Vice News: How defunding the police is working out in Seattle
Trevor: President Obama—Inspiring future leaders & “A Promised Land”
Really American: Traitor Ron Johnson tries to accuse Democrats of his own crimes
Present-elect Joe Biden and VP-elect Kamala Harris and Other Election Stuff:
- Trevor: Presidential concessions
- Bruce W. Nelson: Traitor Tom
- LegalEagle: Why the Texas election suit was doomed (and why they filed it anyway)
- The Daily Show: When will it end?
- Seth Meyers: Трамп threatens to not leave the White House on inauguration day
- WTFBrahh: Melissa Carone remix
- Stephen: Mitch McConnell inspires spicy talk from Team Biden
- Bruce W. Nelson: Four long year
- Jimmy Kimmel: Trump really thinks he can stay in the White House
- SNL Weekend Update: Supreme Court dismisses election fraud cases
- Allana Harkin: What’s on Georgia’s mind?
- Joe Biden says the current president’s influence over Republicans will fade after he leaves office
- “That was such a surprise”—Dr. Jill Biden reacts to the attack on her doctorate
- The Bidens think Americans can look forward to A ‘normal’ Christmas next year
- President-elect Biden will bring the empathy America needs as it grieves those lost in the pandemic
- The Late Show: All the ways Georgia is suppressing the vote
- Seth Meyers: Hey! Republicans who refuse to accept the election results
- Rocky Mountain Mike: The bastard he cratered
- Mark Fiore: The Dotard’s path to victory
- The Daily Show: Holiday Yule Log—Трамп losing over and over
- Trevor: Top Republicans finally congratulate Biden & AG Barr resigns
- The Late Show: “Twas the coup before Christmas”—A late show animated holiday classic:
- Bruce W. Nelson: Aren’t you tired of losing yet? (A question for The Dotard Трамп)
- Stephen: The election is finally over—SCOTUS rejects GOP suit, Biden’s win certified by Electoral College
- Robert Reich: Joe Biden’s biggest challenge
- Samantha Bee: The Mitch who stole justice (with Jon Ossoff)
- The Late Show: Joe Biden is about to get a bunch of edible arrangements
- Bruce W. Nelson: Трамп lost
- The Daily Show: Трамп fires Трамп
- Stephen: Some Republicans are having trouble congratulating Joe Biden, but Putin wastes no time
- Keith Olbermann: Biden calls out Трамп and to unite, but Трамп’s people don’t want healing
- Samantha Bee: How the Georgia runoffs came to be and why they’re so important
- The Parody Project: The twelve stains of Трамп’s mess:
- SongBird: You can’t win this (a Трамп parody)
- Jimmy Kimmel: Even Vladimir Putin & Mitch McConnell know Трамп lost
- Bruce W. Nelson: Two places Трамп could move to
- Seth Meyers: Stacey Abrams exposes how Republicans hold onto power through voter suppression
- Trevor: Трамп loses again in Electoral College as his fans riot in D.C.
- Seth Meyers: Electoral College affirms Biden—Harris Win
Stephen Interviews Joe Biden:
Mrs. Betty Bowers, America’s Best Christian: Satan’s busy year of sneaky tricks
Trevor: President Obama on police reform & the impact of slogans
BuzzFeed: Why the Electoral College is useless in 8 minutes
The Dotard Трамп and His Fellow Delusional Imbeciles:
- Bruce W. Nelson: Let’s see if someone out there has the courage
- WaPo: What is a presidential pardon?
- Stephen: Melania Трамп drops hints about her post-White House plans
- Lauren Mayer: The grift goes on
- LegalEagle: Finally, sanctions for the Kraken?
- Rocky Mountain Mike: Mr. Huge Tie
- Seth Meyers: Трамп’s Mar-a-Lago neighbors don’t want him to move there
- Bruce W. Nelson: If you wonder what a low bar looks like, look to William Barr
- Founders Sing: Silent right
- Randy Rainbow: Rudolph the leaky lawyer:
- Jimmy Kimmel: Трамп cementing legacy as the pettiest bitch the world has ever known
- WaPo: Why Barr finally broke with The Dotard
- GOP Rep. Mitchell is over Трамп
- Bruce W. Nelson: I’m too tired to sing about Трамп
- Spitting Image: Merry Christmas from the Трампs
Trevor: Obama on roasting people
WaPo: The biggest Pinocchios of 2020
Mother Jones: Here’s what $1.7 trillion in student debt looks like
Roy Wood, Jr.: North Pole diversification
- SNL Weekend Update: Dr. Wenowdis on the COVID-19 vaccine
- Amber Ruffin: Santa died of coronavirus—How to talk to kids about Christmas
- Stephen: Vaccines and herd immunity
- Heather Gardner: Our government has failed us
- Amber Ruffin: I wanna kill you this Christmas:
- Really American: FAUX is spreading new DANGEROUS lies about covid
- SNL: Dr. Fauci & Dr. Birx
- The Late Show: Ian McKellen’s immune system to covid-19, “YOU SHALL NOT INFECT!”
- Amber Ruffin sings a brutally honest Christmas song
- SNL: Coronavirus holiday
- Heather Gardner: Profits over people
Roll Call: Congressional hits and misses of the week
Now This: Your bank could be funding private prisons
Desi Lydic spends Christmas with her FAUZ News fam
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Lead off in the extravaganza should be this:
Lou Dobbs eating a big plate of shit on the air and admitting he’s a fucking liar.
Last thread I posted about the jump in bank stocks after the announcement that share buybacks can resume and that dividends won’t be unduly restricted.
JPM is up even further in after-hours trading, nearly 7 bucks a share (nearly 6%). This got me thinking, and I want to point out that the market doesn’t even have to be open for Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit to fall further behind investors who are not dumbfucks.
What a country!
1)Was Lou Dobbs like that when he worked at KING TV?
In San Francisco, MUNI says the Cable Cars won’t roll agaon until there is a vaccine to protect Gripmen and Conductors. Although for now, I hope they prioritize Streetcar and bus operators, and the Rail operations center. They still held the bell ringing contest though.
In the new GOP, every Rapepublican gets their 15 minutes of humiliation.
“low-key pissed off all the time”
Conservatives might as well get used to it.
This is their future. They were warned. Still…
And Bob just love Putin….that’s all. Fucking destroyer of democracy.
Puddy is dellusional.
Josh Hawley. He’s going to run for president. He’s good looking, charismatic, but the moral core of Joe McCarthy. He’s Trump 2.0, new and improved. He’s Trump but smart. He’s totally devoid of shame and compassion on the inside. He will say or do anything to forward his career. He is skilled at keeping his base in a frothing state of outrage and victim-hood. I do not know if he’s really religious but he uses the language of religious persecution and religious power to forward his ambitions. He exhibits no morality, just uses it as an argument to use in the moment and discard when he can get no more use from morality.
@9 will the Repuke think that he doesn’t have enough experience?
Is he a racist?
I mean Mayor Pete! He was all that.
Over here! We found the looters and rioters!
In the opening cut, the officer hands a $50 necktie to another officer that he’d “rescued” from a nearby shop.
@11 looks like that tie was yellow and black. Dispicable. Shameful. Not policing.
“He’s totally devoid of shame and compassion on the inside.”
That description applies to any politician currently in office, dipshit.
Russia, Russia, Russia!
“The Cyber Hack is far greater in the Fake News Media than in actuality,” Trump tweeted. “I have been fully briefed and everything is well under control. Russia, Russia, Russia is the priority chant when anything happens because Lamestream is, for mostly financial reasons, petrified of discussing the possibility that it may be China (it may!).”
No matter what he does to harm America, we’ll never hear a harsh word about Putin from either the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck or his orange moron.
This is so incredibly fucking awesome… I… I… oh my!
Please, please, please, baby please, oh make it so!
I know there’s only four weeks left of this GOP humiliation porn.
But oh my gawd it’s so great they saved the best stuff for last!
While the Russia Russia Russia mega hack was still active in the weeks before the election, GOP Fail President’s Method Acting DHS ordered cyber security to bury the reports until after the election, leaving all the back doors wide open while effectively notifying the GRU that they needed to hurry the fuck up and steal all the launch codes, SS numbers, and bank routing numbers.
@2 How could anyone with half a brain assume that a predatory millionaire capitalist investor doesn’t own bank stocks? Although I can readily visualize a dumb horse fucker thinking that. Of course I own bank stocks.
A more contagious strain of the virus in England. Why can’t people just get smart about this and take proper precautions instead of throwing caution to the wind.
Do you think the FuckHump is paying any attention to it? Or is he busy sucking Putin’s cock and Putin’s horse’s cock?
Now before any Repuke or IndePussy asks or Bob says, “Well, what do you want him to do about it”. Ansower – just pretend we have a Democrat currently in office and you can then tell me everything he should be doing but isn’t – you hypocritcal fuckwads.
Screaming match in Oval Office. Full-on sedition: Flynn wanting martial law. Trump wanting to give government investigatory powers to crazy conspiracy lawyer Sidney Powell. These people literally are in the White House plotting to overthrow the United States government. They’re all traitors.
I sure hope Mike Flynn commits an act of treason after 12:01 pm on 1/20/21. Doesn’t need to be a big one; a little one will do. It’s the timing that matters.
Looks like Fox is backing down from backing the POS liars it puts on the air.
I wonder if Boob will back away from the horse before he gets kicked where he eats? Like Fox seems to be doing, except different horse and riders.
Every single FOX “News” “personality” gets to take a big bite of that shit sandwich. And they get to do it for a little while too. When you’re the largest cable news network you can “offer” to do that as a way to cure defamation. And it has real value to the defamed party.
A “sincere apology” from Alex Jones, Sidney Powell, or Seb Gorka…
not so much. They might just have to offer rubles instead.
Unless you can demonstrate the unborn is not a human person, there is no justifiable excuse for abortion.
Of course, of the paltry 8 people here who think they are relevant anywhere, only 2 will actually understand the principles described in the video. . . if that many.
@23 Depends on how you define “human person.” Nine justices of the Supreme Court couldn’t in Roe v. Wade; can you?
I think a fertilized egg is a living organism, but not a person. Like a tree, it’s alive but doesn’t know it exists. At some point it acquires human characteristics, but I don’t know how to draw that line, although a simpleton should have no trouble doing so.
I have no doubt whatsover the mother is a human person, but a lot of folks involved in this argument (or debate, if you choose) don’t give a rat’s ass what happens to her. They want her to have no say in the matter because of their religion or their moral beliefs or whatever.
@23. A Forced Birther posts propaganda. A Forced Birther want abortion to be illegal, Liberals want abortion to be unneeded.
But that path would required Forced Birthers to spend money on family planning and sex ed and day care and food stamps and open adoptions so a woman had better options. I don’t see Forced Birthers wanting to do that. They want punishment. They never give a damn for the child once it’s born.
In San Francisco, Limited resumption of streetcar service on the MUNIMetro, Take 2. They started running today surface only on parts of the J-Church line. See if this lasts more than 2 days. Would love to see the F-Market and Wharves line running again. One of my favorite tracking apps has a few of the Bzy Area Systems on it.
Looks like Jay Inslee ain’t gonna get one of those nice, cushy job in the next administration.
Have an abortion, dickweed!
Merry Christmas!
And in your honor, and as a special thank you, I just bought ten abortions for a bunch of random “slutty hot chicks” for under $10!
It was fun! And so cheap!
Go Sluts!
Looks like Loren Culp and Dino Rossi will be drinking and sobbing at Kim Wyman’s trailer this Christmas.
And you and every other seditious “conservative” in the West must face four more years of struggle under the yoke of faithless communism and tyranny.
Suck it!
Cry More Now!
Jay Inslee live in the trolls’ brain.
Can Jay see Russia from Washington?
Repukes, IndePussies, and Teabaggers Teabagged this Country.
Pars is a dumbfuck in sheep’s clothing.
Came here portraying to be some smart alternative to fucking stupidity……but, nah, he’s just a dumbfuck like the rest. One so lost, he thinks a word like IndePussy will make him smarter.
Has he made one intelligent comment yet, something more than just a retarded bahhhh statement. Is he stuck in a 16 year old kids mindset? A complete dumbfuck and another Putin lover.
Looks like Pars D is tyring to challenge Bob to be King Dumbfuck. Pars wants te King Dumbfuck Bob to be the formely King Dumbfuck around here and takeover. He looms around like stench in the air with absolutely nothing to offer.
Putin promised.
They said that with the backdoors and hacks they could deliver an additional 10 million votes. Think of it! Ten million votes in key battlegrounds! On top of all the poll closing and vote suppression, the virus, the violent, stabby Proud Boy “poll watchers”. Who could lose? It’s impossible!
No fair. It has to be stolen. There’s just no other way.
@34 do us all a favor and send a pastrami sandwhich to the FuckHump with some of that magic poison potion that you have. Maybe have a few sandwhiches for the whole fucked up family, including the grandpa just in case he’s still breathing in his casket.
@27 It’s fascinating how trumper republicans think a government job is nice and cushy. Only in corrupt republican administration is the job a cash cow that one is not expected to be good at. Democrats expect the person to be competent and do their job. That’s why liberals are better than you, are better than trumpers.
What’s the Fuckwad Hump doing?
The Shitbag could give a shit, because he is use to his and family’s smell.
@34 That would explain how Drumpf got 74 million votes. He didn’t! There just aren’t that many stupid people in this country. A lot, to be sure, but not that many. It’s more like 64 million stupid people (and, of course, Pars is one of ’em, being a dumbfuck and all). It also explains why Drumpf lost — the Russian “voters” underestimated how many good, decent, patriotic, non-racist, not-Putin-loving Americans there are and the exertions they’d make to send their detestable Manchurian Candidate packing. It’s all explained now. Kremlin loses again! They lost in Afghanistan, they lost in Berlin, they lost the Cold War, and now they’ve lost their mole, too! But they’ve still got Pudidiot, Horsefucker Doc, and fetid Pars. That’s something, not much, but something.
This is so pathetic. Grovel much?
Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp draws anger and mockery after attending White House Christmas party amid Trump attacks
I dunno. Perhaps I should cut him some slack. Maybe he’s hoping this will cause the right-wing death threats against him and his family to stop.
@28, 29, 30, 32, 33 & 36 – what you idiots say about me doesn’t matter. Jay Inslee, Village Idiot of Shoreline, ain’t gonna get a job in Creepy Joe and Kameltoe’s shit-show. Go suck on it, losers!
Pars Why do you feel that continuing to denigrating a black woman with the term Kamel-toe is acceptable? Are you racist or a incel or both? Please explain.
How is Washington state losing? They are keeping an excellent Governor in place. If they wanted a crappy failure of a governor, they would have voted for republican Loren Culp. Which they did not.
If that were even remotely true, you never would have responded at all.
And certainly not like this.
But I’m sorry to say, this is to be expected. Trumpism has degraded you, as it has every single other American “conservative”. Even though you persist in feeble attempts to distance yourself, it can’t possibly help. His influence and authority over American “conservatism” surpasses you all. Any American, by simply calling themselves “conservative”, dons the red trucker hat and lines up obediently for their daily dose of the orange throat yogurt. And that includes you, PDF.
And all you have to do to prove me wrong is don’t come back here and cry any more.
Think you can do that?
Pars De Fuck.
#MAGA #CountryFuckedForever #FuckHump #Dumbfucks
He’s competing with Doctocr Dumbfuck for dumbfuckery. He’ll be back.
He’s both. Probably even wears a skirt.
Another frivolous lawsuit, with the lifespan of a mayfly, filed by a white supremacist lawyer who asserted Kamala Harris isn’t a citizen.
@39 Show me a Republican who doesn’t grovel and I’ll show you someone who isn’t a Republican.
@40 Somebody’s got cabin fever and needs to get outside more.
@40 You don’t really think Culp would be a better governor than Inslee, do you? If you do, you’re as looney as Culp.
So, we knew that as the clocked ticked down and other options came up empty, Trump and his sycophants would sit in the White House jawing about martial law and a coup, didn’t we? We knew that all along. It was inevitable like the sun rising in the morning, because the modern Republican Party is a banana republic party.
I view it as self-degradation. They did it to themselves.
Trump, and his chief enablers on FOX and AM Hate radio bear most of the blame. But I’d certainly agree with you that everyone saw this coming. Yes, getting behind Trump they could squeeze the last, bitter, hateful drops out of “The Lost Cause” and in so doing (and perhaps with some timely help from a Russian dictator and a shitty opponent) have a decent shot at grabbing hold of power one last time. But it was always going to cost them. And along with everything else, along with the rust belt, and the mid Atlantic, and the southern and middle Rockies, and Arizona and Georgia, and the suburbs, and college educated white women, it was always going to cost them this massive dose of humiliation and loss of identity.
And that’s because right from the beginning, it was always clear to see, even from the wrong side of Teh Orange Event Horizon, that Trump was no conservative and never, ever would be. Not a fiscal conservative, not a social conservative, not a military or global affairs conservative. And in throwing themselves behind him they didn’t just let go of all that. They killed it. They killed Voodoo Economics, Trickle Down, Supply Side, Cut and Grow, and Small Government Accountability, They drowned it in a sea of Lipton Tea, and Astro Glide.
And that means they have nothing left. By now even they know they lost reproductive choice two decades ago. Their own hand-picked “conservative” “Trump” judges forced same sex marriage down their throats. And it’s only a matter of time before the next Duncan Hunter is vaping hash oil on the House floor. The only thing they have left is the one thing they can never admit to or celebrate openly: White Power. But that hasn’t stopped Trump. And it never will.
42) I thought the biggest booster of Inslee in the cabinet were Republicans. Wasn’t that why they pushed Freed for Lt. Governor?
50)Wonder if Culp’s lawsuit is going anywhere?
@55 The usual place. He won’t get to be governor just because the election office flags didn’t have gold fringes.
I’m sure The Fuckhump is all over this like a doctor on a horse’s cock.
Countries Ban Travel From U.K. in Race to Block New Covid-19 Strain – WSJ
Every trumper you know “If you can’t afford rent, that’s your fault for living in a city. Maybe if you lived in an open field or some kind of bog.”
Those of us who registered in time for the deadline need to hurry up and get our absentee ballots in to the state of Georgia.
So far things are looking good. Early turnout is up in comparison to November. That’s undoubtedly because so many of us from other parts of the country took this opportunity to change our registration to Georgia to help win control of the Senate. Turnout is also up among younger voters, first time voters, and people of color.
So things are in good shape so far, but knowing as we do now how devoted the GOP is to imposing an authoritarian dictatorship via coup, we all have to double our efforts this time. Get your Georgia ballot in the mail this week to make sure it doesn’t get burned in a barrel by violent, knife-wielding, racist “conservatives”.
@59 Can’t trust the mails, so I’m going to
handpaw carry mine.There’s a real danger some dumbass will read this, take it seriously, and next thing you know they’ll be passing around in the White House and brandishing printouts at Rudy’s and Sidney’s press conferences.
“Proof! We have proof! It’s right here!”
“Officials finally found a case of a dead person voting, and it was a Republican pretending to be his dead mom trying to vote for Trump”
I await Republican outrage or they are hypocrites.