I’ll get to the rest of their editorial later, but I just want to start off briefly with the lede of the Seattle Times ass-licking defense of Washington Attorney General Rob McKenna’s blatantly political ploy:
“THE politically orchestrated hiss at Rob McKenna has not been convincing.”
Hear that? The 17,688 people who spontaneously joined the “Washington Tax Payers OPT OUT of Rob McKenna’s Lawsuit” Facebook group in a matter of days…? We’re just a politically orchestrated hiss.
So the question remains: why on earth would you still hand over your money to Frank Blethen and his editorial cronies when this is what they think of you? In their opinion, our opinion doesn’t count. We’re not real Americans. We’re not the real grassroots. We’re just a politically orchestrated hiss.
A hiss. That’s the noise a snake makes.
I mean really… fuck that.
There isn’t anything in the print version of the Times that you can’t get online for free, and most of that you can get better from another source. So if we’re just an orchestrated political hiss, let’s orchestrate something the Blethens understand. Cancel your subscription and let them know why: that you’re sick and tired of handing over your hard earned money to folks who so clearly disrespect you.
Now that’s a hiss they won’t find so easy to dis, orchestrated or not.