– If anyone who voted for (or against, I suppose) the Seattle Housing Levy wants to know where your money goes. It goes in part to “seven new apartment buildings that will serve homeless individuals, low-income families and seniors. The investment, primarily Seattle Housing Levy funds, will help create 476 new permanent apartments, including some set-aside to serve veterans.”
– Someone should probably do something. Maybe throw a body upon the gears and what not?
– You know when I was a kid the War On Christmas didn’t start until after Thanksgiving.
– Yikes, again.
– Seattle Transit Rider’s Union public forum.
– Very realistic.
The “Yikes” link is broken for the #mencallmethings story. Here’s the correct link. Just needed to removed the horseass.org at the beginning of the URL. (Insert pun here)
@1, not sure why that is, but it should work now. Thanks
That had to hurt. Watch about 36 seconds into the video.
Geez Carl, how could you overlook that today is Veteran’s Day, the national holiday set aside to honor all those who did what
George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, John Ashcroft, Karl Rove, Mitt Romney, Herman Cain, Michelle Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Mitch McConnell, Rick Santorum, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, Grover Norquist, Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, Jon Kyl, Dick Armey, Tom DeLay, Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Ann Coulter,
and countless other Republicans didn’t do, namely, they SERVED IN THE MILITARY. Many local restaurants are honoring our veterans (including yours truly) with free meals today as their way of saying “thank you for your service.”
And then there are those whom we can’t thank in person, because they gave their all, but we can (and should) at least remember them and their sacrifice.
Finally, always remember that those who fight our wars have little, if any, say in whether our country goes to war.* I say, “Hate war, but love the warriors.”
* Many of those who died in Vietnam, for example, weren’t old enough to vote.
If you are able,
save them a place
inside of you
and save one backward glance
when you are leaving
for the places they can
no longer go.
Be not ashamed to say
you loved them,
though you may
or may not have always.
Take what they have left
and what they have taught you
with their dying
and keep it with your own.
And in that time
when men decide and feel safe
to call the war insane,
take one moment to embrace
those gentle heroes
you left behind.
Major Michael Davis O’Donnell
1 January 1970
Dak To, Vietnam
(Capt. O’Donnell was reported missing in action on March 24, 1970, while attempting to extract a long-range recon patrol from the jungle under heavy enemy fire. He almost certainly was killed, as his helicopter was seen to explode in midair, but his remains weren’t recovered so he is officially classified as MIA. For his heroism that day he was recommended for the Medal of Honor and awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross.)
No mail delivery today due to the federal holiday.
Happy Veterans Rog.
There’s a interesting KunstlerCast this week.
This time its michael moore who has been exposed….
Mansion in michigan…….beach front vacation house…etc….
Pictures released today..
This is the same guy who preaches about over consumption and the plight of the 99 percent?
Lmfao….another example of liberal do as I say, not as I do….maybe his hero is algore?
Funny to watch michael moore backtracking today…….
Yep, even wealthy people are saying the game is fixed. Wealthy people can’t support the OWS’ers? I did not know this.
More on Moore:
Unlike Andrew “fire the first shot” Breitbart Moore sounds like a nice guy.
@8 The guy is successful; he worked hard for it. You got something against success? What are you, a fucking commie?
Oh, and one more thing, how does the fact Michael Moore has found an audience and made a fortune take anything away from the validity of his message?
Read this article if you want to understand what’s happening in Europe.
Also, add The Economist to the growing list of journalists, pundits, and observers who think Perry is done.
Moore took his money back to Michigan and used it to fix up his home town, sounds like a nice guy to me.
Andrew Breitbart sounds like a raving lunatic.
Andrew Breitbart is scum..
12 – The economist’s editorial staff is reminding me more and more of the Wall Street Journal’s.
Embracing globalization. Well sure but how?? Let me guess – cutting taxes on the rich???
Of course!
@8-11,13 Here’s a successful guy (through dint of his own hard work) who doesn’t wear a sackcloth or live in a cave, but who also gives something back. So does David Koch ($100 million to fix up Lincoln Center, about half the cost of producing PBS’s Nova, a sizeable chunk ‘o change to cancer research, etc)…and for that, many thanks to him. Likewise, my hat’s off to Paul Allen and Bill and Melinda and Jon Bon Jovi and Andrew Carnegie and all the private philanthropists who’ve applied their resources to making things better. We can applaud the good things the rich do even as we deplore their sins. If they could be persuaded to do more of the former and less of the latter, we’d all be better off. If you really want to make it possible to shrink government, find some other way to solve the problems.
15 – That Harold Hamm of Continental Resources (I’ve heard he’s the richest oil man in the country) who is fracking the daylights out of North Dakota has diabetes and is a generous contributor to the diabetes foundations.
Thanks much. I hate that disease. I hear from my wife every day the terrible things it does to people. I understand perfectly why people bequeath to the various institutions that research cures and treatments to these diseases.
But Harold, clean up the freaking messes where you drill ok? Better yet don’t make them in the first place.
Jerry sandusky should be executed…period.
Anybody who doesn’t think that should examine how they view little kids…..and probably seek some counseling.
My friends at the VFW hall wanted me to remind us all, that freedom only shops on Black Friday.
Ignore the patriots and shop on Marxist Tuesday. The moldy bread sucks, but the free antibiotics are kind of cool.
Thanks for the link Carl…the Gere and I appreciate it.
Rog, I didn’t forget, but I saw N’s piece was in the hopper.
You mean like all those kids that rioted after their coach got fired? I noticed that a lot of the folks who’ve been condemning the OWS’er kids didn’t have anything bad to say about the “pro-pedophile” kids who tore up their down town.
I’m anti-death penalty, but there are limits to everything and I wouldn’t stand in the way of people who wanted to execute Sandusky.
Dumb ass college students michael…and most of them didn’t have the fcacts…..the general feeling toward papa joe has taken a sharp turn to the negative over the last 24 hours. His legacy is badly tainted now…..throw him in the clink as well
The anybody-but-Romney GOP crowd seems to be turning away from Perry and Cain, and giving Gingrich a fresh look, according to new polls.
@14 I’ve been reading The Economist for a long time and don’t think they’re goose-stepping for anyone. They do have a pro-business, fiscal-conservative orientation; but they’re not a megaphone for any ideology and they don’t spout other people’s talking points. For example, they’ve made clear their belief that a U.S. budget fix requires tax increases as well as spending cuts. Their reportage of Occupy seems objective. They mix opinion with reporting, but their opinion is thoughtful, not knee-jerk pablum like you get from the Seattle Times’ editorial page.
@19 Fair enough.
@17, 20 – I think only heinous killers should be executed, and anyway, Sandusky will wish he was dead when the other inmates find out what he’s in for.
@21 Oh, college students are dumb, and the illiterates who vote for the likes of Joe the Plumber and Michelle Bachmann are not? Yeah, the Penn State rioters are over the top, but it’s dishonest to tar all college students with that brush.
@20 A quick execution would be too merciful.
You old senile fart, I was refering to the rioters….not all college kids in general.
You fail in attempting to twist my words in order to make some stupid silly ass political point.
Go empty your colostomy bag before it taints your brain-sac any urther
How typical of a slimey, tax cheating lawyer to try and twist words around…
@28 I’m not responsible for your inability to express yourself.
@29 Beating Wall Street at their own slimy game isn’t beneath my dignity (I’m a lawyer; I have no dignity), but calling me a tax cheat is hurtful, man. I pay taxes.
Btw I made $2,198 in the stock market today. That works out to $174.75 an hour (based on an 8-hour day), and I didn’t even get out of bed until 2 pm.
Good blog post about the reporting of the Penn State child rapes.
Too often, those of us on the left forget that one-percenters are people and have feelings, too. I was wracked with guilt after viewing this moving piece:
Over in the 11/09 Republican Melee thread Michael farted this about Jefferson County Alabama going bankrupt…:
Poor poor Michael… If he had a brain he would have realized Jefferson County (Birmingham) was one of the 13 Alabama Counties voting for ObamAA+. The other 54 voted for John McCain.
But don’t push Michael too hard. He’s trying… he really is…
To #22: I am not teribly optimstic about Newts chances, but I truley think that Newt would make the best PRESIDENT out of the group of republican candidates. I just dont think hes the best candidate. I think that Newts biggest problem is that he comes off as being a little angry and that isnt going to bode well for him if he goes one on one against Mr. Sunshine Hope and Change. But if we are serious about getting this country back on track and off this road to h**l that weve been on for the last 3 years, hes our guy. I know there is practicaly zero support for him among liberals, but a President Gingrich would be just as good for the left as it would be for the right.
I wish we could just get back to the way America was in the 50s and 60s before everything was so divided. If we did, it would be much easier to see which candidate had the right solutions for AMERICA. And right now he is that person. If you take off you liberal hat or your conservative hat for a minute and just read his plans with AN OPEN MIND, I think many of you would be suprised by how logical his plans seem. But unfortunantly were just not that country anymore.
LMAO!!! Orange County blazed the path??? Say it’s not so!
Maybe they know something about Sandusky and who he hangs with and knowing the AP biases toward DUMMOCRAPTS they toned down the headline.
22, 35
Newt’s rise was inevitable. Rs who cannot get behind Romney–and there are a lot of them–need an alternative. All the others have flamed out or are currently doing so. So, with nostrils pinched, the anti-Romneyites go to the old Newtster.
Let’s hope.
It’s so sad about how Eric Holder has no remorse for the Brian Terry family over Fast and Furious. The more Holder drags his feet the better it gets for 2012. Now we see the coverup happening with the made up Feb 2011 memo by the ex-US Attorney Dennis Burke.
Thanks for being an ASS Eric Holder.
Uhhh. This is interesting. I believe the word is “hell” as in the place where the fella downstairs dwells.. Don’t be shy..
And the road to “h**l” is paved with what??
Kids staying on their parent’s insurance till 26?
Kids getting health insurance via a higher tax on smokers??
End of denial of coverage due to the flimiest of pre-existing conditions like hmmm. acne?
Today Lily Ledbetters being protected in the workplace?
Out of Iraq due to an agreement made by the last President? A slow drawdown in Afghanistan under way..
Osama bin Laden dead? Top leadership of al Qaeda being picked off one by one by drone warfare?
9 percent unemployment vs the 25 percent that occurred on Herbert Hoover’s watch?
Guantanamo still open by request of weak-need Congressmen and Senators?
Higher military pay and veterans benefits? A more responsive VA than under the last President?
A interesting road to “h**l” indeed.
Looks like 2500 weapons walked in Fast and Furious and climbing upward! The more Holder holds out on stonewalling those Congressional committees the more damage to the ObamAA+ regime! Gotta love it for 2012.
The road to “h**l” is paved with????
All time high as of last March..
Off a bit I’m sure since then because of Europe probably but I’m sure some on the right will find some way to blame even that on the dark complected guy in the Oval Office.
To #41:
Kids staying on their parent’s insurance till 26?
Yes, let’s ACTIVLEY TRY to create an environment where our children are totally dependant on there parents until they are in there 40s! God forbid that we actualy ENCOURAGE the younger generations to pick themselves up by there bootstraps and try to find sucess on there own.
Kids getting health insurance via a higher tax on smokers??
I dont smoke but I WEEP for the people that choose to. If the left has such a huge problem with smoking why on earth havent they just tried to outlaw it all together? If I want to have a cigarette, why does that automatically make me responsible for somebody else’s kid?
End of denial of coverage due to the flimiest of pre-existing conditions like hmmm. acne?
Insurance companies are BUSINESSES! America shouldnt be coming into businesses places of business and tell them what to do. That is not the America that I know. If an isurance company wants to cancel somebodys insurance because they dont like the way they part there hair, that is THERE BUSINESS. The way that America works is that if one insurance company is not giving adequate service to a particular group of people, another company will step in and offer that service. Its called the FREE MARKET and its worked for 250 years.
Out of Iraq due to an agreement made by the last President? A slow drawdown in Afghanistan under way..
9 percent unemployment vs the 25 percent that occurred on Herbert Hoover’s watch?
Woodrow Wilson (a democrat) had a stroke while he was president and did not tell the country. HIS WIFE basically ran the country for years without anyone knowing.
Higher military pay and veterans benefits? A more responsive VA than under the last President?
Just because irresponsible government spending is directed at a cause that I might happen to support doesnt mean that it isn’t IRRESPOINSIBLE GOVERNMENT SPENDING!
These “good things” that BHO has done are not good things. They are short term thinking that we are going to pay deerly for in the long term. IT IS SOCIALISM. Do you want to end up like europe? Look how bad things are over there right now. Do you want to see a magical fortune telling mirror that will show you what Americas going to look like in 10 years? Its called europe.
Socialism seems to be popular on the right:
You can find that in the WaPo Hmmm… now we know why the stock market has risen so “dramatically” during the ObamAA+ years. The Wall Street peeps during the last two years invested the TARP funds in the Stock Market instead of lending the money out. Now I wonder why no one on HA commented on this story? Sure is amazing when the liberal MSM slips up and admits a truth!
@44 here in Asia hotels and airports and offices have little smoking rooms. If you’ve been in Dulles Airport you’d see this glassed in area where smokers light up. Similarly here around Asia. And young people are still lighting up here.
Hmmm. Like Germany perhaps?? Trade surplus and much lower unemployment..
The Scandinavian countries seem to be doing so-so to very well thank you very much..
Ditto for Canada with its “socialized medicine”..
Even Greece and Italy would be much better off if they didn’t have such a culture of tax dodging and such sclerotic public sectors.
Great article on Forbes.
no, more like Italy, Greece, and Ireland…
Two great articles
Well if the right wing theories were so correct then Germany and the Scandinavian countries and Switzerland and Denmark would be in trouble like those other countries in the news.
I thought the whole Eurozone is supposed to be a socialist hellhole according to right wingers.
Nobody I can see goes bankrupt in the European countries that are doing well because of medical bills.
And unemployment appears to be lower – much much lower in the case of Germany..
It seems to me that right wing theories have no explanations for this except..
oh yeah some bullshit about them moving to the right…
Somehow these links disagree with standard leftist line echo chamber of @48.
Do students in Eurozone countries owe a freaking house when they graduate college?
People keep screaming and throwing threats around over nothing like they’ve been doing for the last decade and a decade from now we’ll look like Rwanda.
The puddypussy should tells us again how Herm “Suck My Big Pizza” Cain respects women.
I’ll pass.
Oh poor poor poor rujax… The Asian papers have compared the real Clinton scandal (remember the $850,000 payment to Paula Jones) to this “hyped” one with Herman Cain. Somehow this doesn’t pass the smell test. I urge Cain to take an FBI administered lie detector test. If it comes out he’s not lying then we ask Bialek to take one too. Let the chips fall where they may.
Funny how rujax forgets how CNBC’s GOP presidential debate moderators pointedly on Wednesday asked Cain and one of his rivals Mitt Romney, whether a man guilty of such conduct had the requisite character to be president of the United States. So how did you fall asleep on Clinton rujax?
How do you beat ObamAA+, with a CAIN!
Of course, your leetle tiny brain will KABLAMMMMMMO when facts appear in your eyes!
Hey rujax, I know you have mutant moronic moonbat memory malady. Do you remember when Gary Aldrich, the decorated FBI guy wrote this book, “Unlimited Access : An FBI Agent Inside the Clinton White House” how George Steponallofus came out full force and claimed “Someone should have to pass a bare threshold of credibility before they’re put on the air to millions of viewers. You know, his story couldn’t get past the fact-checker at the National Enquirer….A 30-year record in the FBI in and of itself is no proof of credibility.”
— Clinton advisor George Stephanopoulos on ABC’s This Week on June 30, 1996, attacking FBI agent Gary Aldrich for writing a book critical of the White House.
Wait the Jesse Jackson and John Edwards sex scandals made it past the National Enquirer sex scandal test. Heh heh heh
Now we see George attacking Herman Cain. Funny how you libs live by the double standard in life.
If ObamAA+ is so into job creation why is he against the oil pipeline that would have created 20,000+ jobs and reduce middle east oil dependence?
Wait… maybe ObamAA+ isn’t about creating jobs but politics. It would make Republicans look good and 20,000+ jobs isn’t worth making Republicans look good!
Over here in Asia, my friends cracked up when they read ObamAA+ Sadministration was proposing a 15 cent tax on fresh Christmas trees this year. Only in America one guy said.
FACTS??? Ann Coulter MELTS like the wicked witch of the west in the face of “facts”…and the Clown Hall???? Seriously?
Herman Fucking Cain???
I thought Bachmann was a joke candidtate. Those dumbass fundies are HANDING the nomination to a
MoronMormon.I don’t think the puddypussy (or anyone on his side) knows the meaning of (or the difference between)”consensual” and “non-consensual”.
When the Hermanator grabs a wonman’s hair and pulls her face to his crotch while in his dulcet tones intones “You DO want a job, don’t you?”…BIG CLUE, bubbulah…that’s NOT consensual.
puddypussy was NOT missed here, wish he were still gone.
Oh…BTW…Cain was MARRIED when he was SEXUALLY ASSAUTLING these women. There’s a paragon of virtue for ya…PLUS (this is rich) his WIFE is a registered Democrat.
Oh…and…BTW…the Speaker of the House who was leading the Clinton prosecution was some guy named Gingrich. Remember?…you know, THIS guy:
Time for puddypussy to remember “the first rule of holes”.
The puddypussy’s asian pals ought to read Cain’s stuff if they really want to laugh.
“Is Herman Cain the head of the Reich Wing of the Republican Party?”
“Nein, nein, nein.”
(york, york)
My my my on that rujax character… ready to smear a conservative black man. It’s amazing how sealed records always appear in David Axelrod’s hands. Ready to accept Bialek’s story while rujax was believing Clinton’s and rejecting Kathleen Willey’s and Paula Jones over non-consensual sex. Under oath Clinton changed his tune but rujax still believed Clinton. Now he attacks Cain.
Got proof? All the peeps who know this Bialek character laugh at her!
How amazing this rujax character is!
Wow Hugo Chavez finally did something right.
You see rujax, before this “trumped up scandal” liberals attacked Herman Cain with:
symbolic crack pipe
trying to curry white favor
conservatives like him because he’s a black man who knows his place
the Koch candidate
their new black friend
now after this “scandal”
predatory black sexuality
harassing blond women
sexually aggressive black man toward a blond white woman
no grand wizard who can force Herman Cain out
I thought this was the DUMMOCRAPTIC Party, the party of diversity only when blacks are on their reservation being good boys like Jackson or Sharpton or Lewis or Clyburn. It’s you DUMMOCRAPTS rujax who are basically saying is this:
Hey Republicans, this is YOUR black boy not ours. He ain’t on our reservation. He’s going to be after your white women. Look out, he’s a black sexual predator. Aren’t you offended by this? You should be. We’re the left wing media. Listen to us!
Sure is okay for leftists to be racist when it’s convenient for them politically. And it’s very telling Sharpton and Jackson are quite mute here. I am surprised there isn’t a photoshopped picture of Cain with a bone in his nose and holding a spear yet.
Puddy, yet again, failed or refused to take his meds. Defending Herman Cain and supporting him for president? Really, Puddy?
rujax is a racist, zionist, POS.
Stay classy, Herm.
Only the emperor max-minidick can accuse a guy of being pro-Isreal and pro-palestine at the same time,
Amazing. Like union busting. Amazing.
Doesn’t puddypussy realize that the serial assault perpetrator Herman Cain is completely owned and operated by the Koch Brothers?
I’d make a reference to a “house black man” but
I’d be called a racist…for being accurate.
I thought puddypusy valued honesty?…of course if he did he’d have nothing to do with the Herminator:
…and this was from RON PAUL’S website.
Those pesky FACTS. Really.
@35 “I know there is practicaly zero support for him among liberals”
Maybe that’s because he’s against the poor, students, workers, and middle class — which takes in just about everybody except the rich — and because he treats his women like barnyard animals, but apparently the latter isn’t a disqualification in the eyes of Republican voters.
You know, Alabama’s anti-immigrant-worker law might not be such a bad idea, if it puts an end to farmers getting away with paying banana republic wages for backbreaking labor.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Meanwhile, thanks to people like Alabama’s GOP governor, you’re going to pay a lot more for food — if you can buy food at all — because cheap labor conservatives ran off their cheap labor.
Congressional “supercommittee” budget negotiations will come to a head over the next few days, and here’s where things stand:
Republicans offered a “demand to lower the individual tax rate to 28 percent [that] would be the largest tax cut for multi-millionaires … since Calvin Coolidge’s administration.
Democrats say “we put cuts to entitlements on the table, we put more cuts to discretionary spending on the table, we put cuts to Medicaid, we put serious things on the table …. These guys put their ideological wish list on the table. Maybe that makes us bad negotiators?”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Fuck ’em, let the automatic spending cuts take effect and whack $600 billion from the Pentagon, and let the Bush tax cuts expire in 2013 and force everyone to pay higher taxes, and make ’em defend their intransigence in next year’s elections.
Herman Cain had involvement in basic operations of Aquila rujax? Can you describe them to us rujax? Or, as always, you drink the puke from left wing whack job sites? When the lawsuit was filed, everyone was named.
Herman Cain was exonerated and dropped from the suit because upon judicial discovery they learned that he had no knowledge of that end of the business. Herman was on a different board within the company where he specifically didn’t have anything to do with stocks, you imbecilic moron. https://motherjones.com/files/1232_cid_3_amended_consolidated_complaint.pdf. Has the original names.
MotherJones? Sheeeeeeesh! When it comes to literary integrity, Mother Jones is about two steps below the National Enquirer. And we now know the National Enquirer has integrity. Heh heh heh rujax!
rujax, never does his thorough inspection, just reads a leftist blog, believes it and runs with it. IDIOT!
Why do liberals seek the drugged out argument when all other smears fail them?
It’s in their DNC playbook!
@76 Aquila’s switch to an Enron-type trading strategy was a major change in business approach, and as a director, either Cain knew quite a lot about it — or wasn’t doing his job as a director.
“Cain served on the board of directors throughout Aquila’s ill-fated trading misadventure and the subsequent collapse of the company’s retirement fund. In fact, he chaired the board’s compensation committee, which, according to the lawsuit, had direct oversight of the push to get employees to invest more and more in Aquila stock. …
“As a board member, Cain would’ve had direct knowledge of Aquila’s activities, says Fred Taylor Isquith, a New York attorney who litigated the employee class action. Asked if it was fair to place blame on Cain for the debacle at Aquila, Isquith replied, ‘Yes, I believe it is.'”
As for your contention that Cain didn’t know what was going on at Aquila,
“Executives and board members also made it more difficult to sell off company stock by implementing lock-up periods, during which employees couldn’t cash in their holdings. At the end of 2000, 85 percent of Aquila employees owned common stock in the company. What’s more, 60 percent of the employees’ retirement fund consisted of Aquila stock — even though financial experts say that total should never be more than 10 to 20 percent.”
Sorry, puddy, your style of cherry-picking doesn’t cut it with the intellectual crowd here. You’re gonna have to do better than one court document. To know the whole story, you have to read the whole court file.
To #73: He isn’t against the INDIVIDUALS in the groups that your talking about. Now I am not going to argue that Newt is the most ardant cheerleader for some of those groups, but he is not against the people that comprise those groups. His plans make will make those groups and labels irrelevent anyway because his plans will start to lift people out of those positions. If a person is poor you dont keep giving him money and expecting things to change. Just like if a persons house is on fire you dont buy them an air conditioner so they can cool off! YOU GET THEM OUT OF THE BURNING HOUSE!! His plans do that.
I know many of my friends on the far left are going to do everything they can do demonize that man, possibly more so than any other republican candidate (because of lingering hard feelings from the 90’s) and I do think that they will take Newt down. So at the end of the day it will be Mitt Romney and a lot of us will stay home, thus insuring the reelection of BHO and treating us all to another 4 years of Dope & Derange. :/
Roger that was the court document, and it was from rujax’s own source. Sorry if reading comprehension eludes you in your retirement years. When someone attacks, use their own links.
BTW here is the Google Docs of the “lawsuit”. http://docs.google.com/viewer?.....hrome=true
Well I did! You lose.
So Roger,
Now that everyone can read the lawsuit’s 123 pages:
Was Herman Cain on the Pension and Benefits Committee?
Was Herman Cain on the Retirement Committee? Isn’t that where the lawsuit attacked Aqila?
Or, is this just more attempts to smear Herman Cain because he strikes fear in DUMMOCRAPTS and their 50 year blacks need us slogans?
Soon we’ll see these attacks from the leftist media:
Herman Cain causes STDs.
Herman Cain causes Cancer.
Herman Cain causes tuberculosis.
Herman Cain causes blond white wimens to run.
Herman Cain causes impotence in liberal white men.
Oh and Roger from the WaPo here is Fred again
We see Herman was an outside board member Roger. Interesting how the liberal MSM will twist things.
To #81: Why does the fact that Herman Cain is black even need to be brought up? Same with BHO. WHO CARES??? It doesnst make them special and it doesnt make them inferior. Im so sick of hearing about all this hes black shes black blah blah blah b*.
To #81: Why does the fact that Herman Cain is black even need to be brought up? Same with BHO. WHO CARES??? It doesnst make them special and it doesnt make them inferior. Im so sick of hearing about all this hes black shes black blah blah blah b*.
9-9-9 puddypussy, 9-9-9.
Allen West tells it as it is!
Herman Cain is a threat to the DUMMOCRAPTIC way of life for 50 years.
rujax babbling again.
His motherjones attack smacked outta here he has nothing left.
Heh heh heh!
To #86: Do you even know what the 999 plan is? Ive heard alot of libs make fun of it but every time I actually ask one if they even know any thing about it they cant give so much of a ruimentary explanaition of what it is. For some reason Im just betting that your one of those people…
Hey rujax,
Being the “erudite” person you are (NOT) answer this one…
You and others claim the Tea Party are a bunch of racists who want to get rid of a black man in the whitey house. Yet, these same “tea party racists” as you and others call them, are so racist that they are willing to support Herman Cain, a black man, to replace another black man in the whitey house. So how does that fit your leftist paradigm?
You see, liberalism is truly a mental disease!
Here’s parts one and two:
Cain’s a fucking fraud, and a serial abuser of women. He must be qualified for SOMETHING…’cause he’s never going to be President. Rove and Romney will see to that.
Boy…that puddypussy is just a machine man. That “logic” of his…well, it’s reallyreallyreally something.
I like how the Hermanator dropped about 15 points in the polls this week, puddypussy. Didn’t you? Hermie is now THIRD behind Mittens and the Newt.
Oh…the shame.
The mental disease is being a clownservative like the puddypussy. Doing tghe same thing overandoverandoverandover and thinking things are gonna turn out different.
(pssst…where are the JOBS motherfucker????)
In the two years that Cain managed Godfather’s Pizza for Pillsbury, 1986-1988, sales fell from $275 million to $242.5 million. The number of stores fell from 640 to 563.
And in this period of time profits INCREASED. You need to get your facts straight!! You are doing a disservice to every one who sees this website when you write stuff like that. THIS IS THE KIND OF STUFF THAT DRIVES ME CRAZY!
Yes, I have seen the polls from over here in Asia. I also see how the press coverage has affected it. http://www.realclearpolitics.c.....-1452.html
As you can see rujax has no response to his racism attacks being identified for what they are… worthless hot air. Press on rujax’s head and it will easily deflate.
Press on puddypussy’s head and the pus shoots out of his ears from the brain infection.
Sure…Ol’ Rujax is racist.
Prove it asswipe…you can’t, ’cause I’m NOT, so fuck off.
Or this one… If you disagree with Obama you are a racist. It’s all over the blog rujax. There are too many entries to copy.
And this thread says it all about rujax. Couldn’t produce those “links” he bragged about.
On another note…
Can’t compare those Occupy type whatevers to Tea Party rallies anymore.
Cars on fire
F the Jews
Blame Jews for everything
And da beat goes on!
On another note… Something that hasn’t been covered… Where is the coverage of the MF Global and it’s inability to account for $593 million of MF customer funds?
What does Roger Rabbit think of this?
Where is the coverage of MF Global’s CEO Jon Corzine? It’s covered here.
It’s covered here too…
Wait… Corzine did to MF Global as he did to NJ when he was governor.
When there is a money scandal, you’ll find DUMMOCRAPTS involved.
Wasn’t Corzine being considered for a job in the ObamAA+ regime? Wasn’t Corzine an ObamAA+ bundler in 2008?
Will it make tonight’s funny pages?
Oh my a DUMMOCRAPT 1%er Corzine
NY Times so it hasta be true…
I was going to comment the other day about how nice it was around here without pudiot – but I didn’t want to jinx it – alas.
And, I might add, that my initial enthusiasm over a new, thoughtful righty wanting to post here – utterly misplaced.
Really? I’ve rarely seen such wide-eyed, credulous idiocy. Newt is going to transform society into a homogenous, satisfied, egalitarian paradise? I’m not sure if your portraying him as Robspierre, Pol Pot, or Jesus.
Newt’s “plans” consist of right-wing boilerplate, if they exist at all beyond keeping his name in the media and selling more books and tapes and paid appearances. And that boilerplate is all about upward wealth redistribution and neofeudal serfdom for the masses.
You are an act or a fool – and once again we come to the age old question that is provoked whenever one engages a right-winger – stupid or lying, can’t tell.
I think a progressive tax is good for society as a whole. the 999 tax destroys that.
I don’t think it would be fair to pay a 19% sales tax on everything but food and meds, and play 9% on that, so millionaires can get a tax cut. How would you justify it?
The actual government income would drop significantly, hurting our country even more.
Simple does not mean right.
His profits increase?
Where’s the link to that proof? Saying it doesn’t make it so.
@102 Yeah, I’d forget the conservatives tendency to cherry pick the facts or even making them up to support their agenda and calling it logic.
And ignoring the numerous mini discussion about the legit things that conservatives are doing badly to yammer on about their pet Rush inspired issue.
Given the way the Republican Party and the Oligarchs and Plutocrats treat minaorities…ESPECIALLY African-Americans (see…Reagan/Ollie North/cocaine)…statements like that make this moron look even more like a moron.
Apparently the fool can’t read either.
This is the biggest bullshit statement of all.
Obama NEVER played/plays the “race card”. Not once.
(Quiz…How many “beki’s” in Uzbekistan?…When did China go nuclear? OH…SOR-REEEEEEE…it is the “Democrat Machine” that make the Hermanator look like an idiot…and a sexual predator.)
It’s NOT the Democrats fault that ALL the Republican Candidates are complete nitwits. It’s not the DEmocrats fault that Republican policies have just about completely dismantled the Middle-Class in this country.
But you wouldn’t know it by listening to the mainstream media and the whining cry-babies on the right, and the whining cry-baby puddypussy.
That insight is too complex for our simpleton trolls..
#35 Agree. Anyone who can bring America and Americans more together.
Our President (whoever that is) in 2012 needs to put America and Americans first.
To #102: Please dont twist my words. I would never (and did never) claim that any one individual is capable of “eliminating poverty” or turning the country into some kind of eutopian paradise. All I said is that IN MY OPINION his plans at least START that process. I challenge you to read some of his plans directly from his website and truely consider how they would affect the people of this country. Like I said earlier, take off your partisan hat for a moment, and truely consider what the possible outcomes of enacting his various plans would be. I realize that your kneejerk reaction is to think the outcome of those plans would be a total disaster, but I’m telling you. I have looked at his plans with an open mind (just as I did with BHO’s plans in 2008) and I honestly see an outcome where poverty is AT LEAST DIMINISHED right off the bat. His plans create jobs. Jobs dimish poverty. I have viewed the plans directly from the source, without any partisan commetary from either side. I challenge you to do the same.
To #110: I think its going to be almost impossible for a candidate to bring America together just based on there personality. I think what its going to take is a President who has truely good idea and actualy starts to turn this whole mess were all in around. I think once the country gets back on the right track and people are finding jobs and the economy improves, THAT is what will bring America back together.
I dont think its very crucial that we find a Presient that everyone LIKES right off the bat. I think we need to find somebody with truely good ideas, even if everyone doesnt like him-her right away. And then that person needs to MAKE US like him-her through implementing good ideas and turning the country around.
Gingrich is corrupt to the core and is a megalomaniac..
His campaign like Cain’s is to sell books, raise speakers fees and grab another bite at the “prize”, a million dollar plus gig on Faux News.
All to live high on the hog exploiting people’s gullibility. After all, Gringich has a Tiffany’s account to pay off for his wife!
Anyone would have to be insane to vote for that charlatan.
More name calling without any substancial facts to back it all up. Is this how the “intellectual left” makes there case for everything? What about Newt Gingrich dont you like? What has he done to warrent any of those names your calling him? The only real charge your making against him is that he is planning on selling books and getting paid for speeches. Im sorry… Is that something that only Republicans do? Because I seem to remember clinton making something like 10 million a year since he left office by giving speeches all over the arab world and in china. Places that arent very friendly to america. Wheres your critisism of him doing that? It never seizes to amaze me how much hypocricy there is on the left.
democrats arent corrupt…only republicans are.
shorter know-nothing racist @ 115
I’m insane and proud. I’m voting for Dori Monson!
114 – Oh you’re intellectual???
Well I call it as I see it and Gingrich’s track record makes him unsuitable for dogcatcher in my view.
OK, Partyin’, I’ll bite.
Here’s what I got from newt.org, (WARNING: Retch-inducing) in the section labeled “Solutions” – presumably the place to find these fantastic plans you speak of.
1. Stop the 2013 tax increases
These ‘increases’ are the Bush tax cuts – the abomination that more than anything else blew up the deficit, and had the added bonus of transferring more of the aggregate tax burden on the those who work.
See here for a graphical explanation.
OK, let’s go on to numero dos…
2. Make the United States the most desirable location for new business investment
Newt’s site explains that this includes eliminating the capital gains tax, the ‘death tax‘ and reducing the corporate tax rate.
OMG – this is a recipe for further upward concentration of wealth, and a massive expansion of the deficit, and is a unrepentant neocon’s wet dream. Such policies have not created jobs since Arthur Laffer cooked up his curve for Reagan, and they never will.
What are you smoking, Partyin’?
Ahem, onward!
3. Move toward an optional flat tax of 15%
Trotting out flat taxes again – profoundly regressive. Also Newty claims that postcard-length tax forms (see simpler is not necessarily better, above) will save hundreds of billions of dollars. The IRS annual budget is about $11.5 billion. Where is Newt getting hundreds – yup, out of his ass.
4. Strengthen the dollar
Destroy exports, destroy jobs.
5.Remove obstacles to job creation imposed by destructive and ineffective regulations, programs and bureaucracies
This little gem contains, among others ‘reforms’ to EPA and FDA – which is safe to assume means gutting, as well as explicit claims to repeal Sarbanes/Oxley, Dodd-Frank, the twin shibboleths Fannie/Freddie, and others.
Another wet dream of unregulated, robber-baron style neofeudal ‘capitalism’
How are sick and choking, broke and robbed workers going to benefit from this, exactly?
6 Implement an American energy policy that removes obstacles to responsible energy development and creates jobs in the United States.
Drill, baby, drill redux. Do you live near the shore? Macondo, anyone? Rising sea level, acidic oceans? Peak oil likely occurred in 2006, and it will cost increasing trillions to extract the last remains oil and tar. Clean coal is an ad agency myth.
7. Balance the budget
Horrible idea in the midst of a recession. The US can now borrow at rediculously low rates, and we should be deploying millions of workers to build windmills and solar farm and high speed rail and repairing schools and libraries, and hiring teachers and scientists.
The balanced budget is an apparition, a mirage used to slash the budget that is devoted to making peoples’ lives better.
8. Repeal and replace Obamacare
…and move to a savage, profit-driven system built only for the benefit of the insurance industry.
9. Fundamental reform of entitlement programs
Slash Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Head Start, AFDC, WICC and anything else that actually helps those of us in need.
This is more conservative nastiness, and nothing new.
So…those are Newt’s 9 points on his “Solutions” page.
One, there is nothing, NOTHING, new there – as I’ve said above, and other have as well, this is unimaginative boilerplate.
Two, what is there is sure to reduce the health and welfare and wealth of the vast majority of Americans.
Three, you are a complete idiot.
To #118: Good for you for actualy taking a look at the facts directly from his website. I think that shows a lot of character on your part. However, your responses to alot of his ideas come accross as sounding a little like liberal talking points. And that makes me wonder if you really considered all of the facts with an open mind. When you say “clean coal is a myth” Im pretty sure thats something that ive heard people on the left say in the past pretty much word for word. And when you say that the 2013 tax increases arent really increases, thats another thing that is commonly said on the left. The fact of the matter is this = If the Bush tax cuts expire in 2013, TAXES WILL INCREASE. Its as simple as that. Anything else you say about it is just splitting hairs. You really need to take off your liberal hat for a minute when you read these things because otherwise your just coming in with preconceived notions and you arent really giving it a fair shake. Before the 2008 election I gave BHO the benefit of a doubt and looked over his plans. And I am proud to say that I did it with an open mind by first taking off my conservative hat. And I can honestly admit to you that there were one or two ideas that I didnt think were that bad of an idea. So I find it hard to believe that somebody in your position couldnt find a thing or two on the republican side that you think might be a good idea.
Another thing too… You say at the end of your message that there is nothing new in any of his ideas. Im not going to argue about the validty of that point (even though I dissaggree), but I have to ask you what difference does it make if the ideas are new anyway? Your not always going to have brand new ideas for solutions to every problem. What makes the difference is how you combine all of the different ideas into an overal solution. And I think if you take all of Newts ideas and put them together things will start to change for the better. Weve tried the lefts ideas. In fact in the first couple years of BHO’s presidency I think we tried ALL of the lefts ideas. It just didnt work.
It’s all the same old tired shit that got us in the mess we’re in. It’s like Dr. Ruth used to say “if you don’t know what you’re doing, don’t do it harder.”
Nope you dope rujax, you did! But ObamAA+ did throw his white grandmama under de bus. Can your morally mental midget mind remember the exact comment without Google?
I doubt it.
Wait for the full copy folks…
Lib Scientist…
Always running from the truth about leftists.
Perhaps because it is true.
Please provide rebuttal for my point besides whining about all the lefties saying so. Here are stats from Union of Concerned Scientists, of which I am a member. Look around their site some, it may be enlightening for you. Show me a coal-fired power plant that does not emit CO2, mercury, smog-forming agents. Please also rebut that mountaintop removal coal extraction, the industry’s preferred method, is not an ongoing environmental disaster of gargantuan proportion. See the journal Science (one of the world’s premier scientific publications) and the American Journal of Public Health (a highly reputable journal in that field) for peer-reviewed studies of both the environmental degradation and the human health effects of this widespread coal mining practice.
Pudiot, becoming even more of a self-parody, were it possible.
Which was always the point, bozo.
When those tax CUTS were being debated, they were structured to expire, or sunset, back to pre-2001 tax rates so as to have a more favorable budget projection at the time, and to avoid the Byrd rule – legislative sleight of hand that would allow them to pass but then make it very hard to allow them to actually sunset – because all the shrieking from the right about “TAX HIKES!! TAX HIKES!!” that you demonstrate above so vividly and unimaginatively.
You demonstrate a form of unsubtle and concrete thinking that I’ve found often from the right – especially libertarians frozen in adolescence – latching on to a “fact” that obscures larger and deeper relationships and consequences.
The Bush era tax cuts – EGTRRA in 2001, and JGTRRA in 2003 (which accelerated the cuts to income and capital gains rates further) effectively robbed the country of a massive budget surplus – which would be very necessary for paying down the aggregate debt – something you righties like to pantomime is important to you when a Democrat is in office – and replaced it with a mountainous deficit. Again see here for discussion of fractional causes of present budget shortfalls – the overwhelming majority of which is attributable to the Bush tax cuts for the rich, and the unnecessary wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Again, I’ll revisit your apoplectic shrieking:
And what exactly, pray tell, is the matter with that?
If the budget is in deficit, don’t you need to either cut spending or increase revenue? (Though I would assert that during a recession, with massive unemployment and no clear sign that demand is going to materialize anytime soon, government needs to borrow and spend, and deficits are OK in that case – especially with the rate of T-bills being at historic lows)
What is not OK, is the transfer of wealth upward and the transfer of tax burden downward, which is what the Bush tax cuts accomplished. See here and here for discussion. And before you go on about the onerously high corporate tax rate in the US stifling growth, or other such imaginary shibboleths, see here.
I’ve been thinking about this of late. This country, via GOVERNMENT ACTION – that is COLLECTIVE ACTION – because WE ARE the government – built the Hoover and Grand Coulee dams, the Apollo program and the Space Shuttle and the Hubble telescope, virtually eliminated senior poverty with Social Security and Medicare, directly drove nearly every major biomedical advance via the NIH and NSF, built Fermilab and Argonne and Livermore and Los Alamos, built and ran and maintain the Universities of Washington, California, Michigan, Wisconsin, Colorado – some of the finest academic centers anywhere, cleaned up burning rivers and opaque atmospheres, developed and deployed vaccines, protected the food and drug supply, and so, so much more.
For 30 years or more your side, the right, has been shrieking that we cannot do things like these – that we are incapable, that government is bad. Your side has relentlessly preached that our government – and by extension we as a people – are incapable and inept.
This is treasonous poison.
Why? Because the right in this country is all about the unfettered ability of a small minority to gain limitless wealth and power, to exploit both the labor of the majority and the breathtaking natural resources of this nation for its own short-sighted and greed-driven purposes.
Fuck this dumbshit…wrongwrongwrongwrong WRONG…24/7/365…
…and a liar.
Jesus Christ…doesn’t this asshole ever get tired of himself?
ok liberal scientist(insert laughter here), how much more are YOU willing to pay??
put your money where your mouth is.
actually, is you Lee Rujax Rosenberg, who is wrong wrong wrong.
the left constantly parades the “if you disagree with obama, you must be racist” mantra day after day – and have done it since he was elected.
its SOP for the leftnuts…..
so go eat a dick, you skinny little dweeb.
funny to watch lee rujax rosenberg get all frustrated…he starts frothing at the mouth and spewing hate like its going out of style.
the left constantly parades the “if you disagree with obama, you must be racist” mantra day after day.
Prove that. You got links to back that up or are you just making up Right Wing talking points? Post em so we can disuses them.
Typical canard. “If you want higher taxes so bad, why don’t you write the Treasury a check?” So tiresome.
The notions of community, and collective action, and shared sacrifice, and the fact that we’re all in this together are UTTERLY lost on right wingers.
But, to take your question seriously, I would favor BIG increases in marginal rates for income over $1 million, and confiscatory levels beyond 3-5 million. Increases in capital gains rates and inheritance taxes. Philosophically, wealth should be taxed more than labor, dynasties should be disfavored, as should great accumulations of wealth.
This is bullshit….
Look here:
Of 500 promises Obama made during his campaign for the Oval Office he’s either kept, compromised or is working on the vast majority of them. He’s broken only a bit over a tenth..
So it seems you at one time supported someone who is accomplishing much of what he set out to do. And now you’re name-calling/knee-jerking him a “socialist” for doing that.
Let’s look a bit at the promises Obama BROKE and judge how disappointed our right wing friend is over them:
BROKE the promise to Increase the capital gains and dividends taxes for higher-income taxpayers
Wow. Totally socialist..
BROKE the promise to Expand the child and dependent care credit
Oh my.. How marxist/leninist that Obama is to deny tax breaks to parents.
BROKE the promise to Create a foreclosure prevention fund for homeowners
I’m shocked at this communistic attempt to refuse to bail out victims of predatory lending.
BROKE the promise to End income tax for seniors making less than $50,000
Oh my.. Fidel must have counseled this socialist to refuse to give low income seniors a free ride.
BROKE the promise to End no-bid contracts above $25,000
See! He’s doing favors for the Haliburtons and KBR’s of the world. Following in the footsteps of those communists Bush/Cheney..
BROKE the promise to Repeal the Bush tax cuts for higher incomes
See! Socialism for well off!..
It goes on and on..
YLB, you’ve go the new guy’s trick – it’s all puff. The claims that we all just need to ‘take off our liberal hats’ and get along is bullshit – even if he can’t bring himself to write ‘shit’ without the cutesy, faux-innocent ‘*’s that he uses.
Anyone writing that Newt – NEWT! – has the answers is either jaw-droppingly gullible or a master of bullshit. I think the latter.
This jackas is so full of shit his ears stink.
Okay I’ll bite… First the chart…
You mean you leftist are continuing to admit to having morally moronic moonbat mindless memory malady? You forgot Ezra Klein’s Journolist Scandal?
Here is a proud member: Spencer Ackerman of the Washington Independent urged his colleagues to deflect attention from Obama’s relationship with Wright by changing the subject. Pick one of Obama’s conservative critics, Ackerman wrote, “Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares — and call them racists.”
tehjesus hates liars.
Hey! I’ve got more pass completions today than Tim (juicebox jesus) Tebow.
Yay for me!!!
Still running around HA calling people liars when he can’t provide links to disprove truth!
Well your honor, he is an idiot!
So rujax is saying Spencer Ackerman didn’t make that comment on the list server?
Please provide a link LIAR!
Does anyone even read pudiot’s posts at this point?
To #132: Please please PLEASE tell me where I said that I SUPPORTED obama?? What I said is that I gave him the benefit of a doubt and looked over his plans with a LEGITIMATE OPEN MIND. And I said that when I looked over his plans I saw one or two that werent a bad idea. Since when is that the same thing as me saying that “I supported socialism at one time”.
The poeple on this website have a real bad habbit of twisting peoples words if that person happens to dissaggree with them on certain issues. :\
puddypussy is going to hell.
pleasepleaseplease tell this drip to shut up.
Oh yeah…I can do that…
…that felt good.
Just to mock.
Because morons such as Lib Crackpot want to live as Alice in Wonderland.
Still waiting for LIAR rujax to refute Spencer Ackerman!
rujax proving once again why liberalism is a mental disease.
To #134: I couldnt really care less if we “all get along”. Do I think it would be better if everbody was more civil about there dissaggreements? Sure. But is that what I was asking you to do? Absolutely not. All I was asking you to do is look at the facts objectively (something that seems to be difficult for most of the people on this website). And Do I need to swear to get my point accross? Nope. Personally I feel like people who have to swear to make a point are either ignorant or insecure. So you can mock me all you want for not swearing in my messages. It doesnt bother me any.
No, I’m mocking you because you take idiotic positions – like supporting Newt.
I know, I know – you’re not ‘supporting’ him, just singing the praises of his bold ideas that will alleviate poverty and the heartbreak of psoriasis.
I’m still waiting for you to stop whining about not looking at facts, and give me a rebuttal or rejoinder to my lengthy posts above, that took you seriously and at face value. Prove me wrong that I think you’re a shallow crackpot.
You’re kidding.
I’m shocked…SHOCKED!
Didn’t say that.. I said that it “seemed” like you supported him at one time..
You said he had “couple of good ideas” reflecting on your “open mind”..
Well he made over 500 campaign promises many of which he has kept. So the question is did you reject Obama out of hand before you stepped into the voting booth based on that?
Or did you still have that “open mind”..
I hope he’s holding his breath.
George W. Bush started a war which cost $3 trillion, bailed out banks with another $3 trillion;raised the debt ceiling 8 times while he was in office…
…and the puddypussy is obsessed with Spencer Ackerman.
WHO is living in a make-believe world?
Herman Cain was determined to have sexually assaulted two women to whom he was a workplace superior. The two women recived settlements from Cain’s employer.
Herman Cain is being treated as a credible candidate for President of the United States by the Republican Party.
And puddypussy is obsessed with Spencer Ackerman.
Poor poor rujax,
Now we see the train wreck in action.
1) Bush is out of office
2) No time for his mind@130 wanted proof of the liberal MSM racism charge. Roger said all you need is one point. I delivered Journolist and placed one set.
3) Then this was said by ObamAA+ which rujax totally forgot as he threw his grandmama under de bus
You see moronic rujax Obama compared his grandmother to the racist anti-Semitic “G-Damn AmeriKKKa” preacher Jeremiah Wright he chose for himself and his family back in 2008. Of course with a paramecium for a mind, there isn’t much of anything there so you call everyone against you a LIAR.
Game Set and Match!
teh jesus hates the liar puddypussy
KA-BLAMMO motherfucker.
Man this rujax makes shit up again. We factually know Bill Clinton admitted he lied about Paula Jones though!
Spencer Ackerman… you claimed it didn’t happen.
What a train wreck rujax is 24×7.
Hey rujax,
Isn’t it about time you delivered the latest from “americasblog”?
Your sorry ASS was used to wipe the floor today!
To #123: My biggest critism about “clean coal” is the name itself. By calling it clean coal it opens itself up to all kinds of critisisms about how it isnt truely clean from people such as yourself. What if it was just called “cleanER coal”? Would you be okay with that?
I dont claim to be an expert on the subject, but I do feel like I have more of an understanding of the matter then the average person does. It is my understanding that many of the current “clean coal” technologies capture the co2 emissions from coal power plants and compress them into a liquid state and therefore prevent much of the emissions fro being released into the atmosphere. Doing that creates a product that is cleanER then the current technologies. It gives us energy while satisfying the lefts demands that carbon emissions be reduced.
Look, the world is going to have to use coal for the foreseeable future. No matter how bad you want to elliminate coal entirely, its not going to happen at this point. So while the world IS using coal, why not try and make it as clean as possible? Clean coal technologies do that. And there are more technologies on the horizon that make it even cleaner.
The Future Gen project will create a coal power plant with practically ZERO emissions. Do you consider that to be CLEAN COAL? I fail to understand what ANYONE could have something against this project. Here is a reliable power source designed to use something that we have a vast abundence of that produces practicially ZERO pollution. But I suspect the left will find a problem with that too. If it isnt a project created by the left the left seems to always be against it doesnt it…
Fucking puddypussy @ all those dumbass comments above…
Lying fucking goofballs like this puddypussy here refuse to understand that the economic problems that 99% of Americans are experiencing now are the direct result of Republican economic policies and the immoral wars of Bush and Cheney.
This moron thinks the Reverend Jeremiah Wright and Spencer Ackerman and Cass Sundstein (for some inasne reason) are the problem.
the puddypussy is a delusional insane liar…and teh jesus threw assholes like him out of the Temple.
teh jesus is getting tired of this dope…
To #151: All I was saying is that I CONSIDERED all of the possible candidates in 2008 (Republican AND liberal). I saw some things with obamas platform that I liked. I saw some things with hillarys platform that I liked. But all and all I saw more things on the Republican platform that were more in line with my views. But I did CONSIDER all of the options.
2008 was not a good year for conservatives. There was no “perfect dandidate” in my view. I liked Rudy alot, but his social views were ultimitely too much for me to look past. I liked alot of things that Ron Paul said but he is just too extreme on some things plus his isolationist views are not pratical in todays world. John Mcain I think is a good man but just a couple years before he was nominated he was getting wined and dined by harry reed about swtiching parties, so that tells me everything I need to know about him. And romney, then and now, I think is somebody who raises alot of questions about who he is and whether or not he can be trusted. But ultimitely Mcain got nomintated and so he got my vote, however reluctant that vote may have been. But yes I gave ALL of the candidates a fair look before I casted my vote. That is something I dont think alot of liberals can say.
Clearly Cass Sundstein got to George Will.
To #143: You epitimize the type of person I was talking about when I said that some people have to swear to make there point because they are insecure and ignorant. I dont take you seriously. It seems that your fellow liberals dont take you seriously. You seem to be a nucence that gets ignored by everyone. I couldnt care less what you say about me and I couldnt care less what you think of me.
So…would you like some crackers and cheese with that whine?
162 – The whole Republican field except maybe for Huntsman and SOME of Ron Paul’s positions on drug policy and national security is totally completely bat gauno insane.
Paraphrasing neo-con nutcase Bill Kristol, “they sound like crazy-people”.
Sorry if I reject these people out of hand even if they think it’s a good idea to look both ways before one crosses the street.
Romney: running away from his health-care record in MA which was the model for Obama’s nation plan. Flip-flopping every which way till Sunday. An embarrassment.
Perry: a rambling, mumbling idiot (the opinion of Reagan/Bush man Bruce Bartlett) who’ll do the bidding of the oil and gas industry that in turn will poison vast areas of this country through their hydraulic fracturing boom times technology.
Bachmann: a crazy-woman whose impromptu paranoid ramblings makes Palin seem halfway moderate – well, maybe I shouldn’t go that far.
Santorum: a joke of a failed Senator who seems to want to capture the crowd who are maniacally obsessed with what some consenting adults do behind closed doors.
Gingrich: megalomaniac, serial polygamist, serial philanderer, serial liar who was rejected by his own caucus in the House for his erratic leadership. He’d be a disaster if put in charge of a doghouse.
Cain: America loves a gimmick and this clown cannot be taken seriously with a 9-9-9 plan that looks like it could have come a Godfather’s Pizza coupon mailer. Spawned a mini-industry of courtroom settlements in the wake of his boorish sexual behavior. This does not qualify him to lead a nation of over 300 million people.
I won’t discuss Huntsman, Paul or Gary Johnson not only because I agree with them on a few points but BECAUSE they ARE NOT totally bat guano insane, they DON”T HAVE A PRAYER in the madhouse that is today’s Republican Party.
all those rujax “posts” and still no refutation of Spencer Ackerman’s call them racists.
When you are mindless like rujax, your blog entries have no meaning
Superficial, superfluous, and super stooooopid.
160 – Well said Rujax!
To #166: Do you have any proof of Rick Perrys supposed “stupidity” other then the fact that hes not the best public speaker? Im so tired of the left constently hanging on that aspect of a candidates political skills as a supposed proof of there intellect (or lack there of).
@162 “But yes I gave ALL of the candidates a fair look before I casted my vote. That is something I dont think alot of liberals can say.”
Speak for yourself; nobody authorized you to speak for us.
For the record, how could any thinking person possibly vote for a national ticket with Sarah Palin on it? Even if McCain was Jesus in the Second Coming, I couldn’t vote for anyone who’d put that ditz one heartbeat from the presidency. No matter what the rest of his platform was.
I thought Cass Sundstein was Public Enemy #1.
Silly me.
To #171: Yes, a governor that added $5000000000 to alaskas savings accout in just 2.5 years as governor. She created infrustructure to responsibly oversee the states oil resources. She completely over hauled the states ethics laws. And she did all of this while lowering taxes which made the state more fiscally sound.
How on earth could I support somebody like that?? Funny how the left thinks you have to be crazy to be a Sarah Palin supportor. But when you actualy see her accomplishments I dont know how you can dispute all of the good she has done.
That’s total bullshit, you idiot…prove it
Ackerman is right! What’s the fucking problem, puddypussy?
@67 Hey, I can play that game too. Just pull some random person and accuse the person of supporting some extreme position because he has not come out against that person. Classic smear tactic.
About as meaningful.
173 – Heh. Yeah she did such a great job she said screw this! I can do better!
So she quit “serving” the ungrateful Republicans of Alaska and became a Faux News millionaire.
“Going rogue”..
Why I wonder didn’t she run for President?
“No time” for headless lucy rants
Except you racist moron Spencer Ackerman isn’t some random person. He was a head cheerleader on Journolist.
Man headless, like rujax, are one of many stupid mofo leftists.
Except you and others claimed it never happened above.
See ya moron! Gotta go to work! An act foreign to many HA leftists!
Any sort of ‘cleaning’ or ‘greening’ of coal is PR bullshit. The burning of the stuff is filthy, and the mining of it is devastating to the environment, and the health of the people doing it and of the communities near it.
We have to stop using the stuff, period.
Calling it ‘clean’ or ‘cleanER’ is PR, and it’s intended to delay the inevitable reckoning – a delay that is driven purely by people with power and an investment in the status quo.
This is happy BS, calling it theoretical gives all theories (like gravity and evolution) a bad name. Speculation is maybe the best spin one could put on this. There are a number of demonstration projects, none of them approaching the propaganda you describe.
Capturing the CO2 is not easy, and a massive amount of energy needs to be devoted just to that process; moreover, 1 ton of coal yields 3.7 tons of CO2, and even if you could capture all of it, the US generates about 2 Billion metric tons of CO2 from coal every year – even if you could concentrate the CO2 down to the density of dry ice – pure, solid CO2 (which you couldn’t) at 1.5g/cc – you’d have to transport and inject into the ground (after you drilled and sealed perfectly the hole you’re putting this in) 6 cubic kilometers of CO2 – a titanic undertaking.
It is not technologically or economically feasible – it’s a pretty shiny object for the gullible to hope for, and to use to undermine the real change in energy infrastructure and economy that is desperately needed if we’re going to survive on this earth.
See above. They do not. You’re spewing happy bullshit.
Repeated for the sake of emphasis. There are no deployable ‘clean coal technologies’, therefore they can do no such thing – things that do not exist cannot act.
Per Wikipedia, on FutureGen:
You say “Future Gen project will create” – this is again wild speculation. FutureGen has been shown thus far to creat…NOTHING. FutureGen has been cancelled once already, and the technology is nowhere near ready to deploy, if it exists at all on a commercial scale. You have drunk the Happy KoolAid deeply, my friend.
Moreover, you have had nothing to say about the horrifically destructive practices widespread throughout the coal mining industry, not limited to the terrible conditions in which workers toil in danger, but the environment and community degradations are irreparable.
Coal is filthy, destructive and costly to mine, destructive and costly to burn. However, we have a system in which those costs can be externalized onto the community at large, and the rich and powerful industries and their owners who are heavily invested in and devoted to coal as an energy source are blowing smoke – smoke you seem only too happy to suck down with gusto – to preserve the status quo.
For about 1.5 trillion dollars we could replace essentially the entire electrical generating capacity of the US with windmills. Why aren’t we doing that?
Oh, back to where this started, Newt is full of shit.
Too bad he’ll still be a stupid motherfucker when he gets done.
To #182: Wikipedia is the best thing ever. Anyone in the world can write anything they want about any subject. So you know you are getting the best possible information. – Michael scott from the office.
For about 1.5 trillion dollars we could replace essentially the entire electrical generating capacity of the US with windmills. Why aren’t we doing that?
Where are you getting this information? I would love to see where you got the actual facts for your statement here.
Commercial sized windmills are about $1.5 million per installed megawatt.
The US has about 800-1000 GWatts of installed capacity, mostly run on fossil fuels. See here and here.
Now multiply, after making units congruent.
$1.5 trillion. Far less than we spent in Iraq alone.
So is that it – your response to me whole post, thought out and with links, is a Michael Scott line about wikipedia?
You’re an ass. And given your stated desire to engage in thoughtful debate, you’re a liar.
To #189: Im sorry, but with all of the name caling and swearing and outright attacking of almost everything I say, Im not allowed to make one little joke?? I was just flipping you some crap. Please dont take it personally.
Anyway I asked you a substancial question about the things you had written as well. It wasnt like that was the only thing I had said.
To #188: Out of curiousity is the $1.5 million price that you quote there a total cost that includes the cost of purchasing the property the windmill goes on? And if so, how is it even possible to determine that cost? I have to assume that property values are going to vary wildy from location to location. It doesnt seem like it could possibly be so black and white.
Furthermore, I aggree that if the cost REALLY is 1.5 trillion to convert all US power to wind mills, of course we should do it. I also think that a majority of Americans would aggree that we should do that too. Which leads me to ask… Why isnt this something that were already talking about? If your numbers truely were accurate, I have to imagine this is something we would already all be talking about. And since were not, it makes me question your numbers…
The best land for a wind turbine is usually not the best for any other usage. See for example PSE’s Wild Horse Wind and Solar Facility located near Ellensburg. If you get a chance I recommend taking a tour.
Could it be that those who are making their billions in oil and coal are doing their best to suppress the conversation?
Hmmmm. Interesting that a conservative would support a “clean coal” technology that would make electricity more expensive in order to save the planet from co2 emissions that most right wingers have been manipuated to believe is just some scam made up by Al Gore.
How rare! A right winger who accepts the findings of climate scientists.
Great views from up on top!
To #194: Am I supposed to be the right winger that “accepts the climate scientist findings”? Because just to be clear I dont.
I do however respect the opinions of people that do believe in manmade climate change. Based on all of the information I have seen, I am personally very skepitcal of it. But I also cant disprove it. And since it cant be disproved, and since there are technoligies available that can reduce co2 emissions, it would be illogical to not pursue those technoligies.
As far as al gore goes, I do believe he is a phony and it is indisputable that he is profitting from the socalled climate crisis. But al gore did not invent global warming. I think there are some very well intentioned people who are involved in the whole climate change thing, but al gore is not one of them.
There does seem to be an interesting contradiction there.
Do share your analysis of the available scientific literature on rising CO2 levels and antropogenic climate change.
Be specific and please show your work.
It’s a bit rough and tumble around here, grow a thicker skin.
Also, you did profess a desire to engage in debate, and I did put together a lengthy and thoughtful response that you seem to have entirely blown off.
Please comment on criticism of “cleancoal” reality versus hype. Also please, how does “cleancoal” address environmental devastation of ubiquitous mountaintop removal methods (hint: it doesn’t).
With regard to costs of wind power, some sources are here, and here (see pages 36, 37), or here. There are many others…
You really need to ask that question?
Why did we drop a few trillion dollars in Iraq?
Why did we tolerate a few million barrels of crude oil to be dumped into valuable fishing grounds and pristine beaches?
Why are we even debating anthropogenic climate change?
Why didn’t we kneecap all the world’s oil producers and create a crash program to wind-ify and solar-ify our energy production and transportation systems at the cost of a few trillion dollars and many many jobs and control of future industries?
Here’s a clue. Here‘s another.