I know there are history buffs who question if Meriwether Lewis actually died by his own hand as the record contends, but after visiting some of the landmarks along the final stage of his epic journey of discovery, I’m not one of them. From Dismal Nitch to Point Distress to Cape Disappointment, I was constantly struck by the depressing names Captain Lewis assigned to places of such natural splendor.
This was clearly not a happy fella. I kept imagining the expedition struggling down the mighty Columbia, rounding a jagged outcropping they believed to be the final obstacle before the Pacific, only to discover that they were still miles away from their goal. Named on the spur of the moment, that place of utter beauty would forever be known as Point Sonofabitch.
Anyway, I’m back from my own epic journey of discovery and I want to extend a big thanks to Darryl of Hominid Views for keeping HA going in my absence. It’s nice to know that if I ever commit suicide by, say… shooting myself first in the head and then in the chest, before cutting up my body with razor blades, HA — like Lewis’ diaries — might survive me.