I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again… I’m guessing that the day Progressive Majority set up shop in Washington state will stand out as one of the most significant recent developments in state and local politics.
PM focuses on the hard work of recruiting, training and supporting progressive candidates for “down ballot” races, building a farm team of local elected officials from which future political all-stars will rise. And their results in Tuesday’s election were truly impressive:
18 of 27 candidates won election (67%)
2 races are still too close to call
5 of 9 women won (56%)
5 of 7 people of color won (71%)
2 of 3 union members won (66%)
7 of 11 first time candidates won (64%)
Two of PM’s highest profile victories were that of Dave Somers and Steve Stuart, both of whom the BIAW spent big money to defeat. Stuart’s win keeps control of the Clark County Commission in the hands of Democrats, and was one of PM’s biggest priorities. And Somers huge upset win over incumbent Jeff Sax gives the Democrats control over the Snohomish County Council.
A big thanks to Dean Nielsen, Edie Giliss and everybody else at PM for a job well done. And a special congratulations to PM candidate Marko Liias, whose Mukilteo City Council victory makes him the first graduate of my class at Camp Wellstone to win his first race for office. (At least I think. I’m terrible with names, so let me know if I missed somebody.)