Leviticus 19:19
Breed your livestock animals only with animals of the same kind, and don’t plant two kinds of seed in the same field or wear clothes made of different kinds of material.
by Goldy — ,
by Darryl — ,
Bernie and the Rabbi.
Samantha Bee: Why superdelegates are a good thing.
Sam Seder and Ari Berman: Voter suppression in 2016.
Young Turks: Planned Parenthood shooter’s crazy, creepy fantasy.
Jimmy Dore: Bill O’Reilly spews racist garbage, immediately says he’s “not a racist”.
Samantha Bee: Gun TV.
Matthew Filipowicz: Climate change and the war on clouds.
Daily Show: Sexual racism.
Minute Physics: Why are airplane engines so big.
The 2016 Clown Parade Marches On:
White House: West Wing Week.
How 112 people will determine where the GOP convention goes.
How to do your taxes.
Stephen and Hillary: America’s small issues.
Seth Meyers: A closer look at Goldman Sachs’ fines
Sam Seder: Public backlash puts the heat on in N.C..
VSauce: How to count past infinity.
Political ‘Captain America’ mashup.
House of Ruth: SCOTUS in the City
Samantha Bee: The NRA stands up for strict regulation…of its mascot costume!
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
by Darryl — ,
Seth Meyers: Bernie on why young people love him.
Thom: Exposing the diploma mills.
Mental Floss: 38 facts about the internet.
Robert Yasumura: Republicans are a sausage party and you’re not invited:
Thom: Should the FBI be able to hack you?
Colbert: Political week in review.
Seth Meyers: A closer look at paid family leave.
The 2016 Clown Show:
Pap and Farron Cousins: GOP policies always lead to death and destruction
Young Turks: Feds raid anti-Planned Parenthood activist’s home.
Seth Meyers: Bernie on his cable access show and Hillary:
Republican’s Voter Suppression is Voting Fraud:
Jimmy Dore: Hero woman shouts Gov. Rick Scott (R-FL) out of a Starbucks.
Obama: The U.S. economy.
What the Zika virus probably looks like.
Seth Meyers: “Ya Bernt” with Bernie Sanders.
Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
State Sanctioned Discrimination:
Mental Floss: Where did emojis come from?
White House: West Wing Week.
Stephen: The do-nothing Congress is about to do something magical:
McConnell is not taking calls.
Jimmy Dore: Political jokes of the week.
Palin’ Around with Terrorists:
Getting a grip on the Space Station.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
by Darryl — ,
North Carolina anti-gay tourism advertisement.
Jimmy Kimmel mansplains to Hillary.
Minute Physics: Are we looking in the wrong place for aliens?
Rosie the Riveter goes to Washington.
The 2016 Festival of Clowns:
Seth Meyers: Eric Holder explains why more Wall Street bankers aren’t in jail.
Greenman: How reliable are satellite temperatures? (Director’s Cut).
Proof of evolution in our bodies.
Larry Wilmore: Racist origins of Nixon’s War on Drugs.
Cuban Romance:
Mark Fiore: Thank You! Love, ISIS.
Food processing science (and weirdness).
Sarah Palin gets her own “Judge Judy” show.
Young Turks: The legacy of Rob Ford.
Thom: Portland, Oregon sues Monsanto.
Matthew Filipowicz: Who’s to blame for the five hour long voting lines in Arizona?.
GOP Obstruction of Justice:
Trump vs. Bernie in the First Ever @midnight Presidential Debate:
Hashtag Wars: Bernie v. Drumpf in #IfIWerePresident.
Farron Cousins: Sarah Palin to return with the dumbest TV show of all time.
Young Turks: Alabama Governor’s (R-Family Valuesville) phone sex with mistress released.
Kimmel: New Hillary Clinton campaign slogans.
Capitol Hill Kids on 2016.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
by Darryl — ,
LobbyWOW! It’s like a bribe, but 100% legal!
Mental Floss: 37 bizarre podcasts.
Jimmy Dore: Political news jokes of the week.
The 2016 Clown Debacle:
Inside the Capitol dome facelift.
White House: West Wing Week.
Seth Meyers: Voter ID laws…a closer look.
John Oliver: International Women’s Day.
Friday #hottakes.
PsychoSuperMom: The Religious Right is Neither.
GOP Obstruction of Justice:
Sam Seder: Dennis Miller isn’t funny.
TestTube News: How powerful is the Black vote?
Thom: How to reduce gun-related deaths in America by 80%.
Minute Physics: Transporters and quantum teleportation.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
by Goldy — ,
by Goldy — ,
Of course, my sympathies go to the Reagan family on the death of their matriarch, Nancy. But as the national media gears up for another round of fawning eulogies and bullshit mythologizing, I’m reminded of the post I wrote 12 years ago on the death of her husband.
HA was less than a month old at the time, and I had very few readers. Which is a shame, because looking back on it, this was a damn good post. So I’m repeating it below:
I was never a Ronald Reagan supporter, and the benefit of hindsight has not mellowed my opinion of his Presidency. I remain confident that the judgment of history will more closely resemble mine than that of the fawning revisionists who, like the man they endlessly eulogize, seem prone to confusing his movie roles with the role he played in public life.
Thus I never thought Reagan’s death would touch my life so personally, until both PBS stations chose to preempt their morning children’s programming to show coverage of his memorial service.
Some things should stay inviolate: The Bill of Rights… my grandmother’s pinwheel cookie recipe… a seven-year-old’s morning routine.
Even on 9-11 and the days that followed, with the nation transfixed by the tragedy of those terrible attacks, our PBS affiliates wisely shielded our children from the horror, sticking to their familiar schedule of Sagwa and Dragon Tales and other god-awful-boring but thankfully commercial-free fare. Well the rest of us watched and re-watched the clips of planes flying into buildings and towers collapsing like some recurring, national nightmare, my daughter could obliviously munch her Cheerios as she watched for the umpteenth time as Arthur triumphed over his personal nightmare that he forgot his pants.
But not this morning. No, instead of watching Clifford once again help Emily Elizabeth make amends with that bitch Jenna, we found ourselves viewing a flag-draped coffin while somber announcers struggled to pretend that the death of the body of a 93-year-old man was somehow more tragic than the Alzheimer’s disease that years ago robbed him of his mind.
I watched for a few moments, imagining an enormous red dog rampaging through the National Cathedral, crushing dignitaries as he tossed the withered body of a dead president high into the air, like some rawhide chew toy.
But my cartoon fantasy was quickly interrupted by reality. Not the reality of a national media who buys and sells the spin that Ronald Reagan was a great leader simply because he happened to preside over the culmination of the Soviet Union’s decades-long collapse. No, it was the reality of a disgruntled seven-year-old, clearly suspicious that I had somehow conspired with PBS executives to rob her of her precious kid shows.
I slipped a tape into the VCR, and the image of a procession of mourners was quickly replaced by that of dancing cartoon cutlery, which struck me as no less illusory, no less scripted than the caricature of national grief that danced in unison across six local broadcast channels.
Of course I have sympathy for Reagan’s family and friends who watched a terrible disease slowly squeeze the humanity from his once vital body; and I hope these ceremonies can bring them closure.
But their grief is not my grief. And it certainly shouldn’t have been imposed on a seven-year-old girl who asked little from the world that morning, but a bowl of Cheerios and a brief diversion of talking dogs and dragons, before trudging off to a hard day of first grade.
As parents, we often try to protect our children from the realities of our adult world… a world where towers crumble and planes fall from the sky and the most powerful nation in history can crush another in retribution, on the whims of a single, ordinary man.
Yes, even presidents are ordinary men (some, more ordinary than others.) For all the eulogizing of our week-long national shiva, I think my daughter summed up Reagan’s legacy best, when staring briefly at his flag-draped coffin she eloquently pointed out: “There’s a dead person in there.”
Ronald Reagan is dead. And now back to our regularly scheduled programming.
Same goes for Nancy.
by Darryl — ,
How does money influence U.S. elections?
Nightly Show: Planning a plantation wedding.
Obama debunks GOP “alternate reality” on economy.
The 2016 Clown Slugfest:
Hillary Clinton’s Lena Dunham strategy.
Jon Connor and Keke Palmer: “Fresh Water for Flint”.
Mental Floss: 26 facts about the science of friendship.
White House: West Wing Week.
Seth Meyers: A close look at a Texas abortion case.
Thom and Farron Cousins: How can an entire party reject the reality of climate change?
Sam Seder: MI officials call for Gov. Rick Snyder to resign over Flint water disaster.
Super Tuesday!
Thom: The Good, the Bad & the Very, Very Coadunately Ugly!
Nightly Show: Keep it 100%–Black History Month edition.
David Pakman: Clanence Thomas speaks for first time in a decade.
Farron Cousins: Court agrees…Bill-O-The-Clown is a horrible person.
Does giving up privacy keep us safe from terrorism?
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
by Darryl — ,
What are basic human rights?
How is this a thing? Whitewashing.
Jimmy Dore: Bizarre Don Quixote lie & why Richard Dreyfus was stunned
Thom: Why are Republicans so vexed over Gitmo?
The 2016 Clown Show:
Minute Physics: How do we know what air is like on other planets?
What is a rigged economy?
Obama is still trying to close Gitmo.
Seth Meyers: A closer look at Bernie Sander’s “Democratic Socalism”.
The Church for people who are “Spiritual, but not religious”.
Obstruction of Justice:
Seattle police release video of Che Taylor shooting.
Nikki & Dan Savage do politics.
Stephen’s wish list for Hillary.
John Oliver: Abortion laws.
For those who need help getting to the polls….
A moment with Triumph The Insult Comic Dog.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
by Darryl — ,
Bernie and Hillary supporters kiss and make up.
Mental Floss: 37 ways you might be weird.
Stephen: Cory Booker talks what it means to be united.
What happens if the presidential election was a tie?
The 2016 Konservative Klown Kavalcade:
Stephen: Triumph the Insult Comic Dog is now an Incisive-Political-Humor Dog.
Buy food ethically unless it is too hard.
Why are so many Mexican journalists being murdered?
WaPo: Journalism in peril.
Obstructing Justice:
NASA: Celebrating African American History Month.
Bill Maher: For the love of bud.
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about sports.
Young Turks: Democratic town halls versus Republican town halls.
Jimmy Dore: Apple, Trump, Cruz and other bad apples.
FBI versus Apple:
White House: West Wing Week.
Does the President really need Air Force One?
David Hawkings’ Whiteboard: What is Regular Order?:
David Pakman: January was the warmest January on record.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
by Carl Ballard — ,
I’m a big believer in parole over just locking people up. It incentivizes people to fix their shit in prison. And while it should be tough to get out of prison early for people who’ve committed serious crimes, it should be possible. I’m also not sure 3 strikes legislation, or in Washington’s case initiative, is a particularly helpful in reducing crime. It might make sense to go with something more grounded in crime prevention than sports metaphors. So, I’m glad that the Washington Sentencing Commission is proposing this, even if it has approximately 0 chance of passing the GOP Senate:
Three-strikes offenders serving life in prison without the possibility of parole should get a “second look.” That’s the position of Washington’s Sentencing Guidelines Commission.
It voted Friday to recommend a new review process for these prison inmates.
This is a non-binding proposal to the Washington Legislature. It basically says three-strikes inmates should be able to petition for early release after 20 years behind bars. Aggravated murderers would not qualify. A special “Second Look Review Board” would consider the petitions.
It has been over 2 decades since Washington passed the 3 strikes law. Even with the state becoming more liberal, I don’t imagine it would have much trouble passing again. Certainly, there will be victims who don’t want this sort of thing, and I’m not here to tell them how to feel.
Still, I hope the Legislature takes a good look at giving people another chance. It’s not even just for the criminals who should get another chance, or the cost of keeping reformed people behind bars. It’s as much about the kind of society we want to build. I’d like to build one where people can genuinely get out of prison.
by Darryl — ,
I’m at the Roanoke Tavern this evening with a couple of friends to watch the debate (starts at 6pm local). Please join us if you wish. Otherwise, join the fun in the comment thread.
I’ll post some commentary, snark, and (mostly) other people’s excellent Tweets.
5:59: I’ll be watching the debate on PBS rather than CNN. Just a personal choice (and a choice endorsed by the bar management).
6:03: Opening shot of the candidate’s backs…looking for the secret radio receivers strapped to Clinton’s back…
6:07: Sander’s opening statement “Yuuuge count”: 1
6:09: Shorter Hillary, “I’m just like him.”
Who would have thunk that PBS would cut quicker to commercial break than the cable nets.
— michaelscherer (@michaelscherer) February 12, 2016
Winner of the debate so far: Commercials.
— Chris Cillizza (@TheFix) February 12, 2016
I thought Hillary loved the gays, why won’t she let them dress her?
— Ana Marie Cox (@anamariecox) February 12, 2016
6:21: Hillary is sure “we” will have the political capital to raise taxes on wealthy. Don’t think so, but probably better than Sanders.
.@BernieSanders answer to health care question suggests Coverage For All will be delivered by unicorns.
— Paul Singer (@singernews) February 12, 2016
O'Malley is good tonight.
— Jeffrey Goldberg (@JeffreyGoldberg) February 12, 2016
Ok look I made a graphic so you can see how important this is. POTUS –> SCOTUS. pic.twitter.com/b2JHPqEI2j
— Hanna Brooks Olsen (@mshannabrooks) February 10, 2016
Glad someone is keeping track of this. https://t.co/ck7Dsf0DdJ
— Chris Cillizza (@TheFix) February 12, 2016
Debate needs to start focusing on where the two disagree. That's what the debate format is for. Let them litigate differences.
— Chris Cillizza (@TheFix) February 12, 2016
6:43: Come’on, when is Bernie going to go all Christie on Hillary?
6:46: Will someone PLEASE ask the candidates about their position on waterboarding?!?
I understand why he didn’t, but I really wish Biden was a third person on this stage right now.
— Samuel Minter (@abulsme) February 12, 2016
Sanders is doing better than Clinton tonight. More passion. More compelling. Even if Hillary’s pragmatism may be more realistic.
— Samuel Minter (@abulsme) February 12, 2016
I'm confused as to what's happening right now on PBS. Mid-debate commentary and highlights? Is this the halftime show? -cd
— PurpleStrats/Chris (@PurpleStrats) February 12, 2016
Hard to make jokes when two intelligent people are talking and not saying things like "The Chinese are tremendous people. Let's waterboard."
— Jen Kirkman (@JenKirkman) February 12, 2016
PBS should've held a fundraiser. Early: "Your donation will help us return to the debate. Later: "Your donation can stop this debate."
— Darryl Holman (@hominidviews) February 12, 2016
tens of thousands of young bernie supporters are totally lost right now during the Kissinger portion of this debate
— Sam Stein (@samsteinhp) February 12, 2016
Gotta admit, I didn't expect Kissinger-bashing tonight.
— Douglas Heye (@DougHeye) February 12, 2016
Have things really reached the point where we're debating Henry Kissinger? #WhatDecadeIsThis
— HowardKurtz (@HowardKurtz) February 12, 2016
7:50: Man…Democrats SUCK at negative campaigning.
by Goldy — ,
by Darryl — ,
Congressional hits and misses of the week.
Straight outta options:
Mental Floss: Fifteen facts about coffee.
Bill Maher: Lies are the new truth.
What led to Flint, MI’s poisoned water.
Stop making guns so sick.
Minute Physics: How to discover new particles.
I Oh Wha???
Twelve minutes of Right-wing nutjob Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA-5) talking politics.
Stephen and Samantha Bee try out some lady euphemisms.
What the West gets wrong about Muslim women.
Obama: Employment is down to 4.9%.
Young Turks: “Pro-life” activist proves she’s not really pro-life at all.
Pap and Farron Cousins: Lunatic Michele Bachmann says Obama is about to reveal himself as Anti-Christ.
Larry Wilmore and friends: Anger and politics.
Conan meets his censor.
The 2016 Conservative Crazy Car:
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about famous companies.
Madame President.
David Hawkings Whiteboard: Here comes the budget:
Follow the money: The chemical industry writes a law.
Farron Cousins: Republicans destroy government to prove government doesn’t work.
VSauce: Math Magic.
One of these people will be President.
Thom: The Good, the Bad & the Very, Very Depascently Ugly!.
Martin Shkreli invokes his fifth amendment rights before Congressional oversight committee.
Space Station Live: African American History Month.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
by Carl Ballard — ,
It is always amazing to me when I read things like this. “I’m old enough to remember the shock, replaced quickly by compassion fatigue, when urban homelessness first energed as a problem in the early ’80s,. Before then, hard as it is to imagine now, cities didn’t have homelessness issues – just a few random drunks and what were then quaintly called hoboes.” Geov isn’t the first person I’ve read with similar observations, and while I believe it, it’s tough to internalize. What seems like an intractable problem that has been there forever is actually a bit younger than me.