Oh and btw, is this a fair use of a copyrighted photo? If not sue me …
Roger Rabbitspews:
Seattle Cop Slain
This is a breaking news item. Media reports indicate a Seattle police officer was shot to death in downtown Seattle tonight and police are searching for the shooter. Few details are available at this time.
An interesting part of with a Government operation that is working, is in San Francisco/Oakland. The Bay Area Rapid Transit has had to step up because of an emergency fix from Labor Day Weekend on the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Bridge failed during rush hour last week. Unfortunately, no overnight Transbay service tomorrow, they got to inspect the fleet, and catch up on maintenance, so they can be ready for rush hour Monday. If only they could get the East Span replacement accelerated, but the project is taking forever. An argument between the various authorities in the Bay Area, CalTrans, the legislature, and the Governor led to the project being scrapped and re-bid at least once.
“Research into the events of September 11 by Brigham Young University physics professor, Steven E. Jones, concludes that the official explanation for the collapse of the World Trade Center (WTC) buildings is implausible according to laws of physics. Jones is calling for an independent, international scientific investigation “guided not by politicized notions and constraints but rather by observations and calculations.”
“There are numerous red flags in the official story (of 9/11), which requires a long series of highly improbable coincidences. Questioning that story is an act of responsible citizenship.”
“Accepting the official story of the 9/11/01 attack requires one to accept a long series of anomalies — extremely improbable events, amazing coincidences, and contradictions.”
Should the Republicans be allowed to get away with this?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Halloween is officially over! Wingnuts, crawl back into your crypts until next year. Don’t call us, we’ll call you when it’s time to come out again.
This was rather interesting OpEd, worth reading. Palin may just be the ‘Maverick’ to inflict some serious damage to the GOP:
Note: Hoffman doesn’t even LIVE in the district.
The G.O.P. Stalinists Invade Upstate New York
“Research into the events of September 11 by Brigham Young University physics professor, Steven E. Jones, concludes that the official explanation for the collapse of the World Trade Center (WTC) buildings is implausible according to laws of physics. Jones is calling for an independent, international scientific investigation “guided not by politicized notions and constraints but rather by observations and calculations.”
I am sure that he can get some support from Cynical, the “Christian” Judge Appointed By God.
14 Using Whoopis observation that steel doesn’t melt in fire! Jesus, what must it be like to be a liberal? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA Fuck me to tears.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Puddy told everyone long ago headless was/is/will always be a 9/11 Truther. What a fooltard. Puddy holds headless in the same vein as Orly Taitz. Only thing is ylb arschloch attacks Orly and gives headless a pass. Well he is the HA arschloch. Can you HA Libtardos tell Puddy who Glenn Beck exposed as a 9/11 Truther without Googling it?
The difference between a truther and a birther is the political party they support.
Marvin Stamnspews:
20. mark spews:
14 Using Whoopis observation that steel doesn’t melt in fire!
It was the other college graduate, rosie that said that. She also said christians were terrorists. If she knows steve and his hate for gay people with his use of the “faggot” word, I can see why she believes that. Steve is obviously not one of the good christians, he’s a fake christian.
Jesus, what must it be like to be a liberal?
For headless, it means never having to be around black people 24/7.
Marvin Stamnspews:
21. Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forget spews:
Puddy told everyone long ago headless was/is/will always be a 9/11 Truther. What a fooltard. Puddy holds headless in the same vein as Orly Taitz.
I give orly a little more credit. At least she’s doiing something about her beliefs, headless is on some little blog whining about it. Poor pathetic little headless, impotent to do anything besides whine.
Only thing is ylb arschloch attacks Orly and gives headless a pass.
To stick up for ylb, has he ever said he is fair and balanced. Has he ever said he isn’t intellectually dishonest? Has he ever proven himself to not be a hypocrite? Hell, ylb still hasn’t made a comment that acorn helping pimp underage girls is wrong.
As a good Christian I am repulsed by the self-loathing Marvin fucking goats.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Puddy knows you haven’t been paying attention to upstate NY Politics. For you to use FRANK RICH is very “rich and laughable”. HE is one of the reasons the NY Times is in the toilet and the swirling water is getting higher and higher. Did you forget this too FricknFrack? Well being a HA Libtardo does present it’s mental challenges.
Bwaaaaa haaaaa haaaaa aahaaaa haaaaa haaaaa
Deidre Scozzafava was the “liberal Republican” candidate was BACKED BY ACORN, approved same-sex marriage, and was pro-abortion. Basically she was a DEMOCRATIC in Republican clothes. Just being BACKED BY ACORN is a Nuff SAID!
Frank Rich knows if Hoffman wins it’s a direct rejection of libtardo ideals. This quote gives Puddy pause “And Scozzafava is a mainstream conservative by New York standards; one statistical measure found her voting record slightly to the right of her fellow Republicans in the Assembly.” Puddy added the link to repudiate Frank Rich’s “story”. What a loon Rich is! Keep following the loons FricknFrack. They’ll throw you under de bus too. Frank forgets the recent poll of Americans on purpose. Butt when have you seen a far left libtardo loon tell the truth anyway FricknFrack?
FricknFrack, did you know ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis, who was much in the news recently, doubles as vice chairman of the Working Families Party?
The self-loathing Marvin cries when he’s called a faggot.
Say, Puddy, Klynical, Mark – how about you all hatefully calling gays “faggots” some more so Marvin can display his self-loathing hypocricy. Oh, and tell us how you all just love being around gays 24/7.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Steve, Steve, Steve,
You stepped in it so you clean it up. Don’t bring us into your cesspool. What is the Steve’s Stupid Solution flavor of the week?
heh- Klynical loves them blacks 24/7. That’s why he posts racist jokes, you know – out of his 24/7 love for blacks.
Stepped in what, Puddy? I called that self-loathing, goatfucking friend of yours a faggot. You call gays faggots. Klynical calls gays faggots. Mark calls gays faggots. So what’s your fucking problem?
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Puddy showed where they call themselves faggots. Puddy showed where they call other people faggots. Did you forget this too fool? Has the Stupid Solution finally consumed that femtometer brain cell?
Tell me, Puddy. Do you even wince when Klynical goes off on blacks? A black man afraid to work like a white man joke. Are you not bothered at all? Or is the only thing to get you all worked up is my calling your goatfucking friend a faggot? Talk to me, Puddy. What’s it like for you to swallow your black pride?
“they call themselves faggots”
That’s your fucking excuse for calling gays faggots, Puddy? In case you, a black man, never noticed, blacks call blacks niggers, Puddy. By your own reasoning, I take it you don’t mind if anybody here calls you a nigger.
Puddy, gays call themselves and each other “faggots” in the same way African Americans call themselves and each other “niggers’. It’s a thing restricted to THEM and their close FRIENDS who are outside the group. For THEM it’s ok. I am pretty sure that YOU KNOW THAT, and to call gays “faggots’ unless you are in their close circle of friends is as inappropriate as it is for me to use the “N word” to you.
I am pretty sure Puddy understands this, doesn’t he?
If not, and that is possible, I hope that I have clarified this for him.
Puddy finds racism in a 24/7 comment by headless and whines about it for years, but he’s always silent when a wingnut goes off on “niggers” or tells racist jokes. Puddy hatefully calls gays “faggots” but takes offense when I call a self-loathing wingnut goatfucker a faggot. You need a new moral compass, Puddy. Yours is obviously all fucked up.
Uuuugggghhh… Here comes the Marvin/Stupes swamp overflowing its banks again..
Not in the mood this morning..
Roger Rabbitspews:
What If You Called 9-1-1 And No One Answered?
Here’s a roundup of the morning news:
“COLUMBUS, Ohio (Oct. 31) – Residents of Ohio’s capital city are complaining that police officers are telling them to move out if they’re fed up with neighborhood crime.”
“A girl is gang raped outside a California high school, and an entire nation asks one question: How could this happen? The details from police, so far, remain sparse: up to 10 possible attackers, up to 10 more witnesses, a 15-year-old victim and an attack that lasted more than two hours on the grounds of Richmond High School the night of the homecoming dance in the school gym.”
“Bernard Madoff … is trash-talking … the … federal authorities who should have caught him …. In a jailhouse interview released late Friday … Madoff … says he was ‘astonished’ that no one caught him earlier. ‘It would have been easy for them to see,’ Madoff said of the clueless financial cops who failed to perform what he called ‘accounting 101.’”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: And, last night — Halloween Eve — in our own city, a cop was gunned down in his patrol car in an apparent unprovoked drive-by shooting (which Mrs. Rabbit speculates may have been a gang initiation).
Back in the 60s, Republicans styled themselves as the “law and order” party. Today, after three consecutive decades of Republican government and conservative influence on American culture, civilization is falling apart in our country.
During that time, conservatism took over the Repoublican Party, and morphed from its traditional small-government doctrine into a bizarre and almost unrecognizable anti-government extremism that borders on anarchism.
What if you call 9-1-1 and no one answers? What if your daughter is being raped in a schoolyard and no one comes? What if the free-for-all in our streets spill into our homes and armed looters come to your door and there’s no police force to stop them? That’s what will happen if the Tim Eymans of the world pass enough I-1033s that gut public services and put government out of business.
This is what 30 years of Republicanism have delivered to working class and middle class Americans: Lawlessness, mayhem, rampant crime — and ineffective or absent law enforcement.
Why on earth would anyone vote Republican?
Marvin Stamnspews:
25. Steve spews:
As a good Christian I am repulsed by the self-loathing Marvin fucking goats.
Do good Christians refer to people as “faggots” and “cunts?”
You did.
You’re an example of what liberals call a fake christian. Do one thing, preach to others not to do what you did.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Trolls frequently crow in this blog that the public is frustrated, angry, and dissatisfied.
This obviously is true, but the trolls’ assumption that this implies a return to Republican rule is dead wrong.
“NEW YORK (Nov. 1) – Third party candidates could upend two major races in off-year elections Tuesday, and the success of those candidacies is a warning shot fired at both major parties by voters angry at government and disillusioned by politics as usual. … ”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Whatever happens in 2010 and beyond, it’s illogical to assume that voters will return to the GOP Party that failed them so badly. The GOP has shot its bolt. It’s a dodo. Moribund, kaput, dead. If voters don’t like the Democrats they won’t flock to the likes of Palin, Huckabee, or Bachmann. Nor will they go to one of the existing third parties, all of whom are fringe loonies. They’ll flock to the Perots, Bloombergs, and up-and-coming younger upstarts in the unaffiliated segment of the political world. After all, following on 30 years of disastrously failed Republican governance, why on earth would anyone vote Republican again?
Marvin Stamnspews:
27. Steve spews:
The self-loathing Marvin cries when he’s called a faggot.
The fake christian steve uses the language of bigots while hiding behind jesus.
What would jesus do?
Steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM http://horsesass.org/?p=15786&.....ent-916253
That’s an example of what Jesus would not do. That is an example of what someone that believes in Jesus would not do.
That is an example of a bigot.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Danny Westneat pointed out in today’s fishwrapper that the leader of Protect Marriage Washington, which is leading the charge against R-71, “has been divorced twice and had a restraining order against him from an ex-wife.”
Where does the right find these people? Um, judging from the long list of Republican philanderers and perverts, my guess is that’s all they’ve got.
Marvin Stamnspews:
29. Steve spews:
heh- Klynical loves them blacks 24/7. That’s why he posts racist jokes, you know – out of his 24/7 love for blacks.
Typical behavior for a 5 year old.
Stop pointing the fingers at everyone else.
LOL. Darryl creates an open thread for Gman to vent his rage at heterosexuals unmoderated, and Gman is nowhere to be heard!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Next thing you know, we’ll be told that Susie Cute got caught humping an otter on one of her canoeing trips. Hey, don’t take this seriously, it’s only a rumor that I just made up. But then, the whispers that Dow Constantine may have sexually harassed “Jane Doe” may be only a rumor that Mark Griswold made up.
Then again, maybe not — maybe Dow did make a pass at a female county employee and offer her a promotion to keep quiet about it, and maybe Suzie Cute does hump otters.
Marvin Stamnspews:
34. X’ad spews:
Puddy, gays call themselves and each other “faggots” in the same way African Americans call themselves and each other “niggers’. It’s a thing restricted to THEM and their close FRIENDS who are outside the group. For THEM it’s ok. I am pretty sure that YOU KNOW THAT, and to call gays “faggots’ unless you are in their close circle of friends is as inappropriate as it is for me to use the “N word” to you.
So are you making the excuse for steve that it’s okay since steve is gay?
Or do you believe it was wrong for steve to use the “faggot” and “cunt” words as insults.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@43 “Darryl creates an open thread for Gman to vent his rage at heterosexuals”
Are you sure that’s why Darryl put up the open thread? Why would Darryl open a topic that excludes most Republicans?
After all, the topic of this blog is: REPUBLICANS SUCK
“Do good Christians refer to people as “faggots” or “cunts”?”
Geez, I dunno. Oh, I know, let’s ask Puddy or Klynical. They are self-proclaimed “good Christians” who like to call gays “faggots”. For my part, I can only speak to a “good Christian” calling a self-loathing goatfucker such as yourself a faggot. As for you, you can speak to why a goatfucker would whine for months at being called a faggot while all that time utterly ignoring, and thus condoning, the hate towards GLBT’s spewed by your fellow travelers. What’s up with that, goatfucker?
Seems that some prominent Republicans didn’t get the RNC memo. Newt Gingrich, John Boehner and Michael Steele were for Scozzafava before they were against her.
Marvin Stamnspews:
35. Steve spews:
Puddy finds racism in a 24/7 comment by headless and whines about it for years, but he’s always silent when a wingnut goes off on “niggers” or tells racist jokes.
That’s exactly the point that Puddy and I have been trying to make for a while.
When left-wingnuts go bigot none of the other left-wingnuts care.
As evidenced by only one person saying your use of the “faggot” and “cunt” words as an insult was wrong.
It appears by the silence of your fellow left-wingnuts that insulting people with the “faggot” word is acceptable behavior for a liberal.
So stop whining when others do the same as you do.
33. Steve spews:
“they call themselves faggots”
That’s your fucking excuse for calling gays faggots, Puddy? In case you, a black man, never noticed, blacks call blacks niggers, Puddy. By your own reasoning, I take it you don’t mind if anybody here calls you a nigger.
WARNING: The following is a non-partisan informational comment about a cultural curiosity. Feel free to scroll past to something nasty, readily available on this and any other thread.
Please note that, although I nearly fell off my chair when it first happened, the “N” word is, in the Philippines, commonly used in a perfectly innocent and non-derogatory way…. when a Filipino referred to himself as a “nigger”…..seems that the mountain tribes, which are darker and curly haired, are still the original native Negerito, and the term “nigger” came out of the WWII GI presence.
Perfectly acceptable over there.
Marvin Stamnspews:
47. Steve spews:
“Do good Christians refer to people as “faggots” or “cunts”?”
Geez, I dunno. Oh, I know, let’s ask Puddy or Klynical.
I’m asking you. Why are you ducking the question.
We both know you are comfortable with the “faggot” word as an insult.
Are you a good christian?
Good and bad. Let’s see if I follow wingnut goatfucker values here. It’s really, really bad to call a wingnut goatfucker a faggot. It makes said goatfucker cry for months on end. On the other hand, it must be really, really good for wingnuts to call gays faggots as that doesn’t cause the goatfucker to shed a single tear. Yup, goatfucker values in a nutshell.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@52 You know for sure that Republican women are ugly when their men are out in the shed fucking the goats …
You want something scary from me, check the “halloween” thread.
As a good Christin I pray for that poor, hapless goat to find a better life than being the object of Marvin’s desires.
Marvin Stamnspews:
27. Steve spews:
Say, Puddy, Klynical, Mark
29. Steve spews:
heh- Klynical loves them blacks
32. Steve spews:
Tell me, Puddy.
35. Steve spews:
Puddy finds racism in a 24/7 comment
47. Steve spews:
let’s ask Puddy or Klynical.
When steve is cornered and knows better than to answer the question, his only comeback is to point the fingers at others.
You used the words steve, be proud. Stand up for what you believe. Don’t cut and run just because I point out your bigotry. Be a man, stick by your words.
This demeans all women. I doubt you even get that you sexist numbskull.
Fucking goats really did dumb you down, didn’t it?
Marvin Stamnspews:
55. Steve spews:
As a good Christin
Still afraid to answer the question?
What’s wrong, have I put you into a position where you can’t answer a simple question?
Are you a good christian?
Do “good” christians use “faggot” and “cunt” as insults?
Come on steve, don’t be afraid to answer the questions.
@57 Hmm, in light of this comment I should clarify that calling Marvin a goatfucker is not meant to demean goats.
Marvin Stamnspews:
58. Steve spews:
Fucking goats really did dumb you down, didn’t it?
And again with changing the subject.
Are you a good christian?
Do good christians use “faggot” and “cunt” as insults?
Has being a bigot dumbed you down so much you are unable to answer simple questions? Damn, your hate for “faggots” and “cunts” has really impacted your life.
When you grow some balls and answer the questions we can move on and talk about your racial bigotry. After all, what kind of a white person gets a job where blacks can’t even get hired as janitors.
Marvin Stamnspews:
57. maggie spews:
This demeans all women. I doubt you even get that you sexist numbskull.
Don’t be fooled.
He gets it.
As a good Christian, it is an expression of my love for God that I call out our HA goatfucker as the goatfucker he is. And remember this, Marvin, God takes note of the fucked goat. I think I read that in Leviticus somewhere.
A lot of good discussion going on here.
Marvin Stamnspews:
63. Steve spews:
As a good Christian
Do “good christians” use the faggot” and “cunt” words as insults?
Correction –
Lickme 69:25
Changing the subject? Perhaps it escaped your attention that the topic of this particular thread is, “Why does Marvin fuck goats?”. In light of this, you should now realize that every post that doesn’t address your goatfucking is off-topic.
Hey when good christians get to use the words like cocksucker, faggot, fudge packer, queer, and homo, you mine as well toss in Nigger and Kike too.
Just so we’re clear, the topic of this thread is, “Why does Marvin fuck goats?”
How many Niggers do we have here today?
How many Kikes?
@64 You’re off-topic again, there, goatfucker. This is the “Why does Marvin fuck goats?” thread.
Marvin Stamnspews:
65. Steve spews:
Changing the subject? Perhaps it escaped your attention that the topic of this particular thread is, “Why does Marvin fuck goats?”.
Reading problems? This is an Open Thread.
I guess that explains why you are afraid to say if good christians use the same type of hate speech you do.
What’s wrong steve, are you now afraid to be honest about your hate for “faggots?”
Marvin Stamnspews:
66. Steve spews:
Just so we’re clear, the topic of this thread is
I don’t blame you steve for not wanting to play my game.
Just think, if you were that smart months ago you never would have allowed me to so easily prove you have issues with “faggots,” “cunts” and black people.
Keep ducking the question. Your cowardice is proving my point about you.
What would Jesus do steve? Would Jesus call people “faggots” to belittle them? Is that the kind of God you pray to?
Come on steve, tell us about your God and how he feels about “faggots.”
@68 Another off-topic post. A reminder, this is the “Why does Marvin fuck goats?” thread.
Marvin could close this thread if he’d just tell us why he fucks goats.
Marvin Stamnspews:
67. Steve spews:
@64 You’re off-topic again
Still scared to answer the questions?
Maybe you can pray to your God for a little strength to answer simple questions.
Of course, your God probably won’t be answering any of your prayers… after all, God doesn’t hate “faggots” and “cunts” like you do.
If Marvin was smart he would have never admitted that fucking goats dumbed him down. The only question remaining, the topic of this thread, in fact, is “Why does Marvin fuck goats?”
Blow Mespews:
Censorship is at it again. What bullshit. Why are my comments awaiting moderation?
Marvin Stamnspews:
70. Steve spews:
@68 Another off-topic post.
Does you God hate “faggots” and “cunts” like you do?
Marvin could close this thread if he’d just tell us why he fucks goats.
I didn’t know your mother was a goat.
Censorship is a great thing it gives you a one sided conversation. This place blows Marvin stamn
Blow Mespews:
Darryl and Goldy 69 each other last night…fuckers.
Nazi Censors. Await this, this is going to be war.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@57 “This demeans all women.”
No, it only demeans ugly Republican women.
So, Marvin, why do you fuck goats?
Blow Mespews:
Goldy is a Kike. Darryl must be one too, if not he sucks Jew Dick.
Marvin Stamnspews:
72. Steve spews:
If Marvin was smart
Good point.
After all, you have to be smart like steve to write- Steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM http://horsesass.org/?p=15786&.....ent-916253
And to make it clear that you were trying to belittle me requires even more smarts on your part.
Yup steve, you’re the smart one. Say, since your words match those of manotruth I guess that makes you as smart as he is.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@60 Republicans are not victims (even though they believe they are). But the goats are victims.
Marvin Stamnspews:
75. Steve spews:
So, Marvin, why do you fuck goats?
Like I said, I didn’t know your mother was a goat.
this thread is so queer, its gonna needs an AIDS cocktail(paid for by heterosexuals btw) to keep limping along…. zing!
Blow Mespews:
Censors….what a great blog, censor….you pussies are afraid of me….you got a bunch of bigots on here that you enable. You never correct them, you just let them spew it out like Hitler. Go fuck yourselves. I hope you have to read everyone of these comments.
Kikes Suck.
Blow Mespews:
Goldy you blow. Of all people, I would have never thought that you would sensor shit, you suck.
no comment on this thread
Roger Rabbitspews:
@62 “He gets it.”
Of course I get that “maggie” extrapolated an unflattering comment about ugly Republican women whose men fuck goats to all women.
In other words, “maggie” is a lying wingnut troll who misrepresents what other posters say.
Yes, I do get that.
Blow Mespews:
#82 is a great post, seems like real intelligent people hang around here, plus they are copy cats, where do you think they came up with that one, from me.
Without me, this blog will be a piece of shit.
Blow Mespews:
Goldy is really a homo. You fudge packer.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@63 Yes, God loves animals, even when they’ve been soiled by filty human perverts who fuck goats instead of ugly Republican women.
Blow Mespews:
you cocksuckers are probably blow each other now.
@74 “ugly Republican women”
Take Roger’s post as an example. While at first glance it might appear to veer off from the topic of “Why does Marvin fuck goats?”, I consider that post to be quite on the mark as it just might serve to explain why Marvin keeps fucking that poor, hapless goat.
Blow Mespews:
ught ohh. Roger Rabbit is repeating himself with the ugly Republican Woman comments…..let’s delete his comments….nah, they are harmless unlike the Power of Gman…you fuckers suck.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@68 “This is an Open Thread.”
Not really. Gman gets deleted even from Open Threads. That’s because he strays off topic. He keeps talking about “heterosexuals” when the topic is Marvin’s strange penchant for fucking goats.
Blow Mespews:
Goldy is a woman. Did you douche your vagina this morning Goldy, or does Darryl do that for you?
@76 Damn, that just might be the most spot-on post I ever delivered here.
Got a lot more links of his homophobia is you need them.
79. Im YLB – Im jobless and surf the internet all day while my wife works spews:
this thread is so queer, its gonna needs an AIDS cocktail(paid for by heterosexuals btw) to keep limping along…. zing!
That certainly is the most mean-spirited, inhuman, disgustingly over the top comments I have read in a long time. Even in this cesspool.
You are a disgrace.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Anyway, the Republican readers of this blog are bored by heterosexual sex. They want to read about horses and goats, to get them through the week until they can make it down to Enumclaw.
Blow Mespews:
I know you are fucking with me….remember your own words….what comes around goes around you faggot.
@87….awwww, you can dish it out but cant take it, eh?
too bad.
Blow Mespews:
Goldy thinks that the idiots on this blog post real meaningful shit on the non open threads, but he is wrong…your blog is got nothing but a bunch of morons on here…I hope you are the one laughing and making money, because if you are not, this Blog is worhtless piece of shit. Give it up, you are wasting you time.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@76 I’m with you, Marvin. It doesn’t take a genius to write like that. Given facts like these, almost anyone can write them up. This is one of those stories that tells itself, and doesn’t require an exceptional writer.
ylb suffers from jobophobia…which is closely related to workophobia, employophobia, and manophobia….damn good thing that his wife wears the pants in the family, or they would be living in the back of a ’76 dodge van off Dearborne street.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I mean, how many times in a writer’s life does a worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit come along? That’s like finding gold at Sutter’s mill.
Blow Mespews:
You promote bigotry you stupid fuck. oh but that is free speach something you know nothing about, you lazy piece of shit, get a job
Blow Mespews:
I could do this all day, I hope you moderate comments on automation, because if not, the person hitting the delete key is going to get awfully tired, the pussy that they are.
Is Marvin really saying that he fucks that poor goat because he thinks it’s my long dead mother?
I’ve gotta ask, is that goat of yours dead or alive, Marvin? Because if you’re fucking a dead goat then you’re even more fucked up than I had originally thought.
Blow Mespews:
look at all the bigots on this blog…you mine as well oppose gay rights, you are a hypocrite. Goldy is a hyopocrite. and afraid of anyone posting comments on here that have some impact.
91. Im YLB – Im jobless and surf the internet all day while my wife works spews:
@87….awwww, you can dish it out but cant take it, eh?
too bad.
Point out where i have said anything even remotely that disgustingly inhuman. You have just made funy-fun-fun (for you) of a group of seriously, often fatally, ill people.
Point out where ANY other poster here has done same.
Again: You are a disgrace. Even for here.
Blow Mespews:
Goldy is a bigot,in denial. Go murder more jews you fuck. Darryl is the pimple on Goldy’s ass.
calling someone a socialist is far more insulting than calling them a homophobe….
keep ’em rolling boys!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey, I want everyone to read my latest KATHY LAMBERT bash! It’s #71 in the “Nonpartisan, My Ass” thread. I posted it only a few minutes ago, so you probably haven’t seen it.
@129..wrong again jobless wonder: The “bitch” I was referring to was YOU….are you a woman? NOPE! although an argument COULD be made that you arent a man since you have no balls, obviously dont wear the pants in your family, and are clearly a pussy.
The “bitch” I was referring to…and are clearly a pussy.
One wonders how many other “bitches” this particular right winger has ordered to “STFU”.
Thank you again for distinguishing for all the lurkers out there what the right wing is all about.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@134 Why would anyone want a job? Wages are taxed 3 times higher than capital gains and dividends. A worker gets 1/1000th the personal exemption given to heirs. The rich can deduct private jets and yachts, hunting lodges, and expensive meals in fancy restaurants as “business expenses” but a worker can’t even deduct his bus fare to work. You don’t get money in this country by working for it. You get money by owning stuff. Workers are underpaid, overtaxed, mistreated, and disrespected. So why would anyone work? I wouldn’t take a job if you gave it to me.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
ylb arschloch’s father is a Republican and ylb arschloch feels his son will be one too. Looks like the stupid gene was passed to ylb arschloch. It explains his lack of job mojo!
Marvin Stamnspews:
100. Steve spews:
@76 Damn, that just might be the most spot-on post I ever delivered here.
The best one was-
Steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM http://horsesass.org/?p=15786&.....ent-916253
This is the post when you were the most authentic and real.
ylb arschloch’s father is a Republican and ylb arschloch feels his son will be one too. Looks like the stupid gene was passed to ylb arschloch. It explains his lack of job mojo!
Seems to be a nonpartisan dominant gene on this whole damn drainage field.
how does your wife feel about having to support your entire brood while you fart around all day long doing nadda…
Geez, Marvin, the wingnuts here are ragging on about cunts and faggots. And what do you do about it? Do you deliver a smackdown? Naaaah. You leave us to fuck that poor, hapless, possibly dead goat of yours again.
This interesting. I went to look this one up. The urban dictionary says it is an anachronistic slang term for “bitch” that dates to the early nineties.
If I had to guess our homophobic friend was in a predominantly white suburban high school in the mid nineties listening to gangster rap music trying to be “cool”, in tune with the times, down with what’s happenin’ in “the ‘hood”, whatever…
He was probably listening to right wing hate talk radio and/or Tom Leykis in those days too.
So that makes our screwed up new right wing friend about 29, 35 years old tops?
@oh….and you completely missed on the age deal….nice try ylb!
Oh, you’re done fucking the goat already? That was quick.
You brainless goatfucker, I said that was my best post. Fuck, you’re stupid. Of course, you did once write that all that goatfucking you’ve done has dumbed you down.
YLB: HA’s very own undereducated, unemployed(and not looking) bisexual.
I would shoot myself if I fit any of those three descriptions.
need a bullet?
Marvin Stamnspews:
114. Steve spews:
Is Marvin really saying that he fucks that poor goat because he thinks it’s my long dead mother?
Considering the way you throw the “cunt” word around, I’m not surprised that fucking goats and your mom is so linked in your mind.
I’m sure you understand that people that have issues with “cunts” start early in life from mother issues.
You’ve mentioned in a post about year ago that you never forgave your mom for forcing you to live in poor black neighborhoods as a child. Which explains why you picked a place to work that won’t even hire a black janitor.
What else haven’t you forgiven mommy for? Maybe the way she looked the other way when your uncle was touching you? Which would explain your issues with “faggots.”
I think I’ll call you that from now on. That nutcase always struck me as a bit right wing.
45. Marvin Stamn spews:
34. X’ad spews:
Puddy, gays call themselves and each other “faggots” in the same way African Americans call themselves and each other “niggers’. It’s a thing restricted to THEM and their close FRIENDS who are outside the group. For THEM it’s ok. I am pretty sure that YOU KNOW THAT, and to call gays “faggots’ unless you are in their close circle of friends is as inappropriate as it is for me to use the “N word” to you.
So are you making the excuse for steve that it’s okay since steve is gay?
Or do you believe it was wrong for steve to use the “faggot” and “cunt” words as insults.
Had nothing to do with Steve, who will use whatever he uses.
while I am in agreement with much of Steve’s philosophy, I am not in approval of his imagery.
(But, if the Foo Shits, as Puddy says…)
this was a commentary for Puddy’s edification if he were unaware of the CONVERSATIONAL CONVENTIONS and PROTOCOLS of gay folks AND THEIR FRIENDS, without any any implication for Puddy’s actual attitudes for the above.
Now, you were saying by your silence that you approve of using AIDS victims as the butt of comments by wingers….????
Marvin Stamnspews:
144. Steve spews:
Geez, Marvin, the wingnuts here are ragging on about cunts and faggots. And what do you do about it?
I thought we had a deal.
You punk the bigoted right-wingers and I punk you and the left-wingnut bigots.
After all, how many left-wingnuts have you called out for their bigoted words? ZERO, NADA, ZILCH, NONE
In all honesty, how can you complain about people using the very same language as you? Shouldn’t you be flattered that those right-wingers are imitating you? I know I was flattered when I got you and lee to imitate my “jump steve jump.”
Imitation is the highest form of flattery, you should be flattered that right-wingers are copying you.
You are proud of yourself for using “faggot” and “cunt” as insults aren’t you? Is your Jesus proud of you for using “faggot” and “cunt” as an insult?
You know… You complaining about others using “faggot” and “cunt” is like larry craig complaining about others tapping toes in public bathrooms.
@154…Lee is so far left that he falls off the edge of the planet….nice call on that one ylb.
Marvin Stamnspews:
145. 132 hates gay people spews:
So that makes our screwed up new right wing friend about 29, 35 years old tops?
I wonder if being that age makes him employable?
Something your age prevents?
“You’ve mentioned in a post”
The stupid goatfucker is reduced to making shit up. Hey, Marvin, I once called you a faggot and a cunt and made you cry. That’s a fact. This thread is littered with wingnuts calling people faggots and cunts and you say nothing. Nothing at all. That too, is a fact.
After that house party, he must have had to bathe himself in 24/7 KVI hate talk radio.
Must have loved Mike Siegel. What a dumbass that guy was. Oh those were the glory days for the right wing now almost forgotten, sinking into the muck of teabagger, birther and tenther insanity.
Marvin Stamnspews:
164. Steve spews:
Lee really got to you with that “jump Marvin jump” shit of his, didn’t he?
What are you talking about???
I was flattered that lee and you were imitating me.
You keep forgetting to answer the question how your God feels about “faggots.”
ylb, you pole-smoking ass invader, shouldnt you be surfing monsterDOTcom? or hell, even craigs list? Maybe Dick’s is hiring! Hell, have you seen some of the rejects working there? Im sure they could find a spot for you….cutting onions or something….
Marvin Stamnspews:
149. Im YLB – Im jobless and surf the internet all day while my wife works spews:
YLB: HA’s very own undereducated, unemployed(and not looking) bisexual.
Considering his wife wears the pants in the family, sissy might be more applicable.
Just a reminder, folks, the topic of this thread is “Why does Marvin fuck goats”.
Hell, have you seen some of the rejects working there?
No, the folks at Dicks I’ve seen are pretty hard-working and johnny on the spot.
Dicks wouldn’t consider hiring anyone like you. Now BIAW? Yeah, they pride themselves on people like you.
Jump, Marvin, jump!
You hated that, didn’t you? Lee had you jumping all over the fucking cesspool. I’m sure he’ll be glad to know how deep it got under your skin, reducing you to your present state of denial over the whole fucking episode.
ylb…how the hell would you know what “hard working” looks like anyway?
damned lazy ass switch hitting whackamole…
Wingnuts imitate me? You’re such an ignorant sap, Marvin. Get real. Puddy and Klynical were hating on gays, calling them queers and faggots, years before I ever showed up here to talk about your goatfucking ways.
Marvin Stamnspews:
174. 170 hates gay people spews: you pole-smoking ass invader,
Marv, I thought you were against this.
See #156.
On a partisan blog such as this one, it is my job as a troll to expose the bigotry of left-wingnuts.
Maybe you can have your wife write “Im YLB – Im jobless and surf the internet all day” a note saying you are not gay. Of course that makes you look pussywhipped, but that cat’s been out of the bag for a few months now.
Marvin Stamnspews:
176. 170 hates gay people spews:
Dicks wouldn’t consider hiring anyone like you
Who do you feel would consider hiring someone like you?
Hint- Put in an application there. When you return home, stand in front of the mirror practicing saying with a smile on your face, “would you like fries with that sir.”
Marvin Stamnspews:
179. Steve spews:
Wingnuts imitate me? You’re such an ignorant sap, Marvin. Get real.
Oh, so you were imitating them?
So you’re more of a follower than a leader.
So you’ll say whatever you feel you need to to make friends with the cool kids.
You see, some Republicans do their toe-tapping in toilet room stalls, while others, like Marvin, do their toe-tapping in barn stalls.
Of course that makes you look pussywhipped, but that cat’s been out of the bag for a few months now.
I get it. You support gay rights but have a problem with anyone you perceive to be a “sissy” or “pussywhipped”..
Wow Marvin you set such a high bar for your right wing community.
Heh.. Oh my there’s my limit.. It’s been entertaining right wing fools. Keep up the great work.
Marvin Stamnspews:
183. Steve spews:
You see, some Republicans do their toe-tapping in toilet room stalls
Jealous you didn’t get your toe tapped?
I know your employer doesn’t want blacks working there, how does he feel about gays? Maybe you can do some toe-tapping of your own in the company bathroom.
Dede Scozzafava – the choice of Newt Gingrich, Eternal Sun Tan Man Boehner and Mike Steele (before they were against her) has thrown support to the Dem, Bill Owens.
Not that Owens will win. That district has been Republican as long as anyone can remember but it sure is great to see a Republican give the shaft to the right wing teabagger whacko cult.
14 Using Whoopis observation that steel doesn’t melt in fire! Jesus, what must it be like to be a liberal? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA Fuck me to tears.”
See. Facts don’t enetyrate or even INTO your calculations.
I’m sure that if this happened on Climnton’s watch, the steel wouldn’t melt.
Marvin Stamnspews:
185. 170 hates gay people spews:
I get it. You support gay rights but have a problem with anyone you perceive to be a “sissy” or “pussywhipped”..
Were you born pussywhipped?
Unlike someone being born black or gay, can you change and not be pussywhipped?
That’s the difference between being gay and pussywhipped. One was by birth, one was by choice.
Heh.. Oh my there’s my limit.. It’s been entertaining right wing fools.
Better get those breakfast dishes washed and put away before your wife gets home. Regarding your french maid halloween costume you’ve been wearing the last 53 months, is that by choice or by order of your wife?
Better get those breakfast dishes washed and put away before your wife gets home. Regarding your french maid halloween costume you’ve been wearing the last 53 months, is that by choice or by order of your wife?
LMAO! How much of that comes out in the music Marv?
You arranging stuff for films produced in the San Fernando Valley much?
You must be in high demand!
Marvin Stamnspews:
192. 184 hates gay people spews:
You arranging stuff for films produced in the San Fernando Valley much?
yes, some of my work has been in adult film genre.
@192 Given the wingnut prediliction for projection, I can only conclude that Marvin dresses his goat in a french maid costume.
Marvin Stamnspews:
191. headless spews:
Cheney and Bush blew up the twin towers. Everyone knows it and have from the start.
At least everyone that believes that never before in the history of man that fire melted steel believes it.
And of course the people that believe obama was born in china also believe it.
You’re in some good company there headless.
Say, have you noticed that the truther movement is pretty white.
YLB’s wife(otherwise known as his sugar momma): YLB, did you look for a job today?”
YLB: Yes babe, I was on the internet ALL DAY looking for work
YLB’s wife: Thats great, can you show me what places you have been in contact with? – surely there must be many since you have been looking on the internet for SO LONG.
YLB:…………….silence…………..uummm………..how was your day hun?
Set to the right music that can really boost DVD sales.
All the power to ya Marv.. Low taxes and all…
Marvin Stamnspews:
194. Steve spews:
@192 Given the wingnut prediliction for projection, I can only conclude that Marvin dresses his goat in a french maid costume.
Does fantasizing about my sex life help you perform with your partner?
Kinda sick and twisted on your part.
@198 My, that was weak. Of course, seeing as how you were dumbed down from fucking goats, I shouldn’t expect much out of you.
@81 No, it only demeans ugly Republican women.
No, it demeans all women you sexist blowhard. Trying getting away with comments like yours in a city council meeting or other government venue, or in the workplace and the reaction would be swift. Women – forget their political views – have had to fight language like this for years, whether its on an assembly line or in a corporate boardroom.
You’re sexist and you’re clueless the way you blow this off. That’s obvious.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@194 Probably has his kids film it, then sells it to porn sites.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@200 No, it doesn’t, you rightwing fartblower.
Marvin Stamnspews:
197. 184 hates gay people spews:
193 – Wow how “conservative” is that? I admire your honesty Marvin.
I never called myself a conservative, that’s something you do to make it easier to label and put people into groups. I consider myself much more of a libertarian.
Strange that you consider someone working and legally earning $$ is a republican value.
As a libertarian, I don’t care what kind of kinky sex games you and your wife play.
Set to the right music that can really boost DVD sales.
Yeah, the right music makes the movie. HAHAHAHA
When you were jacking off to porn friday when your wife was at work, did you notice the music? Did the music enhance your pleasure?
All the power to ya Marv.. Low taxes and all…
Thanks but no thanks. I don’t need your endorsement.
Since you object to low taxes, why don’t you go out and get a job and give the government your whole paycheck. Prove that you are against low taxes.
Marvin Stamnspews:
199. Steve spews:
@198 My, that was weak.
And again you “forgot” to answer the question.
Does fantasizing about me and goats help you perform with your partner?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@200 “You’re sexist and you’re clueless the way you blow this off. That’s obvious.”
It’s not at all obvious. In fact, it’s too subtle for you. I deliberately mimic the obnoxious trash-talking of wingers to mock them. That’s what this is all about — whatever wingers do, I do it, too. When they stop, I’ll stop. But they have to stop, first because they started it. People like you can have civility from me anytime you want it. All you have to do is stop behaving like Republicans, and I’ll stop behaving like a Republican too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@200 (continued) I’m a lot of things, but I’m not clueless. I know exactly what I’m doing.
Marvin Stamnspews:
201. Roger Rabbit spews:
@194 Probably has his kids film it, then sells it to porn sites.
We call it rabbit porn.
@204 “answer the question”
For some odd reason, Marvin refuses to address the topic of this thread, which is, “Why does Marvin fuck goats?”
@200 You are off-topic.
Marvin Stamnspews:
205. Roger Rabbit spews:
That’s what this is all about — whatever wingers do, I do it, too
How did that toe-tapping in public bathrooms work out for you.
Did you enjoy it?
Marvin Stamnspews:
208. Steve spews:
@204 “answer the question”
For some odd reason,
And still steve is scared, nothing odd about that.
I like it that you fear answering my questions.
@209 And how did toe-tapping in Klynical’s barn work out for you, Marvin?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@208 re @200: Oh, let her/him/it spew. She/he/it apparently is new here, and this is as good a time as any to get indoctrinated.
Rightwing extremists have attacked our country. They have attacked its Constitution and democratic foundations. They have attacked everything positive that liberalism has built for ordinary American working families (against conservative opposition) over the last 150 years. They have attacked us. We kick back.
That’s the takeaway message here: We kick back. We don’t like conservatives. We don’t like their ideology. We don’t like what they do. They kick us, and expect us to be passive about it. We kick back. We’ll keep on kicking them for as long as they keep kicking America and Americans.
The sooner “maggie” learns that, the better off she’ll be, although she’ll never be “better off” until she stops being a lackey and shill for gutter-crawling and slime-sucking conservative, and comes to her senses and becomes a real American.
@200 No, it doesn’t, you rightwing fartblower.
There you go again, trying to blow it off. I’m a lifelong Dem and political affiliation has nothing to do with it. You’re blatantly sexist and rather than deal with it honestly you’re hiding behind partisan banter.
You wouldn’t pull this in a public forum where you actually had to deal with the backlash. Pry yourself from your seat and try using your language in front of a Democratic woman’s org and see how far you get. What a chump.
Hiding behind HA is easy.
Apparently Marvin is too scared to address the topic of this post, which is, “Why does Marvin fuck goats?” Why does he fear answering this question?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@209 “How did that toe-tapping in public bathrooms work out for you.”
“Did you enjoy it?”
Let me explain. When I got to the airport, I went to the men’s room marked “Republicans” and entered a stall. I waited until a Republican came in and sat down in the stall next to me. Then I started tapping my toes. When he stuck his erect dick through the glory hole, I slammed it with the small sledgehammer I carry in my flight bag. The next thing you hear is a howl like a wolf on a spit over a campfire and the crash of breaking class. He went clean through the window and two stories down into the dumpster. Then the truck came and emptied the dumpster and carried him off to the landfill. Scratch another Republican pervert! And, yes, I enjoyed every minute of it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
correction: glass not class
Roger Rabbitspews:
That’s called “entrapment.” When the police do it, it’s illegal; but when I do it, it’s recreation, because I’m not the police. I’m a vigilante.
Marvin Stamnspews:
211. Steve spews:
@209 And how did toe-tapping in Klynical’s barn work out for you, Marvin?
Never done the toe-tapping thing.
Never been to Cynical barn.
Never met Cynical.
Marvin has a very unhealthy fixation other people’s sex lives…..leading to the inescapable conclusion that he’s never HAD one of his own. And a very good thing, too.
Can you imagine a gaggle of marvininoes scurrying about?
Disinterested Observerspews:
QUICK! Get the scissors!
Marvin Stamnspews:
213. maggie spews:
You wouldn’t pull this in a public forum where you actually had to deal with the backlash.
I’m sure if the rabbit wasn’t hiding behind a fake name he would act much better.
It’s easy to act like the rabbit if he can get away with it.
Just like I’m sure if the blog bigot steve was posting under his real name he never would have used all those bigoted words.
Basically I’m saying, the rabbit and steve are cowards and will say anything as long as they can stay hidden.
@219 “Can you imagine”
You can relax. As much as Marvin tries, a union between Marvin and the goat will not produce little Marvin-goats.
203 – Hey I was commending you on your honesty. What do I get for it?
So you’re a losertarian! (Michael Medved’s word, not mine.)
C’mon Marv. The porn industry has gotten in trouble on a number of occasions employing underage performers.
Hope your music isn’t on any of those movies! Then it’s ACORN time for Marvin!
The music makes the movie!
Marvin Stamnspews:
219. X’ad spews:
Marvin has a very unhealthy fixation other people’s sex lives…..leading to the inescapable conclusion that he’s never HAD one of his own.
As said by someone talking about the sex life of someone else.
Haven’t I pointed out numerous times in the past how obsessed with me you are.
Hell, even LeftFoot made the comment I should be flattered that you wanted to refer to male sexual organs as Marvins.
If there’s ever a goat-human hybrid, I’m pretty sure it’ll be called a “Marvin”.
Marvin Stamnspews:
223. 184 hates gay people spews:
203 – Hey I was commending you on your honesty. What do I get for it?
Considering you’ve never commended me for honesty before you have to admit it was out of the blue.
So you’re a losertarian! (Michael Medved’s word, not mine.)
Thanks to the reps and dems rigging the system, a third party will never be a viable option in this country.
C’mon Marv. The porn industry has gotten in trouble on a number of occasions employing underage performers.
They call those the gerry studds videos. You know gerry studds? And no, it’s not a porn name. It’s the name of a democrat that had sex with an underage boy and democrat voters kept electing him to office. I guess those are your kind of democrats.
Hope your music isn’t on any of those movies! Then it’s ACORN time for Marvin!
I thought you approved of acorn help pimp underage girls into prostitution. Are you only in favor of pimping young children if the pimps are democrats?
The music makes the movie!
For real movies, YES. for porn, NO.
Poor pissy little Marvie
has NO original thoughts and must always rely on used comments (and probably used condoms….the goats should object) to try to authenticate himself.
Complains about other people hiding behind names as though he were the REAL Marvin S.
Or even a real person.
Or even a real fragment of a person.
Instead, we have here an imitation asshole.
Maybe made of rayon.
222. Steve spews:
@219 “Can you imagine”
You can relax. As much as Marvin tries, a union between Marvin and the goat will not produce little Marvin-goats.
Probably produces a lot of disgusting noises.
OTHER than Marvie’s “music”
Then again, maybe he needs the goats to keep up his embrasure. Unless they’re female goats, of course, but I doubt that.
Marvin Stamnspews:
227. X’ad spews:
228. X’ad spews
229. X’ad spews:
Wow, 3 messages in a row talking about me.
Then again, maybe he needs the goats to keep up his embrasure.
You mean embouchure. This is the second time I’ve had to correct you.
And how to you believe a goat would help my “embrasure?”
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
The fool @187 ylb arschloch is cruising Daily Kos again…
The Watertown link is direct from the ylb arschloch’s kook-aid site.
What a limp bizkit!
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Do you think Dede Scozzafava with her and her husband’s well known ACORN ties would back the conservative Hoffman ylb arschloch?
Usually it’s the Puddybitch that is the proximate cause off the 200-plus comment threads.
This time it’s the soft target known as the marvin.
Don’t you guys know better than to engage a battle of wits with an unarmed man? Isn’t there some kind of blogger Geneva Convention (not that those guys wouldd honor it aayway).
I’ll give “marvie-poo the puddybitch’s cabana boy” this much though…he’s a game little cock.
You keep forgetting to answer the question how your God feels about “faggots.”
I prefer answering for myself, thank you.
You do know abot Jesus, don’t you? Do you suppose he died a virgin? What motivated me to have Paul say Jesus changed the law?
For those who doubt that I am God, WATCH THE ELECTIONS TUESDAY NIGHT.
My will be done.
230. Marvin Stamn spews:
227. X’ad spews:
228. X’ad spews
229. X’ad spews:
Wow, 3 messages in a row talking about me.
Then again, maybe he needs the goats to keep up his embrasure.
You mean embouchure. This is the second time I’ve had to correct you.
And how to you believe a goat would help my “embrasure?”
I know what “embouchure” is dodo, you’re not correcting anything. Embrasure is the gap between your teeth. It’s a PUN. Relating to the GOAT SEX. Are you a TOTAL IDIOT????
never mind. A rhetorical question.
get an adult to explain it to you.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
The dumb cinder block arrived.
Notice the vacuous posting.
The insipid commentary.
The mundane sentence structure.
The idiotic attack.
The moron discussion.
The gay sexual innuendo. Not anything new on rujax’s thought processes.
And the band played on… He’s a ball of confusion…
What do you get when you cross a Marvie with a goat?
ButtPutty, and lots of it.
What do you get when you cross a Mr Cynical with a sheep?
More ButtPutty, and lots of it.
Marvin Stamnspews:
235. X’ad spews:
I know what “embouchure” is dodo, you’re not correcting anything. Embrasure is the gap between your teeth
Gap between my teeth?
Good one.
I guess you’ve seen my picture or is this another example of a bitter hateful little spinster of a woman trying her hardest to make herself feel good.
Say, did you know that michelle malkin is from the philippines? Like the liberals ask her, can you do the ping pong ball trick?
Proud To Be An Assspews:
Eschaton this place is not.
“Jump Marvin jump”
I never gave Lee the credit he deserved for pushing Marvin’s button with that one. However, the spin Marvin tried to put on that “jump” thing earlier in this thread was just too fucking revealing.
Sigh! Better late than never. Well done, Lee.
239. Marvin Stamn spews:
235. X’ad spews:
I know what “embouchure” is dodo, you’re not correcting anything. Embrasure is the gap between your teeth
Gap between my teeth?
Good one.
I guess you’ve seen my picture or is this another example of a bitter hateful little spinster of a woman trying her hardest to make herself feel good.
Say, did you know that michelle malkin is from the philippines? Like the liberals ask her, can you do the ping pong ball trick?
You want to go with me Sweetie? There are some amazing things there to show you. I don’t know how I can leave you behind, I will miss you so much! With you along I can do a whole exhibition! And you can demonstrate how you blow!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@213 “You wouldn’t pull this in a public forum where you actually had to deal with the backlash.”
I just did.
“I’m a lifelong Dem and political affiliation has nothing to do with it.”
I’ll need to see some ID because we have a lot of wingnut trolls pretending to be Democrats here.
“try using your language in front of a Democratic woman’s org and see how far you get”
I’m a Democratic party hack, and I’m very popular in Democratic circles. If you’re not a wingnut troll, then you’re some sort of outlier, because bashing Republicans is what we do on this blog. All women are not equal. If you ever meet a Republican woman, you’ll know what I mean. I protect and defend women who deserve to be protected and defended. It’s not my fault ugly Republican women hook up with perverts who fuck goats. That’s their personal problem.
Marvin Stamnspews:
241. Steve spews:
“Jump Marvin jump”
Another imitator.
Thanks for the props.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@232 I’m glad to see you goofs throwing away another safe Republican seat. Don’t let us stop you!
Malkin can do this thing with two cantelope and a watermelon that will expand your view of what’s humanly possible. heh- Puddy’s mama taught it to her.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@246 There’s an example of what I mean by ugly Republican women, except Malkin fucks watermelons instead of perverts who fuck goats.
Shows a moderate Republican shafting you batshit-insane tea-bagging cultists!
The way you’re going you freaks don’t have a prayer!
Marvin Stamnspews:
248. Steve spews:
@244 Don’t bother. You’ve already revealed enough.
Speaking of revealing too much-
Steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM http://horsesass.org/?p=15786&.....ent-916253
Did your mommy let one of her “dates” touch you when you were a little boy?
I thought you approved of acorn help pimp underage girls into prostitution. Are you only in favor of pimping young children if the pimps are democrats?
Any arrests? Indictments?
All I’ve seen is heavily edited tapes from right wing hustlers. All to save the taxpayer 3.5 million dollars.
Obviously the right wing is completely oblivious to Iraq War military contractor abuse in the BILLIONS of dollars.
And I’ve seen Mike Steele saying he takes Bertha Lewis “at her word” that she’s fixing the problems at ACORN.
Just looks like another right wing scream fest to me.
How much sex slavery went on in this country when the right wing controlled a majority of State Houses, Governorships, Congress and the White House? Your faux outrage is misplaced.
Bottom line: ACORN will still sign up poor people to vote in future elections cycles – indefinitely. That’s what all the right wing hysteria is really about.
@250 Perhaps decent, America-loving conservatives should start their own party and leave the soiled Republican brand to the goatfuckers.
Marvin Stamnspews:
252. Steve spews:
Steve: “You goatfucking faggot cunt”
Marvin: “Hey, I’m not a faggot cunt!”
Yeah, Marvin, really fucking revealing.
Using your logic, you are a homophobic racist.
Which would explain why you work at a no-blacks allowed job.
What kind of white man would choose to work at a place where they won’t employ black people, not even as a janitor?
If you count the number of emails that were senselessly deleted by the two fucks at the head of this class, then the thread count would be in in the 300’s.
If you include this one, then 307.
what the fuck is awaiting moderation mean? Who is the idiot moderating? Come on, what is that you are so afraid of me saying that you have to moderate my comments? let them post then if you don’t like them you can delete them, let everyone see how many times you delete my comments you pig fuckers.
You people are Stalinists. Go fuck yourself. Plain and Simple.
Marvin Stamnspews:
253. “I dont hate anybody” spews:
Any arrests? Indictments?
Why are you parroting what the right wing said about mark foley?
That’s a curious number Marv. I believe that only goes back to the Governor’s election contest – the first big victory we celebrated here at HA.org – the first of Dino Rossi’s two major defeats.
I actually started commenting here in December of 2004.
Just to set the record straight.
Blow Mespews:
really Gman, but they don’t like me posting as Gman, something about the name. So Blow Me is Gman.
Say, Marvin, @251 you equate pedophilia with homosexuality like they’re one and the same. What’s up with that?
256 – Mark Foley was caught being a hypocrite as was Larry Craig.
Even if Foley was an out homosexual, he shouldn’t have been cruising and grooming young male pages till they turned legal. Ugly, selfish behavior and a breach of trust with those kids’ parents.
Sorry, there’s no rehabing Foley Marv.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Thought For The Day
“Modesty in private life is attractive, but in public life it is essential, especially now, when those who immodestly claimed to Know It All have Wiped Us Out. The problems we face are too fierce to accommodate arrogance.
“Humility leaves room for complexity, honors honest dissent, welcomes the outlandish idea that sweeps past ideology and feeds invention.
“We want to reimagine the health-care system, confront climate change, save our kids from a financial avalanche? The odds are much better if we come to the table assuming we don’t already have all the answers.” — Time Magazine
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is why GOP arrogance is so destructive and must be stamped out.
looks like maggie just owned the little rabbit’s ass today….
exposed him for what he is…
@243 I protect and defend women who deserve to be protected and defended.
Give women a break, Lancelot. More sexism – they don’t need your “protection.” You’re an old-fashion sexist trapped in thinking that goes back decades. Your language betrays you time and again. We use to see this a lot in the legal community in years past but less so today. Your wife – appropriately named “Mrs Rabbit” in your dated world – may defer to this treatment, but not women who have spent years fighting discrimination and knocking down barriers to get ahead.
Again, you try this language in a public venue and see how far you get. You’d have your head handed to you. Talk’s cheap when you can hide on HA.
You’re just another in-denial sexist, this time wearing a Dem label.
Marvin Stamnspews:
257. “I dont hate anybody” spews: the last 53 months
looks like another day of YLBeotch being on the internet ALL DAY LONG – and not participating in his family duties….
what a fucking loser you are ylb….
YLB, you do realize, that many people on this board who are democrat or left of center think you are a pathetic piece of shit – you do realize this dont you?……dont you?
That physical and verbal woman abuser? and let’s not forget..
Very right wing to boot.
Marvin Stamnspews:
258. Steve spews:
Say, Marvin, @251 you equate pedophilia with homosexuality like they’re one and the same.
That’s pretty fucking revealing.
Your mom’s “date” touches you and you start talking about pedophilla.
Marvin Stamnspews:
260. “I dont hate anybody” spews:
Even if Foley was an out homosexual, he shouldn’t have been cruising and grooming young male pages till they turned legal. Ugly, selfish behavior and a breach of trust with those kids’ parents.
Sorry, there’s no rehabing Foley Marv.
Strange that democrat voters didn’t believe that gerry studds having sex with underage boys was a problem at all when they reelected him.
Did you notice that opinions regarding polanski raping a 14 year old girl was along party lines? Dems had no problem, reps did.
I’m sire you know that NAMBLA has support form some in the democrat party, none in the rep party. I wonder why.
those of use that earn are tired of carrying people like you on our backs. you can starve or all I care – as long as it lowers my taxes.
there are plenty of people out there who have lost their jobs and are looking hard for work – and douchebags like yourself who fuck off all day and collect money from the state give them a bad reputation.
hear this YLB: you are a piece of lazy garbage – and your wife and kids know it.
have a nice day….nice role model you are, dad.
You people are douche bags, or should I say Darryl. Darryl you fucking cock sucker, why are you guys deleting my comments? you poeple are assholes and censors.
@270…LMFAO @ “counterpunch”….hahahaha – I dont think I have much to worry about from a limp dicked lazy ass limpwristed twit like yourself….take your buck 30 and size 8 1/2’s and run along…
way to go maggie, not just sexist people here, bunch of bigots.
ok, guys you win, I am removing HA from my Bookmarks, never coming back here as Gman, but will make attempts to revenge myself under different names, so the new game is on.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Democrats love high taxes so much they go to other countries to belittle them into raising taxes.
You’re spending an awful lot of time here being a mini-Monson.
I’d worry about that. Big time.
Marvin Stamnspews:
272. “I dont hate anybody” spews:
269 – NAMBLA has no support in the Democratic Party. I’m pretty sure of that.
kevin jennings
Curley v. NAMBLA
Pelosi asked foley give back all donations because of him talking to young boys. Do you believe that when the aclu defended nambla members that killed a boy that wasn’t interested in being raped do you think pelosi asked all those that got donations from the aclu to return them? Why do you believe the double standard? Why do democrats support an organization that defends nambla members?
279 – You got the facts all screwed up as usual. We’ve gone over this many times here. The ACLU was just defending NAMBLA from being sued for something they nothing to do with. I don’t what rape fantasy you’re referring to. It’s nothing I’ve ever heard of.
The ACLU has defended has defended the civil rights of many objectionable groups. It doesn’t mean they believe what those groups espouse.
Any American citizen has certain rights. Why are you so against that?
THERE’S NO EVIDENCE that Kevin Jennings supports any goals of NAMBLA. Unless you consider guilt by association evidence or any nonsense Sean Inanity spews.
Marvin Stamnspews:
277. “I dont hate anybody” spews:
But we’re uptight in this country about sexual matters and just can’t let it go.
What kind of a country do we live in when a 40 year old man man can’t use drugs & alcohol on a 14 year old girl for sex.
Strange, in #260 you said “Sorry, there’s no rehabing Foley Marv” yet when it comes to a non-republican you talk about america being uptight about sex.
Why the double standard?
If it’s okay for polanksi to rape a 14 year old, what is wrong with foley talking to 17 year olds?
If your daughter was raped by a 40 year old, would you be uptight about it?
Well, back it up, Marvin. Let’s start with racism. Post my racist comments a thousand times. That ought to be easy.
286 – Again, all the facts were examined by the courts and they were all for Polanski being left alone, at least at one time. The girl herself thinks Polanski should be left alone. Polanski has not repeat offended. He’s just not what angry right wingers say he is in their fantasies.
You know – the Dori Monson types..
The girl was sexually active at 12!
284 – You’re only hurting yourself if you want to be like Dori Monson. If that’s who you want be like, be my guest. Just try not to hurt anybody besides yourself.
283 – Nope. Don’t support NAMBLA but I support civil rights.
Republicans all upset about pedophilia. Here, you freaks, get a load of this
@291…so if a girl is sexually active at 12, then its OK to rape her at 14, according to YLB.
and no, the courts were not for “leaving him alone”, which is why he ran like a scared little bitch from the country.
I will say it again, someone needs to hire a hit squad and do society a favor.
and raping little boys is NOT a civil right, you twisted little bastard…it needs to be answered with a rope or a firing squad.
289. Steve spews:
Well, back it up, Marvin. Let’s start with racism. Post my racist comments a thousand times. That ought to be easy.
Uhm,, you want Marvie to BACK SOMETHING UP?????
Or, you want Marvie to BACK UP TO SOME(ONE)????
The only thing you can prove is that I called him a goatfucking faggot cunt.
Speaking of Republican pedophiles, I bet those who like to wear animal costumes got their freak on last night.
Marvin Stamnspews:
291. “I dont hate anybody” spews:
286 – Again, all the facts were examined by the courts and they were all for Polanski being left alone, at least at one time.
You weren’t the judge/jury so I can’t blame the decision on you. Now IF you were the judge, would you have been as lenient on polanski if it was your daughter he raped?
The girl herself thinks Polanski should be left alone.
As long as some drugged/drunk 14 year old says he should be left alone, we shouldn’t care.
Say, did any of those boys foley talked to have any problems with foley? Why aren’t you giving foley the same love you give polanski?
Polanski has not repeat offended.
That we know of.
The girl was sexually active at 12!
In that case, the whore deserved to get raped, right? Just like all the rapists that said the woman dressed sexy and deserved to be raped.
283 – Nope. Don’t support NAMBLA but I support civil rights.
So you supported mark foley? After all, there were no charges filed. If he did nothing illegal, why are you for him losing his job?
Republican pedos wearing animal costumes. I bet they got all freaky last night.
295. X’ad spews:
Uhm,, you want Marvie to BACK SOMETHING UP?????
I wonder how long until you have some little gay innuendo to say.
We note the content here.
Reminds Us of Sodom and Gomorrah,especially then part about misusing Our name, false witness, and accusing each other.
By the way, of any of you are truly religious, We are pleased to answer questions here with the understanding that My Word, when written, is final.
Goldy can serve like the brother of Moses, as the conveyor of my words.
In the meantime, the hatred I hear here does not please me.
Marvin Stamnspews:
296. X’ad spews:
Or, you want Marvie to BACK UP TO SOME(ONE)????
I knew I could count on you.
Calling a self-loathing wingnut, you, a slur is all you’ve got? Surely, you have more than that. Let’s hope you can do better with your accusations of racism.
What kind of a country do we live in when a 40 year old man man can’t use drugs & alcohol on a 14 year old girl for sex.
A real perv offends multiple times. Polanski’s probation officer who I assume was familiar with that kind of behavior did not believe Polanski’s case should be pursued further. Has Polanski sinned again? Not to my knowledge. He said something pretty stupid but he’s never to knowledge re-offended.
People make mistakes when drugs and alcohol are involved. The girl used drugs and alcohol and was sexually active before she had anything to do with Polanski.
AGAIN, for the millionth time, the girl, now a grown up middle-aged woman with kids thinks Polanski should be left alone.
Strange, in #260 you said “Sorry, there’s no rehabing Foley Marv” yet when it comes to a non-republican you talk about america being uptight about sex.
Rehabbing politically. Foley was a serial cruiser of young males, congressional pages in particular. That betrayed the parents’ trust and made him out to be yet another right wing “family values” hypocrite.
EVEN if he was OUT, he should have stayed away from Congressional Pages!
If it’s okay for polanksi to rape a 14 year old, what is wrong with foley talking to 17 year olds?
RAPE is NOT OK, fool! But sometimes people make mistakes and judges should have the flexibility to call a mistake a mistake which the facts of the case says it was! You right wing freaks on the other hand are for knee jerk punishment of things you see misrepresented in the right wing media.
If your daughter was raped by a 40 year old, would you be uptight about it?
My daughter would not be using alcohol and Quaalude like that girl was way before she met the 40 year old, not be sexually active at 12 and if the forty year old guy was screen testing her, I’d be in the same room.
Where was the stage mother of that girl?
301. Marvin Stamn spews:
296. X’ad spews:
Or, you want Marvie to BACK UP TO SOME(ONE)????
I knew I could count on you.
Pissy little Marvy, I don’t know how I can ever show my appreciation for the mileage I’m going to get out of displaying your posts to my friends in SE Asia. I’ll be able to show them what US Conservatives are really like.
They have no idea.
Marvin Stamnspews:
296. X’ad spews:
Or, you want Marvie to BACK UP TO SOME(ONE)????
219. X’ad spews:
Marvin has a very unhealthy fixation other people’s sex lives
How is your fixation on my sex life working for you sugarpie?
notice how YLB puts all the blame on a 14 YEAR OLD GIRL, rather than the 40 year old pervert.
life for children must be real interesting in the YLB house…
@300 Dear God, I’m sorry I called Marvin a faggot. Now will you please save that poor, hapless goat before more harm comes to him? And I want new golf clubs for Christmas! Oh, wait, that last one’s meant for the other white bearded guy. My bad.
Marvin Stamnspews:
302. Steve spews:
Calling a self-loathing wingnut, you, a slur is all you’ve got? Surely, you have more than that. Let’s hope you can do better with your accusations of racism.
So you calling people a “faggot” is not wrong but when manotruth does the same it is wrong?
And if using a slur isn’t wrong, why do you keep whining about right-wingers using the same language you did. Why are you a hypocrite?
Wait a minute, those right wingers didn’t go so far as to write- Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you
You made it clear you were trying to belittle me me by calling me a faggot. Which prompts the question, what kind of person believes it would be an insult to be gay. Well, except for a homophobic bigot like you steve.
I can’t imagine a life like yours with no black friends and no gay friends. Must be very fucking white.
About their masturbation habits? Yeah that’s appropriate kind of behavior between a 50-ish guy in a position of power and a young kid whose job it is to be at his beck and call.
And when the kid becomes of age? Time for the sack!
Rinse, repeat! What “family values”!
Anyone in their right mind would not send a guy like that to represent them in the Congress.
Marvin Stamnspews:
306. Im YLB – Im jobless and surf the internet all day while my wife works spews:
life for children must be real interesting in the YLB house…
Which explains why “his” son won’t be following in his footsteps.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Bullshit Of The Day
“The GOP leadership insisted on Sunday political TV talk shows the party is strong and inclusive ….
“‘We accept moderates in our party, and we want moderates in our party. We cover a wide range of Americans,’ said Republican House Leader John Boehner in an interview on CNN ….”
Meanwhile, GOP Assemblywoman Dierdre Scozzafava endorsed the Democratic candidate after being forced out of an upstate New York congressional race by radical rightwing Republicans.
309. “I dont hate anybody” spews: what is wrong with foley talking to 17 year olds?
About their masturbation habits?
So in your life, a 50 year old talking to 17 year old about sex = bad.
A 40 year old having sex with a 14 year old = good.
And I’m definitely not saying what foley did was right, but your views that talking is worse than raping a 14 year old is beyond disturbing.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@309 “Anyone in their right mind would not send a guy like that to represent them in the Congress.”
True; but a lot of people in this country have lost their minds. Basically everyone who votes Republican. Sane people don’t vote Republican.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Wow! This thread is already up to 315 posts! That’s more than Stefan’s pathetic little also-ran blog gets in 10 years! I wonder if this thread has set an all-time record for HA?
Shit, Marvin you’re all fucked up. Of course, you said you were dumbed down from fucking goats, so no surprise. You might try switching to the racist angle. Of course, then it won’t be all about you and your self-loathing self, which might suck for you.
How about that! The “Why does Marvin fuck goats?” thread went over 300 comments.
316. Steve spews:
Shit, Marvin you’re all fucked up. Of course, you said you were dumbed down from fucking goats, so no surprise. You might try switching to the racist angle. Of course, then it won’t be all about you and your self-loathing self, which might suck for you.
God, I HOPE he loathes himself! Every reasonable person in HERE does.
Marvin Stamnspews:
316. Steve spews:
Shit, Marvin you’re all fucked up.
Coming from a bigot like you, I take that as a compliment.
Marvin Stamnspews:
318. X’ad spews:
God, I HOPE he loathes himself! Every reasonable person in HERE does.
Again you spelled the word wrong.
It’s not loathes, it is loofah.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@259 “you jobless freak”
Notice how the right calls people “freaks” because they worked hard and saved all their lives so they wouldn’t have to work anymore? That’s Republican values for you.
I recall a troll named “maggie” taking me to task about a hundred comments ago for a perceived slight against Republican women.
But I don’t see her taking this troll to task for slamming work and thrift. Sorry maggie, but I’m gonna need to see ID. I can’t take your word for it that you’re a Democrat. You don’t act like one.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@262 “looks like maggie just owned the little rabbit’s ass today….”
To rational people, it looks like maggie got run off this board by Roger Rabbit today. That’s not surprising, though. Happens all the time here. That wingnut chickenshit John McDonald lasted only 2 weeks before he went crawling back to Sucky Politics.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@263 “You’d have your head handed to you.”
See you at DL this Tuesday night. If you have the skirts to show up, that is.
You weren’t the judge/jury so I can’t blame the decision on you. Now IF you were the judge, would you have been as lenient on polanski if it was your daughter he raped?
The Judge was going to put Polanski in jail and then after serving some time, deport him. Polanski didn’t want to face undeterminate jail time so he deported himself. Again, the judgment of the probation officer and the psychiatrist was that Polanski did not deserve a harsh sentence.
If it was my kid, yeah I’d be pissed. But no 14 year old kid of mine is going to be left alone with a middle aged guy for a screen test or a photo session or whatever happened in this case.
As long as some drugged/drunk 14 year old says he should be left alone, we shouldn’t care.
No you idiot. She’s NOW a middle aged mom with three kids and she’s saying Polanski should be left alone. It was a drug/alcohol fueled encounter that got out of hand. Just like these NFL athletes who started drinking, get pissed off and shoots a family member or someone.
Say, did any of those boys foley talked to have any problems with foley? Why aren’t you giving foley the same love you give polanski?
Those kids’ parents entrusted their kids to Foley. Foley betrayed the parents’ trust and made himself out to be a “family values” right wing hypocrite. He didn’t do anything illegal that I know of but he certainly deserved to lose his job.
That we know of.
So what does this mean? That Marvin’s fantasies should rule the day over a guy he doesn’t like?
In that case, the whore deserved to get raped, right?
I don’t recall calling the girl a whore. It sure looks like you are though. Let’s put that stupidity aside. In order to determine rape, you have to have the facts on your side. Since there were no witnesses, all that could be proved was unlawful sexual intercourse which was certainly the case.
Just like all the rapists that said the woman dressed sexy and deserved to be raped.
This is you saying this nonsense.
So you supported mark foley?
After all, there were no charges filed.
Yep. There were no charges I know of filed.
If he did nothing illegal, why are you for him losing his job?
Because he’s a right wing “family values” hypocrite who betrayed the trust parents of Congressional Pages put with him.
Apparently his constituents in Florida agreed with me.
@322…perhaps she has better shit to do than to go back and forth with people like yourself…just a thought: not everyone lives their lives in HA, like yourself and YLBeotch.
she exposed you for what you are – and your response is “show me some ID”…….FAIL.
So you have nothing except my calling you, a self-loathing wingnut, a “faggot”. For which I apologized. That’s all you’ve got? I really do hope you can do better with your accusations of racism.
Marvin Stamnspews:
322. Roger Rabbit spews: @262 “looks like maggie just owned the little rabbit’s ass today….”
To rational people, it looks like maggie got run off this board by Roger Rabbit today.
Big tough guy runs a woman off the board.
Hhmm, didn’t you just prove what she said about you?
there goes YLBeotch, still blaming the 14 year old for being drugged and raped.
good job “dad”.
320. Marvin Stamn spews:
318. X’ad spews:
God, I HOPE he loathes himself! Every reasonable person in HERE does.
Again you spelled the word wrong.
It’s not loathes, it is loofah.
I would expect you to be an expert on sponging.
Marvin Stamnspews:
327. Steve spews:
So you have nothing except my calling you, a self-loathing wingnut, a “faggot”.
Yet with much less proof you insist that right-wingers on this blog are bigots.
Obviously you are forgetting you went out of your way to make sure I knew you were trying to belittle me. After all, in the mind of a bigot like you, being called a “faggot” is one of the worse insults you could imagine. Which is why you used it.
Marvin Stamnspews:
321. Roger Rabbit spews: @259 “you jobless freak”
Notice how the right calls people “freaks” because they worked hard
notice how YLB puts all the blame on a 14 YEAR OLD GIRL, rather than the 40 year old pervert.
No asswipe. I blame the stupid stage mom who lets her daughter be sexually active, use drugs and alcohol and nonchalantly leaves the girl with a middle aged guy who is a little messed up due to his own baggage.
Did you learn how to be so stupid from Dori Monson?
nice try at covering up ylb….you blamed the girl, you dirtbag.
Marvin Stamnspews:
323. Roger Rabbit spews: @263 “You’d have your head handed to you.”
See you at DL this Tuesday night. If you have the skirts to show up, that is.
Now the rabbit is acting tough with a woman.
At least he finally found someone he might be able to beat in a fight. Sad he had to pick on a woman, but not all guys are tough enough to challenge a man to a fight.
Sure, self-loather, and when Klynical and Puddy hatefully call gays faggots, they’re really just showing them their love.
Marvin Stamnspews:
333. “I dont hate anybody” spews:
No asswipe. I blame the stupid stage mom who lets her daughter be sexually active, use drugs and alcohol and nonchalantly leaves the girl with a middle aged guy who is a little messed up due to his own baggage.
So if you were a fair person, shouldn’t you blame the parents of the boys that foley talked to?
After all, foley wasn’t the first government employee to ever take advantage of their position when it comes to interns. Did I mention gerry studds?
336 – Now you’re changing your tune. You obviously aren’t a parent and you can’t judge the facts of a situation to save your ugly life.
A proud aspiring tool of the right wing noise machine.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Maggie’s ideology seems to be that you can’t say anything negative about any female, because doing so is a slam on all women. She even thinks a man who “defends and protects” women is “sexist.”
I suspect that attitude wouldn’t last very long if, say, she were captured by Vikings; but let’s skip over that.
Hey Maggie — I think Aileen Wournos was a real shit. Do you have a problem with that?
Hey Maggie — I think Irma Grese was a real shit, too. Do you have a problem with that?
Hey Maggie — I think Herta Oberheuser was an even bigger shit! Do you have a problem with that?
Oberheauser was a medical doctor. She worked for the Nazis at Ravensbruck for 3 years. She “killed healthy children with oil and evipan injections, then removed their limbs and vital organs. The time from the injection to death was between three and five minutes, with the person being fully conscious until the last moment. She performed some of the most gruesome and painful medical experiments, focusing on deliberately inflicting wounds on the subjects … [she] rubbed foreign objects, such as wood, rusty nails, slivers of glass, dirt, or sawdust into the wounds.” (Source: Wikipedia)
Now let’s see you be an apologist for this scumsucker, maggie. I dare you.
See what I mean? You can’t lump all women together as you’re attempting to do. To paraphrase Martin Luther King, you should judge people by the content of their character, not their gender. I believe you’ll agree there’s a qualitative difference between Irma Grese and Mother Teresa, if you think about it long enough. I think there’s a qualitative difference between Republican women and Democratic women, too. For example, there’s no comparison between Sonia Sotomayor and Orly Taitz, even though they’re both women and they’re both lawyers. See what I mean? Anyone who sees only gender and is blind to everything else is a peawit. What kind of woman puts up with a man who fucks goats?
So if you were a fair person, shouldn’t you blame the parents of the boys that foley talked to?
No! People we send to Congress are supposed to represent us not sexually cruise the kids we send to help them.
If they break that trust, they don’t deserve to be there. We have the option of removing them which Foley’s constituents did. Got a problem with that?
If Studds’ constituents had a problem with his behavior, they had the same option. No objection from me.
Marvin Stamnspews:
338. Steve spews:
Sure, self-loather, and when Klynical and Puddy hatefully call gays faggots, they’re really just showing them their love.
Again you’re back to pointing the fingers at others.
If what you said wasn’t bigoted, why are you whining like a bitch about others expressing your views.
Stick to one excuse if you can. When you keep going from “he said it too” to “it wasn’t bigoted” you’re losing the argument again.
Say, why not use this excuse again-
57. Marvin Stamn spews:
It appears I shamed you into doing the right thing.
I don’t blame you for not using the “faggot” and “cunt” words anymore.
05/08/2009 AT 9:27 AM
58. Steve spews:
@57 Yeah, thanks Marvin.
oops, wrong link. Maybe this one.
56. Steve spews:
I had some reservations whether or not I should have called My Favorite Marvin a “worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit” so I conducted a few polls. I asked 43 gay friends about the “faggot” part and 42 responded that not only was it OK given Marvin’s pathological state of self-loathing, seven of them offered a few more slurs. However, one thought it in poor taste and suggested “queer” as it has a broader definition and it would be left to Marvin to interpret the way I used it. I asked 52 women whether or not the “cunt” word was objectionable. No objections from any of them, though most concluded that, from my description of Marvin, that he is a “pussy” rather than a “cunt”. As to the rest, anybody who’s ever seen a pile of dog shit knows that Marvin’s a piece of shit. And it’s common knowledge about Marvin and goats.
So out of respect to the gay friend who took exception, and with a hat tip to women everywhere, I now say that Marvin is a worthless goatfucking and queer piece of shit pussy.
And did I mention the Rasmussen poll? Our president’s approval is skyrocketing, up and up, into the stratosphere! Alas, 27% still strongly disapprove. But we know who they are, don’t we? One of them is a self-loathing, worthless, goatfucking queer piece of shit pussy!
05/08/2009 AT 9:23 AM
At least in that one you pretended to have gay and female friends.
Marvin Stamnspews:
342. “I dont hate anybody” spews:
If Studds’ constituents had a problem with his behavior, they had the same option. No objection from me.
Of course you have no objection.
As long as the adult isn’t a republican.
Democrats get a free pass from you for some reason.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@335 Who said anything about a fight? Leave it to a stupid wingnut to assume everything must be settled with violence. We liberals do it intellectually. But that’s way over your conehead.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@337 I’d be proud to share a pea pod with YLB. I wouldn’t give a weed for you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@326 “@322…perhaps she has better shit to do than to go back and forth with people like yourself…just a thought: not everyone lives their lives in HA, like yourself and YLBeotch.”
And you, you might have added. You’re just like us.
Roger Rabbitspews:
And no, she apparently doesn’t have better shit to do, because she came back.
You’re so queer, Marvin. Sigh! Such a pussy. Now you’re boring me. Bad thing for a troll to do, you know, to be a bore.
Marvin Stamnspews:
342. “I dont hate anybody” spews:
We have the option of removing them which Foley’s constituents did.
That’s the difference between the 2 parties. Reps resign when caught. Dems blame others when caught. Remember how hillary said it was a vast right wing conspiracy lying about bill having sex with monica.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@324 What “conversation”? If you think what goes on in this board is “conversation,” you’re even crazier than I thought.
350 comments and still no answer as to “Why does Marvin fuck goats?”.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It’s like this, maggie. We split up along Democrat – Republican lines in this blog, not male – female lines. This is a political blog and what we do here is conduct partisan warfare. If ugly Republican women get caught in the crossfire, tough! War is hell. There’s always innocent casualties in war. That’s the nature of war.
Roger Rabbitspews:
#352 Because no woman will have him, not even an ugly Republican woman.
Marvin Stamnspews:
349. Steve spews:
You’re so queer, Marvin. Sigh! Such a pussy.
I post your words punking you.
You whine about it.
Deal with it.
I’ll call your bluff.
If I’m a bore, prove it and ignore me.
“Reps resign when caught.”
And I thank God Vitter resigned. Oh, wait, he didn’t. Sorry, my bad.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Don’t get me wrong. I have sympathy for ugly Republican women. They put up with a lot. Like getting beaten up by their sons.
Shit, Marvin, just tell us why the hell you fuck goats so we can close this thread.
@357 And there’s that wingnut wife who caught her guy fucking the family dog out on the deck. So she calls the cops. Gotta feel some sympathy for her too. Then there’s Marvin’s fiance. Just wait until she finds out that Marvin fucks goats. She’ll be deserving of some sympathy as well.
356 – Larry Craig “resigned” too, IIRC, but then changed his mind and just served out his term.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Steve spews:
So what was it like for me to shame you into doing the right thing.
57. Marvin Stamn spews:
It appears I shamed you into doing the right thing.
I don’t blame you for not using the “faggot” and “cunt” words anymore.
05/08/2009 AT 9:27 AM
58. Steve spews:
@57 Yeah, thanks Marvin.
Not only did I punk you into expressing you hate for “faggots,”, I forced you to apologize and then forced you to admit I shamed you into apologizing.
Pretty pathetic on your part that it took me shaming you into doing the right thing.
359. Steve spews:
@357 And there’s that wingnut wife who caught her guy fucking the family dog out on the deck. So she calls the cops. Gotta feel some sympathy for her too. Then there’s Marvin’s fiance. Just wait until she finds out that Marvin fucks goats. She’ll be deserving of some sympathy as well.
well, unless she’s a goat of course; you should ask first before posting things that might offend Marvy.
Marvin Stamnspews:
358. Steve spews:
Shit, Marvin, just tell us why the hell you fuck goats so we can close this thread.
I knew you weren’t capable of ignoring me.
Tell us how it feels to be shamed into doing the right thing.
Why did it take a shaming by me for you to do the right thing. Don’t you have a moral compass to tell you right from wrong?
Try harder to ignore me.
“punking you”
In your desperation, you really do come up with some funny shit. Not that you’d ever get it.
So anyways, you’ve long said that fucking goats has dumbed you down. That, we understand. Now, to close this “Why does Marvin fuck goats?” thread, and before the last of your fucking brain cells fail you, please tell us, why on earth do you fuck goats?
Marvin Stamnspews:
362. X’ad spews:
well, unless she’s a goat of course; you should ask first before posting things that might offend Marvy.
What is it going to take for you to stop thinking and fantasizing about my sex life?
@362 Excellent point, X’ad!
Shit, Marvin, you’re not engaged to that damned goat, are you? Holy fuck!
Marvin Stamnspews:
364. Steve spews:
“punking you”
Still can’t ignore me?
I knew that there wasn’t a chance you could ignore me.
Yes, I punked you.
You admitted I shamed you into doing the right thing and apologize.
57. Marvin Stamn spews: It appears I shamed you into doing the right thing.
I don’t blame you for not using the “faggot” and “cunt” words anymore.
05/08/2009 AT 9:27 AM
58. Steve spews:
@57 Yeah, thanks Marvin.
Spin it however you want.
You thanked me for shaming you into doing the right thing.
Marvin Stamnspews:
366. Steve spews:
Shit, Marvin, you’re not engaged to that damned goat, are you? Holy fuck!
Still can’t ignore someone you call a bore.
You life must really be void of substance if you spend your time thinking and writing about someone you consider a bore.
What should I shame you into next? any ideas?
You saw how easy it was for me to shame you into apologizing. Of course, you did make it easy on me with you being a bigot and all.
Oh yeah, keep talking about goats. That’s all you’ve got. You are a one trick pony, er, one trick goat.
@361 You say goatfucking dumbed you down. I have to agree with you on that one. You’re also more than a bit delusional, I might add, although that may well be a condition that preceded the goatfucking.
Though he says it was goatfucking that dumbed him down, I have to believe that Marvin was pretty fucking stupid before he started fucking goats.
Marvin Stamnspews:
369. Steve spews:
@361 You say goatfucking dumbed you down
Like I said, a one trick goat.
Keep replying to me steve. I like knowing that I can make you reply over and over and over and over and over to someone you consider a bore.
Truth is, your actions prove I’m not a bore.
@321 I recall a troll named “maggie” taking me to task about a hundred comments ago for a perceived slight against Republican women.
You have a head of granite, don’t you? You objectify and judge women based on their looks, boast about protecting and defending them, and lace your banter with other sexist language . . . and now you’re feeling victimized? What is this, the Michael Hecht defense, deny, deny, deny?
You are absolutely dense about this stuff, aren’t you? If you used the language you used above in the workplace today there would be repercussions. If you used it in a courtroom, the reaction would be immediate.
You’re doing everything to minimize this issue, and you’re hiding behind HA to do it. What a coward.
Marvin Stamnspews:
370. Steve spews:
Though he says it was goatfucking
And still a one trick goat.
And still replying to someone you consider a bore.
Oh, come on, Marvin, just answer the damned fucking question so we can put this thread to rest. Why on earth do you fuck goats?
Marvin Stamnspews:
372. maggie spews:
you’re hiding behind HA to do it. What a coward.
A woman is calling the rabbit a coward.
I wonder if the rabbit has the guts to face her at DL or will the rabbit pretend to be too sick to leave his hole in the ground.
Marvin Stamnspews:
374. Steve spews:
Oh, come on, Marvin,
And still a one trick goat.
And still replying to someone you consider a bore.
60. Steve spews:
@57 Hmm, in light of this comment I should clarify that calling Marvin a goatfucker is not meant to demean goats.
67. Steve spews:
Changing the subject? Perhaps it escaped your attention that the topic of this particular thread is, “Why does Marvin fuck goats?”. In light of this, you should now realize that every post that doesn’t address your goatfucking is off-topic.
69. Steve spews:
Just so we’re clear, the topic of this thread is, “Why does Marvin fuck goats?”
This is the all-time low for any Blog anywhere.
@315 Steve
You presume too much. We are ineffable.
Just to reassure you, Marvin is physically unable to have intercourse with a goat. Beyond that ….
Perhaps the folks posting here need a parable? Our favorite for this moment,
“Lucianus, a Roman soldier entered the pissoir, shortly after Jesus had been there. The Roman lifted his short skirt, freed the breech clout, and peed where the wall was yet wet. Soon the Romans controlled the city, leveled the Temple, but left the pissoir standing as part of their camp.” The site of the pissoir has long been lost to history. It could be anywhere in the old city of Jerusalem.
@386 By the way, God, thank you for all the blessings in my life.
@385 “This is the all-time low for any Blog anywhere.”
My goodness! I feel so flattered. Thank you so very much!
SJ on Trollpatrolspews:
this thread is going for the record
Can I feed the pigeons?
Quotes perverted, as possible, from Marvin
Are you a good christian?
as opposed to ?
Do good christians use “faggot” and “cunt” as insults?
hmm can good christgians be faggots or cunts?
Has being a bigot dumbed you down so much you are unable to answer simple questions?
Please explain … do bigots lose the ability to speak?
When you grow some balls and answer the questions
odd idea about organs of speach?
After all, what kind of a white person gets a job where blacks can’t even get hired as janitors.
wow, profound???
387. Steve spews:
@386 By the way, God, thank you for all the blessings in my life.
Those who thank Us for their blessings fail to understand the importance of omnipotence.
@389 I’ve got to admit that the whole omnipotence thing is a bit beyond me. Say, speaking of which, who’s gonna win the series? Oh, there I go, tempting you again. Sorry about that, God. I’m certainly glad that you’re so forgiving. I’d be fucked for sure if it weren’t for that.
Oh, and God, when I was a kid and my Mom died and I told you to go fuck yourself? I was just angry and hurt. I’m sure you understand.
Puddy's Helperspews:
Doug Hoffman for Congress
Susan Hutchinson for County Executive
New York’s 23rd Congressional DistrictKing County lies near Canada, far to the north —
but next week’s special election merits attention throughout the state.
That’s because the Republican candidate in that race, Assemblywoman Dede
ScozzafavaSsan Hutchinson, is the product of an obscenely corrupt political bargain by GOP
bosses that sells out their party — and <s?New Yorkers citizens of the County generally.
Because of that, and because so many of her positions ill-serve the
interests of New York the County and the nation, The PostSeattle Times today endorses businessmaN
Doug Hoffman, the non patisaN conservative nominee.
Now, Republicans need not toe the conservative line without any deviation. Moderate GOPers like Rudy Giuliani have managed to stray on some issues
without wholly betraying their party.
But a Republican should adhere to certain minimum GOP principles. Scozzafava
is just too far to the left too often. Hutchinsion is a true Republican in a manner that goes beyond just party name, unlike so called Republicans like McCain, Rpmnaey, and Giuliani. Huutchinson, is true to the party not only in believing in government without taxes and spending but on social matters, like same-sex marriage and abortion. In
Albany, Scozzafava Susan has been such a profligate daugfter can
almost make Speaker Sheldon Silver Sarah Palin blush.
With the backing of the ACORN-allied Working Families Party far right radical tea party, she supports right to life,m right to work, right to war, and opposes Federal aid to Washington state as long as it is run by Democrats.
Hoffman, by contrast, Hutchinson understands the dangers of unchecked spending, monster
deficits and ever-higher taxes — i.e., concerns of average working
Voters in this traditionally GOP district can send a useful message — by
sending Doug Hoffman to Congress.
Of course rujax has nuthin to say about Steve and his goat fetish. Look at all these posts from Steve rujax. No rujax retort.
Absolutely nuthin.
Why is that rujax? Not only is rujax an empty suit, but he doesn’t have much in intelligence to debate. It’s all hate, all the time.
Marvin Stamnspews:
395. Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forget spews:
Of course rujax has nuthin to say about Steve and his goat fetish.
Hell, steve along with Ku KluX’ad Klan have a marvin fetish the way they obsess over me.
I am flattered.
Besides for celebrities and famous people, how many people can say they have numerous people they have never even met spend so much of their personal time thinking, feeling and writing about someone them.
Marvin Stamnspews:
You know things are bad in the ultra-liberal state of kalifornia when the liberal la times is saying how life is better in the conservative state of texas.
A few of the highlights…
some states, such as California, offer residents a “package deal” that bundles numerous and ambitious public benefits with the high taxes needed to pay for them. Other states, such as Texas, offer packages combining modest benefits and low taxes.
One way to assess how Americans feel about the different tax and benefit packages the states offer is by examining internal U.S. migration patterns. Between April 1, 2000, and June 30, 2007, an average of 3,247 more people moved out of California than into it every week, according to the Census Bureau. Over the same period, Texas had a net weekly population increase of 1,544 as a result of people moving in from other states. During these years, more generally, 16 of the 17 states with the lowest tax levels had positive “net internal migration,” in the Census Bureau’s language, while 14 of the 17 states with the highest taxes had negative net internal migration.
“Twenty years ago, you could go to Texas, where they had very low taxes, and you would see the difference between there and California. Today, you go to Texas, the roads are no worse, the public schools are not great but are better than or equal to ours, and their universities are good. The bargain between California’s government and the middle class is constantly being renegotiated to the disadvantage of the middle class.”
According to a report issued earlier this year by the consulting firm McKinsey & Co., Texas students “are, on average, one to two years of learning ahead of California students of the same age,” even though per-pupil expenditures on public school students are 12% higher in California. The details of the Census Bureau data show that Texas not only spends its citizens’ dollars more effectively than California but emphasizes priorities that are more broadly beneficial. Per capita spending on transportation was 5.9% lower in California, and highway expenditures in particular were 9.5% lower, a discovery both plausible and infuriating to any Los Angeles commuter losing the will to live while sitting in yet another freeway traffic jam.
In what respects, then, does California “excel”? California’s state and local government employees were the best compensated in America, according to the Census Bureau data for 2006.
California’s public sector has pinned its hopes for avoiding fundamental reform on increased federal aid to replace dollars the state’s fed-up taxpayers refuse to surrender. In other words, residents in the other 49 states — the new 49ers? — would enjoy the privilege of paying California’s taxes. Their one consolation will be not having to endure its lousy public services.
Go ahead and flatter yourself, Marvin, seeing as nobody else will. As you’re an old fashioned troll, starved for attention, I can see why you’re grateful for whatever attention anyone does give you here, even if it’s laughter at your expense. Even someone being cruel seems to fill the emptiness and the void that is the life of a troll. Without such attention, I’m pretty sure you’d perish from spiritual hunger. I’m glad I could lessen your pain. I’m sure God smiles on me for displaying so much compassion and kindness towards such an unfortunate being as yourself.
@395 “Why is that Rujax”
Spoken by a dumb fuck who’s all chummy with racists who hate your so-called peeps for the color of their skin. Deal with your own issues, Puddy. You’ve got a lot of them to work on.
Marvin Stamnspews:
398. Steve spews:
Go ahead and flatter yourself, Marvin
And still a one trick goat.
And still replying to someone you consider a bore.
I’m sure God smiles on me for displaying so much compassion and kindness towards such an unfortunate being as yourself.
If the way you treat me is an example of your “compassion and kindness” I know why your mom wanted to die.
Marvin Stamnspews:
399. Steve spews:
Deal with your own issues
As said by the person that was taught by his mommy it is acceptable to call people “faggots” and “cunts.”
Kudos to your mom for raising a bigot. You’ve done your mom and family proud.
397 – That writer works for a right wing nut publication.
No mention of Prop 13 which enabled large landowners like Chevron and Disney to pay absurdly low property taxes which have to be made up for by new homeowners.
Unwind from Prop 13 and you can lower other taxes especially the sales tax.
But that would mean old boy network businesses paying their fair share and you can’t have that.
That article mentioned the “government-industrial complex”. Wow that nearly knocked me off my chair. What a left wing idea! Like that isn’t the case in Texas or any other State.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Obama continues deep slide–
Monday, November 02, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 27% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty percent (40%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -13.
Following release of the House health care plan by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, 42% of voters now support the Congressional effort while 54% are opposed.
Have fun KLOWNS!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
steve has set the world record for disgusting posts in a Thread.
Guess we ought to round ’em up and summarize them for the folks.
My guess is pretty much all of us are disgusted by steve’s perversion and vulgarity.
His excuse is his Mom died when he was young.
If that’s the case, I feel for you steve.
Must have been awful.
But I doubt your Mom would be pleased with this Thread….would she??
Got anymore racist jokes to tell us, he of the soiled KLOWN Kostume? Not that they’re funny, they’re not, but they do serve to draw out and display for us the remarkably deep sense of racial self-loathing of one our other trolls.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
This reminds Puddy of many HA Libtardos in action.
“There is no data to substantiate the supposition that unattractive and unintelligent men don’t attract women.”
ylb arschloch claims he got married and we see how “unintelligent” he is every day.
408 posts – that has to be a record.
(un)SP eat your heart out.
And a fitting thread for Halloween – very frightening indeed.
Fiends like the nutcase @ 407 are enough to scare anyone away from the very scary right wing.
And we’ll see soon enough as reality plays itself out this week.
Marvin Stamnspews:
402. YLB spews:
Unwind from Prop 13 and you can lower other taxes especially the sales tax.
But that would mean old boy network businesses paying their fair share and you can’t have that.
Good point.
After all, why should that old retired couple living on social security be able to escape higher property taxes that would force them to sell.
Screw the old people. Democrat family values.
Marvin Stamnspews:
406. Steve spews:
Got anymore racist jokes to tell us
It’s crunch time for the Philadelphia Puddies, three down and one to go.
That would be Ben & Jerry’s famous Dioxin Crunch. Everybody remembers the story: A few years ago Steve Milloy of junkscience.com was spooning up a big bowl of Chunky Monkey or Cherry Garcia when he saw B&J’s Dioxin Manifesto. What’s the safe level of dioxin, asked Ben? No level, replied Jerry. Zero.
Dioxin, after all, was the green’s public enemy #1, even worse than DDT. Dioxin was Agent Orange; it was the poison that poisoned those millions of unsuspecting American cjo;drem at Times Beach.
So Milloy took Ben & Jerry to the lab. Virgin cartons of B&J radical progressive activist socialist ice cream weighed in at about 200 times the maximum ‘safe’ level set by liberal bureaucrats.
Yum. Eat it for the children.
After all, why should that old retired couple living on social security be able to escape higher property taxes that would force them to sell.
Good Point. Funny people right wingers.
They regard Chevron, Disney and J.G. Boswell as “old retired couple living on social security”.
My mom did very well by the way off Prop 13. Bought the family home in ’73 for 52 grand and sold it for nearly 800 grand in 2002. I doubt she ever paid much more than a grand a year in property tax.
After she sold it, taxes were the next owner’s problem, i.e. paying for police, fire, prisons for drug offenders, infrastructure, etc. That’s another sucker’s problem.
That’s the right wing way.
Culture of Corruptionspews:
Jolly Roger Rabbit spews that Newt Gingrich was corrupt. Here’s why: Democrat fanatics in Congress threw ethics charges against Speaker Newt, hoping one would stick to the wall like a used Trojan.
One finally did. One of eighty-four (84) investigations we paid for. Eighty-three specious costly investigations to finally find one possibly plausible assertion of a violation of a House rule.
Our beloved Jim McDermott, by contrast, didn’t just end up on the wrong side of the arcane fine print of a House gotcha trap. McDermott broke the law. That’s more than assertion. That’s fact. And it’s a fact that Baghdad Jim’s trip to Baghdad, where he gave Saddam a full-frontal Chavez French kiss, was paid for with Saddam’s dirty money.
Now the WaPo inadvertently tells the inconvenient truth about (part of) the whole stinking sewer of Democrat corruption. Here’s the big picture.
Notice that part about ‘accidental disclosure.’ Transparent Granny Pelosi and transparent Obama apparently didn’t think you needed to know about ethically-challenged Goldycrats. To say nothing about big swingin’ (Norm) Dicks.
The HA cesspool is sloshing over right in Pelosi’s parlor, and crooked corrupt Jim McDermott has lots of company.
Marvin Stamnspews:
413. YLB spews:
My mom did very well by the way off Prop 13. Bought the family home in ‘73 for 52 grand and sold it for nearly 800 grand in 2002. I doubt she ever paid much more than a grand a year in property tax.
You mom didn’t pay her fair share and then made a profit. How did you feel about prop 13 when it was your family profiting?
Did you voice your concern to your mom about her not paying for police, fire, prisons for drug offenders, infrastructure, etc.?
I’m guessing not.
When your mom passes, will you inherit any $$? If so, are you going to keep it or give it to the state of kalifornia for the taxes your mom didn’t pay?
Lee's Doper Dr. Dean Edellspews:
cjo;drem = children in Obama Ebonics.
Meanwhile, Dumpster-diving hippie Dean Edell took a break from not practicing medicine and from bashing Bush and from cheerleading dope to dump on abstinence ed. Said it’s a total failure.
Barbara Dafoe Whitehead in The Atlantic (1992?) attempted the first analysis of outcomes from the condom-cucumber curriculum of ‘comprehensive’ sex ed. Whitehead wrote that by every reasonable measure of success (abortion rates, teen pregnancy rates, disease rates) liberal comprehensive sex had utterly and catastrophically failed. Each and every bad thing was pandemic. The more liberal liberals got with their cucumbers, the worse things got.
Meanwhile, subsequent adoptions of abstinence curricula coincided with lower rates of the bad, and better rates of the good. Not to say that non-liberal education was the cause of trends finally trending in the right direction, because colleration is not causation. Still … what’s Dean Edell been smokin’? This time? (And can Lee have some?)
Bottom line: Abstinence makes the heart grow fonder. Try it, liberals. It’s the least you can do to clean up your polluted gene pool.
Is this a demo plot to move the Reprican party so far to the right it can FUCK itself?
Is it just me or does she look like Barbie doll grown old?
Odd that the radically religious Trolls have not welcomed His preence here. Are they unbelievers?
Read recently that GWB’s economy did pretty well … total pay rose at same level as during Bill Clinton, EXCEPT .. all of the change in Bush time was eaten up by healthcare.
Funny thing happened on the way ti the White House, a Black activist truned into the nation’s momma.
SJ does hope that the Trolls know that Michelle’s first cousin is a Jewish rabbi and that the girls attended a jewish pre school?
Should knonw, them kikes and niggers stick together!
May the Schwartz Be With Youspews:
Yessir, SJ. Poor Goldy needs the money.
(Cynical wrote that Goldstein is a latent closeted capitalist. Wrong. Goldstein’s a trust-fund capitalist. But 2008 and Bush, that bastard, were bad for trust funds, so we’re happy to help Mr. Goldstein regroup by hitting on his rancid site.)
415 – You miss the point, deliberately I would add. No one could possibly be that dense. This is the way you operate and I accept that.
Sure people like my Mom benefited from lousy tax policy but then someone else had to pay for that and not enough by the way to fund lousy policies like locking up small-time drug offenders.
Now look where California is.
That article you quoted was ugly in its its dishonesty. California ranks 26th in per capita government spending – way behind such left wing places as Oklahoma, Alabama, Louisiana and Alaska at #1.
Running the 500spews:
Hutchi(n)son: It’s just you, as always.
Is it just me, or are getting as twisted as YLB? Maybe you’re the one … twisted YLB’s twisted sister we’ve heard so much about.
Am very sure that a few stern moment with Rev. Hutcherson would help you get past your problem. Even people like you can change. Give Bod and Hutch a chance.
SJ is planning on submitting anh ijntiative with Timmy Im-the-man.
Resolved, any property taxes not paid as a result of deferments or underassessments will beocme due at the tie of sale of property.
SJ invites all GC (good christians), to join him in a campaign called the James Campaign. This campaign will seek to re-institute the punishments for blasphemy, according to the laws of Jesus.
Has anyone besides SJ noted the resemblence of Sara Palin to Clark Kent in drag? Has anyone seen her and superman in the same place at the same time?
Since monogamy was IMPOSED on Israel by the Roman State, is it fair to ask all GC to join with SJ in a law suit to restore our god gi9ven right to polygamy?
Silly HNMT,
Take a trip to right wing Valhalla, South Carolina, and survey the successes of abstinence there.
And you might start your journey to heaven on earth on the Appalachian Trail.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
NY 23rd. Is this a demo plot to move the Reprican party so far to the right it can FUCK itself?
It may be a libtardo plot since Dede has proved who she really is. Any Republican who gets ACORN support proves who they really are.
Jeremiah Bullfrogspews:
Should knonw, them kikes and niggers stick together! (sic sic sic!)
Then riddle me this, Tevye: Why did Jeremiah Wright recently say that “them Jews” are keeping him away from Obama and the “White” House?
(And did you hear the Rev’s latest hit? Swooning about the Chavez and Mao and the Sandinistas and ‘liberation’ theology? About America being the land of the greedy and the home of the slave? Hell, a man like Maoist Rev Wright would fit right in with the rest of the Rahm administration. Make that man a czar!)
I suggest that us non repricans honor our troll fiends with the Troll Fiend* award.
If the Trolls get this thread to 500, they Puddy and Mr. C get a free beer at DL.
If they get to 1000, this thread is immortalized as the Troll 1000, and they each get Certificate of merit, signed by Goldy!
*Troll Fiend* a vsriety of Troll seemingly realted to the creatures described by Christians as demons. These creatures possessed good people and made them vomit green, smelly material.
Marvin Stamnspews:
417. SJ News, Troll Patrol spews:
Troll Assist
Look how many comments on this thread without you.
Get the hint?
Any Republican who gets ACORN support proves who they really are.
Heh. Still silent on the “cow on the tracks” and ACORN.
The Hymietown 500spews:
* Just kidding! It’s a Jesse-Jackson joke!
Dearest YLB: You’re asking me to take a walk with you on the wild side of the Appalachian Trail? What a turn-on you are, you minx. Your reassignment must have been just what Dr. Edell ordered.
Alas, I’ll be cruising for Argentine firecrackers in Rio. Will give the gov your best wishes.
The Hymietown 500spews:
Green smelly material = every SJ post. Every stinking fucking one.
429 – Wouldn’t dream of it.
You’re on your own fiend. I have no interest in South Carolina.
More Troll Food (as Goldy clikcs his way to dominance)
Puddy .. yep, we really gotta out all them closet dems in the reprican party. Great! So here i the loyalty oath?
1. I regard the ferulizede egg as a human life.
2. The Earth was created by God, 5770 years ago.
3. The USA is God’s country, all other countries shoukld follow our lead.
4. Taxes bad, debt good.
5. Close all services that do not include police oir national defence.
6. Require all children, in the remaining schools (now private) to recite the ten commandments.
7. Enforce laws against sodomy.
8. Reinstitute laws against profaning the Sabbath.
9. Legislate the eternal supply of oil and overturn liberal laws of entropy so global warming can not occur.
10. Build impenetrable wall at our southern border (Mexico) and western border (Russia).
Seems concerned not enough Trolls respond to the Troll Feeding.
Just trying to help you.
Every little bit helps.
The SJ 1000spews:
Odd that the radically religious Trolls have not welcomed His preence here. Are they unbelievers?
Referring to 393? Who is remarkably obscene and incoherent, and who seems remarkably like an SJ sockpuppet?
It’s almost enough to make me question my faith.
Marvin Stamnspews:
419. YLB spews:
Sure people like my Mom benefited
Did you point out to her like you did in #402 that she wasn’t paying her fair share or since it was your family profiting did you remain silent?
When she passes, will you give your share of the inheritance to the state of kalifornia to pay the debt you feel your mother escaped paying?
It is surprising that you hate the voters of kalifornia. It was the voters that revolted against the out of control spending and voted prop 13 into law.
About your inheritance… I hope you don’t keep any of it. Give it all to the government like a good democrat. After all, passing money from one generation down to another generation is so right-wing.
I (HEART!!!) YLB!!!spews:
Don’t forget to pack your lithium.
Librium. Equal librium for all. With a public option.
About your inheritance… I hope you don’t keep any of it. Give it all to the government like a good democrat. After all, passing money from one generation down to another generation is so right-wing.
Gates Foundation, Rockefellas, Kennedy Caln, Harvard, Yale, Ford Foundation….
Wasn’t it Sam Adams who said, “Property is the essence of freedom, given by God.”
OTOH, we REALLY do not want to honor property rights for Injuns and Slaves!
437 – Typical degenerate reasoning from Stamm.
I don’t have much of a problem with people like my Mom – they eventually sell and the next person has to pay for her cushy ride. It’s the Chevron’s, Disney’s and big agribiz landholders that are going to get the most out of Prop 13. My Mom’s vote made their windfall possible and it’s the next homebuyer or small-time landlord who will keep it going as long as people in California don’t want to do anything about it.
I support a gradual unwinding from the mistakes of the past. All or nothing usually doesn’t work.
Prop 13 was a disaster for California. Look at that State now. All that promise wasted. I’m glad I got out of there. If only I didn’t land in a place with tax policies almost as bad.
God @ 440spews:
You hang in the District … that’s probably you pushing dope at the bus stop in front of Rite Aid. So did you get a copy of the wild and crazy Ave missive from one of Rahm’s forgotten cousins? No? I’ll try to post some of it tomorrow. Will blow your mind. The parts that aren’t already blown.
Marvin Stamnspews:
443. YLB spews:
Prop 13 was a disaster for California. Look at that State now. All that promise wasted. I’m glad I got out of there.
The state is in trouble because the democrat dominated government spent more than they took in. Highest paid government workers in the nation. LA has the highest paid city council in the nation.
Does your wife spend more money than she earns? Would you consider that smart if she did? Was it smart for kalifornia to do it?
445 – Highest paid gov workers? Which just got furloughs that cut their pay 15 percent.
Democrat dominated government? No such thing.
Democratic Party dominated government? On paper maybe but I believe all budgets have to pass with a 2/3 vote – that empowers the right wing nut minority quite well. No wonder paunchy, 50-ish Mike Duvall could get so much sex from comely lobbyists.
Wow. The tax climate is so bad in CA that large landowners who got windfalls from Prop 13 have moved away in droves. (not).
Yes, CA should give power back to judges with sentencing reform, help reform drug prohibition and empty the prisons of small-time drug offenders.
Gradually over time, monies can be re-purposed from correcting these mistakes to more productive uses like education and infrastructure.
It is surprising that you hate the voters of kalifornia. It was the voters that revolted against the out of control spending and voted prop 13 into law.
No they just fell for the oldest trick in the book – that you can get something for nothing and there was no man hiding behind the curtain, i.e. large, powerful landowners seeking to maximize their profits.
The right wing kept scoring with that all the way to the White House. Remember Supply Side Voodoo Economics?
Tax reform was needed for sure to keep fixed income people in their homes but Prop 13 wasn’t the answer by a longshot.
Politics failed to correct the problem before the hucksters like Jarvis-Gann took advantage of the situation through the initiative process.
@444 You hang in the District
We are everywhere, and beyond.
The problem we have set forth for you is to know Our will.
There is only so much we can do, and then your Us-given reason and morality must prevail. One part of Our will We reveal through Science. The other part, through faith.
The revelations of science require faith too, the faith that We are consistent.
Ask yourself what you must do when the two revelations seem to disagree. If we create the laws of the Universe, do we also create contradictions? Are We consistent?
Dear God @ 448
If that rapture stuff is true, please beam up Puddybud.
SJ's fish food for the Trollsspews:
Are the trolly fish running ot of steam????
This thread reminds me of my goldfish bowl .. every morning I sprinkled food on the water.
@449 YLB
Sadly, not true. Rapture is more something for Lee than Puddy.
Science, however, does have drugs that can treat delusions. Treating Lee’s affliction, that is much harder to do.
One might even say that treating obsessions is akin to treating possession. A miracle is required.
Do I do miracles? Of course, ALL that I do is miraculous. But as I told the Troll, I always remain consistent.
@450 Give them time, SJ. I’m sure the rabid twits will be back for more.
More revelations for the Trolls …
The soul does not come into existence before it finds a brain to inhabit. Never have I gainsaid that a fertilized egg has a soul.
Truly, We created all that is, but beyond that there is no more. We revealed this to St. Newton in the laws of thermodynamics. Burn Our oil at your peril.
Never have We come to humans and said what Our name is. To name Us is to seek to control the All, an image more out of your demonology than otr of respect for our tre teachings. Take not Our name in vain.
Jesus, like each of yo, was a complete male creation. Like all males he had a penis, indeed those of you following the Roman tradition celebrate his circumcision with an annual holiday. So, if his foreskin was removed eight days after his birth, would We be consistent by banning the function of a healthy, human member in My own creation?
Dear God @ 451
Well I guess the trolls are right. You seem pretty right wing to me.
If you disapprove of occasional use of intoxicants well, all humanity and much of the rest of the animal kingdom is guilty of that as has been proved by science.
So why not end all this iniquity once and for all? It requires a mere snap of your (spiritual, virtual?) fingers. Does it not?
SJ, Troll patrolspews:
Have you checked with POet Smart to be sure we are feeding them with the best grade of troll food?
Lets see ….
Stamm seems proud that California’s (liberal) colleges, once the envy of the world, have now declined in quality to the elve3l of schools in Texas.
Puddy, seems to be off working! Good on! pretty soon he will be a librul as Goid meant him to be!
Anybody notice that Sarah Palin’s former stepson-to-be is a gay hunk! You don’t suppose that the bestacled Wonder Woman had her way with her daughter’s beaux, Mrs. Robinson style?
So. does Stamm want Glenn Beck to run for prexy or would the name stealing fauz jazz guy prefer a barbie doll?
SJ, Troll patrolspews:
Where are the troll fishies. Don’t they float when dead?
YLB at 454
Why do you think We care where yo get your hallucinations from?
When you run hard, we enrich you with endorphins .. or we let you just use heroin.
Rapture, well that can be gained as you choose, seems to Us that LSD was created for a purpose but some of you seem to prefer self abuse.
Here is yet another parable, from y writings on elephants ….
The Troll came to his Teacher and asked, “Teacher, I see an elephant running toward us in this narrow alley, we will be crushed.” The teacher said, “and so it shall be.” And so it was.
But now ask yourself if this truth must have been or did the lack of faith by the Troll cause the Troll and the Teacher to be crushed by the elephant.
SJ @ 456
I can’t say where the trolls have gone. I don’t know about you but I’m kind of enjoying this break from teabagger cult insanity.
And especially my conversation with God!
Praise be!
Dear God @ 457
It’s been very enlightening speaking with you. You given me much to think upon.
Our Father which art in Heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth,
as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory,
@459 Amen.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Since we all know there is a Hell, where do you think ylb arschloch is headed?
Nice old prayer.
We prefer those that do not confuse Us with the need for temporal, human power or glory. Our kingdom is not limited in such ways.
Being all is all. there is no more and no less.
Another parable:
The wise man. speaking for God, once said these words of truth to his followers, “Why do you need to call each other nigger, wop, honky, kike, faggot, ass licker, SOB, pig, commie pic, capitalist pig?” The followers responded, “Master, because all of these are hateful unto God.”
The master thought hard about this as these names meant a great deal to his followers. Finally, bow furrowed, the wise man said, “who woulda known?”
@461 Puddy
Since we all know there is a Hell, where do you think ylb arschloch is headed?
Who are you to speak for all men?
Judge not lest you be judged.
As for Hell and Heaven, consider for yourself why We would create such places. Omnipotence does not imply We are inconsistent.
Well, God, I suspect Puddy’s just speaking for the Christo-fascist folks like him and his dear friend, Mr. Klynical. Puddy says people like him and Klynical are the only people you love and that you, in fact, hate YLB. I just don’t buy it.
Marvin Stamnspews:
447. YLB spews:
No they just fell for the oldest trick in the book – that you can get something for nothing
Sounds like you’re talking about obama voters.
With prop 8, it was about keeping what someone worked hard for.
Oops, there’s that dirty word “work” again.
Ask yourself, would We need folks so full of hate to speak for Us?
When We work great miracles, entangling photons ending slavery, or the Big Bang itself … do we need messengers to tell Our truth?
If we so hated the world to make Hitler, would we then make Sarah Palin and unmake Michael Jackson?
We hold the truth to be self evident, and that does mean We.
@465 Marvin
Let not Our Presence scare thee off from the works you do here.
Marvin Stamnspews:
450. SJ’s fish food for the Trolls spews:
Are the trolly fish running ot of steam????
You’ve polluted the waters with your desire to be one of the cool kids.
Like I’m sure you wife has told you thousands of times… you’re a buzz-kill.
Go play on your own thread.
465 – Nope. Obama said sacrifice will be required. Hopefully from those who benefited the most from the last 30+ years of right wing policies. The poor and the middle class have already sacrificed a lot – they don’t have much more if any left to give.
And last I looked the Bush tax cuts are still set to expire. When that happens I’m sure that’ll be such a sad day for you.
Prop 8? Uhhh. oops!
Marvin Stamnspews:
467. God spews:
@465 Marvin
Let not Our Presence scare thee off from the works you do here.
Wow, God is speaking to me.,
Couple questions…
Why do you feel that little kids being born should be burdened with original sin. Isn’t that pretty hateful on your part against innocent babies? Why does a powerful God like you need to punish innocent people for the sins of others?
Why have more people been killed in the name of God than hate/greed/and all the other human frailties? What is it about you that brings out the worse in people?
Why do you only show yourself to us humans in the form of your image on toast, windows, potato chips, etc.
Are you involved with those jehovah witnesses? Do you laugh with the rest of us when they go out proselytizing for new members when there are only 144,000 spots in heaven available? Don’t they understand every new recruit reduces their chance to get into heaven?
Why do liberals hate you with such passion?
Marvin Stamnspews:
469. YLB spews:
The poor and the middle class have already sacrificed a lot – they don’t have much more if any left to give.
And so one of the first taxes obama raised was on cigarettes.
Which of course hurt the poor and middle class the most.
Thanks ylb for the chance to mention how obama already raised taxes on those that don’t have much more if any left to give.
Dog is my co-pilotspews:
Why have more people been killed in the name of God than hate/greed/and all the other human frailties? What is it about you that brings out the worse in people?
Sounds like the Montesquieu riff from Straw Dogs … No kingdom has been won with as much bloodshed as that of Christ.
At least until Marx, Lenin, and Mao came along. That’s why the socialist workers’ paradise, and not the Vatican, was an evil empire.
You probably haven’t figured it out yet, the roger rabbit that posts here isn’t the real roger rabbit.
Check it out for yourself.
I’m only telling you because you act as if you’ve figured out a cure for cancer or something equally profound when all you’ve done is read the words I wrote to you a year ago when I said I wasn’t marvin stamm and suggested a list of jazzers to check out.
The Loons of Goldy Pondspews:
Insanity is doing the same stupid thing over and over and over and expecting an unstupid result.
So when Goldy types that Suzie the Hutch has the Worst. Campaign. Ever. just remember that about the day before yesterday he told us that Dino has the Worst. Campaign. Ever. And then he told us that McCain has the Dumbest. Campaign. Ever.
Etc. Either Goldstein is crazy or, like Kirby Wilbur, he repeats himself he repeats himself. Or like me dear mum before she died, he’s down with presenile dementia.
Everybody remembers that red-and-black Time Mag cover from 1966: God Is Dead.
Think about it.
@ 466.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Holy shit, almost 500 comments, this has to be the all-time HA record!
Roger Rabbitspews:
“This should satisfy a frightening need for an open thread….”
You were frighteningly prescient, Darryl! Those 2 simple little words, “Open Thread,” released an unbelievable amount of pentup energy! It’s barely November and this town already has a bad case of cabin fever.
471 – If rich people don’t want to be taxed like they were in Ike Eisenhower’s or even Jack Kennedy’s day (and still somehow managed to get rich) then I guess sin taxes will remain a necessary evil for such terrible socialistic things as health care for poor kids.
I don’t smoke or drink very much by the way. I don’t feel the bite myself. If people object to awful socialist health care for poor kids they should kick their Marlboro or Jack Daniels habits. It would be better for their health. Otherwise they can feel extra good they’re doing some good for the next generation as they take a drag or tipple as they unwind at the end of the day.
Howard Jarvisspews:
Here we go again. Another leftist redistributionist getting ready to cash in on somebody else’s cash. That’s YLB, doing a virtual drool about Mother’s windfall profit on Californicated real estate.
Hit the jackpot, did she? Paid a little and reaped a lot without having to share with Willie Brown or the Duke or Pete or Davis or Conan the Librarian? Made out like a bandit on the dole without having to dole it back in prop taxes? Piled up a bundle to pass on to her dearly misbegotten son who can’t figure out how to work for a living?
Not a problem, YLB. When the windfall falls on you, when you get your unearned increment of surplus value, write a check for $750K to California’s treasurer, c/o Arnold. You’ll feel so much better in the morning, and it will be just the same as mainlining a cash contribution to Obama. Hell, he might even liet you use his bowling alley.
Oops, my bad. It was ford that is making profits, not the car companies that the obama gave money to.
Ford – the unofficial car company of the vast right wing conspiracy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@380 “If you used the language you used above in the workplace today there would be repercussions. If you used it in a courtroom, the reaction would be immediate.”
I’ve been out of public circulation for several years now, so I’m not hip to the latest addition to the p.c. verboten list of words and phrases, but the last I heard “ugly Republican women” was not on that list. Even if it is, I don’t give a shit, because I don’t have to keep employers or judges happy anymore. I’m retired from all that. In all other respects, this is still a free country with Free Speech.
“You’re doing everything to minimize this issue, and you’re hiding behind HA to do it. What a coward.”
We’ll see who the coward is. I’ve already told you I’ll be at DL Tuesday night. If you have the nerve to sit down across a table from me and debate this issue, then show up and do it. You have a chip on your shoulder the size of a log; I’d like to know where it came from. You sound like a person with a lot of personal issues; I’m not interested in those; that’s your problem. From my point of view, I don’t let other people tell me what I can or can’t say, it’s basically that simple. If you think you have a right to do so, then let’s hear you rationalize and defend your assertion of such a right. Montlake Ale House, tomorrow night, 8 pm, ask for the rabbit.
We’ve been hearing from God, and now Rabbit shows up for the other side. He(‘)ll run this thread until we get to entry 666, which he(‘)ll keep all to himself.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@380 Not to put too fine a point on it, but you’re full of political correctness bullshit, and I don’t have much patience with that.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Political correctness is essentially a totalitarian philosophy under which self-appointed individuals arrogate to themselves a prerogative to dictate what others can think or say. I deal with all totalitarians in pretty much the same way.
Warren G.spews:
Maggie Magnuson calls Roger a coward. Love it. The only way it could have been better is if Maggie had called Roger a sniveling coward.
Marvin Stamnspews:
478. YLB spews:
I don’t smoke or drink very much by the way. I don’t feel the bite myself. If people object to awful socialist health care for poor kids they should kick their Marlboro or Jack Daniels habits. It would be better for their health. Otherwise they can feel extra good they’re doing some good for the next generation as they take a drag or tipple as they unwind at the end of the day.
So that means as long as it’s a sin tax you are okay with raising taxes on the poor and middle class if it punishes poor people?
Why not just outlaw citizens making any choices for themselves. Let the smart government employees make all you decisions.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@383 “wonder if the rabbit has the guts to face her at DL”
You should be asking whether “maggie” has the guts to face me at DL, because I’ll be there, see #481.
Warren G.spews:
You have a chip on your shoulder the size of a log …
Correction: A chip on each shoulder. That’s why Maggie was a well-balanced ScandaBallardian.
Marvin Stamnspews:
479. Howard Jarvis spews:
Not a problem, YLB. When the windfall falls on you, when you get your unearned increment of surplus value, write a check for $750K
Not a chance that ylb would write a check to kalifornia. He’ll keep every dollar that his mom leaves him.
ylb gives his mom a free pass for doing the exact same thing as greedy right-wingers that he expresses his hate for.
Go figure that ylb would be a hypocrite.
Well not really go figure, he’s proven it for 53 months now.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@57 “@53 This demeans all women.”
I reiterate, this is a ridiculous fucking statement; it only demeans ugly Republican women.
Marvin Stamnspews:
487. Roger Rabbit spews:
@383 “wonder if the rabbit has the guts to face her at DL”
You should be asking whether “maggie” has the guts to face me at DL, because I’ll be there, see #481.
Prove how tough you are rabbit, go fight a woman.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@405 Waytago Klown — getting deleted from an open thread! harharhar
Roger Rabbitspews:
@92 “Without me, this blog will be a piece of shit.”
Well then, you’re not needed here, are you?
Marvin Stamnspews:
Why does it take right-wing blogs to shame the liberal media into being honest. Remember when dan rather tried to use fake documents?
Today it’s the CommunistNewsNetwork doing the job the obama wants them to… until they got caught.
NPR this morning told us cheerily that 120 children have died in America’s H1N1 holocaust. Then they reported cheerily from a vaccination clinic in D.C.
Not the slightest suggestion that Barack H. Obama and his administration totally tanked their program to mobilize America for an immunization D-Day. B Hussein O told us he was on top of the crisis before it was a crisis. He’d have vaccine in place to save us from our pig plague.
Then he fumbled. 120 dead children. NPR connected no dots.
Imagine if it had been Bush. Any Bush. Any Republican. Making extravagant promises of competence and then wallowing in incompetence.
It’s like Obama stimulus: promising that unemployment would peak at 8% and then getting almost no mainstream blowback when unemployment blew out at ~10, while heading up.
Pass the Teflon, Mr. President. You’re doing a heck-of-a job.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I find it interesting that “maggie” went after me for “ugly Republican women” but didn’t say “boo!” about …
“@99 Blow Me spews: Goldy is a woman. Did you douche your vagina this morning Goldy, or does Darryl do that for you?”
“@105 Im YLB – Im jobless and surf the internet all day while my wife works spews: @82..rosie odonnell, cindy sheeha and oprah fatfrey are good looking? fucking barf!”
… which points to a curious selectivity about maggie’s outrage. Of course, one of the unwritten rules of this blog is that wingnuts don’t attack wingnuts, and liberals don’t attack liberals, which provides a clue about who “maggie” really is and what her real agenda is …
Roger Rabbitspews:
… which is one of the reasons why I suspect she may be a no-show at DL tomorrow night.
Who You Gonna Call?spews:
This is what 30 years of Republicanism have delivered to working class and middle class Americans: Lawlessness, mayhem, rampant crime — and ineffective or absent law enforcement.
That’s what 40 years of overfed underworked New Left anarcho socialist radical progressive liberalism have delivered to a nation the New Left leftists are now running.
The far-left elitists don’t have to worry about calling 9-1-1 because they’re safely locked away from reality in their gated communities on Mercer Island and Hunt’s Point … hiding behind tenure and hedge funds.
So how’s your cash machine, Roger? Still making your easy money by wringing the sweat from the working man’s brow?
Roger Rabbitspews:
A couple years ago a “leaker” from Sucky Politics calling himself “pll” came to HA and posted comments more or less challenging me to a fight. I told him I’d be at DL on a specific Tuesday night, just like I’m telling “maggie” now. He promised, “I’ll be there.” Well, needless to say, he wasn’t. Then he had the brass balls to post a comment the next day claiming he’d been there. Unfortunately for him, I had anticipated this, and had witnesses (including Darryl) to attest to the fact that pll was a no-show.
These wingnuts are all the same. They’re chest-beating blowhards. In the end, they’re all no-shows. That happens when there are wars to be fought, too. (See, e.g., AWOL Bush, Five Deferments Cheney, etc.)
If “maggie” is a wingnut sockpuppet, which I think he/she/it is, he/she/it will be a no-show tomorrow night. Just like the rest of them.
Gilbert Grapespews:
500 miles
500 miles
500 miles.
Maybe it’s Mary Travers.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Of course, I can’t determine that empirically, so we’ll have to wait and see. She might be a feminist dogmatic who cruises the galaxy with a chip on her shoulder looking for someone to practice her female chauvinism on. There are other possibilities, too. All of this remains speculative for now.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Holy shit! This thread just busted 500! That’s gotta be a record.
@496 Yeah, typical wingnut shit. Kind of like Marvin crying every day for nearly a year about my calling him a faggot while he hypocritically ignores the hate spewn here towards gays by the likes of those two asswipes, Klynical and Puddy.
Oh, and speaking of Marvin, did you all know that he fucks goats? Dumbed him down, he says.
38. Steve spews:
Has all that goatfucking has dumbed you down, Marvin?
06/09/2009 at 2:25 pm
39. Marvin Stamn spews:
Yup, dumbed me down.
06/09/2009 at 3:11 pm http://horsesass.org/?p=16759
Gilbert Grapespews:
Did the Proclaimers, the Austral (old)boy band, ever do anything after the Gilbert Grape tune?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@408 “408 posts – that has to be a record.”
That’s nothing, we’re over 500 now!
Gilbert Grapespews:
That’s gotta be a record.
Yeah. A record for the most nose-picking inanity in one place.
Unlike the HA septic tank, Shark has standards. His place prefers wisdom that can be savored rather than manure that’s backhoed by the stinking ton.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@500 I doubt that on many levels.
Gilbert Grapespews:
Well, whatever. I’m betting on the girl. The bitch getting slapped will be fat phat Roger.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@414 “Democrat fanatics in Congress threw ethics charges against Speaker Newt, hoping one would stick to the wall like a used Trojan.”
Are you referring to the $60 million of taxpayer money Ken Starr spent to unearth the fact Clinton lied about a blowjob?
Another leftist redistributionist getting ready to cash in on somebody else’s cash.
Yeah redistribution for health care like in evil bad socialist Canada (love the fema-like camps up there) and education and judicial system and police and fire and prisons and national parks…
Really evil things.
I don’t care if I ever get a dime from my Mom. I’ve told her to give it to a charity of her choice if bad health and the ugly health care system doesn’t get it first.
Right wingers – always assuming everyone is greedy.
What morons!
“wisdom that can be savored”
Indeed. The Teachings of Pudge. The Wingnut Path to Knowledge.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@473 If you think there’s a real roger rabbit, you’re an even bigger fool than I previously believed.
So that means as long as it’s a sin tax you are okay with raising taxes on the poor and middle class if it punishes poor people?
I guess the Congress should have paid for SCHIP like they “paid” for the Iraq/Afghanistan wars.
On the credit card?
Is that the right wing way?
I called the sin taxes an unfortunately necessary evil in these days of right wing idiocy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@508 I think we can make arrangements to have your money held in escrow pending the outcome of tomorrow night. How much do you want to put up?
Pig @ 495: You are blaming Obama for H1N1???? You imply that if Obama had waved his magic wand, the vaccine would magically be available (and the health workers to administer them) would all be available to give shots on a single “D-Day”?????
Man, you know absolutely nothing about how virus vaccines are created, and how they are manufactured, or the health care worker resources which would have to be mobilized to give everybody a shot on the same day. It’s so unrealistic it’s beyond fantisy. Take your accusations elsewhere, such idiotic hatchet jobs aren’t worth even discussing here.
@512 Uh-oh, this just might be another Santa Claus moment for me.
The thread that wouldn’t die.
470. Marvin Stamn
Wow, God is speaking to me.,
Couple questions…
Why do you feel that little kids being born should be burdened with original sin. Isn’t that pretty hateful on your part against innocent babies? Why does a powerful God like you need to punish innocent people for the sins of others?
Ask yourself these questions and then ask where have you learned about Me?
Why have more people been killed in the name of God than hate/greed/and all the other human frailties? What is it about you that brings out the worse in people?
Ahhh … as I said, We are the unnamed. You want to kill in the name of some deity you create, that is your free will. But, then, you mst accept the responsibility.
Perhaps should note that in our Commandments, we included not taking Our name in vain. If I tell you that do you think it is rational for a mere creation to name its creator?
Why do you only show yourself to us humans in the form of your image on toast, windows, potato chips, etc.
How can I show what has no image?
Are you involved with those jehovah witnesses? Do you laugh with the rest of us when they go out proselytizing for new members when there are only 144,000 spots in heaven available? Don’t they understand every new recruit reduces their chance to get into heaven?
You seem to forget the unlimited power of omnipotence. You also assume that I maintain some place called heaven. Have you seen this place? Have We said there is such a place or is this more of your writing about Us?
Why do liberals hate you with such passion?
Perhaps you are the one who hates?
Is it hatred of God to deny that Our name is Emmanuel?
Is it hatred of Us, to deny our many forms?
my words are immortal.
SJ on Troll patrolspews:
Lets go all rthe the way, make this the first GRAND THREAD!
Can someone else feed the fishies?
Between God, Roger, Steve, and me we are running out of Trooltreats.
Where is MOT, that self fucking, green skinned, alien demonic nigger hating freak?
Even the PUDSTER seems to be afraid to tread on these slippery slopes. I suspect God and Marvin, have put our resident dark troll to sleep.
@499 I told him I’d be at DL on a specific Tuesday night, just like I’m telling “maggie” now. These wingnuts are all the same. They’re chest-beating blowhards.
Yea, you show maggie, Rabbit. Looks like she kicked your butt up and down HA, so now you’re going to show everyone what a real “man” you are and kick her butt at DL. No woman’s gonna get away with making Rabbit look bad! She’s probably all of 100 pounds, probably a lot less than what you’re supporting above your neck you big goon!
You better hope she doesn’t show, because it will probably be: maggie 2, rabbit 0!
Too much!
S. Crow, Attorney at Lawspews:
About $800,000. It’s from YLB. He’s redistributing to me because he’s not greedy.
(Ever see the Three Stooges S. Crow show?)
S. Palin, Artist in Residencespews:
The thread that would not die.
Where are those Palin death panels when we need ’em, Steve?
SJ on Troll patrolspews:
are you real or faux?
Have you ever met the Rabbit?
I need to warn you what you see is only part of the story. Dem Pookas are tres dangeroux! Watchout for the claws if he thorws off his oxfords! The hind limbs can scratch your eyes out.
Just ask Puddy what happened when the Pookah’s kick landed in the family treasures! No more kittens!
Oh Godspews:
George Burns, here. YLB’s fiend @ 518, the rotter vamping as me, has spent entirely too much time at Hebrew School or with the Jesuits. Either way, the wanker is really getting on my nerves.
Im”person”ation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but enough is enough. One more blasphemous bleat or belch, wanker, and I go to the nuclear option. Read Job. And no, that’s not the guy with the i-Phone.
Marvin Stamnspews:
513. YLB spews:
I called the sin taxes an unfortunately necessary evil in these days of right wing idiocy.
Who gets to decide what a “sin” is?
Is it a sin for an adult male to not have a job?
Is sex a sin? Should people at a motel by the hour be forced to pay a sin tax?
Since america is a fat nation,. should anyone 20 pounds over their ideal weight as determined by the gove3rnment be taxed?
If these “sins” like alcohol and whatever are so bad, shouldn’t the government make them illegal? But then that punishes the people that do drink responsibly and don’t abuse alcohol. But then, that’s exactly what a sin tax does, punishes for behavior.
Is it a “sin” to blog? Or maybe if only you are voicing an opinion opposite of what the standing president says the opinion is.
Shouldn’t women that have babies that they can’t afford pay a “sin” tax? After all, just like the smokers/drinkers/fat people that raise the cost of healthcare and expense to the tax paying public, so do people that can’;t afford babies. But instead of a sin tax, the government will subsidize their behavior.
SJ on Troll patrolspews:
@525 George Burns
God impersonation is only blasphemy if the impersonator is not God. Personally I am pretty sure Goid never married a shicksa as you did, but maybe Gracie was the real God?
Actually my choice of God impersonators runs more to Morgan Freeman and Jim Carey.
@525 George Burns
And till me George, who do YOU think wrote “Job?”
Isn’t it odd the texts people believe are Our word?
Personally We are rather proud of the Kama Sutra but then I am .. you might guess, rather an afficiando of this literature.
Do try Gilgamesh sometime! Awesome!
Swine Flewspews:
@ 495: And these are the neo-Maoists who want to run the “broken” system of health care that cares for most of us better than we deserve?
Am sure Granny or Very Hairy Reed can find a poster person who fell through health care’s cracks or who was damaged to death by it, but look at where we are and then look at where we were.
100 years ago, much of the time, pregnancy was a terminal illness. Now guests wander into our country to emit their babies into the generosity of our “broken” system.
100 years ago the average (whatever that means) lifespan in America was under 50. Taking a drink of water was an act of undaunted courage that many did not survive. Sustainable organic agriculture couldn’t grow enough to keep people fed because it was growing hay for horses, and the horses were turning city streets into miasmas of disease. Doctors were cons (see The Road to Wellville) when they weren’t killers, and hospitals were dirty hospices that only rich weird people went to.
So now you want to entrust us to the tender mercies of Obama and Pelosi? People who couldn’t even clunk their clunkers without blowing the budget?
Marvin Stamnspews:
525. Oh God spews:
Read Job. And no, that’s not the guy with the i-Phone.
And no, it’s not the guy that goes by the name of ylb.
That’s joe biden humor for the people that can count to 4.
Steve, what that means is joe biden was out campaigning and he said the most important thing was a 3 letter word, and then he said those 3 letters, J O B S. Do you get it now about the counting to 4 part?
The Shiksa Chixspews:
Oh dear. Gracie was one of … those?
Maybe I should have bopped Barbra Sreisand instead.
Oy veyspews:
Very good, Mr. Stamn. Joe is final proof that HA’s “God” indeed has a warped sense of humor.
But seriously. Don’t you think we should all do a Rabbit recon and rescue him before the girl rabbit-punches the snot out of him?
@532 And here I thought Marvin’s existence was evidence of God’s warped sense of humor, or at least evidence God’s own fallibilities.
Who gets to decide what a “sin” is?
Hey, it’s called democracy. We send people to represent us in the legislatures and they devise ways to deliver services we need like health care for kids whose families are poor and can’t afford a grand or more a month for a health plan.
Services have to be financed some way. It’s just reality. Something you don’t seem all that conversant with.
swine flewspews:
WASHINGTON — The moment a novel strain of swine flu emerged in Mexico last spring, President Obama instructed his top advisers that his administration would not be caught flat-footed in the event of a deadly pandemic. Now, despite months of planning and preparation, a vaccine shortage is threatening to undermine public confidence in government, creating a very public test of Mr. Obama’s competence. …
That’s what I’m ‘saying.’ That’s what the (ahem) New York Times says. And more. Read it here.
The point, perhaps, is that our president did not understand the complexity of the problem he unctuously vowed to wrestle to the ground. No Republican president would have been cut any slack about any of this or about any of those corpses.
swine flewspews:
Back to you, rhp. Didn’t see your post until a few minutes ago. No disrespect intended by a delayed reply. No disrespect intended by tiny dancer Tom DeLay.
Marvin Stamnspews:
534. Steve spews:
@532 And here I thought Marvin’s
And still a one trick goat.
And still thinking about someone you consider a bore.
After a few days of Marvin spewing his unintelligent BS, the Piper, for all his preening, and with just two functioning brain cells, would elevate the troll postings here considerably.
This is not to slight the HNMT above who, with his ample wit and humor, at least has me laughing with him, not at him. I always enjoy your posts, HNMT.
Marvin Stamnspews:
543. Steve spews:
After a few days of Marvin
Still can’t get me off your mind I see. Almost every post of yours mentions me.
Even you have to admit that’s pretty impressive on my part to push your buttons to the point that you spend so much of your time talking about me.
Marvin Stamnspews:
540. Rujax! spews:
No dicks to suck by the pool huh. marvie-poo? I really think you need to get a life.
I really think you need to get over your crush on me.
I appreciate when women like you and Ku KluX’ad Klan always think sex when you think about me. It is flattering.
How about you and Ku KluX’ad Klan doing a lesbian video for me? Next time I see her online I’ll tell her you are interested in doing something like for me. Maybe she can teach you that ping-pong ball trick.
“pretty impressive on my part to push your buttons”
Hmm, it looks like the subject of my doctoral thesis on psychotic wingnut goatfuckers is projecting again.
Projection. It’s a Psych 101 thing.
Marvin Stamnspews:
546. Steve spews:
Hmm, it looks like the subject
And still thinking and writing about someone you consider a bore.
Like I’d ignore my ticket to a post graduate degree? Oh, I don’t think so. Get used to the abuse, goatfucker. And delude yourself to your heart’s content that you somehow push anybody’s buttons here. After all, the more psychotic you become, the better it is for my thesis. Go for it, goatfucker. The brass psycho ring is within your grasp.
@497 … which is one of the reasons why I suspect she may be a no-show at DL tomorrow night.
Boy, you just don’t stop giving, do you blockhead? Somebody said you were in a tizzy because I’d bruised that big, fat ego of yours, and sure enough, it’s all true. So let’s see, I drill your head in the ground on HA for being a blatant sexist, embarrass you in front of your buddies, and now you want to engage me in a manly contest of fisticuffs to show them that you’re more than just a blowhard who likes to abuse women?
Are you for real? I’m 5’6″, weigh 124 pounds, and am 35 years old. Do those numbers work for you, Ali, or would you like me to get pregnant first?
You’re a real piece of work. You can’t handle strong women, so you try to bully them.
You’re not only a coward, but a loser.
The Rabbit is not a lot bigger than you and he is pretty decrepit.
My guessn is you could take him! Trouble is I do no think Nicole will allow a fist fight, even one this meritorious at HA.
So, if you do show tomorrow night, seems to me we have to consider some options.
1. I would be willing to bring two pellet guns and there could be a good old fashioned duel.
2. How about a chug a lug? I am willing to pay for the first three pitchers.
3. If you really wanna have a fist fight, there is a parking lot across the street where some of us can gather.
Let me know!
Marvin Stamnspews:
549. maggie spews:
You’re not only a coward, but a loser.
The rabbit always came across as the type of man that has hit women before. If not, why else would he be talking tough on a blog that he wants to fight a woman.
Be careful, he’ll probably hit you from behind when you’re not looking.
Marvin Stamnspews:
548. Steve spews:
Like I’d ignore my ticket to a post graduate degree?
I’m glad that I am able to help you improve your life steve.
Life has been hard for you, anything I can do to make your life better just say something.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@498 “So how’s your cash machine, Roger? Still making your easy money by wringing the sweat from the working man’s brow?”
Yeah I made $400 of capital gains today. That’s $50 an hour for an 8-hour workday if you work for it. Plus I get a 2/3rds discount on my taxes! Sure beats working.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@553 But what’s even better is that if I don’t sell the stock and my kids inherit it from me, this $400 will be completely tax free! That’s right, my kids will get a basis step-up which wipes out the taxable capital gain, and not one penny of taxes will ever be paid on this income! Pretty nifty, eh? Sure beats fighting commuter traffic, putting up with a snarly boss and idiot coworkers, and then forking over 32.65% of it to the gummint on your next payday! Anyone who works for money is a fool. That’s the worst way to get money there is! Capital gains and inheritances are the only way to fly.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@520 “Where is MOT, that self fucking, green skinned, alien demonic nigger hating freak?”
Where is Mark the Welshing Redneck? Stinking up a hole with his dead crack whore wife? Did someone finally off him for not paying his gambling debts?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@521 “Looks like she kicked your butt up and down HA”
Maybe to you it does …
Roger Rabbitspews:
@524 Definitely faux. “Maggie” is a troll sockpuppet. Several things give “her” away. See, e.g., #496.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@529 Awwww, do you miss 1909?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@549 “now you want to engage me in a manly contest of fisticuffs”
You don’t know how to read above a 3rd grade level, do you, sweetheart? I specifically invited you to debate me on your proposition that “ugly Republican women” demeans “all” women. The invitation stands, luv. Montlake Ale House. Tomorrow. 8 PM. Hope to see you there.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@549 “You can’t handle strong women, so you try to bully them.”
Au contraire, bullying women is the last thing I want to do, especially a woman of your obvious intellectual prowess. Fisticuffs is for dogs, rednecks, and Republicans. I’m an intellectual. I want to see if you’ve got what it takes to argue a point. This has nothing to do with your physical size (or gender, for that matter). It’s about whether you have any brains anre are capable of framing issues and presenting logical arguments.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@550 “The Rabbit is not a lot bigger than you”
That’s true. I’m only 30″ tall and weigh only 230 lbs.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Here’s a photo so you’ll have no trouble recognizing me in a crowded room.
@2 “2. How about a chug a lug? I am willing to pay for the first three pitchers.”
This I won’t do, because I never drink less than 12 hours before driving.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Poor “maggie” has to resort to name-calling because logic isn’t on her side, and she knows it. She claims my comment about “ugly Republican women” whose men fuck goats demeans “all” women. That’s ridiculous on its face. It only demeans ugly Republican women whose men fuck goats. That’s apparent from the terms of the statement. “Maggie” can give it a more expansive interpretation in her own mind if she wishes, but that’s her subjective opinion, and it doesn’t change the plain meaning of plain words. On logical grounds, she loses this argument even before it’s out of the gate.
Roger Rabbitspews:
maggie’s problem is she’s reacting to what I said emotionally instead of logically, and that’s not gonna cut it tomorrow night. This will be a debate, not a hissy fit. If she can’t do any better than that she’d be better off to stay home.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Oh, one more thing, throwing punches or any other form of physical assault results in automatic disqualification.
Marvin Stamnspews:
The rabbit is scared of Maggie.
11 messages in a row he’s talking about her.
Good luck with beating up a woman, well, a woman other than your wife.
Scariest Halloween costume? That’s easy! The guy who showed up dressed as a Republican.
Here’s a scary Halloween costume!
I like this one better.
Roger Dumb Bunny,
Keep dreaming about Merry Fitzmas!!!!
Another Democrat Double Standard?…
Butt of course!
Gotta Love this…
He’s ylb arschloch’s favorite flake congressman!
Heh. Frank Rich calls the whacko teabagger wingnut cult “Stalinists”. If fits.
Too funny.
Puddy is your mother in here somewhere?
Oh and btw, is this a fair use of a copyrighted photo? If not sue me …
Seattle Cop Slain
This is a breaking news item. Media reports indicate a Seattle police officer was shot to death in downtown Seattle tonight and police are searching for the shooter. Few details are available at this time.
Google health frightens me.
An interesting part of with a Government operation that is working, is in San Francisco/Oakland. The Bay Area Rapid Transit has had to step up because of an emergency fix from Labor Day Weekend on the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Bridge failed during rush hour last week. Unfortunately, no overnight Transbay service tomorrow, they got to inspect the fleet, and catch up on maintenance, so they can be ready for rush hour Monday. If only they could get the East Span replacement accelerated, but the project is taking forever. An argument between the various authorities in the Bay Area, CalTrans, the legislature, and the Governor led to the project being scrapped and re-bid at least once.
Roger, here is one of the first news stories I can find on the Officer Down.
Yep, I saw that. Shouldn’t be too hard to find a Toyota with bullet holes in it.
“Research into the events of September 11 by Brigham Young University physics professor, Steven E. Jones, concludes that the official explanation for the collapse of the World Trade Center (WTC) buildings is implausible according to laws of physics. Jones is calling for an independent, international scientific investigation “guided not by politicized notions and constraints but rather by observations and calculations.”
“There are numerous red flags in the official story (of 9/11), which requires a long series of highly improbable coincidences. Questioning that story is an act of responsible citizenship.”
“Accepting the official story of the 9/11/01 attack requires one to accept a long series of anomalies — extremely improbable events, amazing coincidences, and contradictions.”
Should the Republicans be allowed to get away with this?
Halloween is officially over! Wingnuts, crawl back into your crypts until next year. Don’t call us, we’ll call you when it’s time to come out again.
This was rather interesting OpEd, worth reading. Palin may just be the ‘Maverick’ to inflict some serious damage to the GOP:
Note: Hoffman doesn’t even LIVE in the district.
The G.O.P. Stalinists Invade Upstate New York
I am sure that he can get some support from Cynical, the “Christian” Judge Appointed By God.
14 Using Whoopis observation that steel doesn’t melt in fire! Jesus, what must it be like to be a liberal? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA Fuck me to tears.
Puddy told everyone long ago headless was/is/will always be a 9/11 Truther. What a fooltard. Puddy holds headless in the same vein as Orly Taitz. Only thing is ylb arschloch attacks Orly and gives headless a pass. Well he is the HA arschloch. Can you HA Libtardos tell Puddy who Glenn Beck exposed as a 9/11 Truther without Googling it?
Naaaaah, didn’t think so. Libtardo moronic memory malady. Strikes after 24 hours!
headless is a truther, how cute.
The difference between a truther and a birther is the political party they support.
It was the other college graduate, rosie that said that. She also said christians were terrorists. If she knows steve and his hate for gay people with his use of the “faggot” word, I can see why she believes that. Steve is obviously not one of the good christians, he’s a fake christian.
For headless, it means never having to be around black people 24/7.
I give orly a little more credit. At least she’s doiing something about her beliefs, headless is on some little blog whining about it. Poor pathetic little headless, impotent to do anything besides whine.
To stick up for ylb, has he ever said he is fair and balanced. Has he ever said he isn’t intellectually dishonest? Has he ever proven himself to not be a hypocrite? Hell, ylb still hasn’t made a comment that acorn helping pimp underage girls is wrong.
As a good Christian I am repulsed by the self-loathing Marvin fucking goats.
Puddy knows you haven’t been paying attention to upstate NY Politics. For you to use FRANK RICH is very “rich and laughable”. HE is one of the reasons the NY Times is in the toilet and the swirling water is getting higher and higher. Did you forget this too FricknFrack? Well being a HA Libtardo does present it’s mental challenges.
Bwaaaaa haaaaa haaaaa aahaaaa haaaaa haaaaa
Deidre Scozzafava was the “liberal Republican” candidate was BACKED BY ACORN, approved same-sex marriage, and was pro-abortion. Basically she was a DEMOCRATIC in Republican clothes. Just being BACKED BY ACORN is a Nuff SAID!
Frank Rich knows if Hoffman wins it’s a direct rejection of libtardo ideals. This quote gives Puddy pause “And Scozzafava is a mainstream conservative by New York standards; one statistical measure found her voting record slightly to the right of her fellow Republicans in the Assembly.” Puddy added the link to repudiate Frank Rich’s “story”. What a loon Rich is! Keep following the loons FricknFrack. They’ll throw you under de bus too. Frank forgets the recent poll of Americans on purpose. Butt when have you seen a far left libtardo loon tell the truth anyway FricknFrack?
FricknFrack, did you know ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis, who was much in the news recently, doubles as vice chairman of the Working Families Party?
The self-loathing Marvin cries when he’s called a faggot.
Say, Puddy, Klynical, Mark – how about you all hatefully calling gays “faggots” some more so Marvin can display his self-loathing hypocricy. Oh, and tell us how you all just love being around gays 24/7.
Steve, Steve, Steve,
You stepped in it so you clean it up. Don’t bring us into your cesspool. What is the Steve’s Stupid Solution flavor of the week?
heh- Klynical loves them blacks 24/7. That’s why he posts racist jokes, you know – out of his 24/7 love for blacks.
Stepped in what, Puddy? I called that self-loathing, goatfucking friend of yours a faggot. You call gays faggots. Klynical calls gays faggots. Mark calls gays faggots. So what’s your fucking problem?
Puddy showed where they call themselves faggots. Puddy showed where they call other people faggots. Did you forget this too fool? Has the Stupid Solution finally consumed that femtometer brain cell?
Tell me, Puddy. Do you even wince when Klynical goes off on blacks? A black man afraid to work like a white man joke. Are you not bothered at all? Or is the only thing to get you all worked up is my calling your goatfucking friend a faggot? Talk to me, Puddy. What’s it like for you to swallow your black pride?
“they call themselves faggots”
That’s your fucking excuse for calling gays faggots, Puddy? In case you, a black man, never noticed, blacks call blacks niggers, Puddy. By your own reasoning, I take it you don’t mind if anybody here calls you a nigger.
Puddy, gays call themselves and each other “faggots” in the same way African Americans call themselves and each other “niggers’. It’s a thing restricted to THEM and their close FRIENDS who are outside the group. For THEM it’s ok. I am pretty sure that YOU KNOW THAT, and to call gays “faggots’ unless you are in their close circle of friends is as inappropriate as it is for me to use the “N word” to you.
I am pretty sure Puddy understands this, doesn’t he?
If not, and that is possible, I hope that I have clarified this for him.
Puddy finds racism in a 24/7 comment by headless and whines about it for years, but he’s always silent when a wingnut goes off on “niggers” or tells racist jokes. Puddy hatefully calls gays “faggots” but takes offense when I call a self-loathing wingnut goatfucker a faggot. You need a new moral compass, Puddy. Yours is obviously all fucked up.
Uuuugggghhh… Here comes the Marvin/Stupes swamp overflowing its banks again..
Not in the mood this morning..
What If You Called 9-1-1 And No One Answered?
Here’s a roundup of the morning news:
“COLUMBUS, Ohio (Oct. 31) – Residents of Ohio’s capital city are complaining that police officers are telling them to move out if they’re fed up with neighborhood crime.”
“A girl is gang raped outside a California high school, and an entire nation asks one question: How could this happen? The details from police, so far, remain sparse: up to 10 possible attackers, up to 10 more witnesses, a 15-year-old victim and an attack that lasted more than two hours on the grounds of Richmond High School the night of the homecoming dance in the school gym.”
“Bernard Madoff … is trash-talking … the … federal authorities who should have caught him …. In a jailhouse interview released late Friday … Madoff … says he was ‘astonished’ that no one caught him earlier. ‘It would have been easy for them to see,’ Madoff said of the clueless financial cops who failed to perform what he called ‘accounting 101.’”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: And, last night — Halloween Eve — in our own city, a cop was gunned down in his patrol car in an apparent unprovoked drive-by shooting (which Mrs. Rabbit speculates may have been a gang initiation).
Back in the 60s, Republicans styled themselves as the “law and order” party. Today, after three consecutive decades of Republican government and conservative influence on American culture, civilization is falling apart in our country.
During that time, conservatism took over the Repoublican Party, and morphed from its traditional small-government doctrine into a bizarre and almost unrecognizable anti-government extremism that borders on anarchism.
What if you call 9-1-1 and no one answers? What if your daughter is being raped in a schoolyard and no one comes? What if the free-for-all in our streets spill into our homes and armed looters come to your door and there’s no police force to stop them? That’s what will happen if the Tim Eymans of the world pass enough I-1033s that gut public services and put government out of business.
This is what 30 years of Republicanism have delivered to working class and middle class Americans: Lawlessness, mayhem, rampant crime — and ineffective or absent law enforcement.
Why on earth would anyone vote Republican?
Do good Christians refer to people as “faggots” and “cunts?”
You did.
You’re an example of what liberals call a fake christian. Do one thing, preach to others not to do what you did.
Trolls frequently crow in this blog that the public is frustrated, angry, and dissatisfied.
This obviously is true, but the trolls’ assumption that this implies a return to Republican rule is dead wrong.
“NEW YORK (Nov. 1) – Third party candidates could upend two major races in off-year elections Tuesday, and the success of those candidacies is a warning shot fired at both major parties by voters angry at government and disillusioned by politics as usual. … ”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Whatever happens in 2010 and beyond, it’s illogical to assume that voters will return to the GOP Party that failed them so badly. The GOP has shot its bolt. It’s a dodo. Moribund, kaput, dead. If voters don’t like the Democrats they won’t flock to the likes of Palin, Huckabee, or Bachmann. Nor will they go to one of the existing third parties, all of whom are fringe loonies. They’ll flock to the Perots, Bloombergs, and up-and-coming younger upstarts in the unaffiliated segment of the political world. After all, following on 30 years of disastrously failed Republican governance, why on earth would anyone vote Republican again?
The fake christian steve uses the language of bigots while hiding behind jesus.
What would jesus do?
Steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
That’s an example of what Jesus would not do. That is an example of what someone that believes in Jesus would not do.
That is an example of a bigot.
Danny Westneat pointed out in today’s fishwrapper that the leader of Protect Marriage Washington, which is leading the charge against R-71, “has been divorced twice and had a restraining order against him from an ex-wife.”
Where does the right find these people? Um, judging from the long list of Republican philanderers and perverts, my guess is that’s all they’ve got.
Typical behavior for a 5 year old.
Stop pointing the fingers at everyone else.
LOL. Darryl creates an open thread for Gman to vent his rage at heterosexuals unmoderated, and Gman is nowhere to be heard!
Next thing you know, we’ll be told that Susie Cute got caught humping an otter on one of her canoeing trips. Hey, don’t take this seriously, it’s only a rumor that I just made up. But then, the whispers that Dow Constantine may have sexually harassed “Jane Doe” may be only a rumor that Mark Griswold made up.
Then again, maybe not — maybe Dow did make a pass at a female county employee and offer her a promotion to keep quiet about it, and maybe Suzie Cute does hump otters.
So are you making the excuse for steve that it’s okay since steve is gay?
Or do you believe it was wrong for steve to use the “faggot” and “cunt” words as insults.
@43 “Darryl creates an open thread for Gman to vent his rage at heterosexuals”
Are you sure that’s why Darryl put up the open thread? Why would Darryl open a topic that excludes most Republicans?
After all, the topic of this blog is: REPUBLICANS SUCK
“Do good Christians refer to people as “faggots” or “cunts”?”
Geez, I dunno. Oh, I know, let’s ask Puddy or Klynical. They are self-proclaimed “good Christians” who like to call gays “faggots”. For my part, I can only speak to a “good Christian” calling a self-loathing goatfucker such as yourself a faggot. As for you, you can speak to why a goatfucker would whine for months at being called a faggot while all that time utterly ignoring, and thus condoning, the hate towards GLBT’s spewed by your fellow travelers. What’s up with that, goatfucker?
Seems that some prominent Republicans didn’t get the RNC memo. Newt Gingrich, John Boehner and Michael Steele were for Scozzafava before they were against her.
That’s exactly the point that Puddy and I have been trying to make for a while.
When left-wingnuts go bigot none of the other left-wingnuts care.
As evidenced by only one person saying your use of the “faggot” and “cunt” words as an insult was wrong.
It appears by the silence of your fellow left-wingnuts that insulting people with the “faggot” word is acceptable behavior for a liberal.
So stop whining when others do the same as you do.
WARNING: The following is a non-partisan informational comment about a cultural curiosity. Feel free to scroll past to something nasty, readily available on this and any other thread.
Please note that, although I nearly fell off my chair when it first happened, the “N” word is, in the Philippines, commonly used in a perfectly innocent and non-derogatory way…. when a Filipino referred to himself as a “nigger”…..seems that the mountain tribes, which are darker and curly haired, are still the original native Negerito, and the term “nigger” came out of the WWII GI presence.
Perfectly acceptable over there.
I’m asking you. Why are you ducking the question.
We both know you are comfortable with the “faggot” word as an insult.
Are you a good christian?
Good and bad. Let’s see if I follow wingnut goatfucker values here. It’s really, really bad to call a wingnut goatfucker a faggot. It makes said goatfucker cry for months on end. On the other hand, it must be really, really good for wingnuts to call gays faggots as that doesn’t cause the goatfucker to shed a single tear. Yup, goatfucker values in a nutshell.
@52 You know for sure that Republican women are ugly when their men are out in the shed fucking the goats …
You want something scary from me, check the “halloween” thread.
As a good Christin I pray for that poor, hapless goat to find a better life than being the object of Marvin’s desires.
When steve is cornered and knows better than to answer the question, his only comeback is to point the fingers at others.
You used the words steve, be proud. Stand up for what you believe. Don’t cut and run just because I point out your bigotry. Be a man, stick by your words.
This demeans all women. I doubt you even get that you sexist numbskull.
Fucking goats really did dumb you down, didn’t it?
Still afraid to answer the question?
What’s wrong, have I put you into a position where you can’t answer a simple question?
Are you a good christian?
Do “good” christians use “faggot” and “cunt” as insults?
Come on steve, don’t be afraid to answer the questions.
@57 Hmm, in light of this comment I should clarify that calling Marvin a goatfucker is not meant to demean goats.
And again with changing the subject.
Are you a good christian?
Do good christians use “faggot” and “cunt” as insults?
Has being a bigot dumbed you down so much you are unable to answer simple questions? Damn, your hate for “faggots” and “cunts” has really impacted your life.
When you grow some balls and answer the questions we can move on and talk about your racial bigotry. After all, what kind of a white person gets a job where blacks can’t even get hired as janitors.
Don’t be fooled.
He gets it.
As a good Christian, it is an expression of my love for God that I call out our HA goatfucker as the goatfucker he is. And remember this, Marvin, God takes note of the fucked goat. I think I read that in Leviticus somewhere.
A lot of good discussion going on here.
Do “good christians” use the faggot” and “cunt” words as insults?
Correction –
Lickme 69:25
Changing the subject? Perhaps it escaped your attention that the topic of this particular thread is, “Why does Marvin fuck goats?”. In light of this, you should now realize that every post that doesn’t address your goatfucking is off-topic.
Hey when good christians get to use the words like cocksucker, faggot, fudge packer, queer, and homo, you mine as well toss in Nigger and Kike too.
Just so we’re clear, the topic of this thread is, “Why does Marvin fuck goats?”
How many Niggers do we have here today?
How many Kikes?
@64 You’re off-topic again, there, goatfucker. This is the “Why does Marvin fuck goats?” thread.
Reading problems? This is an Open Thread.
I guess that explains why you are afraid to say if good christians use the same type of hate speech you do.
What’s wrong steve, are you now afraid to be honest about your hate for “faggots?”
I don’t blame you steve for not wanting to play my game.
Just think, if you were that smart months ago you never would have allowed me to so easily prove you have issues with “faggots,” “cunts” and black people.
Keep ducking the question. Your cowardice is proving my point about you.
What would Jesus do steve? Would Jesus call people “faggots” to belittle them? Is that the kind of God you pray to?
Come on steve, tell us about your God and how he feels about “faggots.”
@68 Another off-topic post. A reminder, this is the “Why does Marvin fuck goats?” thread.
Marvin could close this thread if he’d just tell us why he fucks goats.
Still scared to answer the questions?
Maybe you can pray to your God for a little strength to answer simple questions.
Of course, your God probably won’t be answering any of your prayers… after all, God doesn’t hate “faggots” and “cunts” like you do.
If Marvin was smart he would have never admitted that fucking goats dumbed him down. The only question remaining, the topic of this thread, in fact, is “Why does Marvin fuck goats?”
Censorship is at it again. What bullshit. Why are my comments awaiting moderation?
Does you God hate “faggots” and “cunts” like you do?
I didn’t know your mother was a goat.
Censorship is a great thing it gives you a one sided conversation. This place blows Marvin stamn
Darryl and Goldy 69 each other last night…fuckers.
Nazi Censors. Await this, this is going to be war.
@57 “This demeans all women.”
No, it only demeans ugly Republican women.
So, Marvin, why do you fuck goats?
Goldy is a Kike. Darryl must be one too, if not he sucks Jew Dick.
Good point.
After all, you have to be smart like steve to write-
Steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
And to make it clear that you were trying to belittle me requires even more smarts on your part.
Yup steve, you’re the smart one. Say, since your words match those of manotruth I guess that makes you as smart as he is.
@60 Republicans are not victims (even though they believe they are). But the goats are victims.
Like I said, I didn’t know your mother was a goat.
Which explains your obsession with goat fucking.
this thread is so queer, its gonna needs an AIDS cocktail(paid for by heterosexuals btw) to keep limping along…. zing!
Censors….what a great blog, censor….you pussies are afraid of me….you got a bunch of bigots on here that you enable. You never correct them, you just let them spew it out like Hitler. Go fuck yourselves. I hope you have to read everyone of these comments.
Kikes Suck.
Goldy you blow. Of all people, I would have never thought that you would sensor shit, you suck.
no comment on this thread
@62 “He gets it.”
Of course I get that “maggie” extrapolated an unflattering comment about ugly Republican women whose men fuck goats to all women.
In other words, “maggie” is a lying wingnut troll who misrepresents what other posters say.
Yes, I do get that.
#82 is a great post, seems like real intelligent people hang around here, plus they are copy cats, where do you think they came up with that one, from me.
Without me, this blog will be a piece of shit.
Goldy is really a homo. You fudge packer.
@63 Yes, God loves animals, even when they’ve been soiled by filty human perverts who fuck goats instead of ugly Republican women.
you cocksuckers are probably blow each other now.
@74 “ugly Republican women”
Take Roger’s post as an example. While at first glance it might appear to veer off from the topic of “Why does Marvin fuck goats?”, I consider that post to be quite on the mark as it just might serve to explain why Marvin keeps fucking that poor, hapless goat.
ught ohh. Roger Rabbit is repeating himself with the ugly Republican Woman comments…..let’s delete his comments….nah, they are harmless unlike the Power of Gman…you fuckers suck.
@68 “This is an Open Thread.”
Not really. Gman gets deleted even from Open Threads. That’s because he strays off topic. He keeps talking about “heterosexuals” when the topic is Marvin’s strange penchant for fucking goats.
Goldy is a woman. Did you douche your vagina this morning Goldy, or does Darryl do that for you?
@76 Damn, that just might be the most spot-on post I ever delivered here.
There he is Marv – get ‘im!
Got a lot more links of his homophobia is you need them.
That certainly is the most mean-spirited, inhuman, disgustingly over the top comments I have read in a long time. Even in this cesspool.
You are a disgrace.
Anyway, the Republican readers of this blog are bored by heterosexual sex. They want to read about horses and goats, to get them through the week until they can make it down to Enumclaw.
I know you are fucking with me….remember your own words….what comes around goes around you faggot.
@82..rosie odonnell, cindy sheeha and oprah fatfrey are good looking? fucking barf!
@86…..hates being employed.
@87….awwww, you can dish it out but cant take it, eh?
too bad.
Goldy thinks that the idiots on this blog post real meaningful shit on the non open threads, but he is wrong…your blog is got nothing but a bunch of morons on here…I hope you are the one laughing and making money, because if you are not, this Blog is worhtless piece of shit. Give it up, you are wasting you time.
@76 I’m with you, Marvin. It doesn’t take a genius to write like that. Given facts like these, almost anyone can write them up. This is one of those stories that tells itself, and doesn’t require an exceptional writer.
ylb suffers from jobophobia…which is closely related to workophobia, employophobia, and manophobia….damn good thing that his wife wears the pants in the family, or they would be living in the back of a ’76 dodge van off Dearborne street.
I mean, how many times in a writer’s life does a worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit come along? That’s like finding gold at Sutter’s mill.
You promote bigotry you stupid fuck. oh but that is free speach something you know nothing about, you lazy piece of shit, get a job
I could do this all day, I hope you moderate comments on automation, because if not, the person hitting the delete key is going to get awfully tired, the pussy that they are.
Is Marvin really saying that he fucks that poor goat because he thinks it’s my long dead mother?
I’ve gotta ask, is that goat of yours dead or alive, Marvin? Because if you’re fucking a dead goat then you’re even more fucked up than I had originally thought.
look at all the bigots on this blog…you mine as well oppose gay rights, you are a hypocrite. Goldy is a hyopocrite. and afraid of anyone posting comments on here that have some impact.
Point out where i have said anything even remotely that disgustingly inhuman. You have just made funy-fun-fun (for you) of a group of seriously, often fatally, ill people.
Point out where ANY other poster here has done same.
Again: You are a disgrace. Even for here.
Goldy is a bigot,in denial. Go murder more jews you fuck. Darryl is the pimple on Goldy’s ass.
87 – X’ad you’re making too much sense for the insane, homophobic right wingers who are drawn here.
It just bounces off their pin heads.
Daryyl since you are the pimple on Goldy’s ass and being so close to Goldy’s asshole, how does he smell.
“That’s what she said” has some first-rate bashing there, too. You should read his/hers, as well.
@94….uh oh, you said cunt and bitch and faggot..now YLB is call you a woman hater and a homophobe!!! HAHAHHAAHAHAHH
@96 “You are a disgrace. Even for here.”
You need to have very limited expectations of these trolls if you hope to keep your breakfast down.
cocksuckers I’ll be back…I have a ton of more shit to add. Like Goldy smokes African elephant dick.
calling someone a socialist is far more insulting than calling them a homophobe….
keep ’em rolling boys!
Hey, I want everyone to read my latest KATHY LAMBERT bash! It’s #71 in the “Nonpartisan, My Ass” thread. I posted it only a few minutes ago, so you probably haven’t seen it.
Dead goats. That’s sick.
@113 “I could do this all day”
Obviously you’re a Republican who doesn’t work hard, in fact doesn’t work at all, because you have endless time on your hands.
@120 is supposed to follow @125. They’re out of sequence because I initally posted @125 in the wrong thread.
The evidence that you at the very least disdain gay people is quite strong. Care to share with us your position on R-71? I voted to approve it myself.
On another occasion you ordered a “bitch” to STFU. So a dysfunctional attitude towards women is apparent as well.
You’re really distinguishing the right wing very well by your commentary here.
@127….you must be referring to YLB!
Damn, the numbering in this thread went to hell.
@129..wrong again jobless wonder: The “bitch” I was referring to was YOU….are you a woman? NOPE! although an argument COULD be made that you arent a man since you have no balls, obviously dont wear the pants in your family, and are clearly a pussy.
your kids must be so damn proud of dad….
@130 I’m referring to whoever posted #113.
get a job biznatch!
@129 “You’re really distinguishing the right wing very well by your commentary here.”
What we’re actually doing is mocking wingers by behaving like them.
Puddy busy working on a work DB so Puddy was gone for a while.
ylb arschloch, you are tooo damnnn funnny with your rants. Get a job.
This was funny…
One wonders how many other “bitches” this particular right winger has ordered to “STFU”.
Thank you again for distinguishing for all the lurkers out there what the right wing is all about.
@134 Why would anyone want a job? Wages are taxed 3 times higher than capital gains and dividends. A worker gets 1/1000th the personal exemption given to heirs. The rich can deduct private jets and yachts, hunting lodges, and expensive meals in fancy restaurants as “business expenses” but a worker can’t even deduct his bus fare to work. You don’t get money in this country by working for it. You get money by owning stuff. Workers are underpaid, overtaxed, mistreated, and disrespected. So why would anyone work? I wouldn’t take a job if you gave it to me.
ylb arschloch’s father is a Republican and ylb arschloch feels his son will be one too. Looks like the stupid gene was passed to ylb arschloch. It explains his lack of job mojo!
The best one was-
Steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
This is the post when you were the most authentic and real.
wonders just who is hacking this site….
Seems to be a nonpartisan dominant gene on this whole damn drainage field.
@137…actually none, accept YOU.
how does your wife feel about having to support your entire brood while you fart around all day long doing nadda…
Geez, Marvin, the wingnuts here are ragging on about cunts and faggots. And what do you do about it? Do you deliver a smackdown? Naaaah. You leave us to fuck that poor, hapless, possibly dead goat of yours again.
This interesting. I went to look this one up. The urban dictionary says it is an anachronistic slang term for “bitch” that dates to the early nineties.
If I had to guess our homophobic friend was in a predominantly white suburban high school in the mid nineties listening to gangster rap music trying to be “cool”, in tune with the times, down with what’s happenin’ in “the ‘hood”, whatever…
He was probably listening to right wing hate talk radio and/or Tom Leykis in those days too.
So that makes our screwed up new right wing friend about 29, 35 years old tops?
How’d I do?
@145…you actually had to look that up? HHAHAHHHHHH
@oh….and you completely missed on the age deal….nice try ylb!
Oh, you’re done fucking the goat already? That was quick.
You brainless goatfucker, I said that was my best post. Fuck, you’re stupid. Of course, you did once write that all that goatfucking you’ve done has dumbed you down.
YLB: HA’s very own undereducated, unemployed(and not looking) bisexual.
I would shoot myself if I fit any of those three descriptions.
need a bullet?
Considering the way you throw the “cunt” word around, I’m not surprised that fucking goats and your mom is so linked in your mind.
I’m sure you understand that people that have issues with “cunts” start early in life from mother issues.
You’ve mentioned in a post about year ago that you never forgave your mom for forcing you to live in poor black neighborhoods as a child. Which explains why you picked a place to work that won’t even hire a black janitor.
What else haven’t you forgiven mommy for? Maybe the way she looked the other way when your uncle was touching you? Which would explain your issues with “faggots.”
Heh.. Thanks for playing..
LMFAO @ gangster rap….hahahhahhahah -not really, but I do remember seeing Nirvana at a house party before their first album was released….
just sayin…
Like they say, “imitation is the highest form of flattery.”
Say, would you mock a rapist by raping someone?
You must be Richard Lee then..
I think I’ll call you that from now on. That nutcase always struck me as a bit right wing.
Had nothing to do with Steve, who will use whatever he uses.
while I am in agreement with much of Steve’s philosophy, I am not in approval of his imagery.
(But, if the Foo Shits, as Puddy says…)
this was a commentary for Puddy’s edification if he were unaware of the CONVERSATIONAL CONVENTIONS and PROTOCOLS of gay folks AND THEIR FRIENDS, without any any implication for Puddy’s actual attitudes for the above.
Now, you were saying by your silence that you approve of using AIDS victims as the butt of comments by wingers….????
I thought we had a deal.
You punk the bigoted right-wingers and I punk you and the left-wingnut bigots.
After all, how many left-wingnuts have you called out for their bigoted words? ZERO, NADA, ZILCH, NONE
In all honesty, how can you complain about people using the very same language as you? Shouldn’t you be flattered that those right-wingers are imitating you? I know I was flattered when I got you and lee to imitate my “jump steve jump.”
Imitation is the highest form of flattery, you should be flattered that right-wingers are copying you.
You are proud of yourself for using “faggot” and “cunt” as insults aren’t you? Is your Jesus proud of you for using “faggot” and “cunt” as an insult?
You know… You complaining about others using “faggot” and “cunt” is like larry craig complaining about others tapping toes in public bathrooms.
@154…Lee is so far left that he falls off the edge of the planet….nice call on that one ylb.
I wonder if being that age makes him employable?
Something your age prevents?
“You’ve mentioned in a post”
The stupid goatfucker is reduced to making shit up. Hey, Marvin, I once called you a faggot and a cunt and made you cry. That’s a fact. This thread is littered with wingnuts calling people faggots and cunts and you say nothing. Nothing at all. That too, is a fact.
“You know… You complaining about others using “faggot” and “cunt” is like larry craig complaining about others tapping toes in public bathrooms.”
LMFAO…too funny!
Left? Hardly.. Crazy? Absolutely.
and you fit the description.
call me what you want – makes no difference, as I still have a cashola rolling in every week…
Here’s a picture of our homophobic friend:
It’s been entertaining…
“jump steve jump”
Sure thing, goatfucker. LMFAO!!!
Lee really got to you with that “jump Marvin jump” shit of his, didn’t he?
His philosophy of hating gays?
If only he didn’t expose himself and use the “faggot” word.
Say, what was it you said that earned you the name Ku KluX’ad Klan?
Obviously something racist. Again, right in alignment with steve’s philosophy.
Marvin does his toe-tapping in the stalls of Klynical’s barn.
Damn, I didn’t expect steve to look like that.
After seeing his picture, I guess it’s not really all that bad for steve to use that “faggot” word.
Poor Richard being a Nirvana fan.
None of them struck me as being right wing.
After that house party, he must have had to bathe himself in 24/7 KVI hate talk radio.
Must have loved Mike Siegel. What a dumbass that guy was. Oh those were the glory days for the right wing now almost forgotten, sinking into the muck of teabagger, birther and tenther insanity.
What are you talking about???
I was flattered that lee and you were imitating me.
You keep forgetting to answer the question how your God feels about “faggots.”
ylb, you pole-smoking ass invader, shouldnt you be surfing monsterDOTcom? or hell, even craigs list? Maybe Dick’s is hiring! Hell, have you seen some of the rejects working there? Im sure they could find a spot for you….cutting onions or something….
Considering his wife wears the pants in the family, sissy might be more applicable.
Just a reminder, folks, the topic of this thread is “Why does Marvin fuck goats”.
well you could have a point there Marvin…
Marv, I thought you were against this.
Guess not…
Man, you’re one sad right winger.. You bore me..
Again, you were scared to answer questions.
Aren’t you flattered those right-wingers are imitating your homophobic bigotry?
You should be flattered, you made it acceptable to be a bigot on this blog.
No, the folks at Dicks I’ve seen are pretty hard-working and johnny on the spot.
Dicks wouldn’t consider hiring anyone like you. Now BIAW? Yeah, they pride themselves on people like you.
Jump, Marvin, jump!
You hated that, didn’t you? Lee had you jumping all over the fucking cesspool. I’m sure he’ll be glad to know how deep it got under your skin, reducing you to your present state of denial over the whole fucking episode.
ylb…how the hell would you know what “hard working” looks like anyway?
damned lazy ass switch hitting whackamole…
Wingnuts imitate me? You’re such an ignorant sap, Marvin. Get real. Puddy and Klynical were hating on gays, calling them queers and faggots, years before I ever showed up here to talk about your goatfucking ways.
See #156.
On a partisan blog such as this one, it is my job as a troll to expose the bigotry of left-wingnuts.
Maybe you can have your wife write “Im YLB – Im jobless and surf the internet all day” a note saying you are not gay. Of course that makes you look pussywhipped, but that cat’s been out of the bag for a few months now.
Who do you feel would consider hiring someone like you?
Hint- Put in an application there. When you return home, stand in front of the mirror practicing saying with a smile on your face, “would you like fries with that sir.”
Oh, so you were imitating them?
So you’re more of a follower than a leader.
So you’ll say whatever you feel you need to to make friends with the cool kids.
You see, some Republicans do their toe-tapping in toilet room stalls, while others, like Marvin, do their toe-tapping in barn stalls.
@176….you right, they Dick’s would not hire me: I am far too overqualified.
you on the other hand…well they would probably look at you and think “fuck that, this lazy fucker would just slow up food line”.
I get it. You support gay rights but have a problem with anyone you perceive to be a “sissy” or “pussywhipped”..
Wow Marvin you set such a high bar for your right wing community.
Heh.. Oh my there’s my limit.. It’s been entertaining right wing fools. Keep up the great work.
Jealous you didn’t get your toe tapped?
I know your employer doesn’t want blacks working there, how does he feel about gays? Maybe you can do some toe-tapping of your own in the company bathroom.
This just in..
Dede Scozzafava – the choice of Newt Gingrich, Eternal Sun Tan Man Boehner and Mike Steele (before they were against her) has thrown support to the Dem, Bill Owens.
Not that Owens will win. That district has been Republican as long as anyone can remember but it sure is great to see a Republican give the shaft to the right wing teabagger whacko cult.
“20. mark spews:
14 Using Whoopis observation that steel doesn’t melt in fire! Jesus, what must it be like to be a liberal? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA Fuck me to tears.”
See. Facts don’t enetyrate or even INTO your calculations.
I’m sure that if this happened on Climnton’s watch, the steel wouldn’t melt.
Were you born pussywhipped?
Unlike someone being born black or gay, can you change and not be pussywhipped?
That’s the difference between being gay and pussywhipped. One was by birth, one was by choice.
Better get those breakfast dishes washed and put away before your wife gets home. Regarding your french maid halloween costume you’ve been wearing the last 53 months, is that by choice or by order of your wife?
re 77: “Censorship is at it again. What bullshit. Why are my comments awaiting moderation?”
Because you are immoderate.
Cheney and Bush blew up the twin towers. Everyone knows it and have from the start.
LMAO! How much of that comes out in the music Marv?
You arranging stuff for films produced in the San Fernando Valley much?
You must be in high demand!
yes, some of my work has been in adult film genre.
@192 Given the wingnut prediliction for projection, I can only conclude that Marvin dresses his goat in a french maid costume.
At least everyone that believes that never before in the history of man that fire melted steel believes it.
And of course the people that believe obama was born in china also believe it.
You’re in some good company there headless.
Say, have you noticed that the truther movement is pretty white.
YLB’s wife(otherwise known as his sugar momma): YLB, did you look for a job today?”
YLB: Yes babe, I was on the internet ALL DAY looking for work
YLB’s wife: Thats great, can you show me what places you have been in contact with? – surely there must be many since you have been looking on the internet for SO LONG.
YLB:…………….silence…………..uummm………..how was your day hun?
..another day in the life of YLB.
193 – Wow how “conservative” is that? I admire your honesty Marvin.
Imagine that: pussywhipped, sissy, WHACK! WHACK! WHACK!
Set to the right music that can really boost DVD sales.
All the power to ya Marv.. Low taxes and all…
Does fantasizing about my sex life help you perform with your partner?
Kinda sick and twisted on your part.
@198 My, that was weak. Of course, seeing as how you were dumbed down from fucking goats, I shouldn’t expect much out of you.
@81 No, it only demeans ugly Republican women.
No, it demeans all women you sexist blowhard. Trying getting away with comments like yours in a city council meeting or other government venue, or in the workplace and the reaction would be swift. Women – forget their political views – have had to fight language like this for years, whether its on an assembly line or in a corporate boardroom.
You’re sexist and you’re clueless the way you blow this off. That’s obvious.
@194 Probably has his kids film it, then sells it to porn sites.
@200 No, it doesn’t, you rightwing fartblower.
I never called myself a conservative, that’s something you do to make it easier to label and put people into groups. I consider myself much more of a libertarian.
Strange that you consider someone working and legally earning $$ is a republican value.
As a libertarian, I don’t care what kind of kinky sex games you and your wife play.
Yeah, the right music makes the movie. HAHAHAHA
When you were jacking off to porn friday when your wife was at work, did you notice the music? Did the music enhance your pleasure?
Thanks but no thanks. I don’t need your endorsement.
Since you object to low taxes, why don’t you go out and get a job and give the government your whole paycheck. Prove that you are against low taxes.
And again you “forgot” to answer the question.
Does fantasizing about me and goats help you perform with your partner?
@200 “You’re sexist and you’re clueless the way you blow this off. That’s obvious.”
It’s not at all obvious. In fact, it’s too subtle for you. I deliberately mimic the obnoxious trash-talking of wingers to mock them. That’s what this is all about — whatever wingers do, I do it, too. When they stop, I’ll stop. But they have to stop, first because they started it. People like you can have civility from me anytime you want it. All you have to do is stop behaving like Republicans, and I’ll stop behaving like a Republican too.
@200 (continued) I’m a lot of things, but I’m not clueless. I know exactly what I’m doing.
We call it rabbit porn.
@204 “answer the question”
For some odd reason, Marvin refuses to address the topic of this thread, which is, “Why does Marvin fuck goats?”
@200 You are off-topic.
How did that toe-tapping in public bathrooms work out for you.
Did you enjoy it?
And still steve is scared, nothing odd about that.
I like it that you fear answering my questions.
@209 And how did toe-tapping in Klynical’s barn work out for you, Marvin?
@208 re @200: Oh, let her/him/it spew. She/he/it apparently is new here, and this is as good a time as any to get indoctrinated.
Rightwing extremists have attacked our country. They have attacked its Constitution and democratic foundations. They have attacked everything positive that liberalism has built for ordinary American working families (against conservative opposition) over the last 150 years. They have attacked us. We kick back.
That’s the takeaway message here: We kick back. We don’t like conservatives. We don’t like their ideology. We don’t like what they do. They kick us, and expect us to be passive about it. We kick back. We’ll keep on kicking them for as long as they keep kicking America and Americans.
The sooner “maggie” learns that, the better off she’ll be, although she’ll never be “better off” until she stops being a lackey and shill for gutter-crawling and slime-sucking conservative, and comes to her senses and becomes a real American.
@200 No, it doesn’t, you rightwing fartblower.
There you go again, trying to blow it off. I’m a lifelong Dem and political affiliation has nothing to do with it. You’re blatantly sexist and rather than deal with it honestly you’re hiding behind partisan banter.
You wouldn’t pull this in a public forum where you actually had to deal with the backlash. Pry yourself from your seat and try using your language in front of a Democratic woman’s org and see how far you get. What a chump.
Hiding behind HA is easy.
Apparently Marvin is too scared to address the topic of this post, which is, “Why does Marvin fuck goats?” Why does he fear answering this question?
@209 “How did that toe-tapping in public bathrooms work out for you.”
“Did you enjoy it?”
Let me explain. When I got to the airport, I went to the men’s room marked “Republicans” and entered a stall. I waited until a Republican came in and sat down in the stall next to me. Then I started tapping my toes. When he stuck his erect dick through the glory hole, I slammed it with the small sledgehammer I carry in my flight bag. The next thing you hear is a howl like a wolf on a spit over a campfire and the crash of breaking class. He went clean through the window and two stories down into the dumpster. Then the truck came and emptied the dumpster and carried him off to the landfill. Scratch another Republican pervert! And, yes, I enjoyed every minute of it.
correction: glass not class
That’s called “entrapment.” When the police do it, it’s illegal; but when I do it, it’s recreation, because I’m not the police. I’m a vigilante.
Never done the toe-tapping thing.
Never been to Cynical barn.
Never met Cynical.
Marvin has a very unhealthy fixation other people’s sex lives…..leading to the inescapable conclusion that he’s never HAD one of his own. And a very good thing, too.
Can you imagine a gaggle of marvininoes scurrying about?
QUICK! Get the scissors!
I’m sure if the rabbit wasn’t hiding behind a fake name he would act much better.
It’s easy to act like the rabbit if he can get away with it.
Just like I’m sure if the blog bigot steve was posting under his real name he never would have used all those bigoted words.
Basically I’m saying, the rabbit and steve are cowards and will say anything as long as they can stay hidden.
@219 “Can you imagine”
You can relax. As much as Marvin tries, a union between Marvin and the goat will not produce little Marvin-goats.
203 – Hey I was commending you on your honesty. What do I get for it?
So you’re a losertarian! (Michael Medved’s word, not mine.)
C’mon Marv. The porn industry has gotten in trouble on a number of occasions employing underage performers.
Hope your music isn’t on any of those movies! Then it’s ACORN time for Marvin!
The music makes the movie!
As said by someone talking about the sex life of someone else.
Haven’t I pointed out numerous times in the past how obsessed with me you are.
Hell, even LeftFoot made the comment I should be flattered that you wanted to refer to male sexual organs as Marvins.
If there’s ever a goat-human hybrid, I’m pretty sure it’ll be called a “Marvin”.
Considering you’ve never commended me for honesty before you have to admit it was out of the blue.
Thanks to the reps and dems rigging the system, a third party will never be a viable option in this country.
They call those the gerry studds videos. You know gerry studds? And no, it’s not a porn name. It’s the name of a democrat that had sex with an underage boy and democrat voters kept electing him to office. I guess those are your kind of democrats.
I thought you approved of acorn help pimp underage girls into prostitution. Are you only in favor of pimping young children if the pimps are democrats?
For real movies, YES. for porn, NO.
Poor pissy little Marvie
has NO original thoughts and must always rely on used comments (and probably used condoms….the goats should object) to try to authenticate himself.
Complains about other people hiding behind names as though he were the REAL Marvin S.
Or even a real person.
Or even a real fragment of a person.
Instead, we have here an imitation asshole.
Maybe made of rayon.
Probably produces a lot of disgusting noises.
OTHER than Marvie’s “music”
Then again, maybe he needs the goats to keep up his embrasure. Unless they’re female goats, of course, but I doubt that.
Wow, 3 messages in a row talking about me.
You mean embouchure. This is the second time I’ve had to correct you.
And how to you believe a goat would help my “embrasure?”
The fool @187 ylb arschloch is cruising Daily Kos again…
The Watertown link is direct from the ylb arschloch’s kook-aid site.
What a limp bizkit!
Do you think Dede Scozzafava with her and her husband’s well known ACORN ties would back the conservative Hoffman ylb arschloch?
What a loon!
Usually it’s the Puddybitch that is the proximate cause off the 200-plus comment threads.
This time it’s the soft target known as the marvin.
Don’t you guys know better than to engage a battle of wits with an unarmed man? Isn’t there some kind of blogger Geneva Convention (not that those guys wouldd honor it aayway).
I’ll give “marvie-poo the puddybitch’s cabana boy” this much though…he’s a game little cock.
I prefer answering for myself, thank you.
You do know abot Jesus, don’t you? Do you suppose he died a virgin? What motivated me to have Paul say Jesus changed the law?
For those who doubt that I am God, WATCH THE ELECTIONS TUESDAY NIGHT.
My will be done.
I know what “embouchure” is dodo, you’re not correcting anything. Embrasure is the gap between your teeth. It’s a PUN. Relating to the GOAT SEX. Are you a TOTAL IDIOT????
never mind. A rhetorical question.
get an adult to explain it to you.
The dumb cinder block arrived.
Notice the vacuous posting.
The insipid commentary.
The mundane sentence structure.
The idiotic attack.
The moron discussion.
The gay sexual innuendo. Not anything new on rujax’s thought processes.
And the band played on… He’s a ball of confusion…
What do you get when you cross a Marvie with a goat?
ButtPutty, and lots of it.
What do you get when you cross a Mr Cynical with a sheep?
More ButtPutty, and lots of it.
Gap between my teeth?
Good one.
I guess you’ve seen my picture or is this another example of a bitter hateful little spinster of a woman trying her hardest to make herself feel good.
Say, did you know that michelle malkin is from the philippines? Like the liberals ask her, can you do the ping pong ball trick?
Eschaton this place is not.
“Jump Marvin jump”
I never gave Lee the credit he deserved for pushing Marvin’s button with that one. However, the spin Marvin tried to put on that “jump” thing earlier in this thread was just too fucking revealing.
Sigh! Better late than never. Well done, Lee.
You want to go with me Sweetie? There are some amazing things there to show you. I don’t know how I can leave you behind, I will miss you so much! With you along I can do a whole exhibition! And you can demonstrate how you blow!
@213 “You wouldn’t pull this in a public forum where you actually had to deal with the backlash.”
I just did.
“I’m a lifelong Dem and political affiliation has nothing to do with it.”
I’ll need to see some ID because we have a lot of wingnut trolls pretending to be Democrats here.
“try using your language in front of a Democratic woman’s org and see how far you get”
I’m a Democratic party hack, and I’m very popular in Democratic circles. If you’re not a wingnut troll, then you’re some sort of outlier, because bashing Republicans is what we do on this blog. All women are not equal. If you ever meet a Republican woman, you’ll know what I mean. I protect and defend women who deserve to be protected and defended. It’s not my fault ugly Republican women hook up with perverts who fuck goats. That’s their personal problem.
Another imitator.
Thanks for the props.
@232 I’m glad to see you goofs throwing away another safe Republican seat. Don’t let us stop you!
Malkin can do this thing with two cantelope and a watermelon that will expand your view of what’s humanly possible. heh- Puddy’s mama taught it to her.
@246 There’s an example of what I mean by ugly Republican women, except Malkin fucks watermelons instead of perverts who fuck goats.
@244 Don’t bother. You’ve already revealed enough.
I hear Mike Steele thinks ACORN does decent work and said he’d take Bertha Lewis at her word.
Again Stupes, got anything left in the tank for “the cow on the tracks”?
Shows a moderate Republican shafting you batshit-insane tea-bagging cultists!
The way you’re going you freaks don’t have a prayer!
Speaking of revealing too much-
Did your mommy let one of her “dates” touch you when you were a little boy?
Is that what caused your homophobic bigotry?
Steve: “You goatfucking faggot cunt”
Marvin: “Hey, I’m not a faggot cunt!”
Yeah, Marvin, really fucking revealing.
Any arrests? Indictments?
All I’ve seen is heavily edited tapes from right wing hustlers. All to save the taxpayer 3.5 million dollars.
Obviously the right wing is completely oblivious to Iraq War military contractor abuse in the BILLIONS of dollars.
And I’ve seen Mike Steele saying he takes Bertha Lewis “at her word” that she’s fixing the problems at ACORN.
Just looks like another right wing scream fest to me.
How much sex slavery went on in this country when the right wing controlled a majority of State Houses, Governorships, Congress and the White House? Your faux outrage is misplaced.
Bottom line: ACORN will still sign up poor people to vote in future elections cycles – indefinitely. That’s what all the right wing hysteria is really about.
@250 Perhaps decent, America-loving conservatives should start their own party and leave the soiled Republican brand to the goatfuckers.
Using your logic, you are a homophobic racist.
Which would explain why you work at a no-blacks allowed job.
What kind of white man would choose to work at a place where they won’t employ black people, not even as a janitor?
If you count the number of emails that were senselessly deleted by the two fucks at the head of this class, then the thread count would be in in the 300’s.
If you include this one, then 307.
what the fuck is awaiting moderation mean? Who is the idiot moderating? Come on, what is that you are so afraid of me saying that you have to moderate my comments? let them post then if you don’t like them you can delete them, let everyone see how many times you delete my comments you pig fuckers.
You people are Stalinists. Go fuck yourself. Plain and Simple.
Why are you parroting what the right wing said about mark foley?
That’s a curious number Marv. I believe that only goes back to the Governor’s election contest – the first big victory we celebrated here at HA.org – the first of Dino Rossi’s two major defeats.
I actually started commenting here in December of 2004.
Just to set the record straight.
really Gman, but they don’t like me posting as Gman, something about the name. So Blow Me is Gman.
Say, Marvin, @251 you equate pedophilia with homosexuality like they’re one and the same. What’s up with that?
@168…I dont judge music by the politics of the artist…I like it if it sounds good..period – you jobless freak.
I dont do talk radio, left or right, other than a little bit of Dori Monson every now and then.
I have better shit to do – like earn a fucking paycheck – something you dont know much about.
256 – Mark Foley was caught being a hypocrite as was Larry Craig.
Even if Foley was an out homosexual, he shouldn’t have been cruising and grooming young male pages till they turned legal. Ugly, selfish behavior and a breach of trust with those kids’ parents.
Sorry, there’s no rehabing Foley Marv.
Thought For The Day
“Modesty in private life is attractive, but in public life it is essential, especially now, when those who immodestly claimed to Know It All have Wiped Us Out. The problems we face are too fierce to accommodate arrogance.
“Humility leaves room for complexity, honors honest dissent, welcomes the outlandish idea that sweeps past ideology and feeds invention.
“We want to reimagine the health-care system, confront climate change, save our kids from a financial avalanche? The odds are much better if we come to the table assuming we don’t already have all the answers.” — Time Magazine
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is why GOP arrogance is so destructive and must be stamped out.
looks like maggie just owned the little rabbit’s ass today….
exposed him for what he is…
@243 I protect and defend women who deserve to be protected and defended.
Give women a break, Lancelot. More sexism – they don’t need your “protection.” You’re an old-fashion sexist trapped in thinking that goes back decades. Your language betrays you time and again. We use to see this a lot in the legal community in years past but less so today. Your wife – appropriately named “Mrs Rabbit” in your dated world – may defer to this treatment, but not women who have spent years fighting discrimination and knocking down barriers to get ahead.
Again, you try this language in a public venue and see how far you get. You’d have your head handed to you. Talk’s cheap when you can hide on HA.
You’re just another in-denial sexist, this time wearing a Dem label.
The number meant nothing.
Monson – voice of the diminished, ugly, angry and mostly white, middle-aged male.
And a few angry white females as well.
looks like another day of YLBeotch being on the internet ALL DAY LONG – and not participating in his family duties….
what a fucking loser you are ylb….
YLB, you do realize, that many people on this board who are democrat or left of center think you are a pathetic piece of shit – you do realize this dont you?……dont you?
Uhhh.. yea sure.. anything you say homophobe.
Hey did you vote for David Irons Jr?
That physical and verbal woman abuser? and let’s not forget..
Very right wing to boot.
That’s pretty fucking revealing.
Your mom’s “date” touches you and you start talking about pedophilla.
Strange that democrat voters didn’t believe that gerry studds having sex with underage boys was a problem at all when they reelected him.
Did you notice that opinions regarding polanski raping a 14 year old girl was along party lines? Dems had no problem, reps did.
I’m sire you know that NAMBLA has support form some in the democrat party, none in the rep party. I wonder why.
I’m for anyone thinking whatever they please.
The only one attacking me right now is you and some of your right wing fellow travellers. So I counterpunch.
Yawwwwnnn.. And it’s getting a little boring. I’m taking a break.
@265..you forgot: EMPLOYED in that description…
those of use that earn are tired of carrying people like you on our backs. you can starve or all I care – as long as it lowers my taxes.
there are plenty of people out there who have lost their jobs and are looking hard for work – and douchebags like yourself who fuck off all day and collect money from the state give them a bad reputation.
hear this YLB: you are a piece of lazy garbage – and your wife and kids know it.
have a nice day….nice role model you are, dad.
You people are douche bags, or should I say Darryl. Darryl you fucking cock sucker, why are you guys deleting my comments? you poeple are assholes and censors.
269 – NAMBLA has no support in the Democratic Party. I’m pretty sure of that.
I don’t know what the “Democrat Party” is. Some creature of Karl Rove’s I believe.
And of course, his sycophantic fellow travelers.
Don’t know much about Gerry Studds’ case. I believe his dalliance was with one person. Not serially as was the case with Foley.
@270…LMFAO @ “counterpunch”….hahahaha – I dont think I have much to worry about from a limp dicked lazy ass limpwristed twit like yourself….take your buck 30 and size 8 1/2’s and run along…
way to go maggie, not just sexist people here, bunch of bigots.
ok, guys you win, I am removing HA from my Bookmarks, never coming back here as Gman, but will make attempts to revenge myself under different names, so the new game is on.
Democrats love high taxes so much they go to other countries to belittle them into raising taxes.
“The percentage of taxes on GDP (in Pakistan) is among the lowest in the world… We (the United States) tax everything that moves and doesn’t move, and that’s not what we see in Pakistan,” she said.
Isn’t hillary just the greatest person to represent america.
@268 You’re so pathetic when you make shit up.
@274…pushin’ that socialist agenda: reward the lazy and punish those who try and excel and get a step up on everyone else…
perfect for someone like ylb…
Polanski’s case went through the courts, the facts were examined, etc.
The Judge and probation officer were of the opinion that Polanski wasn’t a sex predator or anything like that.
Drugs and alcohol were involved and things got out of hand. Mistakes were made.
He said some stupid things afterward that are probably inexcusable but should he go to jail for that?
The girl is grown up, is a Mom with three kids and says Polanski should be left alone.
But we’re uptight in this country about sexual matters and just can’t let it go.
You’re spending an awful lot of time here being a mini-Monson.
I’d worry about that. Big time.
kevin jennings
Curley v. NAMBLA
Pelosi asked foley give back all donations because of him talking to young boys. Do you believe that when the aclu defended nambla members that killed a boy that wasn’t interested in being raped do you think pelosi asked all those that got donations from the aclu to return them? Why do you believe the double standard? Why do democrats support an organization that defends nambla members?
@277….She was a 14 year old girl that he drugged and raped…why do you leftnuts have such a hard time with punishing that.
I will go one step further: ANY motherfucker who molests children(including the pile of crap Polanski) should be executed.
NO mercy for child molesters – period, end of story, no excuses.
Would you feel that we should just “let it go” if it was YOUR 14 year old kid?
someone needs to hire a hit squad and put polanski 6′ under the ground.
That’s the biggest projector I have ever seen outside of an IMAX theatre.
@270 heh- A wingnut speaking for the left. Just more shit pulled from a wingnut ass.
YLB seems to support NAMBLA and Polanski…what a sick fuck he is…should have his kids taken away for their own protection…
@278…worry about what? you going to do something about it, mary?
and your right YLB, many are “uptight” about the rape of children.
apparently you are A-OK with child rape. you sick fuck. where is CPS when you need them…
YLB doesnt mind child rape, but is just fine with queer marriage….wow…..how would you like to be one if his kids?
279 – You got the facts all screwed up as usual. We’ve gone over this many times here. The ACLU was just defending NAMBLA from being sued for something they nothing to do with. I don’t what rape fantasy you’re referring to. It’s nothing I’ve ever heard of.
The ACLU has defended has defended the civil rights of many objectionable groups. It doesn’t mean they believe what those groups espouse.
Any American citizen has certain rights. Why are you so against that?
THERE’S NO EVIDENCE that Kevin Jennings supports any goals of NAMBLA. Unless you consider guilt by association evidence or any nonsense Sean Inanity spews.
What kind of a country do we live in when a 40 year old man man can’t use drugs & alcohol on a 14 year old girl for sex.
Strange, in #260 you said “Sorry, there’s no rehabing Foley Marv” yet when it comes to a non-republican you talk about america being uptight about sex.
Why the double standard?
If it’s okay for polanksi to rape a 14 year old, what is wrong with foley talking to 17 year olds?
If your daughter was raped by a 40 year old, would you be uptight about it?
Well, back it up, Marvin. Let’s start with racism. Post my racist comments a thousand times. That ought to be easy.
Puddybud dressed as Joe the Plumber last night.
286 – Again, all the facts were examined by the courts and they were all for Polanski being left alone, at least at one time. The girl herself thinks Polanski should be left alone. Polanski has not repeat offended. He’s just not what angry right wingers say he is in their fantasies.
You know – the Dori Monson types..
The girl was sexually active at 12!
284 – You’re only hurting yourself if you want to be like Dori Monson. If that’s who you want be like, be my guest. Just try not to hurt anybody besides yourself.
283 – Nope. Don’t support NAMBLA but I support civil rights.
Republicans all upset about pedophilia. Here, you freaks, get a load of this
So you want me to post your racist comments a thousand times like I’ve posted your homophobic comments a thousand times?
Does that mean you know that I’ve already proven you to be a homophobic bigot and you want to move on? Be careful what you ask for.
And yes you’re right, it is easy to prove you’re a bigot.
@291…so if a girl is sexually active at 12, then its OK to rape her at 14, according to YLB.
and no, the courts were not for “leaving him alone”, which is why he ran like a scared little bitch from the country.
I will say it again, someone needs to hire a hit squad and do society a favor.
and raping little boys is NOT a civil right, you twisted little bastard…it needs to be answered with a rope or a firing squad.
Uhm,, you want Marvie to BACK SOMETHING UP?????
Or, you want Marvie to BACK UP TO SOME(ONE)????
The only thing you can prove is that I called him a goatfucking faggot cunt.
Speaking of Republican pedophiles, I bet those who like to wear animal costumes got their freak on last night.
You weren’t the judge/jury so I can’t blame the decision on you. Now IF you were the judge, would you have been as lenient on polanski if it was your daughter he raped?
As long as some drugged/drunk 14 year old says he should be left alone, we shouldn’t care.
Say, did any of those boys foley talked to have any problems with foley? Why aren’t you giving foley the same love you give polanski?
That we know of.
In that case, the whore deserved to get raped, right? Just like all the rapists that said the woman dressed sexy and deserved to be raped.
So you supported mark foley? After all, there were no charges filed. If he did nothing illegal, why are you for him losing his job?
Republican pedos wearing animal costumes. I bet they got all freaky last night.
I wonder how long until you have some little gay innuendo to say.
We note the content here.
Reminds Us of Sodom and Gomorrah,especially then part about misusing Our name, false witness, and accusing each other.
By the way, of any of you are truly religious, We are pleased to answer questions here with the understanding that My Word, when written, is final.
Goldy can serve like the brother of Moses, as the conveyor of my words.
In the meantime, the hatred I hear here does not please me.
I knew I could count on you.
Calling a self-loathing wingnut, you, a slur is all you’ve got? Surely, you have more than that. Let’s hope you can do better with your accusations of racism.
A real perv offends multiple times. Polanski’s probation officer who I assume was familiar with that kind of behavior did not believe Polanski’s case should be pursued further. Has Polanski sinned again? Not to my knowledge. He said something pretty stupid but he’s never to knowledge re-offended.
People make mistakes when drugs and alcohol are involved. The girl used drugs and alcohol and was sexually active before she had anything to do with Polanski.
AGAIN, for the millionth time, the girl, now a grown up middle-aged woman with kids thinks Polanski should be left alone.
Rehabbing politically. Foley was a serial cruiser of young males, congressional pages in particular. That betrayed the parents’ trust and made him out to be yet another right wing “family values” hypocrite.
EVEN if he was OUT, he should have stayed away from Congressional Pages!
RAPE is NOT OK, fool! But sometimes people make mistakes and judges should have the flexibility to call a mistake a mistake which the facts of the case says it was! You right wing freaks on the other hand are for knee jerk punishment of things you see misrepresented in the right wing media.
My daughter would not be using alcohol and Quaalude like that girl was way before she met the 40 year old, not be sexually active at 12 and if the forty year old guy was screen testing her, I’d be in the same room.
Where was the stage mother of that girl?
Pissy little Marvy, I don’t know how I can ever show my appreciation for the mileage I’m going to get out of displaying your posts to my friends in SE Asia. I’ll be able to show them what US Conservatives are really like.
They have no idea.
How is your fixation on my sex life working for you sugarpie?
notice how YLB puts all the blame on a 14 YEAR OLD GIRL, rather than the 40 year old pervert.
life for children must be real interesting in the YLB house…
@300 Dear God, I’m sorry I called Marvin a faggot. Now will you please save that poor, hapless goat before more harm comes to him? And I want new golf clubs for Christmas! Oh, wait, that last one’s meant for the other white bearded guy. My bad.
So you calling people a “faggot” is not wrong but when manotruth does the same it is wrong?
And if using a slur isn’t wrong, why do you keep whining about right-wingers using the same language you did. Why are you a hypocrite?
Wait a minute, those right wingers didn’t go so far as to write-
Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you
You made it clear you were trying to belittle me me by calling me a faggot. Which prompts the question, what kind of person believes it would be an insult to be gay. Well, except for a homophobic bigot like you steve.
I can’t imagine a life like yours with no black friends and no gay friends. Must be very fucking white.
About their masturbation habits? Yeah that’s appropriate kind of behavior between a 50-ish guy in a position of power and a young kid whose job it is to be at his beck and call.
And when the kid becomes of age? Time for the sack!
Rinse, repeat! What “family values”!
Anyone in their right mind would not send a guy like that to represent them in the Congress.
Which explains why “his” son won’t be following in his footsteps.
Bullshit Of The Day
“The GOP leadership insisted on Sunday political TV talk shows the party is strong and inclusive ….
“‘We accept moderates in our party, and we want moderates in our party. We cover a wide range of Americans,’ said Republican House Leader John Boehner in an interview on CNN ….”
Meanwhile, GOP Assemblywoman Dierdre Scozzafava endorsed the Democratic candidate after being forced out of an upstate New York congressional race by radical rightwing Republicans.
link: http://news.aol.com/article/fu.....385?cid=12
So in your life, a 50 year old talking to 17 year old about sex = bad.
A 40 year old having sex with a 14 year old = good.
And I’m definitely not saying what foley did was right, but your views that talking is worse than raping a 14 year old is beyond disturbing.
@309 “Anyone in their right mind would not send a guy like that to represent them in the Congress.”
True; but a lot of people in this country have lost their minds. Basically everyone who votes Republican. Sane people don’t vote Republican.
Wow! This thread is already up to 315 posts! That’s more than Stefan’s pathetic little also-ran blog gets in 10 years! I wonder if this thread has set an all-time record for HA?
Shit, Marvin you’re all fucked up. Of course, you said you were dumbed down from fucking goats, so no surprise. You might try switching to the racist angle. Of course, then it won’t be all about you and your self-loathing self, which might suck for you.
How about that! The “Why does Marvin fuck goats?” thread went over 300 comments.
God, I HOPE he loathes himself! Every reasonable person in HERE does.
Coming from a bigot like you, I take that as a compliment.
Again you spelled the word wrong.
It’s not loathes, it is loofah.
@259 “you jobless freak”
Notice how the right calls people “freaks” because they worked hard and saved all their lives so they wouldn’t have to work anymore? That’s Republican values for you.
I recall a troll named “maggie” taking me to task about a hundred comments ago for a perceived slight against Republican women.
But I don’t see her taking this troll to task for slamming work and thrift. Sorry maggie, but I’m gonna need to see ID. I can’t take your word for it that you’re a Democrat. You don’t act like one.
@262 “looks like maggie just owned the little rabbit’s ass today….”
To rational people, it looks like maggie got run off this board by Roger Rabbit today. That’s not surprising, though. Happens all the time here. That wingnut chickenshit John McDonald lasted only 2 weeks before he went crawling back to Sucky Politics.
@263 “You’d have your head handed to you.”
See you at DL this Tuesday night. If you have the skirts to show up, that is.
@321….you missed it again you old fart….thanks for playing though.
if you cant keep up on the conversation, then just sit back and dont butt in.
The Judge was going to put Polanski in jail and then after serving some time, deport him. Polanski didn’t want to face undeterminate jail time so he deported himself. Again, the judgment of the probation officer and the psychiatrist was that Polanski did not deserve a harsh sentence.
If it was my kid, yeah I’d be pissed. But no 14 year old kid of mine is going to be left alone with a middle aged guy for a screen test or a photo session or whatever happened in this case.
No you idiot. She’s NOW a middle aged mom with three kids and she’s saying Polanski should be left alone. It was a drug/alcohol fueled encounter that got out of hand. Just like these NFL athletes who started drinking, get pissed off and shoots a family member or someone.
Those kids’ parents entrusted their kids to Foley. Foley betrayed the parents’ trust and made himself out to be a “family values” right wing hypocrite. He didn’t do anything illegal that I know of but he certainly deserved to lose his job.
So what does this mean? That Marvin’s fantasies should rule the day over a guy he doesn’t like?
I don’t recall calling the girl a whore. It sure looks like you are though. Let’s put that stupidity aside. In order to determine rape, you have to have the facts on your side. Since there were no witnesses, all that could be proved was unlawful sexual intercourse which was certainly the case.
This is you saying this nonsense.
Yep. There were no charges I know of filed.
Because he’s a right wing “family values” hypocrite who betrayed the trust parents of Congressional Pages put with him.
Apparently his constituents in Florida agreed with me.
@322…perhaps she has better shit to do than to go back and forth with people like yourself…just a thought: not everyone lives their lives in HA, like yourself and YLBeotch.
she exposed you for what you are – and your response is “show me some ID”…….FAIL.
So you have nothing except my calling you, a self-loathing wingnut, a “faggot”. For which I apologized. That’s all you’ve got? I really do hope you can do better with your accusations of racism.
Big tough guy runs a woman off the board.
Hhmm, didn’t you just prove what she said about you?
there goes YLBeotch, still blaming the 14 year old for being drugged and raped.
good job “dad”.
I would expect you to be an expert on sponging.
Yet with much less proof you insist that right-wingers on this blog are bigots.
Obviously you are forgetting you went out of your way to make sure I knew you were trying to belittle me. After all, in the mind of a bigot like you, being called a “faggot” is one of the worse insults you could imagine. Which is why you used it.
He is talking about ylb.
ylb doesn’t have a job.
He can’t work hard or soft if he doesn’t work.
I guess that passed completely over your head.
No asswipe. I blame the stupid stage mom who lets her daughter be sexually active, use drugs and alcohol and nonchalantly leaves the girl with a middle aged guy who is a little messed up due to his own baggage.
Did you learn how to be so stupid from Dori Monson?
nice try at covering up ylb….you blamed the girl, you dirtbag.
Now the rabbit is acting tough with a woman.
At least he finally found someone he might be able to beat in a fight. Sad he had to pick on a woman, but not all guys are tough enough to challenge a man to a fight.
and notice how YLB now also puts the blame on the mom rather than the guy who actually drugged and raped the girl……good job “dad”….
but polanski is a good little leftist, so it cant be his fault….
ylb and the rabbit turd are peas in a pod…
Sure, self-loather, and when Klynical and Puddy hatefully call gays faggots, they’re really just showing them their love.
So if you were a fair person, shouldn’t you blame the parents of the boys that foley talked to?
After all, foley wasn’t the first government employee to ever take advantage of their position when it comes to interns. Did I mention gerry studds?
334 – You lie Dori-lite.
336 – Now you’re changing your tune. You obviously aren’t a parent and you can’t judge the facts of a situation to save your ugly life.
A proud aspiring tool of the right wing noise machine.
Maggie’s ideology seems to be that you can’t say anything negative about any female, because doing so is a slam on all women. She even thinks a man who “defends and protects” women is “sexist.”
I suspect that attitude wouldn’t last very long if, say, she were captured by Vikings; but let’s skip over that.
Hey Maggie — I think Aileen Wournos was a real shit. Do you have a problem with that?
Hey Maggie — I think Irma Grese was a real shit, too. Do you have a problem with that?
Hey Maggie — I think Herta Oberheuser was an even bigger shit! Do you have a problem with that?
Oberheauser was a medical doctor. She worked for the Nazis at Ravensbruck for 3 years. She “killed healthy children with oil and evipan injections, then removed their limbs and vital organs. The time from the injection to death was between three and five minutes, with the person being fully conscious until the last moment. She performed some of the most gruesome and painful medical experiments, focusing on deliberately inflicting wounds on the subjects … [she] rubbed foreign objects, such as wood, rusty nails, slivers of glass, dirt, or sawdust into the wounds.” (Source: Wikipedia)
Now let’s see you be an apologist for this scumsucker, maggie. I dare you.
See what I mean? You can’t lump all women together as you’re attempting to do. To paraphrase Martin Luther King, you should judge people by the content of their character, not their gender. I believe you’ll agree there’s a qualitative difference between Irma Grese and Mother Teresa, if you think about it long enough. I think there’s a qualitative difference between Republican women and Democratic women, too. For example, there’s no comparison between Sonia Sotomayor and Orly Taitz, even though they’re both women and they’re both lawyers. See what I mean? Anyone who sees only gender and is blind to everything else is a peawit. What kind of woman puts up with a man who fucks goats?
No! People we send to Congress are supposed to represent us not sexually cruise the kids we send to help them.
If they break that trust, they don’t deserve to be there. We have the option of removing them which Foley’s constituents did. Got a problem with that?
If Studds’ constituents had a problem with his behavior, they had the same option. No objection from me.
Again you’re back to pointing the fingers at others.
If what you said wasn’t bigoted, why are you whining like a bitch about others expressing your views.
Stick to one excuse if you can. When you keep going from “he said it too” to “it wasn’t bigoted” you’re losing the argument again.
Say, why not use this excuse again-
57. Marvin Stamn spews:
It appears I shamed you into doing the right thing.
I don’t blame you for not using the “faggot” and “cunt” words anymore.
05/08/2009 AT 9:27 AM
58. Steve spews:
@57 Yeah, thanks Marvin.
oops, wrong link. Maybe this one.
56. Steve spews:
I had some reservations whether or not I should have called My Favorite Marvin a “worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit” so I conducted a few polls. I asked 43 gay friends about the “faggot” part and 42 responded that not only was it OK given Marvin’s pathological state of self-loathing, seven of them offered a few more slurs. However, one thought it in poor taste and suggested “queer” as it has a broader definition and it would be left to Marvin to interpret the way I used it. I asked 52 women whether or not the “cunt” word was objectionable. No objections from any of them, though most concluded that, from my description of Marvin, that he is a “pussy” rather than a “cunt”. As to the rest, anybody who’s ever seen a pile of dog shit knows that Marvin’s a piece of shit. And it’s common knowledge about Marvin and goats.
So out of respect to the gay friend who took exception, and with a hat tip to women everywhere, I now say that Marvin is a worthless goatfucking and queer piece of shit pussy.
And did I mention the Rasmussen poll? Our president’s approval is skyrocketing, up and up, into the stratosphere! Alas, 27% still strongly disapprove. But we know who they are, don’t we? One of them is a self-loathing, worthless, goatfucking queer piece of shit pussy!
05/08/2009 AT 9:23 AM
At least in that one you pretended to have gay and female friends.
Of course you have no objection.
As long as the adult isn’t a republican.
Democrats get a free pass from you for some reason.
@335 Who said anything about a fight? Leave it to a stupid wingnut to assume everything must be settled with violence. We liberals do it intellectually. But that’s way over your conehead.
@337 I’d be proud to share a pea pod with YLB. I wouldn’t give a weed for you.
@326 “@322…perhaps she has better shit to do than to go back and forth with people like yourself…just a thought: not everyone lives their lives in HA, like yourself and YLBeotch.”
And you, you might have added. You’re just like us.
And no, she apparently doesn’t have better shit to do, because she came back.
You’re so queer, Marvin. Sigh! Such a pussy. Now you’re boring me. Bad thing for a troll to do, you know, to be a bore.
Not that it’s really all that important.
foley resigned.
That’s the difference between the 2 parties. Reps resign when caught. Dems blame others when caught. Remember how hillary said it was a vast right wing conspiracy lying about bill having sex with monica.
@324 What “conversation”? If you think what goes on in this board is “conversation,” you’re even crazier than I thought.
350 comments and still no answer as to “Why does Marvin fuck goats?”.
It’s like this, maggie. We split up along Democrat – Republican lines in this blog, not male – female lines. This is a political blog and what we do here is conduct partisan warfare. If ugly Republican women get caught in the crossfire, tough! War is hell. There’s always innocent casualties in war. That’s the nature of war.
#352 Because no woman will have him, not even an ugly Republican woman.
I post your words punking you.
You whine about it.
Deal with it.
I’ll call your bluff.
If I’m a bore, prove it and ignore me.
“Reps resign when caught.”
And I thank God Vitter resigned. Oh, wait, he didn’t. Sorry, my bad.
Don’t get me wrong. I have sympathy for ugly Republican women. They put up with a lot. Like getting beaten up by their sons.
Shit, Marvin, just tell us why the hell you fuck goats so we can close this thread.
@357 And there’s that wingnut wife who caught her guy fucking the family dog out on the deck. So she calls the cops. Gotta feel some sympathy for her too. Then there’s Marvin’s fiance. Just wait until she finds out that Marvin fucks goats. She’ll be deserving of some sympathy as well.
356 – Larry Craig “resigned” too, IIRC, but then changed his mind and just served out his term.
So what was it like for me to shame you into doing the right thing.
57. Marvin Stamn spews:
It appears I shamed you into doing the right thing.
I don’t blame you for not using the “faggot” and “cunt” words anymore.
05/08/2009 AT 9:27 AM
58. Steve spews:
@57 Yeah, thanks Marvin.
Not only did I punk you into expressing you hate for “faggots,”, I forced you to apologize and then forced you to admit I shamed you into apologizing.
Pretty pathetic on your part that it took me shaming you into doing the right thing.
well, unless she’s a goat of course; you should ask first before posting things that might offend Marvy.
I knew you weren’t capable of ignoring me.
Tell us how it feels to be shamed into doing the right thing.
Why did it take a shaming by me for you to do the right thing. Don’t you have a moral compass to tell you right from wrong?
Try harder to ignore me.
“punking you”
In your desperation, you really do come up with some funny shit. Not that you’d ever get it.
So anyways, you’ve long said that fucking goats has dumbed you down. That, we understand. Now, to close this “Why does Marvin fuck goats?” thread, and before the last of your fucking brain cells fail you, please tell us, why on earth do you fuck goats?
What is it going to take for you to stop thinking and fantasizing about my sex life?
@362 Excellent point, X’ad!
Shit, Marvin, you’re not engaged to that damned goat, are you? Holy fuck!
Still can’t ignore me?
I knew that there wasn’t a chance you could ignore me.
Yes, I punked you.
You admitted I shamed you into doing the right thing and apologize.
57. Marvin Stamn spews:
It appears I shamed you into doing the right thing.
I don’t blame you for not using the “faggot” and “cunt” words anymore.
05/08/2009 AT 9:27 AM
58. Steve spews:
@57 Yeah, thanks Marvin.
Spin it however you want.
You thanked me for shaming you into doing the right thing.
Still can’t ignore someone you call a bore.
You life must really be void of substance if you spend your time thinking and writing about someone you consider a bore.
What should I shame you into next? any ideas?
You saw how easy it was for me to shame you into apologizing. Of course, you did make it easy on me with you being a bigot and all.
Oh yeah, keep talking about goats. That’s all you’ve got. You are a one trick pony, er, one trick goat.
@361 You say goatfucking dumbed you down. I have to agree with you on that one. You’re also more than a bit delusional, I might add, although that may well be a condition that preceded the goatfucking.
Though he says it was goatfucking that dumbed him down, I have to believe that Marvin was pretty fucking stupid before he started fucking goats.
Like I said, a one trick goat.
Keep replying to me steve. I like knowing that I can make you reply over and over and over and over and over to someone you consider a bore.
Truth is, your actions prove I’m not a bore.
@321 I recall a troll named “maggie” taking me to task about a hundred comments ago for a perceived slight against Republican women.
You have a head of granite, don’t you? You objectify and judge women based on their looks, boast about protecting and defending them, and lace your banter with other sexist language . . . and now you’re feeling victimized? What is this, the Michael Hecht defense, deny, deny, deny?
You are absolutely dense about this stuff, aren’t you? If you used the language you used above in the workplace today there would be repercussions. If you used it in a courtroom, the reaction would be immediate.
You’re doing everything to minimize this issue, and you’re hiding behind HA to do it. What a coward.
And still a one trick goat.
And still replying to someone you consider a bore.
Oh, come on, Marvin, just answer the damned fucking question so we can put this thread to rest. Why on earth do you fuck goats?
A woman is calling the rabbit a coward.
I wonder if the rabbit has the guts to face her at DL or will the rabbit pretend to be too sick to leave his hole in the ground.
And still a one trick goat.
And still replying to someone you consider a bore.
60. Steve spews:
@57 Hmm, in light of this comment I should clarify that calling Marvin a goatfucker is not meant to demean goats.
67. Steve spews:
Changing the subject? Perhaps it escaped your attention that the topic of this particular thread is, “Why does Marvin fuck goats?”. In light of this, you should now realize that every post that doesn’t address your goatfucking is off-topic.
69. Steve spews:
Just so we’re clear, the topic of this thread is, “Why does Marvin fuck goats?”
This is the all-time low for any Blog anywhere.
@315 Steve
You presume too much. We are ineffable.
Just to reassure you, Marvin is physically unable to have intercourse with a goat. Beyond that ….
Perhaps the folks posting here need a parable? Our favorite for this moment,
“Lucianus, a Roman soldier entered the pissoir, shortly after Jesus had been there. The Roman lifted his short skirt, freed the breech clout, and peed where the wall was yet wet. Soon the Romans controlled the city, leveled the Temple, but left the pissoir standing as part of their camp.” The site of the pissoir has long been lost to history. It could be anywhere in the old city of Jerusalem.
@386 By the way, God, thank you for all the blessings in my life.
@385 “This is the all-time low for any Blog anywhere.”
My goodness! I feel so flattered. Thank you so very much!
this thread is going for the record
Can I feed the pigeons?
Quotes perverted, as possible, from Marvin
Are you a good christian?
as opposed to ?
Do good christians use “faggot” and “cunt” as insults?
hmm can good christgians be faggots or cunts?
Has being a bigot dumbed you down so much you are unable to answer simple questions?
Please explain … do bigots lose the ability to speak?
When you grow some balls and answer the questions
odd idea about organs of speach?
After all, what kind of a white person gets a job where blacks can’t even get hired as janitors.
wow, profound???
Those who thank Us for their blessings fail to understand the importance of omnipotence.
@389 I’ve got to admit that the whole omnipotence thing is a bit beyond me. Say, speaking of which, who’s gonna win the series? Oh, there I go, tempting you again. Sorry about that, God. I’m certainly glad that you’re so forgiving. I’d be fucked for sure if it weren’t for that.
Oh, and God, when I was a kid and my Mom died and I told you to go fuck yourself? I was just angry and hurt. I’m sure you understand.
Doug Hoffman for Congress
Susan Hutchinson for County Executive
New York’s 23rd Congressional DistrictKing County lies near Canada, far to the north —
but next week’s special election merits attention throughout the state.
That’s because the Republican candidate in that race, Assemblywoman Dede
ScozzafavaSsan Hutchinson, is the product of an obscenely corrupt political bargain by GOP
bosses that sells out their party — and <s?New Yorkers citizens of the County generally.
Because of that, and because so many of her positions ill-serve the
interests of New York the County and the nation, The PostSeattle Times today endorses businessmaN
Doug Hoffman, the non patisaN conservative nominee.
Now, Republicans need not toe the conservative line without any deviation. Moderate GOPers like Rudy Giuliani have managed to stray on some issues
without wholly betraying their party.
But a Republican should adhere to certain minimum GOP principles. Scozzafava
is just too far to the left too often. Hutchinsion is a true Republican in a manner that goes beyond just party name, unlike so called Republicans like McCain, Rpmnaey, and Giuliani. Huutchinson, is true to the party not only in believing in government without taxes and spending but on social matters, like same-sex marriage and abortion. In
Albany, Scozzafava Susan has been such a profligate daugfter can
almost make Speaker Sheldon Silver Sarah Palin blush.
With the backing of the ACORN-allied Working Families Party far right radical tea party, she supports right to life,m right to work, right to war, and opposes Federal aid to Washington state as long as it is run by Democrats.
Hoffman, by contrast, Hutchinson understands the dangers of unchecked spending, monster
deficits and ever-higher taxes — i.e., concerns of average working
Voters in this traditionally GOP district can send a useful message — by
sending Doug Hoffman to Congress.
Vote for Doug He’s. she is like a conservative Supermangirl. In a Clark KentSarah Palin kind of
If we can not fuck ourselves, who will?
As for whether the Yankees will win the series, they have before, many times. That which was, will always be.
Fifty-Two Days
Of course rujax has nuthin to say about Steve and his goat fetish. Look at all these posts from Steve rujax. No rujax retort.
Absolutely nuthin.
Why is that rujax? Not only is rujax an empty suit, but he doesn’t have much in intelligence to debate. It’s all hate, all the time.
Hell, steve along with Ku KluX’ad Klan have a marvin fetish the way they obsess over me.
I am flattered.
Besides for celebrities and famous people, how many people can say they have numerous people they have never even met spend so much of their personal time thinking, feeling and writing about someone them.
You know things are bad in the ultra-liberal state of kalifornia when the liberal la times is saying how life is better in the conservative state of texas.
A few of the highlights…
some states, such as California, offer residents a “package deal” that bundles numerous and ambitious public benefits with the high taxes needed to pay for them. Other states, such as Texas, offer packages combining modest benefits and low taxes.
One way to assess how Americans feel about the different tax and benefit packages the states offer is by examining internal U.S. migration patterns. Between April 1, 2000, and June 30, 2007, an average of 3,247 more people moved out of California than into it every week, according to the Census Bureau. Over the same period, Texas had a net weekly population increase of 1,544 as a result of people moving in from other states. During these years, more generally, 16 of the 17 states with the lowest tax levels had positive “net internal migration,” in the Census Bureau’s language, while 14 of the 17 states with the highest taxes had negative net internal migration.
“Twenty years ago, you could go to Texas, where they had very low taxes, and you would see the difference between there and California. Today, you go to Texas, the roads are no worse, the public schools are not great but are better than or equal to ours, and their universities are good. The bargain between California’s government and the middle class is constantly being renegotiated to the disadvantage of the middle class.”
According to a report issued earlier this year by the consulting firm McKinsey & Co., Texas students “are, on average, one to two years of learning ahead of California students of the same age,” even though per-pupil expenditures on public school students are 12% higher in California. The details of the Census Bureau data show that Texas not only spends its citizens’ dollars more effectively than California but emphasizes priorities that are more broadly beneficial. Per capita spending on transportation was 5.9% lower in California, and highway expenditures in particular were 9.5% lower, a discovery both plausible and infuriating to any Los Angeles commuter losing the will to live while sitting in yet another freeway traffic jam.
In what respects, then, does California “excel”? California’s state and local government employees were the best compensated in America, according to the Census Bureau data for 2006.
California’s public sector has pinned its hopes for avoiding fundamental reform on increased federal aid to replace dollars the state’s fed-up taxpayers refuse to surrender. In other words, residents in the other 49 states — the new 49ers? — would enjoy the privilege of paying California’s taxes. Their one consolation will be not having to endure its lousy public services.
Go ahead and flatter yourself, Marvin, seeing as nobody else will. As you’re an old fashioned troll, starved for attention, I can see why you’re grateful for whatever attention anyone does give you here, even if it’s laughter at your expense. Even someone being cruel seems to fill the emptiness and the void that is the life of a troll. Without such attention, I’m pretty sure you’d perish from spiritual hunger. I’m glad I could lessen your pain. I’m sure God smiles on me for displaying so much compassion and kindness towards such an unfortunate being as yourself.
@395 “Why is that Rujax”
Spoken by a dumb fuck who’s all chummy with racists who hate your so-called peeps for the color of their skin. Deal with your own issues, Puddy. You’ve got a lot of them to work on.
And still a one trick goat.
And still replying to someone you consider a bore.
If the way you treat me is an example of your “compassion and kindness” I know why your mom wanted to die.
As said by the person that was taught by his mommy it is acceptable to call people “faggots” and “cunts.”
Kudos to your mom for raising a bigot. You’ve done your mom and family proud.
397 – That writer works for a right wing nut publication.
No mention of Prop 13 which enabled large landowners like Chevron and Disney to pay absurdly low property taxes which have to be made up for by new homeowners.
Unwind from Prop 13 and you can lower other taxes especially the sales tax.
But that would mean old boy network businesses paying their fair share and you can’t have that.
That article mentioned the “government-industrial complex”. Wow that nearly knocked me off my chair. What a left wing idea! Like that isn’t the case in Texas or any other State.
Obama continues deep slide–
Monday, November 02, 2009
Have fun KLOWNS!
steve has set the world record for disgusting posts in a Thread.
Guess we ought to round ’em up and summarize them for the folks.
My guess is pretty much all of us are disgusted by steve’s perversion and vulgarity.
His excuse is his Mom died when he was young.
If that’s the case, I feel for you steve.
Must have been awful.
But I doubt your Mom would be pleased with this Thread….would she??
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
Got anymore racist jokes to tell us, he of the soiled KLOWN Kostume? Not that they’re funny, they’re not, but they do serve to draw out and display for us the remarkably deep sense of racial self-loathing of one our other trolls.
This reminds Puddy of many HA Libtardos in action.
“There is no data to substantiate the supposition that unattractive and unintelligent men don’t attract women.”
ylb arschloch claims he got married and we see how “unintelligent” he is every day.
408 posts – that has to be a record.
(un)SP eat your heart out.
And a fitting thread for Halloween – very frightening indeed.
Fiends like the nutcase @ 407 are enough to scare anyone away from the very scary right wing.
And we’ll see soon enough as reality plays itself out this week.
Good point.
After all, why should that old retired couple living on social security be able to escape higher property taxes that would force them to sell.
Screw the old people. Democrat family values.
Got anymore homophobic insults you want to share?
Here’s one I haven’t posted before.
61. Steve spews:
That faggot Marvin is such a cunt!
05/03/2009 AT 9:49 AM
TROLLS GO FOR 500!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s crunch time for the Philadelphia Puddies, three down and one to go.
That would be Ben & Jerry’s famous Dioxin Crunch. Everybody remembers the story: A few years ago Steve Milloy of junkscience.com was spooning up a big bowl of Chunky Monkey or Cherry Garcia when he saw B&J’s Dioxin Manifesto. What’s the safe level of dioxin, asked Ben? No level, replied Jerry. Zero.
Dioxin, after all, was the green’s public enemy #1, even worse than DDT. Dioxin was Agent Orange; it was the poison that poisoned those millions of unsuspecting American cjo;drem at Times Beach.
So Milloy took Ben & Jerry to the lab. Virgin cartons of B&J radical progressive activist socialist ice cream weighed in at about 200 times the maximum ‘safe’ level set by liberal bureaucrats.
Yum. Eat it for the children.
Good Point. Funny people right wingers.
They regard Chevron, Disney and J.G. Boswell as “old retired couple living on social security”.
My mom did very well by the way off Prop 13. Bought the family home in ’73 for 52 grand and sold it for nearly 800 grand in 2002. I doubt she ever paid much more than a grand a year in property tax.
After she sold it, taxes were the next owner’s problem, i.e. paying for police, fire, prisons for drug offenders, infrastructure, etc. That’s another sucker’s problem.
That’s the right wing way.
Jolly Roger Rabbit spews that Newt Gingrich was corrupt. Here’s why: Democrat fanatics in Congress threw ethics charges against Speaker Newt, hoping one would stick to the wall like a used Trojan.
One finally did. One of eighty-four (84) investigations we paid for. Eighty-three specious costly investigations to finally find one possibly plausible assertion of a violation of a House rule.
Our beloved Jim McDermott, by contrast, didn’t just end up on the wrong side of the arcane fine print of a House gotcha trap. McDermott broke the law. That’s more than assertion. That’s fact. And it’s a fact that Baghdad Jim’s trip to Baghdad, where he gave Saddam a full-frontal Chavez French kiss, was paid for with Saddam’s dirty money.
Now the WaPo inadvertently tells the inconvenient truth about (part of) the whole stinking sewer of Democrat corruption. Here’s the big picture.
Notice that part about ‘accidental disclosure.’ Transparent Granny Pelosi and transparent Obama apparently didn’t think you needed to know about ethically-challenged Goldycrats. To say nothing about big swingin’ (Norm) Dicks.
The HA cesspool is sloshing over right in Pelosi’s parlor, and crooked corrupt Jim McDermott has lots of company.
You mom didn’t pay her fair share and then made a profit. How did you feel about prop 13 when it was your family profiting?
Did you voice your concern to your mom about her not paying for police, fire, prisons for drug offenders, infrastructure, etc.?
I’m guessing not.
When your mom passes, will you inherit any $$? If so, are you going to keep it or give it to the state of kalifornia for the taxes your mom didn’t pay?
cjo;drem = children in Obama Ebonics.
Meanwhile, Dumpster-diving hippie Dean Edell took a break from not practicing medicine and from bashing Bush and from cheerleading dope to dump on abstinence ed. Said it’s a total failure.
Barbara Dafoe Whitehead in The Atlantic (1992?) attempted the first analysis of outcomes from the condom-cucumber curriculum of ‘comprehensive’ sex ed. Whitehead wrote that by every reasonable measure of success (abortion rates, teen pregnancy rates, disease rates) liberal comprehensive sex had utterly and catastrophically failed. Each and every bad thing was pandemic. The more liberal liberals got with their cucumbers, the worse things got.
Meanwhile, subsequent adoptions of abstinence curricula coincided with lower rates of the bad, and better rates of the good. Not to say that non-liberal education was the cause of trends finally trending in the right direction, because colleration is not causation. Still … what’s Dean Edell been smokin’? This time? (And can Lee have some?)
Bottom line: Abstinence makes the heart grow fonder. Try it, liberals. It’s the least you can do to clean up your polluted gene pool.
Troll Assist
Topics to sprew at:
NY 23rd.
Is this a demo plot to move the Reprican party so far to the right it can FUCK itself?
Is it just me or does she look like Barbie doll grown old?
Odd that the radically religious Trolls have not welcomed His preence here. Are they unbelievers?
Read recently that GWB’s economy did pretty well … total pay rose at same level as during Bill Clinton, EXCEPT .. all of the change in Bush time was eaten up by healthcare.
Funny thing happened on the way ti the White House, a Black activist truned into the nation’s momma.
SJ does hope that the Trolls know that Michelle’s first cousin is a Jewish rabbi and that the girls attended a jewish pre school?
Should knonw, them kikes and niggers stick together!
Yessir, SJ. Poor Goldy needs the money.
(Cynical wrote that Goldstein is a latent closeted capitalist. Wrong. Goldstein’s a trust-fund capitalist. But 2008 and Bush, that bastard, were bad for trust funds, so we’re happy to help Mr. Goldstein regroup by hitting on his rancid site.)
415 – You miss the point, deliberately I would add. No one could possibly be that dense. This is the way you operate and I accept that.
Sure people like my Mom benefited from lousy tax policy but then someone else had to pay for that and not enough by the way to fund lousy policies like locking up small-time drug offenders.
Now look where California is.
That article you quoted was ugly in its its dishonesty. California ranks 26th in per capita government spending – way behind such left wing places as Oklahoma, Alabama, Louisiana and Alaska at #1.
Hutchi(n)son: It’s just you, as always.
Is it just me, or are getting as twisted as YLB? Maybe you’re the one … twisted YLB’s twisted sister we’ve heard so much about.
Am very sure that a few stern moment with Rev. Hutcherson would help you get past your problem. Even people like you can change. Give Bod and Hutch a chance.
moment = moments
Bod = God
More Troll Food
SJ is planning on submitting anh ijntiative with Timmy Im-the-man.
Resolved, any property taxes not paid as a result of deferments or underassessments will beocme due at the tie of sale of property.
SJ invites all GC (good christians), to join him in a campaign called the James Campaign. This campaign will seek to re-institute the punishments for blasphemy, according to the laws of Jesus.
Has anyone besides SJ noted the resemblence of Sara Palin to Clark Kent in drag? Has anyone seen her and superman in the same place at the same time?
Since monogamy was IMPOSED on Israel by the Roman State, is it fair to ask all GC to join with SJ in a law suit to restore our god gi9ven right to polygamy?
Silly HNMT,
Take a trip to right wing Valhalla, South Carolina, and survey the successes of abstinence there.
And you might start your journey to heaven on earth on the Appalachian Trail.
It may be a libtardo plot since Dede has proved who she really is. Any Republican who gets ACORN support proves who they really are.
Then riddle me this, Tevye: Why did Jeremiah Wright recently say that “them Jews” are keeping him away from Obama and the “White” House?
(And did you hear the Rev’s latest hit? Swooning about the Chavez and Mao and the Sandinistas and ‘liberation’ theology? About America being the land of the greedy and the home of the slave? Hell, a man like Maoist Rev Wright would fit right in with the rest of the Rahm administration. Make that man a czar!)
@418 Goldy and clicks …
I suggest that us non repricans honor our troll fiends with the Troll Fiend* award.
If the Trolls get this thread to 500, they Puddy and Mr. C get a free beer at DL.
If they get to 1000, this thread is immortalized as the Troll 1000, and they each get Certificate of merit, signed by Goldy!
*Troll Fiend* a vsriety of Troll seemingly realted to the creatures described by Christians as demons. These creatures possessed good people and made them vomit green, smelly material.
Look how many comments on this thread without you.
Get the hint?
Heh. Still silent on the “cow on the tracks” and ACORN.
* Just kidding! It’s a Jesse-Jackson joke!
Dearest YLB: You’re asking me to take a walk with you on the wild side of the Appalachian Trail? What a turn-on you are, you minx. Your reassignment must have been just what Dr. Edell ordered.
Alas, I’ll be cruising for Argentine firecrackers in Rio. Will give the gov your best wishes.
Green smelly material = every SJ post. Every stinking fucking one.
429 – Wouldn’t dream of it.
You’re on your own fiend. I have no interest in South Carolina.
Don’t forget to pack your lithium.
More Troll Food (as Goldy clikcs his way to dominance)
Puddy .. yep, we really gotta out all them closet dems in the reprican party. Great! So here i the loyalty oath?
1. I regard the ferulizede egg as a human life.
2. The Earth was created by God, 5770 years ago.
3. The USA is God’s country, all other countries shoukld follow our lead.
4. Taxes bad, debt good.
5. Close all services that do not include police oir national defence.
6. Require all children, in the remaining schools (now private) to recite the ten commandments.
7. Enforce laws against sodomy.
8. Reinstitute laws against profaning the Sabbath.
9. Legislate the eternal supply of oil and overturn liberal laws of entropy so global warming can not occur.
10. Build impenetrable wall at our southern border (Mexico) and western border (Russia).
colleration = correlation.
500, here we come!
@439 Hymietown
So??? I never said I was not a dybbuk.
May the Schwartz be with you!
@427 Marvin Stamm’s imposter
Seems concerned not enough Trolls respond to the Troll Feeding.
Just trying to help you.
Every little bit helps.
Referring to 393? Who is remarkably obscene and incoherent, and who seems remarkably like an SJ sockpuppet?
It’s almost enough to make me question my faith.
Did you point out to her like you did in #402 that she wasn’t paying her fair share or since it was your family profiting did you remain silent?
When she passes, will you give your share of the inheritance to the state of kalifornia to pay the debt you feel your mother escaped paying?
It is surprising that you hate the voters of kalifornia. It was the voters that revolted against the out of control spending and voted prop 13 into law.
About your inheritance… I hope you don’t keep any of it. Give it all to the government like a good democrat. After all, passing money from one generation down to another generation is so right-wing.
Librium. Equal librium for all. With a public option.
425. Jeremiah Bullfrog spews:
Hmmm … seems to me Jeremiah is spouting the same grreen vomit as Glenn Beck. Maybe I, the dybbuk, possess them both????
Yeh .. them damn Maryknoller Catholics, really bad people! That John XXIII, another closet gay kike!
Isn’t this exactly the Beck mantra .. grees is good?
Nahh, he ain’t Jewish!
The SJ 1000
We do not respond to bribery, nor do we exist on the vapors of human faith.
But please remember the meaning of the words in Genesis, after We evicted your ancestors and made them seek out demon women for breeding:
“Go forth and procreate thyself.”
Take My words to heart and you will better understand why We only and only We fuck Ourselves while, you, made in My image must fuck each other.
500 Here We Come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stamm Spews …
Gates Foundation, Rockefellas, Kennedy Caln, Harvard, Yale, Ford Foundation….
Wasn’t it Sam Adams who said, “Property is the essence of freedom, given by God.”
OTOH, we REALLY do not want to honor property rights for Injuns and Slaves!
437 – Typical degenerate reasoning from Stamm.
I don’t have much of a problem with people like my Mom – they eventually sell and the next person has to pay for her cushy ride. It’s the Chevron’s, Disney’s and big agribiz landholders that are going to get the most out of Prop 13. My Mom’s vote made their windfall possible and it’s the next homebuyer or small-time landlord who will keep it going as long as people in California don’t want to do anything about it.
I support a gradual unwinding from the mistakes of the past. All or nothing usually doesn’t work.
Prop 13 was a disaster for California. Look at that State now. All that promise wasted. I’m glad I got out of there. If only I didn’t land in a place with tax policies almost as bad.
You hang in the District … that’s probably you pushing dope at the bus stop in front of Rite Aid. So did you get a copy of the wild and crazy Ave missive from one of Rahm’s forgotten cousins? No? I’ll try to post some of it tomorrow. Will blow your mind. The parts that aren’t already blown.
The state is in trouble because the democrat dominated government spent more than they took in. Highest paid government workers in the nation. LA has the highest paid city council in the nation.
Does your wife spend more money than she earns? Would you consider that smart if she did? Was it smart for kalifornia to do it?
445 – Highest paid gov workers? Which just got furloughs that cut their pay 15 percent.
Democrat dominated government? No such thing.
Democratic Party dominated government? On paper maybe but I believe all budgets have to pass with a 2/3 vote – that empowers the right wing nut minority quite well. No wonder paunchy, 50-ish Mike Duvall could get so much sex from comely lobbyists.
Wow. The tax climate is so bad in CA that large landowners who got windfalls from Prop 13 have moved away in droves. (not).
Yes, CA should give power back to judges with sentencing reform, help reform drug prohibition and empty the prisons of small-time drug offenders.
Gradually over time, monies can be re-purposed from correcting these mistakes to more productive uses like education and infrastructure.
No they just fell for the oldest trick in the book – that you can get something for nothing and there was no man hiding behind the curtain, i.e. large, powerful landowners seeking to maximize their profits.
The right wing kept scoring with that all the way to the White House. Remember Supply Side Voodoo Economics?
Tax reform was needed for sure to keep fixed income people in their homes but Prop 13 wasn’t the answer by a longshot.
Politics failed to correct the problem before the hucksters like Jarvis-Gann took advantage of the situation through the initiative process.
We are everywhere, and beyond.
The problem we have set forth for you is to know Our will.
There is only so much we can do, and then your Us-given reason and morality must prevail. One part of Our will We reveal through Science. The other part, through faith.
The revelations of science require faith too, the faith that We are consistent.
Ask yourself what you must do when the two revelations seem to disagree. If we create the laws of the Universe, do we also create contradictions? Are We consistent?
Dear God @ 448
If that rapture stuff is true, please beam up Puddybud.
Are the trolly fish running ot of steam????
This thread reminds me of my goldfish bowl .. every morning I sprinkled food on the water.
@449 YLB
Sadly, not true. Rapture is more something for Lee than Puddy.
Science, however, does have drugs that can treat delusions. Treating Lee’s affliction, that is much harder to do.
One might even say that treating obsessions is akin to treating possession. A miracle is required.
Do I do miracles? Of course, ALL that I do is miraculous. But as I told the Troll, I always remain consistent.
@450 Give them time, SJ. I’m sure the rabid twits will be back for more.
More revelations for the Trolls …
The soul does not come into existence before it finds a brain to inhabit. Never have I gainsaid that a fertilized egg has a soul.
Truly, We created all that is, but beyond that there is no more. We revealed this to St. Newton in the laws of thermodynamics. Burn Our oil at your peril.
Never have We come to humans and said what Our name is. To name Us is to seek to control the All, an image more out of your demonology than otr of respect for our tre teachings. Take not Our name in vain.
Jesus, like each of yo, was a complete male creation. Like all males he had a penis, indeed those of you following the Roman tradition celebrate his circumcision with an annual holiday. So, if his foreskin was removed eight days after his birth, would We be consistent by banning the function of a healthy, human member in My own creation?
Dear God @ 451
Well I guess the trolls are right. You seem pretty right wing to me.
If you disapprove of occasional use of intoxicants well, all humanity and much of the rest of the animal kingdom is guilty of that as has been proved by science.
So why not end all this iniquity once and for all? It requires a mere snap of your (spiritual, virtual?) fingers. Does it not?
Have you checked with POet Smart to be sure we are feeding them with the best grade of troll food?
Lets see ….
Stamm seems proud that California’s (liberal) colleges, once the envy of the world, have now declined in quality to the elve3l of schools in Texas.
Puddy, seems to be off working! Good on! pretty soon he will be a librul as Goid meant him to be!
Anybody notice that Sarah Palin’s former stepson-to-be is a gay hunk! You don’t suppose that the bestacled Wonder Woman had her way with her daughter’s beaux, Mrs. Robinson style?
So. does Stamm want Glenn Beck to run for prexy or would the name stealing fauz jazz guy prefer a barbie doll?
Where are the troll fishies. Don’t they float when dead?
YLB at 454
Why do you think We care where yo get your hallucinations from?
When you run hard, we enrich you with endorphins .. or we let you just use heroin.
Rapture, well that can be gained as you choose, seems to Us that LSD was created for a purpose but some of you seem to prefer self abuse.
Here is yet another parable, from y writings on elephants ….
The Troll came to his Teacher and asked, “Teacher, I see an elephant running toward us in this narrow alley, we will be crushed.” The teacher said, “and so it shall be.” And so it was.
But now ask yourself if this truth must have been or did the lack of faith by the Troll cause the Troll and the Teacher to be crushed by the elephant.
SJ @ 456
I can’t say where the trolls have gone. I don’t know about you but I’m kind of enjoying this break from teabagger cult insanity.
And especially my conversation with God!
Praise be!
Dear God @ 457
It’s been very enlightening speaking with you. You given me much to think upon.
Our Father which art in Heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth,
as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory,
@459 Amen.
Since we all know there is a Hell, where do you think ylb arschloch is headed?
Nice old prayer.
We prefer those that do not confuse Us with the need for temporal, human power or glory. Our kingdom is not limited in such ways.
Being all is all. there is no more and no less.
Another parable:
The wise man. speaking for God, once said these words of truth to his followers, “Why do you need to call each other nigger, wop, honky, kike, faggot, ass licker, SOB, pig, commie pic, capitalist pig?” The followers responded, “Master, because all of these are hateful unto God.”
The master thought hard about this as these names meant a great deal to his followers. Finally, bow furrowed, the wise man said, “who woulda known?”
@461 Puddy
Who are you to speak for all men?
Judge not lest you be judged.
As for Hell and Heaven, consider for yourself why We would create such places. Omnipotence does not imply We are inconsistent.
Well, God, I suspect Puddy’s just speaking for the Christo-fascist folks like him and his dear friend, Mr. Klynical. Puddy says people like him and Klynical are the only people you love and that you, in fact, hate YLB. I just don’t buy it.
Sounds like you’re talking about obama voters.
With prop 8, it was about keeping what someone worked hard for.
Oops, there’s that dirty word “work” again.
Ask yourself, would We need folks so full of hate to speak for Us?
When We work great miracles, entangling photons ending slavery, or the Big Bang itself … do we need messengers to tell Our truth?
If we so hated the world to make Hitler, would we then make Sarah Palin and unmake Michael Jackson?
@465 Marvin
Let not Our Presence scare thee off from the works you do here.
You’ve polluted the waters with your desire to be one of the cool kids.
Like I’m sure you wife has told you thousands of times… you’re a buzz-kill.
Go play on your own thread.
465 – Nope. Obama said sacrifice will be required. Hopefully from those who benefited the most from the last 30+ years of right wing policies. The poor and the middle class have already sacrificed a lot – they don’t have much more if any left to give.
And last I looked the Bush tax cuts are still set to expire. When that happens I’m sure that’ll be such a sad day for you.
Prop 8? Uhhh. oops!
Wow, God is speaking to me.,
Couple questions…
Why do you feel that little kids being born should be burdened with original sin. Isn’t that pretty hateful on your part against innocent babies? Why does a powerful God like you need to punish innocent people for the sins of others?
Why have more people been killed in the name of God than hate/greed/and all the other human frailties? What is it about you that brings out the worse in people?
Why do you only show yourself to us humans in the form of your image on toast, windows, potato chips, etc.
Are you involved with those jehovah witnesses? Do you laugh with the rest of us when they go out proselytizing for new members when there are only 144,000 spots in heaven available? Don’t they understand every new recruit reduces their chance to get into heaven?
Why do liberals hate you with such passion?
And so one of the first taxes obama raised was on cigarettes.
Which of course hurt the poor and middle class the most.
Thanks ylb for the chance to mention how obama already raised taxes on those that don’t have much more if any left to give.
Sounds like the Montesquieu riff from Straw Dogs … No kingdom has been won with as much bloodshed as that of Christ.
At least until Marx, Lenin, and Mao came along. That’s why the socialist workers’ paradise, and not the Vatican, was an evil empire.
You probably haven’t figured it out yet, the roger rabbit that posts here isn’t the real roger rabbit.
Check it out for yourself.
I’m only telling you because you act as if you’ve figured out a cure for cancer or something equally profound when all you’ve done is read the words I wrote to you a year ago when I said I wasn’t marvin stamm and suggested a list of jazzers to check out.
Insanity is doing the same stupid thing over and over and over and expecting an unstupid result.
So when Goldy types that Suzie the Hutch has the Worst. Campaign. Ever. just remember that about the day before yesterday he told us that Dino has the Worst. Campaign. Ever. And then he told us that McCain has the Dumbest. Campaign. Ever.
Etc. Either Goldstein is crazy or, like Kirby Wilbur, he repeats himself he repeats himself. Or like me dear mum before she died, he’s down with presenile dementia.
That would explain why he whacked an excellent post about Joe Kennedy. And Joe’s money. And Democrats groveling for Joe’s money.
Everybody remembers that red-and-black Time Mag cover from 1966: God Is Dead.
Think about it.
@ 466.
Holy shit, almost 500 comments, this has to be the all-time HA record!
“This should satisfy a frightening need for an open thread….”
You were frighteningly prescient, Darryl! Those 2 simple little words, “Open Thread,” released an unbelievable amount of pentup energy! It’s barely November and this town already has a bad case of cabin fever.
471 – If rich people don’t want to be taxed like they were in Ike Eisenhower’s or even Jack Kennedy’s day (and still somehow managed to get rich) then I guess sin taxes will remain a necessary evil for such terrible socialistic things as health care for poor kids.
I don’t smoke or drink very much by the way. I don’t feel the bite myself. If people object to awful socialist health care for poor kids they should kick their Marlboro or Jack Daniels habits. It would be better for their health. Otherwise they can feel extra good they’re doing some good for the next generation as they take a drag or tipple as they unwind at the end of the day.
Here we go again. Another leftist redistributionist getting ready to cash in on somebody else’s cash. That’s YLB, doing a virtual drool about Mother’s windfall profit on Californicated real estate.
Hit the jackpot, did she? Paid a little and reaped a lot without having to share with Willie Brown or the Duke or Pete or Davis or Conan the Librarian? Made out like a bandit on the dole without having to dole it back in prop taxes? Piled up a bundle to pass on to her dearly misbegotten son who can’t figure out how to work for a living?
Not a problem, YLB. When the windfall falls on you, when you get your unearned increment of surplus value, write a check for $750K to California’s treasurer, c/o Arnold. You’ll feel so much better in the morning, and it will be just the same as mainlining a cash contribution to Obama. Hell, he might even liet you use his bowling alley.
I gotta give the obama credit for bailing out gm.
It worked wonders!!
They are reporting profits of 1 billion dollars.
Ford, the only Detroit automaker to dodge direct government aid and bankruptcy court, surprised investors with net income of nearly $1 billion in the third quarter and forecast a “solidly profitable” 2011.
Oops, my bad. It was ford that is making profits, not the car companies that the obama gave money to.
Ford – the unofficial car company of the vast right wing conspiracy.
@380 “If you used the language you used above in the workplace today there would be repercussions. If you used it in a courtroom, the reaction would be immediate.”
I’ve been out of public circulation for several years now, so I’m not hip to the latest addition to the p.c. verboten list of words and phrases, but the last I heard “ugly Republican women” was not on that list. Even if it is, I don’t give a shit, because I don’t have to keep employers or judges happy anymore. I’m retired from all that. In all other respects, this is still a free country with Free Speech.
“You’re doing everything to minimize this issue, and you’re hiding behind HA to do it. What a coward.”
We’ll see who the coward is. I’ve already told you I’ll be at DL Tuesday night. If you have the nerve to sit down across a table from me and debate this issue, then show up and do it. You have a chip on your shoulder the size of a log; I’d like to know where it came from. You sound like a person with a lot of personal issues; I’m not interested in those; that’s your problem. From my point of view, I don’t let other people tell me what I can or can’t say, it’s basically that simple. If you think you have a right to do so, then let’s hear you rationalize and defend your assertion of such a right. Montlake Ale House, tomorrow night, 8 pm, ask for the rabbit.
We’ve been hearing from God, and now Rabbit shows up for the other side. He(‘)ll run this thread until we get to entry 666, which he(‘)ll keep all to himself.
@380 Not to put too fine a point on it, but you’re full of political correctness bullshit, and I don’t have much patience with that.
Political correctness is essentially a totalitarian philosophy under which self-appointed individuals arrogate to themselves a prerogative to dictate what others can think or say. I deal with all totalitarians in pretty much the same way.
Maggie Magnuson calls Roger a coward. Love it. The only way it could have been better is if Maggie had called Roger a sniveling coward.
So that means as long as it’s a sin tax you are okay with raising taxes on the poor and middle class if it punishes poor people?
Why not just outlaw citizens making any choices for themselves. Let the smart government employees make all you decisions.
@383 “wonder if the rabbit has the guts to face her at DL”
You should be asking whether “maggie” has the guts to face me at DL, because I’ll be there, see #481.
Correction: A chip on each shoulder. That’s why Maggie was a well-balanced ScandaBallardian.
Not a chance that ylb would write a check to kalifornia. He’ll keep every dollar that his mom leaves him.
ylb gives his mom a free pass for doing the exact same thing as greedy right-wingers that he expresses his hate for.
Go figure that ylb would be a hypocrite.
Well not really go figure, he’s proven it for 53 months now.
@57 “@53 This demeans all women.”
I reiterate, this is a ridiculous fucking statement; it only demeans ugly Republican women.
Prove how tough you are rabbit, go fight a woman.
@405 Waytago Klown — getting deleted from an open thread! harharhar
@92 “Without me, this blog will be a piece of shit.”
Well then, you’re not needed here, are you?
Why does it take right-wing blogs to shame the liberal media into being honest. Remember when dan rather tried to use fake documents?
Today it’s the CommunistNewsNetwork doing the job the obama wants them to… until they got caught.
CORRECTION: The Faith and Freedom Coalition passes on cleaner audio of the call, which makes clear that Palin tells listeners to “vote to share our principles,” not vote “for Sarah’s principles” as had been earlier reported.
NPR this morning told us cheerily that 120 children have died in America’s H1N1 holocaust. Then they reported cheerily from a vaccination clinic in D.C.
Not the slightest suggestion that Barack H. Obama and his administration totally tanked their program to mobilize America for an immunization D-Day. B Hussein O told us he was on top of the crisis before it was a crisis. He’d have vaccine in place to save us from our pig plague.
Then he fumbled. 120 dead children. NPR connected no dots.
Imagine if it had been Bush. Any Bush. Any Republican. Making extravagant promises of competence and then wallowing in incompetence.
It’s like Obama stimulus: promising that unemployment would peak at 8% and then getting almost no mainstream blowback when unemployment blew out at ~10, while heading up.
Pass the Teflon, Mr. President. You’re doing a heck-of-a job.
I find it interesting that “maggie” went after me for “ugly Republican women” but didn’t say “boo!” about …
“@99 Blow Me spews: Goldy is a woman. Did you douche your vagina this morning Goldy, or does Darryl do that for you?”
“@105 Im YLB – Im jobless and surf the internet all day while my wife works spews: @82..rosie odonnell, cindy sheeha and oprah fatfrey are good looking? fucking barf!”
… which points to a curious selectivity about maggie’s outrage. Of course, one of the unwritten rules of this blog is that wingnuts don’t attack wingnuts, and liberals don’t attack liberals, which provides a clue about who “maggie” really is and what her real agenda is …
… which is one of the reasons why I suspect she may be a no-show at DL tomorrow night.
That’s what 40 years of overfed underworked New Left anarcho socialist radical progressive liberalism have delivered to a nation the New Left leftists are now running.
The far-left elitists don’t have to worry about calling 9-1-1 because they’re safely locked away from reality in their gated communities on Mercer Island and Hunt’s Point … hiding behind tenure and hedge funds.
So how’s your cash machine, Roger? Still making your easy money by wringing the sweat from the working man’s brow?
A couple years ago a “leaker” from Sucky Politics calling himself “pll” came to HA and posted comments more or less challenging me to a fight. I told him I’d be at DL on a specific Tuesday night, just like I’m telling “maggie” now. He promised, “I’ll be there.” Well, needless to say, he wasn’t. Then he had the brass balls to post a comment the next day claiming he’d been there. Unfortunately for him, I had anticipated this, and had witnesses (including Darryl) to attest to the fact that pll was a no-show.
These wingnuts are all the same. They’re chest-beating blowhards. In the end, they’re all no-shows. That happens when there are wars to be fought, too. (See, e.g., AWOL Bush, Five Deferments Cheney, etc.)
If “maggie” is a wingnut sockpuppet, which I think he/she/it is, he/she/it will be a no-show tomorrow night. Just like the rest of them.
500 miles
500 miles
500 miles.
Maybe it’s Mary Travers.
Of course, I can’t determine that empirically, so we’ll have to wait and see. She might be a feminist dogmatic who cruises the galaxy with a chip on her shoulder looking for someone to practice her female chauvinism on. There are other possibilities, too. All of this remains speculative for now.
Holy shit! This thread just busted 500! That’s gotta be a record.
@496 Yeah, typical wingnut shit. Kind of like Marvin crying every day for nearly a year about my calling him a faggot while he hypocritically ignores the hate spewn here towards gays by the likes of those two asswipes, Klynical and Puddy.
Oh, and speaking of Marvin, did you all know that he fucks goats? Dumbed him down, he says.
Did the Proclaimers, the Austral (old)boy band, ever do anything after the Gilbert Grape tune?
@408 “408 posts – that has to be a record.”
That’s nothing, we’re over 500 now!
Yeah. A record for the most nose-picking inanity in one place.
Unlike the HA septic tank, Shark has standards. His place prefers wisdom that can be savored rather than manure that’s backhoed by the stinking ton.
@500 I doubt that on many levels.
Well, whatever. I’m betting on the girl. The bitch getting slapped will be fat phat Roger.
@414 “Democrat fanatics in Congress threw ethics charges against Speaker Newt, hoping one would stick to the wall like a used Trojan.”
Are you referring to the $60 million of taxpayer money Ken Starr spent to unearth the fact Clinton lied about a blowjob?
Yeah redistribution for health care like in evil bad socialist Canada (love the fema-like camps up there) and education and judicial system and police and fire and prisons and national parks…
Really evil things.
I don’t care if I ever get a dime from my Mom. I’ve told her to give it to a charity of her choice if bad health and the ugly health care system doesn’t get it first.
Right wingers – always assuming everyone is greedy.
What morons!
“wisdom that can be savored”
Indeed. The Teachings of Pudge. The Wingnut Path to Knowledge.
@473 If you think there’s a real roger rabbit, you’re an even bigger fool than I previously believed.
I guess the Congress should have paid for SCHIP like they “paid” for the Iraq/Afghanistan wars.
On the credit card?
Is that the right wing way?
I called the sin taxes an unfortunately necessary evil in these days of right wing idiocy.
@508 I think we can make arrangements to have your money held in escrow pending the outcome of tomorrow night. How much do you want to put up?
Pig @ 495: You are blaming Obama for H1N1???? You imply that if Obama had waved his magic wand, the vaccine would magically be available (and the health workers to administer them) would all be available to give shots on a single “D-Day”?????
Man, you know absolutely nothing about how virus vaccines are created, and how they are manufactured, or the health care worker resources which would have to be mobilized to give everybody a shot on the same day. It’s so unrealistic it’s beyond fantisy. Take your accusations elsewhere, such idiotic hatchet jobs aren’t worth even discussing here.
@512 Uh-oh, this just might be another Santa Claus moment for me.
The thread that wouldn’t die.
470. Marvin Stamn
Ask yourself these questions and then ask where have you learned about Me?
Ahhh … as I said, We are the unnamed. You want to kill in the name of some deity you create, that is your free will. But, then, you mst accept the responsibility.
Perhaps should note that in our Commandments, we included not taking Our name in vain. If I tell you that do you think it is rational for a mere creation to name its creator?
How can I show what has no image?
You seem to forget the unlimited power of omnipotence. You also assume that I maintain some place called heaven. Have you seen this place? Have We said there is such a place or is this more of your writing about Us?
Perhaps you are the one who hates?
Is it hatred of God to deny that Our name is Emmanuel?
Is it hatred of Us, to deny our many forms?
my words are immortal.
Lets go all rthe the way, make this the first GRAND THREAD!
Can someone else feed the fishies?
Between God, Roger, Steve, and me we are running out of Trooltreats.
Where is MOT, that self fucking, green skinned, alien demonic nigger hating freak?
Even the PUDSTER seems to be afraid to tread on these slippery slopes. I suspect God and Marvin, have put our resident dark troll to sleep.
@499 I told him I’d be at DL on a specific Tuesday night, just like I’m telling “maggie” now. These wingnuts are all the same. They’re chest-beating blowhards.
Yea, you show maggie, Rabbit. Looks like she kicked your butt up and down HA, so now you’re going to show everyone what a real “man” you are and kick her butt at DL. No woman’s gonna get away with making Rabbit look bad! She’s probably all of 100 pounds, probably a lot less than what you’re supporting above your neck you big goon!
You better hope she doesn’t show, because it will probably be: maggie 2, rabbit 0!
Too much!
About $800,000. It’s from YLB. He’s redistributing to me because he’s not greedy.
(Ever see the Three Stooges S. Crow show?)
Where are those Palin death panels when we need ’em, Steve?
are you real or faux?
Have you ever met the Rabbit?
I need to warn you what you see is only part of the story. Dem Pookas are tres dangeroux! Watchout for the claws if he thorws off his oxfords! The hind limbs can scratch your eyes out.
Just ask Puddy what happened when the Pookah’s kick landed in the family treasures! No more kittens!
George Burns, here. YLB’s fiend @ 518, the rotter vamping as me, has spent entirely too much time at Hebrew School or with the Jesuits. Either way, the wanker is really getting on my nerves.
Im”person”ation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but enough is enough. One more blasphemous bleat or belch, wanker, and I go to the nuclear option. Read Job. And no, that’s not the guy with the i-Phone.
Who gets to decide what a “sin” is?
Is it a sin for an adult male to not have a job?
Is sex a sin? Should people at a motel by the hour be forced to pay a sin tax?
Since america is a fat nation,. should anyone 20 pounds over their ideal weight as determined by the gove3rnment be taxed?
If these “sins” like alcohol and whatever are so bad, shouldn’t the government make them illegal? But then that punishes the people that do drink responsibly and don’t abuse alcohol. But then, that’s exactly what a sin tax does, punishes for behavior.
Is it a “sin” to blog? Or maybe if only you are voicing an opinion opposite of what the standing president says the opinion is.
Shouldn’t women that have babies that they can’t afford pay a “sin” tax? After all, just like the smokers/drinkers/fat people that raise the cost of healthcare and expense to the tax paying public, so do people that can’;t afford babies. But instead of a sin tax, the government will subsidize their behavior.
@525 George Burns
God impersonation is only blasphemy if the impersonator is not God. Personally I am pretty sure Goid never married a shicksa as you did, but maybe Gracie was the real God?
Actually my choice of God impersonators runs more to Morgan Freeman and Jim Carey.
@525 George Burns
And till me George, who do YOU think wrote “Job?”
Isn’t it odd the texts people believe are Our word?
Personally We are rather proud of the Kama Sutra but then I am .. you might guess, rather an afficiando of this literature.
Do try Gilgamesh sometime! Awesome!
@ 495: And these are the neo-Maoists who want to run the “broken” system of health care that cares for most of us better than we deserve?
Am sure Granny or Very Hairy Reed can find a poster person who fell through health care’s cracks or who was damaged to death by it, but look at where we are and then look at where we were.
100 years ago, much of the time, pregnancy was a terminal illness. Now guests wander into our country to emit their babies into the generosity of our “broken” system.
100 years ago the average (whatever that means) lifespan in America was under 50. Taking a drink of water was an act of undaunted courage that many did not survive. Sustainable organic agriculture couldn’t grow enough to keep people fed because it was growing hay for horses, and the horses were turning city streets into miasmas of disease. Doctors were cons (see The Road to Wellville) when they weren’t killers, and hospitals were dirty hospices that only rich weird people went to.
So now you want to entrust us to the tender mercies of Obama and Pelosi? People who couldn’t even clunk their clunkers without blowing the budget?
And no, it’s not the guy that goes by the name of ylb.
The only thing ylb and job has in common is 3 letters, J O B S
That’s joe biden humor for the people that can count to 4.
Steve, what that means is joe biden was out campaigning and he said the most important thing was a 3 letter word, and then he said those 3 letters, J O B S. Do you get it now about the counting to 4 part?
Oh dear. Gracie was one of … those?
Maybe I should have bopped Barbra Sreisand instead.
Very good, Mr. Stamn. Joe is final proof that HA’s “God” indeed has a warped sense of humor.
Oh well. Gotta go get me a Rabbit huntin’ license … that’s a John Kerry joke.
But seriously. Don’t you think we should all do a Rabbit recon and rescue him before the girl rabbit-punches the snot out of him?
@532 And here I thought Marvin’s existence was evidence of God’s warped sense of humor, or at least evidence God’s own fallibilities.
Hey, it’s called democracy. We send people to represent us in the legislatures and they devise ways to deliver services we need like health care for kids whose families are poor and can’t afford a grand or more a month for a health plan.
Services have to be financed some way. It’s just reality. Something you don’t seem all that conversant with.
That’s what I’m ‘saying.’ That’s what the (ahem) New York Times says. And more. Read it here.
The point, perhaps, is that our president did not understand the complexity of the problem he unctuously vowed to wrestle to the ground. No Republican president would have been cut any slack about any of this or about any of those corpses.
Back to you, rhp. Didn’t see your post until a few minutes ago. No disrespect intended by a delayed reply. No disrespect intended by tiny dancer Tom DeLay.
And still a one trick goat.
And still thinking about someone you consider a bore.
No dicks to suck by the pool huh. marvie-poo? I really think you need to get a life.
sadly seems as if the Trolls have undergone troll fatigue.
No courage, no convictions, sad.
BTW wha happened t your paid member .. the Piper?
Did the EFF get Eff’d off at his being outed here?
It doesn’t look like newt is a fav of the right anymore.
@541 “the Piper?”
After a few days of Marvin spewing his unintelligent BS, the Piper, for all his preening, and with just two functioning brain cells, would elevate the troll postings here considerably.
This is not to slight the HNMT above who, with his ample wit and humor, at least has me laughing with him, not at him. I always enjoy your posts, HNMT.
Still can’t get me off your mind I see. Almost every post of yours mentions me.
Even you have to admit that’s pretty impressive on my part to push your buttons to the point that you spend so much of your time talking about me.
I really think you need to get over your crush on me.
I appreciate when women like you and Ku KluX’ad Klan always think sex when you think about me. It is flattering.
How about you and Ku KluX’ad Klan doing a lesbian video for me? Next time I see her online I’ll tell her you are interested in doing something like for me. Maybe she can teach you that ping-pong ball trick.
“pretty impressive on my part to push your buttons”
Hmm, it looks like the subject of my doctoral thesis on psychotic wingnut goatfuckers is projecting again.
Projection. It’s a Psych 101 thing.
And still thinking and writing about someone you consider a bore.
Like I’d ignore my ticket to a post graduate degree? Oh, I don’t think so. Get used to the abuse, goatfucker. And delude yourself to your heart’s content that you somehow push anybody’s buttons here. After all, the more psychotic you become, the better it is for my thesis. Go for it, goatfucker. The brass psycho ring is within your grasp.
@497 … which is one of the reasons why I suspect she may be a no-show at DL tomorrow night.
Boy, you just don’t stop giving, do you blockhead? Somebody said you were in a tizzy because I’d bruised that big, fat ego of yours, and sure enough, it’s all true. So let’s see, I drill your head in the ground on HA for being a blatant sexist, embarrass you in front of your buddies, and now you want to engage me in a manly contest of fisticuffs to show them that you’re more than just a blowhard who likes to abuse women?
Are you for real? I’m 5’6″, weigh 124 pounds, and am 35 years old. Do those numbers work for you, Ali, or would you like me to get pregnant first?
You’re a real piece of work. You can’t handle strong women, so you try to bully them.
You’re not only a coward, but a loser.
The Rabbit is not a lot bigger than you and he is pretty decrepit.
My guessn is you could take him! Trouble is I do no think Nicole will allow a fist fight, even one this meritorious at HA.
So, if you do show tomorrow night, seems to me we have to consider some options.
1. I would be willing to bring two pellet guns and there could be a good old fashioned duel.
2. How about a chug a lug? I am willing to pay for the first three pitchers.
3. If you really wanna have a fist fight, there is a parking lot across the street where some of us can gather.
Let me know!
The rabbit always came across as the type of man that has hit women before. If not, why else would he be talking tough on a blog that he wants to fight a woman.
Be careful, he’ll probably hit you from behind when you’re not looking.
I’m glad that I am able to help you improve your life steve.
Life has been hard for you, anything I can do to make your life better just say something.
@498 “So how’s your cash machine, Roger? Still making your easy money by wringing the sweat from the working man’s brow?”
Yeah I made $400 of capital gains today. That’s $50 an hour for an 8-hour workday if you work for it. Plus I get a 2/3rds discount on my taxes! Sure beats working.
@553 But what’s even better is that if I don’t sell the stock and my kids inherit it from me, this $400 will be completely tax free! That’s right, my kids will get a basis step-up which wipes out the taxable capital gain, and not one penny of taxes will ever be paid on this income! Pretty nifty, eh? Sure beats fighting commuter traffic, putting up with a snarly boss and idiot coworkers, and then forking over 32.65% of it to the gummint on your next payday! Anyone who works for money is a fool. That’s the worst way to get money there is! Capital gains and inheritances are the only way to fly.
@520 “Where is MOT, that self fucking, green skinned, alien demonic nigger hating freak?”
Where is Mark the Welshing Redneck? Stinking up a hole with his dead crack whore wife? Did someone finally off him for not paying his gambling debts?
@521 “Looks like she kicked your butt up and down HA”
Maybe to you it does …
@524 Definitely faux. “Maggie” is a troll sockpuppet. Several things give “her” away. See, e.g., #496.
@529 Awwww, do you miss 1909?
@549 “now you want to engage me in a manly contest of fisticuffs”
You don’t know how to read above a 3rd grade level, do you, sweetheart? I specifically invited you to debate me on your proposition that “ugly Republican women” demeans “all” women. The invitation stands, luv. Montlake Ale House. Tomorrow. 8 PM. Hope to see you there.
@549 “You can’t handle strong women, so you try to bully them.”
Au contraire, bullying women is the last thing I want to do, especially a woman of your obvious intellectual prowess. Fisticuffs is for dogs, rednecks, and Republicans. I’m an intellectual. I want to see if you’ve got what it takes to argue a point. This has nothing to do with your physical size (or gender, for that matter). It’s about whether you have any brains anre are capable of framing issues and presenting logical arguments.
@550 “The Rabbit is not a lot bigger than you”
That’s true. I’m only 30″ tall and weigh only 230 lbs.
Here’s a photo so you’ll have no trouble recognizing me in a crowded room.
@2 “2. How about a chug a lug? I am willing to pay for the first three pitchers.”
This I won’t do, because I never drink less than 12 hours before driving.
Poor “maggie” has to resort to name-calling because logic isn’t on her side, and she knows it. She claims my comment about “ugly Republican women” whose men fuck goats demeans “all” women. That’s ridiculous on its face. It only demeans ugly Republican women whose men fuck goats. That’s apparent from the terms of the statement. “Maggie” can give it a more expansive interpretation in her own mind if she wishes, but that’s her subjective opinion, and it doesn’t change the plain meaning of plain words. On logical grounds, she loses this argument even before it’s out of the gate.
maggie’s problem is she’s reacting to what I said emotionally instead of logically, and that’s not gonna cut it tomorrow night. This will be a debate, not a hissy fit. If she can’t do any better than that she’d be better off to stay home.
Oh, one more thing, throwing punches or any other form of physical assault results in automatic disqualification.
The rabbit is scared of Maggie.
11 messages in a row he’s talking about her.
Good luck with beating up a woman, well, a woman other than your wife.