– Happy Thanksgiving and Shopping Day.
– Shorter Cathy McMorris Rodgers: The President’s immigration executive order is the democratic process on the rocks. Not the last 4 years of House leadership that I’ve been a part of.
– Does sadness have levels? I guess so. I’m not sure what “more than sad” feels like so I keep quiet.
– The today’s Uber versus future Uber is an interesting lens for policy debates.
– West Seattle scenes: Sea-star sighting, and a video review
Walking out of class…oooh brave, that’ll really wake the people up!
Most of the those hipsters (who probably can’t even find Missouri on a map) just wanted to cut class.
@1 Yeah, it’s not very effective. When cops want to get people’s attention, they put bullets in children’s heads.
The dumbass moron tries to work things out:
That is the most chickenshit thing I have ever heard. What kind of Keystone Kop Kindergarten are they running there. Who trained this kid? What kind of value do they put on a Black Person’s life there?
The guy was trying to find a way, and a justification to end a human life…to KILL Michael Brown, as if there was no other way to resolve the situation.
I want to puke.
Get ready for a long and VERY VERY EXPENSIVE civil trial, St. Louis County.
You WILL atone for your sins.
@3,4…You are boring.
Thought this was insightful:
Thanksgiving, the day Americans fed undocumented illegal aliens from Europe.
@ 5,
Bwaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa.
racejax! Nice!
More Kindergarten Kop:
Really? This clown’s “training” brought him to the point where he escalated a situation to the level of deadly force in what he claims was a matter of seconds?
Seriously? This is what passes for professional policing in St. Louis County Missouri?
And another thing…who the fuck let this idiot open his yap on national teevee the very fucking DAY after the verdict? Are there ANY adults running that circus over there?
Someone pointed out that
“There can be endless peaceful prayer vigils and moral marches and non violent protests over the death of black males and they are all but invisible in the media and never mentioned on fox news, but if a window get broken, the media goes nuts with coverage. Property damage apparently garners eyeballs and sells advertising, while the other does not.”
What does that tell you about our society?
Butt Obummer continues
“PuddyCommentary: Hmmm… this is very prescient… Isn’t this an admission Obummer thinks he’s above the law? Obummer and his henchmen have spent the past few days claiming… no, insisting… that Obummer’s decision in modify how Obummer enforces immigration law and regulations are entirely constitutional! Obummer claimed it doesn’t actually change or conflict with and existing laws. Yet, when a crowd heckler last night in Chicago finally got Obummer to tell the truth and brag that Obummer “changed the law” — a process which the supposed Community Organizing Constitutional Law Scholar should and would know is absolutely impossible without Congress action!
So now we know. Obummer executive action in Obummer’s mind changed the law. Thanks for playing your hand Obummer. We now see Obummer knows Obummer is simply violating the law. Obummer is openly bragging about it. isn’t discretion the better part of valor? Obummer doesn’t care anymoe since the Nov 4th erections destroyed DUMMOCRETINS and Obummer thinks Obummer got away with Obummer’s executive action on illegal aliens. Not a smart PR move with America watching. You’d think this Harvard educated, so smart no one can view his law school grades community organizing constitutional law scholar, would realize Obummer’s words will be used back against Obummer next year when Congress reconvenes? NOPE! Apparently Obummer is more worried about the cheering and adulation at rallies and less worried about being discrete. Even after six years, some things never change with Obummer.
No problem for HA DUMMOCRETINS! The more lawless Obummer acts the more they cheer!
Sorry Better, but it’s never been any different.
The only way the folks in Boston figured they could get the attention of Parliament was to dump the entire contents of a powerful trading company’s shipment into the harbor.
Wow worser @ 9 you really are an idiot…
Bill O’Reilly was pilloried by Media Morons when he and others brought up the number of black males dying at the hands of other blacks in all major cities. Where are the race hustlers Bill O. asked? Bill was mocked on HA DUMMOCRETINS by the standard stooooooooooopid HA DUMMOCRETINS (we all know who they are) and you forgot this? Monday Rudy Giuliani was attacked by Michael Eric Dyson as having an “attitude” for discussing how 93% of blacks die at the hands of other blacks in the inner city! Yet you forgot that too!
Sux to be worser!
The sicko puddyperson 3/12…only 25%.
Get busy sicko puddyperson!
In other news DUMMOCRETIN sex predators… http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new.....n-boy.html
PuddyCommentary: Did anyone view this sex creep is a DUMMOCRETIN in the article? Nope! You need to perform a deep Google search to determine that!
http://www.freerepublic.com/fo.....2546/posts – DUMMOCRETIN working under Beau Biden Atty General of Delaware
DUMMOCRETINS are sex scum too!
Oh racejax @ 13,
Keep posting your racist rants!
Sux to be you!
Where is the empty tea bag with the puffed chafed butt!
DUMMOCRETINS are sex scum too!
Meanwhile we see more DUMMOCRETIN thought in action… Libtards in action – http://www.dailymail.co.uk/fem.....-bear.html
Things you never read in American newspapers because they cover up stooooooopid DUMMOCRETIN actions all the time. Puddy’s great aunt had vitiligo. We didn’t know what it was back in the 60s until she showed us how her skin was different shades. We didn’t care. Butt libtards like this moron Tsai make fun of the lady in the article!
[Deleted — quoted material without related discussion]
Oh look… HA Hero Don Lemon of CNN made an ASS of himself again! http://www.nydailynews.com/ent.....-1.2023460
PuddyCommentary: It was Lemon’s marijuana critique that set off others. Oh no the OWS anarchists are dopers! That can’t be mentioned anywhere!
@ 9
What does that tell you about our society?
Some members of society cite their references, others repeatedly do not.
Sicko puddyperson: 9/20
Go baby, GO!!!!
Ferguson prosecutor’s organization raised money for Wilson even as prosecutor presented to grand jury.
The Kinergarten Kop. Yeah, bayyybeeeee.
From the Uber article, I thought it was very correct about uber being overvalued, but this statement caught my eye:
Service reliability is critical in any transportation business, and is extremely critical to the person who needs to be driven to their 6:30am flight; a taxi/limo company controls the cars, maintenance and drivers that determine reliability; one presumes Uber reliability will be worse because it won’t directly control any of those things.
This is a case of theory diverging dramatically from reality. One of the main reasons consumers are dropping taxis and choosing uber is reliability. I find it hard to believe the author didn’t investigate this further.
@ 21
It’s called the “Gish Gallop”. If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit at such a rapid-fire pace that nobody can refute anything. It’s about being the loudest person in the room, even if that person is a complete fucking lunatic.
Yep, that’s what it is, all right.
One could spend a couple hours researching and refuting the sicko puddyperson’s comments. You, I and others have done just that…and in the end the sicko puddyperson just comes up with another wheelbarrow full of shit.
It’s really a very effective right-wing tool to hijack any narrative and debase any discussion.
“Gish Gallop”, huh? Cool. I did not know that.
He’d make a great HA klownservative:
His favorite books include the Bible and “I Love God”..
It might not be possible to obtain ‘Justice for Mike Brown’, Rujax, but Team Obama wants you to know that you can help save the life of a turkey:
Turkey Thunderdome. Heh.
Really OWS racist vomit comvered deadtoad? How many Gish Gallop DUMMOCRETINS are here OWS racist vomit covered deadtoad? How many Puddys’ are here? One Puddy:Multiple Morally Relativistic HA DUMMOCRETINS… More Psych 101 projection from OWS racist vomit covered deadtoad and the back of the car dog doll nodding by rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears, except the lights are off in rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears beady leetle eyes!
The horse manure you threw out in the other thread regarding the VRA and CRA was hilarious! Puddy slammed the door shut on that useless river of drivel with FACTS. That’s the problem with HA DUMMOCRETIN libtards… It’s so easy to find real slobbering msm site links full of facts to refute “your insipid thoughts”! As Travis Bickle wrote to worser… no links!
You rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears, would spend all day on real sites because you’ve proven over and over rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears that your only capacity is finding useless junk on left wrong sites!
Sux to be the twins rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears and OWS racist vomit covered deadtoad!
BTW Obummer just pardoned the yearly rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears a few minutes ago!
Ahhh the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigotstill runs away from Open Thread 1111! http://horsesass.org/open-thread-1111
The sicko puddyperson is clocking 14/30…47%…average production.
Been a little busy with the holiday shopping to keep pace with your monotonous klownservative bullshit kretinous klownservative krackpot..
We’re gonna have a great dinner, give thanks for our good fortune (the oldest is visiting from college) and enjoy ourselves..
What you gonna do fool? Twist yourself like a pretzel over kraptastic klownservative bullshit?
Happy Turkey Day — CHUMP!
@28…and the sicko puddyperson:
It’s not just Michael Brown or Trayvon Martin, ‘Bob.’
It’s about justice, equality and opportunity for all, ‘Bob.’ Poverty, joblessness, inequality, wage stagnation and workers rights are big problems that cut across racial lines, ‘Bob.’
Too bad you and your sicko pal the sicko puddyperson don’t give a fuck…’Bob.’
Remember Steve @ 22,
Prosecutor McCulloch is a died in the wool DUMMOCRETIN! The county manager is a DUMMOCRETIN! The governor is a DUMMOCRETIN!
Great article by a black man on Ferguson. http://online.wsj.com/articles.....1416961287
Wait for it…
absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot… That’s nice butt it’s obvious… you are self-centered. Nuthin new here. It’s your modus operandi!
Thanksgiving is about paying it forward… That’s what the Puddy Family is doing tomorrow. Thanksgiving is about sharing with others… That’s what the Puddy Family is doing tomorrow. Thanksgiving is about giving back to others… That’s what the Puddy Family is doing tomorrow.
Puddy noticed none of that in the
absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot comment #32 above.
Yes Puddy will have a Great Thanksgiving, thank you very much! Puddy hopes your self centered
absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot ASS does something useful for a change!
Blacks commit violent crimes at 7 to 10 times the rate that whites do. The fact that their victims tend to be of the same race suggests that young black men in the ghetto live in danger of being shot by each other, not cops.
Chicago had 507 murders in 2012, only 26% of which were solved. “To put it another way: About three-quarters of the people who killed someone in Chicago in 2012 have gotten away with murder—so far, at least,” Chicago Magazine noted. Chicago Magazine… Libtard Publication!
@ 33
I’m sorry the inequities you listed exist. Trying to turn a criminal into some sort of poster child for change is a non-starter with people who need to be shown examples of what you are trying to say. The images of black people rioting and burning down businesses largely owned by other black people because they think they were wronged by a white person send a message and a strong one at that, but the message that is received only serves to worsen the divide.
As you continue your increasingly nonsensical tirade over the Ferguson GJ outcome, all you are doing is making it easier for people to push your buttons, Rujax. It doesn’t help that supposed sages like RR spewed about ‘fleeing felon’ issues when an overwhelming majority of the evidence indicates that Michael Brown was the aggressor at the times he was struck by bullets. You eventually need to come to grips with that and move on to something more useful. Sooner is better than later.
[Deleted–not Fair Use]
I’m sure the sicko puddyperson has a point here somewhere but he just sounds like any other racist cracker asshole…PLUS…he gets off on insulting white women in a mall for percieved insults.
Jesus Christ, what a fucked-up prick.
Wow 16 percent of ALL capital gains taken by the top 400 households..
Let’s say ALL capital gains in this economy is 1 trillion dollars..
That 160 billion dollars split among 400 households.. Must be rough.
Yep that’s what oligarchy looks like. Don’t miss the graph.. Heh. The ultra-rich are getting way richer.. Thank you krackpot kongress.
The village idiot troll will soon celebrate all the “jobs” this will create. He will support Randroid Ryan’s plans to cut the ultra-rich’s taxes even more while deceiving the rest of us on the costs.
Just another day in klownservative idiot land.
Here is something strange coming from a died in the wool libtard. http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....story.html
What? We who believe in God and Jesus creating the world in 6 days and rested on the Sabbath are told “trust the scientific method”. Now Milbank for this case wants us to suspend trusting the scientific method because it’s not the outcome Milbank wanted?
Milbank is upset because the witnesses who claimed the gentle giant was running away and was shot in the back were challenged on cross-examination? Did Milbank read the evidence provided in the AP link? Michael Brown attacked the policeman in his cruiser and Brown’s DNA was found scientifically on Wilson’s clothes, skin and in the patrol car and Milbank rejects that scientific method?
Man you libtards are grasping for straws!
House Benghazi report – iron clad irrefutable fact – four died
Ferguson grand jury report – an absolute police whitewash – one died
Oh poor rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears or now racejax:
Perceived? Nope you dope… Puddy will get a GoPro video and send it to Goldy so you can watch how white women clutch their handbags in malls you moron!
It really sux to be HA DUMMOCRETIN race hustler rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears!
After reading your miserable swill in these thread – yeah anyone would buy that..
Sorry fool – it’s more like you’re gonna play the crazy uncle boring everyone to tears showing them HA, Michelle Malkin’s Fetid Air, the Gateway Butthole, the Moonie Times, the Anschutz Examiner etc. on your laptop.
Thanks for the thoughtful and measured reply, Bob.
The question remains, and you and I have gone after this for a couple years or so now…how are the disenfranchised supposed to get attention and action on the conditions that aggrieve them?
How do union members finally get the attention of management about wages and working conditions? They strike, and are accused of economic terrorism.
The families of these young men of color that were murdered (I’m assuming here that you at least glanced at the HuffPo link) were denied justice. They were not even afforded a jury trial to assess facts and find a verdict.
The Ferguson Grand Jury was a dog and pony show rigged by the County Prosecutor. Grand Juries do not find fact, they are charged with assisting the prosecutor in assessing grounds for trial. This prosecutor ‘fixed’ it so the case would never go to trial.
Darren Wilson’s claims were outlandish and literally impossible to take seriously. It is just stunning to me how closely Wilson’s narrative tracks George Zimmerman’s.
There will be more Fergusons. More persons of color will be killed like their lives are meaningless. The recent ‘stand your ground’ murders are a perfect example. It’s about justice for all.
But the question remains…what does it take for the power establishment to pay attention? Broken promises and failed initiatives litter the landscape. After all these years go along to get along won’t cut it.
absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot head explodes when confronted with it’s self centeredness! Puddy’s laptop? So you are still tracking Puddy’s movements? Still living vicariously through Puddy?
Puddy PWNS you absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot!
Ohhh absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot wrong again. So wrong for so long. Open Thread 1111 anyone?
Puddy gets up and prepares the turkey!
Puddy makes the sweet potatoes!
Mrs Puddy cooks the other food!
We take some out to other people. Come home and watch the Seahawks-49er Game!
Sux to be the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot. That’s the big diference between Puddy and you absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot!
Watch the fool’s pin head explode @ 46!!!
Musta hit the crazy uncle behavior nail right on the head!!!
I’m honored that my comments play such a central part of your crazy uncle act on the holidays!
Too funny.. Gotta go.
@ 45
It is just stunning to me how closely Wilson’s narrative tracks George Zimmerman’s.
Please list those similarities, Rujax. Other than a gun being fired in the course of hand-to-hand combat, I’m not sure what you might be referring to, and would like to know more.
Items missing from rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears “conversation” of # 45.
Blacks commit violent crimes at 7 to 10 times the rate that whites do. The fact that their victims tend to be of the same race suggests that young black men in the ghetto live in danger of being shot by each other, not cops. Rudy Giuliani provided FACTS that 93% of black deaths are caused by other blacks. Michael Eric Dyson, race hustler, head exploded on national teevee!
Obummer tells the world white police officers show up in high crime areas and deal with these deaths. Yet rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears never comments on this. So how can a real conversation occur with rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears when it never acknowledges this fact along with the race hustlers Al and Jesse?
rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears never answered the question in the other thread regarding all those white people killed by black thugs. Puddy had many more butt those 6 were easy for rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears to respond to. rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears WILL NEVER ANSWER that question. Why? rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears can’t find an answer in any of rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears left wrong sites!
There is no written reason in rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears! If the core answer is not on left wrong sites, rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears resorts to ad hominem ridicule. Then the same ad hominem ridicule is returned to rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears, rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears resorts to the race card!
Puddy will find those on some left wrong site rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears will not list.
You are such a narcissistic ass.
I’ll be offline for a few hours. Perhaps we can continue later.
@ 52
Deal. Happy TG.
Puddy loves it when DUMMOCRETINS infight! http://www.politico.com/story/.....13181.html vs…
http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....k-schumer/ Obummer’s sad little gang of peeps!
I don’t know what is worse – the garbage being spewed here or what the rioters did.
What is the fiend babbling about in 30 and 46???
A thread from 2011??
Crazy uncle indeed!
I never thought I’d ever post something from this asshole. Puffy hold you APE head in shame. You are the most pathetic individual on earth, maybe even on mars.
empty tea bag with the chafed puffed butt butthead…
You keep screaming you freakazoid… Yes your arschloch spew smells to high heaven! Prosecutor Bob McCulloch is a DUMMOCRETIN!
That really sux doesn’t it! McCulloch is one of yours! No screaming of the use of Scalia will make your case any better!
Sure is strange seeing TP using Scalia when they hate Scalia! Opportunistic use!
Sux to be you!
To the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot calls for help, help, help. http://horsesass.org/open-thread-1111-3/ Awww no help delivered.
Sux to be you!
Think about it you OWS anarchist apologists…
All those DUMMOCRETIN minority businesses in Ferguson destroyed by DUMMOCRETIN anarchists.
Waytogo libtardos! Destroy other peoples’ way of life by stooooooooooopidity! Really?
krazed klownservative krackpot (KKK) uncle @ 59..
LMAO!!! Not the same link you posted @ 30..
Brain fart! Brain fart! and the krazed klownservative krackpot uncle hasn’t even made the mashed potatoes yet..
Crickets chirped
Bees Buzzed
Dogs barked
And… no one came to help @61.
They are DUMMOCRETINS like you.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Your best shot… EPIC FAYLE. No mashed potatoes moron! Potato salad!
Life sux when you are the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot!
@40 Sure, he has a point. It’s under his hat.
So are Puddy and Bob still celebrating the senseless killing of a black teen and subsequent miscarriage of justice? Eh, I can see that out of Bob, he who fanaticizes about the black hoard, but Puddy? That, I still don’t quite get. Must still be crazy. So sad. But I keep hoping my old friend recovers someday. I suppose I’ll only know for sure when he rejoins Jesse’s Rainbow Coalition. Too funny!
“The images of black people rioting and burning down businesses largely owned by other black people because they think they were wronged by a white person send a message and a strong one at that, but the message that is received only serves to worsen the divide.”
I don’t know about worsening the divide, but it’s certainly disappointed me for decades.
Although my friend is, um, slightly crazed from drinking rancid right-wing tea, Puddy does occasionally raise good points about the responsibilities of the black communities of America to get their fucking act together and the roles others should play to help them. None yet in this thread, of course, but I’ll hope to see a lucid moment out of him very soon!
You had said “It was Roberts who made it a tax.” YLB disagreed and proved it. You were wrong and YLB was right.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! The Krazed Klownservative Krackpot (KKK) uncle tries DESPERATELY to deflect from being caught with his shitty pants down pulling krap from his MISERABLE ASS!
That was KLASSIK!
Then the ultimate humiliation. From the kompulsively projecting turd:
Okay… big deal,
A Krazed Klownservative Krackpot (KKK) uncle is pushed into a corner and FORCED to ADMIT he pulled krap from his ass..
FORCED to admit HE”S WRONG!! How can a KKK uncle recover from such a krushing blow???
By deflecting stupidly as he does in 62.. FAYLE!!!
Cooking real late tonight.. Oh well we get to sleep in and feast tomorrow..
Happy T-Giving!
Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Yes, all.
To Steve, Best to you today. Yeah, Jesse’s Rainbow Coalition? Not happening. Left that reservation in the 80s! Hymietown anyone? Stay away from the Stupid Solution!
National InAction Network? Was living in NY at the time. Still waiting for the Tawana Brawley apology!
And to rujax… How is the reservation?
And to ylb… Still a moron! Keep it up!
And to artfart… No points for you!
And to teabagger with the puffy butt… Don’t sit down to hard today.
Remember these FACTS:
– The Ferguson prosecutor is a DUMMOCRETIN!
– St. Louis County Manager a DUMMOCRETIN!
– Missouri Governor a DUMMOCRETIN!
Can’t pin this on Republicans or Conservatives and y’all have no idea where to direct the hate this Thanksgiving week. So let’s burn this bitch down – Michael Brown’s stepfather, Louis Head. Then libtard America excuses his commentary.
Very typical for DUMMOCRETINS! Your heads are exploding right now!
See ya. The cooking begins! Lots of poor people out there. What are HA DUMMOCRETINS doing today about it? Prolly nuthin like always!
@69 enjoy the watermelon with that fried chicken.
Don’t beat up the wife and kids too bad.
Nuff said!
LMAO @ 69. The KKK uncle koncedes that he was a feckless deflektor @ 62..
ooo What happs with “paying it forward” krazy krackpot uncle? Still checkin’ in with HA on vacay it seems..
The KKK uncle should be gatherin’ the kids around the laptop soon for hours of throat-clearing, shifting in their seats to humor the krackpot uncle’s “hatred of moonbat politics”…
Sigh… Just another day in the life of a kretinous krazed klownservative krackpot uncle.. Whoa that’s KKKK! Krazy!
No mention of the kop KKK uncle??? What’s his political affiliation??
I seem to recall your rejoicing at the kop’s recent nuptials? Must be a klownservative! Kongratulations from the triple K uncle are duly invoked!
Butt.. Butt. Butt.. The KKK uncle just said the kop was rescued from indictment by Democratic politicians!
How could this be???? Wait for it!!! A pin head explosion is soon to be on next break from “paying it forward”…
Too funny @ 71
The KKK uncle for the last few days has tried to pin Kosby as a liberal..
Now he’s flirting with “NEVER MIND ALL THAT!!! HE’S A KLOWNSERVATIVE!!!”
The krazy kontinues with the krazed kretinous klownservative krackpot (KKKK) uncle.
Wishing everybody a Happy Thanksgiving!
@69 How come you left me out? Got something against rabbits?
@75 Same here.
I can’t begin to express my gratitude to the Pilgrims for deciding to have turkey instead of rabbit at the First Thanksgiving. Imagine if they had established a tradition of eating rabbits instead of turkeys on Thanksgiving! It’s too horrible to contemplate.
Ahhh yes the useless tool is out of the toolbox!
Sux to be the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot.
All those Missouri DUMMOCRETINS
The absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moobattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot is an idiot!
Good night!
@79 LOL!!! Right on time – the head explosion happens!
Damn. The trigger-happy klownservative kop being rescued by Democrats!
Pretty good point I made..