I think you know how this works by now, so let’s get to it starting nationally:
* The bullshit artists sure like to make up things about presidential candidates and potential presidential candidates. Speaking of make up, the fact that Mitt Romney spent almost $700 on one makeup session proves that John Edwards’ haircut is horrible. Hillary Clinton wore clothing appropriate for DC in the summer, so clearly that’s bad. Obama supports teaching children age appropriate sex ed, the horror. And Al Gore’s daughter’s husband’s family had a food that has been available at Whole Foods since 1999, and was, you know, “from one of the world’s few well-managed, sustainable populations of toothfish, and caught and documented in compliance with Marine Stewardship Council regulations” so clearly he’s the devil.
* Hew Hughitt thinks that trying to end the war will hurt Democrats, you know, because he cares about helping us out politically. But maybe the horrible war is, you know, just branded wrong.
* And of course the democrats constantly need to have a Sister Souljah moment. No matter how wingnutty the rightwing base is, no matter how in lock step the top tier is on the most compellingly shitty foreign policy decision in this country in decades and possibly ever, only Democrats ever seem to need to distance themselves from their base. You know, anti-war folks who were either right all along, or who have since come to the right side long ago on again, the most important thing on the election by miles.
* Dave Reichert still doesn’t have a record of bi-partisanship or independence. As if there was ever any doubt.
* Darryl and The Olympian are calling bullshit on one of Dino Rossi’s main campaign totally not a campaign themes.
* Will has already mentioned Gary Randall, but tee hee hee.
This seems like a problematic thread type. Not that I don’t like your bullshit roundup, but anything one of our resident trolls could possibly say is arguably on topic in the comments.
Dave Reichert still has the support of one of the most powerful Union’s in the US… The IAFF (AFL-CIO) (http://www.opensecrets.org/pacs/topacs.asp) And he has the support of many of our members. Marcy Bruner has almost completed 1 whole term as a part-time Home Owners Assoc. President, and still doesn’t know that the 8th doesn’t include Seattle.
We don’t need to worry about Rossi anymore. With that dipshit freak of an idea man of his, the election is ours no matter what.
Here’s the comment I left on Tappers blog at CBS:
See, this is why J-School teaches people to check their facts! It is not OK that several other people told the lie first.
ABC passed along a bald-faced and politically motivated lie. The most basic of fact checking, fact checking that many people actually did, shows this story to be false.
Heads should roll and Jake Tappers should be first.
IAFF “Fireman” @ 2,
Ahhh, yes…some more wingnut bullshit for the wingnut bullshit thread.
“Dave Reichert still has the support of one of the most powerful Union’s in the US… The IAFF (AFL-CIO)”
Actually, he had an endorsement in 2006, but not from the IAFF. He had it from the Seattle Fire Fighters Union Local 27 (IAFF).
Interestingly, Reichert misspells the acronym for IAFF as IAF on his web site. What a moron.
So…do you think he deserves Local 27’s endorsement again?
“And he has the support of many of our members.’
Oh Sure…including a few of hundred who live in the 8th and can vote for ’em. Of course, then there are those members living in the 8th who would never vote for a Republican, and those who were appalled over the trash-heap he left behind at the King County Sheriff’s office. Did you know that the IAFF PAC gives 2/3rds of its political donations to Democrats? Probably because most of its members are Democrats.
“and still doesn’t know that the 8th doesn’t include Seattle.”
Apparently, you don’t know that the IAFF PAC is based in Washington D.C., and that Reichert’s endorsement came from…um…Seattle.
What a dope!
But good try with the bullshit, “Fireman.” It adds nicely to Carl’s post.
“This week in Bullshit”
Global warming. Is it hot enough for ya. hehehehehe
Rufus @ 6,
The only bullshit is that propagated by you anti-science Neandertals. The fact is, the reduced rate of heat transport in the lower atmosphere leads to the prediction of an increased variability in local weather phenomena.
Did you notice the word “global” in “global warming?” That means that the temperature averaged over the globe (i.e. globally) is increasing. (Even as variability is increasing.)
Next science lesson for you wingnut Neanderthals: “Airplanes don’t fly by angels holding them up with strings” (hehehe)
Darryl, this past April, Europe set record high temperatures all over the place. And, of course, we set a few daily record highs in Seattle earlier this month.
If you compare all-time record monthly highs and lows for Seattle, since 1960, we’ve set three record lows and seven record highs. Of those record highs, five were set since 1980. And, the last time we set a monthly record low was April, 1975.
Source: http://www.weather.com/weather.....y/USWA0395
But, really, global warming isn’t happening. And, when it does, we can always wait until next week when the temperatures get a little bit cooler, so we don’t have to acknowledge yet another record high temperature.
I’ve never for one minute believed that UNION FIREMAN is either
a) A union member
b) A fireman
I do however believe he is a bullshitter.
A Zogby poll released recently (http://www.zogby.com/news/ReadNews.dbm?ID=1341 ) is surely giving GOP leaders a mess of worry. What makes the poll especially interesting is the size of the survey sample, 10,387, which translates into a +/- 1 percent margin of error:
– War: 62% blame Republicans vs. 14% Democrats
– Global Warming: 56% blame Republicans vs. 10% Democrats
– Prejudice: 52% blamed Republicans vs. 22% for Democrats
– Poverty: 49% hold Republicans accountable; 29% Democrats
– Corruption: 47% blame Republicans vs. 31% Democrats
Washington Post-ABC News Poll
Conducted by telephone July 18-21, 2007, among a random national sample of 1,125 adults, including additional interviews with randomly selected African Americans, for a total of 210 black respondents. The results from the full survey have an error margin of plus or minus three percentage points.
This is the mainstream of U.S. opinion. People don’t like the war, don’t trust Bush to prosecute it, and don’t think Democrats have gone overboard in opposing it.
Speaking of bullshit – how about them Publicans – claiming to be pro – troops. Yeah – they’re doing such a good job that REAL vets – you know, not the GW Bush kind who went AWOL – are suing the VA. Way to go Georgie. Way to go. You fucked up our worldwide reputation. You fucked up the Constitution. You fucked up and bankrupted the three companies your daddy gave you. You fucked up 9.11. You fucked up the hunt for bin Laden. Youducked up Iraq. You fucked up Katrina. You fucked up the budget surplus President Clinton saved for you. And now, you’ve fucked up the VA.
What’s next?
13 RES
“What’s next” is he fucks up the Republicans’ electoral prospects in 2008. The presidential election will be so much about change that the Democrat will have to be caught in a felony to lose, and even then it will depend on which felon is running against him/her.
The Congressional Republicans continue to stand by the president’s policies and will be held responsible by voters for not only that support and but also their obstruction of change.
Take a seat. Bring out your paper and pencil. School is in session.
“Actually, he had an endorsement in 2006, but not from the IAFF. He had it from the Seattle Fire Fighters Union Local 27 (IAFF).”
Actually he had the endorsement of more than just local 27. I am guessing that you just forgot to mention that he was endorsed by firefighter locals in the 8th as well as the Washington State Council of Firefighters (WSCFF). The WSCFF is an umbrella organization that apx. 7000 professional Union Firefighters are represented by at the State Level. In fact at a press conference, WSCFF Secretary/Treasurer Greg Marklay applauded Congressman Reichert and his efforts on behalf of First Responders around the State and nation.
“Apparently, you don’t know that the IAFF PAC is based in Washington D.C., and that Reichert’s endorsement came from…um…Seattle.”
I love this part. The IAFF FirePAC (Our political Action Fund that is in the top 20) contributed last year, and this year to Congressman Reichert, on behalf of Washington Firefighters. They did so, because the vast majority of firefighter locals don’t have a FEC registered PAC. Most of our locals are only registered at the State Level, therefore they cannot contribute to Congressional or Senate campaigns. They also did so, because of his steadfast commitment to First responders across this nation.
“So…do you think he deserves Local 27’s endorsement again?”
Who knows, that is for the firefighters of Local 27 to decide. I do know that the vote to endorse him was overwhelming. I also know that the WSCFF endorsement vote was also overwhelming. Do I personally believe that he will get the endorsement of the Seattle Firefighters Local? He has a better chance than any of his opponents. He will also more than likely get the WSCFF endorsement.
Darryl, that feeling you have in your head isn’t a TIA, and calm down you are hyperventilating. I know that the truth must hurt you. Your rosy colored glasses are slowly being shattered. It’s okay, you just got schooled on how the IAFF, the WSCFF and UNION Firefighters from across this state, continue to support Congressman Reichert.
“I’ve never for one minute believed that UNION FIREMAN is either
a) A union member
b) A fireman”
That’s because you are almost as ignorant as Darryl.
IAFF “Fireman” @ 15
“Take a seat. Bring out your paper and pencil. School is in session.”
Sure…I’m always up for that.
I Said “Actually, he had an endorsement in 2006, but not from the IAFF. He had it from the Seattle Fire Fighters Union Local 27 (IAFF).”
And you said: “Actually he had the endorsement of more than just local 27. I am guessing that you just forgot to mention that he was endorsed by firefighter locals in the 8th as well as the Washington State Council of Firefighters (WSCFF).”
If he was endorsed by the firefighters local in the 8th, it is not mentioned on his web site. The only thing close is the Enumclaw Firefighters Union – Local 3931 . But, maybe he just forgot to put the Eastside local on he web site?
“The WSCFF is an umbrella organization that apx. 7000 professional Union Firefighters are represented by at the State Level. In fact at a press conference, WSCFF Secretary/Treasurer Greg Marklay applauded Congressman Reichert and his efforts on behalf of First Responders around the State and nation.
Of course, my comment was about the IAFF, not the WSCFF. But, since you mention it, WSCFF is (mostly) outside of the 8th, too! My point: you bashed Darcy because she “still doesn’t know that the 8th doesn’t include Seattle.” I sure looks to me like you have the same problem, Squirt!
I said: “Apparently, you don’t know that the IAFF PAC is based in Washington D.C., and that Reichert’s endorsement came from…um…Seattle.”
You said: “I love this part. The IAFF FirePAC (Our political Action Fund that is in the top 20) contributed last year, and this year to Congressman Reichert, on behalf of Washington Firefighters.”
Hmmm…isn’t FirePAC the PAC of the UNIFORMED FIREFIGHTERS ASSOCIATION? They didn’t give Reichert money. The IAFF PAC is called INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIREFIGHTERS INTERESTED IN REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION PAC (not FirePAC) and they gave Reichert a whopping $2500 (or so) for 06 and $1000 this year. My point was that IAFF’s PAC isn’t 8th LD money! Once again, your comment that Darcy “still doesn’t know that the 8th doesn’t include Seattle” smacks of hypocrisy.
“They did so, because the vast majority of firefighter locals don’t have a FEC registered PAC. Most of our locals are only registered at the State Level, therefore they cannot contribute to Congressional or Senate campaigns. They also did so, because of his steadfast commitment to First responders across this nation.”
Uh-huh. Then it follows that IAFF feels their steadfast commitment to First Responders is best honored by contributing to Democrats. I mean, check out this list of IAFF contributions (I believe in 2004) to WA state politicians:
Interesting table, huh?
BTW the reason I asked “So…do you think he deserves Local 27’s endorsement again?” is because he MISNAMED THE UNION ON HIS CAMPAIGN WEB SITE! What a fucking idiot!
You just can’t admit when you are wrong, can you?
No, the FirePAC is the arm of the IAFF (The UFA, by the way, is also a part of the IAFF).
Once again, it looks like you can’t pay attention in school. You are just wrong. Please refer to the above link at the IAFF website.
“My point was that IAFF’s PAC isn’t 8th LD money! Once again, your comment that Darcy “still doesn’t know that the 8th doesn’t include Seattle” smacks of hypocrisy”
It was given to him based on the requests of firefighter local in the 8th.
“they gave Reichert a whopping $2500 (or so) for 06 and $1000 this year.”
How much did they give Marcy? After she didn’t get the endorsement, her campaign manager decided to make negative comments about the Seattle Firefighters Union as well as stating that she would be getting the WSCFF endorsement, because that was the one that really mattered. We see how that all turned out don’t we?
“Mcdermott, James Dem WA $ 3,500
Murray, Patty Dem WA $ 10,000
Baird, Brian Dem WA $ 10,000
Dicks, Norman Dem WA $ 4,000
Smith, D Adam Dem WA $ 6,000
Matheson, Sandra Dem WA $ 5,000
Mcmorris, Cathy Rep WA $ 1,500
Barbieri, Donald Dem WA $ 5,000
Reichert, Dave Rep WA $ 2,500
Ross, Dave Dem WA $ 5,000
Inslee, Jay Dem WA $ 11,000
Larsen, Richard Dem WA $ 8,500
I never said that the above elected officials were bad on our issues. I never even implied it. My point was to show how bad of a candidate Marcy had to be, in order for a major Union to support a Republican in 2006 (The year of the Blue Wave), and how she continues to just whine and not run on the issues.
Do I need to keep you after class in order to school you even more about the inner workings of a Union that you don’t belong to?
There is a reason I named you that. Did you forget (when do you remember anything anyway) Dianne Feinstein while on MILCON sent those VA contracts to her husband’s company Perini Corp and NOTHING WAS DONE. When it was later found out she was steering BIG BUCKS to her husbands companies she resigned the Senate committee.
From WikiPedia: “While on the MILCON subcommitte, Feinstein voted for appropriations worth billions of dollars to firms owned by her husband, Richard C. Blum.[5] This included millions of dollars in contracts awarded to Blum’s Perini Corporation to provide goods and services in Iraq and Afghanistan.[21]”
Puddy Commentary – You mean Halliburton got money through Perini? Wait a minute… Feinstein hates Halliburton but allows … This is convoluted. Just like the Moonbat! mind of Stupidman.
But this gets jucier. More from WikiPedia:
“In April 2007, Feinstein’s office denied any ethical conflict,[25] however, the director of the Project on Government Oversight who has examined evidence assembled by investigative reporter Peter Byrne stated that “the paper trail showing Senator Feinstein’s conflict of interest is irrefutable.”[26][27]
Additional scandal arose when it was revealed that members of Feinstein’s Senate staff attempted to purge references to these alleged conflicts of interest from the Wikipedia articles on herself and her husband.[28][29]”
Waaa haaa haaa haaa haaa.
So much for working with Moonbat!s on VA. Just like Richard Blum failed the good soldiers at Walter Reed Medical Center.
Good Morning America 07-25-07 does a story on this:
But the Moonbat!tic Buttheads at GMA never said get a gun and shoot the scumbags. Why is that?
GOOD MORNING AMERICA CO-HOST CHRIS CUOMO: Something as simple as cactus. Sounds simple, right? Oh, they wouldn’t care about that, right? But they do. They think about these things. Chimes, outside the window.
Chris what about a gun to shoot the stupidmen of the world?
IAFF “Fireman”
You Said: No, the FirePAC is the arm of the IAFF (The UFA, by the way, is also a part of the IAFF).
http://www.iaff.org/07News/070 307FIREPAC.htm
FirePAC appears to be an internal name only…the FEC has FIREPAC associated with a couple of small PACs and the UFA. The PAC that gave Reichert money is registered with the FEC as “INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIREFIGHTERS INTERESTED IN REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION PAC”
All of the points in comment 5 stand:
1. Reichert was not endorsed by the IAFF…he was endorsed by the Seattle IAFF local 27.
2. The IAFF 27 endorsement was for 2006.
3. Reichert misspells the acronym for IAFF as IAF on his web site.
4. The IAFF mostly gives to Democrats.
5. The IAFF PAC is based in D.C. and the Local 27 is based in Seattle which makes you look like a fucking fool when, in the same comment, you criticize Darcy for receiving support from outside the 8th district.