EXCLUSIVE: Irons’ mom passes polygraph! Demands son do the same
In a bizarre and dramatic twist to a bizarre story, David Irons Jr.’s mother, Janet C. Irons, submitted herself to a polygraph test yesterday morning… and passed with flying colors. A four-page report from Evergreen Polygraph, Inc. concludes that Mrs. Irons was “truthful” in her telling of a 1994 incident in which she claims her son knocked her to the ground and tore the phone off the wall to prevent her from calling 911.
Based on the physiological responses produced by the subject on two polygraph charts, in the opinion of this examiner the subject was not attempting deception when she answered “NO” to the following relevant questions.
43. Did you lie to me when you said your son David assaulted you?
44. Did you lie to me about being assaulted by your son in 1994?
45. Did you lie to me when you said you were not having a diabetic reaction when your son assaulted you in 1994?
While it is true that polygraph results are not admissible in court, they are commonly used during both criminal and civil investigations. Even Dori Monson, one of Irons’ most adamant defenders, apparently considers polygraphs to be credible, as just last Friday he repeatedly issued on-air challenges to both Irons and Ron Sims — the two candidates for King County executive — to submit to just such a test. (Dori may be a bit of a blowhard with whom I passionately disagree on most political issues… but he’s a fair blowhard, and thus I fully expect him to report to his audience the very credible results of Mrs. Irons’ own examination.)
It should also be emphasized that while the polygraph test addressed only the one incident in question, Irons’ parents allege that their son has displayed a pattern of dishonesty and abusive rages that should disqualify him from high office, the details of which I have previously outlined. From my conversations with the family I have no more reason to doubt their broader character testimony than I did their description of the 1994 assault.
I spoke with Mrs. Irons briefly yesterday, before she received the polygraph results, and she repeated her challenge to David Jr. that she made last week on the John Carlson Show… that he join her in taking a polygraph test. However she doesn’t expect him to respond: “liars won’t usually take tests unless forced,” she told me. Still, she hopes this will be the last she needs to speak on the issue.
“I’m very tired of Jr. using us for political fodder, and I’ll be thankful when every few years we don’t have to keep talking about having a dishonest and abusive son. Maybe we can get him to quit lying about us, but I wonder what it will take for him to quit lying about his political opponents?”
Hmm. How about getting him out of politics?
I received an updated polygraph report that correctly numbers the questions, and have uploaded a new PDF that reflects these changes.
Miers withdraws; Bush administration crumbles
Man… that was easy:
Under withering attack from conservatives, President Bush ended his push to put loyalist Harriet Miers on the Supreme Court Thursday and promised a quick replacement. Democrats accused him of bowing to the “radical right wing of the Republican Party.”
The withdrawal stunned Washington on a day when the capital was awaiting potential bad news for the administration on another front – the possible indictments of senior White House aides in the CIA leak case. Earlier in the week, the U.S. military death toll in Iraq hit 2,000.
My regular readers must have noticed that I commented little on the Miers nomination, preferring instead to sit back and watch the normally disciplined Republican Party implode on its own. Let this be a lesson to those few moderates and true conservatives left in a position of authority within the GOP… the far right wing of your party expects absolute loyalty and allegiance from you, but should you stray one tiny step from the Good Book, they’ll throw you to the lions without a moment’s hesitation. They don’t give a shit about fiscal conservativism or federalism or strict constructionism… they’ll stop at absolutely nothing in pursuit of their theocratic agenda, even if it means turning on a Republican president at a time he desperately needed party discipline to save his crumbling administration.
Whatever her qualifications, Miers was without a doubt a reliably pro-business, corporate attorney who could be counted on to favor the GOP’s financial backers for decades to come. But even this devout, born again, Evangelical Christian failed to pass the religious right’s rigid litmus test, that demands justices who will criminalize abortion and homosexuality, while undermining our nation’s sacred tradition of separating church and state.
And isn’t it curious… that her dramatic, surprise withdrawal comes on a day the White House expects criminal indictments of high-level members of the administration? I guess it should come as no surprise that Karl Rove would sacrifice a Supreme Court nominee in an effort to save his own skin.
“Where’s Rossi?” Day 43
So where’s Dino Rossi? Well according to the Spokane Spokesman-Review (boneheaded, paid-subscription required), the man who claims to be “taking a well-deserved break from politics,” is actually out in Spokane… campaigning.
In his blue suit, pressed white shirt and red tie, Dino Rossi appears every inch the candidate.
He’s got a book on leadership coming out.
He’s making a few select speaking appearances, like the one this morning to Republican state Senate leaders meeting in Spokane.
He’s returning the favor of friends who helped with his past campaigns, down to recording a few automated “robo-calls” for candidates in the 2005 election.
Yeah… sure… except for all the campaigning and political stuff he’s doing, he’s taking a break from politics.
What a load of crap.
So Dino… as long as you’re returning favors of friends who helped with past campaigns, how about returning a favor to the business community that bankrolled your run for governor? Why not record one of those robo-calls, asking voters not to support I-912? Or at the very least, why not just stake out a public position on an issue on which you’ve surely taken a private one… the most contentious issue on the November ballot?
Where’s Rossi on I-912? We’ll probably never know, because he’s apparently too busy campaigning for governor to display the kind of leadership necessary to be one.
WARNING: Entering Earthquake Disaster Area!
Washington Defense is holding a demonstration this morning, 10 AM, at the 1st Ave. S on ramp of the Alaska Way Viaduct, to warn drivers of the imminent danger, and demand that WSDOT post permanent hazard signs along the length of the structure. Yard signs will be made available to those who attend.
This is not the well financed “official” No on I-912 campaign, but rather an independent, grassroots effort, that nonetheless has managed to raise enough money to print yard signs. Just another example of the growing opposition to I-912.
David Irons’ highway
For six years, David Irons Jr. has supported building “I-605”, a four-lane freeway cut through the heart of rural King County:
“When 605 came up in the past, it was largely pie-in-the-sky,” said David Irons Jr., newly elected King County councilman who represents the district where the freeway could be built. … “It’s time for discussions and hard decisions. It’s time to talk about 605.”
And in his recent radio ads and prerecorded robo-calls, Irons continues to talk about I-605, though not by name. When he refers to a study claiming that adding more lanes is the only way to relieve congestion, he’s referring to Bellevue Square developer Kemper Freeman Jr.’s selfishly skewed study… which of course, relies on I-605 at the heart of its plan. It’s all there, documented on a new website, IronsHighway.com.
With I-605 would come the unmitigated sprawl that accompanies all freeways… exactly the kind of land use policies Irons’ financial backers in the building industry were looking for when they yanked him out of obscurity back in 1999. Freeman builds malls, and what do you find at nearly every freeway off-ramp? A mall! Indeed, Freeman alone has contributed over $6,760 to Irons over the past couple years.
So if you want to transform rural King County into an endless swath of strip malls and sub-divisions… vote for Irons. Because that’s clearly what he intends to deliver.
Drinking Liberally
The Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally meets tonight (and every Tuesday), 8PM at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E.
Buy me a couple drinks and maybe I’ll blab to you about all the new dirt I’m digging up on David Irons.
Rape victim denied Morning After pill
After a sexual assault, a Tucson AZ woman spent three days frantically trying to obtain emergency contraception — the “morning after” pill — to no avail.
While calling dozens of Tucson pharmacies trying to fill a prescription for emergency contraception, she found that most did not stock the drug.
When she finally did find a pharmacy with it, she said she was told the pharmacist on duty would not dispense it because of religious and moral objections.
“I was so shocked,” said the 20-year-old woman, who, as a victim of sexual assault, is not being named by the Star. “I just did not understand how they could legally refuse to do this.”
But of course it is legal, and under growing pressure from the religious right, many of the nation’s largest pharmacy chains are refusing to stock or dispense emergency contraception, under any circumstances.
Imagine this woman is your girlfriend your wife or your daughter… she was essentially assaulted twice: first by her assailant, and next by the right-wing religious extremists who would deny her access to safe, effective and legal contraception. These are the extremists who have hijacked the GOP… and those more moderate Republicans who nonetheless whore themselves to their party’s theocratic agenda must be held accountability.
Pharmacists have an ethical obligation to dispense legal medication, and they should have a legal obligation as well. We need laws now, guaranteeing access to contraception. All the more reason to vote Democratic.
I-330 sucks
Courtesy of Andrew Wahl
I come from a family of doctors, so I understand the burden of malpractice insurance, but I-330 isn’t a pro-doctor initiative, it’s a pro-insurance industry initiative. And either way, it certainly ain’t pro-patient. There is no medical malpractice crisis in WA state, and no need for some insurance industry written and financed anti-consumer fix. Quite frankly, I-330 sucks.
(Hmm. Why is it Republicans are always trying to put trial lawyers and organized labor out of business? You think if hotdog vendors were big contributors to the Democrats, the GOP would be trying to bust them up too?)
Rosa Parks, rest in peace
Rosa Parks has died at age 92.
Speaking in 1992, she said history too often maintains “that my feet were hurting and I didn’t know why I refused to stand up when they told me. But the real reason of my not standing up was I felt that I had a right to be treated as any other passenger. We had endured that kind of treatment for too long.”
Her arrest triggered a 381-day boycott of the bus system organized by a then little-known Baptist minister, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., who later earned the Nobel Peace Prize for his work.
“At the time I was arrested I had no idea it would turn into this,” Mrs. Parks said 30 years later. “It was just a day like any other day. The only thing that made it significant was that the masses of the people joined in.”
A simple act of defiance by an ordinary person can change the world.
Republicans say the darndest things
Reuters is reporting that federal prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald “appears to be laying the groundwork for indictments” this week, possibly including charges of perjury and obstruction of justice in the investigation over the outing of covert CIA operative Valerie Plame. If that’s not surprising, neither is the Republican’s typically hypocritical spin:
In a preview of how Republicans would counter charges against top administration officials by Fitzgerald, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas brushed aside an indictment for perjury — rather than for the underlying crime of outing a covert operative — as a “technicality.”
A technicality, huh? Oh… you mean like lying about a blowjob?
Yesterday on Meet the Press, Hutchinson accused Fitzgerald of trumping up perjury charges in an effort to show that “two years’ of investigation was not a waste of time and dollars.”
Hmm. So how does the Fitzgerald investigation compare to the four-year witch hunt that Ken Starr conducted against President Bill Clinton? Well, Armando reports on Daily Kos that Fitzgerald has spent $723,000 to date, whereas Starr spent $40,835,000 to catch a president lying about sex. Remember… Whitewater, Travelgate, Vince Foster, and everything else he investigated… and all he came up with was Monica’s stained blue dress. And a Republican Congress impeached a president for that.
So now that their ox is being gored, and Republicans start explaining away perjury as a “technicality”… I have to laugh.
My bad
I’m man enough to admit when I am wrong.
Last week I told the story the Irons’ family wanted voters to hear… the long, sad tale of their son David Jr., and their heartfelt belief that he lacks the qualifications, intellect and temperament for high public office. In doing so, I also made a point of lambasting the MSM for not covering the details of the Irons family feud… details that I believe speak directly to his character.
In an era when pundits and reporters can soberly chronicle the impeachment of a president for lying about a blowjob, it seems inconceivable that our local media could ignore the character testimony of a candidate’s own parents. But that is exactly what the MSM has done for years, most recently with Joni Balter’s timid, almost-apologia of a column in the September 29 edition of the Seattle Times.
Well… apparently my Google skills aren’t what they should be, for in fact checking my reporting, Darryl at Hominid Views has uncovered a number of articles from 2003, covering various aspects of the troubles. So those reporters who have privately complained that they had previously covered this story, well… I guess you were sort of right. Sorry. My bad.
Of course, that was two years ago during a county council race, back when few voters were paying attention to David Irons. I still think it is relevant to raise these issues again in 2005, now that Irons is running for a much more high profile county-wide office. And I provided some necessary context by stringing all the various allegations together into a single, coherent narrative, so that voters could get a clearer picture of what the Irons family is actually alleging: not simply that he hit his mother, but that he is totally unfit for office.
So what did Darryl discover from these news accounts?
For the most part, Goldy’s story is corroborated. In fact, I am surprised at the consistency, given the way time tends to warp memories.
My point here is not to criticize Goldy for not knowing about these articles. In fact, I find it reassuring that Goldy rediscovered this story and documented it without use of previous media accounts. At the same time, Goldy’s account includes some new angles, eyewitnesses, and relevant new details.
Finally, Goldy did what the MSM did not do in 2003. He brought together many eyewitness stories to document larger patterns of dishonesty and voilence.
Darryl’s research kind of puts my harshest critics in a curious bind, as it’s tough to attack me as a lowlife slimeball for breaking a story that… um… apparently, I didn’t break. As to abusing me for rehashing the story just a few weeks before election day, hey… I’m just some blogger. I think the MSM did voters a public service by jumping all over this story on Friday… but it’s not like I held a gun to their head.
In any case, stay tuned, and keep looking for that other shoe.
The story of the story thus far
This post is mostly directed at my friends in the media, because I want to set the record straight before editorialists and columnists start chiming in. Yesterday, David Irons Jr. responded to his family’s devastating allegations by charging that this was a dirty trick orchestrated by the Sims campaign, a meme Dori Monson joyously pounded for two hours yesterday… and I want to categorically deny this in the strongest terms possible. If this was a dirty trick, it was my dirty trick… and nobody, nobody tells me what to write. (Which I suppose explains why nobody pays me either.) And so, here is the genesis of this story, in excruciating detail.
As should be clear from reading my post, the impetus for the piece was Joni Balter’s column, which left the writer in me searching for the narrative behind her concise phrase “different family matter.” Balter’s description struck me as a sort of inside joke — a wink and a nod that those in the know would instantly get — but I had never paid much attention to county politics before I stumbled into blogging last year, and so like most of her readers, I had no context. I knew next to nothing about Irons’ past races — I didn’t even know who Brian Derdowski was when I was introduced to him last year.
It was Steve Zemke — the longtime activist, “Whoops” slayer, and fellow Eyman opponent with whom I frequently whine about politics — who first suggested that I should talk to Brian for some background on Irons. It was Steve who dug out Brian’s phone number from the depths of his well stocked rolodex.
As Brian explained on Dori’s show yesterday, I went to him with some broad questions, not really sure where the story was going, and he was more than happy to give me a history of the 1999 campaign, culminating in the Irons/Master Builders smear the night before the absentee ballots dropped. In pursuing this story, I heard some scuttlebutt from council staffers and others about Irons reputation for having an abusive temper, and when I asked Brian for details about the family split, he insisted that this was a story that I would have to get directly from the family… and that he was pretty sure they would be eager to share it with me.
Brian gave me Di Irons’ number, who in turn put me in touch with her parents. Not only did they share the details of their sad and painful story, they expressed disappointment that Balter had not shared it with the public after they had told it to her.
That is the genesis of my post. Nobody pushed it to me. Nobody fed me any easy information. I did some of that journalistic stuff that I really don’t like to do (it’s too much damn work), and that’s how I got the story. To imply otherwise is not only wrong, it diminishes the effort I put into a detailed, 3300-word piece.
Yesterday, Dori made a big deal about Sims campaign spokesman Christian Sinderman telling the Seattle Times on October 14 that “we’re almost in full mudslinging mode.” Oh gimme a break, Dori. Most of you in the media know Christian, and he may be a lot of things, but he’s not stupid. Do you really think his intention was to proudly proclaim that the Sims campaign was about to sling mud? When I read that quote, I just assumed he was talking about the Irons’ campaign. Didn’t you?
When Dori asked if I had been in contact with Christian, I almost replied “no”, which would have been easier and less confusing… but after a momentary stammer I remembered that I had in fact emailed with Christian recently, and had probably mentioned I was working on the story. After Dori’s show I checked my email log, and on Oct 10th, I received a brief email from Christian (my first since May) titled “how are you?” It was a brief catch-up note; he asked me about the Mike Brown story and another unrelated matter… and he also mentioned that he heard I had talked to Di. I replied to all aspects of the email, but on the subject at hand I wrote:
My conversations with the Irons family continue. Yes… an amazingly screwed up family… and I can’t believe the MSM has no interest. David Irons is a pathological liar with a violent temper, but apparently, real journalists like Joni Balter don’t feel this addresses his character sufficiently that voters should be made aware.
To this I got no reply.
How did Christian know I had talked to Di? A lot of people knew I had talked to Di. I was asking around, looking for others to corroborate Irons reputation as a raging bullshitter… you know, interviewing people and stuff… what all you reporters do. And I’m sure I blabbed at the last two Drinking Liberally gatherings, so a bunch of other bloggers and politicos knew what was coming too.
Those of you who know me, also know that I am… well… a bit chatty. I like to talk. It can be tough to get me off the phone. I work from home, where my dog is a crappy conversationalist (“squirrels” this, “dog park” that) and my cat is constantly telling me to kill people. (Bad kitty!) It can get lonely. So I talk.
Anyway, on October 12 I sent another email to Christian, giving him a heads up that a source of mine at Brigadoon.com had also been talking to a reporter from a major media outlet (you know who you are) and that a story should be forthcoming on Irons’ business dealings. Christian replied that the campaign was about to run ads on Brigadoon.
Then on October 18, I sent Christian an email telling him I was preparing to post “Part One of my Irons piece” and asking for his help in confirming the name of some Eastside developer Janet C. had mentioned. (Yes… I had no idea who Skip Rowley was.) But at the same time, I also emailed and phoned the Irons campaign with a list of allegations, asking for comment… so they got the same heads up.
That was the extent of our conversation.
I lay this all out in excruciatingly boring detail, because I want my friends in the press to understand, that if any of you give even a hint of credence at all to Irons’ entirely unsupported assertion that this story originated with Sims campaign, you will be calling me a liar. This part of the story is not one of those he said/she said things… I have presented a detailed report of this story from start to finish, and I trust Steve, Brian, Di, and Janet C. will back me up… whereas David Jr. has pulled his allegation right out of his ass. If any of you lay even a hint of blame on Ron Sims, you better headline the piece “Goldy is a Liar”, because that is essentially what you will be writing.
I may be a lot of things. Maybe I’m a muckraker and a blowhard and an aggressive partisan. But I am not a liar. I’ve worked very hard to overcome the overly solemn institutional reaction to my horse’s ass initiative, and the irreverent domain name that is its legacy. Throughout the election contest I was consistently right on the facts, and both my legal and statistical analyses were proven at trial to be dead on target. And rather than dwelling on past glories (like some bloggers) I have worked hard to up my relevance by breaking important story’s like the Mike Brown fiasco, and now the Irons family feud. For those reporters and editorialists who haven’t met me, go talk to your colleagues who have. I’ve earned my credibility.
And finally, who better to vouch for my character than my own mother, who left the following comment in the contentious thread on the post in question:
Goldy has been so busy researching and writing this blog that he hasn’t had time to talk to his own mother (me) so I decided to read it to see what my son was up to. As a Mom it makes me very nervous for him, to know that in his quest to uncover the truth, Goldy is making enemies as well as converts. I know that my son is not being paid or mentored by any one or any group. (I wish he were for he could use the money) It is his inherent morality, sense of fairness, and determination that in this democracy people should really know who and what they are voting for that drives him. Love, Mom
I can’t really blame Irons for trying to spin this into a story about a Sim’s dirty trick… it’s really the only political option he has to deal with this very damaging story. But this spin just isn’t true. This is his parents story, which I broke through my own initiative and volition. I’m a blogger. That’s what we do.
It is very hard for any executive to win a third term, and Ron Sims is no exception. After nine years in office, Sims has made so many decisions that he’s bound to have pissed off all of us at one time or another. And sometimes, voters just get tired of the incumbent. Hell… even Mario Cuomo, one of the greatest statesmen of the past few decades, was eventually turned out of office by a vastly inferior opponent.
David Irons’ strategy was clear. He left himself undefined, so that voters, tired of Sims, could project onto Irons what they wanted to see. Republican… businessman… “strong” like iron… maybe that’s good enough for a lot of voters itching for a change.
But the risk in leaving yourself undefined, is that somebody might do it for you.
David Jr.’s own mother and father say that he is an ill-tempered liar, who lacks the experience, qualifications and intellect to run this county. So here’s a tip to my friends in the media: if you question the parents’ description of their son, I suggest you talk to some current and former council staffers, and try to persuade them to go on the record.
And we haven’t even started to talk about Brigadoon.com yet.
Open thread 10-21-05
Hmm. I wonder what people want to talk about?
The beat goes on…
Well… I’ve always been rather blunt that my primary goal as a blogger is to get the MSM to pick up on stories that I think are significant. Kirby Wilbur and Dori Monson graciously gave me some time on the air today, I taped a piece for KIRO radio news, and the Seattle P-I this morning follows up on my post about the Irons family feud, that includes the explosive allegation that David Irons Jr. hit his mother.
But the posting by David Goldstein, an unabashed liberal who runs a blog at www.horsesass.org, highlights other elements in the Irons family wrangling predating the 1999 race.
David Irons Jr.’s mother, Janet C. Irons, said Thursday that Goldstein’s posting was accurate, including the description of the 1994 confrontation in which, she said, her son “knocked me flat” during a heated argument.
Yes, I am an unabashed, liberal blogger with no journalism training, who takes notes in a nearly illegible scrawl… but I take pride in getting my facts straight. The story I told is the story the Irons family told me — a story that is about much more than a single incident. And I stand by my decision to share their story with the public.
David Jr. denied to the P-I that he hit his mother, claiming instead that she suffered from a diabetic seizure. And his sister, Janet A. Irons — also estranged from her parents — backs him up.
But David Irons’ older sister, Janet A. Irons, backs her brother’s assertion that he didn’t strike their mother and said, “I wasn’t told anything about that in 1994. It was only years subsequent that (my mother) said anything. It wasn’t until my brother ran against Mr. Derdowski that my mother remembered lots of awful things about David.”
Janet A., an attorney, makes a very lawyerly defense of her brother… the kind of defense one might make in court in a similar abuse case. Both to the P-I, and in my post’s comment thread, she questions the details of her mother’s story, and asks why she didn’t talk about it a the time.
Well… she did talk about it at the time… just not to her daughter Janet. The youngest Irons sibling, Di, worked in the office with her mother at the family business, and remains close to her parents both emotionally and physically, living in the house next door. While she did not witness the incident, she says she did see the torn up state of the office after the struggle, and her mother confided in her the painful details at the time. The story Di says her mother told her in the immediate aftermath of the confrontation is largely the same as the story her mother told me last week, and which she emotionally defended to the P-I:
His mother ridiculed her son’s explanation of her collapse, although she said she does suffer from diabetes. If she experienced a seizure, she asked, why didn’t her son call for medical assistance?
“For years, he’s told lies about us, and nobody questions him,” she said.
“It breaks my heart, but it couldn’t be any more broken than what he’s done. He has destroyed a great deal of everything I’ve spent my life thinking is important.”
In the comment thread on my original post, Janet A also disputes other elements of the longer story I posted, including the assertion that David Jr. was not involved in the day to day operations and management of the company. But it needs to be pointed out that Janet A. was not involved in the day to day operations and management of the company either; she served as the company’s attorney. It was her parents who owned and operated the company, not the children, a sore issue that may have been a flash point in David Jr.’s knockdown outburst.
“I had told him to get out of my office and he wouldn’t leave,” Janet C. Irons, 73, said. “I said, ‘David, I own the place and you’re an employee. Leave.’ ”
Her son then struck her, she said. “I tried to call 911 after he hit me. He tore the phone out of the wall.”
There were no witnesses to the incident in which David Jr. allegedly struck his mother, so yes, this is a he said/she said kind of story. But I found the telling very convincing. I did not ask about the incident until halfway through my conversation with Janet C., and her tone immediately changed. This was clearly a painful, traumatic memory, her voice quivering with emotion as she recalled the confrontation. I cannot possibly know the truth of what transpired that day, but there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that David Jr.’s mother believes her son hit her.
[Oh man… I just heard Janet C. recount her story on the Dave Ross Show. There really isn’t any more to say than has just been said. So I’ll just stop for the moment.]
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