“I’m tired of my son lying about his mother,” David Irons Sr. writes in a lengthy comment in which he refutes his son, supports his wife and corroborates much of the story we’ve already heard.
Irons Sr. is not only a self-made millionaire, he is a former Commander and Chief of Aviation for the U.S. Coast Guard — “a hero” (Jr.’s words) who personally flew hundreds of search and rescue missions… the kind of resume that normally earns admiration and respect in Republican circles. I have no reason to doubt his version of events, and so I am reposting it here.
This is David Irons, Sr. writing because I’m tired of my son lying about his mother. Junior admitted to me, within minutes of the assault, that he hit his mother and knocked her to the floor. When he later denied it, I suggested both Junior and his mother take polygraph tests. His mother took the test and proved the obvious, she was not influenced by a medical condition and Junior did hit her.
This is the second time I have challenged Junior to take a polygraph. The first was when he made a false police report about his nephew. His nephew took a polygraph and proved beyond any doubt that Junior was lying. But Junior refused to be tested then and I expect him to refuse again because he can ill afford to have the truth known.
Regarding Junior assaulting his mother, no one but he, our youngest daughter, my wife and I witnessed any specifics of the violent episode. We observed the torn up office and the telephone ripped from the wall while Junior remained at the office and his mother fled in terror. And Junior’s panic call to me to come to the office immediately.
Junior has changed his story about the assault incident several times. First he admitted he struck his mother and knocked her to the floor. Next he modified the story by saying his mother walked into his arm and fell down. Then he denied hitting her and said she had a hallucinatory diabetic “seizure” and fell down; it should be noted that diabetics do not suffer seizures as Junior describes. Now Junior is denying that the assault occurred, saying, “it just didn’t happen.”
But Junior’s abuses are displayed outside the family, too. He worked for us for almost 15 years and we learned after our business sold that Junior had been swearing and throwing tools at other employees. If we had known about it at the time, he would have been fired. When we asked the employees why we hadn’t been informed of his unacceptable conduct, the men said they were afraid to report him. Intimidation is a terrible hammer.
Now we learn from subsequent work sources that Junior hasn’t changed his spots. He is still abusive and his coworkers are still reluctant to report him. Abuses usually take place when and where no witnesses are available so it is hard for the abused to find relief.
As for Junior being endorsed by aunts, uncles and cousins; the people he references, with one exception, wouldn’t recognize him on the street and certainly don’t know him. He generated the family backing just like he invented the fabricated business experience and the phony education resume.
And when we refused to help Junior on a political venture that would cost his younger sister her job, he threatened that if we didn’t help him, we would never see his three children again. We didn’t believe he would do such an abusive thing to his children or to us, but he did. We haven’t been allowed to see his daughters for over five years.
Junior professes to be a family man but taking his children’s only grandparents away defies the image of a caring parent.
Dave Irons, Sr.
Irons Sr. has given us no reason to question his integrity, while his son’s inflated resumes are filled with documented lies. The only reason I can see to totally dismiss the father is that you don’t want to hear what he has to say about his son… whereas Jr. has earned our skepticism… at least.
Call it a he said / he said if you want, but I just think Sr. comes across as the more reliable “he.”