Hey, guess what? The Seattle Times isn’t laughing at Ron Sims anymore!
The first time Ron Sims tried to set up a county office to study the effects of global warming, he was mocked.
A Seattle Times editorial said King County Council members Sims and co-sponsor Bruce Laing were belching “hyperbolic clouds of rhetorical gas,” and suggested they instead buy some tomato plants and steer manure.
“The point is,” wrote the amused editorialist, “that the sky-is-falling, icecaps-are-melting, oceans-are-rising rhetoric must be tempered by common sense.” With little support for the idea from the environmental community and none from council colleagues, the proposal quickly disappeared.
That was 1988, before rising temperatures, increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and melting ice sheets persuaded most of the scientific community that the planet is undergoing potentially disastrous climate change caused by human activity.
Now county executive, Sims has set up a climate-response planning team