Zina Saunders: Factory farm super bugs.
Pap: wealthy CEOs fighting retirement benefits.
The lost SNL audition tapes.
Obama: Immigration reform.
The Horrors of Affordable Health Care for Everyone:
- The biggest threat to ObamaCare.
- Nia-Malika Henderson: ObamaCare’s silver lining.
- Sharpton: Increasingly positive ObamaCare news vexes FAUX News and G.O.P. haters.
- Ann Telnaes: ObamaCare and religious exemptions.
- Ed: Obamacare success stories continue to hurt the Republican hate playbook.
- This is ObamaCare: Working for America.
- David Pakman: Why do Republicans have Obamacare amnesia?
- Maddow show: The tarnished Heritage Foundation and OromneyCare
Chris Hayes: FAUX News’ racist ‘Knock-Out Game’ fear mongering & stereotyping.
Dennis Trainor, Jr: Going postal to save the post office.
Lawrence O’Donnell: Palin’s & O’Reilly’s sorry explanation of Obama’s “socialism”.
Maddow: Billionaires’ bad day as new rules rein in nonprofits (via Crooks and Liars).
Thom: Will Republican treason take down Obama?
Holy Economics:
- Ed: Pope Francis rejects G.O.P. greed, cruelty & Reagan’s “trickle-down economics”.
- Young Turks: Pope Francis goes off on capitalism.
- Sharpton: Pope slams the “idolatry of money” as the G.O.P. uses “faith” to justify cruelty.
The Rob Ford calendar.
Red State Update: Podcast 54.
Young Turks: Domestic oil production up 50% under Obama.
Pap: McDonalds offers financial advice for underpaid employees.
Georgia court lists “slave” as possible occupation on website.
This Week in the Republican War on Women™:
- Zina Saunders: G.O.P. abortion siege:
- Dennis Trainor, Jr: Don’t mess with the lady parts of Texas women.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Birth control wars….Are for-profit U.S. corporations ‘religious people? ‘
- Sharpton: Sen. McConnell lies about his hopeless record on “fairness for women”.
White House: West Wing Week.
Greenman: Rhymes with Smokey Joe.
Thom and Pap: The Media’s war on Obama.
Obama: The economy.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.