LOL! Absolutely perfect! (Although maybe it is the attack bunny from Monty Python’s Holy Grail? Or, even worse, Roger Rabbit???)
Let me get this straight…
We put up with EIGHT FUCKING YEARS of Bush and the conservative Republicans jamming an anti-worker, anti-regulation, anti-environment, anti-middle class, anti-diversity, pretty much anti-everything; pro-profit, pro-corporation, pro-war, pro-christionist paranoia agenda down our collective throats.
Now you and your unhinged minions can’t take some real solutions to the real problems you created without threats of violence and personal retribution?
Let’s just run all of you fucks into prison on RICO prosecutions. How about getting you assholes as terrorists. Domestic terrorists. That is what you are. You think you hate filled rhetoric on the TV and the radio and your blogs and your email astroturf doesn’t have consequences?
There will be a very very special place in that hell you believe in so much for ALL of you.
Just wait until we get into immigration reform. I’m betting that it gets alot uglier than it did during HCR, which was just an evil little bunnie to these freaks compared to the hoards of brown people they fear and hate so much.
The last stuff I saw on immigration reform looked like we were going to giveaway the store to the cheap labor Republicans. Immigration will be an interesting one as things don’t break down as simply as HCR does.
@2 – was that directed at my comment? I was joking about the attack bunny and RR :). I loved the cartoon, and as a supporter of Medicare for all, I think portraying the HCR act as a cute, small bunny is quite appropriate given its moderate nature. I would have preferred more of a lion myself. But, that’ll come.
Well, the sun came up this morning, gravity seems unaffected by HCR, the stock market is up, oil and other commodity prices aren’t shooting up out of control. I guess HCR wasn’t the end of the world after all.
I see that the wingnut Cantor is accusing Democrats of “fanning the flames” of violence. What an asswipe. If these right-wing political leaders don’t start dousing the flames on the right, they’ll likely soon reap what they’ve sown and, I’ll tell you what, they’re not gonna like what they’ve reaped at all.
@4 But it’s not like reality has anything to do with the right’s ratcheting up of the fear and hate.
The right is really quite frightening at the moment as little they are saying has any relationship with reality.
Hey TT…nope, wasn’t you man.
The wing-nuts here know it’s on them and theirs.
Steve…I wish I thought reason and sanity are going to make an appearance anytime soon.
Tea Party Blogger Hints That Pelosi’s Life Is In Danger, Warns Of ‘A Thousand Little Waco’s’
Over the weekend, the tea party protests — organized by corporate lobbyist-run groups Americans for Prosperity and FreedomWorks — were scenes of violence and hate towards gay and African American Democratic members of Congress. Around the same time, acts of vandalism have occurred around the country against local Democratic Party offices and against Democratic members of Congress. As the Washington Post reported today, “some of the vandalism appears to have been instigated by an Alabama blogger, Mike Vanderboegh, who encouraged his readers to throw bricks at the windows of Democratic headquarters across the country.”
But it’s not OUR fault….
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
So Steve, you discount Cantor’s office being attacked by progressive Moonbat!s or he receiving hate mail attacking his heritage?
As much as it might be a Rove-style trick, I will give Rep. Cantor the benefit of the doubt until more evidence comes. I mean, what if it were real? He could at least more strongly denounce what is going on.
By the way, anybody else hear about Ann Coulter’s Ottawa appearance getting canceled? 2000 protesters surrounded the place, and the organizers of her appearance at the University of Ottawa were concerned about the controversial Canadian Hate Speech laws, and her safety. Did she go to the airport, or to Toronto’s airport and fly home? NO, has one last speech in the Conservative stronghold of Calgary first. I do wonder if she flew into Canada via Toronto, because of the name of the Airport. Toronto Pearson International Airport, also known as Lester B. Pearson International Airport, 14th Prime Minister of Canada, and the one who was PM when the health care system was created. He was a Liberal Party leader, probably the last one from Toronto to be PM, and that was a minority parliament. So the health care vote was probably the ultimate no-confidence vote, and he had help, from the New Democratic Party, whose leader, Tommy Douglass, from Saskatchewan, started something similar years earlier in his province.
So Steve, you discount Cantor’s office being attacked by progressive Moonbat!s or he receiving hate mail attacking his heritage?
03/25/2010 at 1:23 pm
Like some other people I am aware of…
…Eric Cantor is an ignorant prevaricating fuck.
Rujax @12
That means, with Speaker Pelosi being just behind Vice President Biden in the line of succession, the Secret Service should be involved in this investigation. Way to go. I guess putting a plane at her disposal that can get her across country without stopping en-route was not such a bad idea. I do have a problem with how she used it for some partisan events.
Cite in another thread ASShole! You fully disgust Puddy, you feckless moron! Puddy glad you dislike Jewish Republicans. Typical so typical of this ASShole rujax, the dumb cinder block!
Not sure if it’s going to be free admittance, but it does sound way cooler than a Temple of Chihully.
Random Citizenspews:
The cartoon would be a little more accurate if the elephant was jumping off a cliff.
Look up
Marinus van der Lubbe
nuff said.
Like I spend a lot of time chasing down the christianist crapheads brainless banterings…it’s all the same shit. Just like it always is with our favorite sooper dooper craptacularly superstitious craptaculator.
It’s gonna be one of yours trying to make it look like an equivalent action. Not gonna work…NO-body outside of the dittobeckistan will buy it.
Good one.
Hey Rabbit, Have you seen this?
ConocoPhillips Lukoil sale a case of setting priorities
March 25, 2010 11:00amby Sheila McNulty | Share
ConocoPhillips’ plans to halve its 20 per cent stake in Lukoil, Russia’s second biggest oil producer, had been discussed and discounted by many an analyst in the days before it happened. Few believed the sale would go ahead because the asset has been a good performer for Conoco and, amid the resource nationalism sweeping the world, big oil companies are trying to get into places like Russia – not out.
Republican senator decries industry-backed carbon fee on fuel
Republican Sen. James Inhofe today threw cold water on plans to put a new carbon fee on transportation fuels as part of climate change legislation being negotiated in the Senate.
The idea — advocated by ConocoPhillips and other oil companies — has gained traction with the three senators writing a new climate change bill.
Michael, as I have said before, out of curiousity I subscribed to a few podcasts from Canadian media sources(and not just the CBC, but a small sampling of a couple sources, Global National and a non-CBC radio station in Toronto, CFRB). An AFternoon Drive-Time host on CFRB, who is a former Progressive Conservative politician, said all the protesters did was give her critics in the US something to talk about, giver her another excuse to play the victim card in the US, and she can make more money off of that. Still, to see her have to cancel, did feel a little good. She does a good job sowing hate and discontent in the US, I don’t want her to infect another country with it. Especially when the Conservative PM seems to be doing a good job of that, and the Opposition leaders taking the bait.
Threats to Rep. Rick Larsen Over His Vote on the Health Care Bill
Posted by Eli Sanders on Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 1:46 PM
Happy now Puddy? Got your armageddon goin’ right here…you fomenter of violence. Just like your christ did.
You and your buddy mister cynical…
…happy now?
The difference between the illegal acts committed to Cantor’s office and what’s happening to Democrats is this: Republican leaders have been warning their base that this is a radical take over of government. The consequences of such a law, the Republican leaders continued, will literally give government the option to kill elderly people because it will cost too much for their care.
The Republican leadership told their constituents that we’d literally have Nazi style Death Camps run by America’s government. They stood under a banner with the powerful imagery of dead Jews piled high by the Nazis.
The Republican leadership told their constituents they would lose their freedom. Freedom paid for with blood and treasure of our of previous generations.
Of course those people who listened to their Republican leadership were frightened at the prospect of having their elderly mother killed by the state.
Of course those people who listened their Republican leadership were frightened of being savagely tortured in concentration camps.
Of course those people who listened to their Republican leadership were frightened of losing their freedom.
You cannot find any such rhetoric from Democrats in the Health Care Debate.
This is why it’s different for Cantor, a crazy dip shit shot at his house. No one can control a crazy person.
But it’s completely different when elected Republican officials tell absolute lies to enrage their base, that in turn, goes to homes of Democrats and their families, their offices and threaten violence.
They don’t frighten me, but I am afraid some radical right-wing fringe element will kill our President or other Democratic leader thinking that they are saving America from Death Camps and imprisonment.
That is the responsibility that the Republican leadership must accept and by doing so, thwart the possible assassination like that of JFK, RFK and Dr. King.
The time to stop the insane rhetoric and tell the Tea Partiers to back down is NOW.
Looks like Rep. John Lewis is a liar about being called a nigger.
Rep. Jesse Jackson was holding a video camera during the event and if there had been footage confirming the allegation, it would have been all over the news by now.
@ 30:
You mean like when Eric Cantor said he “received” threatening emails but “won’t release them”?
The anger from the dying party of Reagan is a wonderful sight to behold.
I didn’t know if I’d live long enoug to see the death of the Reagan Revolution, but I sure as hell did.
Thank you Democrats and President Obama for officially ending the Reagan Republican era.
Andrew Breitbart: “It’s time for the allegedly pristine character of Rep. John Lewis to put up or shut up. Therefore, I am offering $10,000 of my own money to provide hard evidence that the N- word was hurled at him not 15 times, as his colleague reported, but just once. Surely one of those two cameras wielded by members of his entourage will prove his point.”
It seems appropriate to quote from Chief Justice Earl Warren’s eulogy of John F. Kennedy:
“…If we really love this country, if we truly love justice and mercy, if we fervently want to make this Nation better for those who are to follow us, we can at least abjure the hatred that consumes people, the false accusations that divide us, and the bitterness that begets violence.
Is it too much to hope that the martyrdom of our beloved President might even soften the hearts of those who would themselves recoil from assassination, but who do not shrink from spreading the venom which kindles thoughts of it in others?….”
Remember that Earl Warren was a three-time Republican governor of California before Eisenhower appointed him to be Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.
Re: Eric Cantor’s bullit hole. It’s just as plausible, especially considering the political intelligence & biggoted tendancies of the average Douchebagger that one of them just found out he’s Jewish.
@31, OK, let’s see the evidence. Bullit hole or BB dimple?
A preliminary investigation shows that a bullet was fired into the air and struck the window in a downward direction, landing on the floor about a foot from the window. The round struck with enough force to break the windowpane but did not penetrate the window blinds.
Firing a gun in the air = stupid. Claiming that a gun that was fired in the air was aimed at your office window do to your stance on HCR = lying sack of shit.
Federally funded health clinics are set to play an even larger role in the revamped health-care landscape, which expands Medicaid and other insurance coverage and sharply increases funding for the clinics.
The clinics, whose number nearly doubled with the backing of President George W. Bush, are an anchor of primary care for many immigrants and residents of inner cities and rural areas. Patients walk in and are charged based on their ability to pay. The staff, who are salaried, have little incentive to order more tests and procedures to generate revenue.
The health-care overhaul that President Barack Obama signed Tuesday boosts funding by $10 billion over five years for the clinics, known as community health centers
33. delbert spews:
@31 Bullets holes are physical evidence.
So are emails, like I said at 31, but he aint providin’ ’em.
OH FUCK! Wait a minute, is Cantor a J-E-W????
Yeah, that was some right wing nut then. Because the same kind of domestic terrorists that hates the American Government, fags and liberals also hate Jews and Niggers. And, Spics. And Chinks. And, Macaca’s. And, towel heads. And, commies. And, Zipper Heads. And, Malotos. And, half breeds.
Basically, you aint Christian and you aint white you aint right!
proud leftistspews:
Why does Puddy always disappear from a thread when his ass is handed to him, as Lee did above?
A follow up on David Frum, he was a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. Turns out, he just quit, guess he was too outspoken against the GOP for that think tank.
All you have to do is make sure EVERYONE ELSE knows it. Where is a voter’s time and energy better placed? Improving a flawed Democratic Party or in a moment of weakness throwing in with the batshit insane crowd?
Since their inception the Teaparty crowd (not a movement since they do have the numbers or clout) have been “haters not debaters”. In my opinion this is what the small portions of the republican party of “birthers, baggers and blowhards” have brought you. They are good at “Follow the Leader” of their dullard leaders, they listen to Beck, Hedgecock, Hannity, O’Reilly, Rush and Savage and the rest of the Blowhards. Are you surprise at what they do when you know what they think? The world is complicated and most republicans (Hamiliton, Lincoln, Roosevelt) believe that we should use government a little to increase social mobility, now its about dancing around the claim of government is the problem. The sainted Reagan passed the biggest tax increase in American history and as a result federal employment increased, but facts are lost when mired in mysticism and superstition. Although some republicans are trying to distant themselves from this fringe most of them are just going along and fanning the flames.
@ 40: It doesn’t sound like he quit. The note he gave the director after their lunch today indicates he was “terminated”, and he thanks the director for giving him a few days to clear out his office due to his travel schedule.
Termination or mutual agreement? Only their hairdresser knows for sure….
Mark Potok is the editor of the investigative journal Intelligence Report. Previously he spent almost 20 years as a reporter at USA Today and The Miami Herald.
March 25, 2010
Last May, about 30 people gathered at a resort in Jekyll Island, Ga., for a series of discussions about “increasing national instability” and President Obama’s “socialized” policies.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Where was Proud Goatist when Puddy handed Lee his ASS when Lee claimed Detroit got Porkulus Monies? Even after Puddy proved Dave Bing said he NEVER received Porkulus funds yet where was Proud Goatist? Can you say Proud Goatist was Missing In ACTION.
BTW Fool Puddy was at Scouts tonight. Puddy is an ass’t scout master fool!
proud leftistspews:
40, 42
Frum has this unfortunate quirk of occasionally speaking the truth. The truth is politely shuffled aside by today’s AEI. The truth is rudely shat upon by today’s GOP.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Besides Proud Goatist,
Puddy reported what was on CNN and Fox this morning. If you watched CNN’s Roland Martin was gleeful about the attack on Eric Cantor.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Still waiting for John Lewis’ proof. Also GBS when black man Kenneth Gladney was attacked last year by white SEIU thugs you were mute. So don’t give Puddy your attitude dude. Remember what you said when you first entered the Navy when PacMan and Puddy ate lunch with you? Need a refresher?
proud leftistspews:
John Lewis said it happened. Frankly, that man has paid his dues. I trust him. If he says it happened, I believe him. And, you know what, you lying piece of shit? In a court of law, a person’s word is enough proof to carry the day if that person is credible enough. John Lewis is more than credible enough. Go suck yourself, Puddy.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
You know Puddy was thinking about all this bluster from Pelosi, Reid and Odumba. If you all remember in 2009 only 8 Congressional Republicans voted for cap-and-trade which will cost Americans billions
You know, when I was asked earlier about the issue of coal, uh, you know — Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket. – Preznit Odumba
No Congressional Republican supported the Porkulus Bill. No Congressional Republican supported the health care bill.
Yet the DUMMOCRAPTS claimed there would be hell to pay in 2009 elections as the public would “erupt”. Did the Republican Party suffer at the polls? Puddy remembers a blowout in Virginia (two Odumba visits), a near blow out in New Jersey (three visits by Odumba), and Republicans landed the Ted Kennedy Half-A-Waitress-Sandwich seat Massachusetts. So let’s wait and see what happens this year.
proud leftistspews:
Indeed, Puddy, let’s wait and see what happens in November. Let’s see if, in fact, the adults just might teach the children how to win.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Proud Goatist that was so Christian of you@49. You proved your love of Jesus in that post. Thanks for the lying piece of shit commentary. Thanks for telling Puddy to suck himself. Personally Puddy would let Mrs Goatist suck me. At least she’d easily find it! HAHAHAHAHA Puddy already married. The three B’s Big Black and Beautiful!
There were multiple videos on the nets you nutcase of the Lewis walk to the capital. Jesse Jackson Jr. video taped the whole frog march to the capital you nutcase. As Puddy said earlier… that apple didn’t fall far from the tree you nutcase. If Jackson Jr. caught the epithet on tape it would have been played on PMSNBC you nutcase. As Puddy first reported and delbert seconded, Andrew Breitbart has $10,000 of his own money ready to be given to the UNCF is Lewis or any of his cronies deliver and show video or audio evidence you nutcase. Guess what you nutcase, they haven’t produced any you nutcase.
So the multiple videos are great proof you nutcase. And these multiple videos are readily available for your viewing pleasure you nutcase.
So kiss Puddy’s big black ass you nutcase! Still waiting for your commentary on Lee and his “story” about Detroit receiving Porkulus Bill Monies you nutcase. Don’t worry Proud Goatist Puddy knows you’ll run away you nutcase.
“Solomon B. Watson IV became senior vice president and chief legal officer of The New York Times Company in January 2006, after serving as general counsel of the company from February 1989 until December 2005.”
Now isn’t the NY Times the same institution who in December 2005, told the world about the NSA’s Terrorist Surveillance Program? You know the one Odumba reauthorized? The program designed to track Al Qaeda communications in and out of the US. Don’t tell me you HA Libtardos forgot this? Or how about their second blab in June 2006, when the NY Times told the world about the secret program designed to track terrorist funds movement through the Belgian financial clearinghouse known as SWIFT. Don’t tell me you HA Libtardos forgot this too? And now Odumba is about to put the guy who authorized the NY Times to leak secretive intelligence gathering methods to the enemy as general counsel to the Army.
Watch his answers to the questions put to him.
proud leftistspews:
Hey Pud,
We haven’t had a Golden Goat winner for awhile. Who of your comrades do you think might be deserving?
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Oh yeah Puddy found it. Here is the NY Times response to their leaking secretive sensitive information. Only when Republican presidents hold office is it okay to leak. Never when a DUMMOCRAPT holds office.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Proud Goatist,
Narcissistic commentary@54. Award it to yourself for #49, such Christian commentary.
proud leftistspews:
John Lewis has served Christian values his entire life. He is a model of how Christians should walk this walk. I’m sure he’s made a mistake or two, but that is what humans do. If all of us could be like him, this world would be a better place. So, whatever your point is, it is lost on me.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Proud Goatist,
You actually think Puddy was discussing John Lewis above in #56? Apparently your Christ-like commentary is lost on yourself
And, you know what, you lying piece of shit?
Go suck yourself
are prime examples of why you should enter into your bathroom with Mrs Goatist and have her look you in the mirror and in person and award your namesake award to yourself. Event though you remodeled the Goatist award due to your weight change, the primary appendage is still there on your award. Make use of it. Put some Steve’s Stupid Solution inside and drink while in-between cases.
LOL! Absolutely perfect! (Although maybe it is the attack bunny from Monty Python’s Holy Grail? Or, even worse, Roger Rabbit???)
Let me get this straight…
We put up with EIGHT FUCKING YEARS of Bush and the conservative Republicans jamming an anti-worker, anti-regulation, anti-environment, anti-middle class, anti-diversity, pretty much anti-everything; pro-profit, pro-corporation, pro-war, pro-christionist paranoia agenda down our collective throats.
Now you and your unhinged minions can’t take some real solutions to the real problems you created without threats of violence and personal retribution?
Let’s just run all of you fucks into prison on RICO prosecutions. How about getting you assholes as terrorists. Domestic terrorists. That is what you are. You think you hate filled rhetoric on the TV and the radio and your blogs and your email astroturf doesn’t have consequences?
There will be a very very special place in that hell you believe in so much for ALL of you.
Just wait until we get into immigration reform. I’m betting that it gets alot uglier than it did during HCR, which was just an evil little bunnie to these freaks compared to the hoards of brown people they fear and hate so much.
The last stuff I saw on immigration reform looked like we were going to giveaway the store to the cheap labor Republicans. Immigration will be an interesting one as things don’t break down as simply as HCR does.
@2 – was that directed at my comment? I was joking about the attack bunny and RR :). I loved the cartoon, and as a supporter of Medicare for all, I think portraying the HCR act as a cute, small bunny is quite appropriate given its moderate nature. I would have preferred more of a lion myself. But, that’ll come.
Well, the sun came up this morning, gravity seems unaffected by HCR, the stock market is up, oil and other commodity prices aren’t shooting up out of control. I guess HCR wasn’t the end of the world after all.
I see that the wingnut Cantor is accusing Democrats of “fanning the flames” of violence. What an asswipe. If these right-wing political leaders don’t start dousing the flames on the right, they’ll likely soon reap what they’ve sown and, I’ll tell you what, they’re not gonna like what they’ve reaped at all.
@4 But it’s not like reality has anything to do with the right’s ratcheting up of the fear and hate.
The right is really quite frightening at the moment as little they are saying has any relationship with reality.
Hey TT…nope, wasn’t you man.
The wing-nuts here know it’s on them and theirs.
Steve…I wish I thought reason and sanity are going to make an appearance anytime soon.
But it’s not OUR fault….
So Steve, you discount Cantor’s office being attacked by progressive Moonbat!s or he receiving hate mail attacking his heritage?
As much as it might be a Rove-style trick, I will give Rep. Cantor the benefit of the doubt until more evidence comes. I mean, what if it were real? He could at least more strongly denounce what is going on.
By the way, anybody else hear about Ann Coulter’s Ottawa appearance getting canceled? 2000 protesters surrounded the place, and the organizers of her appearance at the University of Ottawa were concerned about the controversial Canadian Hate Speech laws, and her safety. Did she go to the airport, or to Toronto’s airport and fly home? NO, has one last speech in the Conservative stronghold of Calgary first. I do wonder if she flew into Canada via Toronto, because of the name of the Airport. Toronto Pearson International Airport, also known as Lester B. Pearson International Airport, 14th Prime Minister of Canada, and the one who was PM when the health care system was created. He was a Liberal Party leader, probably the last one from Toronto to be PM, and that was a minority parliament. So the health care vote was probably the ultimate no-confidence vote, and he had help, from the New Democratic Party, whose leader, Tommy Douglass, from Saskatchewan, started something similar years earlier in his province.
Cite please shitheel…
Like some other people I am aware of…
…Eric Cantor is an ignorant prevaricating fuck.
Rujax @12
That means, with Speaker Pelosi being just behind Vice President Biden in the line of succession, the Secret Service should be involved in this investigation. Way to go. I guess putting a plane at her disposal that can get her across country without stopping en-route was not such a bad idea. I do have a problem with how she used it for some partisan events.
Fuckbubble dingleberry useless cinder block rujax,
Cite in another thread ASShole! You fully disgust Puddy, you feckless moron! Puddy glad you dislike Jewish Republicans. Typical so typical of this ASShole rujax, the dumb cinder block!
Hey Goldy,
I know you’re stumping for a cool public park in seattle (rather than a Chihuly themepark).
In San Francisco, they’re building a trampoline park at an airplane hangar in the Presidio.
Not sure if it’s going to be free admittance, but it does sound way cooler than a Temple of Chihully.
The cartoon would be a little more accurate if the elephant was jumping off a cliff.
Look up
Marinus van der Lubbe
nuff said.
Like I spend a lot of time chasing down the christianist crapheads brainless banterings…it’s all the same shit. Just like it always is with our favorite sooper dooper craptacularly superstitious craptaculator.
It’s gonna be one of yours trying to make it look like an equivalent action. Not gonna work…NO-body outside of the dittobeckistan will buy it.
Good one.
Hey Rabbit, Have you seen this?
Republican senator decries industry-backed carbon fee on fuel
Michael, as I have said before, out of curiousity I subscribed to a few podcasts from Canadian media sources(and not just the CBC, but a small sampling of a couple sources, Global National and a non-CBC radio station in Toronto, CFRB). An AFternoon Drive-Time host on CFRB, who is a former Progressive Conservative politician, said all the protesters did was give her critics in the US something to talk about, giver her another excuse to play the victim card in the US, and she can make more money off of that. Still, to see her have to cancel, did feel a little good. She does a good job sowing hate and discontent in the US, I don’t want her to infect another country with it. Especially when the Conservative PM seems to be doing a good job of that, and the Opposition leaders taking the bait.
Happy now Puddy? Got your armageddon goin’ right here…you fomenter of violence. Just like your christ did.
You and your buddy mister cynical…
…happy now?
The difference between the illegal acts committed to Cantor’s office and what’s happening to Democrats is this: Republican leaders have been warning their base that this is a radical take over of government. The consequences of such a law, the Republican leaders continued, will literally give government the option to kill elderly people because it will cost too much for their care.
The Republican leadership told their constituents that we’d literally have Nazi style Death Camps run by America’s government. They stood under a banner with the powerful imagery of dead Jews piled high by the Nazis.
The Republican leadership told their constituents they would lose their freedom. Freedom paid for with blood and treasure of our of previous generations.
Of course those people who listened to their Republican leadership were frightened at the prospect of having their elderly mother killed by the state.
Of course those people who listened their Republican leadership were frightened of being savagely tortured in concentration camps.
Of course those people who listened to their Republican leadership were frightened of losing their freedom.
You cannot find any such rhetoric from Democrats in the Health Care Debate.
This is why it’s different for Cantor, a crazy dip shit shot at his house. No one can control a crazy person.
But it’s completely different when elected Republican officials tell absolute lies to enrage their base, that in turn, goes to homes of Democrats and their families, their offices and threaten violence.
They don’t frighten me, but I am afraid some radical right-wing fringe element will kill our President or other Democratic leader thinking that they are saving America from Death Camps and imprisonment.
That is the responsibility that the Republican leadership must accept and by doing so, thwart the possible assassination like that of JFK, RFK and Dr. King.
The time to stop the insane rhetoric and tell the Tea Partiers to back down is NOW.
Looks like Rep. John Lewis is a liar about being called a nigger.
Rep. Jesse Jackson was holding a video camera during the event and if there had been footage confirming the allegation, it would have been all over the news by now.
@ 30:
You mean like when Eric Cantor said he “received” threatening emails but “won’t release them”?
The anger from the dying party of Reagan is a wonderful sight to behold.
I didn’t know if I’d live long enoug to see the death of the Reagan Revolution, but I sure as hell did.
Thank you Democrats and President Obama for officially ending the Reagan Republican era.
Man, you’re the most gullible person on earth:
@31 Bullets holes are physical evidence.
Andrew Breitbart: “It’s time for the allegedly pristine character of Rep. John Lewis to put up or shut up. Therefore, I am offering $10,000 of my own money to provide hard evidence that the N- word was hurled at him not 15 times, as his colleague reported, but just once. Surely one of those two cameras wielded by members of his entourage will prove his point.”
It seems appropriate to quote from Chief Justice Earl Warren’s eulogy of John F. Kennedy:
Source: Earl Warren Eulogy for John F. Kennedy
Remember that Earl Warren was a three-time Republican governor of California before Eisenhower appointed him to be Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.
Re: Eric Cantor’s bullit hole. It’s just as plausible, especially considering the political intelligence & biggoted tendancies of the average Douchebagger that one of them just found out he’s Jewish.
@31, OK, let’s see the evidence. Bullit hole or BB dimple?
Re: Cantor’s bullet
Firing a gun in the air = stupid. Claiming that a gun that was fired in the air was aimed at your office window do to your stance on HCR = lying sack of shit.
So are emails, like I said at 31, but he aint providin’ ’em.
OH FUCK! Wait a minute, is Cantor a J-E-W????
Yeah, that was some right wing nut then. Because the same kind of domestic terrorists that hates the American Government, fags and liberals also hate Jews and Niggers. And, Spics. And Chinks. And, Macaca’s. And, towel heads. And, commies. And, Zipper Heads. And, Malotos. And, half breeds.
Basically, you aint Christian and you aint white you aint right!
Why does Puddy always disappear from a thread when his ass is handed to him, as Lee did above?
A follow up on David Frum, he was a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. Turns out, he just quit, guess he was too outspoken against the GOP for that think tank.
The Republican party is FREAKING INSANE:
All you have to do is make sure EVERYONE ELSE knows it. Where is a voter’s time and energy better placed? Improving a flawed Democratic Party or in a moment of weakness throwing in with the batshit insane crowd?
Since their inception the Teaparty crowd (not a movement since they do have the numbers or clout) have been “haters not debaters”. In my opinion this is what the small portions of the republican party of “birthers, baggers and blowhards” have brought you. They are good at “Follow the Leader” of their dullard leaders, they listen to Beck, Hedgecock, Hannity, O’Reilly, Rush and Savage and the rest of the Blowhards. Are you surprise at what they do when you know what they think? The world is complicated and most republicans (Hamiliton, Lincoln, Roosevelt) believe that we should use government a little to increase social mobility, now its about dancing around the claim of government is the problem. The sainted Reagan passed the biggest tax increase in American history and as a result federal employment increased, but facts are lost when mired in mysticism and superstition. Although some republicans are trying to distant themselves from this fringe most of them are just going along and fanning the flames.
@ 40: It doesn’t sound like he quit. The note he gave the director after their lunch today indicates he was “terminated”, and he thanks the director for giving him a few days to clear out his office due to his travel schedule.
Termination or mutual agreement? Only their hairdresser knows for sure….
@40, 42
Sounds like Frum got the Axe.
Amazing reporting by NPR and SPLC
Where was Proud Goatist when Puddy handed Lee his ASS when Lee claimed Detroit got Porkulus Monies? Even after Puddy proved Dave Bing said he NEVER received Porkulus funds yet where was Proud Goatist? Can you say Proud Goatist was Missing In ACTION.
BTW Fool Puddy was at Scouts tonight. Puddy is an ass’t scout master fool!
40, 42
Frum has this unfortunate quirk of occasionally speaking the truth. The truth is politely shuffled aside by today’s AEI. The truth is rudely shat upon by today’s GOP.
Besides Proud Goatist,
Puddy reported what was on CNN and Fox this morning. If you watched CNN’s Roland Martin was gleeful about the attack on Eric Cantor.
Still waiting for John Lewis’ proof. Also GBS when black man Kenneth Gladney was attacked last year by white SEIU thugs you were mute. So don’t give Puddy your attitude dude. Remember what you said when you first entered the Navy when PacMan and Puddy ate lunch with you? Need a refresher?
John Lewis said it happened. Frankly, that man has paid his dues. I trust him. If he says it happened, I believe him. And, you know what, you lying piece of shit? In a court of law, a person’s word is enough proof to carry the day if that person is credible enough. John Lewis is more than credible enough. Go suck yourself, Puddy.
You know Puddy was thinking about all this bluster from Pelosi, Reid and Odumba. If you all remember in 2009 only 8 Congressional Republicans voted for cap-and-trade which will cost Americans billions
No Congressional Republican supported the Porkulus Bill. No Congressional Republican supported the health care bill.
Yet the DUMMOCRAPTS claimed there would be hell to pay in 2009 elections as the public would “erupt”. Did the Republican Party suffer at the polls? Puddy remembers a blowout in Virginia (two Odumba visits), a near blow out in New Jersey (three visits by Odumba), and Republicans landed the Ted Kennedy Half-A-Waitress-Sandwich seat Massachusetts. So let’s wait and see what happens this year.
Indeed, Puddy, let’s wait and see what happens in November. Let’s see if, in fact, the adults just might teach the children how to win.
Proud Goatist that was so Christian of you@49. You proved your love of Jesus in that post. Thanks for the lying piece of shit commentary. Thanks for telling Puddy to suck himself. Personally Puddy would let Mrs Goatist suck me. At least she’d easily find it! HAHAHAHAHA Puddy already married. The three B’s Big Black and Beautiful!
There were multiple videos on the nets you nutcase of the Lewis walk to the capital. Jesse Jackson Jr. video taped the whole frog march to the capital you nutcase. As Puddy said earlier… that apple didn’t fall far from the tree you nutcase. If Jackson Jr. caught the epithet on tape it would have been played on PMSNBC you nutcase. As Puddy first reported and delbert seconded, Andrew Breitbart has $10,000 of his own money ready to be given to the UNCF is Lewis or any of his cronies deliver and show video or audio evidence you nutcase. Guess what you nutcase, they haven’t produced any you nutcase.
So the multiple videos are great proof you nutcase. And these multiple videos are readily available for your viewing pleasure you nutcase.
So kiss Puddy’s big black ass you nutcase! Still waiting for your commentary on Lee and his “story” about Detroit receiving Porkulus Bill Monies you nutcase. Don’t worry Proud Goatist Puddy knows you’ll run away you nutcase.
While the Moonbat!s were “focused” on something that looks like never happened… Puddy been paying attention to other details. Odumba nominated Solomon B. Watson IV to be the general counsel of the Army.
“Solomon B. Watson IV became senior vice president and chief legal officer of The New York Times Company in January 2006, after serving as general counsel of the company from February 1989 until December 2005.”
Now isn’t the NY Times the same institution who in December 2005, told the world about the NSA’s Terrorist Surveillance Program? You know the one Odumba reauthorized? The program designed to track Al Qaeda communications in and out of the US. Don’t tell me you HA Libtardos forgot this? Or how about their second blab in June 2006, when the NY Times told the world about the secret program designed to track terrorist funds movement through the Belgian financial clearinghouse known as SWIFT. Don’t tell me you HA Libtardos forgot this too? And now Odumba is about to put the guy who authorized the NY Times to leak secretive intelligence gathering methods to the enemy as general counsel to the Army.
Watch his answers to the questions put to him.
Hey Pud,
We haven’t had a Golden Goat winner for awhile. Who of your comrades do you think might be deserving?
Oh yeah Puddy found it. Here is the NY Times response to their leaking secretive sensitive information. Only when Republican presidents hold office is it okay to leak. Never when a DUMMOCRAPT holds office.
Proud Goatist,
Narcissistic commentary@54. Award it to yourself for #49, such Christian commentary.
John Lewis has served Christian values his entire life. He is a model of how Christians should walk this walk. I’m sure he’s made a mistake or two, but that is what humans do. If all of us could be like him, this world would be a better place. So, whatever your point is, it is lost on me.
Proud Goatist,
You actually think Puddy was discussing John Lewis above in #56? Apparently your Christ-like commentary is lost on yourself
are prime examples of why you should enter into your bathroom with Mrs Goatist and have her look you in the mirror and in person and award your namesake award to yourself. Event though you remodeled the Goatist award due to your weight change, the primary appendage is still there on your award. Make use of it. Put some Steve’s Stupid Solution inside and drink while in-between cases.
You make Christ proud, Proud Goatist.