Sacred Catch: Preview of a series coming to KUOW.
Daily Show on on FAUX’s ‘The Five’.
Dennis Trainor, Jr.: Four reasons George W. Bush should be held accountable for war crimes.
Mental Floss: 33 fascinating songwriter stories.
Barbara Bush on Jeb Bush running and political dynasties
Ana Kasparian and friends: FAUX commentator calls for execution of religious minority.
Young Turks: Bizarre political ad.
WaPo: How the NSA can track Americans.
Ann Telnaes: Boehner thinks there are enough regulations.
ONN: Swift Boat Veterans for Truth clear Kerry after nine year investigation:
Jon on Iran sanctions.
Young Turks: Best and worst response to the chemical leak.
Thom: Seattle swears in a Socialist.
Roy Zimmerman: Norwedish Hate Anthem.
Stephen: Invade everything.
American Minute: 800,000 users per day.
Alex Wagner and Ezra Klein: What do new ACA numbers mean for the law?
- Maddow: “Mafia like” corruption in Gov. Christie’s regime.
- Liberal Viewer: Is Gov. Christie like a mob boss?
- Sharpton: Examples of Christie being a bully
- Fallon and Springsteen: Ode to Gov. Christie (R-NJ)
- Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: Poor Chris Christie—The Boss doesn’t like him.
- As long as you do what he says.
- Ann TelnaesChristie swimming the the fishes
- Christie miscellania
- O’Donnell: How the GOP will kneecap Christie in 2016
- Jay Rockefeller finds “Zero evidence” Christie’s bridge closings were part of a traffic study
- Alex Wagner: Governor Chris Christie (R-NJ), this is your life.
- Tweety and Bill Maher: bully
- Sharpton: How Gov. Christie lied about the GWB sabotage
- The Very Last Word: Chris Hayes: Gov. investigated.
- Matt Binder: Did Christie misuse Sandy relief?
Thoughts, rants and cold coffee.
Young Turks: What was really in the Benghazi report.
Stephen: Ridiculous French sex scandal.
Thom: America’s real welfare queens.
Red State Update: Joe Biden Day.
Obama’s NSA Reforms:
- Obama’s NSA speech.
- Young Turks: Obama’s NSA speech.
- Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: Obama’s NSA reforms are light on reforms.
White House: West Wing Week.
Dennis Trainor, Jr.: We need a democracy to fix this shit.
Dave Pakman: Just 0.01% of climate scientists reject climate change.
Jon gets sexually harassed.
This Week in the Republican War on Women™:
- Sam Seder: Is this Republican the next Todd Akin?
- Thom with Lizz Winstead: “I have a politician in my pussy”.
- Sam Seder: GOP candidate is big on spousal rape
- Sam Seder: Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R) wants to force births to “create jobs”
Ed: Obama’s marriage is on El Rushbo’s scandal wish list.
Mark Fiore: The Climateers.
Young Turks: The IRS “scandal” is “officially” over.
Lee Camp: Moment of clarity.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.