“Michael Moore’s purposefully controversial and politically polarizing documentary Capitalism: A Love Story was distributed by Overture Films and wound up in 7th place. It went wide into 962 theaters this weekend after opening on September 23rd in a limited release of 4 theaters. The pic about the financial crisis made $1.6M Friday and $2M Saturday (+33%) for a $4.8M weekend and $5.2M cume.”
Why haven’t the HA Libtardos gone to the movies in force. We we know ylb arschloch would be stealing food from the table going to visit this lead balloon!
Bottom line… The US Populace is implementing capitalism. They are ignoring the union busting tub of lard!!!!!!
Regarding Porn or Bible Pictures? That question is best answered by ylb arschloch left porn eye. He’s the best to answer that question. He probably sits at home …
Here is a group your wife can join. They’ll support her supporting your sorry ASS!
“We hold these truths to be self evident; that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unailienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” — Then there is ylb arschloch!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Obama has Young Soldiers blood dripping from his hands today–
Obama lied….and 8 died.
Obama was going to FIGHT in Afghanistan.
The terrorists know he is weak and indecisive…so they attack & kill our brave soldiers.
This is treason.
I thought as much. Pretty lonely life, being homophobic, hanging on every hateful, empty utterance from right wing hate radio, projecting fantasies on anonymous commenters on a political blog.
Carry on. You’re doing a great job showing everybody lurking out there what the right wing has always been all about:
1, 8, 21 & 22 are the same fool… ylb arschloch… the biggest unemployed hating brick on HA. His sycophant rujax the very dumb cinder block gives him moral jockstrapping.
You were smarter when you were employed and Clueless. You didn’t drink the left-wing whackamole kook-aid so much. Can you revert or have you shed that persona forever like a SNAKE shedding it’s skin?
As much as I hate to see the Seahawks lose, I started Peyton Manning this week on my fantasy team, so I’m happy with the world.
Puddy ..
What BS .. the best selling book is the bible???
When was it last of the best seller list?
Does this claim include free copies?
So what do you suppose has “sp;d” more … Mao’s little red book or your version of the King James?
Oh my, this right winger has betrayed the cause:
The case of Glenn Beck, Time magazine’s “Mad Man,” is more interesting. His on-air weepiness is unmanly, his flirtation with conspiracy theories a debilitating dead-end, and his judgments sometimes loopy (McCain worse than Obama?) or just plain counterproductive (such as his convoluted charge that Obama is a racist).
Yes, he commends Beck for reading conservatives requiring some college reading skills.
But… will any right wing idiot after paying to see Beck at the Safe shell out for this guy’s two volume book on Raygun? Shit no!
Link @ 31
32 – Uhh.. Excuse me if I IGNORE, to paraphrase Stephen Hayward, a “braindead conservative”
So, who’s going to feed us now that all of central Washington’s top soil is now in north-central Oregon? And how big of a bailout are our anti-taxes and big government friends in corporate Ag. going to get?
President Obama has done conservatives a great favor, delivering CPR to the movement with his program of government gigantism, but this resuscitation should not be confused with a return to political or intellectual health. The brain waves of the American right continue to be erratic, when they are not flat-lining.
Consider the “tea party” phenomenon. Though authentic and laudatory, it is unfocused, lacking the connection to a concrete ideology that characterized the tax revolt of the 1970s, which was joined at the hip with insurgent supply-side economics. Meanwhile, the “birthers” have become the “grassy knollers” of the right; their obsession with Obama’s origins is reviving frivolous paranoia as the face of conservatism. (Does anyone really think that if evidence existed of Obama’s putative foreign birth, Hillary Rodham Clinton wouldn’t have found it 18 months ago?)
Big Ag. corporate welfare comes up on here from time to time. As does counties like Adams and Grant ‘not wanting to pay for Seattle’ when, in fact its Seattle and King County that are supporting Adams and Grant.
Sorry, but my post was far more relevant than anything you’ve posted here.
@47 – limbaugh? me listen to that poser? hahahahahah – poor ylb, all those ASSumptions and still he cant figure his ass from his hand….try McDonalds YLB, they might let you clean the bathrooms with logic like that…
No ylb, nothing so nefarious as me thinking rush is too liberal or the like – I just dont find it informative or entertaining. Besides, IM TOO BUSY WORKING(you do know what that is, dont you?).
Now, be a good little rat-dog that you are and go fetch….because you have been doing such a good job thus far.
LOL@ you are too stupid to even know your being played like a fiddle….
God dam you are stupid. Im too busy in the day to be wasting my time listening to Rush or anybody else on the radio. You cant even understand the context of the conversation you started…fucking numbnuts…..how the hell does your wife put up with it?
Empty Codpiece Bush (Mission Accomplished??)spews:
The wingnut comments are so idiotic, they bespeak of desperation.
Quimface Norquistspews:
re 58: You got that right!!
18 Clinton left our soldiers high and dry too. Remember the outrage from the left over body armor? All of a sudden, Obama is a fuckup, wheres the outrage over our soldiers dying? Wheres the nightly death toll on channel 5?
Fucking democrat traitors.
The bleating fools of the right need a little history lesson:
First: Obama said that Afghanistan was his first priority.
Second: Bush lied about Iraq and failed to go after the Taliban in Afghanistan – leading to the current problems.
Third: Bush “trusted” Karzai and Musharraf – and neither one has been honest, fought terrorist or had popular support – leading to the problems we now have.
4. Bush pulled the troops from Afghanistan for the unnecessary war in Iraq – destabilizing the entire area.
Yes, Afghanistan is now a mess…a mess that Bush created. Obama is cleaning up that mess that Bush ignored and it will cost american lives…but that is the base that protected al qaida.
Notice how the right wing nitwits forget the basic facts and twist the truth.
Friggin’ idiots have no clue. We already know that Klynical and Mark are complete maroons with the intelligence of a third graders *.
There was what President Obama likes to call a teachable moment last week, when the International Olympic Committee rejected Chicago’s bid to be host of the 2016 Summer Games.
“Cheers erupted” at the headquarters of the conservative Weekly Standard, according to a blog post by a member of the magazine’s staff, with the headline “Obama loses! Obama loses!” Rush Limbaugh declared himself “gleeful.” “World Rejects Obama,” gloated the Drudge Report. And so on.
So what did we learn from this moment? For one thing, we learned that the modern conservative movement, which dominates the modern Republican Party, has the emotional maturity of a bratty 13-year-old.
Great, guys. Really nice work.
24. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Such a cinder block. So dumb. So impervious to knowledge!
10/04/2009 at 6:32 pm
Oh…because (like many so others here), I see through the horseshit that you deposit here every day and call you on it?
Too fucking easy Puddy…try to make it harder, OK?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
None of you LEFTIST’s wanna talk about the tragic, avoidable death of US soldiers.
Obama has Young Soldiers blood dripping from his hands today–
Obama lied….and 8 died.
Obama was going to FIGHT in Afghanistan.
The terrorists know he is weak and indecisive…so they attack & kill our brave soldiers.
This is treason.
Like shooting water into a clowns mouth (rujax the clown that is) at the Puyallup Fair…
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Just from those three posts 67-69 proves what Puddy claimed of Rujax@24… a DUMB CINDER BLOCK!
Typical Chicago corruption running rampant from the white house in WA DC northwest back to Chi-town. Or from Chi-town southeast to the whitey house in WA DC. You choose the direction!
Fuck he’s stupid.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Hey rujax,
get someone to help you and find out who Joe Ahern is. Google Joe Ahern Chicago Olympics fool!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Yes Puddy agrees with rujax
Fuck rujax is stupid.
Any further debate or questions?
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor.
Great! “Bang” (gavel hits block!) Motion carried.
73. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Yes Puddy agrees with rujax
Fuck rujax is stupid.
Any further debate or questions?
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor.
Great! “Bang” (gavel hits block!) Motion carried.
10/05/2009 at 10:34 am
This junior high school shit is supposed to impress who?
None of you LEFTIST’s wanna talk about the tragic, avoidable death of US soldiers.
Heh. So what’s your solution? Cut and run? lol!
Where the fuck were you when Dumbya wasted over 4000 american lives in Iraq? Not to mention all the Iraqui lives that have been wasted because of that craphead’s foolishness.
And don’t give me that al Qaeda crap because there was no al Qaeda in Iraq before Dumbya set out on his excellent adventure.
The Taliban and the remnants of Osama’s gang IS in Afghanistan and the least we can do is leave a stable government that will keep those bastards at bay and if not that find a way to contain that shit.
Gee, do you think there might have been anything else which might have contributed to Chicago quickly losing in the first round, other than Obama weighing in with his rather tepid support very late in the process (the final week)?
Perhaps the fact that the U.S. has had more than it’s share of recent Olympics – Los Angeles in 1984, Atlanta in 1996, and the Salt Lake City winter games in 2002?
Or perhaps the fact that the Olympic officials were less than impressed with how the Atlanta games were handled, and mortified by the bribery scandals which erupted in conjunction with the awarding of the Salt Lake City Games?
Or how about that they had gotten pretty sick and tired of the U.S. foreign policy between 2000 and 2008, and international popular opinion might have revolted against them if the U.S. were awarded another Olympics? What if many of the Muslim countries had indicated they might boycot games if a U.S. city won this one?
Or how about the fact that NO S. American country had ever had an Olympics?
Or how about the fact that if you were given a choice to take a vacation to Chicago or Rio, most of the world would pick Rio? (Remember that the “summer” games would be held in the winter in Rio, but a winter in Rio is pretty nice! Besides, the television coverage of the beach volleball competitions in Rio might show the spectators wearing even less clothes than the participants!
It’s wonderful and Puddy supporting the kiddies who sang it.
@90 From that link: “8. Exclude Later-Inserted Liberal Passages: excluding the later-inserted liberal passages that are not authentic, such as the adulteress story”
They want to get rid of the adultress story so they can get on with casting the first stone. I figure there’s few things wingnuts would get off on more than stoning people they hate to death at the gates of the city. The problem these freaks have with Sharia Law is that they can’t do that kind of thing here. Though I’m sure some wingnut will pipe up and say that it’s so much more civilized to stone someone to death than it is to cut off their head.
The death of those soldiers at Wanat is not on Obama.
Fool he is the CiC!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
KLOWN @ 99–
All you can do is crucify Bush??
What about OBAMA??
He is allowing our Troops to hang out there and be vulnerable while he “gathers Information”??
You gotta be kidding me.
They are Dying…while Obama “gathers information”.
Obama made a commitment in March to fight to win. I’m with him. Now he is waffling because of KLOWNS like you!!!
Get adequate troops and fight to win…
or get out!
But don’t let young kids come home in body bags while our inexperienced Kommander-in-Chief Gathers Information.
What in the hell has Obama been doing!!
Oh yeah, losing the Olympics for America and watching himself on TV shows.
What a loooooooooooser Obama is.
If he did, he would make sure our troops had adequate #’s.
When General’s start resigning and troops stop re-enlisting we will be in a real quandry.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
American Thinker article on out Kommander in Chief (excerpts)
No narrative. Obama doesn’t have a narrative. No, not a narrative about himself. He has a self-narrative, much of it fabricated, cleverly disguised or written by someone else. But this self-narrative is isolated and doesn’t connect with us. He doesn’t have an American narrative that draws upon the rest of us. All successful presidents have a narrative about the American character that intersects with their own where they display a command of history and reveal an authenticity at the core of their personality that resonates in a positive endearing way with the majority of Americans. We admire those presidents whose narratives not only touch our own, but who seem stronger, wiser, and smarter than we are. Presidents we admire are aspirational peers, even those whose politics don’t align exactly with our own: Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Harry Truman, Ike, Reagan.
But not this president. It’s not so much that he’s a phony, knows nothing about economics, is historically illiterate, and woefully small minded for the size of the task– all contributory of course. It’s that he’s not one of us. And whatever he is, his profile is fuzzy and devoid of content, like a cardboard cutout made from delaminated corrugated paper. Moreover, he doesn’t command our respect and is unable to appeal to our own common sense. His notions of right and wrong are repugnant and how things work just don’t add up. They are not existential. His descriptions of the world we live in don’t make sense and don’t correspond with our experience. In the meantime, while we’ve been struggling to take a measurement of this man, he’s dissed just about every one of us–financiers, energy producers, banks, insurance executives, police officers, doctors, nurses, hospital administrators, post office workers, and anybody else who has a non-green job. Expect Obama to lament at his last press conference in 2012: “For those of you I offended, I apologize. For those of you who were not offended, you just didn’t give me enough time; if only I’d had a second term, I could have offended you too.”
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Would love to hear Obama’s phone call to the families of the dead troops…
Obama is a koward.
He has disassociated himself from reality and consequences of his INACTIONS.
It’s like the world is a big MOVIE.
Obama is the star.
The STAR is done!!
Puddy and Cynical
Is there anything negative that happens nowadays that involves American interests that isn’t Obama’s fault, whether it be a poor battlefield decision, a business failure, or a natural disaster? We have a president who enables Americans to hold their heads up with pride again, yet you guys blame him if you get a bad case of gas.
looks like I missed 5:02pm and 5:03pm…..wife still working hard supporting your ass?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Proud Leftist…
Is there anything negative that happens in yesteryear that involved American interests that wasn’t Bush’s fault, whether it be a poor battlefield decision, a business failure, or a natural disaster?
Puddy just wondering Proud Leftist.
Now the foo shits! Oops shoe fits!
battlefield decision – Iraq
a business failure – Enron
or a natural disaster – Katrina
“With his “we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist” opening to the world’s dictators, the President is exhibiting classic beta male behavior, in essence rolling over on his back and exposing his throat to them to make sure they know he has no intention of challenging their authority.
Of course, the problem is that he’s not simply exposing his throat, he’s exposing America’s collective throat, sending the message that he’s a typical beta male intent on submitting to all the alpha male leaders around the world, and damn the consequences. His response to the discovery of Iran’s newest, and heretofore “secret,” nuclear facility was, as Daniel Henninger (Wall Street Journal, October 1, 2009) points out, to have our State Department offer to start a direct dialogue with the tyrannical Burmese regime.”
@116…as much as you? hahahahah, I worked all day – no time for posting or screwing off.
no posting for me during the day – I have one of them job thingies…..you should try it – or at least try and look for one while you wife carries your sorry ass. gonna make her cook and clean after she gets home? ya, you will – I can tell your one of those types of assholes.
dumbass…nice try..you lose.
proud leftistspews:
Cynical @ 102: “It’s not so much that he’s a phony, knows nothing about economics, is historically illiterate, and woefully small minded for the size of the task– all contributory of course. It’s that he’s not one of us.”
You racist, fucking pig. This is racist rot of the first order. Obama was raised by a single mother in a difficult situation, but through his hard work, focus, and native intelligence was able to go to Harvard Law School and become editor-in-chief of the law review. Through continued hard work, focus, and native talent, he has become president. That is not a “narrative” according to the fuckhead you quote that can be admired. Why? Because he’s not one of “us.” In other words, he does not have the right skin color. Of all of you wingnut charges against Obama, your persistent claim that he is not smart and doesn’t know what he is doing is the one that smacks the most of racism. You wingnuts just fundamentally don’t believe an African-American man can be intellectually gifted. Damn, you are pathetic.
Yeah. I can tell everyone whose head isn’t stuck up a right wing ass is hanging on each keyboard stroke.
Yaaaaaaaawnnn.. You’re so boring.
Hate away fiend. Nice choices you make for your leisure hours.
proud leftistspews:
We should demand that our pharmaceutical companies devote their R & D efforts toward developing a vaccine against wingnuttia. Wingnuttia poses a far graver threat to public health and welfare than does something like swine flu.
Real men take care of their family YLB – stop fucking around and surfing the internet – man-the-fuck-up, grow a ballsack, and be a MAN for Christ’s sake.
LOL! Well that’s not quite as funny as the whopper in 25 but worth a few chuckles.
Uhhh. Sorry. I’ve seen a lot of right wing obsessives in these comment threads.
They’re never “done”. It’s the nature of the addiction.
Oh my! Let’s play that again!
“I dont hate anybody”
Oh no! ROTFLMAO!!! My sides are splitting! Help!
@132 Oh, shit, looks like we need someone who speaks Puddyese here. 131 is incomprehensible.
Oh, come. Puddy’s a crack up. It doesn’t matter what time of day you check in here, because more often than not he’s using YLB’s head as a jack hammer!
Frankly, I think YLB loves the attention – whatever the flavor! – because he can’t be getting much at home!
143. Sue spews:
@132 Oh, shit, looks like we need someone who speaks Puddyese here. 131 is incomprehensible.
Oh, come. Puddy’s a crack up. It doesn’t matter what time of day you check in here, because more often than not he’s using YLB’s head as a jack hammer!
Frankly, I think YLB loves the attention – whatever the flavor! – because he can’t be getting much at home!
10/05/2009 at 9:30 pm
Hi Sue-
Linguists have identified that strange dialect as “P-bonics”.
Yawwnnn. Yet another stray from Stupes’ tribe. First Hannah, now “Sue” the “progressive”…
zzzzZZZ.. zzzzZZZZZ.. zzzzZZZZZ..
“Progressive” for sure. And the gay hater doesn’t hate anybody….
Hey right wing tools. In case you forgot.
I WON last week’s contest.
The only right winger I can recall winning the bird’s eye was my wingnut bro YO – once.
Have hardly seen his sorry ass since.
Kudos to yipeelilboy for winning something.
Put the trophy on the fireplace next to the participation award you won in 6th grade.
2 – That’s the third or 4th bird’s eye contest I’ve won tool.
Good luck on the likes of you getting your first.
Satisfy yourself instead with Hannah Giles’ whore get up. I bet that reminds you of your mission here.
Good for you. All the time you spend here is finally paying off.
My mission here?
How do you know about my secret mission?
Speaking of the NFL–that was one of the worst games I have ever seen. First-class crapfest.
get a life ylb….try going out and getting laid(by women this time).
I wish I thought more of Jim Mora.
6 – How many bird’s eye contests have you won? Let me guess? Zero?
And have you bred? If so, oh well, got to take the good with the bad in life I guess.
ylb arschloch,
Da hit just keep on coming! You spend all your time here while some of us are WORKING on Sunday.
Hey Daddy Love
Go Eagles!
LMFAO @ 8 -hahahahahhaha, oohhhhh, you got me there ylb, you get the geek prize.
HHmmmmm, lets see here: be employed or win bird’s eye contest…which would you choose?
owned again ylb….
Gotta Love Capitalism
“Michael Moore’s purposefully controversial and politically polarizing documentary Capitalism: A Love Story was distributed by Overture Films and wound up in 7th place. It went wide into 962 theaters this weekend after opening on September 23rd in a limited release of 4 theaters. The pic about the financial crisis made $1.6M Friday and $2M Saturday (+33%) for a $4.8M weekend and $5.2M cume.”
Why haven’t the HA Libtardos gone to the movies in force. We we know ylb arschloch would be stealing food from the table going to visit this lead balloon!
Bottom line… The US Populace is implementing capitalism. They are ignoring the union busting tub of lard!!!!!!
@11 Another smack down of ylb arschloch!
What union did Moore bust?
Hay Puddy ..
what sells better porn or bible pix?
SJ you aren’t paying attention lately are you?
Regarding Porn or Bible Pictures? That question is best answered by ylb arschloch left porn eye. He’s the best to answer that question. He probably sits at home …
Butt, the best selling book of all time is The Bible.
Hey ylb arschloch,
Here is a group your wife can join. They’ll support her supporting your sorry ASS!
“We hold these truths to be self evident; that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unailienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” — Then there is ylb arschloch!
Obama has Young Soldiers blood dripping from his hands today–
Obama lied….and 8 died.
Obama was going to FIGHT in Afghanistan.
The terrorists know he is weak and indecisive…so they attack & kill our brave soldiers.
This is treason.
Puddy @ 17–
That is funny!!
Something tells me Mrs. YLB is either a blow-up doll OR some hog also beggin’ for handouts.
Such an ass. So pathetic.
I choose being the furthest thing from a homophobic, hate-driven right wing prick, i.e. you.
Got the right wing pricks all worked up in this thread.
Lurkers out there: see this is what the right wing is all about.
Thanks for playing right wingers.
poor ylb is now flailing about like a man drowning in his own feces.
I dont have anybody numbnuts…not even you. You are rather comical to watch in fact.
and you still arent going to get a booty call from Madcow.
Such a cinder block. So dumb. So impervious to knowledge!
@23….should have said “I dont hate anybody”..not “have”….
I thought as much. Pretty lonely life, being homophobic, hanging on every hateful, empty utterance from right wing hate radio, projecting fantasies on anonymous commenters on a political blog.
Carry on. You’re doing a great job showing everybody lurking out there what the right wing has always been all about:
1, 8, 21 & 22 are the same fool… ylb arschloch… the biggest unemployed hating brick on HA. His sycophant rujax the very dumb cinder block gives him moral jockstrapping.
LOL! a little slip there. Right hater?
(oops made a little pun there.)
LOL! Oh man, that’s too rich!!!
see what I mean? ylb acts like a trained dog..
fetch boy, fetch!
The answer to this question, judging from the evidence of the right wing idiots in these comment threads, is a resounding
ylb arschloch,
You were smarter when you were employed and Clueless. You didn’t drink the left-wing whackamole kook-aid so much. Can you revert or have you shed that persona forever like a SNAKE shedding it’s skin?
As much as I hate to see the Seahawks lose, I started Peyton Manning this week on my fantasy team, so I’m happy with the world.
Puddy ..
What BS .. the best selling book is the bible???
When was it last of the best seller list?
Does this claim include free copies?
So what do you suppose has “sp;d” more … Mao’s little red book or your version of the King James?
Oh my, this right winger has betrayed the cause:
Yes, he commends Beck for reading conservatives requiring some college reading skills.
But… will any right wing idiot after paying to see Beck at the Safe shell out for this guy’s two volume book on Raygun? Shit no!
Link @ 31
32 – Uhh.. Excuse me if I IGNORE, to paraphrase Stephen Hayward, a “braindead conservative”
shouldnt you be surfing monster.com or some other jobs site rather than HA? just sayin…
See 36.
So, who’s going to feed us now that all of central Washington’s top soil is now in north-central Oregon? And how big of a bailout are our anti-taxes and big government friends in corporate Ag. going to get?
It’s best to ignore the ylb arschloch. He’s gone loony too numerous for Puddy.
Choose the site…
Fetch boy, fetch!
just like a good retriever, you keep coming back for more
More Stephen Hayward:
See 31 for the link.
ya, because wind storms blowing dirt around is something new to central washington….
(rolls eyes)
LMAO @ Stupes @ 40
What a moron! What’s the first link that comes up in that search?
American Enterprise Institute – what a flaming liberal outfit that is!
Stupes has a point about loonies though – down the page in that search is a link to Free Republic.
Thanks for playing idiot!
fetch that stick ylb, fetch it!
good dog!
LMFAO at the puppet….hehehehehe
Project much? As Limbaugh is your undisputed master, I’d say yes.
Wow, aren’t you a friendly one.
Big Ag. corporate welfare comes up on here from time to time. As does counties like Adams and Grant ‘not wanting to pay for Seattle’ when, in fact its Seattle and King County that are supporting Adams and Grant.
Sorry, but my post was far more relevant than anything you’ve posted here.
@48….none of which is related to the wind kicking up in central washington – LIKE IT DOES EVER YEAR AT THIS TIME…..
maybe its globull worming! lol
@47 – limbaugh? me listen to that poser? hahahahahah – poor ylb, all those ASSumptions and still he cant figure his ass from his hand….try McDonalds YLB, they might let you clean the bathrooms with logic like that…
What? Limpblows too liberal for you? No talk of “pole smoking” or “rug munching c*nts” on the Limpblows show?
Ahhh, I get it. Too PC.
So let’s hear it for only true conservative left! The hater @ 50.
All the rest have flat-lined… Heh.
@51….as Fred Sanford would say: “you big dummy!”
No ylb, nothing so nefarious as me thinking rush is too liberal or the like – I just dont find it informative or entertaining. Besides, IM TOO BUSY WORKING(you do know what that is, dont you?).
Now, be a good little rat-dog that you are and go fetch….because you have been doing such a good job thus far.
LOL@ you are too stupid to even know your being played like a fiddle….
Uhhh. Yeah. Right… busy at 10:46pm on a Sunday evening..
If your “job” is hating.. Yeah I can believe that. Haters hate at the drop of a hat.
Haters really enjoy their “work”.
Ooops. Correction. 52 is the feckless gay hater.
It’s getting late. Pushing back against right wing hate is wearying work.
The Ultimate Troll Thread …………
God dam you are stupid. Im too busy in the day to be wasting my time listening to Rush or anybody else on the radio. You cant even understand the context of the conversation you started…fucking numbnuts…..how the hell does your wife put up with it?
now go fetch that stick boy, fetch it!
@55..is that your professional opinion?
The wingnut comments are so idiotic, they bespeak of desperation.
re 58: You got that right!!
18 Clinton left our soldiers high and dry too. Remember the outrage from the left over body armor? All of a sudden, Obama is a fuckup, wheres the outrage over our soldiers dying? Wheres the nightly death toll on channel 5?
Fucking democrat traitors.
The bleating fools of the right need a little history lesson:
First: Obama said that Afghanistan was his first priority.
Second: Bush lied about Iraq and failed to go after the Taliban in Afghanistan – leading to the current problems.
Third: Bush “trusted” Karzai and Musharraf – and neither one has been honest, fought terrorist or had popular support – leading to the problems we now have.
4. Bush pulled the troops from Afghanistan for the unnecessary war in Iraq – destabilizing the entire area.
Yes, Afghanistan is now a mess…a mess that Bush created. Obama is cleaning up that mess that Bush ignored and it will cost american lives…but that is the base that protected al qaida.
Notice how the right wing nitwits forget the basic facts and twist the truth.
Friggin’ idiots have no clue. We already know that Klynical and Mark are complete maroons with the intelligence of a third graders *.
* No insult intended for third graders.
So hate is a leisure activity for you. Uhhh. I think not. A hater is just hateful – 24/7.
Damn, you’re evil.
That statement from comment 25 has to be the most hilarious thing I’ve read all week.
Via HuffPo:
Great, guys. Really nice work.
Oh…because (like many so others here), I see through the horseshit that you deposit here every day and call you on it?
Too fucking easy Puddy…try to make it harder, OK?
None of you LEFTIST’s wanna talk about the tragic, avoidable death of US soldiers.
Obama has Young Soldiers blood dripping from his hands today–
Obama lied….and 8 died.
Obama was going to FIGHT in Afghanistan.
The terrorists know he is weak and indecisive…so they attack & kill our brave soldiers.
This is treason.
Hey Rujax@64,
Like shooting water into a clowns mouth (rujax the clown that is) at the Puyallup Fair…
Hey Rujax@64,
Like shooting water into a clowns mouth (rujax the clown that is) at the Puyallup Fair…
Hey Rujax@64,
Like shooting water into a clowns mouth (rujax the clown that is) at the Puyallup Fair…
Just from those three posts 67-69 proves what Puddy claimed of Rujax@24… a DUMB CINDER BLOCK!
Typical Chicago corruption running rampant from the white house in WA DC northwest back to Chi-town. Or from Chi-town southeast to the whitey house in WA DC. You choose the direction!
Fuck he’s stupid.
Hey rujax,
get someone to help you and find out who Joe Ahern is. Google Joe Ahern Chicago Olympics fool!
Yes Puddy agrees with rujax
Any further debate or questions?
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor.
Great! “Bang” (gavel hits block!) Motion carried.
This junior high school shit is supposed to impress who?
Heh. So what’s your solution? Cut and run? lol!
Where the fuck were you when Dumbya wasted over 4000 american lives in Iraq? Not to mention all the Iraqui lives that have been wasted because of that craphead’s foolishness.
And don’t give me that al Qaeda crap because there was no al Qaeda in Iraq before Dumbya set out on his excellent adventure.
The Taliban and the remnants of Osama’s gang IS in Afghanistan and the least we can do is leave a stable government that will keep those bastards at bay and if not that find a way to contain that shit.
What a right wing moron!
Hater, do you actually have a job? You were here all last night and now all day today.
Awww the cinder block is cracking along his edges.
Junior high stuff. Oh you mean your @71 commentary. Yes Puddy agrees with you again about #71.
Any further debate or questions?
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor.
Great! “Bang” (gavel hits block!) Motion carried.
Say one more correct thing about yourself and Puddy can make it a trifecta!
re 60: How many soldiers did we lose in Serbia under Clinton’s watch? It’s a number that I know even you can grasp — ZERO.
re 73: “Any further debate or questions?
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor.
Great! “Bang” (gavel hits block!) Motion carried.’
You are a self-satisfied dunderhead. You seem to be having a debate, trial, and congressional hearings in your head simultaneously.
That’s crazy — at the very least.
75. 56 is a gay hater* spews:
Either leave or fight to win.
There are obviously not enough troops to do the job…and Obama is UNSURE of his strategy while troops are being killed.
What is your solution??
Seems like Obama’s Status Quo ain’t workin’.
The blood of those 8 dead troops is clearly on his hands.
You talk about Bush?
Why not focus on TODAY and the guy in charge.
All you LEFTISTS have is to focus on past Presidents…cuz your guy is a FAILURE!!
So what would you do TODAY if you were Obama?
More Troops.
Status Quo and make due??
How quickly we forget the blood of over 4000 troops in Iraq and the policy of torture that made the quagmire even worse.
Obama is gathering the information to make the best call he can – something that monkey you voted for twice couldn’t dream of doing in his lifetime.
Hey wait a minute… ylb arschloch@82 used the term quagmire.
Hmmm… Puddy hasn’t heard that used since Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm. Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm became preznit. Notice how state controlled media took the DNC talking points and made them their own?
BTW ylb arschloch it’s http://makeylbupyoursasswipe.ars
Photo’s of yesterdays dust storm from space:
RE: Chicago losing the Olympics bid.
Gee, do you think there might have been anything else which might have contributed to Chicago quickly losing in the first round, other than Obama weighing in with his rather tepid support very late in the process (the final week)?
Perhaps the fact that the U.S. has had more than it’s share of recent Olympics – Los Angeles in 1984, Atlanta in 1996, and the Salt Lake City winter games in 2002?
Or perhaps the fact that the Olympic officials were less than impressed with how the Atlanta games were handled, and mortified by the bribery scandals which erupted in conjunction with the awarding of the Salt Lake City Games?
Or how about that they had gotten pretty sick and tired of the U.S. foreign policy between 2000 and 2008, and international popular opinion might have revolted against them if the U.S. were awarded another Olympics? What if many of the Muslim countries had indicated they might boycot games if a U.S. city won this one?
Or how about the fact that NO S. American country had ever had an Olympics?
Or how about the fact that if you were given a choice to take a vacation to Chicago or Rio, most of the world would pick Rio? (Remember that the “summer” games would be held in the winter in Rio, but a winter in Rio is pretty nice! Besides, the television coverage of the beach volleball competitions in Rio might show the spectators wearing even less clothes than the participants!
Right from the left wing talking points over the weekend. Search the whackamole and leftist msm talking point sites.
Good job rhp. Puddy knew you had it in ya!
Nice picture. Now Puddy knows why I-90 was closed down. Wow!
Goodness Headless@79,
Sockpuppetry strong in this one. – Yoda
asswipe @ 83
What happened to “the messiah”?
Such a feckless, hate-filled, fool..
asswipe @ 83 again
Heard the good news? Your dumbass peeps are trying to eliminate the “liberal bias” FROM THE FREAKING BIBLE!
The depravity of your kind knows no bounds.
Un*freaking*believable – even King James was too liberal for these freaks!
77. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Smelly turd@83 AKA ylb all arschloch…
As Puddy changes your moniker Puddy found something richer, more enticing to the eyes of SeattleJew.
Here you go fool… Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm. Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm
It’s wonderful and Puddy supporting the kiddies who sang it.
@90 From that link: “8. Exclude Later-Inserted Liberal Passages: excluding the later-inserted liberal passages that are not authentic, such as the adulteress story”
They want to get rid of the adultress story so they can get on with casting the first stone. I figure there’s few things wingnuts would get off on more than stoning people they hate to death at the gates of the city. The problem these freaks have with Sharia Law is that they can’t do that kind of thing here. Though I’m sure some wingnut will pipe up and say that it’s so much more civilized to stone someone to death than it is to cut off their head.
I love that bumper sticker…
“When the rapture comes can I have your car?”
HNMP spotted@89 AKA ylb arschloch!
Post 92 should read Smelly turd@89 AKA ylb all arschloch…
Puddy made a boo-boo
82. 56 is a gay hater* spews:
Gathering Information???
Tell it to the families of the dead soldiers KLOWN.
Obama is guilty of treason.
Will the new wingnut Bible include the Book of Klynical? That’d be a hoot!
I see that even the wingnut Rasmussen poll has President Obama at 52% approval. That’s gotta suck for somebody we know.
Reality-hating asshole @ 96
That brain-dead ape you voted for twice let soldiers DIE for 3 whole years before stumbling into something that halfway-worked – even that is dubious.
Baghdad is a city where people are separated from each other by walls. The Sunnis are just biding their time.
The death of those soldiers at Wanat is not on Obama. Everything I’ve read says they were poorly prepared for their mission.
Fool he is the CiC!
KLOWN @ 99–
All you can do is crucify Bush??
What about OBAMA??
He is allowing our Troops to hang out there and be vulnerable while he “gathers Information”??
You gotta be kidding me.
They are Dying…while Obama “gathers information”.
Obama made a commitment in March to fight to win. I’m with him. Now he is waffling because of KLOWNS like you!!!
Get adequate troops and fight to win…
or get out!
But don’t let young kids come home in body bags while our inexperienced Kommander-in-Chief Gathers Information.
What in the hell has Obama been doing!!
Oh yeah, losing the Olympics for America and watching himself on TV shows.
What a loooooooooooser Obama is.
If he did, he would make sure our troops had adequate #’s.
When General’s start resigning and troops stop re-enlisting we will be in a real quandry.
American Thinker article on out Kommander in Chief (excerpts)
Would love to hear Obama’s phone call to the families of the dead troops…
Obama is a koward.
He has disassociated himself from reality and consequences of his INACTIONS.
It’s like the world is a big MOVIE.
Obama is the star.
The STAR is done!!
idiot @ 101
You’re calling for IMPEACHMENT after what that monkey did in Iraq?
You freak!
Now the asswipe is quoting American Stinker..
too pathetic.
Puddy and Cynical
Is there anything negative that happens nowadays that involves American interests that isn’t Obama’s fault, whether it be a poor battlefield decision, a business failure, or a natural disaster? We have a president who enables Americans to hold their heads up with pride again, yet you guys blame him if you get a bad case of gas.
unemployed and looking for a job, the YLB way:
HA posts today by our favorite unemployed poster:
these are only the ones I found in two or three threads…didnt bother to check for the other half dozen or so he probably posted.
Wow YLB, why to step up and be a fucking man – or husband. Let the wife work all day while you fuck off on the internet.
Im sure the rest of your time was spent hitting dailykos, huffpo, and gay port sites(I know, your just “curious”, right?).
fucking leach.
go fetch boy, fetch!…god damn yapping rat-dog…
looks like I missed 5:02pm and 5:03pm…..wife still working hard supporting your ass?
Proud Leftist…
Puddy just wondering Proud Leftist.
Now the foo shits! Oops shoe fits!
battlefield decision – Iraq
a business failure – Enron
or a natural disaster – Katrina
Hmmmm.. You’re obsessed!
What a shit-headed fiend!
Ahhhhh.. He’s getting a little soft on the sick obsession front.
Poor little hater..
The fool ylb arschloch has no life and no paycheck.
Is the gay hater a person who hates gays or a gay person who hates PuddWaxx Mr. Klitoral?
In other words, is he a gay hater or a gay hater? Please be clear.
Is Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm. Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm a βeta male?
“With his “we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist” opening to the world’s dictators, the President is exhibiting classic beta male behavior, in essence rolling over on his back and exposing his throat to them to make sure they know he has no intention of challenging their authority.
Of course, the problem is that he’s not simply exposing his throat, he’s exposing America’s collective throat, sending the message that he’s a typical beta male intent on submitting to all the alpha male leaders around the world, and damn the consequences. His response to the discovery of Iran’s newest, and heretofore “secret,” nuclear facility was, as Daniel Henninger (Wall Street Journal, October 1, 2009) points out, to have our State Department offer to start a direct dialogue with the tyrannical Burmese regime.”
Of course Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm. Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm yep is a liar. We all knew this…
113 – Click on the link @ comment 111 and judge for yourself.
112 – That’s why you’re here at least as much as I am. What a life! What a maroon!
@116…as much as you? hahahahah, I worked all day – no time for posting or screwing off.
no posting for me during the day – I have one of them job thingies…..you should try it – or at least try and look for one while you wife carries your sorry ass. gonna make her cook and clean after she gets home? ya, you will – I can tell your one of those types of assholes.
dumbass…nice try..you lose.
Cynical @ 102: “It’s not so much that he’s a phony, knows nothing about economics, is historically illiterate, and woefully small minded for the size of the task– all contributory of course. It’s that he’s not one of us.”
You racist, fucking pig. This is racist rot of the first order. Obama was raised by a single mother in a difficult situation, but through his hard work, focus, and native intelligence was able to go to Harvard Law School and become editor-in-chief of the law review. Through continued hard work, focus, and native talent, he has become president. That is not a “narrative” according to the fuckhead you quote that can be admired. Why? Because he’s not one of “us.” In other words, he does not have the right skin color. Of all of you wingnut charges against Obama, your persistent claim that he is not smart and doesn’t know what he is doing is the one that smacks the most of racism. You wingnuts just fundamentally don’t believe an African-American man can be intellectually gifted. Damn, you are pathetic.
@118…I would rather see Colin Powell in the big seat at the white house.
Powell-Schwarzkopf in 2012 gets my vote. :)
117 – And what are you doing in your free time? Obsessing over my posting record?
What an idiot. You’re starting to bore me to tears. Keep it up and it’ll be sooooooo easy to IGNORE your hating ass.
@120….nope just proving a point to everyone here about what a fuck you are.
maybe next time you will think twice before talking shit.
case closed.
re 114: “Of course, the problem is that he’s not simply exposing his throat, he’s exposing America’s collective throat….”
If I’m not mistaken, from the day he was inaugurated to today (10/5/09)is MORE time than the day Bush was inaugurated to 9/11/01.
Obama has already had more success in keeping us safe than Bush did.
Yeah. I can tell everyone whose head isn’t stuck up a right wing ass is hanging on each keyboard stroke.
Yaaaaaaaawnnn.. You’re so boring.
Hate away fiend. Nice choices you make for your leisure hours.
We should demand that our pharmaceutical companies devote their R & D efforts toward developing a vaccine against wingnuttia. Wingnuttia poses a far graver threat to public health and welfare than does something like swine flu.
@123….you mean as opposed to the choices you make during the day when your wife thinks your looking for work?
fetch boy, fetch!
Let’s review that howler from comment 25 again:
LMAO!!! Every time I look at that I double over in laughter!
It is just too.damn.funny! Especially when you know it comes from the same asswipe who wrote this:
I mean this guy spent a lifetime getting this stupid?
126: “I mean this guy spent a lifetime getting this stupid?”
Sometimes, hard work and persistence pay off.
1. I dont – accept assholes
2. She is.
3. your still a lazy fuck of a husband- and now everyone here knows.
have a nice evening.
1 – Uhhhh. Sorry. It’s very common for right wingers to be self hating. Here’s one pet theory I’ve been posting:
2. Naughty, naughty. Being hateful again…
3. Yawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwnnnnnn.. You guys love repeating yourselves or reading your own typing. Whatever.
You have raised an interesting point yippielilboy…
If 117 is a gay hater, and he obviously hates you, does that make you gay?
Wow arschloch@129,
You’re struggling now. Silly re-run commentary. Nothing new here run along.
zzzzzzZZZZZZzzzzz … … … zzzzzzZZZZZZZzzzzz
4) Repeat 1-3 continually until employed!
Oh, shit, looks like we need someone who speaks Puddyese here. 131 is incomprehensible.
Funny thing about hate.
It brings out the haters.
130 – yet another half-assed observation from the psuedo-defender of gay rights.
Click on the link or see 126 for your right wing buddy’s finest moment in the HA.org comment threads.
(I bet there’s even better moments but excuse me if I’m lacking the motivation right now to look for them.)
Proud Leftist,
You can’t decipher Prof Darryl either.
1) Read
2) Become Confused
3) Repeat
What a tard!
Great article on the leftist pinhead Dave Letterman. If David was a conservative host you tards would be screaming.
See post #128, line item #3.
Thats all you need to know.
Real men take care of their family YLB – stop fucking around and surfing the internet – man-the-fuck-up, grow a ballsack, and be a MAN for Christ’s sake.
time for you to grow up and be responsible.
zzzzzzzZZZZZ zzzzzZZZZZZ… zzzzzzZZZZZ…
like we haven’t heard that one from the gay hater before.
Be an example to your kids gay hater – renounce hate.
Oh… you must want your kids to be just like Daddy!
Very typical that hate runs in families. As common as feces.
136 – Moron I don’t recall Letterman running for office on a “family values” platform – unlike Vitter the shitter, Stall-man Craig or Page Dorm Foley.
136 – Or any of these guys:
(now watch…)
christ, what a fucking loser.
Everyone knows what your about – all day long – all night long posting…no job search, no helping out at home – just posting and surfing.
at least I take care of my own.
go fetch boy, fetch! I am done with ya.
LOL! Well that’s not quite as funny as the whopper in 25 but worth a few chuckles.
Uhhh. Sorry. I’ve seen a lot of right wing obsessives in these comment threads.
They’re never “done”. It’s the nature of the addiction.
Oh my! Let’s play that again!
Oh no! ROTFLMAO!!! My sides are splitting! Help!
@132 Oh, shit, looks like we need someone who speaks Puddyese here. 131 is incomprehensible.
Oh, come. Puddy’s a crack up. It doesn’t matter what time of day you check in here, because more often than not he’s using YLB’s head as a jack hammer!
Frankly, I think YLB loves the attention – whatever the flavor! – because he can’t be getting much at home!
Hi Sue-
Linguists have identified that strange dialect as “P-bonics”.
Yawwnnn. Yet another stray from Stupes’ tribe. First Hannah, now “Sue” the “progressive”…
zzzzZZZ.. zzzzZZZZZ.. zzzzZZZZZ..
“Progressive” for sure. And the gay hater doesn’t hate anybody….
Because it’s just too freaking hilarious!
Oh what a side splitter!
Glad you like it.
That was funny. Puddy could you ylb arschloch’s granite head to create the new Seattle tunnel!
148 – Stupes – she’s one of yours. I wouldn’t be surprised if you brought her here to tag team.
Bring it on fool! You always end up looking like an idiot.
To paraphrase “Sue” – you must enjoy the attention.
@149….I dont know, you looked pretty foolish yesterday in your exchange with “YLB racist”.