Thom: How the 1% are rewiring brains & future generations.
SlateTV: America’s Worst President.
The 2016 Clown Parade:
- David Pakman: Rand Paul fails miserably at explaining the 1st amendment
- Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: Fighting in the Clown Car
- Nutburger Ted Cruz repeatedly say he wants to repeal something that’s not a federal law
- Pap: Scott Walker’s blueprint to destroy Wisconsin.
- “Gay friendly” Jeb Bush supports law allowing refusal of gays by businesses
- Richard Fowler: The right-wing Birfers (e.g. Donald Trump) goes after Ted Cruz.
- Maddow: Remembering Jeb Bush’s unconstitutional support of right-wing WACKOS in Florida
Russell Brand explains why FAUX News pundits “have to attack Bowe Bergdahl”.
Thom: The Good, the Bad, and the Very Very Cheimaphillicly Ugly.
Mental Floss: Thirty facts about chocoloate.
Thom: How much dark money is being funneled into our “democracy”?
SlateTV: The strange chemistry of the Crab Nebula.
A PSA from The Committee for Universal Accessibility and Lycantropic Concerns.
The Anti-Gay Agenda:
- If you’re anti-gay…Indiana wants you!
- PsychoSuperMom: Scary, Indiana
- Mike Pence inhaled
- Seth Meyers: Yes, No, or George
- Maddow: Indiana governor Pence flounders defending discrimination law
- David Letterman: Not the Indiana I remember as a kid
- NCAA floats idea of pulling out of Indiana.
- Young Turks: States and groups ban interactions with Indiana
- Lawrence O’Donnell: George Takei, “Indiana law effects all Americans”.
- SNL lays out some hard truths on Indiana’s bigotry law
- Sen. Al Franken tells David Letterman to run for Indiana Senate
- Conan speaks with Indiana’s “religious freedom czar”
- Gov. Daniel Malloy (D-CT) Nobody who defends Indiana Law is qualified to be President
- David Pakman: Pathetic anti-gay liar Mike Pence makes a fool of himself
- Matt Binder: No Pizza for your gay wedding in Walkerton, Indiana
- Maddow: Religious right puts GOP at odds with public opinion:
- Young Turks: Mike Pence clowns himself on national TV
- Michael Brooks: Indiana Gov.’s Big Fat Gay Wedding Problem
- Mark Fiore: Religious freedom and gay commerce
- Thom: Why Indiana’s Indiana’s “Stand Your Ground” Anti-Gay law is different from the federal and other state RFRA laws.
- Young Turks: Mike Pence signs changes to Indiana’s religious freedom law
- Maddow: Indiana an object lesson for wary Arkansas governor
- Arkansas Gov’s son asked him to veto “religious freedom” bill
- Alex Wagner: Dan Savage hits Tom Cotton for comments on gays with “bigot blender brain”.
- Young Turks: What changes were made to Indiana’s anti-gay law?
- Matt Binder: Ted Cruz’s father incites right wingers to ponder killing judges over same-sex marriage
- David Pakman: Virginia set to pass a “No Gays Allowed” law.
- Young Turks: Religious bigot against gays but adultery is a “different kind of sin”
- David Pakman: Arkansas Gov. won’t sign anti-gay bill…for now.
- Ann Telnaes: Mixing religion and politics will come back to haunt the G.O.P.
Mental Floss: Thirty one facts about pigs.
Greenman: Naomi Oreskes’ climate change elevator pitch.
David Pakman: Is MSNBC dying?
Netflix for kids.
David Pakman: This years, guns will kill more Americans than cars.
Farron Cousins: Has the tort reform fight been won?
SlateTV: Obama loves America.
Meet the Part African Black, Part Jewish, and Part Swiss and (Apparently) Offensive Comedian Who Will Replace Jon:
- Young Turks: Trevor Noah to replace Jon
- Sam Seder: The Daily Show has found its replacement for Jon
- Aasif Mandvi: On the new host….
- David Pakman: Controversial tweets from Trevor Noah.
- Young Turks: People are outraged by Trevor Noah jokes?!?
- WaPo: Meet Trevor Noah
- FAUX News comedian Chris Wallace also makes “fat women” jokes!
Thom: The Good, the Bad, and the Very Very Glottogonicly Ugly.
Matt Binder: Asshole ex-Governor John Sununu (R-NH) thinks Obama is only visiting Kenya to incite the Birfers.
Rubin Report: Republicans fear Obama more than Putin
White House: West Wing Week, 5th anniversary edition .
Sam Seder and Michael Brooks: Dick Cheney’s lies keep pouring in.
Thom and Pap: Our 2016 casino elections.
David Pakman: Deranged nutburger Rep. Louie Gohmert explodes, “You’re Playing God with the internet!”
Maddow chats with Sen. Elizabeth Warren.
CNN: Reid on leaving and going after the Koch brothers and Mitt Romney.
David Pakman: Indiana’s public health disaster follows from Planned Parenthood closure.
- Thom: Why Republicans are sabotaging their own country on the Iran nuclear agreement
- Michael Brooks: Rep. Louie Gohmert is so ignorant on Iran…it even surprises FAUX News!
- Young Turks: We have a deal (to make a deal).
- Obama announces framework on Iran nuclear program
- Maddow: Iran nuclear deal hailed as groundbreaking:
- Young Turks: Republican FAUX News “expert” lies about future of Iran nuclear deal
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Obama picks up an odd ally…Bill-O-The-Clown!
Senator denies 280,000 people health care then calls advocate ‘asshole’ for asking him to give up his own health care.
Young Turks: In which Karl Rove is a dick to an Iraqi War veteran.
Sharpton: Fixing the criminal justice system.
Thom: Getting dark money out of politics.
The Barbara Mikulski tribute edition of Congressional hits and misses.
The best of CSPAN callers.
Seth Meyers finally puts the Elizabeth Warren Presidential run idea to rest..
David Pakman: Why won’t Republicans acknowledge Obama’s strong economy?
Menendez Indictment:
- Maddow: NJ Sen. Bob Menendez is indicted.
- Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: MenendezGhaaaaaziiiiii!!!1!11!!! Republicans invent some insane Obama/Iran/Menendez conspiracy theory.
White House: Obama signs memorandum of disapproval on anti-labor bill.
John Oliver: Red-tailed hawks:
Thom with Prof. Michael Mann: Has climate change affected the West Coast?
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about appliances.
David Pakman: Small government Republican would make church mandatory.
The Church of Scientology responds to Going Clear.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
If the NCAA had tomove the FinalFour over this, where would thry have gone. The Default city that they use, is Indianapolis.
EvergreenRailfan @ 1,
According to Emmert, they would not have changed anything this year under the rationale that the law doesn’t go into effect until after the t ornament.
That would give the NCAA a year to figure things out.
This guy has to be the best guy, except for President Obama and the First Lady , around. Couldn’t have said it any truer.
If I could make contact with him, I’d ask him what his favorite charity is and donate $1000 in his name. I’m sure peanuts to him.
Love you too Sir Charles! Eat shit Puffy!
Actually I just sent the man an email. Hopefully I will get a response of his favorite charity.
One more rationale for Conservative politicians to create organizations for themselves that insulate them from the rest of the general public, and the laws that govern us.
There are multitudes of reasons why the Fascists want to tear down the legal and education systems in this country. This is but one of them.
The simplest way to do that, is to publicly mimic the concepts that everyone has already accepted as the national norm, and use the relevant language to steer those ideas into a narrow set of ideological constructs. Constructs that are focused on trivialities and minutia while obfuscating or marginalizing the greater program of reducing citizen’s access to legal redress and education.
The Kochs are ideological Fascists. The Tea party is the same program that nearly brought the United States into alliance with Germany in the 1930s. They use the exact same language, and they associate themselves with social normalities that everyone already takes for granted as existing. The Churches, the Stock Markets, the Court Systems, private ownership of property, etc. But the purpose isn’t to allow the greatest level of access to these things to the greatest number of people possible, but to deny the People’s access to these things and ceding control of them to the smallest number of people.
One example of this, is how the Republicans always seem to make the claim that allowing megacorporations to merge into greater organizations that are too large to enforce the Law against, is somehow actually increasing competition in the business world. That’s propaganda. It’s bullshit. Consolidated industries are not required to be competitive when they have no competitors and have the legal wherewithal to crush or absorb any new business concern that might negatively affect their market share.
Hell, I’ll bet my last nickel that such is the reasoning behind our destruction of Iraq. Who was it again, that took control of the Iraqi oil fields once Americans had spilled and shed blood for 12 years?
Another example of how the right spins falsehoods. Even the very conservative political editor of Barrons magazine, a business-friendly investing publication with a strongly conservative editorial slant, won’t go along with this particular iteration of rightwing bullshit.
@6 Nice catch…
The miserable babbling jackass village idiot troll will be here in a few hours to buck up for the evening’s return to the salt mines…
Once again the babbling jackass has been proved the most credulous tool of the always wrong, always warmongering wing..
@7 It gets worse. The GOP has a new campaign theme: People who object to discrimination against gays are Christian-hating assholes.
@5 “The Kochs are ideological Fascists.”
I don’t think that’s correct. The Koch family should be viewed as anti-communists, not fascists. Fred Koch, the father founder of the family business and father of the Koch brothers, was an MIT graduate who invented a cracking process for crude oil. Temporarily driven out of the U.S. by lawsuits against him by the oil majors (which he ultimately won), he sought business opportunities abroad and spent several years building refineries in the Soviet Union. His experiences there turned him into a fanatical anti-communist, and after returning to the U.S., he became a founding member of the John Birch Society. With the Soviet Union now defunct, his sons — who more or less inherited their father’s political views — can’t tilt against that windmill anymore so they had to find some other ogre to fight. They claim to be libertarians, but in some respects are their own brand of extremists, and whether you can fairly say they’ve morphed into “fascists” is a nuanced question. It’s tough being an anti-communist crusader without the communists around anymore. Perhaps at some point their anti-communism does become something else, but I’m not sure what I want to call it at this point. I think more than anything they’re just grasping businessmen who hate paying taxes and being regulation, and being in the oil business, they especially hate environmental laws and regulations. I think they just want a free hand to make money and not pay taxes. But when you already have $40 billion apiece, what the hell are you gonna do with more money? Buy the whole fucking world?
Salt mines? What a braying arschloch the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch is! A real low IQ jackASS!
Butt this was found and of course there are no screams from the FASCIST libtards…
Of course, you won’t see any FASCIST libtard DUMMOCRETIN protests outside of these establishments. It’s only the Christian establishments that get the FASCIST threats.
Salt mines? What a braying arschloch the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch is! A real low IQ jackASS!
Scared to be exposed by alternet for what the
yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch racist really is! So it still runs away from the seven questions! Hate is always strong in this one!
Strange… this didn’t make the Friday Night Comix. A clearcut court decision!
Wow, it looks like the Secret Service have Obummer scum in them too… PuddyCommentary: Even Obummer sycophant Elijah Cummings found the revelation disturbing… So much for the “secret” in Secret Service, eh HA DUMMOCRETINS? Which geniuses thought that they’d make Chaffetz back down by leaking his rejection? Incompetence, public drunkenness, drunk driving, not paying prostitutes, and now leaking confidential material to attack its conservative political critics! Politicizing the Secret Service! OMGoodness Obummer freakazoids are everywhere!
The pizza place received $842,387 and libtard heads went…
FASCIST Racist DUMMOCRETIN scum attack a black man for creating the gofundme page for the pizza place…
Oh vomit producer…
Where have to Koch Brothers implemented FASCIST tendencies like the gays have over RFRA?
– Where have the Koch Brothers implemented FASCIST tendencies to shut up their political opponents?
– Where have the Koch Brothers implemented FASCIST tendencies and fired DUMMOCRETINS from their businesses?
– Where have the Koch Brothers implemented FASCIST tendencies and fired gay DUMMOCRETINS from their businesses?
– Where have the Koch Brothers implemented FASCIST tendencies and sent protesters to scream epithets at the opponents?
– Where have the Koch Brothers implemented FASCIST tendencies and sent twitter death threat attacks?
– Where have the Koch Brothers implemented FASCIST tendencies and sent twitter racist attacks?
– Where have the Koch Brothers implemented FASCIST tendencies and sent email death threat attacks?
– Where have the Koch Brothers implemented FASCIST tendencies and sent email racist attacks?
– Where have the Koch Brothers implemented FASCIST tendencies and used the national libtard DUMMOCRETIN loving media to coordinate attacks?
You love to throw that FASCISM word around butt you never look in the mirror at yourself or those you jock strap.
You love to throw that FASCISM word around butt you never look in the mirror at yourself or those you proudly wear those brown shirts with.
You love to throw that FASCISM word around butt you never look in the mirror at yourself or those you proudly wear those black over the calf boots with.
You love to throw that FASCISM word around butt you never look in the mirror at yourself or those you proudly frog march with.
You love to throw that FASCISM word around butt you never look in the mirror at yourself or those you proudly goose step in cadence with.
FACTS, the anathema of the vomit producer; producing smelly vomit where ever it lands!
You see this RFRA attack by the “Rainbow Coalition” has demonstrated the American Taliban are alive and well in the DUMMOCRETIN Party. The reason Thom Fartmann and others throw out the Taliban attack against conservatives is the standard DUMMOCRETIN train wreck deflection from their own policies and tendencies!
– Where have the Koch Brothers implemented Taliban tendencies to shut up their political opponents?
– Where have the Koch Brothers implemented Taliban tendencies and fired DUMMOCRETINS from their businesses?
– Where have the Koch Brothers implemented Taliban tendencies and fired gay DUMMOCRETINS from their businesses?
– Where have the Koch Brothers implemented Taliban tendencies and sent protesters to scream epithets at the opponents?
– Where have the Koch Brothers implemented Taliban tendencies and sent twitter death threat attacks?
– Where have the Koch Brothers implemented Taliban tendencies and sent twitter racist attacks?
– Where have the Koch Brothers implemented Taliban tendencies and sent email death threat attacks?
– Where have the Koch Brothers implemented Taliban tendencies and sent email racist attacks?
– Where have the Koch Brothers implemented Taliban tendencies and used the national libtard DUMMOCRETIN loving media to coordinate attacks?
It’s DUMMOCRETINS who are the American Taliban. Conservatives want FASCIST progressive DUMMOCRETINS to scream at the top of their lungs so Real Americans will make correct choices… Hillary Taliban Chosen and Approved Clinton or a Conservative Republican!
Former Republican Charles Barkley thinks otherwise, but we know the Republicans no longer want him as a member. They invented the word RINO for this guy.
America’s always had a racial problem,” Barkley told CNN’s Chris Cuomo late Thursday evening.
“Now we have a homophobic problem,” he continued. “Any form of discrimination, you have to check it.”
Barkley added that Indiana’s latest legislation deliberately targeted people based on their sexual orientation. The retired basketball star, now an analyst on the TNT network, said that discussions about lost religious liberties were thus a false flag.
“Gay people didn’t go after Christians,” he argued. “They came after gay people. Let’s get that straight.”
“It’s strictly about discrimination,” Barkley claimed. “They just don’t like gay people. I wish they would just say that.”
Christians who oppress others “always hide behind the Bible,” concluded Barkley.
Read more:
I haven’t figured out which yet – are present day Republicans Brainwashed or just Braindead? Hey maybe it’s both!
Ahhh yes the same Charles Barkley who claimed “Hands Up Don’t Shoot” was a lie… Yet you DUMMOCRETINS made fun of him then.
So teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla which is it? Was Barkley lying then butt being truthful now?
More than two paragraphs teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla! Another DUMMOCRETIN who doesn’t follow the rules or thinks the rules don’t apply to them.
Why didn’t you just copy the whole article teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla?
Truly a MAN, not brainwashed or braindead.
Thank You Sir Charles! A MAN who speaks the truth, and probably not worried that his dick will shrink because of the existence of gay people.
Puddy loves it when libtards place links from their libtard sites… Gotta love those po po 5-o in libtard cities…
PuddyCommentary: Sounds like something from the mouth of the vomit producer, the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla, headless lucy or the “friend of black people” from north pasadena, the yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch!
@18 like I said either Brainwashed or Braindead……..referring to you know Sir Charles, before you try to twist and lie. Now stop jumping up and down in you cage.
Notice the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla won’t answer the question in #18? Why? Because the HA DUMMOCRETIN evidence from months ago proves the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla thought Barkley was a liar! Now Barkley isn’t!
When have you ever answered one of my questions – go FUCK yourself. I don’t communicate well with APES.
“The pizza place received $842,387 and…”
We laugh our asses off that you’re so stupid that you give those bigoted pizza grifters your fucking money! LMFAO!! Once again, Puddy’s been played for a chump by wingnut grifters. What a fucking loser.
And you’re the fucking Nazi-Fascist-TeaBircher-Taliban. You’re everything foul and ugly, we’re everything pure and good. We know you haven’t a fucking brain, but please try harder to keep this shit straight. Okay?
@21 yeah because those cops were probably all liberals, right. You are a pathetic piece of shit……the sky is green too Puffy.
Lie, Lie, Lie. Truth has no basis in you stupid brainwashed mind.
Ok, now everyone, it might take two days or so, but Puffy is going to be a copycat and start to use the word brainwashed to refer to DMMEOOOCRREEETINS.
@23 prove to me where I said that Sir Charles was a liar when he said hands up don’t shoot?
Remember it was me who coined the phrase “Don’t shoot, my hands are up, and the shit I stole is in my pockets, and I only roughed up the CHINC. Remember you called for a bigot for calling the store owner a Chinc. When in reality I was saying what I thought Micheal Brown said at the time, insinuating that Micheal Brown was the bigot.
See that is how English is read. You don’t get to make up words and lies. And pretend people said something when they said nothing like what you said they said, your twisted truth.
And you want me to answer you? Who are you? King fucking APE?
Bannana break!
I will confirm, so Puffy can sit at ease. THERE ARE NO RACIST CONSERVATIVES. IT’S ONE BIG MYTH.
All the people I know that are Republicans, that have said Racist stuff – RINO’s god damn it, RINO’s. Really Democrats in diguised as RINO’s.
Puddy called it. Stupid Solution Steve’s head went…
Remember Stupid Solution Steve, Crystal O’Connor told the libtard reporter who had contacted her that she would have no problem serving gays in her restaurant but it would be against her Christian beliefs and principles to cater a same-sex wedding. Now why would that reporter go to a small town of 2000 people and walk into that establishment? Because the O’Connors were well known to give handouts to those down and out on their luck. Real Christian attitude. So let’s fry their Christian ASS the reporter thinks!
Yet your side went KAAAAAAAAAAAAABLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! because FASCISTS never want compromise. And you “people” are the fucking Nazi-Fascist-Taliban. She wouldn’t serve a wedding and your side went… KAAAAAAAAAAAAABLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! The Concord High School wimens golf coach, threatened in a tweet to burn the family’s restaurant down. Yes so progressive of your kind!
And Salon, that Christianophobe left wrong libtard e-rag farted… “got exactly what they deserved.”
Butt here is the mathematics of DUMMOCRETIN libtards…
This tweet proves the vomit producer and otehr DUMMOCRETINS get their marching orders from the same feckless DUMMOCRETIN web sites. $29,000 per donation? More like $29.00 per donation, butt don’t let FACTS get in the way of another insipid Koch attack! Good luck Kandyce with teaching math to your children of God allows you to spawn!
“It’s DUMMOCRETINS who are the American Taliban. Conservatives want FASCIST progressive DUMMOCRETINS to scream at the top of their lungs so Real Americans will make correct choices… Hillary Taliban Chosen and Approved Clinton or a Conservative Republican!”
Puddy and friends are ramping up the eliminationist rhetoric these days. Obviously, Puddy can’t wait to kill us all, or to at least inspire some crazed freak to do the deed for him.
“Progressives Are Subhuman Mongrels For Quoting Ted Nugent Verbatim”
Huh! “Subhuman mongrels”. Same thing the Nazi’s called the Jews before sending 6,000,000 of them off to the gas chambers to die. Of course, the logistics of killing 60,000,000 Americans and disposing of their bodies is a lot more difficult than what the Nazi’s faced. But I’m sure Puddy is working on the solution, that is to say, the final solution.
“Fox & Friends Says Protecting Atheists From Discrimination Is Anti-Christian!”
Again, just like the Nazis. And the Taliban. And ISIS. Puddy and his his Teabirchers are trying to emulate some really fucked up people. But birds of a feather, they really do fly together. Just like Puddy, the Teabirchers, the Taliban, Nazis and ISIS.
The sound Puddy’s head will make when he finally realizes he’s given thousands of dollars to pizza grifters who laugh at his fucking stupidity.
Remember you called for a bigot for calling the store owner a Chinc. – The store owner Michael Brown accosted was Indian you moron!
U Really R an IDIOT!
All anyone has to do to prove is search HA with Barkley in it. With all the names you morph with teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla no wonder you can make that claim! Makes it tougher to figger out which nom de plume you used!
Hey Stupid Solution Steve,
The black man who created the Indiana Pizzeria GoFundMe page is black. Read the FASCIST progressive nazi taliban hatred from libtard DUMMOCRETINS all over America!
Of course you are abhorred by this type of racism right Stupid Solution Steve. The teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla and vomit producer cheer it!
@32 her and her daddy husband have probably got the sex toys out right about now, and have invited all their brothers and sisters to watch and be part of the fun. While they have freaky sex they are going to consider if they should donate some of the money to the United Negro College Fund.
@33 yeah do the search, prove me wrong.
“The black man who created the Indiana Pizzeria GoFundMe page is black.”
So fucking what? Counting you, that means there’s at least two crazy, fucked up black men in America.
Hey Stupid Solution Steve, there was a competing gay GoFundMe page. It received $0 and was taken down… So why didn’t you put your cash where your filthy ASS is? You know you scream behind a keyboard yet when the cause is “just” [per you] there was no cash donation! Maybe you can pony up some cash to this one?
Wow $15K in 24 hours vs. $300K in 24 hours. Now why are DUMMOCRETINS so cheep?
And #37’s head went
If you are a minority and don’t march or act the way Stupid Solution Steve thinks you should act you are ad hominem attacked. Such FASCIST bona fides there Stupid Solution Steve!
“The hidden hand behind the Islamic State militants? Saddam Hussein’s.”
Bad shit can happen when stupid, evil fucking wingnuts invade the wrong fucking country. Bad shit, like the rise of Islamic State. Of course, it’s not like they’d ever accept responsibility for their fucked up actions. No, when they fuck up and things go horribly wrong, Puddy and his racist, bigoted TeaBircher friends blame anybody and everybody but themselves.
The Black man, Sir Charles, who said this is all about bigotry and hatred, is the smarter of the three black man… might be the smartest guy living – black, white, Chinese……oh except for Obama and FLOTUS (the sexy beautiful FLOTUS), and their two children. God Bless them.
@38 well for me it was funner to give to the fund that was being collected by the drag queens associated with the gay house in the backyard of the WBC, that said for every donated dollar, they would send one rainbow colored Easter egg to mike pence. So he’s getting 30 fucking eggs from me.
Progressives Are Subhuman Mongrels
Wow a truthful statement…
The ISIS horde was held in check with Bush and Petraeus and the surge which Obummer was against. So Obummer leaves Iraq and ISIS comes to power in the region.
And you said what again Stupid Solution Steve?
Look at all the DUMMOCRETIN FASCISTS who never visited the Walkerton Pizza place rant with their 1 star ratings. So far over 6000 libtard reviews removed yet the libtards like the FASCISTS they are keep coming for more ASS whuppin!
@44 Iraqis didn’t want us there, that’s why GWB signed the withdrawl agreement. Implemented by Obama.
Who’s to blame?
Obama didn’t invade Iraq. And he actually made sure OBL died for it, unlike the monkey, your relative.
Iraq and Middle east is all GWB’s fault and Netty the fuckheads fault.
Yet, there is one honest gay lady out there who is upset how the FASCISTS have taken over the group!
Then read her comments teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla. Puddy and Mrs Puddy would take her and her partner out to dinner ANYTIME!
Sux to be the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!
“Progressives Are Subhuman Mongrels”
By their heroes you shall know them.
And who is Puddy’s hero? Who is it he is quoting and agreeing with? A self-admitted feces encrusted, draft-dodging pedophile, and wannabe assassin of President Obama and Hillary Clinton.
“Ted Nugent Threatens to Kill Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton During Vicious Onstage Rant”
Yes, by their heroes you shall know them, and we know Puddy too damned well. He’s a crazed-by-hate, murderous SOB who wants to kill us all.
And we know why GW Bush signed the withdrawal agreement teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla! Obummer said he would end the war in Iraq as a campaign promise. SO Bush obliged him.
Don’t let FACTS smack your ASS silly!
By their heroes you shall know them…
Who started the national Obummer birther rant? Mark Penn, Hillary Clinton campaign acolyte!
Wanna play this game Stupid Solution Steve? Then let’s dance!
How about Randi Four Gunshots Rhodes on National Scare America Radio wanting to kill President Bush?
“Who’s to blame?”
You, you stupid fucking murderous SOB. You, the SOB with blood on your hands. You, you murderous SOB, whose lust for seeing others die won’t be satiated until 60,000,000 Americans are dead.
@47 – I hear she likes the lobster. I know you can afford it, you’ll probably even get them two each. After dinner you can ask them if you can help them with any gay conversion therapy.
@49 hahahahha that is funny. You are so fucking funny.
@50 Puffy wants to dance now……wink, wink Steve.
Oh Stupid Solution Steve…
The teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla wrote #46. Yes the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla is to blame for many things butt you may have gone overboard a little?
“Then let’s dance!”
You don’t have what it takes to dance with me, you dumbfuck bitch. I’ll shit on your face and you’ll eat it because I tell you to. That’s the new program here, motherfucker. You’re going to learn like it, or you’re going to have to fucking leave horsesass. Just like your buddy, the Toonerville Racist.
You’re fucking cowards, both of you.
Yes Puddy will perform the Electric Slide with FACTS and Stupid Solution Steve will perform the shuck and jive!
Shorter Stupid Solution Steve…
Hey Stupid Solution Steve,
Ding Round #1
One of your great heroes said this ““White folks was in the caves while we was building empires. We built pyramids before Donald Trump ever knew what architecture was we taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.”
Conservative media will not allow libtard DUMMOCRETIN junk media to flourish anymore…
@57 the only tango you have is to always tangle and twist, never bringing any intellect to the table. Braindead and brainwashed.
Recently the klownfish yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch put forth some vox BULLSHITTIUM claiming the Iran deal was great. Well there is a small problem with that… In a speech last week Obummer believed that the nuclear “framework” concluded Friday in Switzerland by John Effin Kerry was an historic achievement. Dr Javad Zarif, Iran’s foreign minister, says he believes the same thing. From a historical perspective both men having the same position are incompatible. Yet HA DUMMOCRETINS continue to cheer!
Dr Javad Zarif believes in “Death To America”. He was the hand picked PriceLine Negotiator of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei who led the Death To America chant! Wait… the State Department claimed that YouTube video chant was only for internal consumption.
So lessee… Iran is in Yemen. Iran is in Lebanon. Iran is in Libya. Iran is in Iraq. Wow! Obummer is trading land for appeasement. Recently the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei claimed Iran has a divine calling to lead Muslims away from the West and its cultural sedition. Sooooooooooooo you DUMMOCRETINS actually think Iran is going to allow UN inspectors into Kom or Fordo? Really?
“Ding Round #1”
You already lost. I hereby shit on your face. Eat it, bitch.
Come back when you find an equivalent to your hero, a feces encrusted, draft-dodging pedophile who wants to assassinate American politicians he doesn’t agree with.
I raise you with another Republican hero of yours, one who brags about having sex with mules, washing machines and water melons.
By their heroes we shall know them, and we all know Puddy.
You have feces encrusted, draft-dodging pedoplile wannabe political assassins and mule fuckers for heroes. That makes you and your TeaBirchers nothing but murderous, twisted, sick-in-the-head, motherfucking freaks.
@59 Reverand Al Sharpton.
So people make mistakes in their lives. People also change, unless you are an Ape. It’s not so much of who you were in the past, but more importantly how you are in the present and future. The question is do you learn from your mistakes or ignore your mistakes and continue to be a jackass.
Isn’t the more religious think to do is to forgive and forget? And admit to your sins and confess and then be a better person…..forgive us for our trespasses as we forgive those that trespass against us.
I guess you follow what is preached unless you are just a bigot, and a minister just trying to make money off of the sheep.
Sir Charles said, after I said it, this isn’t about religion and freedom of religion, it is bigotry. And even the evangelicals can’t even be good Christians.
Nice of the right wing to try to destroy Reverend Al for some of the things they do today, on a daily basis. They are the bigger hypocrites. And they are the bigger Bigots.
Puffy has no life…..if he did, he’d really take out that lesbian couple for their lobster.
OK. Going to get ready for my Easter Sunday Dinner, with Family. Then I have to head back to the seedy town of the world.
Puffy stay stupid – braindead and brainwashed!
Go for extinction.
By their heroes you shall know them.
Another one of Puddy’s heroes.
“pediatrician refused to treat a newborn”
Of course he refused. Because he’s a bigot. Like Puddy. They’d both be glad to watch an innocent newborn infant die for lack of treatment and why? Because they both hate the newborn’s parents for being gay.
By their heroes you shall know them.
Puddy and his heroes. Murderous, hate-filled motherfuckers, glad to watch infants die in another failed attempt to satiate their insatiable fucking blood-lust.
Stupid Solution Steve,
Just lost Round #1 when you have to use Crooks and Liars… Puddy used WikiPedia a leftist website! Crooks and Liars
We love our DUMMOCRETIN crooks and we overlook our DUMMOCRETIN liars!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! So now who is eating that tasty shit dish again… You Stupid Solution Steve!
By their heroes you shall know them.
Kermit Gosnell… Kermit Barron Gosnell (born February 9, 1941) is an American physician who was convicted of murdering three infants who were born alive during abortion procedures in 2013
HAHAHAHAHA!! Not running from those STUPID idiot questions braying JACKASS!
It YOU who runs from this:
Which union is it?
Answer that first and I’d be HAPPY to address those 7 putrid questions.
People also change, unless you are a smart conservative… Then you just get smarter…
Of course the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla claims Al NotSoSharpton has evolved… Yet no one can find an apology from NotSoSharpton to the Greek or any other homos he slandered! The only apology NotSoSharpton did was to the Mormon church! And we know why… Harry Reid is a nominal mormon!
yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch
Wasn’t your North Pasadena racist comment chronologically before the union question?
More silly fantasisies from the babbling JACKASS!
“So lessee… Iran is in Yemen.”
So is Saudi Arabia.. So is al Qaeda supposedly which HATES Iran
“Iran is in Lebanon.”
Thank Israel’s invasion of Lebanon from creating Hezbollah.
“Iran is in Libya.”
Wow maybe they’ll fight the pro-Isil forces that HATE Iran. Egypt will join in.
“Iran is in Iraq.”
That’s what you get when a certain empty suit that the babbling jackass voted for twice invades a country that’s mostly Shia..
Now the U.S. is providing air cover for Iranian advised Shia militias against ISIL. Go figure..
“TWO-TERM President Obama is trading land for appeasement.”
Wham! There’s the special sauce for salt mining.. WRONG Jackass. He (along with the other members of the P5) are holding Iran’s feet to the fire. They don’t play ball – back come the sanctions.
How stupid is this jackass????
HAHAHAHAHA! I laugh at your silly babbling..
Sooooooooooooooo the North Pasadena racist comment from the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch was chronologically first. Puddy PWNS this moron! Puddy made it look! Hence ROTFLRHMBBAO @73,
Scared to be exposed by alternet for what the
yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch racist really is! So it still runs away from the seven questions! Hate is really strong in this one!
“pediatrician refused to treat a newborn”…
Of course he refused. Because he’s a bigot.
Stupid Solution Steve didn’t even watch the video. The Doctor is a WOMAN. So Stupid Solution Steve has now ventured into misogyny! Great job Stupid Solution Steve.. attacking women doctors now!
Oh lookie here monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch, ISIS doesn’t like Hamas either… Yeah Hamas backed by Iran!!!
Exactly.. It so scared! Fear dominates its vacuum for a “mind”!
Babble, babble, babble.. Diplomacy is preferable to WAR! Republicans like Nixon and Ford used it and even Raygun sat down with the other side and cut deals.
The babbling jackass tribe wants ONLY WAR!
Braying arschloch yellowishleakingbuttspigot,
Saudi Arabia sent in their army to invade Yemen? Really?
@77 EPIC FAYLE in your feckless attempt at #74.
Chronology yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch… When you fully address your La Raza racism and how you hate inner city blacks…
Thank Israel’s invasion of Lebanon from creating Hezbollah. Really?
Oh braying klownfish yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch… The Lebanese shia were connecting with Ruhollah Khomeini while he was in exile in the 60s and 70s.
You are a historical chronological IDIOT!
Then we’ll talk about the rest of the babbling jackass’ miserable fantasies.
“even Raygun sat down with the other side and cut deals.”
As I recall, yeah, St. Ronnie cut a deal with Iran. Arms for hostages. I’d LMFAO, except the blatant hypocrisy of consumed-by-senseless war, bigoted, racist, shit-eating wingnuts isn’t very funny.
Round #1 Knockout… By their heroes you shall know them.
Meanwhile we learn an Ass’t District Attorney from the DUMMOCRETIN Nashville District Attorney office of Glenn Funk was recently fired for offering sterilization of certain group of wimens. What group could that be Stupid Solution Steve…?
Heh.. Yeah St. Ronzo “appeased” Iran.. I’m sure the babbling jackass is happy about that one. Was that move “advised” by Nancy’s astrologer?
“Round #1…”
…ended with Puddy’s face covered with shit.
Gotta life to get back to.. L8r..
That North Pasadena racism identified by Marvin Stamm really has those pink panties in a tight knot. So when you address that la Raza racism we can deal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch. Otherwise talk to the electronic hand!
“Was that move “advised” by Nancy’s astrologer?”
I dunno, but I’d bet Bill O’Reilly was there and could tell us all about it.
Two major new themes are emerging in GOP pre-campaign rhetoric:
(1) The Iran nuclear deal is a horrible deal that endangers the security of the U.S. and Israel by allowing Iran to get a bomb.
(2) Supporting gay rights is discrimination against Christians.
This from the folks who brought you …
(a) Obama’s birth certificate is fake,
(b) Climate change is a hoax, and
(c) Austerity is the best policy in a depression.
Yes, Obummer really did great cutting deals with Iran… Even the WaPo, well known leftist rag…
PuddyCommentary: Everything Netanyahu claimed was true the WaPo just verified and validated it HA DUMMOCRETINS…
Even the WaPo article acknowledges the two months to fissionable material. Just what Netanyahu claimed. Yet Obummer pooh-pooh that last March!
Yeah, that vox article from the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch is BULLSHITTIUM!
You know that special man made element that passes from the arschloch of DUMMOCRETINS!
Oh senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit,
Birther commentary was from Mark Penn, Hillary Clinton campaign acolyte senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Puddy already gave date and time with the link. That early onset senility is really happening again today!
The WaPo, leftist fish wrapper, acknowledges Obummer’s Iran deal is worthless senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Still in another world eh senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? That early onset senility is really happening again today!
Being forced to perform activities in gay weddings are against Christian ideas senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! That early onset senility is really happening again today!
Orly Taitz ran wth it!
The Bottom Line Truth…
Rule #1 Never troll for gay activity on Craig’s List…
It’s Easter and Puffy has done nothing but sin all day long. How about trying to help you wife with the cooking you fuckwad.
And the only thing an ape will call bigotry is someone uses the n word. You are a complete bigot and it’s not even worth discussion with you. You are a pethegic Christian, you aren’t even a christian.
How many members of the American family association kill each other today?
It’s Easter and The Great One has done nothing but write truths about DUMMOCRETINS all day long. How about trying to help you[r] wife with the cooking you superior thinking conservative.
Maybe the cooking was done last night teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla?
What is a pethegic teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla?
Does anyone have a teabaggin buttbusting buttbigot gorilla BULLSHITTIUM decoder ring?
Meanwhile another view of Obummer’s Iran “framework”…
Sunlight, the sanitizer of DUMMOCRETIN BULLSHITTIUM!
Concessions on centrifuges! Just what the WaPo wrote and skipped by moronic article on vox from the yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch!
“French Foreign Minister believes that America negotiated out of weakness.” Oopsie!
Puddy expected some great bragging on the jobs market…
Back for a bit… Heh. The miserable babbling jackass has a fixation on certain questions. Ok.. HA HERO YLB is nice guy. He will make a bit of a concession. Here’s some “pre-answers” to those 7 PUTRID questions:
1 . Which union is it?
2. Which union is it?
3. Which union is it?
4. Which union is it?
5. Which union is it?
6. Which union is it?
7. Which union is it?
There. If the babbling jackass village idiot troll wishes some “post-answers” to its PUTRID fantasies that it calls “questions”. All it has to do is respond to ANY ONE of the “pre-answers” above..
ANY ONE! Pick one!
Damn well said…
That North Pasadena racism identified by Marvin Stamm really has those pink panties in a tight knot. So when you address that la Raza racism we can deal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch. Otherwise talk to the electronic hand!
Again.. (This idiot is so dense).. Any fantasy of yours will be addressed when the reality of the identity of your salt mining buddy’s union is revealed to “the world”..
Reality is almost impossible for you to acknowledge.. We know that.
Give it the college try. C’ya!
Salt mining buddy? North Pasadena was your coup de grace at the time yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch.
Hatred is so strong in the yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch!
You may be a liberal if you:
– talk good sense and then vote for nonsense.
– gripe about paying taxes then vote for higher taxes.
– oppose capital punishment for guilty murderers and support abortion for innocent babies.
– believe mankind is destroying the planet with CO2 production then fly in private airplanes to clean air conferences.
– believe mankind is destroying the planet with CO2 production then drive gas guzzling SUVs.
– detest people who are deadbeats living off your taxes and then support socialism increasing welfare benefits freely.
– believe thieves should go to jail and then vote for government to steal from the rich.
– condemn the Christian Church for opposing gay marriage and don’t care if Islamists are throwing gays off of buildings.
– condemn the Christian Church for opposing gay marriage and don’t care if Islamists are hanging gays from gallows.
– condemn the Christian Church for opposing gay marriage and don’t care if Islamists are beheading gays for sport.
– believe in the American Dream and then ask the government to take control of all wealth.
– believe taking guns out of the hands of citizens makes them safer and protest police for using force.
– are proud of your right to free speech and speak out against the soldiers who fought for you to have that right.
The seven questions the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless crazed cretin the yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch is afraid to answer. North Pasadena reopened that festering boil of arschloch racism. Answering them will expose the real racist sucka it is…
1) Why do you jock strap illegal alien killers absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretinyellowishleakingbuttspigot?
2) Why do you want these illegal alien killers to stay in the USA absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
3) Why do you support La Raza which has no comment on illegal aliens killing black United States of America citizens absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
4) Why to you support latino gang members getting their stripes killing black United States of America citizens absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
5) Why are you a racist absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin
6) Why do you support the La Reconquista philosophy absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
7) Why are you an adherent to Aztlan philosophy absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin
Did you watch Q13 about the deported illegal alien who returned to stab his ex wife? One of those you support!
@107 & 108: More lunatic ranting from the dumber-than-a-rock freakazoid who ceaselessly spews idiocy into these threads like a rusty factory pipe pouring pollution into a river.
From the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit with early onset senility!
53 of the 110 comments by the shrieking harpie HR nightmare puddyfuckwad (that’s a robust 48% for the record).
Arriving at 9:39pm on his supposed holy day the shrieking harpie HR nightmare puddyfuckwad shrieks at “libruls and dummocretins” for about an hour and a half. Nice way to honor the good old lord and saviour, amirite?
But…it gets better. While the rest of the so-called christian world was celebrating the glorious resurrection of the alleged redeemer…the shrieking harpie HR nightmare puddyfuckwad arrived at 6:58am (comment 15) to yell and scream and bitch and moan about all the evil and intolerant “librulz and dummocretins.”
Comment number 110 is logged at 1:50pm.
This sour fuck, this shrieking harpie HR nightmare puddyfuckwad, spreads the good news of the gospel of the alleged risen christ by spending SIX HOURS telling other ‘children of god’ what kind of pieces of crap they are.
What kind of life does this shrieking harpie HR nightmare puddyfuckwad have anyway.
What a sick fucking fuck.
“53 of the 110 comments by the shrieking harpie HR nightmare puddyfuckwad…”
Thank God for a non-Puddy comment now and then. Everybody’s decoder rings are getting a real fucking workout.
Ahhh yes, there is rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears with absolutely nuthin to add to the discussion. What a waste of pixels. Now Puddy PWNS three HA DUMMOCRETINS lock stock and barrel. Three useless tools in the DUMMOCRETIN tool box!
It’s not evil and intolerant “librulz and dummocretins.”, it’s evil and intolerant libtards and DUMMOCRETINS! At least Puddy gives your side some “due”!
rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears, Puddy isn’t a Sunday keeper. Puddy doesn’t worship a day; Puddy worships the Son of God. You in the infinitesimal femtometer brain cell can’t figger that out!
Meanwhile Puddy knows where this comment came from
Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz – This woman is one offensive blathering libtard DUMMOCRETIN talking point. Reminds Puddy of Stupid Solution Steve and his fellow traveler rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears!
Do national DUMMOCRETINS get their marching orders from this woman and the DNC? Must be because the third and fourth tier toilets are definitely using the same descriptions!
Butt let’s dissect this for a moment since the shrieking moron rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears doesn’t like to read facts…
PuddyCommentary: How do you know a DUMMOCRETIN is lying? Their lips are moving and the sound does not correspond to their facial expressions!
Arizona has an even worse school funding problem than Washington. It’s so bad you wouldn’t want to raise a child there. Lacking educated workers, Arizona is only good for retiring and soak up sun.
@112 Somebody has too much time on his hands.
I wonder if this is Bobblehead Bob’s idea of a “successful” attorney? Unlike me, he does have millions stashed away …
It guess it depends on how you define “success.”
The shrieking harpie HR nightmare puddyfuckwad is wrong again.
The shrieking harpie HR nightmare puddyfuckwad worships only his own bloviating asshole.
It’s Sunday senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
See ya!
Another useless ad hominem fart from rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears! And this moron expects a conversation? Bloviating ASShole? Ever read your own posts? Gaseous excretions galore! Has rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears ever brought a post without a left wrong web site or an ad hominem attack?
NOPE cuz rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears is a DOPE!
Good questions…
Did Muslims fight during the Civil War to free the slaves in America? No, they did not. In fact, Muslims to this day are still the largest traffickers in human slavery. Your own half-brother, a devout Muslim, still advocates slavery himself, even though Muslims of Arabic descent refer to black Muslims as “pug nosed slaves.” Says a lot of what the Muslim world really thinks of your family’s “rich Islamic heritage,” doesn’t it Mr. Obama?
Where were Muslims during the Civil Rights era of this country? Not present. There are no pictures or media accounts of Muslims walking side by side with Martin Luther King, Jr. or helping to advance the cause of Civil Rights.
Oh look rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears, something you can appreciate… the non-apology apology…
And of course you never see libtards being fired for being libtards…
@119 “See ya!”
Yeah, unfortunately, I’m afraid so. It doesn’t look like you’re leaving anytime soon.
Never one to miss an opportunity to attack unions, the Seattle Times editorial board starts off with a halfway reasonable sounding call for budget compromise, then launches into this tirade:
“The House budget spends $460 million more on education than the Senate, most of it on teacher pay raises. The Senate budget gives teachers a cost-of-living raise; the Democrats in the House give them that raise, plus another raise, plus a generous added stipend for health care. That largesse will please the powerful Washington Education Association, which pushed the unfunded class-size-reduction initiative. Here’s the crucial question for lawmakers: What will this supersized pay bump buy? Better outcomes or labor peace?”
My understanding is state employees and teachers, who haven’t received a COLA for six years, will get 3.8% over the next two years. That should be seen as 3.8% for 8 years, not 3.8% for 2 years, which works out as 0.475% a year. I’d be willing to bet living costs have gone up more than that since 2009, so by my reckoning, state workers and teachers are taking a pay cut, not getting a “supersized” raise. But don’t let facts stand in the way of a good anti-union rant, Seattle Times, any more than you allow facts to muddle discussion of estate taxes.
The shrieking harpie HR nightmare puddyfuckwad will never let the real story get in the way of his worship of his own stinking shit, so as a public service here is some real information.
The shrieking harpie HR nightmare puddyfuckwad will never read any of this.
Why let mere facts get in the way of the shrieking harpie HR nightmare puddyfuckwad’s fetid, rotting godless narcissistic egomania.
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! No more mere links to putrid questions…
We get the full monty @ 108 this time..
One more time for the fiend that Lee called the most stupid and most credulous and Darryl called a “bullshitting asshole” – here are some preliminary answers to your miserable “questions” babbling jackass:
1. Which union is it?
2. Which union is it?
3. Which union is it?
4. Which union is it?
5. Which union is it?
6. Which union is it?
7. Which union is it?
Please respond to just ONE of the preliminary answers above babbling jackass and we’ll be OVERJOYED to deliver the FULL MONTY in return..
My understanding is state employees and teachers, who haven’t received a COLA for six years, will get 3.8% over the next two years. –
Puddy looked at some King County and Pierce County teacher salaries
Stuff so easy to find senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Looks like a COLA was included!
Wow the North Pasadena racist monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch linked to its useless barely read web site…
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Puddy included the questions so all can view your racist attitudes towards CA inner city black folk and your love of illegal alien killers!
Sux to be the North Pasadena racist monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch!
ROTFLRHMBBAO! It really sux to be you!
How really dumb is rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears?
As Puddy wrote earlier… PuddyLinks @122 contain the links to the left wrong web sites. Sooooooooooooooooooo… from one of the links above… Go ahead rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears, check it out for yourself to demonstrate to all just how stooooooooooopid you are living on left wrong sites without validating anything else!
“The independent report by the Columbia School of Journalism [the link:] on Rolling Stone’s UVA rape article is out and it’s bad for Rolling Stone. Really, really bad:”
Adversity is not the friend of rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears! It smacks the silly rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears ASS everywhere!
Now what was the link the moronic twit rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears placed above? The same thing. And you wonder why Puddy has a field day on rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears?
The DUMBEST MOFO on the web! Evah! You are officially dumber that the vomit producer and the yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch! And that takes real skill! Sheeeeeeesh your children are cursed to have you as their father rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears! Sooooooooooo stoooooooopid it oozes through the monitor!
Which union is it?
Why is it so afraid of answering this simple question??? Teh po’ fool is paralyzed by always wrong wing bullshit propaganda. It believes that bullshit, yes it does..
The shrieking harpie HR nightmare puddyfuckwad will never stop smelling his own stinking shit.
Because Electro Motive Diesel wasted valuable time thinking that they could adapt their existing Prime mover to the EPA TIER 4 regs, it’s rebuilds, and export orders like this one to Ferromex that will keep the Muncie, Indiana plant going. Mexico’s other major railroad will probably be buying from GE, since KCSM’ s operations are linked with it’s American owner Kansas City Southern.
TIER 4 dates back to 2008, but went into effect this year. The irony, both EMD and GE were only giving the customer what they wanted, compliance without chemical exhaust aftertreatment, and the railroads got it, whether they like it or not. Adding Urea tanks at fueling depots is an extra cost. EMD parent, Progress Rail, does have a Tier 4 solution but better suited to commuter and regional passenger rail.
For years the worker-hating party has asserted Society Security must be cut. Elizabeth Warren just hit them with an uppercut to the jaw.
There is a reason no one has any respect for this prick.
“There is a reason no one has any respect for this prick.”
More than one.
Truth the sanitzer of libtardism!
Oh BTW libtard morons, this has been covered before… Butt these two twits above forgot this! How come the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch wants to know the union?
What a bunch of gaseous excretions from @135 & @136!
editor: Why do you allow hate speech on your website?
@139 You must be new here. As the ex officio HA greeter, my job is to indoctrinate new arrivals in the ad hoc HA posting rules, to wit:
1. This is a liberal blog.
2. Anyone can post here, except JCH.
3. There is no censorship.
4. As liberals, our mission is to verbally kick the living shit out of America-hating wingnut trolls.
5. No mercy for wingnuts!
6. Our terms are unconditional surrender, and there will be trials.
7. klake is a nazi.
Any questions?