Archives for December 2015
Donald Trump for President…
For months now, pundits have been trying to explain Donald Trump.
“He’s not serious,” we heard in the early days of the campaign.
“He’s a Clinton plant,” some right-wing insiders have declared.
Following his “ban Muslims from entering the U.S.” statement, some have claimed Trump is trying to stir up feelings of oppression among one fifth of the world’s population in order to catalyze world-wide Islamic jihad.
The Truth is out there…and Jeb!™ knows the truth. During last night’s G.O.P. debate, he made a startling revelation:
So Donald, you know, is great at the one-liners, but he’s a KAOS candidate, and he’d be a KAOS President.
That explains it! It all makes sense now: totally serious, not a Clinton plant, not a jihad-enabler.
Trump is running for President of KAOS. It all makes sense now.
Donald Trump for President…of KAOS!
Mr. Trump would totally be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency of KAOS.
G.O.P. Debate Open Thread
The debate should start at 5:30. I’ll be at Drinking Liberally and live-blogging the event (internet bandwidth permitting).
To get this thread started, here is an interesting video that was released today:
Does this provide any insights about one particular G.O.P. candidate’s (1) truthfulness, (2) great memory, (3) campaign substance?
5:10: The kiddie debate is over. Caught the closing statements. Sen. Man-on-dog wins just because he had such an upbeat way of talking about death.
Oh lord. That was the kiddie debate. What fresh hell is the grown-up freak show going to bring?
— digby (@digby56) December 16, 2015
Santorum, a Catholic, outraged that children are coming to US in desperation.
— emptywheel (@emptywheel) December 16, 2015
5:25: What the fuck, CNN? “Trump arrives at debate” isn’t fucking news.
5:33: Someone named “Rinse Prius” or something is giving some bullshit talk. He sounds like a used car salesman.
5:36: Is Donald Trump holding up the show? Holy fuck…start without him!
Jeb Bush is trying to smile like a human being backstage. This could be his night!
— Civic Skunk Works (@civicskunkworks) December 16, 2015
5:43: Rand Paul has morphed into Ron Paul: Unelectable oddball.
5:44: Red ties are in.
5:46: Again?!? Seriously? The national anthem? This debate better involve some sort of physical test of skill!
5:48: Did Paul just say the Constitution is wrong?
5:52: Hey, Chris Christie, those LA father’s are probably thankful they aren’t crossing a bridge in NJ!
5:55: Jeb Bush: “I’ll keep our country safe, secure, and free”…just like my Brother did.
5:58: Carson pauses for a moment of silence. Don’t be fooled…he just REALLY needed to close his eyes.
6:02: Jeb: “Trump would be a Kaos president.” Get Smart!
6:05: Cruz is a one issue candidate tonight: “Obama won’t say ‘radical Islamic Terrorism’, so vote for me.
6:08: Is Christie wearing a “junk” pin on his lapel?
#ChrisChristie is looking into the camera to try to make us believe him. #NotWorking #GOPDebate
— GottaLaff (@GottaLaff) December 16, 2015
Pretty sure Cruz taking that sip of water was a Rubio taunt. #GOPDebate
— Michael Maddux (@michaeljmaddux) December 16, 2015
.@MarcoRubio voted for unconstitutional mass surveillance of innocent Americans, which hasn't identified a single tangible threat #GOPDebate
— TimKarr (@TimKarr) December 16, 2015
6:20: Christie needs to make an executive decision to straighten his tie.
6:22: Carson bails on a question…and looks really bad doing it. Wow.
To Carson: Who was right on last debate question? Carson: Sorry, I wasn’t listening.
— Samuel Minter (@abulsme) December 16, 2015
6:26: Fiorina throws around “CEO” as if Americans have a positive association with the term.
Trump has a Ted Stevens-level grasp of the internet
/p>— Joshua Green (@JoshuaGreen) December 16, 2015
It would have been awesome if Trump has called it the intertube
— Taegan Goddard (@politicalwire) December 16, 2015
6:36: Aaaaaaahhhh…a Muslimey looking questioner! Everyone duck under your podiums!!! (podia?)
6:39: Actually, Donald, Bush seems a little more energetic than you do this evening….
Jeb Bush: "Donald, you're not going to be able to insult your way to the presidency." Boom!
— Jim Brunner (@Jim_Brunner) December 16, 2015
Bush's "attack Trump" policy is four months out of date.
— Civic Skunk Works (@civicskunkworks) December 16, 2015
Carson: “Death by a thousand pricks” – sounds like a description of this debate
— Samuel Minter (@abulsme) December 16, 2015
Anyone who lets Ben Carson perform brain surgery on them after this debacle is crazy.
— Murtaza Hussain (@MazMHussain) December 16, 2015
7:08: This debate has become exceptionally empty and repetitive.
7:11: “Punch Russia in ‘The Nose'” Nikolai Gogol smiled.
7:12: Earth to Fiorina: The withdrawal from Iraq was Bush’s doing.
In a fairly deep level of hell, you hear GOP presidential candidates swaggering around talking & acting tough on an infinite loop.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) December 16, 2015
By my count, so far nothing Carly F has said is true.
— James Fallows (@JamesFallows) December 16, 2015
7:19: Trump hurt himself with his juvenile “tough guy” insults to Jeb and then talking poll numbers. He should save that crap for campaign events.
"We do need more fencing" will be a great line for Jeb Bush's Home Depot ad after he drops out of the race in February.
— Civic Skunk Works (@civicskunkworks) December 16, 2015
7:32: Donald Trump. A totally low energy debater. Low ENERGY. Am I right?
7:37: Kasich says stuff that doesn’t sound extreme. But doesn’t really say anything at all.
7:45: As President, Dr. Carson could do brain surgery on “unstable” Kim Jong Un
7:45: Carson memorized a bunch of military stuff!
#Zing! RT @SarahWoodwriter Fiorina knows a thing or two about China, after all, that's where she sent all the HP jobs. #GOPDebate
— Left Out Loud (@LeftOutLoud) December 16, 2015
7:47: Ummm…Jeb Bush used a private email server while Gubernator of FL.
Ted Cruz has a strategy for propagating tautologies by saying he would definitively do what he says he intends to do. #GOPDebate
— Greg Greene (@ggreeneva) December 16, 2015
7:55: At this point Carson seems almost incapable of speaking…
One of you being elected is the biggest threat to our national security. #GOPDebate
— Lizz Winstead (@lizzwinstead) December 16, 2015
.@tedcruz wants to keep our children safe. Who kept the children of #SandyHook safe? #GOPDebate
— Linda Sarsour (@lsarsour) December 16, 2015
8:03: Jeb bush stumbles his way through his closing comments. He was doing okish until then.
8:04: Rubio: “Now millions of Americans feel left behind”…like most Muslim Americans?
8:05: Carson’s “exceptionalism” closing statement makes him sound like he munched on lead paint chips as a lad.
Wrap-up. Another retched debate. My complaints is that WAAAAYYYYYY too much time was spent on security and terrorism. Fact is…foreign terrorism is a pretty minor threat in the U.S. Domestic terrorism is a much bigger threat, but no real discussion of that. That’s because IT DOESN’T SCARE VOTERS enough. I missed a chunk of the debate, but I didn’t hear anything about climate change, the environment, air polution, the economy, health care, domestic infrastructure, gun safety, white collar & Wall Street crime, higher education, primary education, mass transit & reducing traffic congestion, tax relief for the poor, reducing income inequality, energy independence, credit card fraud, etc., etc. These are issues that affect Americans every single day. And there was nothing.
These guys are in a political campaign bubble, and completely out of touch with the real America. But they got that fear thing going….
Drinking Liberally — Seattle
It’s always fun when debates happen to fall on a Tuesday. And it’s happened once again—CNN will host a G.O.P. debate tonight. So please join us this evening for a special debate watching edition of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. Our normal starting time is 8:00pm, but this week we will start at 5:30pm for the debate.
Note: We’ll have sound and video for the debate. But the pub has other customers, so the sound may not be as loud as you want, especially with the background noises of a busy tavern and peripheral conversations. If you are intent on hearing every word, I recommend you bring stuff to stream the audio. The pub has free wifi.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings happening this week. Tonight the Tri-Cities, Vancouver, WA, and Shelton chapters also meet. The Lakewood meets on Wednesday. On Thursday, the Tacoma chapter meets. And next Monday, the Aberdeen and Yakima chapters meet.
There are 186 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find—or start—a chapter near you.
Open Thread
Speak if you want.
HA Bible Study: 1 Chronicles 1:25
1 Chronicles 1:25
Eber, Peleg, Reu,
Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza!
Judge not lest ye be judged: the quiz game.
City Hall Drama: Nick Licata battles Kshama Sawant aid Clay Showalter.
Jimmy Dore: Erick Erickson trashes his own mom to defend his racist lie Part I and Part II.
The Koch Brother’s Climate change deniers’ anthem.
Lee Camp: The truth about being a drone pilot.
Mental Floss: 25 facts about the science of music.
Islamophobia: Woman yells at and hits Muslim praying in California park.
The 2016 Clown Convention:
- The 2016 Republican field: Extreme across the board
- Trevor: Awkward moments at the Republican Jewish Coalition Forum
- David Pakman: Republicans panic…will Romney save the day?
- Harry Reid: “Trump’s just saying out loud what other Republicans merely suggest.”
- Sam Seder: Trump, “We have no choice” but to be insane bigots.
- Stephen: A tahini bit of perspective on politics:
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Republicans slam Trump.
- Meet the Trumps.
- Jimmy Dore: Trumpism is fascism & his supporters couldn’t be happier (Part 1)
- Jimmy Dore: Trumpism is fascism & his supporters couldn’t be happier (Part 2)
- Maddow: G.O.P. is too frightened of Trump 3rd party run to confront him.
- Sam Seder: Philly Mayor says about Trump, “He’s an Asshole”
- Pap: Trump is the new ugly face of the Republican party.
- Donald Trump sings “White Christmas”
- Young Turks: Bald eagle is not a Trump fan.
- David Pakman: How Trump would run as an independent.
- Richard Fowler: Donald Trump elevates the Republican party to America’s largest hate group.
- Sam Seder: Trump knows all the cool Jewish jokes.
- Maddow: Trump message plays into hands of ISIS recruitment
- Mark Fiore: Trump recruitment and retention.
- Young Turks: G.O.P. may be planning a coup if Trump wins.
- Everyone agrees that Trump’s Muslim ban “idea” is the worst
- Sam Seder: Republican fearmongering has come to its natural conclusion…Donald Trump
- Trump’s “Celebrity Apprentice”: Vice Presidential.
- Young Turks: Trump suggests his Muslim ban is “not about religion.”
- Sen. Jeff Merkley slams Trump over proposal to ban Muslims entering U.S.
- Matthew Filipowicz: How Donald Trump plans to “take out” more than just families of terrorists
- Young Turks: Trump Spox, “So what? They’re Muslim.”
- David Pakman: Trump Spox, “So what? They’re Muslim.
- Larry Wilmore: The Donald isn’t funny anymore.
- Watch “Person of the year” nominee Donald Trump cower in fear of an American Eagle.
- Republicans weren’t always Islamophobes
- Seth Meyers: A closer look at Trump’s plan to ban Muslims
- Sam Seder: The G.O.P. prefers a War of Civilizations to gun control.
- Trump’s Muslim ban idea has some strong reactions
- Jimmy Dore chats with Jeb Bush on “women stuff”.
- Pap and Farron Cousins: Ted Cruz’s latest ad is a substitute for his missing masculinity
- #CruzYourOwnAdventure: Portrait of a Serial Killer Ted Cruz
- Jimmy Dore: Ted Cruz smears Democrats with “violent criminals” lie
- Young Turks: Ted Cruz doesn’t trust Trump’s finger on the button.
- #CruzYourOwnAdventure: Genetic Experiment
- Pap and Farron Cousins: Ted Cruz just cannot stop lying.
- Jimmy Dore: Ted Cruz gets big laughs with his contraception comedy
- Young Turks: Carly Fiorina grilled on her constant Planned Parenthood lies and rhetoric
Stephen helps the cause of free speech in Turkey.
Harry Reid blasts Justice Scalia’s racist remark.
KPLU: A preview of the Inslee–Bryant gubernatorial race.
Jimmy Dore: What could Obama possibly say to appease the Republicans?
VSauce: Supertasks.
For the First Responders:
- Jon crashes Stephen’s monologue.
- Jon returns to the daily show to scold Congress over 9/11 first responders.
White House: West Wing Week.
Jimmy Dore: Jokes of the Week.
Pap and Farron Cousins: Congress critters own stock in the pharma companies that they (de)regulate.
David Pakman: Could a guaranteed basic income work?
Sam Seder: GOP terrifies people then argues policy should be formed around ‘feelings’.
How I feel right now as a Muslim in America.
The Week in Gunz:
- Colbert makes the case for gun controls.
- Mock mass shooting planned by gun advocates in Texas
- The Yelling Man takes on guns.
- Daily Show: Good guy with a gun.
- Democrats blast inaction on gun control with silent speech.
- GunTV coming to a cable TV channel near you.
- Jimmy Dore: Want sane gun laws like universal background checks? Then you are just like most NRA members.
- Biggest driver of gun sales? Barack Obama.
- Sam Seder: FAUX News wants kids to attach active shooters.
- Young Turks: FAUX News faceplant…Hey, kids, attach shooters.
Rent-An-Endorsement : hooks politicians up with celebrities!.
Congressional Hits and Misses of the week.
Jimmy Dore: Dick Cheney predicted the quagmire he later created.
Jay Pharoah and Michelle Obama: Go To College Music Video.
Sens. Al Franken and John McCain do some trash talkin’:
Mental Floss: Does cracking your knuckles cause arthritis?
Friday hot takes.
Seth Meyers does Hillary:
- Part I: On Donald Trump
- Part II: Gun control
- Part III: Why Bill will make a great first gentleman
- Part IV: Bill’s mission to North Korea
Stephen: How to defeat ISIS.
Pap and Farron Cousins: Texas is trying to redefine “personhood” to keep Blacks and Hispanics from voting
Jimmy Dore chats with John Boehner on life after Congress.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Chaos in the G.O.P.
Throughout the 2012 presidential campaign season, I thought the G.O.P. primary was about as crazy as it could be. I mean, what can be crazier than a field that included Michele “HPV vaccine-retarded” Bachmann, Herman “9-9-9” Cain, Rick “Oops” Perry, Newt “Poor kids as school janitors” Gingrich, Rick “Ewwww” Santorum , and crazy ol’ Ron “Social Security is unconstitutional” Paul?
Boy…did I underestimate Republicans, and their God-given talents to indulge in The Crazy.
I won’t rehash The Crazy to date—there’s been just too much. This week, though, The Crazy seems to have reached some kind of boiling point after Donald Trump proposed banning Muslims from entering the U.S. Since then, he has doubled down, and even had a spokesperson callously state, on national TV, “So what? They’re Muslim.” This arguably isn’t his craziest, his most racist or even his most outrageously unconstitutional proposal. But it combines elements of crazy, racist, and unconstitutional, and distills them down to a pseudo-policy proposal that is easy to understand. It’s done two things.
First, it has “legitimized” open expression of bigotry and racism for a big chunk of the G.O.P. Trump has “let down” the dog whistle and made it okay for many Republicans to unleash their inner-racist at full volume. Even Sen. Lindsey Graham admits that about 40% of the G.O.P. are racist. Trump’s liberation of closet racists in the G.O.P. has actually helped his poll numbers in some early primary states, and he maintains a sizable lead in the first national poll taken since the policy was announced.
Second, it has created a sense of panic among the G.O.P. establishment over a “nightmare scenario” of Trump or Cruz. Trump would, apparently, end the G.O.P. as we know it. So in the past 24 hours, there have been reports that the G.O.P. leadership is making contingency plans for a brokered convention. This has further fueled speculation that there is a secret plan to nominate Mitt Romney. Ben Carson is so outraged (and has so misunderstood the brokered convention plans), that he is threatening to leave the G.O.P. Crazy.
And a Trump supporter speaks.
— deray mckesson (@deray) December 10, 2015
[I mean, things have gotten so freaking crazy that Sen. Ted Cruz has taken one last swallow, gotten off his knees and boldly (well…in a private meeting) questions Trump’s judgment. Trump, in turn, dares and then double-dares Cruz to take his best shot and orders him back to his knees.]
The Crazy has been working well for Trump (and Cruz and Carson to a lesser extent) in the primary. As a general election strategy, peddling fear and bigotry seems like a sure-losing strategy. It will take boatloads of money to help American’s forget this crazy primary before November. And even that may not be enough.
Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Bill Bryant Stakes Anti-Minimum Wage Claim, Because He’s a Terrible, Terrible Politician

Terrible politician Bill Bryant opposes raising the minimum wage.
The high point of Dino Rossi’s 2008 gubernatorial redemption tour came in mid-September, in the days following the Republican National Convention. After months of trailing in the polls, Rossi had finally clawed ahead of Democratic incumbent Governor Christine Gregoire to claim a small but significant lead. Things were looking good for Republicans up and down the ticket. Rossi’s people were starting to sound downright cocky. Then the minimum wage debate happened.
At an Association of Washington Business sponsored debate in Blaine, Rossi came out against Washington’s minimum wage. And as Josh Feit first reported here on HA, that didn’t play too well with minimum wage workers:
Rossi took the opposite point of view. Touting his Washington Restaurant Association endorsement (the most adamant opponents of the minimum wage), he said: “The minimum wage was not meant to be a family wage. It’s meant to be an entry level wage.”
The news pissed off [convenience store worker Garner] Palomata. “If he lowers it,” he said, “I don’t want to vote for him. I’d be cutting my head off. I don’t want to demote myself.”
The Gregoire campaign immediately seized the opportunity, running ads attacking Rossi for opposing the minimum wage. It worked. The Rossi bubble burst, and he quickly dropped in the polls. Rossi, who had managed a virtual tie just four years before, went on to lose by 6.5 points.
That’s a lesson you’d think Republican gubernatorial hopeful Bill Bryant might have learned before claiming the anti-minimum wage mantel:
Minimum wage is one economic issue where the two candidates diverge: Inslee supports a statewide minimum wage hike. Bryant does not, although he did back an $11.22 an hour wage at Sea-Tac airport.*
“Statewide level, the concern I have is that we can’t or we shouldn’t pin a minimum wage to the cost of living in King County,” Bryant said. “So I don’t think we can have a one-size-fits-all system.”
To be clear, Washington’s up-until-recently nation’s-highest minimum wage has proven both excellent policy and excellent politics, which is why raising the minimum wage remains exceptionally popular with voters. When workers have more money, businesses have more customers. And when businesses have more customers, they hire more workers. Our minimum wage is one of the reasons why our state economy is kicking ass.
So if the legislature fails to pass a minimum wage increase next year (and Bryant’s colleagues in the Republican-controlled senate won’t), a minimum wage initiative will be put on the state ballot and it will pass overwhelmingly. And you can be sure the Inslee campaign will make it clear to voters which candidate supports it and which doesn’t.
* Oh, and by the way, Bryant’s alleged support for an $11.22 an hour wage at Sea-Tac is bullshit. The port commission has obstructed the minimum wage struggle for years, first claiming that it had no authority to impose a minimum wage at the airport, and then suing that only it had the authority to do so after the SeaTac $15 initiative passed. Bryant only acceded to the $11.22 number after Alaska Airlines acceded to it first. Just sayin’.
oooooopen thread
Drinking Liberally — Seattle
It’s only Tuesday morning but, man, what a crazy week we’ve had. On Monday, The Donald positioned himself even closer to the Birchers and neo-Nazis. Even Dick Cheney had to dissociate himself from Trump’s outrageous policy proposal. I’m sure there will be more about this throughout the day. Please join us tonight for conversation over drinks at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. Things start up at about 8:00 pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings happening this week. Tonight the Tri-Cities and Redmond chapters also meet. The Bremerton, Spokane, and Kent chapters meet on Thursday.
There are 186 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find—or start—a chapter near you.
Open Your Thread
HA Bible Study: Leviticus 11:20
Leviticus 11:20
The only winged insects you may eat are locusts, grasshoppers, and crickets. All other winged insects that crawl are too disgusting for you to eat.
Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza!
How to save the planet and money this holiday season.
Lee Camp: Labeling people.
Chris Hayes: The G.O.P.’s new War on Women™ to gut Roe v Wade.
Thom: The Good, the Bad & the Very, Very Inconditely Ugly!
White House: West Wing Week.
Larry Wilmore: Don’t mess with Tex books.
The 2016 Cavalcade of Crazy Conservative Clowns:
- G.O.P.: Wrong on climate.
- Aaaaawwwwwkkkkwaaaarrrrd moments as G.O.P. candidates court Jewish Republicans:
- If Bernie Sanders solved problems like Trump.
- Jimmy Dore: Donald Trump’s lie about cheering Muslims shocks Chuck Todd into journalism
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Trump is still a liar & new attack ad
- Sam Seder: Trump wants network to pay him $5 million to debate.
- Thom and Pap: The GOP plan to take down Trump.
- Do Black pastors pro-Trump?
- Farron Cousins: Trump tries to hide creepy supporters from the press.
- Chris Hayes: GOP billionaires fear a Trump wipeout in 2016
- Disabled people insult Donald Trump.
- Matthew Filipowicz: How Trump Vs. Cruz Is Like Freddy Vs. Jason.
- Maddow: New Trump lies compound his 9/11 lie.
- Jimmy Dore: Donald Trump, Omarosa & Black pastors have wacky love fest
- Syrian refugees respond to Ben Carson.
- Michael Brooks: Kasich runs ad basically comparing Trump to Hitler
- Trevor Noah: Ted Cruz’s treasure trove of raw footage:
- Thom: Is Ted Cruz the most anti-woman candidate?
- Young Turks: Ted Cruz fake rubber issue.
- Maddow: Ted Cruz still defends anti-abortion terrorists.
- Trevor: Everybody hates Ted Cruz.
- David Pakman: Ted Cruz touted endorsement from activist who called for execution of abortion doctors.
- Maddow: N.J. paper slams N.H. paper’s uninformed endorsement of Chris Christie.
- Jimmy Dore: Chris Christie endorsement puts him on long list of LOSERS.
Trevor Noah: The fight against ISIS.
Congressional hits and misses of the week.
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about eyes.
David Pakman: Bush & Cheney freed ISIS leader because he was “harmless”.
The glory days of the TSA.
Mental Floss: 37 facts about fruit.
Jimmy Dore: CNN to check facts & why that makes Jake Tapper cringe.
This Week in Gun Violence:
- Larry Wilmore: Racism on FAUX News and attacks on Planned Parenthood
- Trevor Noah: Attack on Planned Parenthood
- Young Turks: FAUX News goes to damage control after “baby parts” propaganda campaign.
- PsychoSuperMom: Another Day in the U.S.A….Another Mass Shooting.
- Jimmy Dore: Republicans & the media inspired Planned Parenthood terrorist attack:
- San Bernardino wasn’t the only mass shooting on Dec. 2
- Thom: Another day, another mass shooting.
- Trevor Noah: Progress in reducing gun violence
- Pelosi: “We can no longer remain silent”
- Harry Reid: The NRA is a ‘quasi-militant wing of the Republican party”.
- Thom: God is not fixing gun violence
- Ann Telnaes: Another mass shooting in America.
- David Pakman: 351 mass shootings in 334 days in 2015
- 14 killed 17 injured in San Bernardino, California
- Young Turks: Paul Ryan wants to keep selling guns to people on TSA watch list
- Jonathan Mann: Empty Prayers vs NRA Donations
- Thom: White supremacists are scaring cities.
- Backlash over “thoughts and prayers” following San Bernardino
- Young Turks: How much did the NRA pay to buy your Senator?
- Jimmy Dore: Only American culture is gun culture.
- Mark Fiore: The Blood Never Dries
- Ann Telnaes: Terrorist? Or gunman?
Quantum physics made easy.
Red State Update: Unboxing a giant American flag.
Friday political hot takes.
Sam Seder: Star GOP tweenage boy done with conservativism.
Pelosi slams GOP budget proposal
The G.O.P. is full of climate change deniers.
Thom: The Good, the Bad & the Very, Very Claudicantly Ugly!
David Hawkings’ Whiteboard: Omnibus:
Jimmy Dore: Iraq war 2.0 is BACK, baby!
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.