Liberal Viewer: FAUX News IDIOT claims that no non-Muslims in Birmingham.
Lawrence O’Donnell: Steve Scalise’s “unbelievable” slavery explanations.
Mental Floss: 30 stories from behind the scenes of blockbusters.
The Republican War on Social Security:
- Jimmy Dore: Social Security reform means YOU don’t get to retire.
- Sam Seder: How Republicans aim to destroy social security.
- Pap: Why is the GOP going after the disabled?
- Farron Cousins: Can we save Social Security?
James Rustad: I’m not your steppin’ stool.
Thom: FAUX News is wrong! America IS progressive.
Alex Wagner: SCOTUS primed for same sex marriage decision.
Maddow: Texas Republican Congressman apologizes for Obama/Hitler remark.
White House: Big Block of Cheese Day.
Steve Kornacki: Republicans eager to erode Wall Street Reform.
Jon explains Florida.
David Pakman: Anti-Science nutjobber Sen. Ted Cruz will oversee NASA.
Je Suis Charlie:
- Young Turks: Charlie Hebdo’s defiant post-shooting cover
- David Pakman: Charlie Hebdo’s first post-shooting cover
- Jon: On Obama’s no-show
- Eric Schwartz: Another Mother Flood (Je Suis Charlie):
- Jimmy Dore: Tribalism and religion
- Jon: Je Suis confused.
- Jimmy Dore: Charlie Hebdo critics are missing the fucking point
- Young Turks: French TV show exposes FAUX News lies.
Mark Fiore: Whip Steve Scalise.
Ed: U.S. and England are united over Iran sanctions.
Mental Floss: Is blood ever blue?
Alex Wagner: Why deniers deny…2014 was the hottest year on Record.
Pap: Right wing extremism kills people.
Young Turks: Recreational vs medicinal marijuana…the Washington regulation debate.
Roll Call: SOTU Promo.
Sam Seder: FAUX News’ sad Petraeus conspiracy.
Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA-9) “co-sponsors” a bill he strongly opposes. How to fix America.
2016 Presidential Wannabes:
- Sam Seder: The 2016 election has begun!
- Young Turks: Mike Huckabee hates on Beyonce songs but has his own history with explicit lyrics
- David Pakman: The bowels of the 2016 G.O.P. primary show movement
- Sam Seder: Hilarious flashback…the moment Mitt thought he “had” Obama on Benghazi.
- Steve Kornacki: Nutjob Presidential wannabe Mike Huckabee questions Obama’s parenting.
- Chris Hayes: Rand Paul slams Romney and the 2016 GOP traveling circus
- Michael Brooks: Huckabee kicks off his 2016 campaign
- Gov. Christie: A record we can celebrate
- Young Turks: Mitt 3.0—The Reboot.
- Maddow: Romney surprises with reversal on running for president again.
- James Rustad: Mitt me baby, one more time
- Sam Seder: Should we be worried about Jeb Bush?
- Chris Hayes: GOP wackos line-up for 2016 and why Romney can’t run.
- Michael Brooks and Cliff Schecter: Asshole Rand Paul mocks veterans and the disabled
- Maddow: GOP moves up convention to lessen primary woes
People’s climate march: wrap up.
Young Turks: 2014 was the hottest year ever recorded.
David Pakman: Unemployment falls to 5.6% under Obama.
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about getting sick.
Pap: Republicans are too dysfunctional to lead.
David Pakman: “Freedom fries, boycott France” Republican hypocrites are “angry” Obama didn’t go to France:
Obama announces plan to expand broadband internet.
Maddow: Friday night news dump…weird bucket of stuff edition.
The Republican War on America’s Borders:
- GOP’s love of homeland security is less than their hatred of young immigrants.
- Young Turks: Republicans threaten border anarchy if they don’t get their way.
White House: West Wing Week.
Thom with The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Maddow: Anonymous v. ISIS.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.