Rick Perry sets the record straight on homosexuality.
Matt Binder: The Conservative strategy to lower school gun violence…don’t count ’em.
Seattle comic Derek Sheen does San Francisco.
Gov. Walker’s Investigated for Crimes:
- Ed: Walker’s troubles.
- Chris Hayes: Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI) accused of ‘criminal fundraising scheme’
- Ed and Pap: Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI) won’t do well in the Pokey.
Jimmy Dore on George Will’s idiotic comments.
Mental Floss: 29 weird museums.
Maddow: Why the GOP sucks.
Chris Hayes: ObamaCare is winning.
Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: What does Cantor’s loss mean for Mitch McConnell?
Quagmire Accomplished:
- Ann Telnaes: Dick Cheney forgets his own failed foreign policies.
- Thom and Howard Dean on those who got Iraq wrong.
- Young Turks: You will not BELIEVE what Glenn Beck says.
- Sam Seder: Glenn Beck says that, ‘Liberals were right on Iraq.
- Pap and RFK Jr.: How idiotic warhawks destroyed Iraq.
- Stephen welcomes back The Iraq Pack
- Sam Seder: Megyn Kelly calls out Darth Cheney
- Ann Telnaes: Bush’s squawking chickenhawks:
- Michael Brooks: Here comes the Clown Car
- Mark Fiore: Create your own Caliphate!
- WaPo: The Sunni-Shiite divide explained.
- Thom and Pap: If it’s Sunday, meet the Chickenhawk Republicans…
- WaPo: The politics of Iraq
- Joy Reid: The Bushie murderers are slithering out of their snake holes
- David Pakman: Even Pat Robertson says the Bush Administration sold us a bill of goods on Iraq.
- Ari: What should the U.S. do about Bush’s mess?
- Young Turks: Finally a reporter challenges Darth Cheney…Megyn?!?
- Sam Seder: What’s really behind the success of ISIS in Iraq?
- Michael Brooks: Reporter who lied about WMD now calls for media accountability on Iraq
- Ann Telnaes: Tony Blair is barking up the wrong tree.
- Sam Seder: Poor warhawks…U.S. and Iran share common interests in Iraq.
John Oliver chats with Stephen Hawking.
Some things Obama wants to protect.
Alex Wagner: Texas Gov. Rick Perry is intellectually unqualified to be President!
Jon can’t believe that Republicans are willfully blind on climate change.
Full Interview with Bill Gates on the Common Core (27:53).
Jimmy Dori interviews Bill O’Reilly.
Benghazi Derangement Syndrome:
- David Pakman: Benghazi suspect says anti-Muslim video WAS a factor
- Young Turks: Benghazi suspect caught…FAUX sees conspiracy
- Sam Seder: FAUX suggests that Obama captured Benghazi attack ringleader to promote Hillary Clinton’s book.
- David Pakman: Right Wing conspiracy theories about Benghazi capture EXPLODE
- Sharpton: Heritage Foundation’s Benghazi conspiracy theory panel’s Islamophobic delusions
- Conan: FAUX News interviews Hillary on
her bookBenghazi. - Young Turks: The guy who did Benghazi was freed by BUSH…silence from the Wingnuts
- Benghazi conspiracy panel attacks Muslim student
Young Turks: Washington R******s looses their trademark protection.
PsychoSuperMom: How far to the right is right enough?:
Eric Cantor sets off Brian Schweitzer’s gaydar.
Richard Fowler: Another nail in the coffin for Texas women’s rights.
WaPo: Who is Josh Earnest?
White House: West Wing Week.
Stephen does Jay Carney.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.