Oy… is this really all the Republicans have going for them these days?
A state legislator is unhappy that some seasonal greenery in Olympia has been designated the “Capitol Holiday Kids’ Tree.”
Gov. Christine Gregoire should declare the 30-foot noble fir in the Legislative Building a Christmas tree and post “Merry Christmas” signs nearby, Rep. John Ahern, R-Spokane, said Wednesday on talk radio, urging listeners to call the Governor’s Office.
“We’re a Judeo-Christian nation. Of course we should have ‘Merry Christmas’ on signs there,” he said. “Our Constitution guarantees us freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.”
Um… hey “John” with an “h”… speaking as one of those “Judeos” you claim to be defending, I’d just like to point out that we don’t celebrate Christmas. So if you want to fill our government buildings with goyish tchotchkes, please cut the disingenuous “Judeo” crap, and say what you mean. You think this is a Christian nation, don’t you? So stop co-opting my identity by hyphenating my religion to yours… it’s beginning to really piss me off.
Oh… and as for the so-called liberal “War on Christmas”…
The tree is named by the Association of Washington Business, which organizes an annual tree-lighting and gift drive for needy youngsters.
If the AWB’s liberal, I guess that makes the BIAW a bunch of Trotskyites? (Hmm… I know somebody who’s getting an ice-pick for Christmas.)