SeattleJew gave me the OK to post this up to the front. He wrote:
Crack and theft, not to mention more violent issues are commingled in the African American community, Can the cops be expected to separate these issues? I guess that would mean only arresting a suspected perp for jay walking? Am I being sarcastic? No. Capone was never charged with murder, etc. “We” the good guys got him for tax evasion. On a grander scale, Nixon was on the road to impeachment not for treason but largely for profanity. Libby, may he rot in jail, was caught for this cover up, How is this different than the cops arresting a pimp for possession of a few black crystals?
Ignoring the fact that I have no idea what drug he’s referring to with the term “black crystals”, is he lying when he later says this?
As for the word Pimp, I did not use it esp. for anyone of any race.
UPDATE: More fun with SeattleJew. He also writes to me:
You seem to have some sort of similar problem with seeing others as racist. Could I call it, “Blogging while disagreeing with Lee?” This is why I warned you of McCarthyism. Throwing words like racist around is too easy.
I agree. Here’s something fun everyone can do. Open up the post where this comment appears and do a Ctrl-F. Type in the word “racist” and click Find Next. Was it in my lengthy post calling for Chief Kerlikowske to resign? Nope, it’s in the first full sentence of the first comment. Written by who?
SeattleJew. Strange that.