Mental Floss: 23 bad business moves.
David Pakman: When did right-wing anti-intellectualism begin?
Pap: GOP is scamming its donors.
Young Turks: Megyn Kelly drops some reality sauce on Mike Huckabee’s head.
- Jon: On Republican Senators’ open letter to Iran
- Thom: Iran sabotage…is the GOP committing treason?
- Young Turks: Traitor Senator Tom Cotton is taking money from defense industry
- Sam Seder: 47 Republican Senators may have broken the law
- John Kerry hammers the Senators who sent the letter.
- James Rustad: “My Senators Wrote Iran A Letter”
- Young Turks: Senators face backlash over letter
- Thom: Is it time to put Senators in jail yet?
- Sam Seder: Just how dumb can the Republicans be?
- Maddow: GOP Senators now claim letter was A JOKE?!?
- Young Turks: Republicans blame Obama for the seditious letter to Iran
- Michael Brooks and Cliff Schecter: GOP’s hysterical Iran letter
- Chris Hayes: What if Obama secretly sold 1,500 missiles to Iran?
If Susan B. Anthony had a Vlog.
David Pakman: A President Lindsey Graham would deploy military against congress to reverse military cuts.
Sam Seder: The mainstream press fails Wisconsin Workers
SNL Weekend Update girl at a party on ISIS and Boko Haram.
Kerry spars with Rubio over ISIS
Anti-Vax Fever (with chills and light sneezing):
- The anti-vax story the media doesn’t want you to hear:
- SCTV: Kids settle the debate about vaccines
Jon mocks CNN’s Selma coverage of… a drone.
Thom: Why unions are the seeds of democracy.
Mental Floss: Misconceptions about your lawn.
John Oliver: U.S. Territories.
- Sen. Reid: “I have no concerns about [Clinton’s emails].
- Young Turks: Final Judgment on Clinton Emails
Amazon Prime for Women (because you deserve 78% satisfaction).
Jon questions Christie’s loyalty to NJ.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very Very Ecdemicly Ugly.
Mental Floss: Why do we get dark circles under our eyes.
Rep. Donna Edwards launches Senate bid.
Congressional hits and misses of the week.
Sam Seder and Cliff Schecter: Scott Walker butchers Wisconsin workers.
Racism in America:
- Mark Fiore: Racist EZ Cash.
- Richard Fowler: Ferguson police created a “toxic environment”
- Maddow: Racist emails from Ferguson
- Young Turks: Frat boy defends racist bros on Twitter
- Sam Seder: Morning Joe blames racism on rap music
- Young Turks: Morning Joe blames rap music for racist frat boys
- Jon: SAE frat boys finally apologize.
- Thom: Will the Voting Rights Act get fixed?
- Sam Seder: Why Selma’s country club is still “Whites Only”
Kimmel: Obama reads mean tweets:
Sam Seder: The legacy of Paul Wellstone.
White House: West Wing Week.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very Very Jubately Ugly.
David Pakman: The Obama economy.
Sen. Patty Murray and other Democratic leaders cry foul over abortion language shamefully put into anti-human trafficking bill:
Vsauce: Human extinction.
ONN: Should unpaid interns be paid for fighting for their boss’ amusement?
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.