Thom: Is Libertarianism dead?
Sam Seder: North Carolina’s anti-gay amendment will ‘protect the Caucasian race’ says Senator’s wife.
David Letterman does Stephen Colbert.
Alyona’s Tool Time Award: Gay marriage will lead to White extinction.
Foxx in the school house:
Ann Telnaes: Blind leading the blind.
Sam Seder: Tens of thousands occupy May Day, Reuters calls it a ‘dud’.
Alyona’s Tool Time Award: Some Tea Party hypocrite.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Roy Zimmerman: Vote Republican, NJ edition.
Thom: Some Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Stephen: Paul Ryan’s Christian budget cuts.
Alyona: John Yoo is off the hook for torture.
Greenman: Wind power at the crossroads.
Actual Audio: Boehner versus women.
Thom: War criminal John Yoo walks.
Young Turks: The bin Laden letters.
Occupy May Day.
This week in unnecessary censorship.
Campaign 2012:
- Forward.
- Suszy Sampson’s Tea Party Report: Newt’s out! We’re left with Mitt!.
- Mark Fiore: Obama, bin Laden, and Mitt.
- Jon on the Mormonness of Mitt’s religion.
- OFA: Swiss Bank Account.
- Pap: Republicans are stuck with Mitt. Now what?
- Jen: The road to the White House runs through Virginia.
- How to stand behind Mitt.
- Stephen: Mitt and Newt BFF
- Newt isn’t Mitt’s biggest supporter.
Alyona’s Tool Time Award: Heartland Institute for “Climate change is for Unibombers.
Jen: Republican War on women is real.
Jonathan Mann: This is why I march.
Thom: Exposing the biggest, most corrupt organization ever.
Daily Show: The oppression of Missouri gun owners.
Pap and Sen. Boxer: Republican War on Women.
Republicans, get in my vagina:
Sam Seder: The rich would rather give up American passport than pay taxes.
Alyona: Rubio’s DREAM Act, more like ‘Nightmare Act’.
White House: West Wing Week.
The Strange Detention of Daniel Chong:
- Young Turks: DEA leaves student to drink his own urine
- Sam Seder: Forced to drink his own urine….
- Young Turks: Daniel Chong found meth in cell.
Jon on bin Laden’s letters.
Romney, Bachmann, McDonnell: Turning Back the Clock on Women’s Health.
Thom: Some more Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
RE: Anti-gay amendment “protecting” the Caucasian race… so basically she and her husband believe that every white male and female would choose to marry a same-sex partner? I’d say that says a lot more about their sexual preference and marriage than maybe they want to be letting people know.
The state has finally put a stop to Bill Gates’ sister’s theft of public land.
Arizona Bans Funding To Planned Parenthood
“Arizona Governor Jan Brewer on Friday signed into law a bill banning abortion providers like Planned Parenthood from receiving money through the state, her office said in a statement. …
“Arizona does not provide tax dollars for abortion, but backers said the law is needed to make sure that no indirect monies are funneled to organizations like Planned Parenthood that provide abortion and other health services. …
“But officials at Planned Parenthood Arizona … said the law means that thousands of women in the state may now go without life-saving cancer screenings … and basic health care.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The GOP’s solution to women killing babies is to make sure women die before they can have babies.
For what it’s worth, Gov. Brewer’s son was found not guilty of rape by reason of insanity, and is confined in a state mental hospital. I wonder if he gets better food because his mom is the governor?
On the other hand, she seems like the type that would stick her own son in a privatized prison or mental hospital where they boost profits by skimping on the inmates’ food.
As long as there are Republicans who want to smoke pot and use other recreational substances libertarianism will never die.
#5 FTW!
5 – You’ve heard that a glibertarian is just a Republican who smokes pot right?
Corporations aren’t people my friends.
August 5, 1964-May 4, 2012
Somehow this was missed on the Friday Night Funny Pages…
So how can anything coming from that mouth be taken as truth anymore?
Rating Two Pinocchios.
Somehow this was missed on the Friday Night Funny Pages.
The truth is never told by the slobbering libtardo media:
Anderson Cooper finally smacks down Morons.Org for their silly double standards and this was missed on the Friday Night Funny Pages!
Maybe CNN being in the ratings doldrums will now be an honest broker of the news!
Maybe I’ll watch AC360 now and then!
And this too was missed on the Friday Night Funny Pages.
Typical DUMMOCRAPT Comment…
So what did he do with the hijacked money for inner chilluns? Read it here.
Puddy Commentary: Where’s Eric Holder?
Now this doesn’t meet the Friday Night Funny Pages criteria because most HA libtards hate Christianity but love anything non-Christian!
And last but not least… we know why the unemployment rate keeps dropping…
From your own link, dipshit:
U.S. Attorney’s Office? Hmmm – isn’t that the Justice Department? Who runs that one? Oh, yeah! Eric Holder!
God, you’re pathetic.
Oh my Lib the moron@16 doesn’t get it… Well he is kinda stupid!
Let’s see if he thinks about it a little longer…
I guess the other factual posts like the dropping workforce and the smack down are too difficult for him!
Feel persecuted much?
Link is to “ACLJ” – American Center for Law and Justice – with an acronym startlingly, perhaps confusingly, close to the leftist bastion ACLU. Hmmm, wonder why they did that?
Anyway, the ACLJ is the family business of right-wing partisan hack Jay Sekulow. You’ll note from the Wikipedia page that Sekulow is a graduate of the “Regen University” law school, that institution that gave us Gov. Bob McDonnell and the infamous Monica Goodling. He’s a frequent partisan on Fox, and in fact, the home page of the ACLJ shows a screenshot of one of the FoxNoise Barbi dolls with the quote, “Critics: Sebalius has no clue about HC legal issues”
More right wing grifters, sucking at the tit of Christianist victimhood.
Nope, just hadn’t bothered with your drivel on those, yet. I’ll take your post as a concession that I’ve shown you to be a bullshit artist, once again. Thanks.
Oh, BTW, I’ve never heard back on you regarding your thoughts about when the dinosaurs died out – was it really 1937? How do you YECs* explain away the fossil record again?
*Young Earth Creationists
most HA libtards hate Christianity but love anything non-Christian!
B.S. Do not assume. I oppose bigots and tolerance, regardless if they are christian, muslim, buddhist, wiccan or athiest, etc.
Should HA liberals love the christian preacher who preached smacking their kids around if they show signs of being effeminate. No.
Should HA liberals love the muslim preacher who preached killing christian. Equally No.
You are willfully being stupid and inflammatory.
I’m not sure he can help that. I think all the Dominionist Christianism has really really warped him.
People, don’t try to engage SpuddyPud in rational discourse, he’s a borderline personality with profound schizoid modifiers. He’s the kind of guy that argues with his dead mother while cornholing his neighbors ShiTzu.
I was thinking about puddles the other day (yeah, I know, kinda weird), and how he professes outrage at African American poverty (appropriate) but blames leftist policies as the root cause (as if actual leftist policies have ever been enacted in this country).
I was trying to think through how he gets from being offended at poverty, particularly African American poverty, a response I share with him, to an embrace of right-wing economic policy.
That the capitalist system we have, built on a society that seems irredeemably racist, would yield masses of structurally impoverished people, and that certain particularly oppressed groups – people of color, women, sexual minorities – are disproportionately disadvantaged, seems obvious.
What I don’t get is how he gets from there to an embrace of the most doctrinaire neoconservatism, an analysis and thought process that is savagely dedicated to preserving white male capitalist power, dedicated to a society of oligarchical “Haves” with masses of cheap/free labor commoditized “Have-Nots”. How does he get to allegiance with the people dedicated to massive incarceration rates, particularly among African American men? How does he form this rather rabid bond with the folks who executed the Southern Strategy, winning power by winning over (and ultimately being captive to) the Southern racists?
How does this happen?
My theory is that an embrace of a fringy-fundamentalist religiosity, demanding the most science-denying beliefs and a posture of persecution and victimhood, leads necessarily to an embrace of right-wing political thought. It’s a kind of tribalism. To sit in a pew, or wherever, and espouse denials of evolution, of climate science, of cosmology, to construct the belief that literal mountains of data regarding the fossil record, biology, stellar evolution, red-shifts, acidic oceans, and on and on, are all tricks by the devil to confuse us humans, or tricks by God to challenge faith in the 6000-year-old universe, leads one to, I would say, insanity.
To hold those beliefs seems to yield a defensive hatred of those the believe in data, in science, in empiric understanding of our world. That sense of defensiveness, of victimhood, yields fertile ground for reactionary thinking, for embrace of right-wing thought. Moreover, the peddlers of Dominionist thinking, that God ™ is returning in “Clouds O’Glory”, are universally aligned with the Republican party. It’s tribalism again.
And as we’ve seen here over and over, there’s no discussion, no exchange of ideas, no agreement even on basic facts. I’m not sure that a society such divided is even governable.
According to the Tacoma paper’s editorial board:
Last I checked the Ogallala was an aquifer not a reservoir and it isn’t in Alaska.
@ 23
Hasn’t that always been the purpose of religion? Blind faith only means unquestioning obedience in all things. There is a large segment of the human population that demands to be ruled, and commanded. They obey, thats what they were taught to do from the time of their birth. They obey, they obey the rantings of an alcoholic or schizophrenic parent. They submit to the will of the loudest, most violent people in the room or the people who tell them what they should always be afraid of. As adults, they obey the ravings of an angry, violent individual or a sociopathic preacher or political leader who presents the same personality characteristics as that parent. Ted Nugent as an example, presents the adult characteristics of a kid who was severely psychologically abused as a child.
Such people demand that someone tell them what to do, now, and forever, all the time, for absolutely everything. Disobedience to a self-imposed authority who stands up and loudly demands that obedience is impossible for them to consider, much as it would be impossible for normal people to do something impossibly horrible to their children. But there are plenty of people who do commit such acts. Every day one can read about someone burning their kids with cigarettes, sticking their hands in pots of boiling water or starving them in cages or selling them to 50 rapists a day. Every single day. Not all are religious, but many are and rationalize it in their faith structure and the corresponding belief system.
There is a reason why Pentecostals, Catholics and Mormons consistently produce the largest number of schizophrenic or bipolar children, and have the highest rates of violent child abuse and spousal abuse in the country. Not to mention divorce rates, alcoholism, downloads of violent rape or war pornography and drug abuse. Closeted, insular groupings of people provide a self-reenforcing feedback in their social paradigms. Thats why David Koresh could rape 7 year olds and get away with it for years. Thats why Hitler and Stalin and Mussolini and Duvalier were so successful in their times. All you need to do is convince 12 people out of a hundred and teach them how to each convince 12 people out of a hundred that they are something superior to the others. Hitler used pentacostal vocal motives in his speeches. He was the most vehemently strident person in the room and had the support of the largest, wealthiest industrialist families in the world. The people who managed to still gather incredible, immeasurable wealth for themselves in the face of the horrible economic depression in Germany at the time. Thats what the GOP/TeaParty is trying to duplicate in the United States right now. They know damn well what they can accomplish when unemployment approaches 20% of the population. Starving, desperate people in large numbers will always follow the most charismatic person in the room. Even if that person promotes violence as a method of regaining economic prosperity.
For the record, Puddy does not agree with that minister who said to smack their children if they have homo qualities.
For the record Puddy does blame the ills of my people on liberal policies.
Being from the inner city of Philly, I know first hand how NOTHING was ever delivered to the poor minorities for their votes!
Heh! And the twirp goes to Limbaugh for “truth”.
Three days straight Limbaugh called a woman a “slut” and a “prostitute”..
Three days straight. And his listeners ate it up.
Once again the ylb db moron appears.
No equivalence between Pelosi, the Congressional leader of the DUMMOCRAPTS who help craft stupid laws and Rush Limbaugh who is a talk show host who doesn’t contribute to candidates.
But, in the teeny leetle mind of ylb… he has to think of something…
LMAO!!! The subject was “truth” and Limbaugh STINKS RIGHT you moron!
Shit, the biggest thrill in your life would be to watch films of Sandra Fluke having sex with her boyfriend in Limbaugh’s den with the fat stinking right “truth-teller” in chief himself.
As Limbaugh fantasized during those three days.
Stink righters are big in showing off their popguns to each other.. Reminiscent of the classic circle jerks between Puddydope and his sockpuppet MWS.
Here’s the latest WMD from the right you dipshit!
Show that off to Limbaugh!
MWS as a dead mother? It kind of makes sense. Nice angle.
Leftist liberal capitalists captured and enslaved West Africans and transported them to America and slavery.
Leftist liberal capitalist Southerners maintained an economy based on human, African-American slavery.
Leftist liberals capitalist whites formed the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and a more general system of indentured servituded and sharecropping post-Civil War.
Leftist liberals beat and murdered Northern volunteers and Southern Black heros trying to capture the right to vote and generally participate as equals in society.
Leftist liberals fought the establishment of Social Security and Medicare, programs for all elderly Americans, Black or White or Brown, that systematically destroyed elderly poverty.
Leftist liberals propelled Ronald Raygun to victory after he started his campaign in Philadelphia Mississippi, essentially on the graves of Chaney, Schwerner and Goodman, declaring his allegence to “states rights”; said Raygun would soon after make hay with racist whites with his condemnation of (imaginary) Cadillac-driving ‘welfare queens’.
Leftist liberals have always fought againt justice organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Leftist liberals are the biggest supporters of the Paul Ryan budget, a plan that would eviscerate our societal commitment to a safety net for the poor and the vulnerable.
Yep, puddles, liberals are the enemy of the poor, and only those inclusive, positive, constructive Christianist Republicans can bring our society together as a family and ensure dignity and participation for all.
When does this moron think of useless manure like this?
Oh wait… he’s home 24×7 doing nothing but cruising useless left wrong puke sites.
33 – Not convinced huh?? From the mouth of the fat stinking right “truth-teller” himself:
That’s the stinking right “truth” from the top asshole your kind worships.
Now it’s time we said a word of commiseration about the sadly, abruptly departed Andrew Breitbart who for a long while was PuddySilly’s go to guy for vicious, scurrilous, inflammatory right wing bullshit.
43 years of age leaving behind a wife and 4 kids.. Very sad.
We’re sorry for the loss to “your side” PuddyDope you damn fool!
What a blow to “stinking right truth”!
Heh. PuddySilly has mentioned “Pinocchio” awards..
How many Pinocchios for “I am Puddybud! NOT.”??
How many Pinocchios for “my word is my bond”???
How many Pinnochios for the all the right wing bullshit he’s posted here since April 2005???
More than anyone would care to tally.
Suck it, righty’s!
I see that the wingnuts are trying hard to disown teabagging neo-Nazi murderer J.T. Ready. Gonna stick him in the Timothy McVeigh wing of the Democratic Party, huh? How fucking pathetic.
@26. Puddybud
Thank you. That’s something.
Austerity is dying a sure death in Europe!
Hooverism didn’t work right wing dopes! Never can work.
“We put our back to everybody back there”… JT Ready and who were they Occupy Phoenix and who was JT facing? The Phoenix police.
“We’re not wall street bankers”… JT Ready
“Exercise your first admendment right!” JT Ready
“They can trick the people like they did in Greece”… JT Ready
Sound like a lefty to you:
While the left cheers the Socialist in France… the wealthy look to leave France like the leftists did in California from 2006-2009 when taxes kept going up and up and up. People making greater than $500,000 was 146,221 returns in 2007. Only 98,610 returns in 2009. U do the math when you tax tax tax.
Answer from the SPLC
Stupid moron… Puddy not in Congress!
U R an ID10T!
43 – I call right wing bullshit:
Right wing bullshit refuted.
Speaking of Breitbart…
ylb – 2004-2007
Puddy 2007-2009 My post is from CA Government tax returns.
See ya useless tool and fool!
And from here… you can see the rich paid $25.7 billion in taxes for 2007 and only $12.3 billion in taxes in 2009. So where did they go buttboi? They went outta there!
Butt being the HA db buttboi you can take all night long ya idiot!
“They always run out of other people’s money.” – Margaret Thatcher on Socialists
48 zzzzzZZZzzzzz. Millionaires moved into the State stupid to make money after 2004.
Then the economy crashed and they gave their houses back to the bank in “strategic defaults”.
They didn’t stay away. Stay stupid. It becomes you.
Once you catch ylb in his stupidity it’s
The CA leftist defaults happened after 2009. Rememba, CA votes blue where the rich peeps live!
Yes your bullshittium puts everyone to sleep.
Remember back when Obama was running for president and the righties were all “he’s soft on terror” “he’s going to give muslims a free pass?” I do. Well, Obama’s racked up another win on terror. Suck it, righties.
No, that was Hillary Clinton ya idiot! She started in in 2007!
Stay stupid, with no memory!
Puddles – you still haven’t answered me – did the last dinosaurs die out in 1937?
How did the Emperor Penguins get from Antarctica to Noah’s ark?
Are you a crackpot, or a rational person?
Why do you lie that way? Doesn’t that god of yours get mad about that?
All this spinning spinning spinning – your psychosis is showing. Margaret Thatcher – really? That’s all you’ve got? Really?
Pathetic. Go away now.
Puddles is making a case, seeming to rely on tax receipt comparisons between 2007 and 2009, indicating some sort of wealthy flight from socialist demons.
Really? 2007 v. 2009?
Did you hear about the Bush depression? Kinda causes tax receipts to take it in the shorts.
Sheesh. You really need to try harder, or go to where similar minded psychotics hang out – like over at SoundPolitics – or don’t they like black people there? I suspect not, though they are your ‘chosen people’.
Soft on terror was both, actually. Giving a free pass to muslims was just the right, including you, Puddy.