The constellation of elections taking place tonight make this Tuesday, arguably, far more important than SuperTuesday. In the previous post, I mentioned many of the elections going on today. There are even more recall elections going on…for a total of 17:
- Six in Wisconsin
- Three in Fullerton, California (with at least superficial relevance to Seattle)
- Three in Greenfield, California
- Five in Hermiston, Oregon
We’ll mostly focus on Wisconsin, but recall elections frequently have high drama and close votes tagging along. So grab a beer and popcorn, tune in to your media source of choice, and try to be entertained….
6:00: This page has a couple of sites livestreaming results tonight. However, I’m hearing something about the moon….
6:06: Dead heat in the exit polls…
6:18: With almost no precincts reporting…Walker leads Barrett 54% to 45%.
7:01: CNN projects a Walker victory.
7:20: Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch keeps her job. Which means, of course, that when Walker is indicted, Wisconsin will be left in the shitty hands….
7:29: On the bright side, it seems possible that Birfer-queen Orly Taitz will get the Republican nomination to challenge Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D)
Check out the NYT electoral map:
It’s more than a little different than Darryl’s.
OH, PA are tossups. FL, too.
WI now listed as a tossup. VA, IA, too.
Look at all of those tossup states clustered right where Romney will be camped out a majority of the time. Meanwhile, Obama will be running to the West Coast in desperation, trying to scam money from CA and Seattle donors while putting in some face time in CO and NV because he needs those states desperately if he loses PA or OH.
Romney could pick Portman and lock up OH. Darryl’s already got FL in the Romney column.
I think the NYT takes exception to Darryl’s 99.9% likelihood of an Obama victory.
Obama’s got a hard road ahead. And he’s got to campaign against Bill Clinton, not just against Romney.
@1 Bobber,
Am I correct in my remembering you’re predicting a Walker victory tonight?
DanielBice: There you have it: Final exit polls have it 50-50 for @GovWalker and @Barrett4WI. Earlier ones had Walker up 51-49. #wirecall [via Twitter]
(Bice is the guy who determined that the Walker love child story was incorrect)
Nutjob @ 1,
“I think the NYT takes exception to Darryl’s 99.9% likelihood of an Obama victory.”
Please correct me if you’ve found otherwise, but I cannot find anywhere where the NYTimes site gives a statistical analysis with a probabilistic outcome to the race.
It sure looks to me that this is another case of you not really understanding what all those number thingies are all about….
@ 4
My guess is that statistics to show OH and PA are still in the Obama column are only needed if you are relying on data up to a month old as part of your model.
They’ve got SC deep red. You’ve got it blue because of your ‘statistics’.
They’ve got Nate Silver.
They’ve got Nate Silver.
They’ve got Nate Silver.
@ 2
Yeah. Looks like it will be a squeaker either way based on monster turnout. Last spew from me was an 8-point Walker win prediction. Clearly it’s going to be far, far closer than that.
Nutjob @ 1,
“Darryl’s already got FL in the Romney column.”
I’m flattered, but I cannot really take credit for whose column each state goes into. I set down a set of rules in 2007 and after that, the leanings of a state is determined purely by the polls.
In Florida’s case, the three “current” polls weigh slightly in favor of Romney. The analyses give him ~70% of the simulated elections. A statistician would call that “within the margin of error”, hence the light pink shading.
But note that there was a new Florida poll released today that puts Obama up +4 in Florida. So, the more recent poll data may shift the state to slightly favoring Obama….
Here’s the Lt Gov results (2% in):
Rebecca Kleefisch (R)
58.1% 25,067
Mahlon Mitchell (D)
41.9% 18,090
Is she doing better than Walker because……
She’s a woman?
She’s white and he’s black?
He might not have ever voted before 2010?
Wonder why her numbers seem better than Walker’s……
How’s that first bite of crow tasting this evening?
I’d lay off Darryl for a while. There’s probably a whole bunch more crow for you to swallow before the evening ends.
@ 7
At what point in the season do your rules shorten the poll eligibility period?
Do you weight ‘likely voter’ poll results more heavily than ‘registered voter’ or ‘adult’ poll results and, if not, why not?
Lawsuits to keep the polls open longer in the urban areas.
Nutjob @ 5,
“They’ve got SC deep red. You’ve got it blue because of your ’statistics’.”
Wrong again!!!
SC is blue because that is what the most recent poll found. It is polls, not the statistics that determines the colors.
The statistics are used to assess the probability of each outcome, etc. But the coloring of the state can be determined straight from the poll results.
Your inability to grasp even the fundamentals of what is going on is remarkable!
@ 12
I grasp them just fine. You are entrapped by your model. It puts you far behind current-day voter sentiment until the polls come more frequently and until your eligibility period narrows.
I just like pointing it out. Not because it means I think you are wrong, but because pointing out how narrow NYT really thinks Obama’s lead is makes HA people less comfortable and more likely to engage than to cheer-lead.
I like this site for WI results:
It also lets you compare 2012 results to 2010 results for the same counties, so you can see which way the trend is going.
He was predicting a big win a “mandate” even. What he got was the Republicans outspending the Democrats many times over and an election that’s currently a tossup. Some mandate.
He’s also forgetting that Walker wasn’t the only Republican targeted with a recall election and a bunch of those other folks (I forget the exact #’s) did get recalled.
Ouch…the Lt. Gov race is turning into an ass-kicking.
that one is gonna sting if it keeps on keeping on…
You’re not wrong, nuttin’ in that link that deals with probability.
I’d say that one already stings.
@ 16
Urban results aren’t in. They’re always last. This will tighten up in about an hour.
@15 I think it was 2/6 state senators recalled on the GOP side.
“At what point in the season do your rules shorten the poll eligibility period?”
Good question!!!! In 2008, I did it rather organically. When the number of current polls got large, and as the election approached, I shortened the window.
(When I experimented with different window sizes in 2008, I found it doesn’t make much of a difference…you saw that in the “special” analysis I did just for you last week.)
I’ve been thinking about using more objective criteria for this year…say, when the average number of polls per state > 2.5 or something, the window shrinks. In fact, one choice is to pick a threshold and then have the software pick the appropriate sized window.
“Do you weight ‘likely voter’ poll results more heavily than ‘registered voter’ or ‘adult’ poll results and, if not, why not?”
Well…there are’t any “adults only” polls that don’t also provide registered or likely results.
But to answer your question…I don’t weigh any of the polls at all. The “weight” of the polls is determined solely by the sample sizes.
You know…you could actually learn most of these things by reading the FAQ.
MJS reporter:
Craig Gilbert
latest exits adjustment now has it walker 52, barrett 48
22% reporting in
Walker: 61%
Other Dude: 38%
@ 20
Hadn’t found the FAQ yet. Thanks.
Deleted the Rasmussen stuff after I read what you wrote a second time.
@1 NYT shows Wisconsin as a tossup state, but tonight’s exit polls show Obama easily winning there.
Im not even sure if Dean Logan could pull this out for Barrett
Yup, thanks. Just saw that myself.
NBC just called it for Walker.
@6 “Clearly it’s going to be far, far closer than that.”
Don’t bet money on it. Right now it’s a 22-point spread. Of course, that’ll get closer when Milwaukee’s returns come on. But even so, Barrett won’t get close tonight.
Needless to say, I hope I’m wrong, but I’m looking at the exit polls that show 60% of Wisconsin’s voters think elected officials should be recalled only for misconduct, and that’s how the vote is breaking so far. Walker clearly is getting votes from people who disagree with his policies but are giving philosophical factors precedence.
This is why NBC did it so soon:
With 17.6 percent of the vote counted in Dane County, Barrett now leads just 55/44. He’s supposed to blow Walker out there. If that margin holds, he’s in deep trouble.
I will be charitable and wish you all a fond good-night.
Thanks for the convo, Darryl. You, too, RR.
With 24% reporting statewide, the 61% – 38% number is holding firm. It’s over.
Nutburger @ 13,
“I grasp them just fine.”
That is doubtful from the questions you ask.
“You are entrapped by your model.”
On the other hand, the model beat Nate Silver, hands down, in 2008.
“It puts you far behind current-day voter sentiment until the polls come more frequently and until your eligibility period narrows.”
That’s fine with me. As the season progresses, the frequency of polls goes up dramatically.
“I just like pointing it out. Not because it means I think you are wrong, but because pointing out how narrow NYT really thinks Obama’s lead is makes HA people less comfortable and more likely to engage than to cheer-lead.”
Not sure I fully follow you, but you again seem to miss the salient point: The NY times results are largely driven by poll results, but probably has some human opinion mixed in (can’t really say…they don’t seem to document their methods). What they do not do is provide an estimate of the probability of each candidate winning. That is an analysis that is distinctly different from painting states colors.
If Walker wins, will the unions recall their union thug leaders? How much will that cost?
Maybe the DUMMOCRAPT Wisconsin Legislature and Senate will skip town again?
This isn’t about turnout or voter suppression anymore; it’s about people saying they’re against a do-over election of the sort GOPers demanded here in Washington.
This is a defeat for the Wisconsin unions, but it’s a victory for the principle that we hold elections only once, even if the ballots have to be counted three times.*
* Actually, King County’s ballots in the 2004 Washington gubernatorial election were machine-counted at least 2 or 3 times and were hand-counted up to 7 times, so the final result of that election was extremely accurate.
Bob @ 23,
“Hadn’t found the FAQ yet. Thanks.”
Ummm…in my comment above, where the letters FAQ appear, notice they are colored gold? Click there.
A link to the FAQ also appears at the end of every presidential election analysis.
Looks like the Dems won’t turn any of the state senate seats. The GOP has nearly 2-to-1 margins in all of them.
MSBS reports Walker is the winner!
I took some Pepto-Bismol and watched the idiots on MSBS ranting and raving and drooling about a Barrett victory. It was actually humorous to see the incoherent ramblings of the left-wing pundits.
I didn’t even need the Pepto!
The bottom-line–
Voters DO NOT want State Employee Union BossThugs or any Government Employee Union BossThugs calling the shots anymore and bankrupting State and local governments.
Wisconsin simply gave Employees a choice and guess what?? Tens of thousands dropped out of the Union.
I thought you left-wingers were Pro-choice???
Guess not when it comes to forcing Union membership and the ridiculous dues down the throats of the workers you pretend to be for.
This is devastating to Obama and his sidekick, the Village Idiot Biden.
You folks have a good evening.
I’ll be sleeping like a baby.
Good night Bob.
Good night Puddy.
I think rhp, YLB and the other fools need to take mega-doses of Ambien tonight.
oh yeah..folks in Wisconsin will never, ever forgive the State Employee Union BossThugs for wasting hundreds of millions of dollars.
correction to @36: No results yet for 1 of the senate races.
GetFactsFirst, sleep well.
LMFAO…ya, nice way to start spinning it….face it, the progressives got their asses kicked, even after their smear campaign against Walker.
but wait! big fat fuck eddie schultz and the rest of the lefty talkign heads said walker was for sure going to be beaten!
fuck, its not even close! in ANY of the races!
We now have returns for senate district 21, and it’s the same as the others, all the GOP state senators are getting 60%+ margins.
41, 42 – This isn’t about GOP popularity, you fat fucks. The GOP isn’t popular. This is about voters saying recalls are only for crimes and misdemeanors.
Its like Reagan vs Mondale all over again…
Once again, you are trying to spin it…nice try. Your hero, Joseph Goebbels, would be proud.
@45 No, it’s not. People aren’t voting for Walker. They’re voting against do-over elections. They feel the same way about that as people here felt when the WSRP bleated for a do-over in ’04.
Spin spin spineroo!
I’m glad you have decided to speak for the voters in WI…what we do without you?
spin spin spineroo!
41% reporting
58% walker
41% other guy
its getting closer! Dean Logan’s in da house!
@48 Some people love to hear themselves talk.
did you just look in the mirror? you of all people should be posting that…LMFAO
Really Roger DUMB Wabbit? Weally?
Checking for update in 0:01
55.2% reporting
Candidate Votes Pct.
Scott Walker (R) 673,228 58.1%
Tom Barrett (D) 478,826 41.3%
@53 Yes, really, puddydumbfuck.
Walker will still be gone if he’s indicted.
As much as the liberal precincts cheat, Walker
probably got 70% All those abortions are
gonna mean you dumbasses are running out of
The money quote on HA
Ummm… YEAH!
Liberals suck! The people have spoken! Denied!
Ohhh poor poor Wabbit. It’s about deficits you moron!
I wonder if the silly rabbit realizes how stupid he sounds…
Yep roger, high turnout means walker is in trouble. We heard that same shit for MONTHS. And guess what – WRONG.
HAHHHAHAHHAHAHHAHHHHAHAH…record turnout and its a landslide for walker.
Checking for update in 0:02
61.8% reporting
Candidate Votes Pct.
Scott Walker (R) 757,766 57.5%
Tom Barrett (D) 553,267 42.0%
Now + 204,000
So, 757,766 people so far aren’t @47 voting for Walker.
Got it.
wow…all the left nuts got real quiet…lol
Checking for update in 0:04
66.9% reporting
Candidate Votes Pct.
Scott Walker (R) 850,813 58.0%
Tom Barrett (D) 608,143 41.4%
Now +242,000
No, 850,813 people so far aren’t @47 voting for Walker.
Heh.. I don’t do sleep pills, depressants or alcohol like the typical right wing freak to come down from the meth and other crank they do.
Piss off, you pricks. So, we lost tonight. We learned our lesson: recall elections don’t work very well, particularly when you run the same guy who lost to the incumbent at the last election.
Are we bloodied? Yes. Are we down? Indubitably, yes. Are we out? No, not yet.
I for one am glad that this whole goddamn thing is over and done with. It was a distraction, and it’s been hanging over our heads for long enough. I look forward to helping whip all you sorry right wing bastards this November. McKenna will have to work his ass off if he expects to occupy the governor’s mansion next January. And if he does win, perhaps the Democratic Party in this state would benefit from a little time in the opposition, although I am loth to think of the price we will have to pay. We’ve already had enough austerity, and that was with Democrats in the majority. I for one do not believe a goddamn word from McKenna’s mouth when he talks about increased funding for education. It’s one of those things where I would dearly love to believe him… but based on his track record, and more importantly the track record of the Republicans who might end up running the legislature, I cannot credit it at all.
McKenna has already made clear whose side he is on, and he has sided with Kemper Freeman and the Tea Party (although he does his best to keep quiet about that fact).
Checking for update in 0:05
71.2% reporting
Candidate Votes Pct.
Scott Walker (R) 900,986 56.1%
Tom Barrett (D) 696,242 43.3%
No, 900,986 people so far aren’t @47 voting for Walker.
Any drug that makes a right winger more violent and aggressive – shit, that’s catnip to them.
But then they have to come down lest their drug abuse interferes with screwing others for profit.
That’s where alcohol, depressants and sleep pills come in.
Tightening. 13 point spread as more urban results come in.
Watching Fat Ed. After all that money spent on the protests and the $4M unions wasted supporting Falk, he’s decrying the money Walker raised and spent because he was forced to defend himself.
Well…….he didn’t quite put it in those words.
A few ingredients short of a brain farted
Yeah you are an all natural ASShole!
Not that it matters tonite, but…….
Intrade now has Obama at 51.4%. An hour ago it was 51.8%. A week ago it was 58+%.
Just sayin’.
Did some moronic right wing maniac just pay me a compliment?
Of course.. I OWN HIM! LMAO!
Yeah you are an all natural ASShole!
Checking for update in 0:01
79.4% reporting
Candidate Votes Pct.
Scott Walker (R) 1,016,485 55.3%
Tom Barrett (D) 811,468 44.1%
Walker broke 1 Million!
Future, ummm no… deficit reduction wins!
I have friends in WI who have jobs in the private sector, and the vibes I get from them is that they’re sick and tired of public employees complaining about how “bad” public employees have it. My friends’ attitudes are that the public employees already have a good deal working for government and shouldn’t complain. I suspect this sentiment might grow as ordinary folks take note of the pay and benefit packages that government employees often have compared to the average private sector guy or gal.
Did any libtards get hit with the shrapnel from Ed Schultz’s head exploding tonight?
There might be a downside to being the president closely linked to the stars:,,20601493,00.html
Might be a good idea to STFU, Puddy. An election in WI isn’t going to matter much in November. Remember, pride comes before the shit-storm.
@78 The politically smart thing to do for the public employees unions at this point would be to suck it up, wipe the blood off their face, and make a concerted push not so much towards protecting their own pay and benefits, but improving the pay and benefits of others. Really, that’s what it should have been about all along. It’s true, fire fighters, policemen, and teachers are all paid very well, and rightly so. In contrast, however, most of the people in the private sector haven’t seen a real increase in their pay since the Reagan years and many have been losing ground, not to mention getting shittier health care coverage than they used to.
So the plan of action going forward should not be about protecting the pay and benefits of public sector workers; it should be about getting back for the private sector workers what they lost over the last thirty-odd years, which the public sector workers were fortunate enough to keep. It should become the policy goal of the AFL-CIO that by 2040, single income households will be possible for the majority once more. If we could get to that point… well, it would be a beautiful thing, is all I have to say.
Solidarity, boys.
What a great, great night.
Walker kicks Union Bosses ass.
All the recalled Senator’s win.
Roger Rabbit is now dreaming aloud about Walker somehow being indicted for something.
My Boston Celtics show that great teamwork & experience beats a bunch of whining superstars who roll over when the pressure is on.
And just to make my day even brighter if that is at all possible, is this quote from the biggest Asshole Union Thug around…
I think that juvenile quote will have an extra couple thousand members heading for the exits in Wisconsin next week.
It’s not about hard-working government employees, it’s about these Union thugs extorting money out of taxpayers and f*cking them with it. Ain’t gonna happen no mo’
screw that fat fuck eddie schultz…that muckraking fuckstick needs to get run over by his own bus.
and now he is crying boohoo because Walker won..LMFAO..the walker recall was big eddie’s main focus for the last year – and now he looks the fool…love it.
F that guy.
@81 PI,
Remember, Puddy didn’t comment much on this election until last week. You can ask a few ingredients short of a brain for my comments.
Go on, grow some marbuls PI.
Checking for update in 0:08
92.7% reporting
Candidate Votes Pct.
Scott Walker (R) 1,201,402 54.0%
Tom Barrett (D) 1,012,519 45.5%
No, 1,201,402 people so far aren’t @47 voting for Walker.
I respectfully disagree that this election won’t matter much in November. I believe it has clearly defined the issues and message for Romney. Walker has balls. He never pandered to try and win like so many R’s end up doing…guys like McCain. Walker has proved if you stand up for balanced budgets, economic growth, lower taxes and stand up against Government Employee Union Bosses that you can win and win big. It is the template for November races around the Country. The MSM won’t talk about it. The Wisconsin papers/TV Stations were in the tank for Barrett and he got his ass kicked. The Internet has diluted the MSM’s effectiveness. Obama is one worried bastard tonight because all he really cares about is his legacy and getting re-elected. His performance has been abysmal. Watch the polls 2 weeks from now. If Obama’s approval rating is still below 49%, he is going to lose.
The Dow stock futures were DOWN 20 points before Wisconsin Election Returns began coming in. Now they are UP 60. It was a quick swing once it became apparent Walker would win.
I’m feeling like I’m going to sleep as well as GetFactsFirst tonight.
And when YLB awakens in the morning, he will still be an unemployed loser sponging off his wife claiming to be a huge supporter of women.
Yuck Yuck Yuck.
I looked back on some of YLB’s posts.
By golly Puddy, you are right..the lazy stupid bastard is insane. Although living for free for years posting crap while his wife works all day must seem like a pretty good gig to the other lazy bastards from the left.
No one commented on the DUMMOCRAPTS using this to perfect their 2012 voter fraud techniques. Why else did Eric Fast and Furious Holder, the most corrupt AG EVER, send his goons into WI?
Called his lunacy long ago. That’s why he created the crazed databaze. Been SMACKING his pink haired troll head like a speed bag. He gets worse every day!
It looks like walker survived. I think that is bad for Wisconsin but the people have voted. Walker was their choice. I wait to see how Walker screws over Wisconsin even more. I will try not to do say “told you so”. That would be petty and republican.
Here is a place that got rid of 70 of those public employee leeches.
Hope those retirees enjoy the reduced services they voted for.
They also voted to close the public library system a couple of years back, but they found an open source way of keeping something open.
Maybe the sheriff’s department can be a privately-run, public law enforcement that relies on membership contributions for funding and a large and varied volunteer force to staff operations and support functions. That would be a good open source version. Do you think the cops would bust their biggest doners?
Being the number two guy in Alquida (no clue on spelling) is like being a red shirt on classic Star Trek.
“survived”…wow, understatement of the year.
“dominated” would be more like it…
Maxie @ 94
You guys won tonight. Kudos. This election, however, won’t matter a damn in November. And, Scott Walker will never win another election.
Oh my a proud leftist sighting… Just like Roger DUMB Wabbit’s words… I’ll put
into “safe” keeping.
See ya!
In other news that will pizz off proud leftist…
Looks like Bill became a vegan and the veggies have cleared his mind of some of the libtard BULLSHITTIUM. A libtard can speak some truths “now and then”.
You folks still talk like you are the Majority, yet in every election, even with the big guns (Clinton) stumping, and Owebamma hiding, there is no win for you, and this WI was the sign of November.
I feel sorry for such dilusions but 2012 is going to make 2010 look like childs play.
Are you citing Bill Clinton as an authority on the economy?
Greed wins again.. I hope the greedheads are happy.. for now..
You won’t be tomorrow. The deck is stacked against you and you can only buy so many off.
LMAO! Bullshit.. Walker left public safety unions alone..
His kind will figure out something for them eventually.
Heh.. How even more ugly they look when they gloat..
Yes I am citing Bill Clinton as an authority on the economy, we are in a Recession (have never left one is more appropriate), and I agree with him the Bush Tax Cuts need to be extended.
Couldn’t happen at a better time, a few months before November 2012
Proud Communist – Walker isnt one of “my guys”…I dont know very much about him, and could care less. I just think its funny, and just, that the left nuts stepped in to try and recall a duly elected governor because they didnt like him…and all the left nuts jumped on board across the nation, so sure of their win, only to look foolish in the end.
I dont know walker, nor do I give a shit. I am just observing from afar – and as usual, laughing my ass off.
more like the lazyheads lost one for a change.
go get a job you fuckstick.
uh oh, better call the Waaambulance!
I’ll be laughing at feckless right wing antics, their bile and hatred,
and disinfecting them with the truth..
I’m in it for the long haul fools!
106 – There’s the ugliest one of them all..
A real racist puke bucket there.
awwww…such kind words from YLBigot himself..
get a fucking job.
105 – I’m putting you on permanent ignore here asswipe. Just like I did with Mark1..
You bore me with that black hole you call a head – lodged forever in your ass!
However I might post a thing or two about your obsession with this blog at my little place on the web. The data on your behavior is just too precious for words.
Can’t beat em with intelligence, start calling them names. THat’s YLB’s style
The Public Service Unions wasted millions on this charade, and it shows how unpopular they are nation wide. Plain and simple
Bring on a New Republican Governor in washington, and a brand new CHANGE in DC.
We don’t believe in Marxism!
LMAO!! Birfer boy chimes in.. “Smart” would be re-selling those birfer ebooks instead of consuming them by the dozens – that is if you can live with yourself taking gullible sucker’s money.
I’m sure it’d be no problem for you.
Thanks for proving my point!
Take that to your Giverment Union!
Ah, shit, guys. Who wasted the most money in Wisconsin? The national Ds, and Obama, kind of ignored the recall election there. The Koch brothers and the RNC poured money in, on the other hand. We’ll see how that all works out for you in the long run.
Heh. PuddySilly has only one obligatory dig at the unions..
I wonder why?
For sure it’s nothing to do with his cousins or even his brothers and sisters if they’re so lucky to be card-carrying members.
If your “point” is that you’re a brainwashed follower of discredited right wing myths, I “proved” that loooooong ago.
Take that to 2012 and We’ll chat on Nov 12th
118 – We’re in 2012 birfer.. Where are you? Still in 2008 reading Corsi’s and Taitz’s garbage for the millionth time?
Take heart birfer. You have some high rent company there with The Donald.
And just WHO put up all the money and fuss for this recall in the first place? Every news show carried their plight, and you would have thought they were sent to the soup kitchen. Real Americans are seeing their earning slashed, benefits trashed, and no raises at all.
But Giverment workers, especially UNION Givernment workers think they are a special breed.
Those days are over, you can now become part of the solution, or part of the dying Givernments union’s plan
It’s really hard to know where to start when confronting nonsense at your level.
Not so fast smiley…
Lehman won in SD21.
That gives the state Senate to the Democrats, which effectively ends Walkers agenda.
So, yes, congratulations to bob and puddy and max and all the other Republicans out there, you got to keep Walker, albeit neutered.
Oh, and this:
Obama well ahead of Rmoney in Wisconsin exit poll – the electorate that kept Walker in office prefers Obama. If Rmoney can’t win tonight, with Walker spending @20 million or more, he’s toast in Wisconsin.
But the middle class aren’t the ones who ponied up $20 million bucks, are they?
Sorry chumpy, im no republican. All political parties should be outlawed.
122 – Fuck! I’ll take it.
But I’m sure the Koch-heads in that state will find a Dem sellout somewhere..
They always do. We fight on!
@122 Well, well, well — looks like the pubbies lost the recall election after all — the one that mattered most.
It seems we don’t have to wait for Walker to be indicted, because this puts him out of business.
In other news, a woman of unknown unaffiliated slapped Tom Barrett in the face after Barrett’s concession speech, then was hustled away by security. From the video, it doesn’t look like a friendly encounter or a love pat, so I assume we’ll find out tomorrow who this person is and what charges will be filed against her.
Eat shit righties!!! We won in Wisconsin!!! We’ve got the senate!!!
@126 if Obama wins in November, but the GOP keeps the house, will you say you lost by the same logic?
@ 122, 126
Yes, it looks like the Dems did pick off a state senate seat and the balance of that body has flipped. RR is doing a victory dance, apparently.
However, the state senate is out of session until 2013.
And, due to census-related redistricting, things are anticipated to flip back to the GOP after the November election.
That’s correct — the Wisconsin Senate will be out of session until 2013. In November, 16 of the 33 seats will be up for grabs, and thanks to the redistricting that will be in place for the first time in that election, Republicans are supposed to pick up at least two seats. The unions spent millions of dollars and over a year’s worth of effort to get a temporary one-seat majority in a chamber that will never meet in session.
Walker improved his vote tally by 125,000 over that received in 2010.
Spin this any way you want, but the facts are:
1. Walker stays and his 2010 election was validated and actually reinforced. I’ll stay away from mandate because I don’t think he has one.
2. Act 10 stays.
3. The state senate gains by the Dems are predicted to be short-lived and have no practical value unless there’s a special session, which seems unlikely as there are no budgetary scares in the state, thanks to Walker and Act 10.
Yes, Walker outspent Barrett by a large amount to win a 7 point margin. Similar to Obama outspending McCain in 2008 by a large amount to win a 7 point margin.
Money talks. Bombshell revelation. Unfortunate that Walker was forced into demonstrating that fact once more but it really wasn’t his choice, was it?
Walker could be “neutered” as Lib da schmuck and Roger DUMB Wabbit screamed, but the people now have a choice regarding union membership… And yes, a few ingredients short of a working brain ylb, I have family members in unions who despise union leaders who make big bucks and spend profligately like Obummer’s GSA. It all comes down to unions and how they choose to unwisely use those union dues. But, my family members are so glad they are not part of the Communication Workers of America who gave Ed Crybaby Schultz $190,000 or SEIU who front the terrorists in OWS!
Oh look more useless words from DUMMOCRAPTS…
From Kos:
So when bub comes by and plants himself here this morning and begins braying about Wisconsin being in play, know he is merely a propagandist, and not a very good one. Hopefully the Mittster will devote a LOT of resources into Michigan and Wisconsin, like Rience Pribus (sp?) was crowing about last night – do it, please – it’s money down the toilet.
This is also interesting, from Pew, via the Monkey Cage.
Refer to it when bub starts braying about polling being faulty and overly-Obama oriented if there aren’t 35% self-identified Republicans.
Look at the graphs. Fall off in self-identified Republicanism from about 2004-2012 and an inverse increase in ‘Independents’ – people are embarrassed to call themselves Republicans. Also look below at partisan splits in how these self-identified groups see various issues – a progressive disinclination on the part of Republicans to either assist the unfortunate (perhaps we should call them the ‘least of our brothers’) or protect the environment (God: “What have you done with my planet?!!”)
Doesn’t this make baby Jeebus cry?
There’s the data, fewer and fewer people have the stomach to call themselves Republican, and that parallels Republicans taking nastier and harsher and more self-centered and destructive (read: prick-ish) political positions.
@ 131
See @ 3
So if the final exit polls were off by 7 points from the final tally in the governor race, and Kos’ exit poll (didn’t compare the sources) says Obama is up by 7……………..
Er, does that not equate to………….
A tie, assuming Kos’ exit poll is similarly off?
Please respond. Would like to know how you perceive exit polls vs results just a few hours later that were so different.
@ 132
See p 110 of the actual Pew report. Only two-thirds of the respondents were registered voters and we know that ‘likely voters’ are more likely to be GOP than simply registered voters.
35% was the Republican percent of the 2010 electorate. It matters not what Pew results say if only 2/3 of the respondents bother to vote. Your data is irrelevant.
What I have said previously is that if a poll has Republicans sampled well below 35%, and since it was 35/35 GOP/Dem I also say that if polls have Republicans sampled well below Dems, that poll’s results should be interpreted as suspect due to bias.
I hold to that belief.
Now explain to us at HA why we should care about a Pew study that doesn’t focus on those who care enough to show up to vote. Or at least spend a stamp on it.
Michael Moore is crying over Scott Walker… GOOD! Best Tweet
Man this moron is so stupid… exit polls told Tim Russert John Effin Kerry won in 2004. Wanna see that story again?
Daily Kooks.. well Lib da schmuck is a kook!
Sure is amazing how the libtard press spins shitty results for their side…
When a libtard wins: it is record shattering, precedent setting, a new direction.
When a conservative wins, nothing new here, no bearing on future results… move along.
Deleted by me. Wrong dates. Apologies.
91. No Time for Fascists spews:
Walker won by a bigger margin than in 2010 dumbass. He more than survived. You sound like a person in total denial, like most of the fringe lunatic left. Get ready to get steamrolled.
Now this is funny…
Then the leftist attacks Fox News as always and sez CNN is the “best” for political coverage. Dylan, if they are the best how come CNN’s ratings are in the swirling toilet vortex?
100. YLB spews:
Greed? Spoken from the fingertips of a douchebag who hasn’t had a job in 7 years and sucks off his wife’s hard work. Greed? Get off your ass you lazy bastard and get a friggin’ job.
Bottom-feeders living off others are the best example of greed and selfishness. Keep watching and bitching from the sidelines dipshit.
101. YLB spews:
He never pandered to try and win like so many R’s end up doing…
That’s because Walker believes Public Safety and Infrastructure are the essential roles of government. Most of the rest is discretionary. And a State that elected Obama by 14 points in 2008 just elected a Republican Governor twice since by a growing margin!
You are a real pink-haired troll, aren’t you YLB. Get a job douchebag.
115. proud leftist spews:
And who is getting gutted PL? The State Government Employees Union Bossmen. The bigger point is that given a free choice, a huge % of folks FORCED to join the Union will keep their money and flee.
I’d love to see all the Government Employee Unions gutted. How can you have employees using Taxpayer Money to elect their lackeys and expect that model to last. The Government Employees Union Bosses went way too far with this recall and got their asses handed to them. It’s not just about Unions dumbass.
It’s about Government Employee Unions!!!
A specific group of Unions. although it appears to serve you to try and lump them all together as victims. Government employee unions are undesirable for citizen taxpayers and unsustainable Look at all the underfunded pensions, starting with Washington State. It’s unbelievable we have gotten ourselves in so deep.
You commie bastards who put Government Employees above the Private Sector are going to get your just rewards.
No one feels sorry for Government Employees and they actually HATE the Union Bosses.
Thanks for given Conservatives a clear target for November.
It’s the Government Employee Union Bosses this time instead of Harry Skeletor and Plastic Face Pelosi.
In 2014, Walker only needs to change a few words from this ad:
Barrett painted him as a rock star in the recall general. Not quite.
Barrett, and the unions, MADE Scott Walker a rock star.
Anybody think Obama will do some campaigning with Tammy Baldwin in WI any time soon?
I don’t. She doesn’t want him there.
Speaking about exit polls Lib da schmuck used Daily Kooks… Here’s CNN’s Wolf Blitzer…
So Puddy asks, were they only exit polling in Milwaukee – libtardland?
Oh yeah, Puddy remembers a million signatures was touted on this blog to oust Scott Walker. I can replay the comments without a crazed databaze. Google works just fine. Unfortunately for HA libtards, 1,334,346 people voted FOR Scott Walker.
So much for that!
LMAO! A weak punt.. And stupid wrong.. Walker’s ASS would be on the street if he didn’t make an exception for the public safety unions..
I thought all unions were bad… I thought all union workers were overpaid!
The Walkers of the world leave the public safety workers alone to buy them off! To “divide and conquer”!
Just a matter of time before people see through this bullshit.
Got proof from that couch moron? Real proof… not from left wrong web sites!
1,334,346 people saw through the DUMMOCRAPT BULLSHITTIUM.
Thanks for playing!
Yeah all the big outfits Walker fed with tax cuts.. They run the show. And will continue to do so until people are fed up with it.
@ 131, 146
Interesting piece on exit poll numbers by Michael Barone this morning:
It has been emblazoned on mainstream media that the exit poll also showed Barack Obama leading Mitt Romney in the state 51%-45%. But if you think the exit poll was 4% too Democratic—and that’s in line with exit poll discrepancies with actual vote results over the last decade, as documented by the exit poll pioneer, the late Warren Mitofsky*—that result looks more like 49%-47% Romney. Or assume the remaining Milwaukee County precincts whittle Republican Governor Scott Walker’s margin over Democratic Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett to 53%-47%, which looks likely, the Obama-Romney numbers would look like 48%-48%.
The NYT exit poll numbers were based on questions asked at 35 precincts. A few too many precincts close to urban centers by people too lazy to drive to the red parts of the state could easily skew numbers.
So could ugly liberal women grad students asking the questions, apparently:
*Mitofsky found that the biggest WPE, Within Precint Error, where exit poll results tilted most heavily toward Democrats compared ithe actual vote, were in precincts where the interviewers were female graduate students.
Moral of the story: If she looks like Janeane Garfalo, not only do you not want to fuck her, you don’t want to believe her data, either.
LOL! I thought according to you morons all unions are baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad..
Why make exceptions? You have no answer! Do “essential functions” require a union?
@ 148
If Walker’s ass would be on the street for asking public safety unions for concessions, how come Barrett is still mayor for doing exactly that?
What is lost on you liberals is that what Walker did was necessary, and Barrett used the results of Act 10 to good advantage in his own city.
You just don’t like the way he did it. So you tried the do-over approach after running away from reality for a couple of months.
How did that work out for y’all?
Including the public safety unions Walker and his fellow Republicans left alone?
All unions are equal in eyes of the right wing except some unions are more equal than others.
@ 153
I believe that, historically, relationships between public safety unions and executives have been a little better than the education and misc. service union relationships have been.
Recall that locally, police agreed to forego raises even though called for in their existing contract, due to a budgetary shortfall. Detroit’s police union just agreed to take a large cut. In exchange, more of their members stay employed.
Contrast that with the teachers’ unions, who won’t give up bennies even if it means their recent hires are cashiered as a result.
I’d have to look but I would bet that Walker got some concessions from public safety unions without a fight, circumstances being what they were. A guess.
@ 155
See @154 and @ 156.
Some unions are less willing to act like assholes in public, because they better understand that their health is tied to that of their employer. Consider Boeing’s relationship with the SPEEA, vs that with the Machinists, for example.
zzzzzZzzzzz.. Another punt.. Necessary for what?? Oh ladle out tax breaks to corporate supporters..
WI is doing gangbusters in the jobs dept.
Pension cuts in San Jose and in San Diego, overwhelmingly passed.
Two-thirds approval in one, 70% in the other.
That compares with 75% WI poll result in favor of public union members contributing to their health care and pension funds.
Get it, liberals? That which cannot go on forever, doesn’t.
Deal with it. Preferably without running to the next state to avoid reality.
156, 157..
Weak.. weak.. All unions were willing to compromise with Walker and had their bargaining rights taken away for their trouble.
With some notable exceptions..
So where’s those 80,000 jobs Walker promised by this time?
@ 160
You need to look at the timeline of those concessions. They first refused, then when they saw the movement against them, reconsidered.
Unions likely could have prevented what happened had they been prescient about what is happening @ 159. Simple demographics should tell them what is needed. They refused to concede. Recall that Doyle, Walker’s predecessor, tried to ram through a contract that would give the unions two more years of breathing room, but a couple of Democrat senators with a conscience refused to go along, leaving the unions exposed. Still, the unions demanded everything they thought they deserved.
They acted like assholes until their backs were against the wall and the Dem senators had already run from the state to avoid passage of a budged bill they didn’t like.
And THEN, the unions offered some concessions. Too little, too late.
Nice try.
Why can’t the world be like Madison, WI?
News3David: RT @jamiedupree: Madison Ward 41 goes 2,081 votes for Barrett to 95 votes for Walker [via Twitter]
161 – Timeline??? What negotiating party gives the other party a permanently tilted table in their favor?
This is bullshit.. Walker overreached period.. It’s in his nature. It’s just a matter of time before his ilk is out and the table is on the level again.
Nice try indeed.
Pension cuts in San Jose and in San Diego, overwhelmingly passed.
So the two of you sign a contract, and time passes and the other other guy decides your contract is costing too much money so he reneges on it. Screw the old people who did the work and now get pennies on the dollar.
I guess this is a typical republican meme. Work the person as hard as possible and discard them and any obligation to them, as soon as they are weak and unable to defend themselves.
translation: they refused to kowtow to right wing authoritarian assholes.. they chose to fight.
Wow what a concept!
The children of public safety workers in Walkerstan are still dining nightly on “cake”..
This must keep the Bobs of the world up at night..
Oh not really.. They’ve earned this by “performing essential functions” according to the smilin’ klynical klown above.
I can only imagine what other “essential functions” some of those workers will perform in a Walkerstan police state for the privilege of dining nightly on “cake”.
@ 164
Show me where contracts are broken. I do not believe you understand the situation correctly.
When changes are made, it does not necessarily mean that a contract is broken.
BTW this is a deep-blue state in which the cities are particularly blue, and it was a direct referendum to make changes.
You are not listening to what the electorate is telling you. Continue this behavior at your own risk.
Ummm useless one on HA… Your side lost.
Keep spinning.
Where the outer suburbs of Milwaukee are chock-full of resentment-fueled rage-a-holics. If they’ve been screwed all their lives by the corporations Walker is working for, everyone else is going to share in their misery.
“Beggar thy neighbor” politics.
Ohhhh My this is wonderful…
168 – You’re still kind of quiet on the union front dumbass.
Tell us why. Or do I have to tell everyone?
Which union is it Puddybud? Freaking hypocrite.
Yeah, the Wisconsin election had no bearing on anything else. WRONG… It’s the NY Times so it must be true. The libtard “bible” speaks and its so!
@ 169
Wrong state, Einstein. @ 167 referred to the California referenda mentioned in @ 159.
I am not a member of a union ya moron. Some of my family members are under protest. As I wrote to the DUMB Wabbit before, they have to be members of the union, no matter what the NLRB “claims”.
So we’ll see what Illinois and Pennsylvania do now as Wisconsin people have shown them then way and rejected union thuggery peeps.
Oh BTW, SEIU SUCKS. It really really SUCKS! That’s your wife’s union right?
A few ingredients short of a brain… On the wrong side of history again.
Can any right winger tell me where the 80,000 jobs in WI are that were supposed to come from tax cuts financed by take-aways from public unions (except public safety of course)???
Einstein…? Oh yeah “Take the Test… Take the Test… Oh it’s FAKE!”
Best of clueless few ingredients short of a brain ylb!
@176 who cares about your drivel. Call your union thug leaders and ask them.
We know that all ready.. The real question is which family members?
Protest? Oh that’s sweet! Doesn’t hurt that according to Bob those families are enjoying “cake” at the expense of non-union rage-a-holics.
The urban, rural, and exurban breakdown in yesterday’s vote can be found here:
I found this interesting:
Which union is it Puddybud?
Fascist… you are sounding more like headless lucy every day… hmmm… another doppelganger…
The San Diego initiative, which shifted new workers to defined contribution plans, won with 66% support. In more libtard San Jose, where many moonbats roam, where 70% of voters kayoed benefit cuts for current workers.
Get the story right headless.
Hey Michael, maybe just maybe the union folks who jockstrapped Obummer decided they could not vote for their union so they just stayed home.
Yeah, demoralizing isn’t it.
Heh. Maybe Roger Rabbit knows..
IGNORED due to lunacy!
Search that vaulted databaze rerun. You’ll find out who they are!
Vanity Fair!!!
185 – I have and the results were AMAZING!
Looks like you’re not going to come clean.. I’ll see what Roger knows..
@ 175
Noted. Those jobs are at the same place that the 500,000 jobs per month that Joe Biden two years ago said were about to be created are hanging out.
The jobs issue, though, was thoroughly discussed during the recall general. The people then spoke.
I suppose I could say that people found it enough that he didn’t have to cut jobs and he balanced the budget in his first 18 months in office. Maybe that was enough for him to be retained.
So you’re holding Walker to the same standard?? I thought not.
Walker the saviour of public jobs??? Uh.. I believe the other shoe going to drop soon on that and we’ll see it’s just another right wing myth.
Oh here’s a crack in that facade:
This video & article by ABC News shows clearly how deranged the loons on the Left are. This woman actually slaps Tom Barrett in the face..angry that he supposedly conceded too soon?? He conceded hours after the damn polls closed. These Leftists are whackjobs.
Yet another great campaign ad for Republicans.
Government Employee Unions are getting whacked from every direction. Look at the Pension whacks in San Jose and San Diego.
The enemy is not Unions in general. It’s the non-Public Safety Government Employee Union BOSSES! The BOSSES are the evil ones. I can see State after State giving State Employees a choice about Union membership and the rolls dropping much, much faster. Great! Using taxpayer dollars to give to Democrats so they can extort more tax dollars is not sustainable. Voters have finally figured it out. Watch Obama start talking tough AGAINST his Union Boss Buddies. Obama will desert them as all he cares about is his place in history. Being labeled Jimmy Carter II is more than his incredible oversized ego can bear.
Show me where contracts are broken.
You are being a lawyer weasel on purpose.
The workers had a contract to work for X dollars, for a period of years and they would get a pension that would pay Y amount.
Now the employer doesn’t want to live up to their side of the contract AFTER they got their labor from the workers.
How can you see it differently?
How is that any different than going to a restaurant, eating the meal and then unilaterally deciding the meal was too expensive and only playing pennies on the dollar for it. If you did that, you would be arrested, for breaking the law, the contract you had with the restaurant.
But I guess rule of law doesn’t apply to republicans?
Michael @ 179–
So what? The Obama thrill up the leg is gone friend. I expect disillusioned Democrats who actually hold Obama to his promises of cutting the National Debt in half and getting Unemployment well below 8% will not vote for him. They will either vote for Romney or not vote at all. The Government Employee Unions have neutered themselves. They were behind a huge turnout in 2008.
Michael, it was an interesting observation…but look at it this way–
1) How many folks who voted for McCain in 2008 will now vote for Obama in 2012? Pretty close to zero, right? And in 2012, Republican turnout was way down..right?
2) Independents have swung significantly Republican.
3) Democrats are disillusioned to a much larger proportion than the thrill of 2008. It’s a fact.
BTW, that’s what happens when a candidate actually now has a record of actions & results to defend rather than running around like a rock star loving to hear his own voice at every opportunity.
So, nice observation. What are you going to do about it..knowing that the Republican opposition is not sitting still but are energized and aggressive??
Any ideas Michael??
Obama is a great bullshitter, but he’s overused that “gift”. Folks simply do not believe or trust him. Get used to it.
You are not listening to what the electorate is telling you. Continue this behavior at your own risk.
Do you listen to the electorate that wants to decriminalize pot? If the electorate of Oklahoma wanted to put gay people in pens, or Asian people into interment camps during war time, you would go along with that, because it was what the electorate was telling you?
Tell it to the Judge friend. These were onerous contracts. Unfunded and unsustainable. Good luck getting the tax increases to honor them. And just watch how most Americans react to that effort on your part. The Majority of Americans HATE Government Employee Union Bosses and feel zero sympathy for Government Employees who whine about compensation. They see them with 4+ weeks vacation, personal days off, holidays up the ass and Health Care that is over & above what they can afford…plus defined benefit pensions underfunded, that YOU want them to pay for.
Keep suing taxpayers asswipe. You’ll set the Democrat Party back 20 years.
Bwaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa
What? Photo ID? This is priceless!
Remember Obummer’s point pinhead Eric Fast and Furious Holder has done his best to oppose many states implementing stricter voter ID laws, through lawsuits from the Justice Department. Their useless argument is to complain many minority voters lack photo IDs. So how will these peeps attend Moochelle’s event?
Puddy @ 196-
Excellent catch on the hipocrisy of the left-wing nutjobs. You need an ID to see Michelle, but not to vote. You need ID to cash a check or sometimes use a credit card or to catch a plane but not to vote. It’s insane, really The only reason the Dems don’t want Voter ID is so they can continue their cheatin’ ways.
Heh. Holding you accountable for your miserable batshit insanity.
All false equivalences from a lying KLOWN who wants to subjugate the will of the people for his own selfish profiteering. Now that IS INSANE!
@ 191
“The California constitution grants charter cities complete authority over employee compensation, and our own charter provides that the council can from time to time amend or change any retirement plan,” Reed said. “So I think we’re in a strong position on the facts and the law.”
If the retirement plan is subject to amendment by the city council, show me where a fixed-term exists such that the voter-approved amendment breaches contract.
If you are arguing based upon an assumption that the status quo exists and should remain, you have no argument.
@ 193
If the marijuana reformers could bounce people from office based on the strength of their proponents at the ballot box, yes, legislators would listen.
Your other arguments would be unconstitutional and are therefore irrelevant. Avoid hyperbole and stick to reality.
Except those who perform “essential functions”. What a miserable KLOWN..
By the way the new Firefox is FAST!
Feels like it caught up to Chrome.
YLB @ 200
Now you are getting it. Public Safety is an essential service and most of the rest is not. The Government Employee Union Bosses have put a clear “kick me” sticker on their fat asses. Have you seen some of these bottom-feeders? No one feels sorry for them YLB and they WILL be labeled as Public Enemy #1!!
Have fun defending all the unfunded and underfunded stuff they’ve managed to extort using Union Dues from the taxpayers.
Plus YLB, what’s wrong with divide and conquer. Only you are lumping all Unions together. Conservatives don’t dislike all Unions…just Government Employee ones providing non-essential services.
You’ve got it bro’!
Let’s see now–
Democrats get ass kicked==DOW up over 220 points.
Union Bosses get fat asses kicked==Dow up over 220 points.
Makes sense. And very telling.
Good thing we’re spending all of those green dollars to save and/or create jobs. We’re just doing it for the Europeans.
May 30, 2012
The luxury carmaker Fisker Automotive continues to signal it could ditch plans to build its next generation hybrid electric vehicle in the United States, despite the nearly $200 million in Obama administration loan money it has already received.
Oh, and for friends of Joe:
June 5, 2012, 7:45 p.m. ET
Solar Firm’s Big Push for U.S. Loan
BrightSource Energy Hired Former Biden Chief of Staff, Worked Other Democratic Contacts as Financing Deadline Neared
This is out of the mouth of one of your own, libbies:
“This really is a test case. The far right made Wisconsin its petri dish,” said Robert Kraig, executive director of Citizen Action Wisconsin, a grassroots progressive group that supported the recall effort. Walker’s win, he said, will embolden the Koch brothers and other national conservative funders to get ideologically sympathetic Republicans to push their agenda across the country.
“Wisconsin will not be the high water mark of the attack on unions, public employees, and the middle class,” Kraig said. “You will see more Walker-like politicians elected in other states, and you will see more current governors taking this type of attack.”
Except for public safety. Those bosses are “ok” in what passes for the KLOWN’s “mind”.
Like teachers? Like home-care workers?
Poor KLOWN the chemicals in your well water and the off-gasing from the fracking in your backyard have rotted what’s left of your brains!
Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.
I hadn’t heard this before:
Even though Mr. Obama kept his distance from the state in the final weeks of the union-led recall effort, the president’s party, his campaign team and his labor allies exerted an enormous joint effort in the state that proved ineffective against an organized and well-funded Republican apparatus.
More than 40 offices run by the Democratic National Committee and Mr. Obama’s campaign deployed more than 100 paid staff members alongside union and state volunteers for months in what amounts to the first real test of the president’s ground game before November’s election.
Anyone else know Obama was this deeply involved in WI?
It’s in play, people. 100 staffers is an awful lot for an election that purportedly has no effect on the national picture. WI’s a tie, not a comfortable Obama lead.
Yep, that’s why I posted it. ;-)
I’ve been posting the urban/rural split for most all of the recent elections, just because I find them interesting.
Um… I didn’t think the Democrat was going to win, so not really. Plus, when you outspend the other guy umpteen to one, you tend to win.
Absolute stinking bullshit.
Conservatives have evicerated non-public unions already. One of their central arguments was directed an no-longer-unionized workers and saying, in effect, “Look how good those unionized public workers have it – aren’t you angry and jealous?” (not mentioning that private unionization led the way for the middle class to exist in the first place, along with the weekend, and health insurance for workers, and workplace safety regulation…)
Conservatives have waged war on working people organizing…FOREVER. A central theme in right-wingism is absolute disgust at having to pay people fairly for their labor. These people want serfs – and that is the explicit goal of the Kochs of the world, and their lackeys like Scott Walker.
Yep! Economics is basically a zero sum game, less money in the hands of the working classes means more money available for the ownership class. But, what’s going to happen to the stock market when those workers can no longer afford the products being sold by the companies that the ownership classes own stock in? I’ll give you a hint, we saw a couple years back what happens when people stop buying stuff in mass.
That the stock market is greedy, myopic, and incapable of looking out for its own long-term health isn’t exactly news.
Also, when you blow your wad and the other guy saves his, the other guy still has his for the next election.
Hey Smilin’ KLOWN,
Next time you’re back to serve up more hypocrisy you might ask your favorite din-din partner to explain himself:
I have nothing bad to say about the SEIU.
Nothing? Not one teensy tiny thing? Especially for a union that represents so many workers doing “non-essential” things?
But that’s not the most shocking part by far!
So, let’s review… Obummer outspend McCain by 2:1 to 3:1 based on different measurement methods and when Scott Walker out spends his opponents that’s way bad!
Right, and since Obama won by a large margin in ’08 he doesn’t need those votes in ’12.
As evidenced by what? Obama’s polling ahead of Ronmey. Even in this last election in WI exit polls had Obama ahead of Romney.
Which is why Obama’s polling ahead of Romney… Are Democrats disillusioned? Yeah, probably. But, Obama’s still ahead of Romney, Maria Cantwell’s still going to win against the fool running against her. Derek Kilmer’s still going to be the next congressman from WA 06 and there’s scads of data to back that up.
Plus, even if Romney does somehow pull off a win, look at his record as governor of MA. Romney’s closer to me politically than heis the Tea Party. And btw, the culture war’s over and your side lost.
@ 212
I predict DNC, DSCC, DCCC have serious trouble raising cash this year. Obama’s Super PAC is already in trouble. Obama will keep up with Romney but the donors to Dems in 2008 won’t repeat it this year, and the conservative PACs will do everything they can to avoid another four years of The One.
GOP won’t run out of money. Dems likely will.
@ 215
Obama’s barely polling ahead of Romney. Gallup has it 46-45 and that includes days before the awful jobs report from May. Get rid of those days and the 7 day rolling average favors Romney, I suspect.
You’re really going to mention the exit poll as proof Obama’s ahead? Really? That poll was 7 points off in the gov race. What makes you think it’s’ more accurate in the presidential race, which had Obama 7 points higher than Romney?
This race is even. Look at the NYT distribution of electoral votes. Obama has, what, 223 or something to Romney’s 206? And a shitload are tossups.
This race is even.
Hmph. I just found myself wondering what’s become of “IAFF Fireman” and what he’d have to say about all this.
Dipshit, once again your crazed databaze failed you. I was referring to the SEIU and ACORN. Man you are so stupid. I even clarified that comment above here. Your Machiavellian hatred is more and more evident each day!
Feckless crazed databaze attack #57 duplicate attack with that thread #4.
ANOTHER EPIC FAYLE by HA most frighteningly hateful one.
@ 220
They better start saving some of it.
DCCC ended March with $22.8 million in cash on hand whereas the NRCC had $27.1 million in the bank.
Oh. And that was March. We’re in June, dude. I had more hair in March than I have now.
So if Tom Barrett’s Wisconsin campaign raised $18 Million and he only spent $3 Million per the slobbering libtard media, where is the other $15 million?
O’ and have I mentioned that there’s gay mormons marching openly in Salt Lake City’s gay pride parade? The culture war’s over. We won.
@ 223 noted.
My prediction is unchanged. Money is just starting to flow on the GOP side. Obama is trying to ramp it up on his side as well. From what I read Obama will be OK but there won’t be any trickle-down.
219 – LMAO! Lame deflection. It explains NOTHING!
The word “ACORN” doesn’t even appear in that thread..
Again – that’s not even the most interesting item by far..
Which union is it?
Because you moron it’s a continuation from previous posts. Man you are truly stupid.
Go back dumbASS and try again. Your incessant answering won’t help you. The answer is in the crazed databaze!
Let’s see now–
Democrats get ass kicked==DOW up over 286 points.
Union Bosses get fat asses kicked==Dow up over 286 points.
Makes sense. And very telling.
Today’s a great day for all those jubilant Scott Walker fans get to walk into a police station & call the cops “Union Thugs who don’t deserve collective bargaining”.
Please puddy, tell me how that turns out!
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker Wants To Put An End To Hospital Visits For Same-Sex Couples
Last week Walker filed the necessary legal documents to gut the registry. The list, which included about 1,330 couples at the end of 2009, allows same-sex couples the right to visit each other in hospitals, make end-of-life decisions, and inherit each others property. You know, like an actual marriage. Perhaps Walker regards gays as being just as greedy as teachers and firefighters.
“Nothing bad” to say about SEIU…
Too freaking funny!
We’ll see what Roger has to say about the union membership of your very close family members..
Membership “under protest”! What a laugh!
If you’re a Democrat, never name your kid Kwame.
At least not if you want him to go into politics:
Dickhead lucy, the police unions were exempt.
Didn’t you read the ylb missives? No? Well no one else reads much of his drivel tripe anyway!
Please ask him. At Dr “god”‘s house he said you were insignificant.
Ask him about that too!
If you’re a Republican never name your kid “Bob”
Uhhh.. What’s the deal with names? All parents love their kids and name them in that spirit. Bigoted much Bob?
I’ve been around the political world and involved in campaigns since the late 1980’s and while I don’t see anything hugely positive for the Democrats right now, I don’t see anything very troubling either.
I’ll just say “remember what Lee said”..
LMAO! Give it up fool. Which union is it?
@ Michael
Fair enough. May all of your fellow Democrats feel similarly and make no adjustments between now and the first Tuesday in November. That is my wish.
Obama’s team is taking consolation in the fact that exit polling showed him leading Mitt Romney, 51 to 44 percent. But that’s hardly good news: with near-presidential level turnout (and notably higher level of union turnout), Obama is running five points behind his 2008 performance. Replicate that dropoff across the board, and all the key swing states flip to Mitt Romney.
If I were Michael @ 235, I would be at least a little troubled by this.
Let us not overlook this “Bob” either:
Lee said you were insignificant too?
Wow Roger and Lee think alike about your silliness?
Lmfao @ylbigot getting owned like a brown haired stepchild….
240 – Heh.. Reading comprehension fail..
No Lee’s remarks were about Dr “god”..
So which union is it again???
Bob says “If you’re a Democrat, never name your kid Kwame.” And you wonder WHY we think you are a racist bigot?
Keep asking beta boi… The answers are in the crazed databaze.
Sucks to be you!
Finally the woman will have to answer why she supports the 1%ers!
244 – Heh.. Based on your record here I’ll ask Roger anyway..
Please please do that beta boi! U R such a moron! Now you attack my family for their union membership? Go for it! Apparently your crazed databaze failed again.
Nope.. I don’t care about your family. I care about your creepy behavior here and holding you accountable for it.
So be a man and come clean.. Which union is it?
I see Roger about.. Last chance..
So Roger,
Puddybud’s been real annoying about my wife’s membership in SEIU over the years.
He’s said obnoxious stuff like
Maybe you need the SEIU wife to add some gravitas to your posts.
Really bizarre stuff like:
You are in your SEIU corner now.
And some really creepy, stalking stuff like:
So I have to ask the arschloch… was that Mrs Arschloch in the audience at the 10 second mark?
Ok that was Puddybud being his normal obnoxious, batshit insane self but then there’s the contradictions.
Between the link I posted in this thread @ 213 a nd all his ranting and raving about “union thugs” and something recent I’ve found in database searches of Puddybud’s anti-union comments…
I gotta ask since you’ve been unfortunate enough to be in the same room with the lunatic and I’m curious. Has the topic of Puddybud’s family’s union membership come up in the conversation? I’m talking CLOSE family members. Closer than the cousins he’s mentioned.
And if this topic did come up?? Which union(s) are involved?
Just curious since one “good turn” from Puddybud deserves another and all…
@250 When I met puddy, we were introduced, shook paws, and there was no conversation as he had to leave immediately. So I didn’t get a chance to talk with him, even if I had wanted to.
In person, for that very brief time, he came across as rational and even pleasant. He didn’t foam at the mouth or try to bite my neck. Which leads me to suspect very strongly that his online rants are an act. From my possibly more objective viewpoint, it looks to me like he’s trying to get your goat. I’m reminded of the sign at the zoo that says, “Don’t Feed The Animals.”
I don’t know what puddy’s wife does, or whether she belongs to a union. The only thing I remember about her is that she’s caucasian.
Oh poor poor clueless moron ylb.
Roger there was a conversation. You don’t remember? And isn’t my wife BEAUTIFUL?
Clueless crazed databaze attacks #58, 59, and 60; and the feckless one EPIC FAYLES again.
60 attempts and 60 whiffs. So I have to ask, are you really married?
@233 “At Dr “god”’s house he said you were insignificant.”
WTF did that come from? The one time I met you in person, we didn’t talk for even 20 seconds. You were on your way out the door.
@252 Of course your wife is beautiful. What I don’t understand is why she married you. She certainly could have done better.
Whatamoron! The SEIU video shows some “caregivers” on a weekday not working and meeting the overpaid union boss. The camera spans the crowd and I ask the crazed databaze keepa was that his wife at a certain time span. To him that’s stalking, to Puddy it’s asking a legit question about why ain’t she working?
Reminds Puddy of Wisconsin skuul teachers illegally taking days off.
Sucks to be the moron of morons!
More EPIC FAYLE from the bottom dweller!
@252 I don’t remember any conversation. All I remember is going to the bathroom to rinse my paws with hydrogen peroxide after shaking paws with you.
You don’t remember anything of what I said do you Roger?
You don’t remember me asking about your health?
Making comments on HA before I left?
@256 Union workers built this country, asshole. Unions created two generations of middle-class families — folks who are the bedrock of this nation. Go ahead, bash unions, and destroy them if you can. When Wall Street bankers and greedheads have ALL the money, they’ll have to pay all the taxes, because nobody else will have any money.
It doesn’t matter if Republicans wipe out the unions because work is obsolete anyway. In the future people will support themselves by owning stuff. The ones who don’t will live by borrowing from those who do. No one will make anything anymore because derivatives are the only thing the world needs.
@258 No.
Wow Roger, I looked you in the eye and first asked about your health!
How could you forget that?
@262 Why don’t you ask God, er, Steve? Maybe He remembers.
HAHAHAHA, he won’t like how you busted him tonight!
@264 Instead of going through all this rigamarole, why don’t you just answer his question, and tell him which union your wife belongs to? Do you have some reason for keeping that a
deep, dark, secret?
Where did I ever say my wife belongs to a union? Great try Roger DUMB Wabbit. And, I don’t answer to beta boi.
His roping you into this proves how desperate he is. This is a teachable moment Roger DUMB Wabbit! His crazed databaze is an abject failure!
@266 If she doesn’t, then all you have to do is say, “My wife doesn’t belong to a union.” How difficult is that?
Thank you Roger.. Your response was helpful…
Heh. I don’t know what his wife does either nor do I care, but her union membership status is something I’ll talk about on the Friday Multimedia thread..
That is, if someone doesn’t come clean first.
Heh.. Tell me asshole. Why the 10 sec mark? Why not the 8? Why not the 12?
Why the 10?
Call it stalking or not. It’s freaking creepy..
I’ll answer the question about the 10 sec mark if you come clean..
Which union is it?
Indeed.. It is easy. However he has said she doesn’t “work for SEIU”..
I guess that rules her out being a paid organizer for that particular union.
Heh.. Roger you’d be surprised. Actually…
Not much of surprise given how much PuddySilly likes to see his own typing once he hits the submit button.
Is The Fed’s Low-Interest-Rate Policy A Mistake?
There seems to be an underlying assumption that low interest rates are always stimulative. Always. But is that necessarily true?
A recent article in Fiscal Times, a New York and Washington D.C. based online periodical with a conservative bias, says:
“In theory, low interest rates should stimulate growth because businesses will borrow to invest in new plant and equipment, and both businesses and consumers will refinance loans to free up cash flow and increase disposable income. And insofar as low interest rates reflect an easy money policy, they should raise inflationary expectations. If businesses know that they will be able to charge higher prices in the future, the prospect of increased profits should also stimulate investment. Families expecting higher home prices in the future should want to buy now and so on. None of these things are happening. Despite a low fed funds rate and a sharp increase in the money supply, inflationary expectations have fallen. Consequently, business investment and home buying have not picked up.” [Emphasis added]
This is a possible explanation:
“Over the last several years, the Fed’s low interest rate policy has sharply reduced personal income. In 2008, people earned $1.4 trillion in interest income, 11.1 percent of total personal income. In 2011, interest income fell to $1 trillion and represented just 7.7 percent of personal income. If people were still receiving as much interest income in relative terms as they were in 2008, total personal income would be $450 billion higher. More than likely, personal consumption and GDP would be higher by about the same amount. That would have given the economy a robust rate of growth, rather than a barely adequate one.
“Some economists, such as Robert Higgs, are starting to focus on the low level of interest income as a key factor in slow economic growth. They note that those individuals most likely to depend on interest income, such as the elderly, have been forced to cut back sharply on their spending. Alternatively, savers must seek out riskier investments than they would prefer in order to get a decent rate of return. This may create a financial bubble of the sort that created the current economic mess.”
So why does the Fed continue pursuing a policy that may be holding back growth and/or creating dangerous new financial bubbles? Here’s a possible reason why:
“Other economists, such as Carmen Reinhart, believe we may be seeing the beginning of what she calls ‘financial repression’ — a deliberate government policy of holding down interest rates in order to make the federal debt more bearable. While this may help the federal government, it comes at the expense of consumers and perhaps economic growth as well.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Here’s another problem with near-zero interest rates that occurs to me: When banks’ cost-of-money is nearly zero, they have little incentive to lend, because it isn’t costing them anything to hold cash in their reserves — and doing so makes regulators happy. On the other hand, if they had to pay 2 percent or 3 percent for money, they would have an incentive to lend it out, because sitting on it would cost them money. Consequently, zero interest rates may tighten credit instead of expanding it.
@271 et al. – This will be my last comment on this topic, as my time obviously is more valuable than puddy’s, and I have better things to do.
What I’ve learned in 40 years as a lawyer is that if you ask someone a simple question and he can’t or won’t give you a straight answer, you shouldn’t trust anything else that witness says.
273 – This is not about trust Roger.. It’s about what goes around coming around.
And it’ll come around late Friday night.
WTF? Whatamoron. At the 10 second mark you see a whole bunch of women with big grins on their faces. Not at the 8 second or 12 second mark, that’s why.
So Mrs. Wondermoron was there. OMG. I guessed the 10 second mark.
B 8
I 22
N Free Space
G 50
0 69
BINGO! And the clueless creepy databaze keepa is upset cuz she was there and she’s on the tape. Well stupido, sucks to be you eh? You gave your own self away.
Come clean? HAHAHAHAHA!
Ohhhhhh I am so scared!
You’ve attacked me 60 times and each time is an EPIC FAYLE.
Keep swinging and keep missing…
And so you’ll tell an ASShole like such as a few ingredients short of a brain what your family and extended family does Roger? I guessed everything the wondermoron does from his posts. He’s reaching out to you because he can’t get much. So now he’s at his witz end (he has witz?).
He’s been stalking me for years. He can’t stand the truth. I’ve owned him forever. He copies my comments. He uses my phrases. He replays my words. This moron is an internet stalker.
In other news getting away from my HA stalker… Krugman gets his ASS handed to him again…
Why? Because Krugman reacted to this austerity story about Estonia economy booming while the high spending socialist countries are in da toilet! Krugman can’t stand the truth!
HAHAHAHA!!!!! First an Englishwoman parliament member and now Estonia’s President! Krugman is an ASS!
So who is Toomas Hendrik Ilves? You mean you haven’t heard of him?
And we see how true his words are with the Grecian economic formula falling flat with retirement at 50. Somehow this lesson was missed by Obummer two years ago.
So it sees Toomas was right!
Going to work now so I’ll leave with this point
Hey Ed, maybe those 38% realize they have economic and political freedom from the union THUG bosses. Sucks to be ED and his mass following on HA!
Yes Ed that old tired meme really gained traction eh?
Now back to ylb stalking Puddy! Wait for it… Puddy predictions always come true. 60 times with the useless feckless crazed databaze!
Riiiiiiiiiight… Bemused is more like it.. How can the author of those words be such a …
What a creep!
Huh… Let’s see…
My sister-in-law works in a Calgary hospital.
My second cousin on momma’s side is a Lieutenant in the Philadelphia police force.
I was looking forward to a full life in the
military like my brothers-in-law.
It goes on..
Don’t look at me. I didn’t type that stuff in!
Gimmee a break. After almost 33 thousand comments? Is there anything the fool didn’t type in?
Give it up dumbass. Which union is it?
Wise counsel.. Thanks counselor!
OMGoodness Puddy called it. You are one creepy bastard ylb. Maybe a call to the FBI is necessary for your stalking of me. Yeah let’s see what they say.
1110 3rd Avenue
Seattle, WA 98101
(206) 622-0460
285 – LMAO!!!
It’s you who volunteered all the information I have..
Fuck! The WHOLE WORLD has the information if the y care to look.. And especially the “gubment”.
Those G-Men and women are going to laugh you out of their office.
And as if turnabout wasn’t fair play..
End this now dumbass. Which union is it?
Hey dope,
File a restraining order. As if I ever cared to be within a million miles of your obnoxious ass!
Ahhh yes but you put it into a personal database and have used it 60 times to attack me personally then are using it to “Which union is it?”
I’m sure the Special Agent Laughlin will be glad to see this thread and the one on Friday night.
Ya daring me in #287?
Oh this is toooooo funny!
Google’s files aren’t “personal”
Goldy’s mysql database isn’t “personal”’s files aren’t personal..
Yahoo, bing, blah, blah…
Oh those are “corporate” databases?
Supreme court says they’re persons. Sorry..
Shit! How many times have you attacked me personally with your “VAULTED” “tehgoogle” skillz???? You using any computer program to count up to 60?
Indeed! I got sick and tired long ago of your “in-bounds” slurs against my wife. Let’s hear it!
Simple question: you know the rest..
Hey Agent Laughlin,
This dope friend of yours has tried numerous times to get me to meet him face to face at DL..
I avoided it like the fucking plague every fucking time.. Did I commit a crime??
Oh and he called my database useless and a failure WAAAAAAAAAAAY more times than I can remember but all of a sudden he’s taking you away from catching terrorists..
Why don’t you pat him on the back and advise him to chill out???
Agent Laughlin,
I don’t know this guy’s name save for his first.. I don’t know what company he works for. I don’t know what his wife’s name is off the top of my head (although he’s probably typed that in here too) or what she does for a living.
And I don’t fucking care..
I’m just asking a simple question that’s he’s scared to death to answer.
What’s he scared of?
See comments 265 and 267..
Agent Laughlin,
He’s not protecting his family by bothering you..
Because I’m no threat to them..
He’s defending his ego and it appears to be pretty fragile when the chickens are coming home to roost over his ugly behavior in these comment threads.
Hey Agent Laughlin,
Look what the miserable dope is saying to Roger Rabbit @ 277:
If I’m so hobbled by my poor database skills then why he is wasting your time?
Uhh your buddy is one side of beans short of a combo plate.
Agent Laughlin,
I mean no offense but I find it hysterical that your pal PuddySilly is sicking
on poor little old me!
Sorry! I couldn’t resist. I apologize if that’s a sore point with you.
Ahhh yes idiot, you told the word you created a database at your house and claimed it’s megabyte size.
BUSTED moron… You bragged about cataloging everyone’s comments so you could stalk them. Pretty sure that fulfills the requirements of the stalking laws but we’ll let the FBI decide.
Just think, Goldy’s pride and joy being interfered with because of a leftist nutcase – YOU!
296 – LOL!
How weak!
Ya so?
False. I’m no more stalking you or anyone else than google is trying to make it easier for outfits to sell you shit.
I’m HOLDING YOU ACCOUNTABLE for YOUR ugly behavior in these threads..
AND YOU HATE IT! Hypocrite!
BRING.IT.ON! Can’t wait to meet Billy Jack in person! He was pretty lefty as I recall. You looooove lefites don’t you?? Obsessed with them.
Corrected! Shit and I thought the moron didn’t like Goldy because Goldy wouldn’t follow dumbass’ orders on HL.
One more time..
You mean you’re not sure?? How could that be??
Awwwwwwww. Mr. Know-it-all don’t know it all..
How it sucks to be Mr. know-it-all..
Oh please you are hanging yourself more and more. Goodness, this moron doesn’t even know when to shut up. More ammunition.
Billy Jack? What an ASS. She’ll enjoy reading this too!
Can’t wait to read Friday Night’s entry clueless idiot. Puuuleassse make it worth your while.
Which union is it?
See. I admit to not knowing it all..
Wow PuddySilly you got me scared.. LOL!
Agent Willhemina Jack looks like a bulldog..
A heavy duty crime fighter.. A distinquished career no doubt.
Damn with your pull, she’ll pull out the stops to put an end to my nagging question:
Which union is it??
Looking forward to meeting her.
Oh please keep making me laugh!!!!
Well I tried. He could have ended it now by coming clean. But he’s not going to.
Shit I even offered to answer his question about the SEIU video..
I’m not making up shit. Just reporting what’s HE HIMSELF has typed into these threads. Nothing more, nothing less. All public information. No looking at third party sources or hacking – nothing like that.
Tommorow night – I will report and the HA community will decide.
Damn this Agent isn’t just Willhemina Jack..
She’s freaking DANA SCULLY!
That’s what cyber-stalking about moron, because you cataloged it and admitted it on this blog. Did you look it up fool?
Please keep it up. Please (yank chain here) please please. Just more PuddyAmmunition!
Why not report it now? I’m so scared and will be capturing it for good use. Imagine at a DL an FBI agent arrives to discuss your antics. Yeah… that would be really nice.
Shit! Give it up Puddybud.. You’re in your incoherent corner now.
How long we gonna do this? I’m willing if you’re willing if you think that’ll strengthen the FBI’s case. Shit man you got pull.. You got the “gubmint” at your beck and call increasing the deficit on demand!
Going after me, a comment threads contributor, instead of organized hoods, crooked politicians and jihadis..
But I’ll be out this evening for a few hours.
I’d be happy to proffer more evidence for Agent Jack-Scully
Why not report it then?? Sorry.. I already told you how you can end it.
Turnabout is fair play.
Oh what a wise use of taxpayer dollars that is.. Trying to track down a comment threads guy.
Quite an imagination on you there dopey.
another epic posting day by ylbigot.
I suppose posting on blogs is the “in” thing to do when you arent working.
Man oh man this is gonna be good. Hmmm… Thread 24531 and Thread 43933, good cracker.
Well you created the crazed databaze and bragged how you were going to use it. Me, Cynical, ld, max, etc. You see it’s all here. Every word you said about what you were doing and how you were going to use it. Cyber-stalking moron, plain and simple. All on your home system. Just waiting for the right time.
And after tomorrow night the right time is fulfilled but your crap today is pretty good!
nobody fucking cares….accept you.
309 – Glad to oblige.. And getting a little boooored at how you’re going through the motions on this.
Yeah I said I was going to expose your insane ass behavior and what have we learned??
You run off at the mouth when you should know better..
You posted like 22 comments a day for a year..
You posted 125 comments a day one time..
You posted 24 comments in one hour.
You imagine those whose stomachs turn at your ridiculous views to have kids who are “sluts” and “prostitutes”..
You carry on conversations with your sockpuppets and even brag about the family dick size to them.
I’m very much looking forward to discussing this and more with Agent Willhemina “Dana” Scully-Jack.
Oh and the POS who’s on permanent ignore right now..
He’s an even more interesting challenge..
Thousands of comments under numerous obnoxious-ass handles – same old stupid crap under all of them..
And so many posted 7-4, 8-5, 9-6, what have you. Tsk tsk.
$ du -h .ha
7.2M .ha/data/201203
6.3M .ha/data/201202
7.6M .ha/data/201205
470M .ha/data
8.0K .ha/scripts
268K .ha/log
471M .ha
Heh. Whadaya know? It still fits in under a quarter of a mediocre thumb drive.
It’ll fit better when I purge those snapshots.
if you are ignoring me, then how come you commented on my post?
logic TEH FAYLE.
Beautiful libtard smack downs.
“like 22 comments” What’s that moron?
Oh and trust me, how I prefaced my comments will get through just fine!
Well I’m back from tonight’s big to-do..
Any word from Agent Willhemina “Dana” Scully-Jack??
Hmmmm. Not a peep…
Just the same ol’ lame pap from PuddyIdiot..
Oh well, got blog posts to work on..