Seattle Police are taking public comments on use of force and crowd control policies. They have decided to make it difficult, so there are several links to PDF’s at the bottom. You can comment at the bottom of those. Nonetheless, it’s worth commenting on.
For me the issue starts with a massive provocation every time the police show up. Namely that they are armed at all. The average beat cop having a gun, bringing long guns to protests, it really makes the police antagonistic.
Then when they deploy tear gas or rubber bullets, they get labeled as “less lethal” as if they are the gentle alternative to firing indiscriminately into a crowd, rather than a last resort. But it shouldn’t be an option!
In much of the world, most police don’t carry guns. There are still problems with policing, but there’s one less.
Anyway, wash your hands right now.
I hope every Repuke and IndePussy is happy!
A picture is a thousand words. But Go Fuck Yourself!
I’m sure Vlad is happy as well as our traitor ass Repuke and IndePussy trolls.
This Country Fucked Forever!
No wonder the Repuke and IndePussy trolls can’t afford more than a blue tarp.
Going after a tax-dodging addict-on-the-taxpayers’-dime criminal is “foul play“.
It’s about time Biden got around to calling out Lindsey Graham. It’s been a long time coming; I suppose out of consideration for old personal ties. But you can ignore a shit pile only so long before the smell drives you out of the building.
“President-elect Joe Biden on Thursday expressed dismay that Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) was so slow to accept his victory in the Nov. 3 election.
“‘Lindsey [Graham]’s been a personal disappointment because I was a personal friend of his,’ Biden told Stephen Colbert ….
“Graham threw his support behind President Donald Trump’s unsubstantiated theories about voter fraud, arguing that ‘a lot of shenanigans’ had occurred during the election and that the president needed to ‘take all of this to court.'”
And now, over 50 dismissed lawsuits later, Graham not only looks like a disloyal friend but a shitty lawyer too.
I’d call this weird shit but I live in an America ruled by a raging orange man-baby where weird shit is the new normal.
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has launched an attack on coronavirus vaccines, even suggesting that the one developed by Pfizer-BioNTech could turn people into crocodiles or bearded ladies.
Hunter! China!
Bombshell report: Jared Kushner set up shell company that diverted campaign cash to Trump family members
The president’s son-in-law and White House senior adviser directed his sister-in-law Lara Trump, Vice President Mike Pence’s nephew John Pence and Trump campaign CFO Sean Dollman…
“…a shitty lawyer too.”
Yeah, just like you.
Doctor Dumbfuck needs more SCOTUS justices.
Supreme Court dismisses challenge to Trump’s push to exclude undocumented immigrants from census
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is sensitive @ 5 to anyone who tries to hone in on his gig as a liberal shitty lawyer.
Fear not, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. It will be decades before you lose your “Dumbfuck” crown.
Missing from Steve’s @ 7 “bombshell report” is any evidence that campaign cash was diverted to Trump family members.
Read it again, Steve. This is the closest you can come:
Steve has become increasingly pathetic. Recall the poll that Steve shared a couple of months ago, which showed that Harrison was beating Graham in SC – as long as the poll was skewed to include an additional several percent of black voters as poll respondents. WTF, Steve.
Four years of including the word “Putin” in nearly everything he posted has left Steve nonsensical the few times he posts without mentioning Putin.
I’m sorry for what has happened to you, Steve. You used to be worthy of something other than pity. No more.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has taken the term “shitty lawyer” places no one would previously have thought possible.
Moreover, he has taken straight into the toilet.
When her Democrat colleagues had the opportunity to vote on AOC’s candidacy for an open seat on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, they voted against her, 46-13.
They voted instead for Kathleen Rice, who did not support Pelosi for Speaker the last time around.
Hard to make the Green New Deal a reality when your fellow party members find you repulsive, AOC.
If he really had balls he would have taken a healthy swig.
Outgoing Rep. Cunningham opens beer on House floor in goodbye toast to bipartisanship
With Democrats it’s all for show.
Happiness is seeing your sold naked put positions expire, worthless.
Jared Kushner helped create a Trump campaign shell company that secretly paid the president’s family members and spent $617 million in reelection cash, a source tells Insider
I wonder if the trumpers feel their contributions well spent?
Speaking of you and your love for Putin.
Trump administration ignores suspected Russian cyberattack — and imposes new sanctions on China
Never a harsh word for Putin out of you treasonous fascist fucks. Not one. Ever.
15. You got an odd idea what happiness is. Mine is hanging out with my family and friends.
@ 16
… a source tells Insider.
For two years, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, Adam Schiff told you he had personally seen evidence of Trump’s collusion with Russia.
The world relies on gullible morons to create winners and losers. Thanks to you, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, it always will.
14 it’s not possible to drink when you’re wearing a mask and trying to protect the people you’re around
Just because you keep repeating the lie that there was no Russian collusion doesn’t make it true
Jesus, Doctor, can’t you do anything without fucking up?
Gov. Whitmer levels Trump over vaccine delays: ‘The bottleneck appears to be the White House’
Winners and losers. Democracy beat the fascists, white supremacists and the theocrats.
@ 21
Just because you keep repeating the lie that there was no Russian collusion doesn’t make it true
Yeah, that’s just what Maddow said. Oh, wait. When the Mueller report came out Maddow cried on national TV. My bad.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, just keep being you. It’s what keeps YLB from being recognized, again, as the most stupid commenter on HA.
@24 yer funny. Tell us another.
I saw an old man, holding his dick
And I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick
More details emerge in Jeffrey Toobin Zoom masturbation scandal
Despite his supposed downfall, Toobin is holding on to his post as senior legal analyst at CNN.
You left out a couple of words, Goldy.
Pfizer says Trump admin stalling millions of vaccine doses after rejecting offer for millions more. “We have not received any shipment instructions for additional doses,” the company said
Don’t you wished Republicans were outraged as much about people dying as they care about CNN dick?
@ 28
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, you realize that the first vaccine dose is useless without the booster dose, don’t you?
One way of ensuring the booster dose will be available to those vaccinated already, when the time comes, is to not overcommit on an initial dose to others.
Two anonymous Trump administration officials told the Associated Press the doses were in storage on purpose, held back to ensure that people who had their first shot of the two-dose vaccine could get the second one.
Pfizer is saying it has unshipped product because it hasn’t been told where to ship it. The government is saying that doses need to be reserved for the booster series. It’s likely that both sources are correct – they’re just coming from different perspectives.
There’s also the Moderna vaccine nearing full approval. If it turns out to be preferable, Pfizer might have unshipped vaccine doses for very good reason – there’s a better one about to hit the market.
Not everything is as simple as slipping tab A bareback into slot B, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
A few months ago critics were saying Trump would need a miracle to have a vaccine by year-end. Now they’ve shifted to complaining that the distribution of the first of two (so far) vaccines seems not to be perfect.
Republican Senator Who Voted for Trump’s $1.5 Trillion Tax Cut for the Rich Blocks $1,200 Stimulus Checks
“Republicans hurting the right people” – all trumpers you know
Fuck yeah.
JP Morgan up 4.9% after hours on the news at this writing.
BAC up 4.7%
C up 5.6%
WFC up 3.2%
Share Buybacks + Dividend Increases + YLB’s kids funding Social Security payments = Doesn’t matter that Trump lost.
@ 30
Republican Senator Who Voted for Trump’s $1.5 Trillion Tax Cut for the Rich Blocks $1,200 Stimulus Checks
Here’s your alternative @ 30 headline, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron:
Republican Senator Who Likely Will Challenge Kamala Harris for President in 2024 Offers $1,200 Stimulus Checks
This is likely the first time The Even Bigger Fucking Moron has heard the name Josh Hawley.
Steve will be running from China for the next four years.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) received a briefing Friday from the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) on Rep. Eric Swalwell’s (D-Calif.) association with an alleged Chinese spy.
So will Biden. Actually, all three Bidens – take your pick.
So that’s how they’re trying to spin it.
The logic doesn’t track. If those were the second shots then the amount being sent would be half not a third less so they’re still fucking up.
It Takes Two Shots so they’re going to give one shot from one company and one shot from a different vaccine? I call bullshit.
Or just about any other general election voter.
People from Missouri who gained the presidency by election:
None. Zip. Zilch.
Truman inherited and managed to barely win a second term with less than half the pop vote.
It’s good to see Republicans lowering their sights in the face of having recently suffered so much transformative defeat. The Cat Lady is finally showing signs of improving her math skills. Hawley can’t get more than 49% of the popular vote either. At this point going forward, no Republican can or ever will.
The Cat Lady meant to lose too!
Everything is going according to her brilliant, secret plan that “normies” can’t possibly understand.
The best part is it no longer matters what people like The Cat Lady, Ron Johnson, or Liddle Marcia say. After shitting their pants with Q anon baby cannibalism and obviously contrived claims of election fraud, their credibility is so shot that even Putin himself won’t meet with them.
When someone has a picture of you blowing Bob while Bob is blowing the horse then you can’t be surprised when that person succumbs to blackmail.
“GOP senator says relief talks are in the same place, no progress,” meaning the Democrats haven’t surrendered to the hostage-takers’ non-negotiable demands yet.
Republican Senator Who Likely Will Challenge Kamala Harris for President in 2024 Offers $1,200 Stimulus Checks
This is likely the first time The Even Greater HA HERO RedReformed has heard the name Josh Hawley.
Josh Hawley is a social klownservatic nutcase.. Oh the freak makes populist noises out of one side of its mouth while bleating white evangelical klownservatic klownspiracies of “disenfranchisement” out of the other..
It’s ambition is to remake the Repuke party, the party of the “working class” – the white evangelical working class. Raised methodist, it now practices evangelical presbyterianism. So it believes it is one of the “elect”.
An elite education was wasted on this freak.
Kamala Harris is a tough haul for 2024 but not impossible if there is a strong blue wall. Oh and a donald drumpf healthy and fortified with wendy’s and mickey dees..
Come on – bearded ladies would scare the heck out of anyone.
Share Buybacks + Dividend Increases + Mary Kay’s even more generous donations to liberal causes = smooth sailing for YLB’s kids..
now who draws the straw for the gasoline and who gets the straw for the lit match…
Asked for comment, Rep. Swalwell pronounced himself very relieved that because of this he’ll be remembered for something other than being the presidential candidate to cut the cheese on national TV.
Republicans aren’t incompetent at everything, just most things. Three things they’re really good at are: (1) Demeaning women, (2) faux outrage, and (3) hypocrisy. Plus, they can multitask, i.e., do all three at the same time.
Bob has never been right about anything. He’s failed at everything he’s done in life. Failed Pro athlete. Failed Doctor. Failed Son. Failed brother. Failed Husband.
He couldn’t even get Steve to have that beer with him that he kept saying he’d do. He was convinced that he’d have a beet with the guy. Sad.
What a useless, good for nothing, peice of shit. There’s only one thing he’s ever accomplished in life, and I think we all know what that is…..the poor horse.
the presidential candidate to cut the cheese on national TV.
This freak ran for prez:
One chuckles when remembering “intensive questioning”.. A kredit to the repuke party.
The Trumpalos are freezing the Biden transition team out of Pentagon briefings and lying about it.
Don’t expect anything from these assholes, and have the sheriff ready to serve the eviction papres on January 20.
Meanwhile, free-as-a-bird convicted felon Michael Flynn is going around making speeches calling for martial law and a coup. He’s a disgrace to the uniform he once wore, and a fucking traitor who deserves a firing squad, but a concrete box in ADX will do for now.
Hard to imagine anyone like Hawley surviving the Rapepublican primary process. Think for just a moment who it is he has to elbow past. Good time to be reminded that, before she went “Full Trumpalo” The Cat Lady was an ardent Kasich supporter, then an ardent Cruz supporter, then an ardent McMullen supporter, before settling on going Full Trump. Even if Hawley finished first in South Carolina, he’d face a disaster on Super Tuesday. And all that assumes the GOP even holds a primary contest, having now established the precedent that Trump is The One and no primary is needed.
The Cat Lady is anticipating a Toddler Torture/Fuck Your Feelings primary with an expanded field. When all indications are there may be no more than four to six credible campaigns in the running. And half of those will be recycled. Smart Hillbillies like this are telling themselves they will be shopping at Van Cleef & Arpels. But it’s shaping up to be more like GUM during a garbage strike.
I’m afraid it seems like we can expect this from here on out. Republicans are just going to live inside their heads. And whatever happens out there IRL, they’ll just tell themselves “it’s all part of The Plan”. Should be fun to watch.
Trump shit himself on television.
It’s going to be decades before anyone tops that.
Unless the trolls from Proud Boys can be successful in their efforts to draft Don Jr.
When it comes to the future prospects for even more GOP degradation, hope springs eternal.
@40 What would be better is if they ran The Donald in a wheelchair connected to a feeding tube. They’ve already demonstrated their willingness, nay eagerness, to follow this fat blob of protoplasm to Hades for as long as it’s pulsating even if there’s no brainwave.
@32 “This is likely the first time The Even Bigger Fucking Moron has heard the name Josh Hawley.”
Given name recognition is 90% of everything in electoral politics (just ask Trump), that doesn’t say much for his prospects, does it?
@14 With Republicans it’s nothing but show. No substance, progress, or solutions. Putting on an act of pretending to govern, that’s all.
One by one, miserable FOX news fabricators are this week being compelled to humiliate themselves by going on air and point by point take back a month’s worth of GOP/Trump voting machine lies. Dobbs went first earlier today. Pirro, and Barritromo are to follow over the weekend.
Demand letters are still being drafted.
Pudiot should check his mail.
“Bidens going to kill all the babies!”
Looks around at all the old people Trump killed.