I’ll try to offer some commentary throughout the evening, but the real fun will be in the comment thread….
Lil’ Marco has “suspended” his campaign after losing his home state of Florida.
What’s with this “We are ‘suspending’ the campaign” bullshit. “We” are not. You (singular) are. “Suspend” is a weasel word. Why can’t these weasels tell it like it is: “I’m quitting”, “I am dropping out of the race”, “I surrender to Mr. Drumpf”.
Oh…that’s right. They’re fucking weasels.
Seems like @JohnKasich is a little too surprised that he won his home state, people like him. #PrimaryDay
— Matt Wilstein (@TheMattWilstein) March 16, 2016
Duckworth easily wins in Illinois Dem Senate primary https://t.co/Cm6YbpIWCx #PrimaryDay pic.twitter.com/8QpgQrLypp
— The Hill (@thehill) March 16, 2016
John Kasich, speaking in Cleveland, promises to go all the way to Cleveland.
— Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) March 16, 2016
"He's tough, he's smart and he's got a great future."
— @realDonaldTrump on "Little" @marcorubio, who Trump suddenly seems to like.— John Nichols (@NicholsUprising) March 16, 2016
"We need the rich in order to make the great." – Trump channeling his inner Scrooge McDuck pic.twitter.com/4A9AbdRHXR
— Colin Jones (@colinjones) March 16, 2016
Predictwise odds for Democratic president up to new high of 72% https://t.co/fidathupju pic.twitter.com/IYrMCVtOCE
— Will Jordan (@williamjordann) March 16, 2016
Its genuinely hard for me to fully get my head around the catastrophic range of choices the GOP is now looking at.
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) March 16, 2016
7:48: While Cruz is giving his “victory” speech, CNN updates the vote totals and Cruz goes from 1st place to 2nd place.
Rubio's defeat is not only the end of his candidacy. It's a total blow to the post-2012 GOP reboot project, from autopsy to reform con mvmt.
— Robert Costa (@costareports) March 16, 2016
CNBC EXCLUSIVE: Paul Ryan won't categorically rule out accepting GOP nom. if a deadlocked convention turns to him https://t.co/NVPL7uqHg5
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) March 16, 2016
8:40 Carl Ballard commentary on the GOP primary: [fart noises]