, and other levies?
This November local voters will be asked to spend $17.8 billion for roads and transit, and it’s gonna be close. But should that this measure require the same 60% super-majority required of school levies, it wouldn’t stand a chance. The Legislature passed a constitutional amendment last session to impose the same “simple majority” requirement on school levies as required of other levies, and this November you’ll have the opportunity to approve it at the polls… by of course, a simple majority. Kelly Munn of People for Our Public Schools joins us for the hour.
8PM: Will WA voters finally get their “top two” primary?
Washington voters lost their cherished open primary after a legal challenge from both parties, only to see the favored replacement, a “top-two” primary, also tossed out by the courts. Monday the U.S. Supreme Court hears and appeal, and some legal experts predict the top-two might be reinstated. As an East Coast transplant I’ve never personally understood what the big deal is about declaring a party affiliation in order to vote in a party primary, so I’ll have Sec. of State Sam Reed on for the first half hour to explain it to me and take your calls.
9PM: Is Rudy Giuliani “white enough?”
That and other questions, plus your calls.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).