It was journalist night at Seattle’s Drinking Liberally, with one of the region’s most venerable political writers, The Seattle P-I’s Joel Connelly, duking it out with one of the region’s newest, The Stranger’s Cienna Madrid. Also joining me for our weekly political beerfest was Carl, Mollie, Will, and Lee. (Well, sort of Lee… we actually bumped him for Joel before he managed to say a word.)
Cienna and I continue our tussle over Maria Cantwell, Dirk Kempthorne and how political journalists influence the issues they cover. Then Joel joins in and the discussion ranges from Barak Obama, Al Gore, Mark Warner, John Edwards, John Kerry and the third anniversary of the start of the Iraq War.
The show is 53:19, and is available here as a 34.4MB MP3, and archived at
[Special thanks to Confab creators Gavin and Richard for producing our show.]