I don’t get many comments on my blog entries, but I sure do get a lot of email, often of the angry, misinformed persuasion. Many of these epistles have common themes, so I thought I’d share a few of my responses in the hope of encouraging a bit more originality. All names have been changed to protect the guilty.
To John, who demanded I reveal my Tribal connections, I replied that I was a Levite.
To Margaret I wrote that yes, I do indeed have the right to write the things I do, but that I appreciate her offer to visit me in prison.
To Adolph I apologized if he perceived an anti-German bias when I jokingly referred to the author of an anti-semitic email as “Klaus,” but hoped he would excuse me if I’m still a little sore over the fact that they did kill six million of my people.
To Steve I wrote to agree with him that I would not want the government telling me what I can or cannot do in the privacy of my own bedroom, although I could probably use an occasional reminder to flip my mattress.
And finally, to Kevin I thanked him for writing, but regretted that I was not limber enough to honor his request.
Please keep your comments coming.