Young Turks: Americans are fundamentally progressive says new poll.
Thom: The myth of the 1% job creator.
Sam Seder: Bigoted Pastor wants to round-up gays & wait for them to die.
Kimmel: Mitt’s first day in office.
Actual Audio: Mitt on Bain.
Young Turks: Barry Obama & The “Choom Gang”:
Thom with the Good, the Bad and the Very, Very Ugly.
Sam Seder: Iowa G.O.P. platform is insane.
Alyona’s Tool Time Award: Missouri experiments with execution.
A A rallying call for Democrats.
Susie Sampson’s Tea Party Report: Memorializin’ the War on Women.
Young Turks: Which Presidents have higher spending growth, Democrats or Republicans?
Thom: Why Joe Biden needs to blurt out a defense of pot.
Sam Seder: Rush Limbaugh gets creepy with 14-year-old girl.
Ann Telnaes: Pelvic Politics.
Thom with some Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Young Turks: Pres. Obama is right about same sex marriage.
Letters to the President: Tanisha’s Story.
Pap: The worst Republican Party in history.
Sam Seder: FAUX & Friends nutty ideas about food stamps and the unemployed.
Stephanie Miller: Lessons Romney needs in education.
And the Drone Goes On:
- Ann Telnaes: Drone strikes and collateral damage.
- Mark Fiore: Dronetopia!
Thom with Nick Hanauer: Is Romney a preditor?
Alyona’s Tool Time Award: Stigmatizing Poor People is Good?!
Roy Zimmerman: Vote Republican, Wisconsin edition.
Maddow: The Reverse-Robin-Hood Republicans.
Mitt Romney: Not a job creator.
Sam Seder: Heartland institute gets blowback over Unabomber/Climate Change denial campaign.
Alyona: Romney’s education plan FAIL:
Fred Karger for President.
White House: West Wing Week.
Obama and the fight for LGBT rights.
Greenman: How to talk to an Ostrich.
Maddow: Anti-abortion activists terrorize doctors in Georgia.
Thom with even more of the Good, the Bad, and the Very, Very Ugly.
Alyona’s Tool Time Award: Alabama doubles down on undocumented immigrants.
The Neo-Racists Birfers:
- Ed and Pap: Romney is embracing Birfers.
- Young Turks: NBC should fire birfer Donald.
- Bill Maher: Countering Birferism with Wiferism.
Buzz 60: Summer of presidential politics.
Obama speaks to Iowans:
Young Turks: Clinton poses with porn stars.
Ann Telnaes: Physical limits in Afghanistan.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
The Canadian government is completely eliminating its entire marine pollution program.
Somehow the Friday Night Funnies Purveyor missed Obama and his Vestar Venture Capital Vultures.
Multiple Layoffs. Job Reductions. Corporate Shrinkage. That’s A-okay. DUMMOCRAPTS are humanitarian cuz they like Obummer.
Strange… The Friday Night Funnies Purveyor won’t post this from the most leftist newspaper in the free world.
More missed news by the Friday Night Funnies Purveyor… Obummer is so respected across the world Russia is obeying his dictates.
To the Friday Night Funnies Purveyor… Isn’t the normal trail Assistant – Associate – Full Professor? So how did Obummer become a “professor” so fast?
Spuddy, meds!
The yellow one in the morning, remember? After you eat.
Crazy fucker.
This “Choom Gang” is more entertaining than that lousy video.
How are your OWS anarchist buds doing this Memorial Day Weekend?
How will you/they hide your/their face(s)? What’s your personal choice?
– Bandana?
– Keffiyeh?
– Codpiece?
– Leather mask with mouth guard?
Are they planning to Molotov Cocktail any buildings?
Break any windows?
Torch a few cars?
Just checking…
Useless boob, always throwing out the drugs! Facts… drive leftist pinheads like Fraggy to drugs!
Hey ylb you ol’ “race chronicler”… HAHAHAHA! Here’s one you missed AGAIN!
Somehow the Friday N
We all know why!
Obama will win in November. Your side’s best bet is to work on getting more Reps in the House and Senate.
Actually, it’s good for the country for Obama to get re-elected. First, it’s good for Obama: after he finishes his second term, he’ll hit the lecture circuit and make a mint giving speeches to the true believers out there. The “swells” in Hollywood will be fauning over his every word. Heck, I’ll bet Obama will make more money after he leaves the White House in 2017 than Al Gore ever thought of making off of the global warming schtick!
Second, there’s a good reason to keep the Reps out of the White House: those crazy guys and gals would start a shooting war with Canada over the oil sands if they thought it would help out the price of their Halliburton stock. The last time they had the White House, they started two wars that we can’t pay for. Let’s not give ’em another chance to do more damage.
Third, a second term for Obama means Hillary is finished as far as getting’ into the White House is concerned. Her 15 minutes will be up by 2017, and she’ll fade into history, which will be good for all of us. The last thing we need is Hillary Clinton as prez.
Finally, the Reps will most likely hold on to the House and possibly gain control of the Senate. A government divided between the Reps and Dems can do less harm. In fact, in Obama’s second term, not much is going to happen. That’s not such a bad prognosis if you think about it.
So, let’s just re-elect Obama and call it a day. It’ll all be OK.
Heh. You bored us to tears for years on HL..
Then you went bigot yourself.
Just did a search on Puddybud’s usage of an old right wing slur: “union thugs”..
About a dozen or so usages. Pretty modest actually.
However I uncovered something very interesting.. Gonna have to build up to that one.
Wow, Obama smoke pot in his late teens and early 20’s, just like I did. Half of the country, including myself, wants pot legalized.
@2 As I understand that news story, it was the management of Del Monte who laid off those workers, not President Obama — and if you were to delve into it deeper, I strongly suspect you’d discover the managers who laid off those workers vote Republican.
@3 The NY Times is the “most leftist newspaper in the world”? Oh please. Crawl back under your rock.
Shorter YLB: I dont have a life.
I got in the first post in this thread, but eight of the next nine are puddy slime trail — bleccchh. Please pass the salt …
Hmmm…so what Obama did in his 20’s(as an adult) is not an issue, but what Romney did in his teens(as a minor) is somehow super duper important.
LOL….just LOL.
@11 “the Reps will most likely hold on to the House and possibly gain control of the Senate”
You may be overestimating how many voters are still that stupid.
Wisconsin Voter Suppression Redux
Of course, that’s why Republicans pour vast financial and manpower resources into preventing American citizens from voting in their own country.
I just got off the phone from a relative in Wisconsin who is recovering from surgery. She sent her husband to the county elections office to pick up an absentee ballot (here in Seattle they mail it to you) because she can’t vote in person because she’s recovering from surgery. The county elections office told him that she’d have to pick up her absentee ballot herself. He explained she can’t do that because she’s recovering from surgery. Apparently he had to threaten them to get them to cough up the absentee ballot she’s entitled to by law. In Wisconsin, wherever Republicans run county election offices, they don’t want people to vote. Vladimir Putin would feel right at home in Wisconsin.
After how many thousands of comments from you repeating the same useless shit from the very beginning?
Sure sucks to be you asshat.
@19 Smoking a joint isn’t the same thing as a gang of bullies physically assaulting a kid, dickhead.
Looks like Max Minidick Stroker has a new screen name.
Important enough to apologize for it.
@10 “Today, only 24 percent say they’re satisfied. That’s closest to the 20 percent low in May 1992.” – Jan Crawford CBS News
After 30 years of Republican rule, I’m surprised it’s more than 2 percent.
@ 19
Well the difference being, that Rmoney spent his teens brutalizing and bullying people based on rumors and innuendo.
Obama spent his not doing this.
I’d rather have a former head in the White House, than a lying thief any day.
Pretty apt.
Hmmm … 20-something year old smokes pot – sounds like a pretty normal person. It certainly reflects my experience. Pot is fun.
Contrast with…
18-year-old son of governor at expensive, elite boarding school decides someone is deviant, organizes posse and assaults him with said posse, mostly because he was a presumed homosexual with a non-normative hair style. Not like me at all. Not fun. Asshole.
In many peoples’ experiences, the assholes from our youth grew up to be the raging assholes polluting our adulthood.
Mitt loses on this one. Keep bringing it up.
@13 I say bring back the union thugs. We could use a little more civil disorder. Heh, just kidding, that’s a wingnut joke.
Apologies to @23, @27 – they went up while I was writing.
Heh. Obama lived his teens in freaking paradise (Hawaii) hanging out with his buds smoking some reefer. Like that was so different from what typical teens did back in those days..
Even in the fucking “suburbs” asshats! Especially in those dreary places.
Heh.. You’d be surprised at where they lurk. The strangest places..
Will be revealed in due time.
@33 I give up … in unions?
Mass Shooting Of The Day (TM)
It appears that at least some of you humans can’t be trusted with guns.
Gimmee a break. The same paper that published Judy Miller’s crap and didn’t even do a tenth of the job the McClatchy papers did on fact-checking the moron mis-administration’s bullshit.
24 – Way more “stranger” than that.
@11 That’s some vision of the future you’ve got going there, PI. It’s not quite, um, as strange and unfortunate as the vision of America that Bob shared the other day. That guy is way out there. His were the visions of a wingnut racist on LSD or something. He had white Republican councils appointing white Republican overlords of America’s cities. White militias were roaming the streets, shooting blacks on sight. Well, to cut him some slack, maybe that was just black males wearing hoodies being shot. He really wasn’t quite clear about that one. I’ll have to ask him about it when he shows up again.
Nope. First of all, I’m on the record as saying what Romney did as a teen shouldn’t be an issue. Second, I’m not saying what Obama did in his late teens and early 20’s isn’t an issue. I’m saying that smoking a little weed in your late teens and early 20’s is a normal part of growing up.
I shake my head every time I read this stuff:
Greatest country on earth.. And among the most stupid.
@39 Continued…
So what we have is Obama, who as a younger adult did normal stuff, hung-out with his friends, shot some hoop, smoked some weed, and then got his shit together and got accepted into Columbia.
And Romney, who as a young adult protested against anti-war protestors, knowing all along that he wouldn’t have to serve, and complained about colleges who’s sports teams wouldn’t play against BYU do to BYU’s racist enrollment policies. I’d note that Poppa Romney spoke out against BYU’s racism.
Winner: Obama.
There’s no way to compare Mitt and Obama in their late teens and early 20’s (18+) and not have Obama come out the winner.
As for the war, the way I see it if you supported the war and you served in some function somewhere, I’m cool with that. If you didn’t support it and you didn’t serve I’m cool with that. If you just worked your job, staid out of politics, and prayed for a high draft #, I’m cool with that. But, if you took an active roll in supporting the war and knew that you’d be getting an “out” or took deferment after deferment, well fuck you.
at least mine still gets hard…I doubt you’ve had a stiffy since the 80’s…
well your old lady came back for seconds, so hmmmm…..
you are right, obama should have done jail time for his act….
you all sounds like those wimpy kids who got pushed around at the you are all tough-n-shit behind a keyboard…lol
Yes, its truly “dreary” to live in a large house, with a shop(thats probably bigger than your whole property), on forested acreage, in one of the best school districts in the state……yep, it sucks…woe is me….I failed…
if only i could live in some shithole in north seattle like you, then I would really have it made…
When my mom’s parents retired they moved to a small farm outside of Hilo Hawaii. It was freaking paradise. None of us kids ever complained about having to go spend time with our grandparents. It was also a place where “weed” literally grew like a weed, you’d see it in roadside ditches. No one cared if people had a little, or smoked a little weed. The rest of the population is catching up with Hawaii as about 50% of the population now thinks pot should be legal.
The first lottery was interesting, involving the luck of the draw. I worked in a large, white shirt and tie conservative office at the time, 18 years old, a “get-a-haircut” type employee, and so they got a pool going on what number I’d draw. Damn, everybody was grabbing low numbers and one of them hit it.
ST headline,
“Madrona dad latest victim in Seattle’s wave of gun violence”
WTF? Libruls run amuck with guns?
“while driving through Central Area”
I’m just covering for Puddy for a couple of hours, but the dime per post I’m being paid is bullshit. The kind of stuff I can come up with should cost at least a fucking quarter.
@2 Some people are just fucking nuts, confusing “President of the United States” with “Lord of All the Universe”, tasked with keeping all bad things from happening.
Sez da moron with no job!
Great comeback crazed debazed-data mover!
What an insipid idiot.
Union Thugs
Nuff Said SUCKA!
Does Roger DUMB Wabbit read anything except PMSNBC? NY Times look at it’s ranking! It’s leftist more than USA Today and we all know the WSJ is not leftist.
U R an abominable lunatic moron!
More useless moronic commentary from the HA “asshat”. This is about Obummer “asshat”.
Facts always lost on you! The debazed databaze is calling you!
Steve. But you are getting paid a dime more per post than I receive!
More Union Thuggery!
Note there will be an attack on the source even though all these are documented elsewhere!
More UNION Thuggery!
Note there will be an attack on the source even though all these are documented elsewhere!
The truth really stings huh crazed debazed data crapper? No job, so everyone laughs at you ylb moron!
Heh. How weak! Refined my search a bit. It’s really around 20 mentions not including this thread, 22 with MWS..
Puddybud: you KNOW what I’m building up to..
Come clean..
All you’ve cited so far just helps my case.
If that’s where asshats live, yes indeed..
The Seattle public high school my kid goes to sends grads to the best colleges year in, year out.. Of course it helps that the parents are pretty well heeled.
Fuck I know one or two microsoft millionaires who sent their kids to my kids’ middle school.
And it’s really funny the gaps when Puddybud DOES NOT attack unions.
especially one union in particular.
The funny part is that you righties think unions are some huge threat, when really they’re just a token resistance in a handful of industries and can be worked around by simply offering the same or a better wage package than unions jobs offer.
I’m a big old lefty and I’ve voted AGAINST joining a union. Why should I join a union when my pay is the same as union scale and my employer was really cool?
Man what crack is debazement ylb on today?
Michael, search Wisconsin union picketing. Look at the damage done by your friends.
62 – How silent you are!
Ok.. All will be revealed soon.
Puddy said:
Michael said:
LMFAO…ya…sure…did you have to pay extra in property taxes for the metal detectors you kids have to go through every day?>
Seattle school district is a pile of crap – shit, every other week there is a news story about how F-ed up it is…the only decent schools in seattle are private ones.
watch them drive-by’s! dont forget to duck!
BTW, we are grilling tonight(with briquettes!) and having a nice big fire afterwords…ITS A DOUBLE SHOT OF CARBON FOR MOMMY EARTH!
Im doing my best to get in on the globull worming – I like warmer temps!
Hahahhhahahhahahhahahahahhaah..”I know one or two…”
Silent ylb? I went for a nice long walk with Mrs Puddy.
@56 Although puddy likes to hold up the death of John Edward York as an example of “union thuggery,” the facts aren’t that simple.
York was killed by a gunshot wound to the head while attempting to drive through a United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) picket line on July 22, 1993. York was not a strikebreaker, nor was the picket line set up at a struck mine.
York was an employee of an environmental services firm that had contracted to do cleanup work at a sediment pond at another mine owned by a different company in the vicinity. York and a co-worker arrived at the pond without incident before the picketers showed up. At the end of their shift, they requested an escort out of the area.
Two vehicles from a private security firm passed through the UMWA picket line on their way to the pond. There is some doubt about whether a security guard fired a warning shot or a vehicle backfired, but in any case, the pickets heard a loud report that sounded like a gunshot.
A short time later, a convoy consisting of the two security vehicles, York’s pickup, and his co-worker’s pickup, approached the picket line on the road leading out of the area where the pond was located. The UMWA pickets pelted the vehicles with rocks. A single shot was fired which struck York in the head from behind, killing him instantly.
The convoy stopped and a security guard went to York to render assistance. The pickets continued throwing rocks until their leader realized York was injured and yelled at them to stop. The pickets then ran away from the scene.
Following investigation one of the pickets, Jerry Dale Lowe, was charged and convicted of federal charges amounting to reckless endangerment, and was sentenced to 130 months in prison.
Investigators recovered a .357 Colt Trooper revolver and forensics established it was the weapon that killed York. Lowe was known to have been in possession of this gun, but claimed he had sold it before the shooting. It also was established that he had been drinking beer immediately prior to the shooting, and an empty beer can was found at the spot where investigators determined the gun was fired. There was no direct evidence tying Lowe to the shooting, but prosecutors presented sufficient circumstantial evidence to persuade the jury that Lowe was the shooter, and his conviction was upheld by a federal appeals court.
Richard Trumka, the current president of the AFL-CIO, was the president of the UMWA and the leader of the UMWA strike in July 1993. Prior to the fatal incident, Trumka had warned that use of replacement workers by the coal companies could result in violence, but also stated to the Associated Press that UMWA staff had spent “thousands of man hours trying to prevent anything from happening … to our members or by our members.”
A fair interpretation of the shooting of J. E. York is the pickets believed a security guard fired a shot to intimidate them the first time the security vehicles passed through their picket line. This may not have been the case, as the noise they heard possibly was a vehicle backfire. In any case, when the security vehicles with the workers they were escorting approached their picket line again on the return trip from the work site at the sediment pond, the picketers retaliated by stoning the vehicle convoy. Coincident with this violence, a shot was fired from cover along the road that probably was intended to intimidate the security men. The bullet happened to hit and kill one of the workers. It is unlikely this was an intentional killing, as the handgun used wasn’t capable of accurate aimed fire at that distance. Also, on orders from their leader, the pickets ceased throwing rocks to allow a security guard to approach York and give aid, further indicating the pickets as a group had no intent to kill or maim the occupants of the vehicles.
The backdrop to this incident was that tensions were running high and both the union and coal companies were concerned about the potential for violence. The UWMA leaders claimed to have made substantial efforts to restrain their members from committing acts of violence. The shooting appears to have been the act of a single individual, acting on his own, under the influence of alcohol and perhaps motivated in part by a belief that the security men had shot at the picketers first. The victim wasn’t a strikebreaker and wasn’t even working for the struck company.
This appears to be a case of a situation getting out of control, with inadequate supervision on both sides playing a role. It’s a stretch to hold up this slaying as an example of “union thuggery,” even though it grew out of a contentious labor dispute. It resulted from the action of one individual who acted on his own contrary to what the union had instructed its members. Neither the union itself, nor any union officials, can be faulted for this incident — beyond possibly criticizing local strike leaders for inadequately supervising the picket line in question.
These, on the other hand, were intentional deaths.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s simply a fact that throughout the history of American labor violence, when people got hurt or killed, more often than not it was the workers who were on the getting end
of the violence.
@66 My only concern is whether you bought the charcoal from a company in which I own stock. As a matter of principle, if you’re gonna pollute the air I have to breathe, then I should make money from it.
66 – ZzzzzZZzzzzzz… More asshat fantasies..
Everything’s great in my neck of the woods.. No out of control violence like you’d see in a Columbine-style suburb.
@53 You wouldn’t know a fact if one bit your nuts. That is, if you have any nuts.
@72 The dumbshit troll @62 apparently bought only enough beer for the women and none for himself. Maybe he’s a teetotaler? Or just a cheapskate.
Eight words in comment 62 is silent for the likes of you. And nothing about unions. How convenient.
Oh! You weren’t bothered by any “thuggery” in the environs I hope!
How will the debazed datacrazed moron pay for his children’s education when he doesn’t look for a job? SEIU scholarships?
Union Thuggery.
Union Thuggery.
Union Thuggery.
Union Thuggery.
Union Thuggery.
Union Thuggery.
Union Thuggery.
Union Thuggery.
Union Thuggery.
Union Thuggery.
Union Thuggery.
Union Thuggery.
Please reveal real soon so all can see your worthlessness. You are as useless at tits on a bull.
No job. No ambition. No money!
See ya!
Uhhhh nope you dope. I am your alpha. I tell you what to do. Union Thuggery was my latest code for you to search the debazement on your computer. So make my day.
Heading out for a while so… Go for it fool.
Yeah you finding a job!
Are you on that 99 weeks of unemployment? Does it run out soon? How do you prove you’ve been looking for a job? Make up crap?
Must be; day after day, month after month, year after year on HA. No job!
Wait for it… the comparison now appears!
Let’s review some some recent school shootings documented in Wikipedia shall we?
Feb 2012 – Chardon, OH exurb of Cleveland
Feb 2012 – Walpole, NH Pop 3734
Oct 2011 – Fayetteville, NC 6th largest municipality in that state. Pop 200,564.
May 2011 – Pearl City, Hawaii – Pop 47k+
Goes on and on. Most of these places are way smaller than Seattle.
If the violence is that out in the open with those kids acting out in those “exciting” suburbs and exurbs I can only imagine what it’s like behind closed doors in those places.
Jesus, destabilized again Spudds. You really need to be supervised better, probably go back to an inpatient clinic, or even the hospital.
79 – Ok Puddybud.. It’s your call..
You will be held accountable for shilling at this blog for an ideology that makes no sense, even LESS SENSE than NO SENSE given how you and yours live.
Wow, when you are the dumb wabbit you can post whole articles here.
Somehow in all those paragraphs this quote from Richard Trumka was missed by Roger DUMB Wabbit
And York was killed!
Fraggy, your OWS peeps are calling you to a “cocktail” party!
LMAO!!! That’s not even two years.. How you long you been on going on like a broken record about that??
Longer than “moby trolls”
Longer than the Gorelick wall..
Longer than Mattel..
Longer than Able Danger..
Longer than Rasmussen can’t be trusted.
Longer than “nice satire” from Goldy.
Longer than any of the names you’ve called Obama..
Longer than any of the names you’ve called me or Roger Rabbit.
Shit the only thing you’ve gone on longer than that is your paranoia about the database.
@77 Wingnut Math: Repeating something 12 times makes it 12 times more valid.
Einstein Math: Repeating something over and over, and getting the same result every time, is the definition of insanity.
@84 Who struck the first match?
Reptition is pussybutt’s forte. Maybe he got in that habit in grade school, because his teacher made him stay after class every day and write 100 times on the chalkboard, “I will not fart in class.”
@83 Cite, please.
Of course, pussybutt never worked in a coal mine, so he has no fucking idea what the working conditions were like for Trumka’s coal miners.
And, of course, if the miners go on strike for better working conditions, asshats like pussybutt calls them “communists” etc. It’s okay for companies to combine for increased bargaining power, but it’s not okay for workers to form unions to get a little bargaining power.
And, of course, asshats like pussybutt and his ilke think it’s okay for company goons to bust strikers’ heads, but it’s not okay for strikers to fight back when violence is committed against them.
What a jerk.
Hey Dumb Wabbit… Already cited.
Can’t read?
Got proof?
Course not. U is a DUMB Wabbit!
Back to that broken comment, nutzo?
You forgot the 99 weeks max? Well you are nutzo. Well you are an idiot. Still without a job, and still stupid.
Remember his conceptguerilla posts everyone?
Oh my this Jay Carney whopper got three
ylb’sPinocchios.Speaking of Dumb Wabbit math…
So perfect!
@93 “Got proof?”
As much as you’ve got.
@82 Puddy is a cretin who wants coal miners to die in mine accidents, and wants the children of coal miners to go barefoot. I own stocks in coal companies, but even I’m not that heartless! I want the miners to go on strike if that’s what it takes to get safe working conditions and livable wages.
I didn’t own stock in Massey Energy, and I don’t own stock in Alpha Natural Resources, which bought Massey Energy.
After Massey’s criminal negligence killed 29 miners in 2010, federal mine safety authorities issued 329 safety violation citations to the company! Prior to the disaster, Massey was issued 515 safety citations in 2009 at one mine! Alpha Natural Resources ultimately paid $219.8 million in penalties! A former Massey superintendent pleaded guilty to impeding the investigation, and is facing 5 years in prison and $250,000 in fines; an FBI investigation of allegations that Massey bribed federal regulators to ignore dangerous mine conditions is ongoing, and additional individuals may face criminal charges.
Don Blankenship was the CEO of Massey at the time of the disaster. Under his management, the company amassed thousands of safety violations. Blankenship is virulently anti-union, an “active financial backer of the Republican Party” (Wikipedia), and a major meddler in West Virginia politics.
And while we’re talking about violence, Blankenship allegedly threatened to shoot an ABC News photographer for taking pictures of him. Blankenship is being sued for “abuse” by a former personal maid.
In 2006, Seattle-based called Blankenship “the scariest polluter in the U.S.”
A few months ago, Blankenship incorporated a new coal company; the United Mine Workers responded by saying Blankenship “belonged in jail.”
And putz thinks coal miners don’t need unions …
Mass Murder Of The Day (TM)
In another of those extremely rare incidents that only happen several times a day in gun-soaked USA, a missing family of four was found murdered in West Virginia …
… but Republicans think absolutely anyone should be able to freely get guns without a background check and carry them in public without a permit.
Burn In Hell, Nazi Murderer
The world is finally rid of Klaas Carel Faber, 90, a former SS thug who was sentenced to death in 1947 for murdering 22 Jews but escaped in 1952 and had evaded extradition ever since. According to news reports, Faber died of kidney failure; I hope it was a slow, painful, agonizing death. And I hope even more things are mighty hot where he is now.
LMAO!! And you forgot how to do arithmetic..
How many weeks since that dumbass comment stupid???
I predict you’ll be doing the same old even after Obama wins in November. On and on till the server that runs this blog goes cold.
It’s in your dumbass nature.
Got Proof?
You project much… Steve identified you well Roger DUMB Wabbit… It’s a Psych 101 thing.
Did the crazed debazed- data cretin post something useful above?
Prolly not!
105 – Did a moronic troll forget how to do arithmetic?
yes indeed.. And I predict he’ll still be failing at it in the months to come.
DUMMOCRAPT Facebook has taken investors for a bath and nary a peep from the HA leftists.
Must be A-OK in their minds when 1%er DUMMOCRAPT companies soak the 99%ers.
The asshat troll soils his mirror.. Again…
Hey Puddydope,
That arithmetic failure of yours in this thread reminds me of this blast from the past..
More recent though than the link to your dumbassery @ 102..
Yes, he needs his debazed databaze!
Sucks to be jobless you moron!
110 – LMAO!! Still hasn’t figured out how many weeks since his dumbass comment linked to @102..
Anytime you would like to compare crime rates or school violence between where you live and where I live, go for it……Im waiting.
you lose again.
From King5…
you were saying?????
I wonder if they were shot over a 4-pack of tacos?
The asshat troll, max punymind, says in this thread I live in North Seattle.. You say I live in South Seattle.
Which of you, max miniweenie or yourself, is right? Who’s smarter?
Who cares where you live datadebazed cretin. Get a job and then we’ll “care” instead of slacking on your wife. This blog isn’t about you moron! Such narcissistic tendencies from the craze datadebazed cretin.
Sucks to be you!
does it matter? survey says: NOPE.
Monaco Grand Prix on today…
Indy 500 on today….
within a 10 block radius of Rainier Beach High School.
LOL!! I cite shootings inside “exciting” suburban/exurban schools.
And the dumbass cites (a miracle in itself) within a freaking 10 block radius..
Stupid doesn’t even describe it.
Heh.. I imagine you with all the other racists dumbasses northeast of Tacoma.
Beyond that I care not at all.
And you know this how?
Heh. You and and max cocktail weenie.. Enough it seems..
You wrote three comments about it in thread 39119..
Same way I know you – through thousands of ugly, mean-spirited and booooring comments on this blog..
what a great “community” you live in…LMFAO…
Just ask Lee – he got smart and got the hell out of seattle as soon as he had kids…
Mark Webber wins Monaco GP….
Oh my…poor YLB…these numbers will make him cry.
Top 10 school districts in WA state:
1 Mercer Island School District
2 Lacrosse School District
3 Tahoma School District
4 Wilbur School District
5 San Juan Island School District
6 Issaquah School District
7 Lake Washington School District
8 Snoqualmie Valley School District
9 Griffin School District
10 Northshore School District
Seattle is ranked #68.
Max’s is in the top 10(you know, in the “dreary” suburbs…LMFAO)….what was that you were saying YLBasement? Im sure your kids appreciate the shithole you put them in…
Happy Memorial Day.
linky linky….
Fixed the crazed databaze debazed ylbasement vomitorium above!
In the Open Thread, I offered to take ylbasement’s resume to the head hunters at my job to see if ylbasement was interested in WORKING for a living.
crickets chirping…
toad croaking…
mosquitoes flitting…
Nothing from ylbasement! What a loser!
It looks like the majority of those school shootings happen in places smaller than Seattle. You have still have no explanation for that..
Like I said, no problems in the schools my kids have attended. Maybe some pot which is dealt with a no-tolerance policy. Violence? Hardly even a bloody nose.
City schools districts have to take in ALL kids. Kids with learning disabilities and other problems. That brings averages down. So do the high ranking districts but they’re loaded with well-heeled snooty types in gated communities and the like. There’s fewer problem kids.
So.. All you’ve proved is that figures lie and LIARS FIGURE!
LMAO! You mean “Lee R.”??
Heh. Typical troll dodge. Hide behind an adversaries’ knees. Just like this idiot does a lot.
Lee lived in an undersized house in North Seattle and wanted more room for starting a family. It cost too much here at the time he was looking to trade up.
I got two kids. We have plenty of room because we bought way back. No need to live in a place where you can’t do shit without burning tankfuls of gas. We use the public transit. Walk to shopping. Minimize our driving. Maximize our quality of life. Everything is cool here.
Unlike in asshat land where to maximize his quality of life he has to play a dumbass here just about every day.
Two miracles in one thread..
While you’re at it you might link to those “well documented remarks” I made about Southern Blacks..
We all know you’re a racist already.
LOL,…nice try.
numbers dont lie.
#68…what a fucking joke. I huge win for “the progressive city”….
Notice how deranged ylbasement uses the crazed data-debazement for attacks but won’t answer for a JOB OFFER. Skips right over it.
We all know why! Guvmint dole!
That’s nice deranged ylbasemen. Where is Steve with the goat jokes when you need him?
Wait for it… Pavlov calls it…
That goes for every school district…
seattle has some great private schools..why didnt you put your kids in one? oh, wait, that would require you to actually work for a living.
Like this huh?
She comes home at 13 and says: “My clueless father, I lost my virginity today. God it hurt but he later ate my pussy and I got a male induced orgasm. Clueless daddy, it felt so good that I’m gonna fuck behind your back!” So if that’s the case cluelessASS how would you feel knowing your daughter has chosen to be a nympho slut?
How about this?
BTW KArmaboy, is your daughter turning tricks yet?
Now watch as the dirty-minded idiot-in-chief of these threads tries to deflect from his own corruption.
ylbasement is kinda boring like always so here is something different.
Where is Obummer with this carnage? No commentary? I used the DUMB Wabbit’s favrit site…
Wow powerful words…
Wow deranged ylbasement, that’s what your fifth time regurgitating that wonderful statement.
Been through this before ya moron. How come you yanked it from the whole thread? Whatcha hiding deranged ylbasement? Where is the starting paragraph and then the sentences before? We all know why you won’t play the whole thread.
Oh yeah your honor I know why.
Cause he’s clueless?
Right you are. I stand behind the whole comment ya idiotic moron!
Must be some truth there! Clueless idiot!
133 – Like I said. Figures lie and LIARS FIGURE..
No problems with the schools my kids go to. Plenty of well-heeled parents send their kids there and they send their kids on to the best colleges.
Waste of money! But funny you mention this.. My wife and I will be able to brag after the summer is over that my youngest has attended Lakeside…
But he’ll also join his older sibling at the public high school.
How will he be able to do that? You brilliant right wing dopes should be able to figure it out.
LMAO! YLB calls it!
Yeah after the shit you spewed that I linked @ 134
WHY WOULD ANYONE in their right minds have ANYTHING to do with YOU????
Here is why ylbasement clueless one will not replay the thread
See the yanked quote from #134 for proof. Read the whole thing which ylbdebasement won’t post!
See everyone ylbasement doesn’t want a job. He’s more comfortable being at home on the dole.
Deflects, deflects from his filthy “mind”..
He never explains what prompts such filth.
Your honor, the prosecution rests!
I’m overjoyed at exposing right wing bullshit and corruption.
FILTH in other words.
Even hijacks my lines.
Never an original thought with this moron! My whole comment which makes him scared…
Well so everyone can see…
the abuse from a librul parent? YOU YA MORON!
See ya. Gonna work outside in my garden!
Oh man this is too much..
You’re saying Aaron Dixon inspired thoughts of “nympho sluts” and “daughter turning tricks yet”?
And racist baiting on top of that. From a documented anti-hispanic bigot!!!!
YLB called it! Deflection from a corrupt mind full of FILTH!
Notice how desperate this right wing degenerate is to deflect from his derangement.
He’s trapped!
He has NO rational justification for this horror!
Don’t get rained on, coward!
Came back up to see what the moron wrote.
Trapped? Nope you dope. The comment stands as a testament to your leftwrong libtardo foolishness. That’s why you didn’t want to post the whole thread. It demonstrates how much of a moron you were then and how worse you are now.
Gosh your honor he is an idiot!
And Puddy didn’t write it either! Another who knows clueless deranged ylbasement called it!
Nuff said sucka!
Back to my potatoes, greens, onions, carrots and strawberries!
Wait for it… Pavlov called it earlier…
148 – LMAO!!! He neglects his tomatoes and beans to defend his
NON-EXISTENT reputation..
So I was a racist for not supporting Dixon. I guess Goldy was too. And anyone else who refused to SPLIT the vote and allow a degenerate right wing Republican to win.
That’s why you gave money to Goldy for this web site and bragged about it.
And this inspires FANTASIES of “nympho sluts” and prostitutes..
Wow JUST LIKE LIMBAUGH!!! It always comes full circle with these right wing idiots!
What prompts this bullshit???
Like I said no rational justification for the horror of a deranged mind…
It’s just sickness. I’m no doctor but I don’t see how this can be remedied.
Uhhh Stupid you implied in comments 79 and 94 that there’s no way that can be the case.
So according to you I’m no skin off any right winger’s back..
All you accomplished was exposing your poor arithmetic skills.
I commiserate. I remember you were pretty confused here too.
And as usual you were wrong…
Hey globull warming deniers — Mario Franchitti won the HOTTEST Indy 500 of all time — I wonder how many fans passed out in the stands? How do you deniers like this fucking ICE AGE we’re having?
How? Prove it!
You post here 24x7x365.25 tout le temps! What type of job allows that? What type of job pays well where you can post here 24x7x365.25 tout le temps? R U going to ask for some MSFT money to send those librully abused children to college?
Stupid jackASS!
Who are U farting about now moron?
Confused as always!
Heh. Did you just read? I’m sending my kid to Lakeside!!!
But no worries. He’ll be attending public high school in the Fall.
Hey PuddyIdiot,
You never answered the question.
How many weeks since you posted your dumbass comment linked to @ 102????
The asshat troll max teh cocktail weenie is in love with it..
Well with his own mirror anyway. Requires constant cleaning…
@157 In a few more years, you humans won’t need charcoal for your Memorial Day barbecues anymore, just put your hot dogs out in the sun! And tires on Indy 500 cars will need built-in air conditioners.
Haw! Haw! Haw! The stupid voters who gave liquor sales to capitalists are gonna PAY MORE for booze! Who wudda thunk??!
“Consumers will pay more for … liquor beginning Friday, when private retailers can sell spirits in Washington for the first time since Prohibition ended.”
You continue to forget who is in charge deranged crazed databaze moron. NOT U FOOL!
And U never answered #153. We know why. Wait for it…
Its DARIO Franchitti for clueless fruitcake.
One more time:
Seattle – 68th in the state.
another victory for the progressives in
One more time:
Figures lie and LIARS FIGURE!
No lies on this end.
Seattle: #68 ranking.
I already posted the link.
Look on the bright side, at least Seattle isnt last! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHHA
fucking…. embarrassing….
165.. News to the parents of the kids who graduate from the seattle public schools and go on to the best colleges..
By the way, why would anyone buy some ranking from the author of this:
we buy iranian oil..
The source is not credible in my book.. Dumbasses “figure” too..
Still no explanation for school shootings in places smaller than Seattle…
Seattle: #68 Ranking
LOL…anytime you wanna compare W2s, just go for it…we will see who is TEH STOOPID…
Good news for the suburbs:
LMAO!!! Just smoke the foreclosure blues away I suppose.
Better link…
1. Doesnt bother me any, my place isnt getting foreclosed on.
2. What kind of freak revels in the fact that people are getting foreclosed on?
3. Still wanna compare W2’s and see who TEH STOOPID is?
4. Seattle: Ranked #68
Heh.. You know there’s hope yet in the dreary suburbs made drearier by foreclosures.
Hey pot will only do so much… You need to take action.
Progressives to the rescue!
In the suburbs??? How could this be happening???
And how could a school shooting happen in any suburb?
Hey asshat,
Progressive artists are re-imagining the suburbs:
Foreclosed?? Why title it that way? Must be a liberal plot.
YLB is a pot smoker…nice example you set for your kids….along with being lazy…
YLB sacrificed his kids schooling for the sake of saving a few gallons of gas a, just wow.
Seattle: #68 ranking.
“I know one or two millionaires…”….LMFAO…
Yawwn.. Don’t live in a dreary suburb with a 7,8,10+ percent foreclosure rate. Even if did I’d move rather than use drugs or alcohol.
But for those who are stuck.. Well it’s well documented that some of those empty houses in those rockin’ suburbs are being used for grow ops..
Thanks for playing..
Like I said earlier LIARS figure.. Figures indeed.
Now that the dreary max cocktail weenie has slunk off..
We turn our attention to Puddybud..
This coming from the idiot who owned himself with the 99 weeks limit on unemployment and refuses to do simple arithmetic.
Again answer the question please..
How many weeks has it been since July 12, 2009?
Seattle: #68 Ranking.
Here’s an “exciting” place that’s very un-Seattle:
It’s gotta be good right? Not a “shithole”.
Bet people are dying to move here for the school district:
Seattle: #68 ranking
Oh, and for the newbies, that #68 in the state, not nation
Bright future here as well:
Maybe you should take a drive through the central district…lol
Maple valley? What school district is that? Oh, its tahoma sd…the same tahoma sd that isranked #4 in the state….
Seattle..ranked #68…lol
Where home owners have a lot of pride.
Still far better than 90% of north seattle….
#68 ranking…aren’t you proud?
One more time:seattle ranks #68 in state school districts….lol
You go girl!
zzzzZZZzzzz… Foreclosures aren’t supposed to happen in places like Maple Valley according to asshats like you.
Shit, foreclosures happen and there goes the neighborhood and the sd with it.
Oh wow check this out:
November 26, 1985: Spanaway, Washington A 14yr old girl shot two boys dead then kills herself with a .22-caliber rifle at the Spanaway Junior High School.
Tragedy.. In a place that is not Seattle. Oh well, that well-armed young lady prolly took out two major asshats.
Just think what metal detectors could have done to save those asshat lives!
3 garages! Count ’em..
What a palace! And a bargain!
1985? really? LOL! HAHAHHAHAHH!
What is your obsession with foreclosures in Maple Valley? You think Seattle doesnt have any? LOLZ!
Lets study again:
School District Rankings:
#4 – Tahoma
#68 – Seattle
LOLZ….like, its not even close-n-shit…come back and talk smack after you break the top 50.
LMAO!! Ranked school district.. How could foreclosures happen in such a place??
Don’t creepy racist asshats like you gravitate to such places?
I guess there’s not enough of you! Or maybe TOO DAMN MANY!
And what’s with all these school shootings in places smaller than Seattle? Places that are considered small towns or suburbs or exurbs?
Sheesh if it keeps up there’ll be a run on metal detectors.
A wistul, faraway look on good old ronnie raygun’s mug. It’s morning in Maple Valley:
It’s not in Seattle..
Why are they moving to the suburbs? I thought this was an inner city problem.
Oh a racist asshat said “it can’t happen here”.
Heh.. Some of that 60/70’s charm huh?
Those were the days.
I guess because all the inner-city types are bringing their trash to the burbs…why dont you losers just stay in the city where you belong…dont fuck up our shit.
still waiting for you to compare W2’s….I bet I pay more in federal taxes than you gross each year…but, YOU are the smart one…LMFAO…
oh..almost forgot:
Seattle: #69
Tahoma: #4
how come you lazy fucking parents in seattle arent involved in your schools? why are they such pieces of shit?
the world wonders….
Heh. ooops. Slip there, creepy right wing racist hater.
@198 “I bet I pay more in federal taxes than you gross each year”
To paraphrase Dizzy Dean, it’s bragging unless you’ve done it.
Zzzzzzzz… So is PuddyIdiot.. And other creepy anonymous right wing trolls. As with any of them, I have no desire whatsoever to be in the same room with the likes of a creepy right wing racist hater like you.
You’ll wait into the grave if I can help it. Hope they bury/burn your beloved money with you. You deserve each other.